cened-cd-ea 07 november 1989 memorandum thru: ch1ef

I 7,/. CENED-CD-EA 07 November 1989 MEMORANDUM THRU: Ch1ef, Construction Divison FOR: Contract Files Subject: Contract No. DACW45-C-89-0523 Construction of Permanent Water Supply Western Sand & Gravel "Superfund" Site Burrillvilla, R.I. Contractor& R. H. White Construction Company, Inc. Auburn, Mass. 1. The Pre-Construct on Conference for the subject proJect was held on 6 November 1989 in the Construction Divis1on Conference Room, Building No. 109 S, Waltham Federal Canter at lOaOO hrs. The attendees of the praconstruction conference are listed on the attached sheet. 2. The maattnQ was opened by the undarstgnad w1th all parties introduc1ng thamaalvas and stating their relative involvement with the project. Ms. Lynna Fratus explained that the EPA would not ba involved w1th field changes. ChanQas in the al Qnmant of the watarl na or nd vidual services are expected and w 11 ba docum ntad on the "As-Su lt" drawings. The EPA also requested that cop •• of the perm ta obta ned by the contractor for the project ba forwarded to them for their parus 1. Agreements for the ndtv dual houaa sarvicaa have bean obtained for the rastdancas to ba connected to the waterman. The route of the sarv ca wtll ba coord nated with the nd1v dual ho owner, the contractor and the Corps of Eng n ers and recorded on the As- u lt draw ngs. Ms. Fratus requested that an publ c meat ng ba sch duled 1n the near future to nform the rea d nta along the wat rl ne route of the planned construct on. Th • at ng was t ntat valy ach dulad for 8 Nova bar 1989 7a00 P. M. at the To H 11 ln Surrillv lle, R. 1 •• M • Fratus w 1l conf.lr this mat ng by l ov bar 1989. The purpoae of h • at ng w ll be to nnounca he con r ctor'a con true on schedule and prov de then of the on - te persons nvolvad w th the proJ ct for he contr c or nd the Corpe of Eng ne rs. A copy of he contr ctor ' s achedul w111 lso be prov dad o E A for he r f l

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Page 1: CENED-CD-EA 07 November 1989 MEMORANDUM THRU: Ch1ef

I 7,/. ~~ '

CENED-CD-EA 07 November 1989

MEMORANDUM THRU: Ch1ef, Construction Divison

FOR: Contract Files

Subject: Contract No. DACW45-C-89-0523 Construction of Permanent Water Supply Western Sand & Gravel "Superfund" Site Burrillvilla, R.I. Contractor& R. H. White Construction Company, Inc.

Auburn, Mass.

1. The Pre-Construct on Conference for the subject proJect was held on 6 November 1989 in the Construction Divis1on Conference Room, Building No. 109 S, Waltham Federal Canter at lOaOO hrs. The attendees of the praconstruction conference are listed on the attached sheet.

2. The maattnQ was opened by the undarstgnad w1th all parties introduc1ng thamaalvas and stating their relative involvement with the project. Ms. Lynna Fratus explained that the EPA would not ba involved w1th field changes. ChanQas in the al Qnmant of the watarl na or nd vidual services are expected and w 11 ba docum ntad on the "As-Su lt" drawings. The EPA also requested that cop •• of the perm ta obta ned by the contractor for the project ba forwarded to them for their parus 1. Agreements for the ndtv dual houaa sarvicaa have bean obtained for the rastdancas to ba

connected to the waterman. The route of the sarv ca wtll ba coord nated with the nd1v dual ho owner, the contractor and the Corps of Eng n ers and recorded on the As- u lt draw ngs. Ms. Fratus requested that an publ c meat ng ba sch duled 1n the near future to nform the rea d nta along the wat rl ne route of the planned construct on. Th •

at ng was t ntat valy ach dulad for 8 Nova bar 1989 7a00 P. M. at the To H 11 ln Surrillv lle, R. 1•• M • Fratus w 1l conf.lr this mat ng by l ov bar 1989. The purpoae of h • at ng w ll be to nnounca he con r ctor'a con true on schedule and prov de then • of the

on- te persons nvolvad w th the proJ ct for he contr c or nd the Corpe of Eng ne rs. A copy of he contr ctor ' s achedul w111 lso be prov dad

o E A for he r f l •

Page 2: CENED-CD-EA 07 November 1989 MEMORANDUM THRU: Ch1ef


: . The Contract Clause s were re 1ewed w1 th empha~ls on the foll ow1ng:

Contract Clause 9. "Var1at1on 1n Est1mated Ql.tant1t1es " Contract Clal.tse 1(. "Sl.tspension of Wo r k " Contract Clause 41. "Buy Amer1can Act--ConstrLtction Mater1als" Contract Clause 66. "Schedule for ConstrLtction Contracts" Contract Clause 71. "Changes"

In addition, the "GLti de List for Pre-Construct! on Conference - Labor Standards Provisions" was provided to the contractor for his reference and use 1n the submission of prime and subcontractor payrolls for the subjectproject

4. The Special Clauses of the contract were reviewed with emphasis on the fell o~~tn ng:

Commencement, Prosecution and Completion of Work Submittals Layout of Work Quantity Surveys Time Extensions for Unsually Severe Weather Contractor Requ1rements for Installat1on of Water Service at Individual Residences Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule As-Built Drawings Performance of Wor by Contr ctor

The procedure for the submission of Category I and II Submittals was reviewed with the contractor and the A-E, SEA Consultants, Inc. with respect to locat on of reviewing office and return of reviewed transmittals to the field office. The Title II A-E was informed that the raviwad submittal would be returned to the Burrivilla Field Office for the approval signature of the Authorized Representative of the Contracting Officer prior to baing sent to the contractor for his usa.

Ms. Lynna Fratus questioned the Title II A-E regarding the preparation of the Operation and Manuals, Rules and Regulations and operator training requirements. A copy of the Title II contract has bean requested from OMAHA to batter enable this office to verify the performance of said A-E contractor. Billing for the Title II service w 11 be pproved by th• Ras1dant Engineer and relayed to the OMAHA for paym nt.

Raprasantat ves of the Naaonv lle Water District ware concerned regarding the plac•ment of hydrants and watarl na with n the aM st ng R.O.W.I•asamant of the •xi•ting roadway• in the na ghborhood. An app rent m •under•tanding r•oard no the def nit on of the travell•d way • th• •ource of the conc•rn of the Na•onville Water D •~r ct. The layout of the waterl ne and the 1 m•t• of the R.o.w. will be n t at d pr or to con•truct on and the locat on of th• proposed p!pel ne r•v ew d w th h repr•••ntat vas of theN •onv lle W t r D •trict pr or to e M•cut on.

Page 3: CENED-CD-EA 07 November 1989 MEMORANDUM THRU: Ch1ef


h r ee complete sets of c o n tract spec1fica t 1ons and draw&ngs were pr ~ lded to the Nasonv1lle Water D1strict for the1r us e. The contractor w s e ncouraged to obta1n pre-construction photos along the route of the w ter ma1n and resident1al serv1ces to m1n1m1:e future conflicts regarding restorat1on of e x isting conditions. Mr. James McCarthy, R. H. White Constr. Co., Inc. stated that a videotape of the e x ist1ng condit1ons would be obtained prior to construct1on operations on site. A copy of the v ideotape was requested for the Corps of Eng1neers files.

The contractor was requested to subm1t bid brea · down of the follow1ng lump sum 1tems:

Item No. 5 Pumping Stat1on and Well Field

Item No. 6 Elevated Water Stor ga Tank

The EPA, Ms. Lynne Fratus was questioned regarding th• laval of contamination of the eKisting ground water 1n the vicinity of the pipeline Installation. Mr. Dougl • F. Read, SEA Consultants, Inc. stated that e x isting groundwater· buel» ~n thb ·icinity of the pipeline are below the trench excavations for the waterline and that b sad upon the data provided in the contract documents no groundwater should be encountered. M•. Fratus stated that only trace levels of cent minat1on have been found in the na1ghborhood are • Ma. Fratus continued stat1ng that there may be a potent1al for coord1nation with other contractors on the site installing additional walla. Mr. John Cataldo, Li aaon EPA/CoE informed the meeting that ny coordination problema regarding thia project should be addreaaed to him for his assi stance.

The contractor ' • Ace dent Prevent on Program and Quality Control Progr m w•r• revi•wed and comment• made for ncorporation into the formal aubm ~ •d plan. The contractor was al a e requested to promply aubmit the Env ronmental Protection Plan and Contruct on Prograaa Chart for th• proJ•ct. The Traffic Control Plan is to be coord nated w th the Police

nd F re O.p rtm nt pr or to aubm aaion to th • off ca for approval.

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Page 4: CENED-CD-EA 07 November 1989 MEMORANDUM THRU: Ch1ef

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