cei·mar · 2016-07-28 · 2 the campus of international excellence of the sea cei·mar is a...

Updated January 2015 Campus of International Excellence of the Sea Research groups cei·mar

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Page 1: cei·mar · 2016-07-28 · 2 The Campus of International Excellence of the Sea CEI·MAR is a strategic aggregation, born in the year 2012, with the mission of grouping together Universities,

Updated January 2015

Campus of International Excellence of the Sea

Research groupscei·mar

Page 2: cei·mar · 2016-07-28 · 2 The Campus of International Excellence of the Sea CEI·MAR is a strategic aggregation, born in the year 2012, with the mission of grouping together Universities,
Page 3: cei·mar · 2016-07-28 · 2 The Campus of International Excellence of the Sea CEI·MAR is a strategic aggregation, born in the year 2012, with the mission of grouping together Universities,

Research areas

• Presentation | 2

• Agro-industry and Alimentation (AGR) | 4

• Biology and Biotechnology (BIO) | 8

• Health (CTS) | 12

• Exact and Experimental Sciences (FQM) | 14

• Humanities and Artistic Creation (HUM) | 23

• Natural Resources, Energy and the Environment (RNM) | 29

• Social, Economic and Legal Sciences (SEJ) | 52

• Production and Construction Technology (TEP) | 59

• Information and Communication Technology (TIC) | 68


Page 4: cei·mar · 2016-07-28 · 2 The Campus of International Excellence of the Sea CEI·MAR is a strategic aggregation, born in the year 2012, with the mission of grouping together Universities,

2 The Campus of International Excellence of the Sea CEI·MAR is a strategic aggregation, born in the year 2012, with the mission of grouping together Universities, Research Institutes and Social and Economic Agents with the sea in common, from the Andalucía, Southern Portugal and Northern Morocco regions.

CEI· MAR consists of Spa- nish universities from Cadiz, Almeria, Huelva, Granada and Malaga, universities from the Algarve (Portugal) and Abdelmalek Essaâdi (Morocco), forming a cross-border, inter-national campus promoted by universities from three coun-tries and two continents. This strategic aggregation of uni-versities is complemented with the main Spanish entities that deal with all aspects of knowledge connected with the sea in the southern part of the Iberian peninsula, such as the Superior Council of Scien-tific Research through the Insti-tute of Marine Sciences of An-dalucía and the Andalusian Institute of Land Sciences; the Spanish Oceanography Insti-tute; the Institute of Agricul-tural and Fishing Training and Research; the Royal Army

Observatory Institute; the Navy Hydrographical Institute; the Underwater Archaeology Centre of the Andalusian His-torical Heritage Institute; and the National Museum of Un-derwater Archaeology.

This important scientific aggre-gation is organized by means of different groups or clusters to improve the competitive-ness of the Campus, transfer scientific knowledge to busi-nesses and to improve the quality of life of Society.

These thematic clusters are groups of researchers, busi-nesses and administrations linked by a common interest; they are forums for informa-tion, debate and contact for the development of new pro-jects and the joint quest for funding channels.

Page 5: cei·mar · 2016-07-28 · 2 The Campus of International Excellence of the Sea CEI·MAR is a strategic aggregation, born in the year 2012, with the mission of grouping together Universities,

3The fundamental aim of the CEI· MAR Foundation, a body governed by Public Law founded on the 12th De-cember 2012 with the aim of streamlining the governance of the Campus of Internation-al Excellence of the Sea and bringing together all the en-tities that make it up with the sea in common, is to create a high-quality academic, sci-entific, entrepreneurial and in-novative environment and its main task is to foment training and research of excellence in the different areas of special-isation related to the marine field.

Furthermore, the goal of the CEI· MAR Foundation is to drive the transfer of knowledge generated in the field of re-search and to boost the use-fulness to Society of the activi-ties carried out in the Campus of International Excellence, with special attention to the scientific, teaching and busi-ness fields.

This present catalogue shows the main research groups linked to CEI· MAR, grouped

according to the sectorial areas contemplated by the Andalusian Research Plan: Environment and Natural Re-sources (RNM), Physics, Chem-istry and Mathematics (FQM), Bio-sanitary Research (BIO), Production Technology (TEP), Humanities (HUM), Agro-ali-mentation (AGR), Economic, Social and Legal Sciences (SEJ), Information and Commu-nications Technology (TIC) and Health Sciences (CTS).

The CEI· MAR Foundation offers a rigorous organizational re-gime, advice and deliberation from the best marine-maritime scientists, efficient economic management and even tax benefits for businesses that need to have the most ad-vanced scientific knowledge related to the sea in the south of Europe.

Page 6: cei·mar · 2016-07-28 · 2 The Campus of International Excellence of the Sea CEI·MAR is a strategic aggregation, born in the year 2012, with the mission of grouping together Universities,

AGRAgro-industry and Alimentation

• Nutrition and Animal Diet

• Food Engineering and Technology

• Animal Production Technology

• Diversificationandbiotechnologyin


• Aquaculture and Fishing Resources


Page 7: cei·mar · 2016-07-28 · 2 The Campus of International Excellence of the Sea CEI·MAR is a strategic aggregation, born in the year 2012, with the mission of grouping together Universities,

AGR-152Francisco Javier Moyano Ló[email protected]

Development and applica-tion of in-vitro digestibility sys-tems for monogastric animals.Digestive Biochemistry in fish.

Nutrition and Animal Diet

AGR-203Ildefonso Caro [email protected]

Hydrolysis of lignocellulosic materials for lignocellulose biorefineries.Research into marine food re-sources and the development of new products.Use of new natural fermenta-tion activators in industrial fer-mentation.Effect of farming and vinificai-tion practices on the aromatic fraction of wines and its senso-ry profile.Research and innovation in culinary and food technolo-gies.

Study and application of new technologies to biological ageing of wine.Ion-exchange applications in the agri-food industry.Analysis of metabolites of physiological and nutrition in-terest in fermentation products.Optimisation and develop-ment of industrial fermenta-tion plants.Kinetic studies on the pro-duction of photosynthetic mi-croalgae of agri-food interest.Tartaric, microbial and oxida-tive stability of wine industry products.Exploitation of by-products and waste from the agri-food industry.

Food Engineering and Technology


AGR | AGRo-industRy And AlimentAtion

Page 8: cei·mar · 2016-07-28 · 2 The Campus of International Excellence of the Sea CEI·MAR is a strategic aggregation, born in the year 2012, with the mission of grouping together Universities,

AGR-246José Pedro Cañavate Horsjosep.canavate@juntadeandalucia.



Application of molecular markers for monitoring tracea-bility in aquaculture, foodstuffs and fishery management and in the genetic improvement of cultivated species. Functional genomics applied to nutrition, immunity and the development of marine spe-cies. Vehiculation of nutrients and bioactive substances to im-prove the development of cultivated marine species. Nutrigenomic approach to nutritional requirements. De-termination of the influence of larval foods in the ontogeny of cultivated fish.

Design and use of phototro-phic systems to characterise qualitative aspects of nutri-tional interest from marine microalgae. Development of outdoor cultivation of mi-croalgae for the production of compounds of commercial interest.Innovation and optimisation of aquaculture systems. Study of management guidelines to re-duce physiological stress and promote immunostimulation. Development of new aqua-culture species and products.Prospecting of new raw ma-terials of marine origin as an alternative to fishing resources for use in aquaculture foods. Study of the trophic relations in coastal ecosystems of po-tential candidate species for use as food.


AGR-233José Luis Guzmán [email protected]

Marine Aquaculture.

Animal Production Technology6

Page 9: cei·mar · 2016-07-28 · 2 The Campus of International Excellence of the Sea CEI·MAR is a strategic aggregation, born in the year 2012, with the mission of grouping together Universities,

AGR-247Inés Martínez [email protected]

Nutrition of species of interest in aquaculture (flatfish, cephalo-pods, bivalve molluscs, crusta-ceans).Development of cultivation

techniques for species of in-terest in aquaculture (flatfish, cephalopods, bivalve mol-luscs, crustaceans).Physiology of the reproduc-tion of species of interest in aquaculture (flatfish, cephalo-pods, bivalve molluscs, crusta-ceans).Study of bivalve molluscs and flatfish pathologies.

AquacultureandFishingResources 7

AGR | AGRo-industRy And AlimentAtion

Page 10: cei·mar · 2016-07-28 · 2 The Campus of International Excellence of the Sea CEI·MAR is a strategic aggregation, born in the year 2012, with the mission of grouping together Universities,

Biology and Biotechnology

• CardiovascularstudiesinVertebrates

• Algal Biotechnology

• Biology and Cell Physiology

• AppliedMicrobiologyandMolecularGenetics

• Molecular Epidemiology of the hospital-acquired


• Cellular responses and adaptions to environmental



Page 11: cei·mar · 2016-07-28 · 2 The Campus of International Excellence of the Sea CEI·MAR is a strategic aggregation, born in the year 2012, with the mission of grouping together Universities,

BIO-203Ana Carmen Durán [email protected]

Morphology and embryonic development of the cardiac outflow tract in vertebrates.Morphology and embryonic development of the cardiac valves in vertebrates.Morphology and morphoge- nesis of congenital anoma-

lies of the cardiac semilunar valves and of the coronary arteries in mammals.Cardiac cartilage.Arteriogenesis. Development of collateral arteries in animal models.Studies on atherogenesis in animal models.Progression of atherosclerosis in animal models with BAV.

Cardiovascular studies in Vertebrates

BIO-214CarlosVí[email protected]

Polymers from Algae Sugars and Hydrocarbons (SPLASH). Project funded by FP7 (EU).Multi-product Integrated. Biorefinery of Algae: from Car-

bon Dioxide and Light Energy to High-value Specialties (MIRA-CLES). Project funded by FP7 (EU). Renewable Energy Pro-duction through Microalgae Cultivation: Closing Material Cycles (ALGAENET). Project funded by FP7 (EU)Genetic engineering of microalgae.

Algal Biotechnology

Bio | BioloGy And BiotechnoloGy


Page 12: cei·mar · 2016-07-28 · 2 The Campus of International Excellence of the Sea CEI·MAR is a strategic aggregation, born in the year 2012, with the mission of grouping together Universities,

BIO-217José Becerra [email protected]

Cell therapy for skeletal re-generation.

Osteogenic differentiation.Regeneration in vertebrates (zebrafish).Osteoinductive recombinant proteins.Biomaterials.

Biology and Cell Physiology

BIO-219LaureanaRebordinosGonzá[email protected]

Study into genetic markers in marine populations, for its use in aquaculture: mapping of the genes that control quan-titative characters (QTL) in aquatic species.Molecular study of the patho-

genic mechanisms of the fun-gus Botrytis Cinerea.Measures to comprehensively control fungal diseases.Genomic characterisation and study of the properties of the different gene groups that are found in the yeast used in wine making and which are responsible for the production of dry sherry and manzanilla.

Applied Microbiology and Molecular Genetics

BIO-249Joaquín Fernández-Crehuet [email protected]

Quality of Life and Public Health.Nutritional epidemiology.Molecular Epidemiology of

the hospital-acquired infec-tion.Bioassay of toxicity for water control.Assessment of biocides (an-tiseptic and disinfectant substances).Evaluation of new sterilization technologies.



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BIO-282FranciscoCórdobaGarcí[email protected]

Cellular responses to environ-mental stress induced by xe-nobiotics.Early warning biomarkers. Cellular and molecular bio-markers as tools of enviromental

quality associated with hysto-pathological and biochemi-cal alterations in fish species of commercial interest. The effect of environmental stress on higher animals and plants. Enzimatic and non-enzimatic defense mechanisms against environmetal stress.

Cellular responses and adaptions to environmental stress


Bio | BioloGy And BiotechnoloGy

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• Skin cancer

• Neuropsychopharmacology&Psychobiology

Research Group


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[email protected]

Photocarcinogenesis.Clinical -pathological- biomo-lecular factors and prognoses in epithelial skin cancer.

Sentinel lymph node and melanoma.Squamous-cell carcinoma.New therapeutic means.Photoprotection and antioxi-dants.

Skin cancer

CTS-510Esther M. Berrocoso Domí[email protected]

Study of correlations between depression and pain by means of neuroimaging techniques in animal models.Study of synergistic interac-tions between opioids and monoamines in depressive disorders using different experi-mental models of depression.Neurohistochemical markers in chronic pain models, their modification by antidepre- ssants and their distribution in brain regions related to pain

and depression (galanin, glu-tamate and gaba receptors mrnas).Effects of psychopharmaceu-ticals on mu-opioid receptor knockout and nfat knockout mice by means of animal models of depression and pain. Use of semi-synthetic and plant-derived natural products as psychopharmaceuticals and/or analgesics.Effectiveness and mecha-nisms of action of antidepre- ssants in treating symptoms of pain in depression and other neurological-related diseases.

Neuropsychopharmacology & Psychobiology Research Group

cts | heAlth


Page 16: cei·mar · 2016-07-28 · 2 The Campus of International Excellence of the Sea CEI·MAR is a strategic aggregation, born in the year 2012, with the mission of grouping together Universities,

Exact and Experimental Sciences• Astronomy/History of Science/Astronomical Events/

Time and Frequency

• Chemistry of Solids and Catalysis

• Inorganic analysis

• Environmental and Bioanalytical Chemistry

• Sulphur

• New Inorganic Materials

• Simulation, Characterisation and Evolution of Materials

• Isolation, Structural Determination and Synthesis of

Natural Products

• Analytical chemistry of Contaminants

• Differential equations, Numerical Analysis and Applications

• Theory of Approximation and Orthogonal Polynomials

• Implementation and Environmental Sciences

• Natural Marine Products

• Allelopathy in Higher Plants and Microorganisms

• Biosysnthetic Design of Fungicides

• Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Models Arising

in Experimental Sciences

• Structure and Chemistry of Nanomaterials

• Applied Magnetism and Optics

• Metalomics and Environmental analysis

• Optimisation of Resources, Statistics, Transport and

Logistics (OREL)

• LaboratoryofOrganicSynthesisandPhotochemistry


Page 17: cei·mar · 2016-07-28 · 2 The Campus of International Excellence of the Sea CEI·MAR is a strategic aggregation, born in the year 2012, with the mission of grouping together Universities,

FQM-008Miguel Vallejo Carrió[email protected]

Astronomy.History of Science.Astronomical events.Time and Frequency.

Astronomy/History of Science/ Astronomical Events/TimeandFrequency

FQM-110Miguel Angel Cauqui [email protected]

Catalysts for treating harmful missions and liquid effluents.Solid catalysts for transforming vegetable oils into high ener-gy and environmental quality

fuel (biodiesel).The preparation, characteri-sation and testing of new ma-terials properties as catalysts and chemical sensors, using cesium dioxide.Catalytic production of hydro-gen for use as a fuel in ener-gy generators of low environ-mental impact (‘fuel cells’).

Chemistry of Solids and Catalysis

Inorganic analysisFQM-117Jose Manuel Cano Pavó[email protected]

Development of new columns for liquid chromatography. Study on history of science and technology in Andalusia and Spain.Development of new methods

for trace and metal ultratrace speciation in biological and environmental samples using the techniques icp-aes and eta-aas.Analysis of biomorphic ceramic materials. Use of chemometric methods for the resolution of analytical problems.

FQm | exAct And expeRimentAl sciences


Page 18: cei·mar · 2016-07-28 · 2 The Campus of International Excellence of the Sea CEI·MAR is a strategic aggregation, born in the year 2012, with the mission of grouping together Universities,

FQM-141Jose Luis Gómez [email protected]

Explotation of marine byproducts.Organic microcontaminants (pesticides, PCBs, PAHs, dioxins, emergent contaminants.

Environmental metallomics. Trafic of metals at cellular and organs levels using mice (Mus spretus) and crab (Procamba-rus clarkii) as bioindicators.Toxicometabolomics, metal- metabolomics, metabonomics and environmental metabolo-mics.

Environmental and Bioanalytical Chemistry

FQM-148Miguel Hernández Ló[email protected]

Photocatalysis.Analysis of organic environ-

mental pollutants.Chromatographic techniques.Tertiary sewage treatment.Luminescent techniques.


FQM-155Antonio Jiménez Ló[email protected]

Synthesis of mesoporous solids.Catalysis of hydrogenation

and dehydrogenation. Oxi-dative catalysis and nitrogen- oxide elimination.Oxidative catalysis and nitro-gen-oxide elimination.

New Inorganic Materials


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Simulation, Characterisation and Evolution of MaterialsFQM-166Joaquin Martin [email protected]

Nanomaterials for photoelec-trochemical solar cells.HPHT and CVD diamonds characterisation. Scientific equipment design.Integration methods in Quan-

tum Chemistry.Molecular properties cal-culation by computational methods.Artistic Historic Heritage mate-rials.Characterisation of suspended particles.Water sorption of porous ma-terials.

FQM-169Guillermo Martinez [email protected]

Synthesis of natural products with biological activity.Isolation of natural products.

Isolation, Structural Determination and Synthesis of Natural Products

Analytical chemistry of ContaminantsFQM-170Antonia Garrido [email protected]

Chemometrics.Analysis of mycotoxins in food.

Trace analysis.Pesticides and metabolites.Analysis of air, water and food pollutants.Biological control.Evaluation of exposition to xe-nobiotics.


FQm | exAct And expeRimentAl sciences

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FQM-216Carlos María Pares Madroñ[email protected]

Numerical analysis of equa-tion systems in partial deriva-tives: methods of elements and finite volumes.

Two-layer systems of shallow waters.Numerical simulation in oceanography. Numerical analysis of equa-tion systems in partial deriva-tives: Methods of elements. Finite volumes.

Differential equations, Numerical Analysis andApplications

FQM-229Juan José Moreno Balcá[email protected] 015661

Clinical applications in ophthalmology.Theory of approximation. Orthogonal polynomials. Special functions.Numerical analysis.Complex analysis.

Theory of Approximation and Orthogonal Polynomials

Chromatographic techniques with mass-spectrometry de-tection.

Veterinary residues in food.

FQM-249Jose Luis Hidalgo Hidalgo de [email protected]

Application of different ana-lytical techniques to the solu-tion of real-world poblems.Development and evaluation of sample preparation proce-dures.Application of chemiometric

Implementation and Environmental Sciences


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techniques to electroanalyti-cal and spectroscopic data.Development of new sono-gel-carbon materials as a basis for the development of sensors together with car-bon-paste electrodes and their application to the deter-

mination of environmentally relevant analytes.Electrochemical and structural characterisation of ceramic composite materials.Potential of atomic spectros-copy in the analysis of real samples. Food quality control.

FQM-285Fco. Javier Salvá Garcí[email protected]

Isolation, structural characte- risation and chemical trans-formations of natural marine

products.Determination of the absolute configurations of natural pro- ducts, using chiral auxiliaries and spectroscopic methods. Biomedical applications.

Natural Marine Products

FQM-286Francisco Antonio Macías Domí[email protected]

Allelopathic studies of higher plants and microorganisms.

Studies into the structure- activity relationship (SAR).Preparation of natural agro-chemical models by partial and total synthesis.Design of specific and non-specific biotests of phyto-toxics.

Allelopathy in Higher Plants and Microorganisms


FQm | exAct And expeRimentAl sciences

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FQM-295Isidro González [email protected]

Biotransformation:a. Using whole-cell microor-ganisms as a way to under-stand metabolic pathways and.b. As a synthetic strategy for producing enantimerically

pure compounds.Biosynthetic studies by means of stable isotope-labelled intermediates.Toxins from phytopathogen fungi: their role in infection processes caused by fungus.Bioactive molecules synthesis.Biological chemistry.

Biosysnthetic Design of Fungicides

FQM-315Francisco Ortegón [email protected]

Thermistor problem.Thermal treatment of steel.Stochastic risk assessment of nuclear waste disposal.Primitive equations (pe) of the ocean.Non-linear elliptic and para-

bolic equations.Turbulence model. Navier- Stokes equations.Porous media equations.Mathematical foundations of computer science.Formal concept analysis (fca).Structural analysis of membrane tension.

Theoretical and Numerical Analysis of Models Arising in Experimental Sciences


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FQM-334Jose Juan Calvino [email protected]

Nanoscale research into ma-terials for chemical sensors.

Nanoscale research into ma-terials for heterogeneous ca-talysis.Electronic microscopy of na-nomaterials.

Structure and Chemistry of Nanomaterials

FQM-335Manuel Dominguez de la [email protected]

Magneto-optical sensors.

Biomedical applications of magnetic nanoparticles.Fluorescent quantum dots for biomedical applications.Atomic force microscopy (AFM).

Applied Magnetism and Optics

FQM-349Mª Inmaculada Giráldez Dí[email protected]

Simplification, miniaturization and automation of analytical methodologies for the deter-mination of trace elements in marine samples.Speciation of organometallic

compounds in marine orga- nisms (algae, bivalves and fish).Biotransformation of inor-ganic and organic species in marine organisms.Beneficial and toxicologi-cal effects of inorganic and organic species in marine organisms.

Metalomics and Environmental analysis


FQm | exAct And expeRimentAl sciences

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FQM-355Antonia Castaño Martí[email protected]

Optimization of resources and Supply Chain Management.Support systems for traffic, shipping, circulation and driving.Location of plants.Approximation of distributions.

Collective transport sys-tems: design, management methods, working of transport systems and design of mobile material.Intermodality.Inventory management.Management of distribution logistics systems.Risk analysis.Queue management.

Optimisation of Resources, Statistics, Transport and Logistics (OREL)

FQM-372Uwe [email protected]

Synthesis of photoactive or-ganic compounds.Organic chemistry of bioac-

tive compounds.Supramolecular organic chemistry in water.Design of switches for molecu-lar-information processing.

Laboratory of Organic Synthesis and Photochemistry


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23Humanities and Artistic Creation

• CultureandHeritageObservatory

• Coastal Planning and Management

• Literature-Image-Translation

• Urbanitas

• The Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Roman Baetica

• Local Development Institute

• Contemporary History Research Group

• Theory and Cultural Studies

• The Learning of Democracy in Andalusia

• America: Economics, Social and Cultural

• “El Círculo del Estrecho” (Archaeological and ar-

chaeometric study of societies from prehistory to late


• English Terminology Applied to Sciences

• The Legacy of the Antiquity

• Mentality, Society and Environment In Andalusia and

Latin America

• Written, Oral and Media Culture


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HUM 066Celeste Jiménez de [email protected]

Cultural settings of the globali-zation.Individual, power, communi-cation and culture.Natural and cultural heritage.Mining and industrial heritage.Religious diversity.Ethnological heritage.

Culture and Heritage Observatory

HUM-117Juan Manuel Barragán Muñ[email protected]

Integrated coastal area management.Marsh wetlands planning and management.Metropolitan coastal areas. Land planning.

Coastal Planning and Management

HUM-120Dolores Bermúdez [email protected]

Literature and image.Comparative literature.

Literary iconography.Reception of French literature in Spain.Translation French - Spanish- French.


HUM-132Juan Manuel Campos [email protected]

Archaeology.Industrial archaeology.Maritime archaeology.Underwater archaeology.



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HUM-240Francisco Javier Lomas [email protected]

Roman Provincial Administra-tion.Production and Trade in Ro-man Spain.The City in the Early and Late Roman Empire.The Early Christian City.Society and Culture in Ancient Rome.

The Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Roman Baetica

HUM-260Juan Antonio Márquez Domí[email protected]

Coast tourism.Port.Wet borders.Maritime trade.

Local Development Institute

HUM-315Julio Pérez [email protected]

Urban population, environ-ment and development.Modernisation and interna-tional migration flows.International relations and

cooperation in development.State reform, labour transfor-mations and social policies.Dictatorship and political tran-sition to democracy.Citizenship and democracy in Spain.Culture, education and the media.

Contemporary History Research Group

hum | humAnities And ARtistic cReAtion


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HUM-409Mª Mar Gallego Durá[email protected]

The sea as a cultural value/ repository: multiculturalism, diasporas, contact zones,

cultural hybridity, etc.

Theory and Cultural Studies

HUM-420María Antonia Peña [email protected]

Migrations and transatlantic trade.Travelers and transoceanic experiences.The sea like vehicle of cultural transfer.

The Learning of Democracy in Andalusia

HUM-433Manuel José de Lara Ró[email protected]

The maritime inmigrations.Maritime trades in Early Modern Age.Domestic relations between the two coasts of a sea.The sea in the culture and ideas changes.

America: Economics, Social and Cultural


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HUM-440José Francisco Ramos Muñ[email protected]

Social and economic analysis of societies dating from pre-history to late antiquity in the Circle of the Strait.Geoarchaeological study of the natural environment, ar-chaeometry and paleoeco- logy of archaeological, geolo- gical and biological products.Analytical studies of historic- artistic patrimony and geologi-cal-mining patrimony.Theoretical-methodological

reflection of the attempt at archaeological renovation, with the integration of gender studies.Establishment of the historical process of occupation of the Atlantic coast of Cadiz in pre-history.Study of the monetary history of the Circle of the Strait of Gi-braltar in ancient times.Social and economic analysis of hunter-gatherers social for-mation.Social and economic analysis of tribal and class-based so- cieties.

“El Círculo del Estrecho” (Archaeological and archae-ometric study of societies from prehistory to late antiquity)

HUM-724Mª del Carmen Lario de Oñ[email protected]

English-Spanish contrastive study of terminology as applied to science and technology.Computer-assisted language

learning and teaching.Compilation and analysis of special purpose corpora.Pedagogy of English as a foreign language, with a par-ticular focus on English for spe-cific purposes. Standardisation of English as applied to science and technology.

English Terminology Applied to Sciences


hum | humAnities And ARtistic cReAtion

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HUM-741José Luis López [email protected]

Management, assessment and musealisation of the archaeological heritage.The legacy of the Roman Law.New technologies applied to

the sciences of antiquity.Political thought in the anti- quity.Literature and thought in An-cient Greece. Phoenicians, Iberians and Ro-mans, and their legacy in the Western Mediterranean endNeo-Latin and classical tradi-tion.


HUM-944Mª Mar Campos [email protected]

Studies on reading.Reading cartography.Juvenile and children´s litera-ture.Media culture.Literary education.Comparative literature. Encouraging reading.

Written, Oral and Media Culture

HUM-785David González [email protected]

Ports.Sailing and discovery of Ame- rica.Fisheries and marine resources.Natural disasters.Saltworks and marshlands.Marine environment.

Mentality, Society and Environment In Andalusia and Latin America


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Natural Resources, Energy and the Environment

• Pathology, Genetics and Biotechnology of Cultivated

Aquacultural Species

• Biodiversity,ConservationandVegetableResources

• PelagicFoodweb

• Research team in Water Resources

• Physical Oceanography Group, University of Malaga


• South Posidonia

• Oceanography and Coastal Contamination

• Paleobiology,PaleoclimatologyandPaleogeography

• Tectonics and Structural Geology

• Nutrition and Fish Diet

• Radioactivity and the Environment

• Ecozonar (Arid-Zone Ecology)

• Ecophysiology of Aquatic Systems

• Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Metamorphic and

Sedimentary Environments

• Marine Biology and Aquaculture

• Water Resources and Environmental Geology

• Marine ecology and Limnology• Tharsis: Environmental Mineralogy and Geochemistry



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• Physical Oceanography: Dynamics

• Marine and Fishery Biology Group

• Structure and Dynamics of Aquatic Ecosystems

• Tectonics and Marine Geology

• Physiology and Pathology in Aquaculture

• Marine Geochemistry

• Dynamics of Fish Populations

• Biogeography, Diversity and Conservation

• Computational and Experimental Geochemistry

• EnvironmentalMicrobiology

• Applied Geosciences and Environmental Enginnering

• Engineering and Environmental Management Team

• TheHerbariumoftheUniversityofGranada

• Environmental Geomorphology and Water Resource

• PhotobiologyandBiotechnologyofAquaticOrganisms

• Soil Hydrology in Relation to the Degradation Processes

• Ecotoxicology and Ecophisiology of Marine Systems

• Hydrogeology Team of the University of Malaga


• BiogeochemistryofStableIsotopes

• Ecology and Environment

• Geodesy and Geophysics in Cadiz

• Analysis and planning of the natural environment

• Civil engeneering and environmental quality


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• Coastal and Marine Geology and Geophysics

• Conservation of Coastal Wetlands

• Preservation of the Geological Heritage of Andalusia:


Rocks Outcrops of the Baetic System

• Oceanography and Remote Sensing

• MarineecosystemsinAlboran:WeatherTrendsand

Climate Change

• Analytical and Environmental toxicology

• Aquatic Ecology and Aquaculture

• Geology and Environmental Geochemistry

• Radiation Physics and Environment

• Marshes and Beaches

• Contamination of Aquatic Systems

• Dynamics of Orogens and Basins


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[email protected]

Air pollution by air-navigating biological particles.Conservation of species

and threatened vegetable communities.Biosystematic studies in labia-tae and ferns. Ecophisiology and ecotoxico- logy of aquatic systems (al-gae and seagrass).

Biodiversity, Conservation and Vegetable Resources

RNM-112Juan José Borrego Garcí[email protected]

Pathology of cultivated spe-cies (fish and molluscs). Genetics and biotechnology applied to the aquaculture.

Pathology, Genetics and Biotechnology of Cultivated AquaculturalSpecies

RNM-125Luis Jose Cruz [email protected]

Energy and matter flow in inland-sea aquatic systems.Dynamics of plankton popula-tions and complex food-web interactions. High-mountain aquatic sys-tems: UV radiation. Limitation of resources.

Taxonomic and functional di-versity.High-mountain aquatic sys-tems: ultraviolet radiation and limitation of resources.Dynamics of plankton popula-tions. Eutrophication of lakes and reservoirs.Taxonomic and functional di-versity.

Pelagic Food web


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RNM-126José Benavente [email protected]

Karst hydrochemistry.Hydrology of wetlands.

Hydrogeology of fractured rocks.Chemical quality of the water and pollution.Hydrogeology of coastal aquifers.

Research team in Water Resources

RNM-137Jesús García [email protected]

Water exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar.Climatic indices in the Medi-terranean Sea.

Mediterranean outflow varia-bility.Numerical modelling (MIT-gcm)Internal waves.Regional Physical Oceano- graphy (Western Mediterrane-an & Gulf of Cadiz).Physical-biological coupled models.

Physical Oceanography Group, University of Malaga (GOFIMA)

RNM-141José Enrique García [email protected]

Taxonomy and biogeography of decapods, molluscs and equinoderms.Growth and reproduction of molluscs and decapods.

Dynamics of marine commu-nities.Study of environmental im-pacts on the marine sea-board.Marine areas: characteriza-tion, evaluation, manage-ment and knowledge.

Posidonia Sur

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RNM-144AbelardoGó[email protected]

Environmental quality of aquatic systems.Nutrient, carbon and green-

house gas cycles in coastal systems.Environmental behaviour in or-ganic compounds and heavy metals.Characterisation and simula-tion of chemical processes in estuaries.

Oceanography and Coastal Contamination

RNM-146Francisco Serrano [email protected]

Biostratigraphy and chronos-tratigraphy based on plank-tonic foraminifera.Taphonomy and Paleoeco- logy of Plio-Quaternary mam-mals.Morphometric and taxono-

mic studies on different orga- nisms (Planktonic foraminifera, Ammonoidea, Mammalian).Paleoceanography of the Western Mediterranean and the Atlantic - Mediterranean passage during the Neo-gene-Quaternary. Paleogeography and tec-tonic evolution of the Tertiary basins in the Mediterranean Alpine domains.

Paleobiology, Paleoclimatology and Paleogeography

RNM-148David Martínez [email protected]

Geomorphology.Seismic prospection.Tectonics and Structural Geo- logy.

Tectonics and Structural Geology


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RNM-156Ana Sanz [email protected]

Diet, nutrition, physiology, intermediary metabolism and metabolism of reactive-oxygen species in fish of interest in the field of fish farming (trout, stur-geon, toothy, and others).Physiology of fish (trout, stur-

geon, eel, and others). Ontogenetic development of the digestive and eating ca-pacities (sturgeon).Parameters related to the assessment of animal stress and well-being in the field of fish farming.Impacts of the cultivation conditions on fish physiology and metabolism: oxidative stress in fish.

Nutrition and Fish Diet

RNM-160LuisCarlosBarberoGonzá[email protected]

Distribution of radionuclides in coastal sediments.Dating of sedimentary columns.

Migration of radionuclides in marine sediment columns.Interface phenomena on the marine bed.Sedimentation processes using radionuclides.Low-temperature thermo-chronology: fission-track ana- lysis.

Radioactivity and the Environment


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RNM-174FranciscoJavierCabelloPiñ[email protected]

Techniques and methods for sustainable use, conservation and restoration of the ecosys-tems. Endemic and threatened spe-cies. Arid Mediterranean ecosys-tems and habitats.Effects of the global change on the biodiversity and the function of the ecosystems.Shapes and cycles of soil carbon.

Mycology popularization. Application of remote sensing and GIS to the sustainable management of the ecosys-tems. Distribution and abundance of species as indicators of the global change. Entomofauna of arid zones.Functional aspects of the bio-diversity.Inventory and characteriza-tion of the biodiversity: flora, fauna and fungi.Distribution of soils in the landscape.

Ecozonar (Arid-Zone Ecology)

RNM-176Carlos Jiménez [email protected]

Global ecology. Biogeoche- mical cycles of C, N, P and S. Eutrophication.Ecology of estuaries and coastal zones. Sediment- water relations. Diagenesis.Photocontrol of the growth

and metabolism of C, N and P in plants. Electrophysiology. Ion transportation in plants.Extraction and optimization of the production of natu-ral compounds in algae of commercial interest. Handling of biomass quality. Electrophysiology of plant cells.



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RNM-179Miguel Ortega [email protected]

Low-temperature petrogenetic processes. Industrial clay minerals.

Climatic variability in the Me- diterranean. Conservation of historic heri- tage. Disastrous events. Biomineralization.

Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Metamorphic and Sed-imentary Environments

RNM-181Manuel Yúfera Giné[email protected]

Reproduction, development, diet, physiology, genetics, pathology and cultivation of marine organisms.

RNM-189Antonio Pulido [email protected]

Capability of utilization of growing waters in the management of AC.

Protection of the subterranean karst environment.Hydrogeochemistry of boron.Hydrological research of coastal aquifers.Hydrogeological reserach of karst aquifers.

Water Resources and Environmental Geology



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RNM-192Valeriano Rodríguez Martí[email protected]

Protected marine areas. Analysis of aquatic ecosys-tems. Size structure.Size structure and functioning of

plankton communities. Food webs. Physical control of the biolo- gical production in the ocean. Regional oceanography of the Alboran Sea.Ecology of reservoirs. Saline continental lagoons.

Marine ecology and Limnology

RNM-205ÓscarÁ[email protected]

Marine environment.Marine dynamics and meteo- rology.Dynamics and morphody-

namics of estuaries and gulfs. Coastal protection.Hydrodynamics of the gulf of Cádiz, the strait of Gibraltar and the Alboran sea.Coupling of physical and bio-logical processes.Operational oceanography.Remote sensing.

Physical Oceanography: Dynamics

RNM-198Jose Miguel Nieto Liñá[email protected]

Mineralogy and Geochemistry. Metals input to the oceans. Phosphogypsum and its im-pact on estuarine ecosystems Ecotoxicology in environ-ments impacted by acid mine drainage.

Tharsis: Environmental Mineralogy and Geochemistry Lab


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RNM-213Antonio Medina [email protected]

Environmental impact assess-ment in coastal systems.Biodiversity (including mole- cular systematic studies) and

conservation of marine eco-systems.Biology of reproduction in ma-rine animals.Evaluation of fishing resources.Nutrition of marine animals and application in aquacul-ture.

Marine and Fishery Biology Group

RNM-214Juan José Vergara Oñ[email protected]

Structure and dynamics of planktonic and benthic communities.Environmental impact assess-ment in aquatic ecosystems.Studies on biological oceano- graphy.Management and conserva-tion of coastal ecosystems.Limnology: Management of reservoirs, wetlands and lakes. Ecological modelling in aquatic ecosystems.

Taxonomic identification of sea-weeds and seagrasses. Appli- cation to the Water Frame-work Directive.Isolation, culture and charac-terization of microalgae.Analysis of phyto and zoo-plankton samples.Sample analyses of benthic in-vertebrates.Microbial biogeochemistry and microsensors.Ecological effects and res-toration of pollution by acid mine drainage. Biological elimination of sulfide. Applied uses of seaweeds.



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RNM-216José Antonio Muñoz Cueto [email protected]

Osmoregulatory mechanisms in teolost fish: general and applied aspects.Correlation between osmore- gulation and energy meta- bolism: application to growth processes.Stress in aquaculture fish spe-cies.Effects of pollutants on

osmoregulatory systems.Effects of probiotics on growth, stress tolerance and immune response.Functional neuroanatomy of fishes.Endocrine control of fish repro-duction.Environmental physiology of fishes.Developmental physiology of fishes.Biological rhythms of fishes.


RNM-215María del Carmen Comas [email protected]

Geophysical and geologic modelling.Superficial processes on the crust and geological risks.Tecto-sedimentary evolution

of continental margins.Structure, evolution and active tectonics of the litho-sphere (orogenic arches and oceanic basins).Marine geology and geo-physics. Tectonics and Structural Geo- logy.

Tectonics and Marine Geology40

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RNM-236Manuel Garcia [email protected]

Methodology of the environ-mental analysis of sub- and ultra-metallic traces.Monitorisation of physical and chemical parameters in envi-

ronmental samples.Environmental impact on ma-rine aquaculture.Speciation of heavy metals in aquatic ecosystems.Ultra-traces of heavy metals as anthropogenic tracers.

Marine Geochemistry

RNM-243Milagrosa Casimiro-Soriguer [email protected]

Dynamics of fish populations.Fisheries on the South Atlantic Iberian coast.Selectivity of fish traps.

Dynamics of Fish Populations

RNM-262Juan Mario Vargas Yañ[email protected]

Hunting management.Greater flamingo biology.

Biogeographic analysis of terrestrial vertebrates in the Iberian peninsula and Europe.Vertebrates distribution atlas.

Biogeography, Diversity and Conservation


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RNM-264Javier [email protected]

Kinematics of superficial geo-chemical processes.Superficial interactions tying/

clay minerals.Materials for nuclear storages.Theoretical Physiochemistry. Molecular modelling.Isotope fractionation in ow-temperature minerals.

Computational and Experimental Geochemistry

RNM-270Jesús González Ló[email protected]

Production of biofuel.Environmental Microbiology.Nitrogen fixation.

Biofilm systems.Technologies of the environ-ment.Technologies of submerged filters.Bioremediation.Recycling of sewage.Anhydrobiosis engineering.

Environmental Microbiology

RNM-276Juan Antonio Morales Gonzá[email protected]

EStudy and characterisation of littoral hydrodynamic pro-cesses.Sedimentology of coastal en-vironments.Geochemistry of sediments in

coastal environments.Characterisation of the hydro-chemistry in littoral waters.Human alterations of coastal dynamics.Paleontology of marine envi-ronments.Natural and Cultural heritage on the coastal areas.Geologic hazards.Studies of Environmental

Applied Geosciences and Environmental Enginnering


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Impact in coastal and marine environments.Geotecnic properties of ma-terials in coastal areas.

Tectonic problems on the coastal areas.The coast under the global change.

RNM-281Francisco García [email protected]

Waste management: industrial, Urban Solid Waste and bio-mass.Sewage treatment.Assessment of soil and

subterranean-water pollution; modelling of systems for the prevention and soil decon-tamination; restoration tech-niques for poluted soils; waste management: industrial, Ur-ban Solid Waste and biomass; epizootic control.

Engineering and Environmental Management Team

RNM-288Pedro Miguel Sánchez [email protected]

Applied Phycology: toxic algae and biological deterio-ration.Study and funding increase of

the herbarium of the University of Granada. Analysis of the regional vascu-lar plants using the funds de-posited in the herbariums.Development of data processing tools and their application to the study of the biodiversity.

The Herbarium of the University of Granada


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RNM-295Eduardo Martínez [email protected]

Effects of UV radiation on pho-tosynthesis, nutrients assimila-tion, DNA damage and apop-tosis. Biotechnology of the effluent biofiltration (fish farms, pork farms) through algae. Primary production in extreme ecosystems.

Photoprotectors, antioxidants and immunostimulant of algae. Microbiology and fish aqua-culture. Climatic change in aquatic systems. Photo-ecophysiology of ma- croscopic and microcospic algae.Resources and plant mapping.


RNM-303Maria Dolores [email protected]

Development and optimiza-tion of analytical techniques and experimental designs for

measurement of accessibility of metals to the environment and of mechanisms of the processes involved.Evaluation of the environmen-tal impact of chemical ele-ments on the soil.

Soil Hydrology in Relation to the Degradation Processes

RNM-293Joaquín Rodríguez [email protected]

Coastal Geomorphology.Climate Change.Geodiversity.Coastal Hazard and Mitiga-tion.

Environmental Geomorphology and Water Resource44

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RNM-308Francisco Carrasco [email protected]

Hydrogeological characteriza-tion of Spain’s southern aqui-fers, particularly of carbonate

aquifers.Geodynamics of the karst. Conditioning (lithological, tec-tonic, climatic and hydrogeo-logical) of the karst.Hydrogeology of wetlands.Cartography of vulnerability.

Hydrogeology Team of the University of Malaga (Ghuma)

RNM-306Julián Blasco [email protected]

Pollutant distribution and behaviour in environmental matrices.

Design, application and vali-dation of ecotoxicologic tests.Mechanisms of polluting- biota interaction.Ecophisiology and biochemis-try of phytoplankton species.Activity.

Ecotoxicology and Ecophisiology of Marine Systems

RNM-309Emilio [email protected]

Isotope geothermometry. Paleoclimatological and paleohydrological records of the Quaternary Period. Stable isotopes in archaeology: study of paleolithic diets.

Geochemistry studies of sta-ble isotopes in natural analo-gous ones with radionuclide diffusion. Study.Biochemistry of stable isotopes, paleoclimatology, global change, food tracea-bility, paleolithic diets, food-web chains in ecology, etc.

Biogeochemistry of Stable Isotopes


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RNM-311Eloy M. Castellanos [email protected]

Structure and function of coastal ecosystems.Global ecology, invasive alien

species.Environment and natural re-sources, restoration ecolo-gy, integrated coastal zone management.Coastal landscape ecology.

Ecology and Environment

RNM-315Juan Carlos Gutiérrez [email protected]

Optimization of water resources and energy in production sys-

tems in aquatic environments.Biology and ecology of fish- farming species. Estimation and characteriza-tion of environmental variables through heuristic and meta-heuristic techniques.

Analysis and planning of the natural environment

RNM-314Manuel Berrocoso [email protected]

Design, development, main-tenance, and quality and geodetic control of perma-nent GNSS networks.GIS design and development

systems in automated environ-ments.Precise geodetic positioning and georeferentiation.Deformation models for geo-dynamically active areas.Design and development of geodetic networks for volca- nic activity monitoring.

Geodesy and Geophysics in Cadiz


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[email protected]

System-reliability analysis.Environmental management; waste processing.


RNM-328Francisco Javier Gracia [email protected]

Geophysical characterisation of continental margins.Coastal erosion processes.Historical changes of the coastline.

Evolution of continental mar-gins.Tectonics of marine areas.Neotectonics and seismotec-tonics.Paleoceanography.Study of natural risks in coastal zones.Paleoclimate.

Coastal and Marine Geology and Geophysics


Conservation of Coastal WetlandsRNM-329Alejandro Pérez [email protected]

Management and regenera-tion of coastal wetlands.Biological monitoring in coastal

wetlands.Trophic ecology of waders.Ecology of reproduction in charadriiformes.Effects of human disturbance on waders.

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RNM-337Maria del Pilar Villares [email protected]

Oceanographic studies using remote sensing, and their rela-tionship with the environment.Materials for radiometric sen-sors.

Oceanography and Remote Sensing

RNM-333Encarnación Puga Rodrí[email protected]

Petrology and geochemistry of endogenous rocks.Ophiolite Associations: mag-

matism and metamorphism in orogens.Metamorphic and igneous processes in the north of the Antarctic peninsula.Preservation of the Geological Heritage of Andalusia.

Preservation of the Geological Heritage of Andalusia: InventoryandScientificEvaluationofEndogenousRocks Outcrops of the Baetic System

RNM-338Jesús [email protected]

Determination of the larval condition and its relation with the recruitment of species with fishing interest.Study on the trends and long-term changes in the biolo-

gical, chemical, and physical variables of the continental margin of the Alboran Sea.Determination of the prima-ry production and enzymatic activities involved in marine ecosystems.Eutrophication in the conti-nental margin of the Alboran Sea: identification of its causes

Marine ecosystems in Alboran: Weather Trends and Climate Change


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RNM-345MaríaIsabelArufeMartí[email protected]

Toxicity of pesticides on aquatic organisms.Environmental toxicologic pa-thology.Analytical toxicology.

Analytical and Environmental toxicology

RNM-346José Jesús Casas Jimé[email protected]

Well-being in fish production systems. Biodiversity conservation in aquatic ecosystems .Management of irrigation



49and of the effects over the composition of plankton.Effect of the variations of en-vironmental conditions on the physiology of larval and

juvenile stadiums of teleostei of fishing interest: endocrine response and implications in growth, metabolism and larval survival.

RNM-347Daniel Alejandro Sánchez- Rodas [email protected]

Petrology. Structural Geology.Geodinamic.Environmental Geochemistry.Atmospheric Pollution.Aerosol Geochemistry.Chemical Speciation.

Geology and Environmental Geochemistry

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RNM-348Juan Pedro Bolívar [email protected]

Pollution of coastal waters and estuaries.Scavenging modelling and their application to evaluate

fluxes of reactive species.Radiogeochronology of sea sediments based in radionu-clides (210Pb, U/Th, 137Cs, 7Be, Pu-isotopes).Natural radionuclides as markers of the biogeoche- mical processes involved in coastal waters.

Radiation Physics and Environment

RNM-358Adolfo Francisco Muñoz Rodrí[email protected]

Conservation Biology.Zoology.Population Ecology.Plant Sistematycs and Taxo- nomy.Vegetation.Animal Ecology.Limnology.

Marshes and Beaches

RNM-375Tomas Angel Del Valls [email protected]

Renewable energy on marine environments.Microbiology of aquatic sys-tems.Environmental assessment guidelines.



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RNM-376Juan Ignacio Soto [email protected]

Characterization of the struc-ture, evolution and properties of the lithosphere, exploring its incidence in the processes, which shape the terrestrial sur-face.

Dynamics of Orogens and Basins 51

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SEJSocial, Economic and Legal Sciences

• ScienceandPublicLawinS.XXI

• International Policy and Law

• Chair of Administrative Law at the University of Cádiz

• Uniform Law of International Trade: Electronic Dealing

• History of the Legal Institutions

• Regulatory Implications of the Environment. Environ-

mental Standards and Environmental Guidelines

• Transportation and Tourism

• Research Team on Natural Resources

• Innovation and Transport Economics

• TerritorialGlobalisationandDynamics

• MEMPES (Modelización Econométrica y Matemática

de Pesquerías)-AEA: Econometric Modelling and

Mathematics for Fisheries

• PublicLawofInformationandKnowledgeSociety

• European and International Legal Studies of Cadiz

• Law, Economy and Society

• GEIDETUR (Research Group on Innovation and

Development Strategies in Tourist Firms)

• Social Innovation In Marketing

• PreventionofLabourRisks


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SEJ-056Juan Francisco Pérez Gá[email protected]

Public Law.

Science and Public Law in S. XXI

International Policy and Law

[email protected]

Administrative Law Research.Publication of books, chapters of books and articles about diverse research areas.Technology transfer to the productive sector: legal ad-vice on Administrative Law and law reports development

for public sector bodies, busi-nesses and individuals.Development of international and national research pro-jects.Researchers training.Directions for preparing doc-toral thesis and research works. A variety of conferences, courses and seminars of spe-cialized matters are offered.

Chair of Administrative Law at the University of Cádiz

SEJ-119Pablo Antonio FernándezSá[email protected]

International Protection of the Marine Environment.

seJ | sociAl, economic And leGAl sciences


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SEJ-161Rafael Padilla [email protected]

International e-commerce.Electronification of docu-

ments for international travel.International buying and selling.International insurance, in par-ticular maritime insurance.Multimodal transport, in par-ticular maritime transport.

Uniform Law of International Trade: Electronic Dealing

SEJ-163ManuelJuanPelá[email protected]

Historical and legal, and Civil collected letters of the 20th century. Aliena real rights in Roman

Law. History of the maritime and aviation Law. Jurists and politicians in Anda-lusia since the Roman Times until the end of the 20th cen-tury.

History of the Legal Institutions

SEJ-174Ángel Sánchez [email protected]

Territory, environment and landscape.Natural spaces, public do-main, infrastructures, public works, territorial programming.

Coordination of competences of the regional administrations and inter-administrative rela-tions.Hierarchy of regulatory sources.Environmental standards. Rights of the person and qua- lity of life. Sustainable development.

Regulatory Implications of the Environment. Environ-mental Standards and Environmental Guidelines


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SEJ-219Enrique Torres [email protected]

Analysis of the tourism, par-ticularly the specific tourisms.Infrastructures and transporta-

tion networks.Demography and territorial planning.Development, tourism and environment.Creation of teaching materials on tourist economy.

Transportation and Tourism

SEJ-219Enrique Torres [email protected]

Business strategies of the agri-business sector.Regional foreign trade.

Management of public ser-vices.Economy and viability of the aquaculture and fishing.Strategic management of businesses.

Research Team on Natural Resources

SEJ-295Manuel Acosta Seró[email protected]

The economics of innovation and technological develop-

ment.Regional innovation systems.Causes and effects of R+D in the economy and firms.Economics of patents.Transport economics.Economic impact studies.

Innovation and Transport Economics


seJ | sociAl, economic And leGAl sciences

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SEJ-313Maria del Carmen Pérez Gonzá[email protected]

Extroversion and spatial dy-namics.Rural areas and endogenous

development.Spatial organisation of activi-ties.Regional economy.New migrations and the de-mographics of businesses.Fishing and aquaculture economy.

Territorial Globalisation and Dynamics

SEJ-329Juan José Garcia del [email protected]

Fisheries management poli-cies.Economy of the natural re-sources.Innovation and growth.

Regional economic analysis.Models of duration.Analysis of efficiency and ca-pacity.Bioeconomic modelling of fisheries.Multiple-criteria programming. Bayesian inference.Cointegration and analysis of temporary series.

MEMPES (Modelización Econométrica y Matemática de Pesquerías)-AEA:EconometricModellingandMathe-matics for Fisheries

SEJ-342Javier Barnés Vá[email protected]

Administrative Law and Ma-rine Environment Protection.Marine Reneawable Energies Legislation.

Public Law of Information and Knowledge Society


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SEJ-357Adolfo Jose Martin [email protected]

EU tax law in Spain.Definition of traditional finan-cial law categories from a

constitutional perspective.Constitutional delimitation of rights (fundamental and other rights). Effects on the field of tax.

European and International Legal Studies of Cadiz

SEJ-397Sonia Rodríguez Sá[email protected]

Integrated Maritime Policy.Integrated Coastal Manage-

ment.Transport law.Legal Protection of Underwa-ter Cultural Heritage.Labour Law.Social Security.

Law, Economy and Society

GEIDETUR (Research Group on Innovation and Develop-ment Strategies in Tourist Firms)SEJ-437Alfonso Vargas Sá[email protected]

Nautical Tourisme (marinas). Marine Tourism.


seJ | sociAl, economic And leGAl sciences

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SEJ-482Cesar Serrano [email protected]

Social marketing.Socio-environmental marke- ting.

Social tourism.Non-governmental organisa-tions (NGOs). Distribution and fair trade.Marketing and health.Market research.Educational innovation mar-keting. Agri-food marketing.

Social Innovation In Marketing

SEJ-523Carlos Ruiz [email protected]

Food and Nutrition in Aqua-culture.

Prevention of Labour Risks


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TEPProduction and Construction


• Biological and Enzymatic Reactors

• SurfaceActivityandRenewableEnergyResources

• Processing of New Materials Using Sol-Gel

• Science and Engineering of Materials

• Analysis and Design of Processes with Supercritical


• Fluid Mechanics

• TransdisciplinaryGroupofKnowledgeEngineering

and Innovation

• Compound Materials

• Environmental Technologies

• Engineeringofcomplexfluid

• Research Team on Development of the Maritime Sector

• Marine Policy

• L.A.V.(LaboratoryofAcousticEngineering)

• EnergyManagement,SavingandDiversification

• Environmental Fluid Dynamics; Marine Section

• Corrosion and Protection

• Biomass Technology

• Technologies for Water Management and Treatment

• Molecular Sieves and Other Nanomaterials


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Biological and Enzymatic Reactors

TEP-109León Cohen [email protected]

Alternative or renewable en-ergies: biodiesel and bioetha-nol production.Surfactancts, detergency and detergents.Sulfoxylated methyl esters.

Sulphonate methil esters de-rived from oleic acids.Hygroscopicity of linear alky-lbenzene sulphonate powders (LAS).Study of sulphonation and sul-foxydation.Design and set-up of a con-tinuous sulphonation pilot plant.

Surface Activity and Renewable Energy Resources

TEP-115Nicolás De la Rosa [email protected]

Organic-inorganic hybrid aerogels with mechanical applications.

Processing of New Materials Using Sol-Gel

TEP-105Domingo Cantero [email protected]

Biodesulfurization and biofil-tration of gaseous effluents. Biological process technolo-gies.

Biotransformations of industrial interest.Kinetics, optimisation and control of fermentation pro-cesses.Microbiology of fermentation processes.Enzymatic technologies.


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TEP-120Rafael Garcia [email protected]

Reliability evaluation of solar cells for space applications by ebic/cl.Fiber reinforced polymer (frp) composite structures in the aerospace industry.Microstructural study of alloy iii-n grown on si and sapphire heteroepitaxial layers.Design and nano-microstruc-tural characterisation by elec-tron beam techniques of iii-iv

compound semiconductor nanostructures.Synthetic diamonds in mate- rials engineering.Crystal surface relaxation mechanisms and defect dis-tribution in ingaas/gaas (111) b laser structures for tele- communications applications.SIC/SI wafers obtained by car-burisation to obtain optoelec-tronic- device substrates (blue lasers) and microelectronic- device substrates (power tran-sistors).

Science and Engineering of Materials

TEP-128Enrique Martínez de la Ossa Ferná[email protected]

Study of the phase equili- briums of solids and liquids with supercritical fluids.Generation and encapsula-tion of micro- and nanopar-

ticles from compounds of pharmaceutical interest using supercritical fluids.Supercritical extraction pro-cesses for obtaining com-pounds of industrial interest from byproducts and agricul-tural waste products.Production of vegetable oils for human consumption, or manufacturing of biodiesel through supercritical extraction

Analysis and Design of Processes with Supercritical Fluids

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TEP-146Ramón Fernández [email protected]

Fluids with free surface and transportation of sediments (rivers, lakes,...)Hydrodynamic stability: ge- neral theory and its applica-tion to rotating fluids.

Numerical simulation of fluids: new computational tech-niques and their application to rotational fluids.Combustion: spurts with rota-tion in diffusion flames.Experimental measurement of the speed in rotating fluids by laser anemometry.

Fluid Mechanics

and reaction.Obtaining of antioxidants, sweeteners, aromas and natural colouring for food through supercritical extrac-tion of plants.Treatment of industrial waste-waters dumping by hydro-thermal oxidation, both at sub-critical and supercritical conditions.Removal of sewage sludge by supercritical water oxidation.

Removal of non water-soluble organics by oxidation in super-critical water.Energy exploitation of organic wastewaters and biomass by hydrothermal gasification.Analysis, modeling, simulation and design of industrial pro-cesses with supercritical fluids.Hydrothermal gasification of organic waste for the produc-tion of gas fuel.

Transdisciplinary Group of Knowledge Engineering and InnovationTEP-150Joaquin Moreno [email protected]

Innovation.Methodologies. Training. Pro-jects.Educational Innovation. Sys-tems Engineering and Auto-mation.


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Regulation and Control of Marine Systems. System Mo- delling, Simulation and Con-trol. Electronic Material Recy-cling.Linguistic Engineering.

Corpus Linguistics: Specialized and Standardised languages: Maritime English. Computerised Resources and Tools Applied to the Analysis of Maritime English Terminology.

TEP-157Alfonso Corz [email protected]

Principles and behaviour of composite materials.Fluid-structure interactions.Foundations and dynamics of structure.Development and applica-

tions of finite element and boundary element method.Metalstructures.Advanced algorithms for pre-diction of heat transfer.Industrial development and applications.Propagation of seismic and acoustic waves.Concrete structures.

Compound Materials

Environmental TechnologiesTEP-181Diego Sales Má[email protected]

Advanced technologies for wastewater treatments: Mem-brane technologies. Physi-co-chemical treatments. Antifouling treatments.Biological anaerobic treat-ments of wastewater and or-ganic solid waste treatments.

Biological aerobic treatments of waste and wastewaters.Advanced oxidation treat-ments of industrial wastes and wastewaters.Treatment of contaminated soils.Environmental quality evalu-ation. Quality of river water, coastal water and drinking water, and characterization of wastewaters (urban and in-dustrial) and solid wastes (mu-nicipal and industrial).


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TEP-185Pedro Partal Ló[email protected]

By-products valuation of fish for its use in de alimentary in-dustry.Functional alimentary product design for marine species.


TEP-188Francisco J Montero Llá[email protected]

Optimization of the maritime management.

Postgraduate training in ma-rine specialties.Increase on safety in the mari-time transportation.Reduction of the environmen-tal impact.

Research Team on Development of the Maritime Sector


Safety policies in the fishing industry.Port State Control instruments.Maritime Navigation.

Navigation and Maritime safe-ty in the Strait of Gibraltar.Simulation, Human Factor.Evolution of Navigation: Mari-time History.Maritime Safety and Security policies.

Marine Policy


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TEP-195Ricardo Hernandez [email protected]

Vibrations.Environmental acoustics.Atmospheric acoustics.Vibrations analysis/ industrial maintenance.Underwater acoustics.

L.A.V. (Laboratory of Acoustic Engineering)

EnergyManagement,SavingandDiversificationTEP-208José Ramón Saenz [email protected]

Metrology and electrical gauging.Development of sustainable electricity and energy. Envi-ronmental impact of systems and electrical installations.Implications of the establish-ment and development of the

Electricity Sector Act.Educational innovation.The safety and effects of phe-nomena of an electrical na-ture on humans.Electromagnetic fields and the corona effect.Renewable energy, with par-ticular focus on wind energy.Use of high temperature con-ductors.Quality of electricity supply.

TEP-209Miguel Ángel Losada Rodrí[email protected]

Morphological analysis of the seaboard.Experimental and theoretical study of beaches.Quasi-analytical and experi-mental model.

Environmental Fluid Dynamics; Marine Section


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Corrosion and ProtectionTEP-231Francisco Javier Botana [email protected]

Descriptive reports of historic metallic materials.Chemical characterisation: characterisation of the che- mical composition, detection and identification of minority components, identification of the material transformation processes.Structural characterisation: preparation and metallo-graphic studies (cut with dia-mond disk, metallographic polishing, inlaying in resin, chemical attack, observation and developing by optical mi-croscopy and scanning elec-tron microscopy.Mechanical characterisation:

analysis of hardness, micro-hardness, folding, shearing and traction.Advice on the development and application of new tech-niques for the stabilising and conservation of historic materials: design of electrolytic treat-ments, study of consolidating substances, adjustment of analytical systems in the treat-ment of objects coming from underwater.Development in situ of works controlling the corrosion and information of underwater ar-chaeological sites. Reports on the state of conservation of the sites, and advice and in-troduction of corrective mea- surements.Training courses on conserva-tion, analysis, instruments, ma-terials and corrosion processes.

Biomass TechnologyTEP-236José Ariza [email protected]

Good use of mineral resources of the sea water .Development of new types of food sea salt.Technical advice to improve


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Technologies for Water Management and TreatmentTEP-239Miguel Ángel Gómez [email protected]

Turbidity currents in reservoirs. Energy and process optimi-zation in water desalination plants through reverse osmosis.Management of overland flow in urban environments. Hydrological processes in semiarid basins. Temporary and spatial distri-bution of precipitation.

Water purification with ultrafil-tration membranes. Numerical modelling of fluid flows with interphase in hy-draulic engineering. Numerical models of transpor-tation of non-cohesive sedi-ments and land shapes. Recycling of urban and indus-trial sewage.Submerged-membrane bio- reactors: biological control and process modelling.

TEP-243Maria Jesus Mosquera [email protected]

New nanomaterials for the conservation of monumental

heritage.Molecular sieves as electro-chemical sensors.Molecular sieves applied to the controlled release of drugs.

Molecular Sieves and Other Nanomaterials

production and quality of sea salt.Technical Training for saltworkers.


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Soft and clean square brochure indesign template


Information and Communication Technology

• Underwater technology team

• Digital Image Processing in Radiology

• Intelligent Computational Systems

• Computational Instrumentation and Industrial Elec-

tronics (ICEI)

• Naval Signals, Systems and Communications

• Automatics, Signal Processing and System Engineering

Group (GAPSIS)

• ACETI - Málaga

• Group of Applied Computing


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TIC-102José Francisco Paris Á[email protected]

Marine and Underwater Com-munications.Underwater Electronics.Underwater Sensor Networks.Signal Processing Applied to Marine and Underwater Envi-ronments.

Underwater technology team

Digital Image Processing in RadiologyTIC-128Enrique Nava [email protected]

Applied digital image pro-cessing on fish otoliths and calcified structures for age esti-mation and growth dynamics.

Sensor netwoks and underwa-ter communication protocols and systems. Underwater acoustics (wave propagation modelling, chanel modelling, hydro-phones arrays, signal pro-cessing).

TIC-145Pedro Luis Galindo Riañ[email protected]

Pattern recognition: feature extraction, dimensionality re-duction, etc.Digital treatment of imag-es: filtration, segmentation, labeling, deconvolution, re- construction, etc.

Data analysis and modeling: finite element method.Statistical techniques: regres-sion, classification and predic-tion.Nanotechnology: simulation of images from electron mi-croscopy and modeling of nanostructures.Design of parallel software for supercomputing systems.

Intelligent Computational Systems

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Computational Instrumentation and Industrial Electronics (ICEI)TIC-168Juan José González de la [email protected]

Higher-order statistics and sta-tistical signal processing.Electronics instrumentation and virtual instrumentation.Mechanical engineering sys-tems and signal processing.Calibration of precision elec-tronic oscillators by use of the

Signal separation. Neural net-works and electronics instru-mentation.Vibrations and sound analysis.Analysis of the quality of the electricity (power quality ana- lysis).Programming of test and measurement electronic sys-tems.Characterization of transients for industrial diagnosis etc.

Naval Signals, Systems and CommunicationsTIC-191Carlos Mascareñas Pérez-Iñ[email protected]

Maritime mobile radiocommu-nication.Defence and civil protection.Electromagnetic compatibility.Electrical, electromagnetic and optical signals.Combat systems.


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TIC-196Manuel Jesús López Sá[email protected]

Advanced simulation and control of naval systems and marine vehicles.Robust control and simulation

of aerospace systems and ve-hicles.Fault tolerant robust control and simulation of industrial processes.Chaotic systems: control and applications.Multimedia systems for engi-neering education.

Automatics, Signal Processing and System Engineering Group (GAPSIS)

TIC-201Mario Javier Duran Martí[email protected]

Offshore wind energy systems.

ACETI - Málaga

Group of Applied ComputingTIC-211LuisIribarneMartí[email protected]

Systems modelling.Development of free software. Multiagent agents and systems. Engineering in graphic com-putation.Services of digital home for

municipalities.Man-machine interaction modelling. Smart user interfaces.Computer security. Complex systems. Development of model-driven software. Embedding of technologies of home automation and digital home.


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2014 Volume 1 Number 1

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