基督使者協會成立 5週年感恩慶祝活動 afc’s 5th anniversary...

歡慶45週年 45 th Anniversary Celebration 基督使者協會成立 5 週年感恩慶祝活動 AFC’s 5th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION 督使者協會於2008年跨入事工成立的第45年,我們將於近期至 2009年,陸續展開一系列的地區性慶祝活動。 多年來,基督使者協會有幸影響了無以數計的生命,因此我們竭誠 地邀請您與我們一同頌揚神藉著這個事工所成就的大事,並展望未來的 年月裡,祂所要彰顯的作為。 基督使者協會的影響力 周主培牧師與蔡錫惠及蔡司麗安夫婦在196356日創立基督使 者協會。早期的事工是從大學校園裡的查經班開始,並發行了《使者雜 誌》。使者書房於1970年末開始運作,而大陸文字事工則於1980年末 成立。1983年,我們主辦了第一屆的「華人差傳大會」,如今是每三 年一次的盛會。 往後的20年裡,基督使者協會繼續不斷地發展,在全美各處成立校 園事工,並且開始家庭事工,希望不僅是學生,更是所有華人家庭都能 認識基督。近期更將《使者雜誌》的發行伸展到歐洲,並建立「華人基 督徒教職員聯網」,與教授們配搭,向華人學生傳福音。今天,基督使 者協會正發展門徒訓練的資源和「下一步」輔導計劃,以期向華人學者 及專業人士傳福音,並裝備、動員他們與人分享基督,進而與主同行。 自校園事工成立以來,雖然不可能評估有多少生命因此得到改變, 但過去的八年裡,單是藉著各樣營會活動和《使者雜誌》,基督使者協 會就已服事了19,808人。此外,藉著今日華人牧長和基督徒領袖的見證 分享,使我們看到這個事工所結的豐碩果子。因為他們都是在學生時期 受到這個事工的影響,特別在校園查經班的時候。 基督使者協會45週年地區慶祝活動 20089月至20094月,我們將有20個慶祝活動在全美各地的 餐廳和社區活動中心舉行(參右頁慶祝活動地點),節目內容包括:晚 餐、特別講員信息分享、見證、事工短片、抽獎、及特別音樂。 本會總幹事周大衛牧師分享說:「感謝神賜給基督使者協會這許多 的祝福。我呼籲使者的朋友和多年來受到這個事工影響的弟兄姊妹,參 加其中一個地區的慶祝活動,與我們一同見證神的美善。讓我們同心回 應祂的呼召,將福音傳給這世代的華人知識份子。」 T his year marks the 45th anniversary of the founding of AFC, and the ministry is celebrating with a series of regional events throughout this year and continuing into 2009. AFC has been privileged to impact thousands of lives. You’re invited to rejoice with us as we celebrate what God has done through this remarkable ministry and look forward to what He will do in the years to come. The Impact of AFC Reverend Moses Chow, along with Ted and Leona Choy, founded Ambassadors for Christ on May 6, 1963. In its earliest years, the ministry started Chinese Bible study groups on college campuses and produced the first editions of Ambassadors Magazine. The AFC Bookstore launched operation in the late 1970s and Mainland Chinese Literature Ministry followed in the late 1980s. In 1983, AFC sponsored the first Chinese Mission Convention, now a triennial event. The ministry continued to stretch throughout the next two decades, establishing campus ministries across the U.S. and launching Family Ministries to reach not only students, but entire Chinese families for Christ. Most recently, AFC expanded its distribution of Ambassadors Magazine into Europe, and created the Chinese Christian Faculty Network to coordinate the efforts of professors in their outreach to Chinese students. Today, AFC is developing discipleship training tools and Next Step mentoring as the means to reach, equip, and mobilize Chinese scholars and professionals to share Christ and to know Him deeply. Although it’s impossible to gauge the tens of thousands of lives impacted by AFC since the ministry’s inception, during the last eight years, AFC has recorded serving 19,808 people through our conferences and Ambassadors Magazine alone. Moreover, AFC sees direct fruit of its ministry through the testimonies of today’s Chinese pastors and Christian leaders who share with us how their lives have been touched by AFC’s ministries, particularly in Bible study groups when they were students. AFC’s 45th Anniversary Regional Celebrations Twenty regional celebrations will be held at restaurant and community venues across the country throughout the celebration period spanning September 2008 through April 2009. The events will include an evening meal, guest speakers, testimonies, a video presentation, door prizes and special music (see Planned Anniversary Celebration, on the next page). “We at AFC have so many blessings for which to thank the Lord,” said Executive Director David Chow. “I urge friends of the ministry and those impacted by AFC over the years to attend one of these regional events and bear witness to God’s goodness. Together, we can act on His call to reach more Chinese intellectuals in this generation.” 基督使者協會創辦人(由左至右):蔡司麗安、蔡錫惠、周主培 Founders of AFC (left to right): Leona Choy, Ted Choy, and Moses Chow

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Page 1: 基督使者協會成立 5週年感恩慶祝活動 AFC’s 5th ANNIVERSARY …afcinc.org/Portals/1/Communique/2008Summer/p4-5.pdf · 基督使者協會成立 5週年感恩 ... and

歡慶45週年� 45th Anniversary Celebration

































This year marks the 45th anniversary of the founding of AFC, and the ministry is celebrating with a series of regional

events throughout this year and continuing into 2009.

