change in person al - library of congress · 2017-12-13 · express company giwe a space at...

~ "; :i""zk :,., .i ii i::j: i.\. b,- r. :i lil-iL '" ::~-I "' ~LCk:: ,, i !~ur~ "~~;;~y~ .. I gu;i.r~ ~U :- r. -i ;,ir; -1., ~* i? :~- "; ~- ; 'P: ~B T~Ci.~-w?-e :); :: ii 'i~x , i:: i iF~ i"~%: --- -~ i ::'~ ;-f ~~ !::i . :: I ;:,:: , :~:: ~ Bp~i~~-^' ~' ... , i~b,(,a:6Jii~~ r. c:l .'' ... :;:" `"' = i`t~t;,;i ;i !i~6C~J' ~~i;. .:?-.;; : ;i; - i-4i i-,r "I ss-- I;:i B~c" ';" i ;: .; ... ~ i; I..jl,::: ". i ";;; ORIEN Here FewHou La ' tR ahltrauero h at a Four ? panyt with li, ariers a in ow own' Mnt. apped off~ c~i 1ipa r'W whe' , AWia i d i l th` ip r~e tu d ~his' " cmainy. Ilen is he wilto toe Oret wher haes eapect an thinao person a ton c w~u 4 it2 ,'w e t l u r d f and fhi d ia ante wfi olai1a. -c `efa byta ie lie i-wll sothatip afi in Tokiobe Naa-iin on n -io in~ habe in Japfte andg ChuinaeY -: hnje will go-,tT meniltwo .ge .iMIci l avLo e~is ot unat ina i, 8 i wi th ~t he d - An~' r giigt ,of~O - ,numer o 4ev oun ,ii vtV nir thereey 4i better y- tha ha ben.,mad aong.QO bomer5o vial lnes i Citr4b 4- ebntn of uh glt~ete joied'a~b forcs iul :es b strueto.o an l~evbatu 4 or~ Ipt Moor iAgut1904 Fo~ a. nume."o yer ti waisrthe onlyh lvaor tn. Ferus ourntfr and~ thya' leaer- ofal e sft hi fzt er WbF i about: 1? 0-' 'lout Wit th nd pt'oesirt ija a th nm o e otaaFlu flo # ls. one -at this; place:: and Instantly increasing business has~irB~i~ beeu~ewacive rain. of;;. Mc i , f#ai h i%"irsprnibe aln lox he wndeful rowh ofthi buI s e i" apan,.ta t suce64s arel d l lcecaa ciyfr-adwrkadgognr Wi, ''The real estate lfiri of Lynn & Thni closed .a dea1 tii week . wherebythe ~b~eome thbeJ 8se rs of thie residue of th~e MiiwanJ~ee' 4ddition ~on the 'at. TA4I ee tyre . iii tioQed arm. ;::-~:r Church: N a tes o}ti: t `'' i-0omi b e i at _114.iu 0 "th Su 4~~ * C JWieoel 1W ap co gent1 bandof wo. r rt: lip. `a bundle df nervob erg h imunicates i self at ii . due tohism hiard .bk buti , to good; j u 9- •tn n i)rinl his hi elp ' ers; He iarsliiw rul knowledge of Au utina.mnattirb iol eleting the men of a carry out M41' lers and, 4 o bet- ar; any organizati th an in the on- Lana Flour Ii111 oofiepai le. The mill at oietoni is a model n r- f convenibg ( ieacy. Not thy Sdollar as b entin oria- an 'tatioo• but at a lboking to saoIt i practiel end. T1h mill at Lewis liv( totn was built lot before t, h dreims of 'these 4hatU men were ta it:eamed bt at the n? ie time it has been made over to suit the e - t ohayi o sbygirl that-,•ths com- igencies of upo tto e bsiness: In imve yodi n a n- T ' s t.d thea t1 a :' o! oiMi a lt-- S efm fabtey b per arir th polis fdiour can be sold, in western terminals. of Amontg the solid financial men of th Montana irtterested in the Montana Floi Mill Conipany may be men- to -toned. )'orman; Holter of Helena. This fact will no doubt, be of inter- est` to Helena readers."' In choosing Uarlowton for so im- re portant a brauch of their business as one of their two flouring mills, the fact of its strategic value as a 'shi ppirg point 'was the sole consid- Aeratibn. From this point they can 'et out in any direction. It is not beyond a reasonable <<uixppositio to say that this comr F pa y may, iu the future, in view of pits constantly growing oriental trade, erect a mill at Seattle. Such. a move would give is untold advan- s tages over its strongest competitors t the Mjillers of Minneapolis. t The machinery of this institution is in thie apa ble iands of the fol- l towing namced gentlemen: R. J. s Anderson, sales manager; Ray Swift elevator maniager; W. N Smith, superintendont of mills. t IMY TIME Al ins Go to Show Thai t e Are Adanoing to6 a Hiigher .,tandard o-f. Mor-als uicfge`. M Parlanr4 ixepoitrs that This tear the holidays have been ~einka~brY -free 'fromi boisterons- Less and4 drunkenness. lie saWi be did, not know w ether it was dues =to. a shot oe .tzf ey or to bhe quaiffity Qi thbbooezesoled inUiarlovw ~B u t tis' a, set that this year~ liasawituesseaa~.~ lithile of tberough house9 Lemeninas any pare iio Y eaia in't b1toz of 6Ii town. A 're- 1 i1 tCuof this eondttiou mayb. t#d ta hy~be `eportd 2front ,ve f ur r- f p i i r 't cemanstr4te to a'oei ta the, oe was3be eaueaof te utbe A L A fredrs fr tlenty M le l iveand t P nirlew eortyie sti nt he feo iving al . usselhoudi a lysb . 