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I 1SEW PUBLICATIONa WATSOV8 MARCUS AURELIUS. Maners Ai'usura antoninus, ny vivi, barro* VaU-x pi>. 33*. Harper A Brother*. The author (rf this book says in his pref two: "The lire of Marona Anrelins has never before lieen writ- ten in the English language-a fact which nf itself ¦would seem to be a sufficient apology for the pres¬ ent work." Uudoubtodly this fact is a justification of the undertaking, for the life of Marcus Aurelius is the record of the noblest character of Paganism, and one of thc noblest to be found in all history. The extensive bibliography appended to his work by Mr. Watson at once bears testimony to the tho¬ roughness of his preparation and proves the depth of the interest which the character of Marcus Au¬ relius has awakened ever since his time. And while it te not a little strange that no Enulish biography ef ao fascinating a personage should have been written before, it must lie rem«mbored that manv English thinkers have Beeag the Iini**'rial author «>f the "Thoughts'" the subject of elaborate analytic .*»*-T8* , ,1. V The reston why no EagHsb biograph? of him bas eppearetl is perhaps to be found in the strength, until unite recently, of wlint Mr. Herbert Spencer calls tho " theological bias." Marcus Aurelius was a Stoic ; yet he lived sn blameless and in all ways noble a life that it la ti.moult to distinguish be¬ tween his virtues and tiaoaeel the highest Christian Ideal. And yet there is a distinction snd a difiVr- ence. and it deserves to be pointed out. Marcus was ind.-eil more than a stoic : his character in parts seems to have approached the peculiar ten¬ derness which is the special product nf the new faith. Stoicism was virile end masculine to the utmost. Its philosophy demanded life-long self- sacrifice andsclf-disciplinc without promise or hope of reward, either here or hereafter. Virtue was to bc pursued not because it brought happiness, or good report, or peace of mind, hut booanaa lt was right. No love of humanity, no trust in an over¬ ruling Providence, was involved. The worst was to be expected and endured, without complaint and without hope. His conscience nea the God of the Stoic, and it teas u pitiless and above all a dis¬ illusionizing deity. Hut Marcus Aurelius was moro than a Stoic. Tenderness was so blended with Ball- repression in his nature that while In saw the vices and Meeta of asea ba could not refrain from letting bis pity for their foibles merge into love for tliem- BfUt-s. So uncongenial « career a* that to which he was born has seldom lieen recorded. With Hie nature ami predilections of a sage and a recluse.In- va-.com- pelled to be a ruler and a warrior. The meditm ive di-positiou which would have Whited -an early Chri-tiai anchorite suffered daily martyrdom ex¬ posed to "that fierce Unlit shel beeta upon a throne." The spotless purity of a saint was forced into juxtaposition with thc iank corruptions of the deo.inposion Kuinin society of thc time. A human¬ ity as sensitive and profound as that of Romilly was compelled to pander to a populace t lint lusted altai gladiatorial aeons An example of eeerlyaH the highest Christian virtu, s was made, tlnoii^h the satire of circumstances, lebeeoeas B persecutor of Christianity. And he whoso soul delighted In patna anti harmony was eetedetaaed to e-asto his years in sanguinary wars against barbarians, aad todieatlast amid scenes of carnage and pistil tne. Yet through all thees trials bia OOBBtencj never deserted him, nor did he ever lower his standard. In. »-rt jin as t«. th.