centralnic operations manual

CentralNic Ltd Registrar’s Operations Manual Last Updated: October 2012 1 CentralNic TM Global Registry Services Registrar's Operations Manual October 2012

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                                                 CentralNic  Ltd  Registrar’s  Operations  Manual  

Last  Updated:  October  2012  1  



G l o b a l   R e g i s t r y   S e r v i c e s    


Registrar's  Operations  Manual  


October  2012    

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                                                 CentralNic  Ltd  Registrar’s  Operations  Manual  

Last  Updated:  October  2012  2  


Contents  ....................................................................................................................................................................  2  

1.  About  CentralNic  ...................................................................................................................................................  4  

2.  Introduction  ...........................................................................................................................................................  4  

3.  Accreditation  .........................................................................................................................................................  4  

4.  Access  ....................................................................................................................................................................  4  4.1  Registrar  Console  .....................................................................................................................................................  4  4.2  Toolkit  API  ................................................................................................................................................................  5  4.3  EPP  Server  ................................................................................................................................................................  5  

5.  Registry  Operations  ...............................................................................................................................................  5  5.1  DNS  ..........................................................................................................................................................................  5  5.2  WHOIS  Service  ..........................................................................................................................................................  6  5.3  Technical  Support  .....................................................................................................................................................  6  5.4  Maintenance  Downtime  ..........................................................................................................................................  6  5.5  Billing  Policies  ...........................................................................................................................................................  7  5.5.1  Available  Billing  Models  ........................................................................................................................................  7  Debit  Model  .......................................................................................................................................................  7  Credit  Model  ......................................................................................................................................................  7  

6.  The  Shared  Registry  System  ...................................................................................................................................  8  6.1  Domain  Objects  ........................................................................................................................................................  8  Restoring  a  Domain  on  "Pending  Deletion"  Status  ............................................................................................  9  6.2  Contact  Objects  ........................................................................................................................................................  9  6.3  Host  Objects  ...........................................................................................................................................................  10  6.4  Expiry  Dates  ...........................................................................................................................................................  11  6.5  Grace  Periods  .........................................................................................................................................................  11  6.6  Internationalised  Domain  Names  (IDNs)  ...............................................................................................................  11  6.7  Renewal  .................................................................................................................................................................  12  

7.  Extensible  Provisioning  Protocol  ..........................................................................................................................  12  7.1.  Operational  Testing  and  Evaluation  (OT&E)  .........................................................................................................  12  7.2.  The  Shared  Registry  System  ..................................................................................................................................  13  Registration  and  IDNs  ......................................................................................................................................  13  Updates  ............................................................................................................................................................  13  Restoring  Domains  on  pendingDelete  status  ...................................................................................................  13  7.3  The  EPP  Message  Queue  ........................................................................................................................................  14  

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7.4.  EPP  Extensions  ......................................................................................................................................................  16  

8.  The  Domain  Name  Life  Cycle  ................................................................................................................................  17  

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1.  About  CentralNic  One   of   the   world's   pioneering   domain   registries,   CentralNic   provides   registry   services   and   strategic  consultancy  for  new  TLDs,  ccTLDs  and  its  own  portfolio  of  27  global  domain  extensions.  

Our   domains   –   including   .US.COM   (USA),   .UK.COM   (UK),   .COM.DE   (Germany),   .CN.COM   (China),   .JP.NET  (Japan)   and   the  world's   first   city   TLD,   .LA   for   Los  Angeles   –   are   sold   via   an   integrated   global   network   of  1,500  registrars  and  100,000  resellers  in  over  100  countries.  


2.  Introduction  This   document   has   been  written  with   the   intention   of   providing   new   and   existing   registrars  with   all   the  information   they   will   need   to   successfully   integrate   with   the   CentralNic   Registry.   This   document   covers  technical,  financial  and  policy  considerations  involved  with  integration.  All  registrars  are  strongly  advised  to  read  this  document  thoroughly.    If  you  have  any  questions  regarding  this  document,  please  get  in  touch  and  we  will  be  very  happy  to  assist  you.     Telephone:  +44  (0)8700  170  900  between  08:30  and  17:30  (UK  office  hours)     E-­‐mail:  [email protected]    

3.  Accreditation  To   be   granted   access   to   the   CentralNic   registry   system,   all   registrars  must   sign   the   CentralNic   Registrar  Agreement.   You   are   not   required   to   deposit   funds   with   CentralNic   in   advance,   or   complete   an   OT&E  evaluation.  

Certain   domain   extensions   such   as   .PW   require   a   separate   accreditation   agreement.   You   can   sign   the  agreement  and  complete  the  accreditation  for  these  extensions  on  the  Registrar  Console.    

4.  Access  Registrars  can  interact  with  the  CentralNic  registry  system  using  the  following  interfaces:    

l Registrar  Console  l EPP  Server    l HTTP  Toolkit  


4.1  Registrar  Console    The  Registrar  Console  provides  a  simple  way  to  manage  objects  in  the  registry  using  a  web  interface.  Access  to  the  Registrar  Console  is  via  an  SSL-­‐encrypted  website  at            https://registrar-­‐console.centralnic.com/    This  console  allows  registrars  to  remit  payment,  manage  domain  names  and  transfers,  and  change  account  settings.    

