channel to the future (1)


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libro en ingles



Sandra Sherwood

1A Surprise for the Connelly BoysSixteen-year-old Jordan Connelly lived in London. One Monday afternoon, he rode his bicycle home from school and opened the front door with his key. There was nobody else in the house.Normally, Jordan watched TV after he came home from school, but today he looked into the living room and saw an empty place with no TV. It wasnt there because it was broken, so Jordan couldnt watch any programmes. He went upstairs to his room, turned on the radio and took a comic from a shelf.Jordan was listening to music and reading comics on his bed when he heard his mother come home with his little brother, Danny. Jordan looked at the clock on his bedroom wall. It was time for dinner, but his dad wasnt home yet. Dad usually came home from work before Mum, and he and Jordan prepared the meal together. Sometimes Jordans dad worked late, and then Jordan and his mum made dinner.Hello, is anybody home? Jordans mother shouted. Jordan got off his bed and went to the top of the stairs.Yes, Im here, Mum, he said. But Dads not home. Is he working late tonight?No. He went to the shops, answered Mum. But hell be home soon, with a surprise. Come and talk to me while I make dinner.While Jordan talked to his mother in the kitchen, Danny sat near the kitchen table. Whats the surprise, Mum? he shouted, jumping up and down in his chair. What did Dad buy for us?I cant tell you that, Danny, said Mum.Jordan was thinking about the surprise, too. He knew his mum and dad also liked watching TV. I know, Mum, he said. Its a new TV set, isnt it?Jordans mum smiled. Youll see when your father comes home, Jordan, she said.Suddenly, the front door opened. Mr Connelly was home.Jordan, he called, come to the car and help me, please. I have to bring something into the house.Jordan ran to the front door. His father was taking a big, flat box out of the back of the car. Whats that, Dad? he asked curiously. Is it a new TV?Yes, it is, answered Mr Connelly.Is it really a TV? asked Jordan. Its too flat.Mr Connelly laughed. Thats because its an LCD screen, he said. You can put it on the wall, like a picture.Jordan and his father took the box into the middle of the living room. Danny ran out of the kitchen to see it. Open it, Dad! he said, excitedly.Lets open it after dinner. Im hungry, his dad said.Please, Dad, said Jordan and Danny together. We cant wait until after dinner. Lets open it now.All right, boys, said Mr Connelly, but just to look.Mrs Connelly and the boys watched him take a knife and open the box. It contained a beautiful, big, flat-screen TV, a plastic bag with some metal pieces, an instruction manual and a remote control. Everybody was very excited.Now lets eat! said Mr Connelly.After dinner, the family went into the living room. Mr Connelly picked up the plastic bag.Jordan, said Mr Connelly, have you studied for your test?Ill do it later, said Jordan. I want to watch TV now.You cant watch TV now, Jordan, said Mr Connelly. Can you see all these metal pieces? I have to attach the TV to the wall with them. Thatll take some time. Ive got an idea. Go and do your homework first. Ill call you when the TV is connected and you can come and watch it with us.Jordan was disappointed, but he went to his room to do his homework. An hour later, Jordans father called him. Jordan entered the living room and saw his parents on the sofa with Danny, watching a big screen on the wall. Jordan was excited.The new TV looked just like a screen in a cinema. Wow! said Jordan. Thats so cool!Mr and Mrs Connelly looked at Jordan and smiled. It is very nice, isnt it? said his mother.Jordan sat down on the sofa, next to his mother. Jordan, said his father, let me show you the important functions on the remote control.OK, said Jordan, taking the remote control from the coffee table.Theres only one small problem, explained Mr Connelly. I discovered the button for Channel 4 doesnt work, so you have to change the channel manually. Im very busy at work now, so I cant return the remote control for a few days. After his fathers explanation, Jordan sat in the living room and watched TV with the rest of the family.