'or a d f tIt is loiulg fp the Nor ms a:re em ' strPeoir the report Sthe Big dan proposebe A byi the1 shel v y irtige theni water, is t be built of wer and meud and to e 120 fet hi Sislaimerd by themi thatb their of safe ] materianduofa da r lyegl lives and prprty willnt be inical cote safety of r t he peolme diving along tt they will take soute sof teateps r shoulde reventin ofitk loose. tructio It is well enoubtfulr if the Jfarder low the constructie n of this od Sto tris thepery good rwhileo tht Anr of uncthe farmevns wtiould. is wortlj aiepound ofsuch were t." case, we .cif the opinions th Fr Wheite Sulphuina er comeSpringto Rail so e eforcad Beginning Witham be bil of safe materialy and of a eigh bil . anuary'l Poor old White Sulphur. uer., troubles -come not singly but in: crowds. Now comes the informa- tion that he, railroad (by court•esy). service is ot be changed, beginning' with the'-fist of the year, from a ialily to a tri-weekly service and the isolatioii of the once live burc is begun. There has beenrumori of some ihange for weeks' past andi, :this rumor had it that the service was to be discontinued entirly, but, we never believed this drastic' move woul& take place. Howevei;, itis bad enough to :have to be••. ! rooned in the town fort y igiit t hours. 'Ch time limit withl:ne train a dayachb way wad twenty fouI .hours 1 and now that l :tYIat : doubled, it will greatly augment the sentiment for ;ounty seat re moval, and while ,this paper bas not taken a flctive part hinrous- ig th is sentiment, we doubt if w: Ican much ong6er ignore the de= mnand ;ifor t•he change but will ie' :compelle•, to.take, up the cudgelt 4•in behalf of our friends from other r sections of the county who hav0 urged us repeatedly to this action' SPrsonally wo have none but the. s friendliest feeling for our sistei l city. But as o friendliness can in no way abate tbe demand, we* e feel that er, lo is our gaid and Swe hope that th blow may fall as I~lgtya'osbe Sdda amanyet I3 , i tai 1.owtowt, Opern sbthis week; one to1ipht be wetn l lowtoL and Stanford. S has a strong team that *of deiatM .his seaso*. =d farlxow rwill go into this game ce with a stier team than when y: played Twod They have Sonsiderable pratice since the t game, h they were of need of. ee se of getting the Stan- It u ere is large so every t ouaand help the home On Satday• i the T whodt odots eam plays h hur Srping. This t 4~il be a~ gopod fast game as thie woedot boys are known for good stying thefpr andwhi cleSataersted own the Sch:refedr for the Twodot boys. The INSANE MAN t ST.PS TRAINS : ,train to W h itpe Sulphur Srpinut an d fheturned to Harlow- a toy a crew or Exction men ationk SOSunday'Dane, a him esteder on ulphur Sprigs byto bDeputy Shereiff Jake Karnop. Tuesday to be tried for ina s to coplte an insan. g O'Deanes wandered into arlowtoins dale Saturday and after staying ther for awhile started down the railroad track towards Selkirk. f Docmbr 34 came along and O'Deane refused to get off the traia was stopped and be was put off. Later number 16 came along and the sapm thing ocs rred. Fine ally a crew of sectiona men took hi r i:' charlge and deputy sheriff Karr nop and Ward Beley went down Sunday and took him to White Sulphur Springs to be tried there but it was found that there were not enough doctors in White Sul- phur Springs to complete an insan- [err ity board so the county commiss- in joners returned him ton farlow ton for trial. The board sitting was composed of Doctors Campbell and Ross and ing W. L. Starrett, chairman of the a a commissiouers. Assistant County nd Attorney Husband was in charge i:g f the proceedings. ot O'Deane was found to be mentaI- nd ly incapacitated and remanded to cWarit Springs keeping. This ease ha ;dcided the cor- l tfte tfa payers. I•O v Thrown OffP and Wago IDemotlishd. Driver and S-orses Not Injured. 'Tom IHeth's team ran away last Monday, creating considerible ex- itement "along Central avenue. They were being driven by-•. E. FuXlerton who was thrown out of the wagon but was not injured. 'he: team =aun dyawn Central ate- inule to the depot and lthe wagon was almost entirely wrecked but neither of the horss were injured. CHANGE IN PERSON -4, +ELOP: , FICER The iMiwa kee1 a been E la;ged amd m aknost Dou- bleor Handling Business The addition to. 1Q b l sipakee th, depot which has been in course of construction for some weeks past fr bo is now completed and occupied. The entire adaition govers a apace r of 24 40 feet. Th} Wells Fargo Express company giwe a space at ra' theeast end of 20x24 feetPgiving pr thetample room for the handling "ng f their- local business. This room contains office, on-band-room and gr transfer room. of The space formerly given to bag gage has almost been dounble4 and bW there is now ample room for the th handling and .torage of all bag- cl gage that may pass through Ohis fi( depot. Then there is a space 10x ai 24 feet given over to lockers for P the use of passenger trainmen and, Y this innovation is greatly apprecia Im ted by them. ti For the benefit of the general al Ipblic lt may be well to say that el all express business is now ti hbdled 'separately in the east C room of the new addition instead al of at the old freight house across t IS MARRIED; ,,-- .