ch 1 language-presented by mr. kak sovanna

1 Cambodia International Cooperation Institute Chapter I What is Language? Presented by Lect. Kak Sovanna Academic year: 2014-2015 Monday, June 20, 2022

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Cambodia International Cooperation Institute

Chapter IWhat is


Presented by Lect. Kak Sovanna

Academic year: 2014-2015

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AL “ means many things to many people” (Cook, 2006 cited in Davies, 2007:1)

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What is language?Language is not entity.

1. social fact2. Psychology state3. A set of structures4. or collect of outputs

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Language can be viewed as a system of system.There is a sound system to what order s

the words.The is a system to what sounds we use

in English.Ex. Towel and Cowl

What is language?

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Language is a mental reality.1. It is in the head of people2. Grammar is mental entity3. Grammatical system that allows

people to produce suitable utterance.4. Grammar has as many meaning as language. Ex. Kim kissed the crocodile.Ex. The crocodile kissed Kim.

What is language?

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The total of utterances that can be made in a speech community is the language of that speech community. (Bloomfield 126: 26)

Language is a set of finite or nonfinite of sentences, each finite in length and contracted out of a finite set of elements. (Chomsky 1957:13)

What is language?

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E-language is the external manifestation of the internally mentally represented grammars or I-languages of many individuals.

E-languages are the appropriate domain for social, political, mathematical or logical statements.

I-language are the appropriate domain for statement about individual knowledge.

What is E-language?

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Noam Chomsky introduced the terms I-Language and E-Language to refer to internal/internalised and external/externalised language respectively where internal and external are to be interpreted with reference to the individual speaker. So, the linguistic knowledge that is in the mind of the speaker is I-Language whilst the observable linguistic output (sentences, songs, texts etc.) is E-Language.

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What are E and I-language different?Utterances are E-language.Sentences belongs to I-language.Intellectual apparatus allows children

to construct a language by themselves.

The language capacity

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Utterance:- a spoken word, statement, or vocal sound.- the action of saying or expressing something aloud.

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What is IDIOLECT?The description of what is in any

person’s head can never provide a full description of a language in the sense that English is a language.

Ex. when family members talk to each other, their speech habits typically differ from those any one of them would use in, say, an interview with a prospective employer.

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What is Universal Grammar?• Every speaker knows a set of

principles which apply all languages and also a parameters that can vary from one language to another.• According to UG, acquiring a

language means applying the principle of UG of a particular language.• For Example: សិ�សិ�ល្អ�/ good student

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• Universal grammar (UG) is a theory in linguistics, usually credited to Noam Chomsky, proposing that the ability to learn grammar is hard-wired into the brain.

• The theory suggests that linguistic ability manifests itself without being taught (see the poverty of the stimulus argument), and that there are properties that all natural human languages share.

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What does it mean to know a language? (1)When you know a language, you can

speak and be understood by others who know that language. This means you have the capacity to produce sounds that signify certain meanings and to understand or interpret the sounds produced by other.

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What does it mean to know a language? (2)• Therefore, part of knowing a language

means what sounds (or signs) are in that language and what sounds are not.• Ex. This/ That• It also means knowing which sounds

may start a word, end a word, and follow each other.• Ex. Nkrumah (Nekrumah or Enkrumah)

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What does it mean to know a language?(3)• Knowing a language means also

knowing that certain sequences of sounds signify certain concepts or meanings.• (Vocabulary) Ex. toy, boy,…. (not

moy)• Ex. glare, glint, gleam, glitter, glossy,

glaze, glance, glimmer, glimpse, glisten,….. (not gladiator, glucose, glory, globe….) Ex. Happily, disable, communism, rewrite…

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What does it mean to know a language? (4)

Knowing a language also means being able to produce new sentences never spoken before and to understand sentences never heard before. (The Creative + Grammar)

You can’t buy a dictionary or phrase book of any language with all the sentences of the language, because the number of sentences in a language is indefinite.

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What does it mean to know a language? (5)• E.g. This is the house.

• The is the house that Jack built.• This is the malt that lay in the house that

jack built.The is the dog that worries the cat that

killed the mouse that ate the malt lay in the house that jack built.

E.g. The old, old, old, old, old, old, man came.- A beautiful old red round Russian wooden dining table.

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What does it mean to know a language? (6)In addition to knowing the words of the

language, linguistics knowledge includes rules for forming sentences and making the kinds of judgments about those sentence.(The Grammar)

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What does it mean to know a language? (7)E.g. • (a) John kissed the little old lady who

owned shaggy dog.• (b) Who owned the shaggy dog, John kissed

the little old lady.• (C) John is difficult to love.• (d) It is difficult to love John.• (e) John is anxious to go.• (f) John, who was a student, flunked his exam.• (h) Exams his flunked student a was who john.

