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CGI in Rail The journey is as important as the destination

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CGI in RailThe journey is as important as the destination 2

CGI in Rail

CGI in Rail 3

Infrastructure providers and operators are committed to improving the customer experience both in terms of service reliability punctuality and overall quality, whilst at the same time delivering at an affordable price to all. As a result, they now have to find new ways of improving how they both govern and manage the daily operation of the industry with less.

Any future business case for major investment in rail by governments will require a compelling business case, fully justifying the use of tax payer’s money. And so the industry continues to seek out more effective ways of optimising its existing assets and infrastructure to meet increasing passenger demand in the most cost effective manner.

The introduction of appropriate information technology, combined with an in-depth understanding of rail industry sector can deliver innovative cost effective solutions to resolve these common challenges. It is no wonder therefore that our services and solutions are at the very heart of many national rail operators and infrastructure owners.

From smart retailing to track access billing, we ensure that operators and infrastructure providers are able to focus on their core business, without distraction, and in doing so successfully deliver their customer commitments.

We have designed our services around key industry themes - Passengers, Operations, Assets and Services. This brochure outlines these service offerings, together with our extensive industry experience.

We bring a commitment to innovation and quality, together with an open and collaborative approach. We have a wealth of project delivery talent, together with an enviable partner ecosystem that we are able to draw upon. We understand the way rail industry works and we are focused on making it work even better.

Theo QuickGlobal Transport & Logistics Sector Lead 4

CGI in Rail

Our industry expertise

We work across the rail sector from infrastructure provider to passenger and freight operating companies, including metro and

light rail, and regulation.

Infrastructure Provider

We have over 15 years’ experience working with national infrastructure providers such as Network Rail, French Railways Infrastructure Authority (RFF), Deutsche Bahn Netz. And both Finnish and Swedish National Rail Administrations.

Our capability includes:

• Track access billing systems

• Possession Planning

• Asset Management solutions

• Intelligent Infrastructure

• Finance and Procurement

• Mobile workforce track asset management inspection and reporting

• Fault management reporting & management

• Electronic Tendering Platform

Passenger and freight operating companies

Improving ease of access to our rail networks for both passengers and freight companies will influence a more sustainable modal choice. We work with both passenger and freight operating companies to both improve overall user experience, and meet increasing demands on their services in the most cost effective manner.

Our experience covers:

• web-base ticketing sales & issuing solutions

• dynamic seat reservations

• smart & integrated ticketing

• real-time passenger information - web content management

• mobile ticketing retail & inspection

• precise train location

• passenger travel volume simulation & analysis

• travel planning/information mobile applications

• vehicle fuel management & consumption monitoring

• vehicle location system. 5

CGI in Rail


Regulating the rail industry since privatisation and liberalisation has become significantly more challenging. Whether its ensuring safety standards, encouraging competition, or protecting consumers, the role of the regulator remains paramount in this safety critical industry.

We are all too aware of the challenges facing today’s rail industry and is able to act positively in order to ensure clients meet their regulatory requirements. From business consulting to systems integration, we have the in-depth technical and industry knowledge and experience to ensure organisations realise their strategic objectives for cost efficiency, improved customer service, and sustainable in operation.

Our experience includes:

• business consulting services, delivering real business improvements, enabling organisations to meet regulatory challenges by running their businesses in more efficient and sustainably ways

• systems integration to provide core back-office systems to support regulatory requirements, for example new safety requirements

• providing new, smarter options around travel choice, including real-time journey management with auto alerts to the mobile and the ability to re-plan in the event of a disruption.

CGI in Rail 6

We are in our fifteenth year supporting the rail industry. We bring both specialist knowledge of the systems that are used by infrastructure

providers, passenger and freight operators on a daily basis to ensure the operation of services to customers.

We have a number of service offerings focused on:

• Passengers – from journey planning to travel information, enhancing the passenger experience

• Operations – enabling real-time operation in safety-critical environments

• Assets – from mobile workforce to property management, optimising your investment in your infrastructure and rolling stock

• Services – including business consulting, systems integration and back office operations including HR services and applications management

These service offering are described on the following pages

Our services

CGI in Rail 7

Passengers :• Journey Planning

• Smart Ticketing

• Journey Monitoring & Real-time Alerts

• Parking & EV Charging

• Applied Customer Insight

Assets :• Enterprise Asset Management

• Mobile Workforce Efficiency

• M2M Intelligent Infrastructure

• Supply Chain Optimisation

Operations :• Real-time Train Location

• Smart Ticketing

• Mobile Ticketing & Validation

• Integrated Travel Planning

• Settlement Systems

• On-Train Electricity Metering

Services :• Business Consulting

• Systems Integration

• Sustainability

• ERP Services

• Outsourcing

• HR Services

• Cloud Computing 8

Getting to the station

Good connections to and from stations are vital. In a recent CGI survey 62% of passengers said traffic or public transport delays getting to the station were one of their biggest concerns when considering rail travel.

