changes in adolescence - carone...

1 Lesson 5.3 Changes in Adolescence By Carone Fitness Changes During Adolescence Adolescence is the stage between childhood and adulthood. During this stage, many changes occur in order for you to reach adulthood. That is one reason many consider it the best and the worst of times. The changes you have experienced or will experience are physical, mental, emotional, and social in nature. Changes During Adolescence

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Lesson 5.3

Changes in Adolescence

By CaroneFitness

Changes During Adolescence

Adolescence is the stage between childhood and adulthood. During this stage, many changes occur in order for you to reach adulthood. That is one reason many consider it the best and the worst of times. The changes you have experienced or will experience are physical, mental, emotional, and social in nature.

Changes During Adolescence


Changes During Adolescence

Adolescence begins between the ages of 9-13 years old, as a child goes through puberty.

Puberty is the period of time when males and females become physically able to reproduce. This occurs as the result of the release of hormones. Testosterone is the male hormone, and estrogen and progesterone are the female hormones.

Physical Changes

Changes During Adolescence

These hormones lead to the development of sex characteristics.

Sex characteristics are those traits related to one’s gender. There are two categories of sex characteristics: primary and secondary.

Physical Changes


Changes During Adolescence

Primary sex characteristicsare the traits that are directly linked to the production of reproductive cells.

For males, this is the production of sperm. Puberty for males is marked by the production of sperm by the testes.

Physical Changes

Changes During Adolescence

For females, puberty begins with the maturing of the ova, or eggs. Females are born with all the ova that they will ever have, but the ova don’t mature until puberty. Therefore, puberty for females is marked by ovulation.

Ovulation is when a mature egg is released from the ovary.

Physical Changes


Changes During Adolescence

Secondary sex characteristics are the traits that help distinguish between males and females, but are not directly linked to the reproductive system.

For males these characteristics include muscle development, broadening of the chest, and deepening of the voice.

Physical Changes

Changes During Adolescence

For females, these characteristics include body hair, widening of the hips, and the development of breasts.

Physical Changes


Changes During Adolescence

These physical changes are often considered embarrassing by teens. For example, Trina felt self-conscious because she was so much taller than her classmates. Tim was humiliated because his voice would “crack” when he talked.

Physical Changes

Changes During Adolescence

Keep in mind that these changes are normal and that these experiences are temporary and resolve themselves as time goes on.

Physical Changes


Changes During Adolescence

Keep in mind that, because of these physical changes, you will also need to give more attention to your personal hygiene. The hormones being produced cause you to sweat more, and they may cause acne as well. Therefore, you now need to be sure to shower daily, wash your face often, and wear deodorant. You may want to begin shaving. Also, continue to brush and floss your teeth at least twice a day.

Physical Changes

Changes During Adolescence

During adolescence your brain reaches its adult size and weight. This allows you to reason better, memorize things more easily, predict outcomes to situations, and think logically. Therefore, you are equipped with the ability to solve more complicated problems that have many different solutions.

Mental Changes


Changes During Adolescence

These mental changes may also result in the discovery of new hobbies and interests. Career goals often bud as you make plans for your future.

Mental Changes

Changes During Adolescence

Along with physical growth spurts, adolescence comes with spurts of energy and strong emotions.

You may begin to feel as if you are on an emotional roller coaster. One minute you feel like you are on top of the world, but the next minute you are down in the dumps. Family and friends can provide support for you during these confusing times.

Emotional Changes


Changes During Adolescence

During adolescence you have an increased ability to see past yourself to consider the point of view of others. This will help you to understand the needs of others and to improve your ability to feel more deeply for others.

Social Changes

Changes During Adolescence

Friends and the acceptance of peers also become more important to the individual.

Those around you will challenge you to see what you will stand up for, what you believe, and what you think is right or wrong.

Social Changes


Changes During Adolescence

It is also during adolescence that you will experience the journey of discovering your personal identity.

Your personal identity is the unique set of traits and characteristics that make you unlike anyone else.

Social Changes

Changes During Adolescence

Your personal identity is centered on your self-concept, or how you perceive yourself. Your personal identity also impacts other important developmental tasks that you achieve during adolescence.

Social Changes


Changes During Adolescence

These developmental tasks include:

Forming mature relationships with other people your age and of both genders.

Achieving a masculine or feminine social role.

Accepting your own physique.

Achieving emotional independence from parents and other adults.

Developmental Tasks

Changes During Adolescence

Acquiring a set of personal standards as a guide to behavior.

Being able to cope with success and failure.

Becoming motivated to help others attain their goals.

Developing problem-solving skills.

Developmental Tasks


PresentedBy Carone