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4.2  EPP  Server    EPP  documentation  is  available  below  this  document  in  Section  7.      

4.3  Toolkit  API    The  Toolkit  API  uses  a  simple  text-­‐over-­‐HTTP  protocol.  The  Toolkit  offers  functions  for  information  retrieval  (domain  availability,  detailed  domain  lookup,  detailed  contact  lookup),  domain  and  contact  registration  and  management   (including   transferring,   renewing  and  deleting  domains),   and  account  management   (getting  lists  of  domains,  pricing  information,  and  upcoming  renewals).  We  also  maintain  easy-­‐to-­‐use  client  libraries  in  Perl  and  PHP,  and  plan  to  offer  libraries  in  other  popular  languages  in  the  future.  

Further  information  about  the  Toolkit  can  be  found  on  the  Registrar  Console.    

4.4  Access    While   access   to   the   Registrar   Console   is   not   restricted,   connections   to   the   Toolkit   and   EPP   server   are  restricted  by   IP  address.  Registrars  must  provide  a   list  of   IP  addresses  (or  networks)   from  which  they  will  make  connections.  This  list  can  be  managed  online  via  the  Registrar  Console.      

5.  Registry  Operations    

5.1  DNS  CentralNic  operates  a  network  of  DNS  servers  at  many  locations  around  the  world.  We  are  proud  to  be  able  to  claim  100%  availability  of  DNS  services  since  we  began  operating  in  1995.  

Our   DNS   zones   are   updated   continually,   and   changes   to   domain   names  will   become   visible   on   our   DNS  servers  after  no  more  than  10-­‐15  minutes.    

5.1.1  Wild-­‐Card  Record  CentralNic  may  place  wild-­‐card  A  records  into  certain  DNS  zones.  Registrars  will  be  notified  of  the  value  of  this   record   so   that   they   can   configure   any   DNS-­‐based   availability   tests   to   ignore   records   that   have   this  value.  

If  a  wild-­‐card  record  is  placed  into  the  zone,  catch-­‐all  SPF  records  will  also  be  placed  in  the  zone  to  prevent  domain-­‐spoof  spamming.  The  format  of  these  SPF  records  is:  

  *.uk.com.   3600   IN   TXT   "v=spf1  -­‐all"     *.uk.com.   3600   IN   TXT   "v=spf2.0/pra  -­‐all"  

The   SPF   specification   (see   RFC   4408)   explicitly   states   that   SPF   records   do   not   propagate   down   to   lower  nodes  in  the  DNS,  so  the  use  of  the  SPF  record  above  will  have  no  effect  on  domain  names  registered  under  .UK.COM.  

Wildcard  will  not  be  used  with  TLDs  such  as  .LA  and  .PW.    

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5.1.2  Zone  File  Access  Access   to   zone   file  data   is  available  upon   request,  please  ask  your  account  manager   for   the  Zone  Access  Agreement  which  must  be  signed  and  returned  to  us  before  access  can  be  granted.  

There  are  two  methods  for  retrieving  zone  data:  

1.  Registrar  Console:  once  zone  access  is  enabled  for  your  account,  you  can  download  zone  files  from  the  Registrar  Console.  You  can  also  download  historical  zone  files.  

2.  HTTP  REST:  if  you  need  a  way  to  programmatically  download  zone  data,  then  you  can  use  an  HTTP  REST  interface,  by  making  an  HTTP  GET  request  to  URLs  of  the  form  


where   ZONE_NAME   is   the   zone   you  wish   to  download.   For   example,   to  download   the   .LA   zone   file,   you  should  use  the  following  URL:  


The  zone  files  available  via  this  system  are  copied  from  the  live  DNS  servers  at  2345hrs  UTC  every  day.  

The  HTTP  REST  interface  is  protected  by  basic  HTTP  authentication:  you  must  use  your  registrar  ID  and  Zone  Password,  which  can  be  found  on  the  “Passwords”  page  of  the  Registrar  Console.  


5.1.3  DNSSEC  All  our  zones  are  signed  using  DNSSEC.  For  further  information  please  see:  


5.2  WHOIS  Service  CentralNic  operates  a  standard  WHOIS  server   that  you  can  use   to  check   the  details  of  any  domain  name  registered  with  us.  You  can  use  any  standard  WHOIS  client  (including  the  UNIX  terminal  client)  to  query  our  WHOIS  server  at  whois.centralnic.com.  Please  note  that  use  of  the  WHOIS  service  is  subject  to  strict  usage  limits,   to   prevent   unauthorised   access   to   personal   information   about   registrants.   For  more   information,  please  see  our  WHOIS  Access  Policy  at  https://registrar-­‐console.centralnic.com/pub/whois_guidance.    

5.3  Technical  Support  A  trouble  tickets  system  is  integrated  into  the  Registrar  Console,  and  registrars  are  encouraged  to  use  this  system   for   all   support   requests.   This   allows   us   to  monitor   and   track   support   requests,   and   provides   an  escalation  path  for  urgent  issues  with  the  Registry  system.  

