changing the way we change

GROUP PARTNERS The New Practice of Structured Visual Thinking Changing the way we Change

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Post on 21-Feb-2016




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Traditional approaches to change and transformation and the development of value and opportunity in business are flawed. This document lays out or new manifesto based on what we've learned over the last 15 years.


Page 1: Changing The Way We Change


The New Practice of Structured Visual Thinking

Changing the way we Change

Page 2: Changing The Way We Change

We are reaching a new period in our Practice, one with a new model for engagement that comes with new commitments to delivering value - and equally new conditions set for the work that we will take on.

We are a Practice that delights in constant discovery and exploration and in

inventing new frameworks and tools to drive out the very best thinking,

tackle and organise complexity and create new meaning and therefore

potential and opportunity.

When we release ourselves from the past and the way we have typically

delivered to clients we can see that there are a variety of ways that we can

reach teams - that offer opportunities to reach more people, create more

impact and achieve greater success.

Welcome to our Manifesto for Meaningful and Authentic Change


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For a long time now we’ve witnessed clients seeking to change or improve in some way and not achieving it. We

don’t believe it’s because they don’t want to but because various

conditions stack against them and the tools and techniques

we’ve used haven’t addressed the full extent of what it takes to

make an outcome sustainable.

Because we are passionate about creating valuable outcomes this has preoccupied us a lot. So we reviewed what we felt was actually valuable.

Value is in the eye of the beholder. Value is that unit of worth that

can be recognised at a key point or moment. In our world that’s a

considerable variable. It’s no secret that value is different for

everyone. It emerges at different points in time and from a wide

range of things. It’s that very variability that drove us to review

literally everything we do and how we do it.

It has also forced us to challenge the nature of our engagement and conversation with clients and partners.


We have been thinking

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“The definition of an ‘insight’ suggests the

capacity to discern the true nature of a given


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Every single organisation has its own uniqueness and we see that manifest itself in their attitudes, their preferences, their ambitions, their challenges, their environment and their work ethos.

Everyone who comes to us to discuss a possible engagement has

some kind of challenge or opportunity. Ultimately they simply want to

be better, more successful or make progress in their chosen discipline

or industry. Historically we would start to talk about a program with a

quick start, a short, sharp exposure to a snapshot in time and a simple

deliverable of some sort.

If you think about it these ‘Programs’ - fixed plans that contains a series of events and activities to achieve an end goal - are unlikely to properly accommodate the discovery that they will unearth. As a result we are abandoning them in favour of engagements based

on far more meaningful relationships with the client together with a

highly flexible portfolio of approaches that can be arranged at each



Thinking Differently About Delivering Value


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It boils down to a few fundamentals that

are not given the time and attention

they deserve, if indeed they ever were.

It’s what consistently marks them out as shining examples (that everyone quotes) of the benchmark for an expression of ‘excellence’ - at least the one that’s currently most valued

All are just words with very little shared

meaning and while many pay homage

to them we observe the achieving of

them fall ing very short and the

commitment to them is largely



In every case we’ve ever worked on - where there is a challenge to be addressed or change is needed - there’s something within the organisation either holding them back







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We have now spent 15 years working with teams across many industries and different types of organisation and we have witnessed many attempts at solving a wide range of ‘exam questions’.

Our model has always been based on a philosophy that we believe in

wholeheartedly - one where objectivity and critical thinking run through

everything and where we aim to pass on as much insight and new thinking -

and therefore new capability - as we can. The idea being that we leave teams

better equipped to achieve what they desire.

This rested on a belief that we could reduce the dependency and therefore

cost and time of our involvement and transfer the ability to sustain to those

who we believed were best placed to take on this responsibility.


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A significant part of the process has always been a group ‘intervention’ - a workshop, sometimes a series of

workshops - where we facilitate

meaningfu l and more creat ive

conversations - about the things that

organisations should be talking about

every day. They may talk about these

things every day but they seldom give

themselves the ‘luxury’ of time to

engage across functions, departments,

business units, partners, stakeholders -

all the vital ‘players’ and ‘contributors’

who ultimately make or break the

success of any venture.

