certificate in financial control course deliverables day 1: reviewing the past day 1: reviewing the...

Certificate in Financial Control

Upload: pamela-holland

Post on 16-Jan-2016




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Certificate in Financial Control

Course DeliverablesDay 1: Reviewing the Past Understand control, financials, and valuation. Day 2: Assessing the PresentCreate and generate value, manage intangiblesDay 3: Peeping into the futureCreate wealth, understand risk, report performanceDay 4: Putting it togetherManage enterprise risk through dashboard

Day I AgendaDay 1: Reviewing the Past Control environment analysisFinancial statement analysisValuation of the firmAccounting ValuationEconomic Value AddedAsset Based Valuation

Day 2 AgendaDay 2: Assessing the PresentValue maintenance cycle managementObsolescence IdentificationCapital BudgetingMaintaining Operating SubstratumValue generation cycle managementThe value KPIManaging intangiblesAssets away from your Balance Sheet

Day 3 AgendaDay 3: Peeping into the futureCorporate risk profilingLiquidity riskCredit riskValue at RiskPerformance measures and IFRSWealth creation process

Day 4: AgendaDay 4: Putting it togetherEnterprise risk managementDesigning the policyERM FrameworkVariance ManagementPopulating a dashboard

Take AwayKnowledge that can be used at your deskInternational certification