- g Epworth League Gives Recep- tion in Honor of Newly Wedded Couple. John H. McMillan of this city t and Miss Audrey Pierce, of Gifford i Ill., were married at the home of the bride's parents in Gifford, on c 6 Thursday, Dec. 18th. Mr. and Mrs. MeMillen arrived in Harlowton n last Saturday after visiting in Chi- ' cago, and Brookings, S. D. Mr. 'e McMillen is employed, in the local re flour mill. i1 Monday evening a reception was n- given by the Epworth League in is honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. H1. McMill- 4 an at the Methodist Church. A very enjoyable evening was spent ed in playing games and other amuse- ad ments. Ice cream and cake were he served. ty The "News" joins his many ge friends here in wishing them both a long and happy life. MERCHANT I STOLE MARCH rhttin Gyland. of Nihill Puts .One Over On His Many., Friends There. Martin Gyland, merchant of Ni- hill, stole a march on his many friends by.leaving for Big Timber in the middle of Decemberfor a- visit. Word came to his 'Nihill friends last week that he was mar- ried on Tuesday, Dee. 23rd to Miss Clara Wilbelmina Hoyseth, in the Lutheran church of Big Timber. The Big Timber Pioneer has the following to say regarding the wed- ding: "The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Isabella, and Miss Sus- ana fHoyem, while the groom was Attended by tis brother Ole G - and of this city. and Eli lHoy~eth. The bride wore a beautiful gown of the track. The removal of the express offies from the freight office'gives the boys in thiat department much more room and more pleasant qcarters. Besides the changes in the ai'- rangement of the freight and ex- press accommodations, there has recently been completed two hreou~gh passing tracks, which help to relieve the congestion that, has greatly 'hiaicapped the dispatch of freight in tie local yards. It is rumored, and the rumor is based on good authority that, that there are to be several important changes in the personnel of the-of- ficers of the Milwaukee system among which are, the transfer of President A. J.. Earling to r w York:where he will be made chair- man of the board of directors, tlhe transfer of H. B. Earling from Se- I attle to C)hiodgo to take his broth- er's position of president of the en- tire system and the removal of P. C. Hart to Seattle as general, mai- i ager of the west endi formetiy known as the Punt Somiunt ,tei. `fib hue was b•a tifully deco- riated with festoons o•f holly- and green paper, intermingled 4,th Xmas bells. Mrs. Gyland is well known in this city and vicinity, and has a host of friends who wish her happi- ness. The groom .was formeAly of this place, where he was. engaged in the sheep business, bub forthe f past four years has been a'resident of Nihill, where the happy couple will make their home. The bridal couple were the recip- ients of several beautiful priisents, and at 9 o'clock an elaborate wed- ding supper was served the follow- ing: Mr. and Mrs. Gyland, Rev. and Mrs. Englestad, Mr. and Mrs. John Esp, Mr. and Mrs. Breck, Mrs. Lee, Selnua Lee, Georgia Rostad, Ida and Susana Hoyem, 'John Nevin, John Rye, Brodie Ncvin, Eli and Albert Floyseth." The groom is well known in' the eastern part of Meagher county, He came to Nihill when the town was laid out at the completion of the building of the Billings North- ern railroad. He is still in the mer- cantile business there and has made many friends who all join in wishing him and his bride a long and happy life. TAX LIST PUBLIUSHED Delinquent List is Less Than Ten Thousand Dol s 5" for Year 1#15. The last issue of the Meagher- County Republican publisbeie~ ith list of delinquent taxesof Meagher coiuby for 1)13. Ther3, is less e than $10,000 i all, delinquent this . year. This seems a large. a•oui•t~ but is small in comparison with r many other coyntiesii ttie state, - A number of thoe delinqenit is s arlessness on their part thi 1- are well able to wthem A\ 1, wishing to gee- ie nom' do if by calling at the News ofic