In theory we have equipped that team

with a new way of thinking about how

to tackle their challenges and think

more strategically and more critically


The alternative to this is an ongoing

dependence on external consultants

to do your thinking for you and for the

life of us we couldn’t understand why

anyone would want to do that -

especially when there is so much

evidence to show that the only real

winner is the company providing the

‘guns for hire’.

The reality however was that far too many of the teams that we worked with left us with the best of intentions and promises to sustain the work but very quickly - surprisingly quickly - found themselves ‘sucked back’ into an environment unable or unwilling to embrace a new way of thinking and working.


We know that we can get a team to a new place in a very compressed time frame - a place where they are re-engaged, more inspired, clearer about their chosen direction and more appreciative of the business as a whole - as opposed to their particular ‘silo’.

Our Dilemma

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We have been thinking long and hard about this dilemma. It is a very real dilemma for us because the obvious answer is to simply design longer programmes and stay with teams longer - making us no different to the traditional consulting model, one that we fundamentally disagree with.

As we launch our new model we are focusing on three quite distinct

forms of engagement. Each is designed to suit specific situations and

circumstances and each can be ‘packaged’ in a variety of ways.

The manner in which we shape an engagement will be directly

influenced by some important criteria that will show us just what really

need to be done.

We will only recommend engagements that will actually deliver results and we will decline engagements where we feel the necessary conditions are not met or that we simply don't think we can deliver lasting value.


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These engagements are designed to get the heart of any challenge - to spend whatever time it takes to get to the real

insights and to establish a coherent architecture for the business

and the way it operates so that it is fully in control of its destiny

and is following a much more resilient approach.

At times this will require us to work closely with a small team,

possibly individuals to ensure that progress is achievable. At

other times we will need to work a specific problem right through

from identification to resolution. Sometimes we will be helping to

reconnect people to genuine purpose at large scale.

These engagements will cover the potential sticking points that

are most likely to cause an endeavour to fail.

We have been thinking about all of this for a long time - we are now ready to make this a reality. What follows is a high level introduction to the new model for Group Partners. We will be happy to discuss any aspect of this in more detail. This is still a journey for us and we will continue to evolve the model as we learn how to create even more value for organisations.


A New Design

The freedom and flexibility that comes with these engagements brings it's own reward - it's far more natural and and far more likely to yield far more value. We like that we can dig deep into complexity and get to what really matters in a far more

human and natural way and in a way that the whole team can appreciate and engage with.

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A new approach brings with it new principles for engagement along with

the criteria mentioned earlier. Our aim has never been to unnecessarily widen

our role simply to create work and maximum revenue. In this model we might even be able to reduce the

overall cost through the different forms of engagement described in the next

section - for example taking on more of a mentoring or remote advisory role. This way we can reduce the extensive or larger cost associated with sessions

in situations where there are much more effective and appropriate ways to

achieve the right result.

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We already invest a significant amount of time and energy before being formally engaged to define the best approach for a client.

Currently this takes more time than makes sense while we cycle

discussion about cost and scope rather than value and outcome.

This is not helpful to us or our clients so in future we will commit time

at our expense to work with those with decision making authority to

share the right programme and to understand the nature of the

investment required and acceptable.

1. We will facilitate a discussion that tests need, intention and motivation. This will be conducted remotely through structured

questions that are relevant to the likely engagement and phone /

online conversations

2. We will gift up to one day for working with a small group to shape the optimum engagement. This day will not be spent on any

potential solution, it will be wholly dedicated to making sure that

there is a common understanding and appreciation of the challenge,

what it means and how we will support you.


This wil l take 2 forms

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This proposal will detail the engagement and our commitment to you. We will indicate a ‘base level’ scope that represents the

minimum we can do to create a meaningful outcome. We will also

include additional contributions and describe the value you can

expect from them.

Any engagement will be designed so that it is possible to commit to the minimum initially and build onto it later if needed.

There will be an element of capability transfer in every engagement and that will be clearly defined in t h e proposal.


