ch.28 s.2 eastern europe cristopher monteza

Eastern Europe Chapter 28 Section 2 Cristopher Monteza Period 2 March 24,2009

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Page 1: Ch.28 S.2 Eastern Europe Cristopher Monteza

Eastern Europe

Chapter 28 Section 2

Cristopher Monteza

Period 2

March 24,2009

Page 2: Ch.28 S.2 Eastern Europe Cristopher Monteza


• Ethnic Cleansing- A policy of killing or

forcibly removing an ethnic group from its


• Autonomous- Self-governing.

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Page 4: Ch.28 S.2 Eastern Europe Cristopher Monteza

Famous People• Lech Walesa- A worker that organized a national trade union

known as Solidarity.

• Václav Havel- A writer who had played an important role in bringing down the

communist government of Czechoslovakia.

Page 5: Ch.28 S.2 Eastern Europe Cristopher Monteza

Famous People

• Slobodan Milošević- He became leader

of the Yugoslav republic of Serbia

in 1987.

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Revolutions inEastern Europe• After Gorbachev said that the

Soviet Union wouldn’t intervene militarily in their states,revolutions started

appearing throughout Eastern Europe.

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• Workers’ protests asked for changes in

Poland. • A national trade union

known as Solidarity was created by Lech

Walesa and gained the support of workers and of the Roman Catholic Church.

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Poland• In 1988, a new government

was elected, ending 45 years of Communist rule in Poland.

• When Walesa was president, free-market reforms led to

unemployment.• After Walesa, a new president

continued Poland’s move toward an increasingly free

market economy.

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Czechoslovakia• After Soviet troops

crushed the reform movement in

Czechoslovakia in 1968, Communists used

massive repression to maintain their power.

• In December 1989, the government collapsed

thanks to mass demonstrations.

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Czechoslovakia• Two national groups,

Czechs and Slovaks, agreed to a peaceful

division of the country.• In 1993, Czechoslovakia

split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

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Romania• In 1965, the Communist

leader Nicolae Ceauşescu and his wife set up a

dictatorship in Romania.

• He used secret police to solve all problems.

• His economic policies led to food shortages and the rationing of

bread, flour, and sugar.

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Romania• He had a plan to build

more cities, which called for the bulldozing of

entire villages.• Later on, the army refused

to help the government.• Ceausescu and his wife

were captured on December 22 and

executed on Christmas Day.

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German Reunification• In 1971, Erich Honecker

became head of the Communist party in East

Germany.• In 1989, however, popular unrest led many

East Germans to flee their country.

• Mass demonstrations broke out in 1989.

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German Reunification• The communist

government opened its entire border with the West on November 9.

• The Christian Democrats supported political union

with West Germany.• The reunification of East

and West took place on October 3, 1990.

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The Disintegration of Yugoslovia

• Although Yugoslavia had a Communist

government, it had never been a Soviet satellite

state.• Its dictorial leader, Josip

Broz Tito, worked to keep the six republics and two provinces that made up Yugoslavia


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The Disintegration of Yugoslavia

• After Tito died in 1980, the federal government kept Yugoslavia under

Communist rule.• By 1990, Yugoslavia was

caught up in the reform movements moving

thorugh Europe and the authority of the

Communist Party had collapsed.

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Calls for Independence• In 1990, the Yugoslav

republics of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and

Macedonia wanted to have independence.

• Slobodan Milosevic, leader of the Yugoslav republic, rejected these


Page 18: Ch.28 S.2 Eastern Europe Cristopher Monteza

Calls for Independence• In June 1991, Slovenia and Croatia declared their

independence.• In September 1991,

Yugoslavia attacked Croatia.Yugoslavia was later assaulted by Serbia and Serbian minorities.• Serbian forces had controlled one-third of

Croatia’s territory.

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The War in Bosnia• In 1993, Serbian forces

had fought Bosnia-Herzegovina and had obtained 70 percent of

Bosnian territory.• The Serbs followed a

policy known as ethnic cleansing and they killed about 250,000 Bosnians

by 1995.

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The War in Bosnia• In 1995, Bosnian and Croatian forces reganied their territory that they

lost to the Serbian forces.• This forced the Serbs to

sign a treaty that would split Bosnia into a Serb republic and a Muslim-

Croat federation.

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The War in Kosovo• Of course, the peace did

not happen very long. A new war happened in

Kosova. • In 1974, the communist

leader, Tito, had made Kosova a self-governing

province within Yugoslovia.

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The War in Kosovo

• In 1989, Milosevic stripped Kosova of its autonomy. Despite the ruling, they regained their autonomy in Serbia in 1999.

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Mix and Match

• He became the new president of Czechoslovakia in December 1989.

• A policy of killing or forcibly removing an ethnic group from its land.

• He organized a national trade union known as Solidarity.

• Self-governing

• The leader of the Yugoslav republic of Serbia in 1987.

• A.Autonomous

• B.Slobodan Milosevic

• C.Ethnic Cleansing

• D.Lech Walesa

• E.Vaclav Havel

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Multiple Choice

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Multiple Choice