-future, wavering always Let naen eiuiihilatiou and immortality, ho yet was Blea.tfa.st to his duty as he saw it. For lie was, in truth, an optimist. He held that God was omni¬ scient aud omnipotent, and thal whatever hap¬ pened it must I.e for the best. 1 hus he says : " We are all working togethet to one ead, some erith knowledge and dc-.ic.ii, and olia rs without knowing what they do." But every mau must act for him¬ self, and search himself, and establish Ins own aonlj snd make his own character. For " it is a ridicu¬ lous thinir," ba observes, " for a man not to fly from bis own badness which is, indeed, possible, but to fly (rouother men's badness, which lsiuipowilile." All through tbe " Thoughts" thia iidmonition for self- Culture runs ; and it must he horn*- in Blind thal the " Thoughts" frere inver meant lot publication but embody the most candid self-analysis of a ania toni in thc possession of mankind. Manus gannan Oeqeeotly i'-it the depression inseparable from his surroundings, but ba Beret fielded to it, always stimulating himself on such Kciisiousby a fresh and loreiblc recapitulation of bil duty. The study of such a character cannot but bo most interesting, and th.; more BO beeeaet. it ls uuique. And the external hf** of the EmpOTOl lorrespoudod with bia Internal piegieaa. The nine* leen years of his reign were lilied with good works. Fi.mi*first t-> last ho Tabored ceaselessly to reform tbuscs, ta ameli6ratc the eeadltloa of the poor and lheoppressod, to introduce rctorms, tn p-irify the law, to promote Beano and prosperity, to weld to- |ether thc disjointed masses of thc Boreen Empire. His relation to Christianity has inevitably In cn a lubji-ct of much controversy. That he did pereeeate t'.:o Christians, or that they w.-re pi iscciitcd duriua his reign, is certain. Hut Mr. Watson bas bestowed mich pam-* iipin bte demonstration of ih;s phage in the career of Marcus, and han brought into neoee* laiy pioiiiineuce the explanatory eirenmstanoea In the second century Christianity w us in many rc- rpec-ts deservedly disliked. It a'".muled in horoatOQ No man could say certainly which its doctrines srere. It was torn by internal dissensions. It was Insulting aud aggressive toward the old religions. And lt was In oneil hostility toward thc Slate. Tia* Roman populace naturally hate.) it. and the Roman rulers as naturally looked with disavorupon a faith which made men bad citizens and shore all spoiled them for military service. The plain truth is that lhe new religion was then lu bad idor, and that while no donni pure Ignorance and nlaenderetendlng aoeonnt tor much of this unpopularity, the condition of the Christian churches t-hesaeelYes whsm Banff leapeeta Conducive to the growth of the general sentimenl >f dislike and distrust. Marcus Am. lins was.*la-re- fore, simply not in advance of his lime in tins mat¬ ter. He did not examine tho Christian apologetics; rcry few educated Romans would have thought it worth their while to do .,.. thea. In fact, C'hris- hatiity in the second century was regarded hythe Roman world very much as a mixture of Mormon¬ ism and Communism would be to-day. lt was thought to be a superstitious epidemic made rpecially offensive by au infusion of sedition. Marcus did not originate any measures of pi Han, moreover, lie merely put in force a decree of Hadrian. The cruelties practised unon the Chris¬ tiana in Gaul and elsewhere during his reign were the outcome of popu¬ lar Intolerance and the acts of provincial goy- srnors and officers. The Emperor him-wlf appears to have looked upon the Christians with a BOri of ciirionsnouteinpt, as weak-minded and too-willing Tiftini/of. delusion. But it cannot l>e doubted that If he could have ventuted to defy public prejudice ha would have practised toleration toward them, for that was thenatara! bent af his disposition. And it has bean well pointed out by Mr. Lecky that one of the best proofs of his genuiue liberalism realists in the fact that though lie was the ruler of th.