We will present a documented proposal and with it our point of view on that topic.

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There is significant variability within these three primary forms of engagement. Each is designed to suit a wide spectrum of needs and challenges and every engagement is tailored to suit exact needs and circumstances. We very much hope that you agree this is a valuable evolution in the way to think about the

exchange of value.

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Being ‘Unplugged’ is about helping leaders spend quality time thinking more deeply and more creatively about a challenge or opportunity. Unplugged means just that - intelligent conversation in

small and safe environments - the conditions to have the right -

sometimes difficult - conversations, ones that get to the heart of what

leaders should be thinking about.

Unplugged is focussed on leaders - individuals or small groups -

spending time exploring issues and dynamics - discussing what’s

really driving the challenges and identifying better ways to respond to

them. We bring insights and real experiences that relate to such

challenges and we share stories of how others deal with them - as well

as introducing new concepts and ways of thinking to address them.

Unplugged expects leaders to dedicate quality uninterrupted time and commit to open and honest conversation where nothing is out of bounds.

This time can be spent in a

range of environments but is

never at the workplace. The only

criteria for where we meet is that

it inspires thinking and is

protected from daily stresses

and interruptions.


Unplugged - Intellectual Workouts

Example Applications:

Thinking about the future,

Wrestling with issues and direction, imagining major


Contemplating progress,

Reflecting on the way things are,

Making sure we are doing everything possible to stay in the


Simply wanting to be the best we can be.

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Quests require clear purpose and commitment from all those undertaking them - whatever the degree they are involved. For a

Quest to be successful everyone who has a part to play must

understand the end goal and have belief in it.

We will work with a dedicated team - who are willing to take on the

challenge - and who will be given enough time and authority to be

successful. You will provide the participants and full commitment and

we will provide the equipment, our objectivity and experience. The

desired outcome will be the sole determiner for the programme and

it's duration. Our involvement through the quest is variable and

dependent on the teams confidence and capability. There will be

some well defined milestones to chart achievement and plenty of

reviews, regroups and adjustments along the way

As a team we will assess what good likes like and how we will know

we have made it - and as a team we will work towards that shared


There wi l l be dis t inc t ro les and accountabilities that reflect individual strengths and capabilit ies but all measurement and governance will work at the collective level. This is a single minded engagement.


On A Quest - Purposeful Collaborations

Example Applications:

Tackling a key issue or opportunity,

Putting real energy and effort into achieving a given challenge,

Getting a team totally focussed, aligned and inspired to achieve a

given goal,

Embarking on a mission to develop a specific part of the


Solving a specific issue or introducing a new level of

excellence in a particular domain

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At key times the wider workforce needs to be involved in the delivery of change or in achieving a Quest. Unless everyone in an

organisation is clear about the aims and objectives of its business -

and is willing to contribute to the attainment of a vision and it's

ongoing sustainment - then success cannot be assumed.

Engagement campaigns take vision and intention out on the road

- to the people who will ultimately make or break success. They are a

mix of whatever is needed - survey, interviews, road shows, interactive

communications - whatever it takes to win hearts and minds.

These engagements can only take place where there is absolute clarity on purpose and a direction has been set - one that can be explained and is supported by a convincing rationale.


Engaged - High Energy Campaigns

Example Applications: Creating wide scale impact,

Bringing change to the whole enterprise,

Engaging and building energy around a genuine shift in the business,

Truly transforming the way things need to be achieved,

Taking the new vision or strategy out from the design team to the whole team

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The Group Partners Commitment

First and foremost, our commitment is to be wholly on your side and to work with those who are tasked with a challenge to deliver the best

outcome possible. Whatever that takes.

We will dig deep into context for insights and we will challenge any temptation to cut corners

or to take information at face value.

We will test your ambitions by pushing thinking as far as is comfortable and reasonable - which will depend on the type of organisation you are and the business you are in. In all circumstances

however we will introduce creative thinking

We will force meaning to everything that forms part of your organisation’s intention and vision.

We will break down silos and help you to align models, objectives and contributions across the

business so that you see greater coherence.