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Page 1: CHANGE IN PERSON AL - Library of Congress · 2017-12-13 · Express company giwe a space at ra' theeast end of 20x24 feetPgiving pr thetample room for the handling "ng f their- local

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ORIENHere FewHou

La ' tR

ahltrauero h at a Four ?panyt with li, ariers a

in ow own' Mnt. apped off~

c~i 1ipa r'W whe' , AWia

i d i l th` ip r~e tu d ~his' "

cmainy. Ilen is he wilto toe

Oret wher haes eapect an thinao

person a ton c w~u 4 it2 ,'w e t l u r d f and fhi d ia

ante wfi olai1a. -c `efabyta ie lie i-wll sothatip afi in

Tokiobe Naa-iin on n

-io in~ habe in Japfte andg ChuinaeY-:

hnje will go-,tT .iMIci l avLo e~is ot unat ina i, 8 i wi th ~t he d -

An~'r giigt , of~O - ,numer o4ev oun ,ii vtV nirthereey 4i better y-

tha ha ben.,mad aong.QO bomer5ovial lnes i Citr4b 4-ebntn of uh

glt~ete joied'a~b forcs iul :es bstrueto.o an l~evbatu4or~ Ipt Moor

iAgut1904 Fo~ a. nume."o

yer ti waisrthe onlyh lvaor tn.