2A Mysterious Football GameThe next day, Jordan rode his bicycle home very quickly after football practice. He was planning his afternoon and thinking about the TV programme he wanted to watch. Jordan entered the house and went directly to the living room. He put his schoolbag and jacket on the sofa. Then he sat down and took the remote control for the new television.It was almost 5.30 and Jordans favourite afternoon programme was going to start. He pressed the button for Channel 4 on the remote control. He saw a grey screen whit white spots on it and almost no image. A loud noise was coming from the TV, so he couldnt understand the words. Then, Jordan remembered there was a problem with the remote control, so he went to the TV to change the channel. The picture became clear and the noise disappeared.Jordan returned to the sofa and waited for his programme to begin. Then, the screen went blank. Jordan was starting to get very irritated. He changed the channel manually, but this time the picture didnt return.Frustrated, he took the remote control and pressed the Channel 4 button several times. He wanted to watch his favourite music show. Jordan was surprised, because each time he pressed the button, the picture became a little clearer, and the loud noise gradually became weaker. He pressed the button a few more times. Soon he could see and hear the programme on the screen, but it wasnt very clear. Jordan was surprised because the programme was a football game. Thats strange, he thought. Channel 4 has only got music shows. Why is there a football game on this channel?Jordan liked football, so he started to watch. The picture wasnt clear, but he could still recognise some of the players. They were from Templeton, his favourite team. Wait a minute! thought Jordan. Isnt the other team Stonegate? But arent they playing tomorrow? Im going to watch the game at Johns house! Jordan was very confused. Why were they showing it now?Jordan wanted to phone John, but when he went to the phone, it wasnt in its usual place. The score was 1-1 and Templeton had the ball. Then one of the less famous players scored a goal! Wow!At that moment, Jordan heard the front door open and close. Mr Connelly was home, and he entered the living room. The picture on the TV immediately disappeared and Jordan saw a grey screen with white spots.Hi Jordan, said Mr Connelly. How was your day?Jordan was very disappointed about the grey television screen. He didnt want to talk to his father; he wanted to see the end of the game. It was OK, Jordan answered, a little impatient.Didnt you have a science test today? asked Mr Connelly.Yes, answered Jordan.How was it? Mr Connelly wanted to know.It was OK, Jordan replied, irritated.Are you sure? asked Mr Connelly. You dont sound very happy.Im just tired, thats all, said Jordan, trying to sound friendlier.Mr Connelly looked at the TV. Oh, are you trying to watch Channel 4? he asked. I told you, you have to change to Channel 4 manually. He went to the television set and pressed a button. Immediately, a very clear picture appeared on Channel 4. It was Jordans favourite music show. There was no football game. Thats better, said Mr Connelly. Soon Ill need your help in the kitchen. Then he left the room.Jordan quickly took the remote control and pushed the button for Channel 4 several times. His favourite programme disappeared and the football game reappeared. The game was finished now and a reporter was interviewing one of the players. The score appeared at the bottom of the screen (Templeton 2 Stonegate 1). Jordan watched the end of the interview and then turned off the TV. It was time to help his father prepare dinner.

3A Look into the FutureAt dinner that evening, Jordan asked, Dad, when is the big football game between Templeton and Stonegate?Its tomorrow evening, answered Mr Connelly immediately.Are you sure? asked Jordan.Yes, I am, answered Mr Connelly. Why do you ask?Well, this afternoon there was a football game on television, said Jordan. I think Templeton and Stonegate were playing.Thats not possible, said Mr Connelly. The big games are always on television in the evenings, not in the afternoons. Maybe you saw a non-league game.It wasnt a non-league game, thought Jordan.Whats wrong, Jordan? asked Mrs Connelly. You look confused.Jordan forced a smile. I feel great, Mum. Really! he answered. He wanted to talk about the football game, but he decided to wait and call his friend, John, after dinner. Jordan helped clear the table. Then he went upstairs to call John from the telephone in his bedroom.Were all coming to your house tomorrow evening to watch the game, arent we? asked Jordan.Sure, why are you asking? asked John.Well, said Jordan, I was watching Channel 4 this afternoon, and I saw a football game with the same teams. Maybe that was the big game, and the time was changed.Thats impossible, said John. Channel 4 never shows football games and I havent heard any news about time changes. Everybody is still coming to my house tomorrow evening.At school the next day, Jordan, John and three other friends sat down together at lunchtime.Are we still meeting this evening, then? asked John.Yes. What time? asked Bruce.Come before the game, at about 7.00, said John.Oh, I must tell you, according to Jordan, the game was on TV yesterday afternoon. Everybody looked at Jordan and laughed. He was very embarrassed.Well, Jordan, maybe you can tell us the final score then, said Benjy.Yes, and who scored the goals? asked Nigel.I only saw the last minutes of the game, answered Jordan, but this evening Ill tell you about the final goal before the end of the game. Then youll believe me.The boys looked at each other.The bell rang at the end of the school day and Jordan went home to watch a programme on the new TV. Maybe Ill see another strange football game, like I saw yesterday, he thought.Jordan sat on the sofa opposite the TV, took the remote control and pressed the Channel 4 button. Channel 4 was working perfectly! Jordan was surprised. Will the screen go blank today? he thought. Maybe yesterday was the only strange day.Jordan sat on the sofa and waited for his favourite programme. At exactly 5.30, the television screen went blank. It happened at the same time yesterday, thought Jordan. He was very excited. He took the remote control and pressed the Channel 4 button. Nothing happened. He pressed the button again once, twice, three times. A picture appeared on the screen, but it wasnt very clear. Jordan could hear something indistinctly, but it wasnt a football game. It sounded like a rock concert!Jordan took the remote control again and pressed 4 a few more times. The picture became clearer and clearer each time. It was a rock concert! A famous rock group, Rakia, were playing on a big stage, in front of thousands of excited fans.The song ended, and the audience applauded loudly. Then, Mike Summers, the bands singer, made an announcement to the audience.Thank you to all our fans. Youre a great audience, he said. And nowthe big surprise to end tonights concerta new and very talented young artist. Hes performing with us for the first time. Please welcome my son, the one and only Ace. The audience applauded loudly again while father and son stood on each side of the microphone, singing one of Mikes famous songs.While they were singing, Jordan ran to the computer and searched for entertainment news on the Internet. He found a long article about the concert. Rakia Concert, Hyde Park Tomorrow Night! said the headline. A smaller headline said Surprise Guest Will Appear at End of Concert: Who Will It Be? Jordan knew the answer to that. He printed the article and put it in his pocket.