* civilized weald, and wielding an absolute au¬ thority, he never'ittt* inpt.-'l to force his own beliefs upon society, as for instance Philip the Second did. The "Thoughts" show tla-ir author to have been a man of tho most sincere humility. His eminem a but increased at once his sense of respon¬ sibility and his efforts to be worthy of the great trust confided to him. He lived not for himself but for his people. Ho spared every one hut himself. He was ao little aslleh that area a conspiracy to dethroue him could not iucense him against the rebel, and when the latter died Marcus regretted the event because it prevented bim from pardoning his enemy. The fact that such a man loved Faustina to tho end goes veiy far toward refuting the scandals which have come down regarding- her. for wiiils Marcus wat compassionate ho could not have condoned iniquity such as hus been as* ribed to his wife. Mr. Watson has performed his work with pains¬ taking completeness, He has examined and col- lated all that has bo«u written of his subject, whether in time past or pecaeiit. His notes art marked by a judicial tone. His judgments axe wei] onsidered and for the most part amply supported. he chapter in which the "Thoughts" are con- tdered might well have boen more extended and he quotations given more numerous. Perhaps also he popular interest of the book would have been uhanced by an effort to reproduce in mre detail tho social life, leas of lie period than of tho Emperor himself. -ante must alwaya be difficulty in appreciating i character so far removed from ordinary humaint v. md therefore the biographer should endeavor to [ivereality and life to the picture by painting the lomeher details as fully and accurately as possible. Int on tho wholo tho work has been well done, and hose who have read Mr. Watson's handsome vol- ana will not wonder that " Marcus was so univer- ally loved by his people that on tho day of his uneral all iolned with one accord in tho sentiment hat there should he no mourning, since he was now ct urned to tho gods, who had lent him to the vorld." In accordance with the custom of the age ie was deified, and without a dissenting voice; and io long after as iu the reign of Diocletian the itatucoi the MeM Marena was frequently tobe ound among the household gods of the Roman MSople. Kern Publications. A BRILLIANT SUMMER NUMBER MUCK TI N CF.NTH. _lill. Till Ht NE. XEW-VdUK. PRACTICAL COOKER t. Mina leo nus ian taoKSzra B\ MIUS MM!IA PAP.LOA. \ t-rRIKS Hf WITCH KV LESSONS WITH DEMON ST RATIONS. nuiijiti aznu, no. m.nut t,u omii* aearsaa THE TRIBUSE. New-York TW 0 USEFUL BOOKS. i. 'IRiniM-; ALMANAC ron isat, thi-: PnKeiDCNTlaX ykar. 11* ttti.i.«itl, iilititil tag ali.ti-ti.al authority BDITKS BY THK HON. EDWARD MCPHERSON. PRICE HO 0X2*1 c. A COPY.S ( IFIBH IOU ONE DOLLAR TRIBUNE INDEX for I8g I An ln.1fxnn.tfrTopical Head*of tho World'! Htitorjr dur- 1D( 18b. i, us detailed In Ilia* (lilli.los t.f rm-; DAILY TRIBUNE. fl-.lri. .mi ayala taSrz of lhe preTiuus rear* ls?»-"7ft-'77-'78-'79-'80-'81 li .:'cJeal. I.e l.a.1. I'lHi- ;><». Mila, i a, li. A.l.lreai lill. I Ililli Ml. New-York. Institution For Boys and Youri or Mon.City. ADVERTISEMENTS FOR THF NEW- 1 Mn\k.\ nun KB, -N... 1.2a8 }(r..a«l\»ay. corner Tl.irlv flrilKt.. until H i. m.. :i:,.t lins Waal Twenty third-at. ,,..,.,- iiL-i.ti, .-.*... No.e-J Baal K..iiiti.i.ii, iu. coner Como koon* ,00 ll.ird.aTe., corner Fortyie'eotb-il Noa 1 (Hil li,,mi ave? Dear sixtieths!., and al th* BARLEM OFFICE 'i in. 