Ferus ourntfr and~ thya' leaer-ofal e sft hi fzt erWbF i about: 1? 0-' 'lout Wit

th nd pt'oesirt ija ath nm o e otaaFlu

flo # ls. one -at this; place:: and

Instantly increasing business has~irB~i~beeu~ewacive rain. of;;. Mc

i , f#ai h i%"irsprnibe alnlox he wndeful rowh ofthi

buI s e i" apan,.ta t

suce64s arel d l lcecaa


Wi,''The real estate lfiri of Lynn &

Thni closed .a dea1 tii week .wherebythe ~b~eome thbeJ 8se rs

of thie residue of th~e MiiwanJ~ee'4ddition ~on the 'at. TA4I ee tyre


tioQed arm.;::-~:r Church: N a teso}ti: t ̀'' i-0omi

b e i at _114.iu 0 "th Su

4~~ * C JWieoel 1W apco gent1 bandof wo. r rt:

lip. `a bundle df nervoberg h imunicates i self at

ii . due tohism hiard.bk buti , to good; j u 9-

•tn n i)rinl his hi elp ' ers; He

iarsliiw rul knowledge of Auutina.mnattirb iol eleting the men of

a carry out M41' lers and,4 o bet- ar;

any organizati th an in the on-Lana Flour Ii111 oofiepai le.

The mill at oietoni is a model n r-f convenibg ( ieacy. Not thy

Sdollar as b entin oria- an

'tatioo• but at a lboking to saoIt ipractiel end. T1h mill at Lewis liv(totn was built lot before t, hdreims of 'these 4hatU men were ta

it:eamed bt at the n? ie time ithas been made over to suit the e -

t ohayi o sbygirl that-,•ths com-igencies of upo tto e bsiness:

In imve yodi n a n-T ' s t.d thea

t1 a :' o! oiMi a lt--S efm fabtey b per arir thpolis fdiour can be sold, in

western terminals. ofAmontg the solid financial men of th

Montana irtterested in the MontanaFloi Mill Conipany may be men- to

-toned. )'orman; Holter of Helena.This fact will no doubt, be of inter-est` to Helena readers."'

In choosing Uarlowton for so im- reportant a brauch of their businessas one of their two flouring mills,the fact of its strategic value as a

'shi ppirg point 'was the sole consid-Aeratibn. From this point they can'et out in any direction.

It is not beyond a reasonable<<uixppositio to say that this comr Fpa y may, iu the future, in view ofpits constantly growing orientaltrade, erect a mill at Seattle. Such.a move would give is untold advan-s tages over its strongest competitors tthe Mjillers of Minneapolis.t The machinery of this institution

is in thie apa ble iands of the fol-l towing namced gentlemen: R. J.s Anderson, sales manager; Ray Swiftelevator maniager; W. N Smith,superintendont of mills. t

IMY TIMEAl ins Go to Show Thai t e

Are Adanoing to6 a Hiigher.,tandard o-f. Mor-als

uicfge`. M Parlanr4 ixepoitrs thatThis tear the holidays have been

~einka~brY -free 'fromi boisterons-Less and4 drunkenness. lie saWi bedid, not know w ether it was dues=to. a shot oe .tzf ey or to bhequaiffity Qi thbbooezesoled inUiarlovw

~B u t tis' a, set that this year~liasawituesseaa~.~ lithile of tberoughhouse9 Lemeninas any pare iio Y eaiain't b1toz of 6Ii town. A 're-

1i1 tCuof this eondttiou mayb.

t#d ta hy~be `eportd 2front,ve f ur r-

f p i ir 't cemanstr4te to a'oei ta

the, oe was3be eaueaof te utbe


fredrs fr tlenty M lel iveand t P nirlew eortyie

sti nt he feo iving al. usselhoudi a lysb . 'or a d

f tIt is loiulg fp the Nor ms

a:re em ' strPeoir the reportSthe Big dan proposebe A

byi the1 shel v y irtige

theni water, is t be built of wer

and meud and to e 120 fet hiSislaimerd by themi thatb their

of safe ] materianduofa da r lyegllives and prprty willnt be inical cote

safety of r t he peolme diving alongtt they will take soute sof teateps r

shoulde reventin ofitk loose. tructioIt is well enoubtfulr if the Jfarderlow the constructie n of this odSto tris thepery good

rwhileo tht Anr of uncthe farmevnswtiould. is wortlj aiepound ofsuch were t."case, we .cif the opinions th