4Jordan Reveals the ScoreAfter dinner, Jordan walked to Johns house. John opened the door and Jordan could see Nigel, Bruce and Benjy sitting on the sofa. They were talking excitedly while they waited impatiently for the game to start.Nigel saw Jordan standing at the door. Ah, our friend is back from the future! said Nigel, sarcastically. Jordan, why have you come to watch the game? You already saw it yesterday! Everybody laughed loudly.Jordan felt uncomfortable, but he laughed with his friends. I told you. I didnt see the complete game only the last few minutes of it.So what was the score, Jordan? Asked Benjy.It was 2-1, said Jordan. It was 1-1 for most of the game. Then, near the end, Templeton scored a goal. Youll see.The game began and the boys started to watch, commenting on the action. Templeton scored a goal in the middle of the first half and the boys shouted Goal! Shortly after the second half started, Stonegate scored a goal.Ok, said Jordan, after the goal was scored, therell be no more goals until just before the end of the game. Everybody looked strangely at Jordan. A few times during the second half, a goal was almost scored and Jordan was worried. Was I wrong? he thought.Suddenly, the game started to look familiar. Ok, here we go! Jordan said to his friends. I saw this part. You dont need to listen to the commentary any more. I can tell you all about it. And he did. Jordans friends were sceptical at first, but Jordan was right every time.Then, it was the moment for the winning goal. Watch this! said Jordan. Taylor will take the ball and pass it to Snow, and then guess who will score the goal? Newman!Newman? all his friends exclaimed.Thats unusual, said Bruce. Newman is one of the worst players in the team.Here it comes, said Jordan. Just watch! And it was true. The ball was passed brilliantly, and passed again, and Newman scored the winning goal!The boys couldnt believe it. They looked at Jordan with open mouths. Finally, John spoke. How did you do that, Jordan? he asked. You must be a psychic or something.Im not a psychic at all, said Jordan. Our new television is acting very strangely. It plays television shows one day before the time. Lets watch the end of the game. Then Newman will be interviewed. I can tell you about the interview now, if you like.No, thanks, Jordan, said Nigel. I want to hear it with my own ears!After the interview, Jordan took the Internet article out of his trouser pocket. Look at this article about the Rakia concert in Hyde Park, he told his friends, showing them the article.The headline talks about a surprise guest, said John.Yes. Its going to be a very special concert, said Jordan. Everyone wants to know the name of the mystery guest. And I can tell you, if you like! Or, maybe you prefer to wait until tomorrow.How do you know about the mystery guest? asked Bruce.I saw him on television today, answered Jordan. I saw the football game yesterday afternoon, and it was on television tonight. This afternoon I saw the concert on television, and it will be on tomorrow night.Lets all go to your house and see this mysterious TV, said John.I dont think it will happen if youre all there with me, said Jordan. My dad came into the living room while I was watching the game, and Aunt Sarah soon Aunt Sarah he entered, the screen went blank.Well then, tell us the name of the mystery guest, Jordan, said Benjy. If youre right, well really have something to think about!Jordan was enjoying all the attention. The mystery guest at tomorrows concert in Hyde Park will be and Jordan paused, Ace, Mike Summers son!Cool! said John. I didnt know he was a singer.Thats probably because hes going to sing in public for the first time, said Jordan.So you could hear Ace Summers singing at tomorrows concert on your television, today? asked John.Thats right! answered Jordan.