Telephone-­‐based   technical   support   is   currently   available   between   08:30   and   17:30,   UK   office   hours.  Otherwise,  any  e-­‐mail  request  sent  to  [email protected]  will  be  answered  within  one  business  day.  

In   the   event   that   the   Registrar   Console   is   not   available,   registrars   can   contact   the   Operations   team   at  [email protected].    

5.4  Maintenance  Downtime  CentralNic  may,  on  occasion,  need  to  take  down  portions  of   its  registry  system  for  maintenance.  This  will  

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have  no  effect  on  the  resolution  of  domains  already  registered.  Registrars  will  receive  notification  via  e-­‐mail  well   in   advance   of   any   planned   outage   (registrars   must   specify   an   “operations”   email   address   for   their  account  in  order  to  receive  these  notifications).  Additionally,  we  will  notify  registrars  at  the  beginning  and  end   of   any   planned  maintenance  window,   so   that   registrars   are   aware   when   planned  maintenance   has  been  completed.  

Registrars  will  also  be  notified  of  any  unscheduled  outages.    

5.5  Billing  Policies  CentralNic's  billing  system  is  designed  to  be  highly  flexible,  allowing  for  multiple  billing  models  in  parallel.  By  default  your  account  will  be  set  to  the  Debit  Model.  

   5.5.1  Available  Billing  Models  Debit  Model  This  model  is  the  same  as  that  operated  by  most  gTLD  and  ccTLD  registries.  Registrars  maintain  a  balance  of  funds  with  the  registry,  from  which  registration  and  renewal  fees  are  deducted.  Payment  may  be  remitted  to   the   registry   by   wire   transfer   or   credit   card.   Debit   registrars   enjoy   fixed   “grace   periods”   relating   to  domain  registrations,  renewals  and  transfers,  during  which  domain  names  can  be  deleted  in  exchange  for  a  full  credit  of  the  related  fee.  

Under   this   model,   our   system   will   automatically   send   an   email   to   your   specified   billing   address   if   your  balance  is  running  low.  If  your  balance  reaches  zero,  then  our  system  will  fall  back  to  the  “credit”  model,  as  described  below.  Credit  Model  Under   the   credit   billing   model,   each   registrar   is   assigned   a   credit   limit,   and   may   perform   billable  transactions  until  this  limit  is  exhausted.  Registrars  must  remit  payment  for  each  billable  transaction  within  a  certain  amount  of  time  after  the  transaction,  or  our  system  will  delete  the  domain  name.  Please  see  “The  CentralNic  Domain  Name  Life  Cycle”  at  the  bottom  of  this  document.    

5.5.2  Renewals  CentralNic  operates  two  models  for  domain  name  renewals.    

1.  Auto-­‐delete.  All  domains  that  are  not  explicitly  renewed  by  the  registrar  are  automatically  placed  on  "Pending  Deletion"  when  they  expire.  A  domain  on  "Pending  Deletion"  can  be  restored  via  the  Registrar  Console,   the  Toolkit,  or  EPP  within  30  days  of   its  expiration.  After  35  days  on  "Pending  Deletion",   the  domain  is  deleted  and  made  available  for  registration.  

2.  Auto-­‐renew.  All  domain  names  are  automatically  renewed.  For  “debit  model”  registrars,  payment  is  processed  after  the  45  day  “auto-­‐renew  grace  period”.  For  “credit  model”  registrars,  our  system  issues  a  renewal  invoice.  If  payment  has  not  been  received  after  68  days,  the  domain  goes  "On  Hold",  and  if  no  payment  has  been  received  after  a  further  35  days  (103  days  total),  the  domain  is  deleted.  

By  default,  all  new  registrar  accounts  are  set  to  the  auto-­‐delete  model.      

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5.5.3  Invoicing  Regardless  of  which  billing  model  you  choose,  our  system  will  generate  a  regular   invoice  for  registrations  and  renewals.  By  default,  we  will  generate  a  new  invoice  every  week  (on  Monday)  for  all  registrations  and  renewals  that  have  taken  place  since  the  previous  invoice.  However,  this  billing  interval  can  be  changed  to  be  daily  or  monthly  (on  the  first  day  of  each  month)  as  required,  via  the  Registrar  Console.    

5.5.4  Submitting  Payment  If   using   the   Debit  Model,   you   are   requested   to   notify   us   of   payment   using   the   ‘Top   Up’   facility   on   the  registrar  console.  This  will  ensure  your  payment  is  allocated  correctly  when  it  reaches  us.  

If   using   the   Credit  Model,   CentralNic   uses   a   batch   payment   system.   Domains   can   be   batched   using   the  ‘Unpaid  Domains’   link  on  the  registrar  console.  You  can  then  select  your  preferred  payment  method,  and  details  of  where   to  submit  payment  are  displayed.    Once   the  batch  payment   is   confirmed  CentralNic  are  notified  and  your  payment  can  easily  be  allocated  when  it  arrives.  

Payment   can   be  made   by   credit   card   or   direct   bank   transfer.  We   have   US   Dollar   and   Euro   accounts   to  reduce   costs   to   our   registrars   due   to   exchange   commission.   Details   of   our   Sterling,   US   Dollar   and   Euro  accounts  are  supplied  when  creating  a  payment  batch  on  the  registrar  console.  

You  can  submit  payment  for  as  many  or  as  few  domains  as  you  like.  Our  Registrar  Console  interface  allows  you  to  "cherry  pick"  as  many  domains  as  you  like  from  any  of  your  outstanding  invoices.    

6.  The  Shared  Registry  System  CentralNic   provides   an   object-­‐oriented   registry   system,   in  which   registrars  manage   domain,   contact   and  host  objects.  Each  object  is  associated  with  a  single  registrar,  who  is  said  to  be  the  “sponsor”  of  that  object.  Objects  may  be  created,  updated,  deleted  and  transferred  between  registrars.    

6.1  Domain  Objects    

6.1.1  Registration  In  order  to  be  successfully  registered  in  the  system,  a  domain  name:  

l MUST  have  a  prefix  (the  label  to  the  left  of  the  TLD)  of  between  three  and  sixty-­‐four  characters  l MAY  ONLY  contain  characters  from  the  set  A-­‐Z,  0-­‐9  and  “.”  and  “-­‐”  (case  insensitive)  l MUST  have  a  Registrant  Contact  l MUST  have  an  Administrative  Contact  l MUST  have  a  Technical  Contact  

Domain  names  may  also:  l have  an  additional  “billing”  contact  l have  any  number  of  authoritative  DNS  servers  

DNS   delegation   information   is   not   required   for   a   successful   registration.   However,   please   note   that  domains   that   are   registered  without   any  DNS   delegation  may   resolve   to   an   advertising   page   due   to   the  presence  of  a  wild-­‐card  in  the  zone  (see  5.1.1.).  This  will  not  apply  to  domains  under  ccTLDs  such  as  .LA  and  .PW.  

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6.1.2  Transfers  Domain   names   may   be   transferred   between   registrars.   The   procedure   for   domain   name   transfers   is   as  follows:  

1. The  registrant  acquires  the  authInfo  code  for  the  domain  name  from  the  losing  registrar.  2. The  registrant  supplies  the  authInfo  code  to  the  gaining  registrar.  3. The  gaining   registrar   submits  a   transfer   request   to   the   registry,  using   the  authInfo  code   received  

from  the  registrant.  4. The   registry   notifies   the   losing   registrar   of   the   transfer   request.   The   losing   registrar   has   five  

calendar  days  to  explicitly  approve  or  reject  the  transfer,  after  which  the  transfer  is  automatically  approved.  

5. Once  the  transfer  is  approved,  the  gaining  registrar  is  notified  by  the  registry,  and  the  domain  name  is  transferred  within  60  seconds.    

The  gaining  registrar  may  add  renewal  years  when  requesting  a  transfer,  to  specify  the  number  of  years  to  add  to  the  domain's  registration  period  upon  successful  transfer.  This  may  be  any  integer  between  0  (zero)  and  10,  or  it  may  be  omitted  entirely.  

Notifications  are  sent  to  both  the  gaining  and  losing  registrar.  

Registrars  are  required  to  provide  the  authInfo  code  for  domain  names  to  registrants  upon  request.    

When  a  domain  transfer  is  approved  and  processed  by  our  system,  any  subordinate  host  objects  will  also  be  transferred  to  the  gaining  registrar.  

Note  on  billing:   if  a  domain  name  has  any  unpaid  line-­‐items  against  it  (ie.  for  registration  or  renewal),  we  will  automatically  reject  any  transfer  request  until  payment  is  received.    

6.1.3  Deletion  Registrars  may  delete  domain  names  at  any  time.  

l if   the   domain   name   is   “newly   registered”,   that   is,   we   have   not   received   payment   for   initial  registration,   (for   “debit  model”   registrars,   this   is   the   “add   grace   period”),   then   it   is   immediately  deleted  upon  receipt  of  a  deletion  request,  and  may  be  immediately  re-­‐registered.  

l if   the  domain  name   is  not  newly   registered,   it   is  marked  as   “pendingDelete”  and,   if  not   restored  during  the  Redemption  Grace  Period,  will  be  deleted  after  35  days.  Restoring  a  Domain  on  "Pending  Deletion"  Status  If   a   domain   name   has   been   placed   on   "Pending   Deletion",   either   because   your   account   is   set   to   "auto-­‐delete",  or  because  you  have  requested  its  deletion,  you  may  restore  it  at  any  time  by  using  the  ‘restore’  function   on   the   Registrar   Console,   or   the   relevant   Toolkit   or   EPP   function.   Restoring   an   expired   domain  automatically  renews  it  for  at  least  one  year.    

6.2  Contact  Objects  Every  domain  name  must  have  a  Registrant  and  Administrative  and  Technical  Contacts.  Registrars  may  also  supply  a  Billing  Contact.  

A  contact  object  may  have  the  following  attributes:  

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Name:   The  full  name  of  the  person  the  contact  refers  to,  or  an  organisational  name  (ie  "Hostmaster")  

Company:   The  full  name  of  the  organisation,  if  appropriate  Street  Address:   1-­‐3  text  fields  representing  the  postal  address  City   The  city  or  town  State/Province   The  state,  province  or  geographic  region  Postcode:   The  postal  or  ZIP  code  of  the  contact  Country:   The  two  letter  ISO-­‐3166  country  code  for  the  contact.  "UK"  is  used  in  place  of  "GB"  (our  

systems  will  convert).  Phone:   The  telephone  number  of  the  contact,  ideally  in  e164a  format.  Fax:   The  fax  number  of  the  contact,  ideally  in  e164a  format.  E-­‐mail:   The  e-­‐mail  address  of  the  contact.   Of   the   above,   the   fields   that   are  mandatory   for   all   contact   objects   are:   Name,   Country,   Email.   All   other  fields  are  optional.    

6.2.1  Transfers  Contact  objects  may  be  transferred  between  registrars  in  the  same  way  as  domain  names.  

Registrars   may   find   it   easier   to   simply   recreate   new   contacts   objects   for   recently   transferred   domain  names,  since  this  avoids  the  delay  associated  with  contact  transfers.    

6.2.2  Privacy    CentralNic   offers   a  WHOIS   privacy   mechanism   on   a   per-­‐contact   basis.   Registrars   may   enable   or   disable  privacy  for  contact  objects.  When  privacy  is  enabled,  contact  information  is  excluded  from  WHOIS  records.  We   provide  mechanisms   to   enable   or   disable  WHOIS   privacy   on   the   Registrar   Console,   Toolkit   and   EPP  systems.    

6.3  Host  Objects  Registrars   may   freely   create   host   objects   that   are   “out-­‐of-­‐bailiwick”   (i.e.   not   subordinate   to   any   of   the  zones   for   which   CentralNic   is   authoritative).   IP   address   information   supplied   during   a   create   or   update  request  will  be  ignored  for  such  hosts,  and  our  DNS  servers  will  not  publish  glue  for  them.  

Registrars  may  only  create  “in-­‐bailiwick”  (ie  subordinate  to  a  zone  for  which  CentralNic  is  authoritative)   if  they  are  the  sponsor  for  the  immediately  superordinate  domain  name.  That  is  to  say,  a  registrar  may  only  create  a  host  object  named  NS0.EXAMPLE.UK.COM   if   that   registrar   is   the  sponsor   for  EXAMPLE.UK.COM.  Registrars  may  not  create  host  objects  that  are  subordinate  to  domain  names  that  are  sponsored  by  other  registrars,  or  that  are  subordinate  to  an  unregistered  domain  name.  

For  in-­‐bailiwick  host  objects,  registrars  must  supply  a  single  IPv4  address  in  dotted-­‐quad  format.  Registrars  may  also  supply  an  IPv6  address  in  standard  colon-­‐separated  hexadecimal  format.  Support  for  multiple  IP  addresses  of  the  same  type  is  not  currently  supported.    

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6.3.1  Sponsorship  and  Transfers  In-­‐bailiwick  host  objects  are  automatically  transferred  when  the  superordinate  domain  name  is  transferred.  Out-­‐of-­‐bailiwick  host  objects  may  not  be  transferred.    

6.4  Expiry  Dates  When   a   domain   name   is   newly   registered,   or   renewed,   its   Expiry   Date  will   increase   by   the   appropriate  number   of   years,   in   both   the   Registrar   Console   and   the  WHOIS   record.   Once   a   registration/renewal   has  been  submitted  an  additional  status  of  ‘Registration  in  Progress’  or  'Renewal  in  Progress'  will  be  displayed  on   the  Registrar  Console,   and   the   “RENEW  GRACE  PERIOD”   status  will   appear   in   the  whois   record.  Once  payment  has  been  received  the  status  will  simply  show  ‘Live’.    

6.5  Grace  Periods  The  grace  periods  described  here  apply  only  to  registrars  on  the  “debit”  model  (see  for  details).    Name   Description   Period  Add  Grace  Period   Time  after  a  domain  is  registered  that  during  which  it  may  be  

deleted  in  exchange  for  a  full  credit  5  days  

Renew  Grace  Period   Time  after  a  domain  is  renewed  that  during  which  it  may  be  deleted  in  exchange  for  a  full  credit  

5  days  

Auto-­‐renew  Grace  Period   Time  after  a  domain  is  auto-­‐renewed  that  during  which  it  may  be  deleted  in  exchange  for  a  full  credit  

45  days  

Transfer  Grace  Period*   Time  after  a  domain  is  transferred  that  during  which  it  may  be  deleted  in  exchange  for  a  full  credit  

5  days  

*Note:  the  Transfer  Grace  Period  only  applies  to  domain  transfers  which  include  a  renewal  as  part  of  the  transfer:  this  is  mandatory  in  other  registry  systems,  but  is  optional  in  ours.    

6.6  Internationalised  Domain  Names  (IDNs)  CentralNic's  registry  system  allows  the  registration  of  Punycode-­‐encoded  internationalised  domain  names  (IDNs).  CentralNic's  IDN  system  operates  in  a  similar  manner  to  that  of  other  registries,  taking  an  inclusion-­‐based  approach  with  defined  tables  of  permitted  code  points.  These  tables  are  published  at  the  following  URL:  




IDNs  are  subject  to  the  following  rules:  

• the  "A-­‐label"  must  be  valid  according  to  the  IDNA2008  rules.  We  will   test  this  by  decoding  the  A-­‐label  to  a  UTF-­‐8  string,  and  then  re-­‐encoding.  If  the  re-­‐encoded  string  matches  the  original  string,  this  test  is  passed.  


• the   "U-­‐label"   must   contain   at   least   the   minimum   number   of   characters.   The   minimum   number  varies  depending  on  the  domain  extension  and  the  registrar,  but  is  normally  3.  

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• the  A-­‐label  must  be  a  valid  domain  name  in  its  own  right  (ie  length  and  composition  rules  for  ASCII  domain  names  must  also  sucessfully  be  passed).  


• the  U-­‐label  must  not  contain  more  than  the  maximum  number  of  characters.  This  is  63  characters  but  may  vary  depending  on  the  domain  extension  and  the  registrar.  


• the  U-­‐label  must  be  wholly  composed  of  characters  from  one  of  the  IDN  tables  associated  with  the  domain  extension.  


6.7  Renewal  Registrars  may   renew  domain  names   for  any  whole  period  of  years  between  1  and  10,  up  until   the  year  2037  (to  avoid  potential  32-­‐bit  integer  overflows  –  support  for  64-­‐bit  dates    is  under  development).  

CentralNic  may  withhold   access   to  domain   renewal   functions   if   a   registrar's   current  outstanding  balance  exceeds  the  credit  limit  specified  for  their  account.  


7.  Extensible  Provisioning  Protocol    The  EPP  Server  has  been  designed  to  adhere  to  version  1.0  of  the  EPP  specification,  as  defined  in  RFC  5730.  In  addition,  we  have  developed  our  EPP  implementation  to  operate  in  an  identical  manner  to  that  operated  by  other  registries,  to  minimise  the  amount  of  new  software  that  must  be  written  by  registrars  wishing  to  provision  domain  names  in  zones  managed  by  CentralNic.  

Access  to  the  EPP  server  is  via  an  SSL-­‐encrypted  TCP  interface  at  epp.centralnic.com,  port  700.  

Access  to  the  EPP  system  may  not  be  enabled  by  default  on  your  account,  unless  you  specifically  requested  it  during  the  signup  process.  If  you  do  not  have  EPP  enabled  on  your  account,  please  contact  your  account  manager.  

For   examples   of   EPP   frames   for   creating   and  management   registry   objects   such   as   domain   names,   host  objects  and  contact  objects,  please  consult  the  relevant  RFCs.    

7.1.  Operational  Testing  and  Evaluation  (OT&E)  CentralNic   provides   an   Operational   Testing   and   Evaluation   (OT&E)   environment   to   allow   registrars   to  develop  and  test  their  client  applications.  This  system  identical  to  the  production  registry  system,  but  uses  a  separate  database.  Registrars  are  invited  to  use  this  system  to  test  their  client  implementations,  without  fear  of  affecting  the  production  registry  system.  Registrars  can  create  multiple  account  credentials  for  use  in  the  OT&E  system  via  the  Registrar  Console.  

Access  to  the  OT&E  EPP  server  is  via  an  SSL-­‐encrypted  TCP  interface  at  epp-­‐ote.centralnic.com,  port  700,  and  is  not  restricted  by  IP  address.  There  is  also  a  version  of  the  Registrar  Console  for  the  OT&E  system  at  https://ote-­‐console.centralnic.com/,  and  a  WHOIS  service  at  whois-­‐ote.grs.centralnic.com.    

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7.2.  The  Shared  Registry  System  

7.2.1  Domain  Objects  Registration  and  IDNs  For  EPP  Registrars,  unless  specified  otherwise  using  the  <domain:period>  element,  all  registrations  are  for  one  year.  The  value  for  the  <domain:period>  element  may  be  any  integer  between  one  and  ten.  

EPP  does  not  yet  support  any  mechanism  for  signalling  the  language  and/or  script  associated  with  an  IDN  domain.  CentralNic’s  EPP  server  will  identify  and  validate  IDN  domains  on-­‐the-­‐fly.  

Registrars   using   EPP   may   supply   an   authInfo   code   for   future   transfer   requests,   if   not,   our   system   will  automatically  generate  one.  Updates  EPP  Registrars  may  add  or  remove  the  following  EPP  status  codes  to  domain  names:  

l clientHold   –  NS   records  will  not  be  entered   into   the  zone   for   the  domain  name  while   this   status  code  is  applied.  

l clientTransferProhibited   –   transfer   requests   for   this   domain  name  will   be   automatically   rejected  while  this  status  code  is  applied.  

l clientRenewProhibited  –  when  this  status  code  is  applied,  all  requests  by  the  sponsoring  client  to  renew  the  domain  are  rejected.  

l clientUpdateProhibited  –  when  this  status  code  is  applied,  all  requests  by  the  sponsoring  client  to  update  the  domain  name  are  rejected  (except  if  the  request  includes  removing  this  status  from  the  domain  name).  

l clientDeleteProhibited  –  when  this  status  code  is  applied,  all  requests  by  the  sponsoring  client  to  delete  the  domain  name  are  rejected.  Restoring  Domains  on  pendingDelete  status  Domain  names  on  the  “pendingDelete”  status  can  be  restored  using  the  standard  RGP  restoration  syntax  from   RFC   3915.   You  may   specify   the   number   of   years   to   add   to   the   domain's   registration   period   upon  restoration  using  the  <domain:period>  element.    

7.2.2  Contact  Objects  Contact  data  may  be  supplied  in  either  the  ASCII  or  UTF-­‐8  character  encodings.  When  constructing  an  EPP  <create>  or  <update>   frame,   registrars  MUST  supply  an   internationalized   form   for  address  data   (see  RFC  5733).  

Please   note   that   contact   IDs,  whether   server   or   client   assigned,   are   case-­‐insensitive.   That   is,   you   cannot  create  an  object  with  an  identifier  of  abc-­‐12345  if  an  object  with  an  identifier  of  ABC-­‐12345  already  exists.  If  you  perform  an  EPP  request  for  object  abc-­‐12345,  ABC-­‐12345  will  be  used  instead. Privacy

 To   enable  or   disable  WHOIS  privacy  on   a   contact   object,   registrars  must   submit   an   <update>   command,  with  a  <contact:chg>  element  containing  a  <contact:disclose>  element.  The  “flag”  attribute  of  this  element  should  be  1  to  disable  WHOIS  privacy  (ie  contact  information  will  be  disclosed  in  WHOIS  records),  and  0  to  

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enable  it.  Here  is  an  example  EPP  command  to  enable  WHOIS  privacy:    

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?> <epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0"> <command> <update> <contact:update xmlns:contact="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:contact-1.0"> <contact:id>sh8013</contact:id> <contact:chg> <contact:disclose flag="0" /> <!-- 1 to disable --> </contact:chg> </contact:update> </update> </command> </epp>


7.2.3  Host  Objects  Registrars   can   change   the   IP   addresses   associated   with   a   host   object   using   the   EPP   <host:update>  command.   This   command   also   permits   changing   the  DNS   name   of   a   host   object,   but  with   the   following  conditions:  

1. Registrars  may  not   rename   a   host   object   that   is   not   subordinate   to   a   domain   name  under   their  sponsorship.  This  includes  “out-­‐of-­‐bailiwick”  host  objects.  

2. Registrars  may  not  rename  a  host  object  so  that  it  becomes  subordinate  to  a  domain  name  that  is  sponsored  by  another  registrar;  

3. Registrars  may  not  rename  a  host  object  so  that  it  becomes  subordinate  to  a  non-­‐existent  domain  name;  

4. Registrars  may  rename  a  host  object  so  that  it  is  no  longer  “in-­‐bailiwick”,  that  is,  not  subordinate  to  any  DNS  zone  for  which  CentralNic  is  the  authority.  Registrars  should  be  aware  that  this  means  that  IP  address  information  will  not  be  stored  or  published  for  this  host  object  if  this  happens.  

Changes   to   the  DNS  name  of   a   given  host   are   applied   to   the  NS   records  of   all   domain  names  which   are  delegated   to   that   host.   This  means   that   it   is   possible   that   domain   names   sponsored   by   other   registrars  could  be  affected  by  renaming  a  host  object  –  as  a  result,  registrars  should  exercise  caution  when  using  this  feature,  and  consider  using  an  alternative  solution  instead  (such  as  creating  a  new  host  object  and  updating  any  domain  names).    

7.2.4  EPP  Status  Codes  Most   of   the   above   grace   periods   are   described   using   EPP   status   codes   defined   in   RFC   3915.   A   full  description  of  how  these  status  codes  are  implemented  in  our  registry  system  is  available  on  the  web  at  the  following  URL:  


7.3  The  EPP  Message  Queue    

EPP  provides  a  message  queue  system  to  provide  registrars  with  notifications  for  out-­‐of-­‐band  events.  Registrars  can  choose  to  enable  or  disable  the  use  of  the  message  queue  for  their  account,  this  can  be  done  via  the  Account  Settings  page  of  the  Registrar  Console.  

CentralNic  currently  supports  the  following  EPP  messages:  

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• notification  of  approved  inbound  transfer  

• notification  of  rejected  inbound  transfer  

• notification  of  new  outbound  transfer  

• notification  of  cancelled  outbound  transfer  

These  all  have  the  same  format  for  the  contents  of  the  <resData>  element  in  the  <poll>  server  response:  

  <domain:trnData xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">

<domain:name><!-- domain ie example.uk.com --></domain:name>

<domain:trStatus><!-- one of pending, approved, rejected, cancelled --></domain:trStatus>

<domain:reID><!-- gaining registrar ID (you or the other registrar) --></domain:reID>

<domain:reDate><!-- datetime --></domain:reDate>

<domain:acID><!-- losing registrar ID (you or the other registrar) --></domain:acID>

<domain:acDate><!-- datetime (reDate plus 5 days) --></domain:acDate>


For  example,  the  full  server  response  for  an  approved  transfer  will  look  like  this:  

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>

<epp xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:epp-1.0">


<result code="1301">

<msg>Command completed successfully; ack to dequeue.</msg>


<msgQ count="1" id="12345" />


<domain:trnData xmlns:domain="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0">


<domain:trStatus>clientApproved</domain:trStatus><!-- may also be serverApproved -->













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                                                 CentralNic  Ltd  Registrar’s  Operations  Manual  Last  Updated:  September  2012  


7.4.  EPP  Extensions   CentralNic’s EPP system supports a number of extensions. These are listed below:

7.4.1.  Registry  Grace  Period  Mapping   CentralNic supports the Grace Period mapping described in RFC 3915. Please refer to the RFC document for further information. Please see Section 6.5 for further details

7.4.2.  DNSSEC  Extension   Registrants who have signed their zones can submit Delegation Signer (DS) records using the DNSSEC extension, described in RFC 5910.

7.4.3.  ConsoliDate  

The ConsoliDate extension was developed by VeriSign for the .COM and .NET registries. It permits registrars to alter the expiry date of a domain by less than a year. This extension is only available to prepayment registrars.

For documentation, please see https://registrar-console.centralnic.com/doc/consolidate-mapping.txt.

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                                                 CentralNic  Ltd  Registrar’s  Operations  Manual  Last  Updated:  September  2012  


8.  The  Domain  Name  Life  Cycle    

Please  note:  this  document  applies  only  to  “credit  model”  registrars.    

CentralNic's   “credit   model”   billing   system   differs   from   those  operated  by  other   ccTLD  and  gTLD   registries.   In   this  model,   each  time  a  domain  name  is  registered  or  renewed,  we  issue  an  invoice  (or  a  line  item  on  an  invoice,  to  avoid  administrative  burdens).  The  registrar  then  has  a  fixed  period  in  which  to  remit  payment  for  the  invoice   –   if   payment   is   not   received   within   the   specified   period,  the  domain  is  deleted.    The  advantage  of  this  system  is  that  it  is  “cash-­‐flow  positive”  -­‐  the  registrar   is   not   required   to   submit   payment   to   the   registry   in  advance   of   a   sale.   However,   it   is   important   that   registrars  understand  that  domain  names  may  be  placed  “on  hold”  and  later  deleted  if  payment  is  not  remitted  promptly.    The  flowchart  to  the   left  provides  a  description  of  the  “life  cycle”  of   a   domain   name   in   the   CentralNic   registry.   The   table   below  provides  key  dates  when  certain  events  take  place:    

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 T+0:   the  domain  is  registered  into  the  CentralNic  database.  T+1d  (max):   The  system  issues  an  invoice  to  the  Registrar  for  the  registration  of  the  domain  

name.  T+37d:   after  37  days  of  non-­‐payment,  we  e-­‐mail  a  reminder  to  the  Registrar.  T+44d:   after  44  days  of  non-­‐payment,  another  reminder  is  e-­‐mailed  to  the  Registrar.  T+61d:   after   61   days   of   non-­‐payment,   we   notify   the   Registrant   that   the   domain  

remains  unpaid,  and  advise  them  to  contact  the  Registrar.  T+68d:   after  68  days  of  non-­‐payment,  we  e-­‐mail  a  final  reminder  to  the  Registrar.  The  

domain  is  placed  "On  Hold".  DNS  server  records  are  removed  from  the  parent  zone.  

T+103d:   after  103  days  of  non-­‐payment,   the  domain   is  deleted  and  made  available   for  registration.  

Renewals    When  a  domain  reaches   its  expiry  date,   it   is  re-­‐inserted  into  the  life  cycle  and  so  the  policy  for  managing  unpaid  renewals   is   identical   to  that   for  unpaid  registrations.  Our  system  will   issue  an   invoice   line   item  to  the  registrar,  who  then  must  remit  payment  to  prevent  the  domain  name  from  being  deleted.    Special  cases    There  are  a  few  special  cases  which  may  alter  the  way  the  life  cycle  works:    

As  seen   in  the  flowchart,   if  a  registrar  account   is  set   to  “auto-­‐delete”  domain  names  upon  expiry,  no  renewal  item  is  raised  for  the  domain  name  and  it  is  placed  into  the  “Pending  Delete”  status.  The  domain  may  be  redeemed  (and  subsequently  renewed)  at  any  time  before  it  is  deleted,  subject  to  approval  by  an  administrator.  There  is  a  five  day  grace  period  between  expiry  and  being  placed  into  “Pending  Delete.”  

Our  system  normally   issues   invoices  every  week.  However,  many  registrars  opt  for  a  daily  or  monthly  invoice  instead.  

If   the  domain   is  renewed   in  advance  of   its  expiry  date,  the   life  cycle  measures  time  from  the  original  expiry  date   rather   than   the   renewal  date  –  our   system  will  not  delete  domain  names  before   the  previous  expiry  date.  

Our   administrators   can   apply   a   discretionary   “stall   period”   that   can   slow   the   life   cycle   for   a   certain  number   of   days   –   this   is   so   that   registrars   who   are   unable   to   immediately   remit   payment   for  overdue  domains  can  have  a  few  days  to  do  so.  Once  the  stall  period  is  up,  the  life  cycle  will  “catch  up”  if  payment  is  not  received.  

If   a   registrar   has   a   serious   technical   or   administrative   problem   that   prevents   them   from   remitting  payment,   we   can   temporarily   prevent   overdue   domain   names   from   being   placed   “on   hold”   or  deleted.