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What is linguistics?According to Widdowson: Linguistics

is the name given to the discipline which studies human language. (1996:3)

He maintains that its purpose is to identify some relatively stable linguistic knowledge which underlies language behavior.

Access to that linguistic knowledge is achieved by a process of idealization.

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What is linguistics? (1)In the late 1950s, linguistics is moved away

from its traditional concerns with language in all its manifestation, into a non-accountable, never applied, laboratory of cognition and the mind.

This core linguistics view of language focuses on language forms, ignoring the context in which those forms are used.

Therefore, nowadays the focus falls on units of language larger than the sentence and on context.

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What is applied linguistics?Applied linguistics is using what we know

about (a) language, (b) how it is learned and (c) how it is used in order to achieve some purpose or solve some problems in the real world. (Schmit, 2002)

Applied linguistics is concerned with increasing understanding of the role of language in human affairs and thereby with providing the knowledge necessary for those who are responsible for taking language-related decisions whether the need for these arises in the classroom,

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What is applied linguistics?(1)responsible for taking language-related decisions whether the need for these arises in the classroom, the workplace, the law court, or the laboratory. (wilkins, 1999)

Applied linguistics is a practice-driven disappline that addresses language-based problems in real-world contexts. (Kaplan, 2002)

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Applied linguistics Vs LinguisticsWhen you are doing applied linguistics are

you doing (1) linguistics only, (2) linguistics plus something else, or (3) only something else?

Applied linguistics is just another area, part of linguistics.

The general heading “Linguistics” includes a number of sub-disciplines, namely:Theoretical linguisticsDescriptive linguisticsHistorical linguistics

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Applied linguistics Vs LinguisticsComparative linguisticsCognitive linguisticsComputational linguisticsStructural linguisticsText linguisticsSystemic linguisticsSynchronic linguisticsDiachronic linguistics……..

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Development of Applied Linguistics• Early history -Both “plato and Aristotle

contributed to the design of curriculum beginning with good writing, then moving on to effective discourse and culminating in the development of dialectic to promote a philosophical approach to life. (Hawatt, 1999:618)

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Development of Applied Linguistics 1Early history (2)-In 1755, Samuel Johnson published

his Dictionary of the English Language, which influences on meanings and spelling of words.

- About the same time (1762), Robert Lowth published an influential grammar, Short Introduction to English Grammar, which prescribed what “correct” grammar should be.

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Development of Applied Linguistics 2AL during the 20th Century- Grammar-translation method (Karl Plotz)* 1 or 2 new grammar rules* A list of vocabulary items* Practice examples to translate from L1

into L2 or vice versa* Disadvantages: too controlled, too focus

on accuracy and explicit grammar rules, to analyze but not to use.

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Development of Applied Linguistics 3AL during the 20th century (2)-Direct method* An emphasis on exposure to oral

language (listening and speaking)* Meaning was related directly (no

translation)* Explicit grammar instructions.Disadvantages: teachers need to be highly

proficiency, differences between L1&L2, not enough exposure.

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Development of Applied Linguistics 4

AL during the 20th century (3)-Reading method (by Michael West)* An emphasis on reading and

vocabulary* Substitute low-frequency words with

more frequent one.* Reduce lexical loads for readersDisadvantages: not conversational


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Development of Applied Linguistics 5

• AL during the 20th century (4)• - Audiolingual method• * Habit formation (Drills)• * Reinforce good language habits• * Attention to pronunciation, intensive

oral drilling, a focus on sentence patterns and memorization.

• Disadvantage: not focus on language forms, Universal Grammar, knowing how to use it.

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Development of Applied Linguistics 6• AL during the 20th century (5)• -Hymes (1972) added the concept

of “communication competence”• *not just being able to form

grammatically correct sentences but also knowing when and where to use these sentences and to whom.

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Development of Applied Linguistics 7AL during the 20th century (7)-Communicative language teaching* Focus on message and fluency rather than

GR.* Problem solving activities and tasks* Interaction and usage* Content* Later explicit grammar instructionDisadvantages: fluent but not accurate,

persistent GR mistakes.

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Development of Applied Linguistics 8AL during the 20th century (6)-Monitor theory (Krashen)* Exposure to comprehensible input.

* Focus on meaning rather than form

* Affective filter

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References• Schmitt, N. (2002) An Introduction to

Applied Linguistics. London: arnold.• Fromkin,V., Hyam, N., and Rodman, R.

(2011). An Introduction to Language. United States of America.

• Davies, A. (1999). An Introduction to Applied Linguistics: From Practice to Theory. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.