ch7 geom optics sept13

Geometrical Optics Images Formed by Plane Mirrors, Images Formed by Spherical Mirrors Images Formed by Refraction, Lenses Lens Aberrations The camera The simple magnifier The compound microscope, The telescope Illumination and Brightness

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Page 1: Ch7 geom optics sept13

Geometrical OpticsImages Formed by Plane Mirrors, Images Formed by Spherical MirrorsImages Formed by Refraction, LensesLens Aberrations The cameraThe simple magnifierThe compound microscope, The telescopeIllumination and Brightness

Page 2: Ch7 geom optics sept13

Images Formed by Plane Mirrors

Badrul hisham Nov 13 2

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Badrul hisham Nov 13 3

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Concave Mirror

Images Formed by Spherical Mirrors

Badrul hisham Nov 13 4

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Locating images

Badrul hisham Nov 13 5

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Convex Mirror

Parallel rays striking a convex spherical mirror are reflected as if coming from a single point behind the mirror

The images formed by a convex spherical mirror are always virtual, upright, smaller and between the mirror and F

Badrul hisham Nov 13 6

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- Mirror equationSince therefore

Badrul hisham Nov 13 7

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For small angles (paraxial rays):

Image formed by refraction

(An exterior angle of any triangle equals the sum of the two opposite interior angles)

Badrul hisham Nov 13 12

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Badrul hisham Nov 13 13

Page 14: Ch7 geom optics sept13

For surface 1: For surface 2:

Image for surface 1 is object for surface 2

Assuming t small p2 = -q1, Adding,

For thin lens, distances measured from centre plane,

Badrul hisham Nov 13 14

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LENSMAKER’S EQUATIONFor thin lenses in air,






Where, f is focal length of lens and n is refractive index of material. Radius of curvatureR { +ve for convex surfaces -ve for concave surfaces

Badrul hisham Nov 13 15

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(Any two rays would suffice; the point of intercept would determine the position of the image)

Thin lensesConvex lens

Badrul hisham Nov 13 16

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Badrul hisham Nov 13

Locating Images by Ray Tracing

Object more than F.Image characteristics:

Concave lens


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Angle AFB = angle IFI’ and AB = ho,

Triangles OAO’ and IAI’ are similar,

Equate the right sides,

Lens equation

Badrul hisham Nov 13 18

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Lenses in contact:

2nd lens:

1st lens:

Adding: Therefore

Image formed by 1st lens becomes object for 2nd lens

Badrul hisham Nov 13 22

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Badrul hisham Nov 13 23

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Lens Aberrations

Spherical aberration occurs because the focal points of rays far from the principal axis of a spherical lens (or mirror) are different from the focal points of rays of the same wavelength passing near the axis.Correction?

A material’s index of refraction varies with wavelength. Because of this phenomenon, violet rays are refracted more than red rays when white light passes through a lens.Correction? Badrul hisham Nov 13 24