celebrating europe day - made by students of inova


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Post on 09-May-2015




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Presented on the 3nd meeting of the multilateral school partnership Our TRESAURES in Zagreb (May, 2011)CELEBRATING EUROPE DAY – The 9th of May, Europe Day, is celebrated in various forms in most states of the European Union and surrounding countries such as Turkey. Due to the political nature of the day, it sees teaching people about the European Union and speaking in support of European integration. It is the occasion for activities and festivities that bring Europe closer to its citizens and peoples of the Union closer to one another. Accordingly, our school's activities include students' and teachers' participation in numerous events, debates, workshops and quizzes celebrating the launch, in 1950, of the process that eventually culminated in the formation of the EU. What is more, we regularly attend various lectures and presentations that critically and systematically teach us about different economic aspects of European integration, about the positive and negative sides of EU's single market as well as about legislation and home affairs, common policies on trade and the free movement of people, goods, services and capital within the EU.


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Private Economics High School INOVA


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Private Economics High School INOVA

Annual celebrationAnnual celebration of peace & unity in peace & unity in EuropeEurope

Two separate destinations for Europe Day: May 5May 5 for the Council of Europefor the Council of Europe May 9May 9 for the European Unionfor the European Union


Europe DayEurope Day

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Private Economics High School INOVA

Europe DayEurope Day for the European Unionfor the European Union – also known as SCHUMAN DAYSCHUMAN DAY, commemorating the historical declaration proposed by the French foreign minster Robert Schuman

May 5 – Council of Europe’s DayMay 5 – Council of Europe’s Day – reflecting its own establishment in 1949


The 9th of MayThe 9th of May ?

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Private Economics High School INOVA

Proposed the pooling of French and Proposed the pooling of French and West German coal & steel industriesWest German coal & steel industries –

creation of thecreation of the European Coal and Steel European Coal and Steel Community – THE FIRST EUROPEAN Community – THE FIRST EUROPEAN COMMUNITYCOMMUNITY


Schuman Schuman DeclarationDeclaration

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Private Economics High School INOVA

May 9, Europe DayMay 9, Europe Day the flagthe flag the anthemthe anthem the mottothe motto the single currency (the euro)the single currency (the euro) …identify the political entity of the European

Union -

European SymbolsEuropean Symbols

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Private Economics High School INOVA

Celebrated in most states of the EU & surrounding countries, such as Turkey

Teaching people about the EU Speaking in support of European integration Bringing Europe closer to its citizens & people of the Union closer to each another


Europe DayEurope Day

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Private Economics High School INOVA

Activities including students’ & teachers’ participation in:

numerous eventsnumerous events debatesdebates workshopsworkshops quizzesquizzes


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Private Economics High School INOVA

In order to emphasize the importance of the day, in our history classes we renew knowledge of the Schuman Declaration – creation of a creation of a new form of organization of States in new form of organization of States in Europe –Europe – peaceful re-organization of post peaceful re-organization of post World War EuropeWorld War Europe


The BeginningThe Beginning

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Private Economics High School INOVA

Six nation organizationSix nation organization serving to unify Western Europe during the Cold War creating creating the foundation for the modern-day the foundation for the modern-day development of the European Uniondevelopment of the European Union


European European Coal & Steel Community…Coal & Steel Community…

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Private Economics High School INOVA

The first organization to be based on the principles of SUPRANATIONALISMSUPRANATIONALISM – method method of decision-making in multinational of decision-making in multinational political communities where power is political communities where power is transferred & delegated to an authority by transferred & delegated to an authority by governments of member statesgovernments of member states


……European European Coal & Steel CommunityCoal & Steel Community

>>>>>>>>> >>>

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Private Economics High School INOVA

For coal & steel – created within Europe’s first supranational community between:

FranceFrance West GermanyWest Germany ItalyItaly BelgiumBelgium LuxemburgLuxemburg the Netherlandsthe Netherlands


Common MarketCommon Market

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Private Economics High School INOVA

…our short history lesson, we create our own quizzesquizzes and organize competitionscompetitions among students based on their knowledge: of the EUof the EU its member statesits member states the timeline of the EUthe timeline of the EU the treaties between the EU member the treaties between the EU member

statesstates the European Commissionthe European Commission


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Private Economics High School INOVA

Entertaining, instructive & informativeEntertaining, instructive & informative – everything is done by students:

making the questionsmaking the questions forming teamsforming teams monitoringmonitoring evaluatingevaluating arranging the awards ceremonyarranging the awards ceremony


QuizzesQuizzes ?