We work with the railways, highways authorities and public transport operators to take the stress out of the journey.

Our smart travel solutions include:

• Journey planning – Our Navici real-time multi-modal journey planner, used throughout Europe and North America, enables passengers to plan their journey to and from the railway station using real-time travel information. It covers multiple modes of transport and incorporates way finding at interconnections

• Smart ticketing – We are the leading provider of smartcard and e-ticketing solutions to public transport and rail operators

• Informed traveller – Our informed traveller solution monitors the passenger journey and provides real-time alerts to keep them informed through their journey

• Parking and electric vehicle (EV) charging – Our parking and EV solutions enable passengers to book their parking or EV charging point in advance and also provide innovative payment options.

Case Study – Helsinki Journey Planner

The Helsinki Regional Transport Authority selected CGI to implement a door-to-door journey planner to help people find the most efficient way to get from A to B.

We implemented the Navici journey planning solution which finds the best options using any travel combination from walking and cycling to trains and ferries.

The journey planner has won several awards and has been rated Finland’s second most valued internet brand.


CGI in Rail

CGI in Rail 9

Smart and integrated ticketing

The increase in online and self service ticket sales has been one of the biggest rail industry changes over the past decade – in fact in a recent CGI survey on-line booking was identified as the largest single improvement to the passenger experience. However the survey identified further areas for improvement as mobile technologies continue to advance.

We have recognised early on in this revolution that expensive investment in new ways of selling and using tickets tend to merely support existing products and processes, and that this will simply increase cost of sale. We are therefore working with our clients to help develop new models to do business with customers, and genuinely reduce retailing costs for them. For instance, we have been exploring ways in which the current EMV activities can be integrated, for example, with the UK’s Integrated Transport Smartcard Organisation (ITSO) environment in the UK.

Our experience in smart ticketing solutions is helping our clients to unlock the following key benefits:

• innovative new products and travel models to stimulate revenues

• lowered cost of retailing and higher levels of customer service

• enhanced understanding of customer travel patterns and behaviour

• increased customer self service & choice.

Case Study – SNCF Mobile Ticketing and Validation

SNCF wanted to enhance on-train passenger services provided by its ticket inspectors to include the ability to sell by deploying a new range of handhelds mobile ticketing units.

We designed, developed and deployed Accelio, a mobile ticketing solution which not only has the capability to issue tickets and process payments, but also book seats and read RFID smartcards. It also supports the Train Inspector with a range of useful information tools.

12,000 SNCF ticket inspectors are now equipped with the Accelio solution. This gives a new dimension to the role of the ticket inspector who can now perform commercial and selling acts in addition to their ticket validation duties. 10

CGI in Rail

Applied Customer Insight

Gaining a greater insight into your passengers will enable you to improve operational efficiency and improve the passenger experience.

Applied Customer Insight (ACI) captures, interprets and acts upon real-time data acquired from multiple sources and applies insight collaboratively across the whole business operation. This results in an improved passenger experience, increased revenues, enhanced brand quality, customer loyalty and reduced costs.

The explosion of online social networking has created a very porous boundary between an organisation and its customers, radically transforming how and when to engage with customers. Smart mobile devices have created an ‘always on’ customer base, providing a greater platform to deliver a fantastic customer experience.

Allied to this, real-time location and presence information enables organisations to offer the right product, in the right place, at the right time.

We have successfully applied customer insight in many different industries, including rail. We help our customers:

• increase revenues through selling more to existing customers and identifying and engaging with new clients

• grow profitability by identifying the most profitable channels and customers

• reduce cost through effective marketing

• reduce churn by identifying the propensity to churn early and applying insight to reduce churn

• increase competitive advantage through applying insight and adapting strategies in near real-time.


CGI in Rail

Railway Operations

We support many leading European railways including Network Rail, ProRail, SNCF, Deutsche Bahn, and SL.