'ili.1.1.uvc, corser Oas uuii.iieii.and.twcuty.tmhM., un io Bp, m., ul uvular office ratt-i. » r Pl IK (OLLLt.lATi; SCHOOL, No. 721 . Mavll(Kii».ay^.. nen 'ill .a'., Dr. ll. ll. OHAFIN, Print*, pal. BaalUli. elaailoai amt uri ow/ ti9.art.l...t,. nT,UU4. limn. Wsw bnUdlaJL '-...nyleU m iu BDpelal n lui* tb* inns.in.,.! ..-ui ,iiai Mena UNIVERSITY GRAMMAR school, l 481 Hr..adway, near 4-.id.pt,; 47th year. Primary. Ciii.iiicrnal ind i-isiaicai Wt* M. H. HOBBY. U. L. AKIN 1'1'iicVl! fTNIVERBITY OF THE CITY OP NEW- \J YORK JOHN II ALL, D. D., Chanoollor ad rntirlm. DJ-!. Aili ilK.Mh OF AUTH AND HOIKNCE. TOefjinoal examination of ti..cl.mw. will basin ou Mar ail and arilleoiitli.iii. iiutajn/iiue 18 y . The cullane eiamiiiatiou will lie h«!d at 10 a. m. on Tue* ila/ jim.-i7;ttu.i fwasdar, B*ptat*oarli.M tlie Uuiv.i.it/ building*. WaitiioBioii .^...iiri. ^ TIioCumiueiiofiiieuteiierciAel «lll he held al IS* Academy KjfaaU on Thura*!*/. June 10. ut lOiSO a m. The fall lem. will bcrlu oo Hepteuiher ]l7 The new laboratory ol analytical oheniiitry hut been eom- nleUd Itnuorumt i.l.litioiis hav. been ma*lu tu the material tor Wu-tritton tn all brau.iiiai. *.«..«. NO MAKOF. KdMTUril'.N ll made lo their depart- menu, Uieonlr fee bern* that of $15 for InclaVntaU n. A.* ^'»'>OL(,r IVIL KNOINI-.ERINO. <ai.didate! for admlailoii lo thu achoo! will prelent them- J?5 *t.t!1-? Ui4iT»i»ity building! on /una 17 and heuteiu- ¦Li. Jli1 'i0 .".- rh<' re* fut tUiUou lu tilla lelkoul ll BOlT Foi oirculais and caulof sa anoi/ vo ituJaoltar; HARPER'S MONTHLY MAGAZINE (No. 410) rou JULY CONTAINS: "A DAUGHTER OF TTIE MLE," Frontliplca-e. From sketch by Slr Frederick Leighton, President of the Royal Academy. THE NILE, Ry Dr. A. Trantvetter. Illustrated from Sketches by Sir Frederick Leighton, P. lt. A.. ai.d other sour. .h. THK SILENT BCHOQL8OF KENDALL GREEN. I!y sarita M. lindy. Illustrated. PRINCE BISMARCK IN PRIVATE LIFE, By Dr. Moritz Duich. With ND pagt j.orti alt. BUMMER RESORTS ON THE ST. LAWRENCE, By Annie Howell! Fred ¦ell.-. Illustrated. HARRoW-ON-THIvlIILL. Hy Joseph Hutton. Illu-trute**.. THE PROFESSIONAL BEAUTfES OF THE LAST CENTURY, Ty Alice Comyns Curr. Illustrated. APPROACHES TO NEW-YORK. By Alexander Wainwright. Illustrated. "OLD HICKORY," Hy T. W. Kagglaaoa. Wilh full-paite Portraits of Andrew Jackson and Dani. 1 Webster. BEEF: FROM! HE KANQET0THESHAMBLE8, By George- ronieroy Kte>e. SERIAL STORIES: JUDITH SHAKESPEARE. By William Ulick. Una Hated I.y Bk A. Abtny. NAiTHhs UBIail iTOnT. By E.P.Hoe. Illuitrated by Qttatsa and I'ieiinun. SHORT STORIES: MY' UCLL-CALF. By Frank lt. Htockton. AN HoNEbT boCL. liy Mary K. Wllkeul. KOSEs ANO THE NIGHTENGALE, A Poem. By Philip Bouike Marston. EDITOR'S EAS. (HAIR, Tis "IfSgasr fiterintls ls New-York..(lass ot Oe Tatattleal sensor...Vulgar Maum-is nt PtBBlk AuiuieminU.." Tom A [.p.eton." EDITOR'S LITERARY RECORD. EDITOR'S HISTORICAL RECORD. El moirs DRAWER. rnT*-aet(y..Ane.-.lot** *.f Waslilnirton Inrlnar Thc Bather ll. K. Mkinklllrlok..."Wlul 1-> til B*Bt* WaWtS 1 .Why Timi, my was lic'.aye.l al Un* Kuiieial -GraadlBOtbeB Pl..wu (M*r. emet agtlaga) .a Madest Baan -t-''..usiiteu.-y..Lie of .;-ldeJuda'en. .A Hit at the luiil.-..An i-xi'lunuiiou. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year. HAP.PK.ns MAdAZINi:.Ul (Kl H.VI'.l'l R'S Will KLY. 400 BiaVIBI HA/- A ll. 4 00 .i.vi'.pi B*eYouno i'1'ii-i.K. aoo HAHi-i.Ks rnanxxin aavann i.iuhauy isa numbers).10 00 Index to Ump rx atanaalsa l lo00. >*%,,.( loth.^i ik» NslSgg lr*6 t(J "ll SSseetttert in the United Stales or raiift'ia. r-yitATtl'KP.s OATAXaOOVn, comprlsin* the tillea ot ill|WSSS three aiet four ItkOWtSBd vo'ittiica, Will bc sent by ¦all ca rattlyt af rea Cania HARPER A BROTHERS, FRANKI IN BQTJABB, XF.WVOIIK. MISS CONSTANCE FENIMoEE WOOL- SON'fs.cbarmlna itonr " MI8S ORI gp," wblch|bai not huberto pp* Obel *e*n book i-uven, li obi of thi laleaeon lam.