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Professional Numerology: Do You Want to Understand Yourself? Your Place in the Universe? Your Relationship With Others? Chaldean Numerology can answer all of the questions you have about your life, others in your life, and all that is. Joanne Justis & William Mykian Chaldean Masters Copyright © July 2011 Joanne Justis and William Mykian. All Rights Reserved.

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Professional Numerology:Do You Want to Understand Yourself?

Your Place in the Universe?Your Relationship With Others?

Chaldean Numerology can answer all of the questions you haveabout your life, others in your life, and all that is.

Joanne Justis & William MykianChaldean Masters

Copyright © July 2011 Joanne Justis and William Mykian. All Rights Reserved.

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Agenda• Background: Where we began (William/Joanne)

• Chaldean Numerology Defined/Timeline (William)

ChaldeanWestern System Differences

• Benefits & Case Studies (Joanne)

• Workshop (Joanne/William)

View Blueprint Example = 9 Components (Joanne)

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• How to Calculate Your Purpose, Soul Heart’sDesire and Personality Numbers (Joanne )

• Q&As (William/Joanne)

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History of Chaldean Numerology

• Traced back to 4004 BCE• Original number system• Universal to all cultures• Chaldees were a group of priest-scientists who lived in ancient

Mesopotamia and used this system to predict the future and understandtheir people

• Originally based on sound syllables, related to the principles of “Phonology”

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Numerology is a “MATHEMATICAL” formula and not in conflict withthe creator.

We are born with a set of unique numbers that have meanings, and fromthose meanings we can find out what our destiny is, who we arecompatible with, what our personality is really like and so much more.Numbers define a sequence of events for us which describe our entire lifeexperiences—past, present and future in the form of a blueprint.

Numerology is Not a Religion

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Chaldean NumerologySummary Definition

It is called “Chaldean” because the structure of the system developed6,000 years ago

Is based on the Aramaic/Chaldean Sacred Alphabet, which is made upof “sound syllables” (vibrational resonances) and not “letters, and

Recognizes and applies certain characteristics, criteria, and formulas toensure that the accuracy of the calculated numerical values andinterpretations (descriptions) of the patterns of our names and birthdateswas maintained at all times.

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The Chaldean Science of Numbers, left by the ancientChaldean priest-scientists is a legacy

Of an ancient but new science which reveals knowledge and insightsabout our lives,

That reveals secrets and answers that lie within the numbers of ourname and birthdate, and

That allows us to claim our birthright, (the right to know the true story of thedesign and blueprint of our life).

Copyright © July 2011 Joanne Justis and William Mykian. All Rights Reserved.

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Chaldean Numerology the Science

Numerology, was originally known as the science of numbers. The word Numerologyitself is a relatively new term coined around 1937 by Dr. Julia Seton who is accreditedwith giving the science of names and numbers the modern term “Numerology” whichcomes from the Latin word “numerus,” meaning number, and the Greek word “logos.”

Chaldean Numerology reveals the truth about our life story whereas:

Each of us has a unique set of numbers from our names and birthdates;

Numbers (numerical values) represent patterns that can be described;

Copyright © July 2011 Joanne Justis and William Mykian. All Rights Reserved.

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These descriptions define our purpose, destiny, the way that others see us,who we are compatible with, and more.

These truths are based on the “sound syllables” of our “names” andthe vibrational energy of the numbers of our birthdate whereas,

Numbers give off a sound resonance (vibrational energy) that generatespatterns that are unique to us and define and describe our lives, our potentialexperiences, and the world in which we live; and

Interpretation of these vibrational patterns comes through the unlocking ofancient codes by Chaldean scientists that revealed the language of numbers.

Chaldean Numerology the Science(Continued)

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Chaldean Numerology the Science(Continued)

Clearly defines and prescribes formulas, methods, techniques, andapplications that:

Give you access to information that will describe the design andblueprint of your life–past, present, and future

Describe the possibilities that are available to you

Lead you to the choices that can bring you your highest and best experiences

Introduce you to options and alternatives that will take you beyond Numerology

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Chaldean Numerology the Science(Continued)

And that basic characteristics calculated in a Numerology chart can be:

Viewed uniquely (as an isolated part of the whole),

Viewed in relation to each other (patterns within patterns),

Described so as to provide you with a complete character analysis anda design and blueprint (the story) of your life.