Our expertise includes smart ticketing, including the development of self service, mobile ticketing integrated with travel planning and journey monitoring solutions to commercial back-office settlement systems.

Developing and supporting the IT systems which help these groups operate efficiently, securely and effectively. We can showcase pioneering projects as well as ‘business as usual’ services.

From workforce scheduling to real-time train positioning, we are at the forefront of rail operations.

Case Study – Possession Planning System enhancements

Network Rail required a significant number of enhancements to their possession planning system to cater for changes to rail regulation introduced by the RAIB (Rail Accident Investigation Board) which Network Rail were obliged to be compliant with to meet new safety requirements. Their requirements also included the redesign of a number of processes which involved double keying of data resulting in additional costs in time and accuracy to produce.

Our consultants were able to work closely with Network Rail to clearly identify and evolve the requirements to suit the current system and the user’s way of working. A definitive list of prioritised

requirements were then drawn up, from which we were able to design and recommend the best possible solutions for each requirement, ensuring the system was compliant with Network Rail’s IM strategy.

All enhancements required by Network Rail were delivered on time and to budget. Network Rail were able to meet the RAIB deadline and remain compliant with the rail regulations.

In addition, all of the system enhancements were very well received and significantly reduced the overheads for many business processes within Network Rail.

Operations 12

CGI in Rail

Asset Management

The rail industry is an asset intensive industry.

Effective asset management directly supports the day-to-day delivery of scheduled services by planning, delivering and making available an infrastructure that supports the agreed timetable both safely, efficiently and sustainably.

We work with train operators and infrastructure providers to optimise their assets. Our solutions range from the successful set-up of capital project management through to effective use and proactive maintenance of new and legacy assets. Our customers save time and money, gain new levels of control and insight and enhance the effective value of their business.

Our asset management offerings include:

• Enterprise asset management systems such as Maximo and SAP to enable you to sweat your assets and optimise whole life costs

• Mobile workforce solutions to improve workforce efficiency, including the use of Augmented Reality (AR) technology

• Intelligent infrastructure testing in order to help you develop re-emptive rail asset management by improved understanding of asset condition trended over time

• Real-time processing and integration which joins up your operational business processes to improve business agility.

Case Study – Network Rail Intelligent Infrastructure Testing

Aligned to Network Rail’s business strategy, the key objective for the Intelligent Infrastructure Programme is to reduce the cost of maintaining the railway whilst increasing its performance.

The programme aims to develop a mechanism for pre-emptive rail asset maintenance by remotely monitoring the condition of all rail assets nationwide and flagging up assets operating outside of a predefined set of tolerances and more likely to fault.

We are driving forward the programme on behalf of Network Rail from project management to testing, production and validation.

As the Intelligent Infrastructure Testing Programme is a multi-million pound joint project between Network Rail engineering, maintenance and information management divisions. We also have to collaborate with a number of suppliers and align its services with the vision of multiple stakeholders across the Network Rail organisation.

The key business benefits for Network Rail are that the intelligent infrastructure solution provides:

• reduced train delay minutes

• reduced maintenance costs

• reduced renewal costs.

Assets 13

CGI in Rail

Business Consulting

We support clients from many industries, delivering real business improvements, enabling them to run their businesses in a more efficient and sustainably way.

We have an in depth insight into the rail industry and the challenges faced by infrastructure providers, passenger and freight operating companies. We champion sustainable business eco-systems and deliver real business value through technologies.

Our business consulting experience in rail includes:

defining the technical vision and implementation ‘road map’, for smart retailing and information distribution for passenger operators

improving the overall management of infrastructure providers’ materials supply chains, in order to ensure the right materials at the right time and right price, whilst minimising the smooth running of the railway

providing an insight into the UK Rail industry’s rapid transformation programme to reduce significant cost whilst at the same time putting its passengers at the centre of its attention

assessing the Cyber Security threat and defining Information Management Security Strategies to mitigate those threats.

Case Study – Dutch Ministry /NS Prorail

Prorail is the government task organisation responsible for the maintenance of and extensions to, the Dutch national railway network infrastructure. Prorail is also responsible for the allocation of rail capacity, and also traffic control. The split of infrastructure and operators as a result of EU Directive 91/440 has subsequently created a number of key challenges for the Dutch rail industry both in rising costs and lower performance, especially when major disruptions occur.