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Private Economics High School INOVA

Best teamsBest teams – rewarded with: gifts & diplomasgifts & diplomas booksbooks CDsCDs trip to another European countrytrip to another European country -


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Private Economics High School INOVA

Our school is decorated with Europe’s Europe’s symbolssymbols, students draw the Flag of EuropeFlag of Europe, we recall that that the European anthemEuropean anthem is based on the prelude to “The Ode of Joyprelude to “The Ode of Joy”, 4th movement of Ludwig van Beethoven’s 4th movement of Ludwig van Beethoven’s Symphony No.9 Symphony No.9 - -


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Private Economics High School INOVA

The motto – UNITY IN DIVERSITYThe motto – UNITY IN DIVERSITY – written in 22 languages and together with the Latin version, “In varietate concordia”“In varietate concordia”, is put on the school’s walls -


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Private Economics High School INOVA

We visit Zagreb’s Faculty of EconomicsZagreb’s Faculty of Economics which regularly organizes open lecturesopen lectures, workshops & information activities on workshops & information activities on topics concerning European integration topics concerning European integration with a special impact on Economics of with a special impact on Economics of European IntegrationEuropean Integration


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Private Economics High School INOVA

Teach us about: economic aspects of European economic aspects of European

integrationintegration positive & negative sides of the EU’s positive & negative sides of the EU’s

single marketsingle market legislation & home affairslegislation & home affairs common policies on tradecommon policies on trade free movement of people, goods, free movement of people, goods,

services & capital within the EUservices & capital within the EU -

Open LecturesOpen Lectures

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Private Economics High School INOVA

…such lectures always provide attractive & provide attractive & stimulating environment to listen & stimulating environment to listen & discuss the current state of affairs discuss the current state of affairs regarding regarding the European integrationthe European integration

What is More…What is More…

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Private Economics High School INOVA

Opens up OPPORTUNITIESOPPORTUNITIES to: meet peoplemeet people exchange ideas & views in an open exchange ideas & views in an open

& academically challenging & academically challenging environmentenvironment

interact with university teachers & interact with university teachers & respectable EU expertsrespectable EU experts


Open LecturesOpen Lectures

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Private Economics High School INOVA

Organizes lectures about important Institutions of the EU: the European Commissionthe European Commission the Council of Europethe Council of Europe the Court of Justice of the European the Court of Justice of the European

UnionUnion European Central BankEuropean Central Bank European ParliamentEuropean Parliament


EU Information EU Information Centre…Centre…

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Private Economics High School INOVA

Teaches us about: external relations & defenseexternal relations & defense diplomatic missionsdiplomatic missions EU’s Common Foreign & Security EU’s Common Foreign & Security



……EU Information EU Information CentreCentre

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Private Economics High School INOVA

Through Through interactive workshopsinteractive workshops we learn we learn about differences betweenabout differences between EXCLUSIVE, EXCLUSIVE, SHARED & SUPPORTING COMPETENCES SHARED & SUPPORTING COMPETENCES offered by the EU as it is important to offered by the EU as it is important to understand themunderstand them


……EU Information CentreEU Information Centre


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Private Economics High School INOVA

The Union has EXCLUSIVE COMPETENCEEXCLUSIVE COMPETENCE toto make directives and conclude make directives and conclude international agreements when provided international agreements when provided for in a Union legislative actfor in a Union legislative act


Exclusive Exclusive CompetenceCompetence

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Private Economics High School INOVA

Member States cannot show competence in areas where the Union has done

However, Union competence will not result in Member State being prevented from exercising theirs

The Union carries out actions to support, coordinate and supplement Member State’s actions


Shared & Supporting Shared & Supporting CompetenceCompetence

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Private Economics High School INOVA

Taking an educational ride on the EU educational ride on the EU TrolleyTrolley through the streets of our town, Zagreb

The Trolley – appropriately decorated offering educational & promotional materials (brochures, books, CDs, leaflets)

The city’s main squareThe city’s main square – stands are put up and decorated by embassies of the Member States presenting their history & culture


The Fun PartThe Fun Part

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Private Economics High School INOVA

…of all these activities – familiarizing the familiarizing the public with European values & involving all public with European values & involving all social groups, but particularly young social groups, but particularly young people,people, turning Europe Day into a SYMBOL turning Europe Day into a SYMBOL OF EUROPEAN UNITY…OF EUROPEAN UNITY…

The Aim…The Aim…

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Private Economics High School INOVA

…teaching us about the path of a peaceful the path of a peaceful EuropeEurope from the beginnings of cooperation from the beginnings of cooperation after the Second World War, through a after the Second World War, through a period of economic growth, enormous period of economic growth, enormous changes due to the fall of the Berlin Wall changes due to the fall of the Berlin Wall into a Europe without frontiers entering a into a Europe without frontiers entering a new milleniumnew millenium

……The Aim…The Aim…

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Private Economics High School INOVA

UNDERSTANDINGUNDERSTANDING how Europe is of great how Europe is of great importance for us as we are part of it and importance for us as we are part of it and we want to be actively involved in all we want to be actively involved in all aspects of Europe’s lifeaspects of Europe’s life

……The AimThe Aim