5The LotteryAfter school the next day, Jordan did his homework and then went to the living room to watch TV. He took the remote control, pressed the Channel 4 button, and waited impatiently for 5.30 to come. Will I see the futuristic channel again? he thought.Suddenly, there was an advertisement about the national lottery. Buy your tickets for the national lottery before 6.00 this evening, said the presenter.Wait a minute! thought Jordan. The lottery draw is tomorrow! If I see it on TV today, Ill go and buy a lottery ticket. Maybe Ill win. Jordan began to fantasise. I can get a mountain bike and a new Play Station. And a lot of the students in my class havent got money to buy a PC. Ill buy computers for them. Oh, and the school needs a new computer roomI can do so much with the money.Finally, it was 5.30. Jordan took the remote control and pressed 4 several times. The picture on the TV screen was unclear and the sound wasnt good. Suddenly, Jordan jumped up from the sofa and looked closely at the television set. He saw some coloured balls with numbers. He was very excited. It was the lottery draw!Jordan tried to see the numbers on the balls, but they were very unclear. Then the presenter spoke. Here are the winning numbers, ladies and gentlemen, he said.I cant remember all the different numbers, thought Jordan.Jordan ran to find a pencil and paper. Then, he ran back to the TV. The presenter was repeating the numbers. The numbered balls werent on the screen any more. Oh, no! thought Jordan. Hes reading the third number on the list. I didnt hear the beginning! Please say the numbers again! He started to write the numbers, but he only heard four of them and the bonus number. Jordan was very disappointed.Then the television presenter said, and here they are againthe winning numbers are Jordan was euphoric! He had four of them, so he only needed the first two. He listened carefully and added the first number to his list. But the sound on the TV was very unclear.Was that second number 25 or 35? he thought.The lottery programme ended and Jordan turned off the TV. He had a plan. He ran to his room to get some money, and then he left the house. There was a shopping centre near his house. Jordan could buy a lottery ticket there.Hello, Jordan said to the man in the newspaper shop. Please give me two tickets for the lottery. He looked at the piece of paper in his hand with the numbers on it. He wanted to choose 25 on one ticket, and 35 on the other ticket.Im sorry, said the shop assistant. I cant sell you a lottery ticket. Youre under 18 and its against the law.Just my bad luck! thought Jordan. Where can I find another place to buy a ticket? Ill try another shopping centre.But the next shopping centre was a bit far away, and his house was closer. He ran home to get his bicycle. Jordan got on it and it felt unstable. I dont believe it! he thought. It had a flat tyre!Jordan decided to ride the bike with the flat tyre anyway. It took some time, but he finally arrived at the second shopping centre. The shops were closing. Wait! said Jordan. Please give me two lottery tickets!No, Im sorry, said the shop assistant. You arent 18. Im not permitted to sell you lottery tickets.Oh please, said Jordan. Can you do it just once? Its the end of the day and nobodys here.Im sorry, said the man again. Its against the law and I wont do it. Why is it important to you? Are you going to be one of the winners tomorrowYes, I am! shouted Jordan. Dont ask me to explain, but Im serious.The shop assistant looked at Jordan strangely. Its after 6.00 and Im closing the shop now. Goodbye.Jordan was very sad. Now I cant buy those new computers for my friends, he thought. He walked home slowly with his bicycle and repaired the flat tyre when he arrived there.

6An Unexpected Train TripThe next day at school, Jordans friends were excited. Did you see the Rakia concert on the news, Jordan? Bruce asked him. You were right. The mystery guest was Ace. So, what did you see on your television set yesterday?Dont ask, said Jordan sadly. I saw the winning numbers on the evenings lottery and I rode to the shopping centre, but the shop assistant didnt let me buy a ticket.Oh, no! Thats terrible! said Bruce. Well, dont forget to watch TV again today. This is incredible.Dont worry, said Jordan. I wont forget! I cant wait!Jordan arrived home from school and waited impatiently until 5.30.The next days national news appeared on Channel 4. The newsreader was talking about a place called Bramley and a picture of a block of flats appeared on the screen. There was a fire in the building and firemen were extinguishing it.In Bramley today, at precisely 12 noon, there was a gas explosion at a block of flats at 19 May Street, the newsreader said. Nobody was hurt, because the residents werent in the building at the time. One of our reporters interviewed them. Now over to Bill Winters in Bramley.The news showed a reporter questioning a young woman. Youre all very lucky! said the reporter. At the time of the explosion, nobody was in the building. Why were you all outside?Just a few minutes before the explosion, a young man entered the building, shouting something about a gas leak, the woman explained. Then, he went to all the flats in the building and persuaded everybody to go outside. Its strange, but he knew about the explosion before it happened.Where is the young hero now? asked the reporter.We dont know, answered the woman. Hes disappeared.Can you describe him to me? asked the reporter.He was about 16 or 17 years old, medium height and thin, and he had short fair hair, the woman answered.Jordan was surprised. He was medium height and thin, and he had short fair hair. Suddenly, he understood. Im that young man! he thought. I have to save those people. But how? I cant tell Mum and Dad about thistheyll never believe me. My only option is to go to Bramley myself and evacuate the block of flats by 12 noon tomorrow!Jordan was nervous and excited at the same time. In his mind, he started to plan the following day. There were a few things to organise. He went to the telephone and called his friend Bruce.Bruce, listen, said Jordan, could you please tell the teacher that Im ill tomorrow? I have to go to Bramley.Bramley? asked Bruce. Why? Did you see something about Bramley on TV?Yes, answered Jordan. I must go. Ill tell you about it later.Jordan went upstairs to the computer to find the train timetable on the Internet. I have to be there before 12.00, he said to himself. He looked at the train timetable.Suddenly, he heard his father.Jordan! he called. Im home. Where are you?Im here, called Jordan from his bedroom.Jordans father stood at the bottom of the stairs. What are you doing? he asked. I need your help.Im coming, Dad, answered Jordan.Later, at the dinner table, Jordans mother told him. Dont take your bicycle to school tomorrow. Im going to leave work early and take you and Danny shopping. There are some very low prices on boys winter jackets at the shopping centre, and I want to buy jackets for both of you.Jordan didnt want to go shopping the next day. He wanted to be home at 5.30 to watch TV. Also, he didnt want to return to school after his visit to Bramley.Thats OK, said Jordan. You can take Danny shopping. Ive got an important test on two days, and I want to study.But tomorrow is the last day of the sale, said Mrs Connelly.I cant go, Mum, insisted Jordan.Nonsense, said Mrs Connelly. Well be home early. You can study all evening today, and tomorrow evening, too.OK, said Jordan, unconvinced.