We decided to act upon the above challenges facing Prorail and through its extensive experience gained over the past 15 years of working with the UK rail industry was able to develop a thought piece discussion document, ‘Bringing Clarity & Purpose to Service Delivery and Performance Improvement’. Whilst not comprehensive in its assessment of UK Rail, the recently published document seeks to highlight a number of specific areas within its operation worthy of further, more detailed discussion between ourselves and ProRail.



CGI in Rail


Sustainability is a key issue for the rail industry, not just in terms of the environmental responsibilities but also the benefits rail can bring in terms of delivering sustainable supply chains and economic growth.

The industry is embracing greener technologies and fuels, investing in new ways to cut noise and air pollution and reducing energy consumption through the use of more effective monitoring and smart meters. At the same time you also need to manage the impact of regulations whilst minimising risk and costs.

We are a recognised leader in sustainability – in fact Gartner ranked us as 1# for Sustainability Advisory Services (SAS) in Western Europe.

We’ll work with you to build the business capability essential to achieve sustainability. Our approach covers:

• Powering – supporting renewable energy, greener fuels, smart grids & meters, micro-generation and energy efficiency services

• Mobilising – enabling greener supply chains, electric vehicles and efficient driving behaviour

• Catalysing – providing carbon accounting, new sustainable services, micro-finance, energy efficient lighting control, sustainable services via cloud and green IT

• Financing – enabling a cashless society, sustainability mobility payments, energy efficient loans and risk assessments for current and new sustainable assets.

Case Study – Network Rail Track Access Billing System (TABS)

Network Rail needed to upgrade their billing system to provide a suitable launch pad for supporting the new charging regimes to be implemented by the UK Government’s Rail Regulator in April 2009.

The system would unify all business processes relating to track access charging, thereby streamlining admin support, and improving the accuracy of revenue collection.

We designed and implemented TABS for Network Rail. This back office supports the charging infrastructure as it:

receives journey and reference data from upstream

processes journeys into forms suitable for charging, and validates them

calculates journey charges

supports recharging (when historical errors are corrected)

creates charge files and invoice data

runs fixed reports.

TABS has enabled Network Rail to meet the UK rail industry regulation changes and provide revenue assurance by increasing the proportion of train journeys that are accurately billed. TABS currently uploads three million train movement records a day, and invoices in excess of £2 billion in track usage charges to train operators annually.


CGI in Rail

Systems Integration

We have over 15 years’ experience as a systems integrator in the rail industry covering areas diverse as smart retailing, journey planning and real-time management, train location and positioning, mobile asset inspection, possession planning and track access billing.

Our experience includes:

Network Rail – where we are the primary systems integrator for its handheld programmes in the maintenance and engineering divisions and have undertaken extensive work across a number of individual projects or initiatives to design, develop, implement and support the use of handheld computers out in the field by engineering and maintenance teams

Prorail – where Logica were the master systems integrator enhancing its asset project planning and maintenance prioritisation & scheduling system to provide a GIS capability

The provision of a more efficient, controlled and transparent supply chain operation for Network Rail, significantly improving its frontline services.

Case Study – Network Rail – Handheld Programmes

Network Rail wanted to improve the administration of maintenance work and enhance trackside processes by introducing IT handhelds in order to improve the efficiency of operations over the network and also remove the costs associated with outdated paper management.

We are the primary systems integrator for Network Rail handheld programmes in the maintenance and engineering divisions.

Working together with Network Rail, We have undertaken extensive work across a number of individual projects or initiatives to design, develop, implement and support the use of handheld computers out in the field by engineering and maintenance teams.

The latest initiative provides handheld access in the field to important documentation, preventing the need for engineers to carry paper based books at trackside. We are key to the successful adoption of handhelds by the engineering community.

Together these projects constitute a multi-million pound investment for Network Rail to reduce the use of paper and increase both the timeliness and accuracy of work orders, inspections and reports. These advantages have generated a sufficient return on investment for Network Rail and continue to produce outstanding results. 16

CGI in Rail

ERP / HR Services

Get your people management right and you can harness the talent that drives organisations forward through the toughest times and ensure sustainability and growth.

Our framework of services is designed to optimise the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of your HR function and ensure you get the most out of your workforce. Our flexible approach means we can start the journey from wherever you are now and fulfil a range of different roles, depending on your needs.