Copyright © July 2011 Joanne Justis and William Mykian. All Rights Reserved.

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Chaldean Numerology the Science(Continued)

Everything in the Universe is named, numbered and influenced bymathematical equations.

Our names and birthdates reveal information about the experienceswe will attract during our lifetime.

The Chaldean science of numbers combined with your right to choose is “the” keythat will open the doors of the world around you and lead to unlimited opportunities. Ifyou seek to know beyond what you have been taught, then you can discover the uniqueand personal blueprint that lays hidden within your name and birthdate.

Copyright © July 2011 Joanne Justis and William Mykian. All Rights Reserved.

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Chaldean Numerology the Science(Continued)

Have you ever noticed how much of your life is influenced by numbers?

Have you ever noticed how much you are attracted to certain numbers?

What would you say if you knew that the sound of your name and yourdate of birth yielded vibrational patterns that identify potential optionsfor you in your life and set the stage for your experiences?

Copyright © July 2011 Joanne Justis and William Mykian. All Rights Reserved.

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Chaldean Numerology and the Science of Phonology

The primary basis for the application and interpretation of the Chaldean Numerologyequations, formulas, and language is the concept of “sound syllables” and vibrationalenergy which define the patterns of your life. Phonology, although not the specific andoriginal methodology, gives you the “sense” of the effect of what are called soundsyllables.

Definition: \Pho*nol"o*gy\, n. [Phono- + -logy.]; Phonology is derived from the Greekwords phone = voice/sound and logos = word/speech.

The study of the sound system of a language and the classification andanalysis of its phonemes.

Copyright © July 2011 Joanne Justis and William Mykian. All Rights Reserved.

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Chaldean Numerology and the Science of Phonology(Continued)

The science or doctrine of the elementary sounds uttered by the humanvoice in speech, including various distinctions, modifications,combinations of tones, and phonetics.

Where phonology describes the way sounds function within a givenlanguage, phonetics is about the nature of sounds (or phonemes perse),

Note that the principles of phonological theory have also been applied to the analysisof signed languages, with gestures and their relationships as the object of study.

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Western NumerologyDevelopment and Assumptions

The so-called Western version of Numerology had supposedly originatedcirca 450 - 400 BC as claimed by of one of Pythagoras’ disciples, Philolaus.

The questionable issues include:

(1)The validity of this claim since this “disciple” was never a student of Pythagoras,being born in 450 BC, 25 years after the death of Pythagoras;

(2) The fact that all of the records of Pythagoras’ “mystic sciences” were destroyedwhen his school was burned down by the residents of Crotona, southern Italy(circa 500 BC) where his “Mystery” school was founded;

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(3) This “invented” Western system of numbers could not obviously have beencreated until after Pythagoras died in 475 BCE

(4) That “Western” Numerology was erroneously called Pythagorean Numerology, withoutverifiable credentials or proof of evidence that Pythagoras was even aware of this so-called “Western” system of numbers; and

(5) That Philolaus falsely claimed that Pythagoras had developed the so-called Westernsystem of numbers. This false claim rests solely on the word of this disciple. It wasand still is an unsubstantiated claim, without warrant, falsely portraying Pythagorasas the Father of “Western” Numerology.

Western NumerologyDevelopment and Assumptions


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Western NumerologyDevelopment and Assumptions


Two of the greatest mistakes ever made in the history of Numerologyoccurred with two false assumptions by Western Numerology:

First, the assumption that Pythagoras (the Greek mathematician, philosopher,and Eastern mystic) was the “Father” of “Western” Numerology, which he wasnot.

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Western NumerologyDevelopment and Assumptions


Secondly, an erroneous assumption that the so-called Western assignmentof numbers to the “26” letters of what Western Numerology claimed wasthe Latin alphabet of 400 BC, when the Latin alphabet of that time hadonly 22 letters (and did not reach 26 letters until 100 BC).

As far as anyone knows, the “Western” version of Numerology wasneither developed nor sanctioned by Pythagoras. As if to confirm thequestionable contentions of these unreasoned assumptions, we referencea statement from the Encyclopedia Britannica concerning the life andteachings of Pythagoras.

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Western NumerologyDevelopment and Assumptions


Western Numerology has a misconception about the difference betweenthe Western disciplines of:

Linguistics (study of written language/spelling), Phonetics (vocal sounds/speech), phonics (sound of letters), and The sound-syllable (phonology)/vibrational resonance-based science of

Chaldean Numerology.