Fr Wheite Sulphuina er comeSpringto Rail so

e eforcad Beginning Witham be bilof safe materialy and of a eigh

bil . anuary'l

Poor old White Sulphur. uer.,

troubles -come not singly but in:

crowds. Now comes the informa-

tion that he, railroad (by court•esy).service is ot be changed, beginning'

with the'-fist of the year, from a

ialily to a tri-weekly service and

the isolatioii of the once live burcis begun. There has beenrumori

of some ihange for weeks' past andi,:this rumor had it that the servicewas to be discontinued entirly,but, we never believed this drastic'

move woul& take place. Howevei;,itis bad enough to :have to be••. !rooned in the town fort y igiit thours. 'Ch time limit withl:netrain a dayachb way wad twentyfouI .hours 1and now that l :tYIat :

doubled, it will greatly augmentthe sentiment for ;ounty seat removal, and while ,this paper basnot taken a flctive part hinrous-ig th is sentiment, we doubt if w:

Ican much ong6er ignore the de=mnand ;ifor t•he change but will ie':compelle•, to.take, up the cudgelt4•in behalf of our friends from otherr sections of the county who hav0

urged us repeatedly to this action'

SPrsonally wo have none but the.s friendliest feeling for our sisteil city. But as o friendliness can

in no way abate tbe demand, we*e feel that er, lo is our gaid and

Swe hope that th blow may fall asI~lgtya'osbe

Sdda amanyet I3

, i tai 1.owtowt, Opern

sbthis week; one to1ipht be

wetn l lowtoL and Stanford.S has a strong team that

*of deiatM .his seaso*. =dfarlxow rwill go into this game cewith a stier team than when

y: played Twod They have

Sonsiderable pratice since the

t game, h they were ofneed se of getting the Stan- Itu ere is large so every t

ouaand help the home

On Satday• i the T whodt odots

eam plays h hur Srping. This t4~il be a~ gopod fast game as thiewoedot boys are known for good stying

thefpr andwhi cleSataersted own the

Sch:refedr for the Twodot boys. The


ST.PS TRAINS :,train to Whitpe Sulphur Srpinut

an d fheturned to Harlow- atoy a crew or Exction men ationk

SOSunday'Dane, a him esteder on

ulphur Sprigs byto bDeputy Shereiff

Jake Karnop. Tuesday to be tried

for ina s to coplte an insan.

g O'Deanes wandered into arlowtoinsdale Saturday and after staying

ther for awhile started down therailroad track towards Selkirk.f Docmbr 34 came along and O'Deane

refused to get off thetraia was stopped and be was put

off. Later number 16 came alongand the sapm thing ocs rred. Fine

ally a crew of sectiona men took hi r

i:' charlge and deputy sheriff Karrnop and Ward Beley went downSunday and took him to WhiteSulphur Springs to be tried therebut it was found that there werenot enough doctors in White Sul-phur Springs to complete an insan-

[err ity board so the county commiss-

in joners returned him ton farlow ton

for trial.The board sitting was composed

of Doctors Campbell and Ross anding W. L. Starrett, chairman of the

a a commissiouers. Assistant County

nd Attorney Husband was in chargei:g f the proceedings.ot O'Deane was found to be mentaI-nd ly incapacitated and remanded tocWarit Springs keeping.This ease ha ;dcided the cor-



tfa payers.

I•O v Thrown OffP and WagoIDemotlishd. Driver and

S-orses Not Injured.

'Tom IHeth's team ran away lastMonday, creating considerible ex-

itement "along Central avenue.

They were being driven by-•. E.

FuXlerton who was thrown out of

the wagon but was not injured.'he: team =aun dyawn Central ate-inule to the depot and lthe wagon

was almost entirely wrecked butneither of the horss were injured.


The iMiwa kee1 a been Ela;ged amd m aknost Dou-

bleor Handling BusinessThe addition to. 1Q b l sipakee th,

depot which has been in course of

construction for some weeks past frbo

is now completed and occupied.

The entire adaition govers a apace r

of 24 40 feet. Th} Wells Fargo

Express company giwe a space at ra'

theeast end of 20x24 feetPgiving pr

thetample room for the handling "ng

f their- local business. This room

contains office, on-band-room and gr

transfer room. of

The space formerly given to bag

gage has almost been dounble4 and bW

there is now ample room for the th

handling and .torage of all bag- cl

gage that may pass through Ohis fi(

depot. Then there is a space 10x ai24 feet given over to lockers for P

the use of passenger trainmen and, Ythis innovation is greatly apprecia Im

ted by them. ti

For the benefit of the general al

Ipblic lt may be well to say that el

all express business is now ti

hbdled 'separately in the east C

room of the new addition instead al

of at the old freight house across t

IS MARRIED;,,-- .- g

Epworth League Gives Recep-tion in Honor of Newly

Wedded Couple.