7A Mysterious HeroThe next morning, Jordan left early, but he didnt go to school; he went to the train station. He took the 9.30 to Bramley.The train arrives in Bramley at 10.50, thought Jordan. That should give me enough time to evacuate the block of flats.Jordan sat on the train and thought about the events of the last few days. Suddenly, the train slowed down and stopped. Why are we stopping here? Jordan asked himself. This station isnt on the route. Before he could ask anybody, he heard the drivers voice. There is a dead animal at the entrance to the next station. Please stay on the train. We will continue to Bramley in a few minutes.Oh, no, thought Jordan. Why now? Then he started to think about his mission. How am I going to get all the people out of the building? Ill make up a story about an accident and ask for help. No, that probably wont work. Ill have to think of something else. Maybe a gas leak is the solution.Just then, Jordan heard the drivers voice again. All passengers please sit down. The train is ready to continue to Bramley.Phew! said Jordan.The train finally arrived at Bramley station at 11.30 and Jordan was worried. Will I get to May Street in time? he thought.Excuse me, he asked a worker at the station, how do I get to May Street, please?Just continue straight, answered the worker, pointing down the street, and then turn right, near the sea.Jordan found the street and ran to the block of flats at number 19. It was now 11.45. He looked at the names on the postboxes. The first one said Mrs Burns. Jordan saw there were eight flats in the building. Two old women were sitting on the terrace of a flat. One of those women is probably Mrs Burns, thought Jordan. She lives on the ground floor.The old women watched with curiosity as Jordan ran inside the building and disappeared up the stairs. He knocked loudly on the door of the first flat and a young woman opened it. She was standing with a cup of tea in her hand. Who are you? she asked. Whats the problem? Jordan recognised her from the interview on TV.You must leave the building now, he told her. Theres a gas leak in my grandmothers flat and its very dangerous. Please tell everybody on this floor to leave the building immediately. Im going upstairs to inform the other residents.The woman didnt look happy, but she locked her flat and followed Jordans instructions. Jordan ran up the stairs. He knocked on every door and started shouting. Theres a gas leak in Mrs Burns flat! Everybody out of the building! Hurry!It was 11.50. One by one, the doors opened and everybody ran into the corridor. There was chaos. Whats happening? asked one resident.Who was that boy? somebody asked.Im not sure. Maybe hes Mrs Burns grandson, answered somebody else.Jordan went outside. The two old women were still sitting in the garden.Please go across the street to the park, said Jordan. Theres a gas leak in the building.Thats nonsense. Who are you? one of the woman asked.At that moment, the residents from the first floor ran out of the building in a panic. Now the two old women were frightened and decided to follow everybody. Two minutes later, the rest of the residents ran outside and crossed the street.OK. Ive done my job, thought Jordan. Its time to go.Stay here, he shouted to everybody. Dont go into the building. And he started to run to the train station. I hope that boy isnt playing a trick on us, said one man.I dont think he is, said the young woman from the flat on the first floor. Hes Mrs Burns grandson.The two old women were listening to the conversation. Excuse me, said one of them. Did I hear you speak about a grandson? Ive got two beautiful granddaughters, but no grandson!Then who was that? asked the young woman.Before Mrs Burns could answer, a loud explosion was heard. The residents faces filled with horror as flames exploded from a flat on the ground floor.Oh, no! shouted Mrs Burns. My flats on fire! and she fainted.Jordan heard the sirens of the fire engines and police cars. He stopped running. He had lots of time until the train to London arrived. He felt very good. His mission was a success.

