change log 3baf weaps

Download Change Log 3BAF Weaps

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Post on 15-Dec-2015




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3BAF Weaps Changlog


v1.1- added ILAW (AT4) with animated iron sights (4 variants)- added NLAW- added Javelin (assembled from separate CLU and Tube), compatible with @ace3 top attack- added Blank Fire Adaptors (BFA) for L110, L129 and L7- added blank ammunition for L85, L86, L110, L129, L7- added black version of Laser Light Module (LLM)- added switchable flashlight / IR laser functionality to LLM- added L131 flashlight attachment- added muzzle flash to L131- added custom 40mm HEDP rounds for the L85 UGL- added all 40mm rounds to ammo crate- added new launcher crate- added zeroing capability to SUSAT scope- added dependency on @cba_a3- removed @asdg_jm dependency- fixed inability to select binoculars- recoloured L85 series cocking lever- renamed L110A1/A2 to L110A2 (+ class name changes)- updated textures on L115- fixed 2D red dot sights having white rim especially during night time- fixed clipping and animation for L129 magazines- fixed L129 shadow issue- improved sight on L131- fixed BFA usage- refined scope descriptionsv1.0- mod release to public