chalo deck

A mobile and web app that helps users meet personal goals, donate to charity, and connect with socially responsible brands. Chalo is in the prototype phase and is seeking collaborators.

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Post on 15-Dec-2014



Economy & Finance

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  • 1. A mobile and web app that helps users meet personal goals, donate to charity, and connect with socially responsible brands.Chalo is in the prototype phase and is seeking collaborators.

2. What ifGiving up thisMeant thisFor her? 3. We're looking for a partnering organization or business to work with to bring the Chalo app to market. We have the experience and have already developed a fun, gamified, front end solution. You have the donor or customer base, resources and/or backend processing system. We could work as consultants to integrate your desired feature set with your program and oversee final development. 4. The Problems 1. NGOs/Have nots Inefficient fundraising Donor fatigue - perceived insolvency Donor desensitization Poverty/Illness Lack of access/education Increasing inequality Isolation from 'haves3. Consumer Overconsumption/Meaninglessness Disconnect from the 'have nots' Mindlessness - habituated behaviors Mistrust of charitable orgs. Unhealthy lifestyle Polluted atmosphere2. Businesses Difficult CSR branding Trouble distinguishing brand from "Greenwashed" companies Inefficient advertising Trouble retaining customers4. Employer Unhealthy workforce - high medical bills, missed work Disengaged employees Lack of community engagement Brand apathy - workers don't represent values of company 5. The Solution The app lets people make goals related to consumption, health or any other selfimprovement target. They can donate to a vetted charity instead of buying, or simply track activity and watch as sponsors donate on their behalf. Seemingly futile choices are thus given real, immediate meaning, and guaranteed impact providing oral rehydration therapy to a sick child, for example. Friends and social networks further motivate positive activity. 6. 12345Make a goalMake a differenceFeel goodShareRepeatUsers select which charity they want to support. Companies can sponsor charities on behalf of customers.Each small, seemingly futile choice is given immediate significance and a guaranteed impact.App users are motivated through teamwork and social network sharing.Sponsors' prizes further incentivize positive behavior and donating. In-app tools help users monitor their goals and stay motivated.Users make a goal related to health or consumption. 7. Potential Sponsors and Users For Profits -- Business who want to align their brand with good causes and get visibility for charitable work. For-profits could either fully brand a version of the app, or provide matching funds or give-aways for donors, gaining access to a target market and integrated advertising. Non Profits -- A single large charity or a charitable "clearinghouse" (an org. that fundraises on behalf of various causes). Non-profits could offer this service to their donors as a way to increase and maintain support. Because donors help themselves while helping others, the program is naturally self-perpetuating. Employerscould use the Chalo app to encourage and track employee fitness, charitable giving, volunteerism or other civic activities. Employees could work in teams and have chances to win prizes, furthering camaraderie. 8. The Demand Weight Loss $580 billion market by 2014. Weight Watchers programTechnology Over of Americans now own smartphones. 34 million iPhones have already been sold. $27 million donated to Haiti was via text, up from $250,000 for hurricane Katrina.linking weight loss to charitable giving provided 1.4 million pounds of food for charity and helped participants lose over 4 million pounds.Cause Marketing Consumers are 77% more likely to buy from socially responsible companies. 89% of young Americans would switch brands of similar products to support good causes.Charitable Giving $300 billion/year. After the 2010 earthquake $305 million was given to Haitians.Green Behavior Increasing demand for organic food and green products. 9. For-Profits With Chalo, ethical brands' logos appear right at the feel-good moment a donor 'gives' -- by supporting good causes along with the app-users, brands show how good they are, rather than just talking about it.Etc Consumers are 77% more likely to buy a product or service from a company that is socially responsible. 89% of Americans between 13 and 25 would switch from one brand to another associated with a "good cause if products and prices were comparable. 10. Example 1: Green Mountain Coffee Roasters (GMCR) GMCR would license the app on behalf of a charity they support, such as Heifter Project International. GMCR could double users donations and provide coupons for free coffee and a chance to win a trip to Bolivia. GMCR could encourage teamwork by having a competition for the first team to buy an Ark. GMCR could also partner with a charitable clearinghouse, such as Network for Good, and act as one of a group of sponsors, supporting projects at a variety or organizations -- this would help all parties reach more customers and donors. 11. Non-Profits Not for profit organizations struggle to retain donors and attract new ones. With a $300+ billion US charitable giving market, and an ever increasing percentage of the population using smartphones ($37 million texted to Haiti), charities are eager to tap into a growing donor base that relies on mobile technology. Despite the clear demand, few charities have developed their own mobile apps.Some charities already have campaigns linking behavior change to giving (i.e. give up a meal and donate its cost to help feed the hungry), but they often arent mobile, have limited selection of goals and recipients, and lack many of Chalo's support systems. 12. Example 2: Doctors without Borders (MSF) This app will have the colors/logo of MSF and be promoted through their website, emails, newsletters, etc. In this example, users are led to a list of potential goals, such as running, or avoiding fried food, or a goal of their choosing. The user then decides how much the goal is worth -- $1.50 for avoiding soda, for example. Next, they choose a project amount/location $35 to vaccinate children in Uganda. Users post their progress to Facebook and get friends to join them. When theyve reached their goal, $35 in this case, they use the apps secure payment system to donate. Each time they press Give they are shown graphical and numerical progress towards their goal. MSF can eventually provide reports, photos and/or videos of the work the donor is helping to support. 13. Employee Incentive Programs 85% of people have a more positive image of a company when it supports a cause they care about. 79% of employees think its important that their companies match their giving. 79% of people would prefer to work for a socially responsible company. 60% of businesses are using health and wellness programs. Businesses would use Chalo to help employees meet wellness related goals, while supporting the causes they choose. Behavior-change businesses, such as Weight Watchers, would license the app as part of their tool kit to help people meet goals. Weight Watchers, which currently has a charitable food program, could use the Chalo app to make it easy for their participants to have instant access to the good feeling of giving, in lieu of eating. 14. Team Nilima Abrams - Founder and President - BA in Political Science and International Development from the University of Vermont. Magna Cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa and college and departmental Honors. Fullbrightgrant recipient for media and development projects in India. MFA in Documentary Film and Video from Stanford University. Created summer camp for Somali refugees in VT, Raised tens of thousands of dollars for NPOs around the world. Filmed and volunteered in India, Honduras, Thailand, Mississippi,California and VT.Roger Goldberg Co-Founder - BA in Psychology from Brandeis University and an MA in Psychology from the New School for Social Research. Degree in Graphic and Digital Design from Parsons. Assistant producer and fundraiser for a documentary film.Keith Hanson Chief Technical Officer - 15 years of software development experience. Intimate knowledge of semantic markup, Javascript, RoR, server admin. Has led development for startups, managed teams of developers, completed custom web applications for names like Hot Studio, Zinio, Razzoos, Allstate, The NY Times Syndicate, and Southwest Airlines. 15. Why Chalo Inc? Case Study: Cabot Creamery Cooperative partnered with Chalo Inc. to develop Reward Volunteers, an iPhone app that allows volunteers to log time, post to Facebook, and earn rewards for themselves and the organizations they serve.Since Reward Volunteers launched in Feb 2014, volunteers from around the world have logged over 124,000 hours at over 2000 volunteer organizations. Reward Volunteers has received acclaim in Mashable, Macworld, Appolicious, Just Means, Womens Day Magazine, and many other media outlets, and counts the following businesses/organizations among its sponsors: