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 Chapter 6


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  Copywrite C 1999 P

Human Resources Management

Systems: A Practical Approach By lenn M. Rampton! "an #. $urn%ull! #.

Allen &oran

"SB' ()*+9)+6,-()


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Pit/alls in HRMS "mplementation

0ack of management commitment leading toinadequate resources and personnel.

Failure to assign a project team for the duration

of the project. It is imperative that the core

project team members stay with the project from

inception to implementation. Political intrigue, conflict, hidden agendas.

Poorly written, incomplete needs analysis reports

lead to incorrect decisions and a costly system

that does not meet the needs of the organization.

Failure to include key personnel on the projectteam. his can e!acerbate political problems and

reduce perceived ownership to a small group.

Failure to survey"interview key groups in the


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"mplementation Processes• 

implementation planning• role of the steering committee

• policy and procedure development

• project team training


installation• fit analysis

• modification

• interfaces



• user training

• unit and integrated testing

• parallel testing

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"mplementation Planning

#hen the software programme has been

chosen and the arrives on$site, a great

deal of time must be invested in planning

the %&'( implementation. o start the

planning process, a number of things mustbe known, including the scope and goals

of the project. If the needs analysis

was thorough, and the successful software

vendor was quite clear on thecapabilities of their product, this task

will be simpler.

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"mplementation Planning

Cont234)n effective Project Plan will


Project +oals




'onitoring and &eporting


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  uring the development of the overall

Implementation Plan, key resources from

%uman &esources and from the

Information echnology area must worktogether on a realistic plan that

covers all of the e!pectations of both

areas. If, in fact, users are going to

be greatly impacted -through new

duties, responsibilities, re$

engineering, etc. they too should be

involved in the initial planning.

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Priorities Cont234

the technical environment/ what equipment,

technology must be purchased/

priority of individual %& modules/ whether to

implement all at once, or in a specific


e!pectations of new users, such as moving to

a decentralized system/

availability of resources including whether

human resources or information technology

e!pertise will be provided by* internal

organization resources, contract resources,

or e!ternal consultants/

availability of training for project team.

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"mplementation Sche3ules

0nce the priorities have been reviewed

and a consensus reached, the %&'(

Project 'anager must work with the team

leaders to scheduling each task in the

plan. his is a critical component ofsuccess and the only way to control costs

and resources effectively.

he implementation schedule must includeestimated completion dates as well as the

elapsed time or duration of each task,

and who will be responsible. 

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HRMS Pro5ect "mplementation $eam

uring the earlier stages of the %&'(

project, key people involved are often

functional %& 1 'I( e!perts line

management, a consultant -if

applicable. and the Project 'anager-often from %uman &esources. 0ther

members may now be added, i.e.*

implementation specialists*

internal or information systemsauditor*

training coordinator"advisor*

user representatives*

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$he HRMS Manager

0ften, the %&'( Project 'anager

is an %& 'anager, if someone

with appropriate skills e!ist.&egardless, it is the %&'(

'anager who effectively takes

over or accepts the new system

for implementation.

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Policy an3 Proce3ure "ssues

)ttention must be paid to impacts of

implementing a new %&'( on policies

and procedures due to possible impact

on*#ork Flow


2usiness 3ycle(ecurity

4ew echnology

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$he Steering Committee

#ill generally be made up of a minimum of thefollowing*

3hair -3orporate"5!ecutive (ponsor or othersenior e!ecutive

6ice President or irector of %uman &esources 6ice President or irector of Information

echnology e!ecutive level representative-s from line


0thers that may be included on a (teering3ommittee*

6ice President or irector of Finance/ change agent -senior person responsible for

2usiness Process &e$5ngineering/ &epresentative from the 2oard of irectors/ and irector of Internal )udit.

