ch 10 lecture outline a

Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Three Types of Muscle Tissue 1. Skeletal muscle tissue: Attached to bones and skin Striated Voluntary (i.e., conscious control) Powerful Primary topic of this chapter 

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Three Types of Muscle Tissue

1. Skeletal muscle tissue:

Attached to bones and skin

Striated Voluntary (i.e., conscious control)


Primary topic of this chapter 

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Three Types of Muscle Tissue

2. Cardiac muscle tissue:

Only in the heart

Striated Involuntary

More details in Chapter 18

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Three Types of Muscle Tissue

3. Smooth muscle tissue:

In the walls of hollow organs, e.g., stomach,

urinary bladder, and airways

Not striated


More details later in this chapter 

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Table 9.3

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Special Characteristics of Muscle Tissue

Excitability (responsiveness or irritability):

ability to receive and respond to stimuli

Contractility: ability to shorten when


Extensibility: ability to be stretched

Elasticity: ability to recoil to resting length

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Muscle Functions

1. Movement of bones or fluids (e.g., blood)

2. Maintaining posture and body position

3. Stabilizing joints

4. Heat generation (especially skeletal muscle)

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Skeletal Muscle

Each muscle is served by one artery, one

nerve, and one or more veins

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Skeletal Muscles: Functional Groups

1. Prime movers

Provide the major force for producing a

specific movement

2. Antagonists

Oppose or reverse a particular movement

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Skeletal Muscles: Functional Groups

3. Synergists

Add force to a movement

Reduce undesirable or unnecessarymovement

4. Fixators

Synergists that immobilize a bone or muscle¶s origin

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Naming Skeletal Muscles

Location²bone or body region associatedwith the muscle

Shape²e.g., deltoid muscle (deltoid = 


Relative size²e.g., maximus (largest),minimus (smallest), longus (long)

Direction of fibers or fascicles²e.g., rectus(fibers run straight), transversus, and oblique(fibers run at angles to an imaginary definedaxis)

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Naming Skeletal Muscles

Number of origins²e.g., biceps (2 origins)

and triceps (3 origins)

Location of attachments²named according to

point of origin or insertion

Action²e.g., flexor or extensor, muscles that

flex or extend, respectively

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Muscle Mechanics: Arrangement of Fascicles


Fascicles arranged in concentric rings (e.g.,

orbicularis oris)


Fascicles converge toward a single tendon insertion

(e.g., pectoralis major)


Fascicles parallel to the long axis of a straplike

muscle (e.g., sartorius)

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Muscle Mechanics: Arrangement of Fascicles


Spindle-shaped muscles with parallel fibers

(e.g., biceps brachii)


Short fascicles attach obliquely to a central

tendon running the length of the muscle (e.g.,

rectus femoris)

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Copyright © 2010 Pearson Education, Inc. Figure 10.1









(orbicularis oris)

(b) Convergent

(pectoralis major)

(c) Parallel


(d) Unipennate




(f) Fusiform

(biceps brachii)

(g) Multipennate


(e) Bipennate

(rectus femoris)

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Muscle Mechanics: Lever Systems

Components of a lever system

Lever²rigid bar (bone) that moves on a fixed

point or fulcrum (joint)

Effort²force (supplied by muscle contraction)

applied to a lever to move a resistance (load)

Load²resistance (bone + tissues + anyadded weight) moved by the effort