You might want support in your HR vision. We can help you run a change programme or evaluate new HR technology and because we’re technology agnostic, we can deliver a range of implementation, systems integration or outsourcing services across a range of platforms including Oracle and SAP.

Our HR services:

can help you transform your HR operation. We’ll optimise your transactional processes – and keep on improving them

allow you to make the best use of the employee data that flows through your HR processes, so you gain useful insights into your workforce

can save you up to 30 per cent of your current HR total cost of ownership. We can help yyou to reinvest some of that saving, so you make further improvements to both your operating model and employee services

use business process management (BPM) to ensure effective control, integration and automation of your key processes. That means your processes are efficient, properly monitored and continuously improved.

Case Study – Network Rail HRMS

Procurement system and also to replace an out of date legacy HR product that was no longer supported.

We were selected to replace its legacy HR and payroll solution using Oracle 11i HRMS suite. Our solution comprised of the following two phases:

Phase 1: Setting up the core Oracle HP module and pay-roll solution, developing reports and interfaces to other Network Rail systems and re-engineering associated business processes.

Phase 2 (commenced in late 2004): Further developing and exploiting the care HR base and additional Oracle modules, competence management, training administration, training, and i-Learning. Go-live is planned for June 2007.

Benefits realised as a result of our solution were:

improved organisational effectiveness and flexibility to respond to challenge

improved resource planning and staff management

integrated business processes using workflow

improved financial control

faster payroll production and improved payroll accuracy

reduced HRMS management cost

improved data quality. 17

CGI in Rail


The rail industry is going through significant transformation as a result of privatisation and liberalisation, and it is essential business reduce costs, increase flexibility whilst optimising existing assets. Collaboration between infrastructure provider and operator is also paramount in order to improve efficiencies and enhance the passenger experience.

Cloud services can help you achieve this, but you also need to understand and be prepared for issues such as security, complex integration, business transformation and service management. We’ll streamline and combine your business systems in a workable format, using private and public cloud applications to lay the foundations for a hybrid cloud environment. We’ll also work with you to harness that environment – transforming how you interact with ecosystems of customers and partners, growing your business.

Your profitability improves, yet never at the expense of the smooth running of your business. 18

CGI in Rail

We are a business and technology service company, employing 70,000 people. We provide business consulting, systems integration and

outsourcing to clients around the world, including many of Europe’s largest businesses. We create value for clients by successfully integrating people, business and technology. We are committed to long term collaboration applying insight to create innovative answers to client’s business needs.

CGI in rail

We are in our fifteenth year of supporting the rail industry. We bring both specialist knowledge of infrastructure provider and operator systems which are vital to the operation of the railways, together with an understanding of the way in which each member of the rail community works.

Our expertise extends across:

• passenger services including ticket retailing and travel information services

• operational services from workforce scheduling to real-time train positioning

• asset services including real-time integration and processing in order to optimise utilisation and maximise lifecycle management

• back-office operations including HR services and applications management to support business critical functions and processes.

We are CGI

Our history in rail - notable achievements














• DSB First

• Cross Country Trains

• Metro trains Melbourne

• Geodis

• Green Cargo

• Centro

• ProRail

• Downer Rail

• Tube Lines

• SJ

• Bamed anmark

• Balfour Beatty

• Finnish Rail

• SL

• DB Rail




• NS

• Network Rail 19

CGI in Rail

With over 70,000 professionals in 40 countries, CGI fosters local accountability for client success while bringing global delivery capabilities to clients’ front doors. Founded in 1976, CGI applies a disciplined delivery approach that has achieved an industry-leading track record of on-time, on-budget projects. Our high-quality business consulting, systems integration and outsourcing services help clients leverage current investments while adopting new technology and business strategies that achieve top and bottom line results. As a demonstration of our commitment, our average client satisfaction score for the past 10 years has measured consistently higher than 9 out of 10.

© 2013 CGI GROUP INC.All rights reserved. This document is protected by international copyright law and may not be reprinted, reproduced, copied or utilised in whole or in part by any means including electronic, mechanical, or other means without the prior written consent of CGI.

Whilst reasonable care has been taken by CGI to ensure the information contained herein is reasonably accurate, CGI shall not, under any circumstances be liable for any loss or damage (direct or consequential) suffered by any party as a result of the contents of this publication or the reliance of any party thereon or any inaccuracy or omission therein. The information in this document is therefore provided on an “as is” basis without warranty and is subject to change without further notice and cannot be construed as a commitment by CGI.

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