changes in human geography roots of human changes

Changes in Human Geography Roots of Human Changes

Upload: arthur-clarke

Post on 18-Jan-2018




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Causes of Human Change MigrationCultural DiffusionTradeConflict/War Technological Innovations 3 Red Green


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Changes in Human Geography

Roots of Human Changes

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Red Green

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Human Geography • Human geography changes usually

occur more quickly than physical geography changes. A mountain or canyon make take millions of years to form but cultural diffusion can occur as quickly as a few years. Cultural regions or political units can change, grow, decrease, or even completely disappear. Changes can occur even in a people’s way of living life- their culture.

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Resistance to Change • There are some culture groups or

nations that resist human (cultural or political) change. Usually, they follow traditional ways of life and they prefer to do things the same ways that their ancestors did. However, do to modern technology, most societies are changing more quickly than ever before.

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What causes human geography to change?

• Let’s explore the causes of change...• Geographers and historians have

categorized several factors processes that often cause change- migration, cultural diffusion, trade, conflict/war, technological innovation.

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Migration• Migration is the movement of

people from one location to another. When people arrive in a new location they usually bring their beliefs, ideas, and culture traits with them. At times migration has led to conflict and even wars.

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Cultural Diffusion• Cultural Diffusion is the spread of

ideas, goods, technology, and cultural traits. Cultural diffusion usually causes change to occur in a society.

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Trade • Trade is any exchange of goods

or services. Trade happens within a country or between people from different countries. Trade allows for goods, ideas, technology, and people to spread. Because of trade, people are often able to have access to new products, ideas and technology.

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Conflict • Human conflicts often cause change. Armed

conflicts occur in a society or between different societies for many different reasons. For example, people in a country may compete for scarce resources, or political power. At times, people of different religious or ethnic groups will be in conflict with one another. Countries may have conflict over international borders, or one country may want to claim the resources of another country. At times, conflict is caused by ideas or disagreements over belief systems. More recently in history terrorism is a type of conflict where random acts of violence are committed against a people group.

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Technological Innovations • Technology is using any materials,

tools, and skills to meet our needs. Technological innovations occur when people develop new technology. There are different categories of technological change. For example, technological change can occur with new types of transportation, new medicines, and inventions that decrease hard manual labor.

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Learning Log • On your learning log write 3

sentences explaining the 5 major causes of human change.