8Another DisasterJordan sat on the train and thought about his return trip. After the train arrived in London at 2.30, he had to take a 15-minute bus ride to school. School ended at 3.30, so there was enough time for him to get there before his mother came to collect him. At around 1.30, the train suddenly slowed down and stopped. Then, the passengers heard the drivers voice. Good afternoon, said the driver. Im sorry, but theres a small mechanical problem. A technician is working on it and we will soon continue to London.Oh, no! thought Jordan. I cant believe this. Twice in one day! Time was so important! He didnt want to miss the bus from the train station to his school.The time passed and Jordan looked at his watch; it was 2.10.Finally, the train started to move. The driver spoke again. Thank you for your patience, he said. Were sorry about the delay.The train arrived in London at 2.55. There was a bus leaving for Jordans school at 3.00.Jordan ran quickly and arrived at the bus stop at exactly 3.00, but the bus was ten minutes late. He was nervous. Mum mustnt see me arrive on the bus, he thought.Fortunately, the bus stopped opposite the school at 3.25 and Jordan got out. He waited in front of the school gate. Soon, the final bell rang and Bruce came out with John and Benjy.Jordan, youre here! exclaimed Bruce. I took notes for you all day. When did you arrive?About five minutes ago, answered Jordan. I was a bit late!You didnt tell me much on the phone yesterday, said Bruce. Tell me everything. Why did you go to Bramley?Jordan spoke quietly, because students were passing all the time.There was an explosion in a block of flats in Bramley, said Jordan. It will be on the news tonight. I went there and sent the people out of the building before the fire started. Nobody was hurt.Thats incredible! said Bruce. Youre a hero! What did the people say to you?Nothing, said Jordan. I left before the fire started. I dont want to talk about it here. Ill tell you about it later. Bruce, can I come to your house tonight?Sure, said Bruce, but dont forget to watch the Channel to the Future today.That might not be possible, said Jordan. My mothers coming to collect me from school now. Were going to the shopping centre, and Im not sure if well be back by 5.30.Well, good luck! said John.At that moment, Jordan saw his mother in the car with Danny. Jordan said goodbye to his friends and went to the car.At 5,40, after the trip to the shopping centre, Jordans mother drove into the garage. Jordan ran inside the house and turned on the television. His mother and Danny entered the house a minute later.Jordan! she said. Do you have to watch TV now?I just want to see the end of this programme, said Jordan.Television is too important for you, Jordan, said Mrs Connelly, angrily.Please, Mum, said Jordan. Its only a few more minutes.Oh, all right, said Mrs Connelly, walking into the kitchen with Danny behind her.Jordan quickly took the remote control, and pressed the Channel 4 button a few times. It was already 5.45. Both the picture and the sound werent clear. Jordan could see a news programme, and the newsreader was talking about a tsunami at a holiday resort. A picture of the resort appeared on the screen at the same time.The holiday resort was in ruins. Some of the walls of the huts were completely destroyed, and there was broken wood and rubbish all around. This is an enormous disaster for the area, said the newsreader. A number of people have lost their lives and we have received reports of missing people. One of them is Jed Olson, the drummer of the band, Karumba. Jordan was shocked. Where was this? What area was the newsreader talking about?The newsreader continued. Heres a picture of the same area, before it was destroyed by the tsunami, she said. Jordan looked closely at the picture on the screen. There were palm trees and a blue sky. Where is it? he said aloud. Tell us the name of the place! he said to the newsreader. Suddenly, Jordan saw a grey screen with white spots. He took the remote control and pressed 4 a few times, but it didnt help. The Channel to the Future was gone.

9A Meeting with FriendsIm worried about you, Jordan, said his mother at the dinner table that night. Youre acting very strangely. Do you feel OK?Mrs Connellys question didnt surprise Jordan. Everythings all right, Mum, he answered, but Im nervous about the big maths test tomorrow. Im going to Bruces house tonight to study with him.After dinner, Jordan phoned Bruce. Im coming to your house now, said Jordan. Please call John, Benjy and Nickel and ask them to come too. Something really strange has just happened and I need all of your help.Whats wrong? asked Bruce. You sound really worried. Is this about the future?Yes, it is, answered Jordan. Ill tell you when I see you.Jordan arrived at Bruces house and his friends were already there. Congratulations, Jordan, said Bruce. Weve just seen the news. They showed the fire in the block of flats and they interviewed some people.Did they mention me on the news? asked Jordan.Yes, they did, and everybody is curious about your identity, answered John. Youre the mysterious hero!Thats nice, I guess, said Jordan, but I cant think about that now. I saw something really bad on television today.Something worse than the explosion in Bramley? asked Benjy.It will be if we dont help, answered Jordan.Jordan told the story about the news report and described the pictures of the holiday resort before and after the tsunami hit.Where were the pictures taken? asked Nigel.I dont know, answered Jordan. I didnt hear the newsreader mention the name of the place. The tsunami destroyed the place and people died.Oh, no! shouted John. We have to do something!What can we do? asked Nigel. A tsunami is an act of nature. Theres nothing we can do about that.Thats true, said Bruce. We cant stop the tsunami, but we can tell the people about it.How can we do that? asked John. Jordan didnt hear the name of the place.Everybody was quiet for a moment. They were trying to think of a solution to the problem.Wait a minute! said Jordan suddenly. I just remembered something.Lets hear it, said John.The newspaper mentioned some missing people and one of them was Jed Olson, the drummer from Karumba. He was there on holiday.Brilliant! said John. If we surf the Internet, maybe well find information about his holiday plans.Yes, said Nigel. And then well know the location of the tsunami.Lets start now! said Bruce. We havent got much time.How do you know? asked Benjy. Maybe the tsunami will only hit in another few days.No, I think it will hit tomorrow, said Jordan. Everything until now has happened only one day after I saw it on TV.OK then, theres no time to waste! said Bruce. Jordan, you can use the computer in my dads office. The rest of you will have to go home to use your computers. Well meet here in an hour.One hour later, the five friends met at Bruces house.Jordan and I didnt have any luck. What about you guys? Bruce asked, looking at John, Nigel and Benjy.I didnt find anything, answered John, disappointed.Same here, said Nigel.I found an article about the next Karumba concert, answered Benjy. Its going to be in Hawaii, but Im not sure how that helps us.What are we going to do? asked John.Everybody thought about the problem for a few moments, and then Jordan spoke. You all know the answer, dont you? he asked his friends.What? asked the others.We have to ask for help. We have to go to the police.