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Steering Committee Cont234

oes not generally include* %&'( Project 'anager -this

person reports to the

(teering 3ommittee/ %&'( 'anager/

Information echnology

'anager/ other %&'( Project eam


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Pro5ect $eam $raining

he best %&'( in the world will

only work if users know how to

use it effectively. %uman&esources can foster that

knowledge by providing

e!plicit training and ongoing


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$raining Plan

)n effective training plan will*

identify the actual kinds of users requiring


identify the kinds of training needed/

estimate the number of individuals to be trainedon each topic/

provide an inventory of specific information and

skills required/

include decisions on training media/

identify the trainers/ provide a schedule for the training/

include a development plan for training


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$he $raining Plan Cont234

If the organization is adopting a whole

new area of technology, will need to


technical training on the new technology/ 7computer equipment, data bases, programming

tools, communications tools, security, etc./

key user training on the %&'( software/

technical training for the information

systems personnel/

(pecific user training for %uman &esources

personnel including* benefits, payroll,

reporting, staffing applications, etc./

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$echnical $eam $raining

echnical training must take place early,

especially if the organization is

changing technology. he %&'( Project

eam, in particular, must receivethorough training on all aspects of the

new product in order to assist others on

the project with its use. his training

must be delivered early on in the project

or the team will spend a great deal of

time trying to figure out things that

would be readily clear if proper training

had been given.

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7ten3e3 $eam $raining

0nce the project is well underway and the core

Project eam is well trained, time should be set

aside to train other users/ for e!ample, the

employees in %uman &esources, Payroll and

2enefits who will be using the system as soon asit is ready. +enerally this training can done in$

house by members of the core project team, usually

from %uman &esources. raining addressed during

these sessions relate to the way the new system

works and any new procedures that may have evolved

during the early phases of the implementation.


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"nstallationhe installation of the new %&'( softwareis much more than just removing theshrink wrap from the packages and loadingthe software. In many cases a new systemmeans new technology. 2y the time the

software is ready to be loaded and run onreal data, in a test mode, the projectteam should have done a great deal ofgroundwork. In addition to the stepsoutlined above, this will mean having set

up the capability for the old system andthe new one to run in parallel until thenew system is running smoothly.


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8it Analysis

(ometimes called gap analysis, a fit analysis

is basically the determination of the

differences between the delivered system and

what the client wants to do with it.

o complete a fit analysis, the project teamdivides up the various requirements to be

tested. +enerally a two to three person team

works on each task. 5ach task is modelled or

trialed on test data bases.

) simple e!ample of a task to be reviewed underthe fit analysis, would be to simulate the

hiring of a new part time casual worker.

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Mo3i/ying the System

'aking modifications to the system after it is

delivered system can have very significant long$

term costs. raditionally such modifications meant

that, with each subsequent official software

release from the supplier, the modification has tobe redone, or carried over.

his is changing with modular systems and new tools

designed to track these modifications. (oftware

vendors today try and deliver systems where the

changes made to the original version can be tracked

and accounted for relatively easily with vendor

supplied updates -releases.


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nit $esting

o some e!tent, the system has already beenheavily tested. uring the fit analysis, everypossible requirement should have been tried on

the system. 2y now the system should berunning almost as it will when it is fully


8nit testing involves a review of every majorprocess planned for the system and the testing

of outputs.

Included might be hiring hypothetical employeeto ensure deductions are correct/ terminating

hypothetical employee to ensure finaldeductions are correct/ calculating pay for a

hypothetical employee and comparing it to anactual pay, etc

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0ften underestimated, this is a very important

phase in the project

Information in the e!isting %&'( is an

accumulation of a succession of %& systems

which have in turn been converted.In most

cases, the new %&'( will have been designed

significantly differently from the old one and

the data elements will not translate to the new

%&'( e!actly as they are in the old system.

)s well, each software package may handle data

a little bit differently than the last one.

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Parallel $esting

0nce the system has been stabilized with all

the new data on it, the project plan will call

for a parallel test that may vary from one to

several months. uring this time period,

corporate information will be entered into both

systems and the results compared. +enerally

the old system will be used to actually pay the

employees, but the new system will be handled

e!actly as it would during full live

production. he results from the payroll runs ,

reports, and other activities will becarefully compared during the parallel trial

period and adjustments made to the new system,

if necessary.

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Parallel $esting Cont234

uring the parallel testing, %uman

&esources should monitor the system very

carefully. 0nce they have determined

that the system is operating to theirfull satisfaction, the project team will

work out an actual cut over date where,

the old system will be shut down and the

new system will be used in full live


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;uestion 1

9ist the types of people you

would like to have on your

%&'( Project (teering3ommittee and describe why

its important to have people

with various backgrounds.

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;uestion <

%ow might one go about

assessing whether a training

programme has been successful:o you think such ;training

validation; is important:

#hy: #hose responsibility

should it be:

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;uestion ,

0utline the various types of

testing that are normally done

in a project. evelop a list

of test cases.