AFC has been privileged to impact thousands of lives. You’re invited to rejoice with us as we celebrate what God has done through this remarkable ministry and look forward to what He will do in the years to come.

The Impact of AFC Reverend Moses Chow, along with Ted and Leona Choy, founded Ambassadors for Christ on May 6, 1963. In its earliest years, the ministry started Chinese Bible study groups on college campuses and produced the first editions of Ambassadors Magazine. The AFC Bookstore launched operation in the late 1970s and Mainland Chinese Literature Ministry followed in the late 1980s. In 1983, AFC sponsored the first Chinese Mission Convention, now a triennial event.

The ministry continued to stretch throughout the next two decades, establishing campus ministries across the U.S. and launching Family Ministries to reach not only students, but entire Chinese families for Christ. Most recently, AFC expanded its distribution of Ambassadors Magazine into Europe, and created the Chinese Christian Faculty Network to coordinate the efforts of professors in their outreach to Chinese students. Today, AFC is developing discipleship training tools and Next Step mentoring as the means to reach, equip, and mobilize Chinese scholars and professionals to share Christ and to know Him deeply.

Although it’s impossible to gauge the tens of thousands of lives impacted by AFC since the ministry’s inception, during the last eight years, AFC has recorded serving 19,808 people through our conferences and Ambassadors Magazine alone. Moreover, AFC sees direct fruit of its ministry through the testimonies of today’s Chinese pastors and Christian leaders who share with us how their lives have been touched by AFC’s ministries, particularly in Bible study groups when they were students.

AFC’s 45th Anniversary Regional Celebrations Twenty regional celebrations will be held at restaurant and community venues across the country throughout the celebration period spanning September 2008 through April 2009. The events will include an evening meal, guest speakers, testimonies, a video presentation, door prizes and special music (see Planned Anniversary Celebration, on the next page).

“We at AFC have so many blessings for which to thank the Lord,” said Executive Director David Chow. “I urge friends of the ministry and those impacted by AFC over the years to attend one of these regional events and bear witness to God’s goodness. Together, we can act on His call to reach more Chinese intellectuals in this generation.”

▲ 基督使者協會創辦人(由左至右):蔡司麗安、蔡錫惠、周主培

Founders of AFC (left to right): Leona Choy, Ted Choy, and Moses Chow

Page 2: 基督使者協會成立 5週年感恩慶祝活動 AFC’s 5th ANNIVERSARY …afcinc.org/Portals/1/Communique/2008Summer/p4-5.pdf · 基督使者協會成立 5週年感恩 ... and

歡慶45週年 545th Anniversary Celebration


Has AFC impacted your life through a conference, campus ministry, Ambassadors Magazine, a piece of literature, a training event, or special person? We want to know about your experience. When you share your personal story of God’s work in your life through AFC, you’ll encourage and inspire others.

In fact, Scripture reminds us to “Give thanks to the Lord … make known among the nations what He has done … tell of all His wonderful acts” (Psalm 105:1-2). Your testimony may be used at our anniversary events, in AFC ministry literature, and on AFC’s website (www.afcinc.org) and could be the means to encourage another person to grow closer to God.

Share your AFC story of impact by contacting Cindy Hwang at (717) 687-8564, ext. 232 or by email at [email protected]. We’re looking forward to hearing from you.











[email protected] 與本會陳怡萍姊妹分享您的見證。我


2009年(計劃中) 2009Events (in planning)

阿布奎基,新墨西哥州 Albuquerque, NM亞特蘭大,喬治亞州 Atlanta, GA芝加哥,伊利諾州 Chicago, IL哥倫比亞,南卡 Columbia, SC達拉斯,德州 Dallas, TX紐奧良,路易斯安娜州 New Orleans, LA紐約市,紐約州 New York City, NY匹茲堡,賓州 Pittsburg, PA洛麗∕Durham,北卡 Raleigh∕Durham, NC西雅圖,華盛頓州 Seattle, WA

2008年 2008 Events

9∕13—聖荷西,加州 San Jose, CA 9∕14—沙加緬度,加州 Sacramento, CA 9∕20—洛杉磯,加州 Los Angeles, CA 9∕21—聖地雅哥,加州 San Diego, CA 9∕25—巴爾地摩,馬里蘭州 Baltimore, MD10∕18—強森市,田納西州 Johnson City, TN11∕ 2—費城,賓州 Philadelphia, PA11∕15—蘭城,賓州 Lancaster, PA11∕23—華盛頓特區 Washington, DC12∕14—伊莉莎白,紐澤西州 Elizabeth, NJ

慶祝活動的日期仍持續確認中,地點可能會有些變動。最新活動詳情,請以電話:717- 687-8564分機232,或電郵:[email protected]洽本會發展部主任陳怡萍姊妹,或隨時注意本會網站www.afcinc.org發佈的最


Celebration event dates are being confirmed as we go to press. Locations are subject to change. Contact Cindy Hwang at (717) 687-8564, ext. 232 or [email protected] for current scheduling information, or log onto www.afcinc.org.



PLANNED AFC ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONSPlan to attend the regional event nearest you

during the September 2008 through April 2009 celebration period