challenging assumptions 2 team creative_eye

Team creativeEYE Team Member(s) Prashant Sahay Assignment :Challenging Assumptions II- Assignment :Challenging Assumptions II- Solutions to sleeping problem(s) Solutions to sleeping problem(s)

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this ppt deals with possible solutions to sleeping problems resulting from emotional fatigue and work disorders


Page 1: Challenging assumptions 2 team creative_eye

Team creativeEYE

Team Member(s) Prashant Sahay

Assignment :Challenging Assumptions II-Assignment :Challenging Assumptions II-Solutions to sleeping problem(s) Solutions to sleeping problem(s)

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Sleep is a naturally recurring state characterized by reduced or absent consciousness, relatively suspended sensory activity, and inactivity of nearly all voluntary muscles.[1] It is distinguished from quiet wakefulness by a decreased ability to react to stimuli, and is more easily reversible than being in hibernation or a coma. Sleep is a heightened anabolic state, accentuating the growth and rejuvenation of the immune, nervous, skeletal and muscular systems. It is observed in all mammals, all birds, and many reptiles, amphibians, and fish. The purposes and mechanisms of sleep are only partially clear and are the subject of intense research.[2] Sleep is often thought to help conserve energy,[3][4] but decreases metabolism only about 5–10%.[3][4] Hibernating animals need to sleep despite the hypometabolism seen in hibernation, and must return from hypothermia to euthermia in order to sleep, making sleeping "energetically expensive."[5]

Source Wikipedia

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The sleeping problem that I am trying to solve

Sleep is one of the most important need of any human being. It is said that if a person does not sleep for a week then he will die.This happens because insomnia (not getting sleep) causes our body mechanism to slow down gradually. It is an evident fact that all body parts need rest or slowing down. This much needed break is provided by sleeping. If we don’t get ample sleep, then our body parts will not get sufficient rest and this will lead to several malfunctioning and eventual death.So it is very important for anybody and everybody to get a good amount of sleep. It is a necessity instead of a luxury.

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Harmful effects of not getting ample sleep It is said that a stay normal , we need to have atleast 6-8 hours of sleep on a daily basis (minimum).Anything less then this will lead to severe consequences like Giddiness,Disorientation,Increased palpitation and heart beat, Anxiety among key ailments.

Causes of inadequate sleep We as team creativeEYE , intend to take one cause of inadequate sleep.

We intend to take the aspect of our emotional baggage and our daily workaholic work culture as a reason/cause for getting inadequate sleep.

We have observed that no matter how healthy a person is (physically) , he will still be ill if his mind is not free of negative thoughts or preoccupations. The same goes for sleep too.Sleep to us is a body process which requires ones' mind to be at ease. it is only after one is at ease with his mind, that he can get good sleep.

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Why did we choose this cause of sleeping disorder?

We thought of reasons for mental disturbances and it came out prominently that the emotions and our daily work culture keeps our mind pre occupied. it doesn't let us be at peace.So to us, the key reason for getting inadequate sleep is our current workaholic work culture which brings a lots of emotional baggage on our mind.

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*Figures in red denote the numbers of ideas generated through a brainstorming tool

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1. Forgive yourself for every mistake you’ve ever made.

2. Forgive others for their offenses against you.3. Stop obsessing over things you can’t control.4. Take breaks often to clear you mind.5. Think positive.6. Stop over analyzing.7. Stop judging what others do or don’t do.8. Learn to say no.9. Start thinking new things.10. Give yourself some approval.

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11. Stop being a perfectionist and move on.12. Let go of trying to control everything.13. Don’t get emotionally invested in every little

argument.14. Quit agonizing over decisions you’ve made. 15. Remember that almost everything is temporary.16. Ask yourself: Will it matter? If not, let it go.17. Find reasons to laugh out loud several times a day.18. Stop taking things personally, it’s not

always about you!19. Don’t compare yourself to others.

Life is not a contest.20. Smile at yourself.

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21. Start conversation with a positive thought with person.

22. Don’t worry about things that happened.23. Quit reacting.24. Go to gym.25. Don’t trade sleep for work.26. Listen music.27. Express gratitude for the things in your life.28. Go for long walk.29. Do Yoga.30. Play with pets.

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31. Watch TV.32. Listen to music that calms your soul and

carries you away.33. Read book.34. Play with children.35. Go to the beach or river and soak up the

negative ions.36. Do something nice with beggar.37. Support your wife in kitchen.38. Tell people how much you love them39. Count your blessings.40. Eliminate unnecessary comments.

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41. Don’t allow others to make you feel pressured.

42. Stop creating unnecessary drama.43. Take 10 slow, deep breaths every hour on

the hour.44. Talk to your parents.45. Consciously relax every muscle in your body

at bed time.46. Do meditation.47. Do gratitude review.48. Play indoor games.49. Laugh at yourself.50. Go to temple or church.

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51. Make peace of mind a high priority in your life.

52. Find ways to express your concern.53. Eat healthy food.54. Hang out with happy people.55. Stop complaining. 56. Don’t use words like stressed out, worried, or

pressured.57. Take action to resolve issue.58. Maintain you energy levels

and you will be stress less.59. Sing your favourite songs.60. Watch cartoon.

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61. Sit alone in room and do introspection.62. Read for pleasure and relaxation.63. Go for spa.64. Inhale calm, exhale tension.65. Go for massage.66. Don’t take caffeine.67. Don’t take alcohol.68. If it’s not your problem get out of the way.69. Go back to your hobby.70. Don’t gossip or discuss with anyone.

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71. Laugh out loud.72. Be realistic with the pressure and accept it.73. Talk to old friend.74. Don’t over focus.75. Maintain an optimistic perspective.76. Don’t sweat the small stuff.77. Be reasonable to yourself.78. Accept that everything takes longer

than you think.79. Write letter to old friends.80. Stop trying to worry too much.

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81. Never argue with yourself.82. Adopt a stress free attitude.83. Remember that negative life lessons have great

value.84. Counter stress with positive words and actions.85. When you’re feeling down count your blessing.86. Go and watch motivational videos on You Tube.87. Control over expectation.88. Remember; first come the fear then the

blessing.89. Don’t stress out trying to get everyone

to agree with you.90. Stay away from the negative thoughts

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91. Encourage others.92. Live in the present instead of longing for the past.93. View situation as an opportunity to build relation.94. Break thinking chains.95. Plan for tomorrow.96. Believe that if it doesn’t kill you it will make you

stronger.97. Talk positive to yourself.98. Life isn’t always fair but it is still a gift, practice

gratitude.99. Dissociate yourself from the root

cause100. Enjoy being

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101. Try aromatherapy102. Adjust lighting103. Create a collection of things you love104. Reframe the problem105. Meditate on positive words106. Practice positive affirmations107. Take responsibility for your thoughts108. Have realistic expectations109. Visualize the outcome you desire110. Work a puzzle/game

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111. Play an instrument112. Dance113. Soak your feet in warm water114. Enjoy a steamy bubble bath115. Practice deep breathing116. Go see a movie comedy117. Use mental imagery of success118. Get a haircut and enjoy the wash119. Email an old friend120. Star gaze121. Spend a few hours boating/yachting122. Take a scenic drive123. Build a sandcastle124. Go out to dinner125. Window shop

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