10At the Police StationSergeant Morrison was at his desk at the police station. Suddenly, he heard a loud knock, and the door to his office opened.Excuse me, Sergeant, said the policeman from the front desk, but there are five nervous boys here to see you.All right, tell them to come in, said the sergeant.The boys entered the room quickly and stood in front of the sergeants desk.Hello, boys, said the sergeant. Whats the problem?Bruce spoke first. Its a long story, he said. You probably wont believe us, but you must, or people will die.The boys seemed serious. Well, if its a long story, sit down and tell me everything, said Sergeant Morrison. Who wants to start?I will, said Jordan. Tomorrow a tsunami will hit a beach resort and destroy it. I saw a very good picture of the resort, but I dont know the location because I didnt hear its name. The only clue is that Jed Olson, the drummer of the band Karumba, is there. You must help us find the resort. We have to inform the people before the tsunami hits.How do you know about this? the sergeant asked Jordan.He told Sergeant Morrison all about the broken remote control and the Channel to the Future.Its all true, said John. We all saw everything happening the next day, just like Jordan said.Sergeant Morrison looked at the boys suspiciously. Did you hear about the Bramley explosion today? Bruce asked.Certainly, answered the sergeant. Luckily, nobody was hurt.And do you know why nobody was hurt? Bruce continued. Because Jordan knew about the explosion the day before it happened, and he went to Bramley in time to rescue everybody.Well, its easy to find out if youre telling the truth, said the sergeant. Just a minute, pleaseSergeant Morrison picked up the phone and called the Bramley police. Can I speak to Sergeant ONeil? he asked.He turned to Jordan and his friends. You boys can wait outside my office. Ill be with you in a few minutes.The boys waited impatiently next to the front desk. Finally, the sergeant opened the door of his office. Jordan, please come in here, he said. Jordan entered the sergeants office and sat down.Im going to take a digital photo of you to send to the Bramley police, explained Sergeant Morrison. A witness from the Bramley explosion is on her way to the police station now. If she identifies you from the photo, well know your story is true.What are you going to do after that? asked Jordan.The next step will be to contact the airlines and find out where Jed Olson flew to. When weve got that information, it wont be difficult to discover the location of the holiday resort.Im very happy to hear that, said Jordan. I want all those people to survive.Dont worry. Well do everything we can to save them, said the sergeant. Please wait here for a few minutes until I hear from the Bramley police. Im going to send your friends home.Sergeant Morrison opened the door of his office and looked at Jordans friends. Thank you for your time, boys, he said. The Bramley police are working on the case. You can go home now. Jordan has to stay here for a few more minutes.Cant we stay and wait for Jordan? asked John.That wont be necessary, son, said the sergeant. You can speak to him tomorrow.The boys left and the sergeant returned to his office. He sat down opposite Jordan. What do your parents say about all this? he asked Jordan.I havent told them anything yet, answered Jordan.Dont they see the future, too? asked the sergeant.Well, said Jordan, my father came into the room once, while I was watching the Channel of the Future, and the TV screen went blank. The channel only works for me, I think.I see, said the sergeant. Thats very interesting.11The Race BeginsThe phone on Sergeant Morrisons desk rang. Jordan listened carefully to every word.OK, Ill contact the airlines immediately, said the sergeant at the end of the conversation. Thanks for your help. Ill keep you informed. He put the phone down and turned to Jordan.Well, young man, said the sergeant, that was Sergeant ONeill from the Bramley police. He confirmed your story is true. So you really are the mysterious hero from the Bramley explosion.Yes, sergeant, said Jordan. But more important can you save those people from the tsunami?I think so, answered the sergeant. Well do everything possible to locate the holiday resort and inform everybody in the area. He picked up the phone and called a policeman at the front desk.This is an emergency. I need to locate Jed Olson, the drummer of the band, Karumba. Contact every airline in the country and find out where he flew to. Get some of the officers to help you. Hurry! Its a race against time!Sergeant Morrison turned to Jordan. Its very late now and Im sure your parents are worried about you. Please call and tell them that one of my officers is bringing you home.My parents arent home now, Jordan lied. Ill tell them everything later.OK, says the sergeant. Go home and try to sleep. Ill give you all the details tomorrow.Jordan arrived home and found his parents in the kitchen.Jordan, we were very worried about you. Where were you? his mother asked.I saw an accident and I went to tell the police about it, answered Jordan. Its a long story, and Im very tired. Please let me go to sleep, and Ill tell you everything tomorrow, I promise.No, Jordan, said his mother. Whats happening? You cant just disappear for hours at this time of the night without any explanation. Were your parents. We worry about you. You must understand that.Weve noticed you havent been yourself the last few days, said Jordans father. We want to know why. If something is wrong, you have to tell us, Jordan. Maybe we can help.OK Ill tell you, answered Jordan hesitantly. But you probably wont believe me.Jordan told his parents everything how he discovered the Channel to the Future, how he saw events the day before they happened, and how he saved the people from the fire.Jordans mother listened carefully, but Jordan could see she didnt believe him. You cant be serious! said Mrs Connelly. You watch too much TV!Dad, please tell me you believe me, said Jordan. Its all true, I promise. You can ask Sergeant Morrison at the police station.Dont be ridiculous Jordan, said Mr Connelly. Hell laugh in my face. I think youre just tired. Maybe you should go to bed. In the morning, everything will be clear.Yes, maybe youre right, said Jordan. He didnt have the energy to try to convince his parents that he was telling the truth.

12The Remote Control Is ChangedAfter school the next day, Jordan entered the living room to watch television. He sat down on the sofa and took the remote control. It felt different in his hand. He looked at it. Oh, no! Jordan exclaimed. It was a different remote control! He searched the house desperately for the old one, but he couldnt find it anywhere.Then, Jordan went to the living room to try the new remote control. Maybe this remote control does the same thing, he thought. He turned on the TV and pressed 4. A picture appeared on the screen immediately. There was no grey screen with white spots, and there were no problems with the sound. Jordan pressed 4 a few times, but nothing happened. Then he heard the door open. His father was home.Hello, said Mr Connelly. You noticed the new remote control, I see. I got it today from the electronics shop in the shopping centre. I came home to take some important documents for work, so I left it here.What did you do with the old one? asked Jordan.I returned it, said Mr Connelly.Jordans face became white.Jordan, are you OK? asked Mr Connelly.Im fine, Dad, but I have to go out. Ill be back soon, answered Jordan. He quickly took his jacket and left the house.Jordan ran to Bruces house. His friend had a driving licence. Jordan knocked loudly on the door and Bruce opened it.Please help me, said Jordan. Could you drive me to the shopping centre? Its urgent!Why? What happened? asked Bruce.Ill explain everything in the car, answered Jordan.Luckily, the shopping centre was open for late-night shopping. Soon, the boys were at the electronics shop.Excuse me, said Jordan to the salesman, my father brought a broken remote control here today, and he got a new one. Can you give me the old one, please?Im sorry, but I havent got it, said the salesman. I gave it to somebody about an hour ago. He comes to collect broken remote controls and recycles them.Please give me his address, said Jordan.The salesman looked at Jordan strangely, but wrote down the address. Jordan quickly took the note and the boys ran to the car.Its already late, said Bruce. How far is the place?Its not far, said Jordan. But we have to be quick.There was a light on inside the building when they arrived, and Jordan and Bruce entered.Hello, how can I help you? asked the man in the shop.Hello, said Jordan. This afternoon, you took a broken remote control from the electronics shop in the shopping centre. Can I have it, please?I cant give it to you, said the man, pointing to a machine. Its in there and that machine is separating all the parts,Well, you have to stop it! exclaimed Jordan.The man looked at Jordan, surprised. I cant do that, he said. Its already broken into small pieces. Why do you want it, anyway?Before Jordan could answer, the machine stopped. Well, are you going to open it now? Jordan asked the man.The man looked at Jordan and then went to the machine. Jordan and Bruce followed him. He opened it. Inside, there were some small metal and plastic pieces.Come on, said Bruce. Lets go. You wont find anything in there.Wait, said Jordan, taking a small plastic piece from the machine. It was part of the front of the remote control, with some of the buttons still in it. The 4 button was there. Look, he said, heres the button for the Channel to the Future. Can I take this piece as a souvenir? Jordan asked the man.The man looked at Jordan strangely. If you want, he answered. Jordan put it in his pocket.The boys drove home in silence. Bruce turned on the car radio to hear the news.A big tsunami hit the Hawaiian holiday resort of Meroga today, causing a lot of destruction, said the newsreader. The police informed everybody in the village before the tsunami hit, and most of them were evacuated in time, including Jed Olson, the drummer from the band, Karumba. But some people didnt leave the village and died.The tsunami! exclaimed Jordan. Ive been so busy. I forgot about it.Well, you did your best to help, said Bruce. Some people died, but you arent responsible for that. They didnt want to leave the village. Its a good thing the police found the place and informed everybody about the tsunami.Thats right, said Jordan. He was quiet for a moment, and then he said sadly, You know, the remote control is destroyed. Now Ill never know the mystery behind the Channel to the Future.He turned on the light in the car and took the piece of the remote control from his pocket to look at it again. He was surprised. Bruce! said Jordan. I showed you this piece before, and you saw the 4 button. It was a 4 right?Yes, why? asked Bruce.Well, look! exclaimed Jordan. Bruce stopped the car at the side of the road and Jordan put the piece under the light.I dont believe it, said Bruce. The 4 isnt there any more.Look at this, said Jordan, pointing to something on the button. Its difficult to see, but it looks like the beginning of a word. I can see the letters F-U-T!F-U-T! Bruce repeated. I dont believe it! Do you know what that is? ItsFUTURE! shouted Jordan and Bruce together.So it really was a channel to the future, said Jordan with a smile.

The End