John H. McMillan of this city

t and Miss Audrey Pierce, of Gifford i

Ill., were married at the home of

the bride's parents in Gifford, on c

6 Thursday, Dec. 18th. Mr. and Mrs.

MeMillen arrived in Harlowtonn last Saturday after visiting in Chi-

' cago, and Brookings, S. D. Mr.

'e McMillen is employed, in the localre flour mill.i1 Monday evening a reception was

n- given by the Epworth League inis honor of Mr. and Mrs. J. H1. McMill-

4 an at the Methodist Church. A

very enjoyable evening was spented in playing games and other amuse-ad ments. Ice cream and cake were

he served.

ty The "News" joins his many

ge friends here in wishing them both

a long and happy life.


rhttin Gyland. of Nihill Puts.One Over On His Many.,

Friends There.

Martin Gyland, merchant of Ni-

hill, stole a march on his many

friends by.leaving for Big Timber

in the middle of Decemberfor a-

visit. Word came to his 'Nihill

friends last week that he was mar-

ried on Tuesday, Dee. 23rd to Miss

Clara Wilbelmina Hoyseth, in the

Lutheran church of Big Timber.The Big Timber Pioneer has the

following to say regarding the wed-

ding:"The bride was attended by her

sister, Miss Isabella, and Miss Sus-

ana fHoyem, while the groom was

Attended by tis brother Ole G -and of this city. and Eli lHoy~eth.The bride wore a beautiful gown of

the track.The removal of the express offies

from the freight office'gives theboys in thiat department much

more room and more pleasantqcarters.

Besides the changes in the ai'-rangement of the freight and ex-

press accommodations, there has

recently been completed two

hreou~gh passing tracks, which helpto relieve the congestion that, has

greatly 'hiaicapped the dispatchof freight in tie local yards.

It is rumored, and the rumor is

based on good authority that, that

there are to be several important

changes in the personnel of the-of-ficers of the Milwaukee systemamong which are, the transfer ofPresident A. J.. Earling to r w

York:where he will be made chair-

man of the board of directors, tlhe

transfer of H. B. Earling from Se-

I attle to C)hiodgo to take his broth-

er's position of president of the en-

tire system and the removal of P.

C. Hart to Seattle as general, mai-

i ager of the west endi formetiyknown as the Punt Somiunt ,tei.

`fib hue was b•a tifully deco-riated with festoons o•f holly- andgreen paper, intermingled 4,th

Xmas bells.Mrs. Gyland is well known in

this city and vicinity, and has ahost of friends who wish her happi-

ness. The groom .was formeAly ofthis place, where he was. engagedin the sheep business, bub forthe

f past four years has been a'residentof Nihill, where the happy couplewill make their home.

The bridal couple were the recip-ients of several beautiful priisents,and at 9 o'clock an elaborate wed-ding supper was served the follow-ing: Mr. and Mrs. Gyland, Rev. andMrs. Englestad, Mr. and Mrs. JohnEsp, Mr. and Mrs. Breck, Mrs. Lee,Selnua Lee, Georgia Rostad, Ida andSusana Hoyem, 'John Nevin, JohnRye, Brodie Ncvin, Eli and AlbertFloyseth."

The groom is well known in' theeastern part of Meagher county,He came to Nihill when the townwas laid out at the completion ofthe building of the Billings North-ern railroad. He is still in the mer-cantile business there and hasmade many friends who all join inwishing him and his bride a longand happy life.


Delinquent List is Less ThanTen Thousand Dol s 5"

for Year 1#15.

The last issue of the Meagher-

County Republican publisbeie~ ith

list of delinquent taxesof Meagher

coiuby for 1)13. Ther3, is less

e than $10,000 i all, delinquent this. year. This seems a large. a•oui•t~

but is small in comparison withr many other coyntiesii ttie state,- A number of thoe delinqenit is

s arlessness on their part thi1- are well able to wthem A\1, wishing to gee- ie nom' doif by calling at the News ofic