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Western NumerologyDevelopment and Assumptions


Western Numerology relies on their own interpretations, opinions, andguesses with no proof of origin. Western Numerology portrays their basisfor a system of numbers as valid without an understanding of theunderlying basis of Numerology as a science.

The so-called Western system assigns the numbers 1 through 9 to the first 9 letters ofthe Western alphabet (a descendant of the 22 letter Latin alphabet) and then repeats thesequence of assigning numbers to remaining letters. There is no historical or scientificevidence as to the reason:

For this type of numerical value assignment and For the total disregard for the value of the sounds of our name syllables

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Differences Between Chaldean and Western(Continued)

The Chaldean advocates the importance of our birthnames and addressesname changes in context to its relation to the birthname/birthdate vibrationalpatterns vs. Western Numerology’s disregard for the comparison to thedefined patterns given to us at birth

In Chaldean Numerology there is no such thing as a lucky number; anumber is neither lucky or unlucky, it is simply a vibrational pattern. InWestern Numerology, lucky numbers are continuously calculated as if theyare “real”

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Differences Between Chaldean and Western

The nature and structure of the Chaldean Sacred Alphabet (8 letters/soundsyllables) vs. The Western alphabet (9 letters)

The Chaldean uses “sound syllable” numerical values and description ofvibrational patterns (global in nature) vs. the Western use of the standardEnglish alphabet letters (Anglo-Saxon limitation)

Treatment of the number “9”

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Benefits of Chaldean Numerology

Helps you gain insight into the various areas of your life–work, business,relationships

Will help you review alternatives and options that you can choose to putinto action or not

Will guide your choices and decisions and the actions you may want totake

Alert you to potential roadblocks along the way Provide caveats (cautions) about certain areas and times of your lifeGives you options for controlling changes in your life

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Benefits & Case Studies

Woman married 25 years bored with husband/new manWoman married 50 years to controlling man issue w/sensitivity CEO dating 3 women/wants wife and kids and compatibilityWoman/Lover/Husband – what to do Family issues/Father/Mother/ChildrenWoman finds note/husband moved out/took the cashWoman buys house/becomes ill/carbon monoxide

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Example of a Blueprint/Chart/Character Analysis/Profileof Prince William

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Workshop: Blueprint Example

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Chaldean Alphabet Formula

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8A B C D E U O FI K G M H V Z PJ R L T N WQ S XY

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How to Calculate Your Purpose Number

To calculate the Purpose number, write the Full Name downon paper and convert the letters of the name into assignednumbers (1 −8) and place the numbers below the lettersof the name, then add across and total.

29Copyright © July 2011 Joanne Justis and William Mykian. All Rights Reserved.

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How to Calculate Your Purpose Number(Continued)

William’s Purpose Number is 13/4

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How to Calculate Soul/Heart’s Desire

To calculate the Soul/Heart’s Desire or your EmotionalDesire, extract the “Vowels” from the Full Name andplace the assigned numbers (1 – 8) above the letters ofname, then add across and total.

Vowels are A, E, I,O, U, & Always “Y”

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How to Calculate Soul/Heart’s Desire(Continued)

32Copyright © July 2011 Joanne Justis and William Mykian. All Rights Reserved.

William’s Soul/Heart’s Desire Number is 8

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How to Calculate Your Personality Number

To calculate the Personality number, extract the “Consonants”from the Full Name and place the assigned numbers (1−8)below the letters, then add across and total.

Consonants are rest of letters except for A, E, I,O, U, Y &“W” is Always a Consonant

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How to Calculate the Personality Number(Continued)

William’s Personality Number is 14/5

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Your Soul/Heart’s Desire + Personality Numbers = Purpose Number

[Double Checking Your Calculations]


Vowels/Soul Heart’s Desire

Copyright © July 2011 Joanne Justis and William Mykian. All Rights Reserved.

Soul/Heart’s Desire = 8 + Personality (14/5) 5 = 13 or 13/4 Purpose

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Workshop: Blueprint Example

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Chaldean Numerology is Way Beyond MAGIC!

This type of information is not taught in our traditionaleducational system but rather, gets “earned” through yourlife’s little experiences along the way starting from birth.

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Q & As