-i lu t:.e fooxth volume ol -' UIBNEK'HHTuKIli,8 Bi AM ill- AN Al THORS, whl.-h ls Jiiftt leady. Hound in clotli Mi.-nts._ Vol; I'll AMERICAN REVIEW ^> FOR JULY. Jim. a ami Jurymen." Uv liikf RotiertC. ritman. " American Economic*" liv Profeaaoi Van nunn Oenslow. .. Marrlaae ami Dlroroe " Br Ju-u- .. Noan liavis. "lhe Abi.i-iatKiii ot anada.' Bj in. P. Beo4ar. .renuaentTelegraphT." By Prof. o. uni Means By Cai il.- T Congden Iii.- Future ..I tin- Mssro." Hy Prof. I imrlisA Qardloer. "Bostter J..im 'i. Mi.mun ": " Fredericfc Doaalaa,'i "Bea star I ii Vanes"; "Joel Cbandlai Uams"! "Frd Rica uni l. i.i.eie ". .li-, i-i Johnson": '8.C, Araastronjc''; . J. H. Walworth "-, "J. A. I merion." SO .ems a copy ; *6 a \.-hi l'.ibilshe.l it St) Laliiyetlo iili.ee. New-York_ UUOl'ER I'lUUE. itt... . ...- Jiietrnrlion. For Young Ladies.City. TRS. GALLAHERS French Frotostnut 'I lioardliitz and Day Hchool for Yinns Ladle* 46<> Midt- n-are cor. Mitti st. A" i.ran.hea taught for collo** pripa- tlon. Special attention to Intermediate and primary rinses both French aad Eunllih. Heparate and limited clan for tie boys._ ____________.. jma v'.~a. peebles AMIISS A. K. THOMPSON 111 open a BOAIIDINO AND nvY KTBOOL f»r fSarsj nat ind children. WEDNESDAY. OOF. 1, 1SH4, lt H AST &7TH-ST, NKW.YOHK. Denirlns to rerelre only thole whom ther can comfortably lat and personally inperlntetid. ther will Malt the day puplli .silty. Fortliei.kmereai.ua, and having- regard to the Andard and discipline of i well-ordered home, the nnmber of urdlu*; pupils will be limited to flfteea. Theeourseof Instruction will embrace all the studies in- u.led In a thorough Erirnsh edin allon. Heyond this the iSBtbasnajserssatangnagss win ba practically susans by iitnent mulcra, and French will Le tlie lan»;aa«e of the bool. The ciercliei in ciltr.tiiritlcs will be general, and le*aom In locution will be Included In the course. Darinji the year there will be lectures on Art, History, itronomy, ind Chemistry. To carry out their Saraga, BB* mle nfl! be s'm.ll rlaaa,... few Indies, and In the Junior department daily recitations in leh study. The recitation! will b*»o arranr 1 «-* to give each day pupil n<- or more study hours nt the achoo), In order lo relief*- the ffinure of work nt home. A Iud luncheon will he providol for those who may da ir. lt. Mill Pteliiei and Mils Thompson will be it home on lit 4-ptei.ib. r. Pefor*- iD it date, ad-ireas nil (oiiiunii.1. allum to :..x Iga, Fijint.ii.lt- -in dm-: New. V ors * Hy. VI IS8 V. A. PEEBLES ami .Tl MISS \ K. BOTatPSJON rill op*»n on erF.DNESDAY. Ol rOBEH let. 1H-*I. an :n,lii.i French and (l.-rtn.in Roardlng and Day Sch. ot for omit,' I.ii.ii. a and I'hlklreu .t S*.'Ksst 67tli.lL, New-York. .or parti, ulara address lion IOU, Equitable Huildiup, Raw. otk Itv. lliss .1. V. WREAK'H Roardins and Daj vi School fm rmi04 l.nlie- mid cl..I tren. Hi Ma.ll-«on-ave., rill reopen >t-pi> nbar 27. If'RS; SALIsi'LLY. JUL -.".' l.-k-TTWh-af. (Cori.er Mn.li-.oii--.ve.> *-' undi. i int 01BIA- For Both Sexes.Citv. A -CIRCULARS OP BEST BCH00L8 t\* rreetoparenU. pleaseglTepartlcalara, e. miriam UVUIEKl. ak I '.. .'.! Baal ITU.nt.. Inion xjiutiv. For Boys and Youn<? Men.Country-. A HOME-LIKE BOARDING-SCHOOL for /\ CaaagBaya K.HIND8.A. HaipatiBa,Ia,l. BACKWARD and INVALID BOYS. The un- Ddervdsaed bb exDenenced phi beean rad Instruction of such boyi » ipeclaltr Ai uk. Wi i.i AM m..n, Lyme, Coua DLACK HALI. SCHOOL, I.vine. Conn..A aa (sally sad preparatory eel.::.r.. Fsa bu nitructlou ind careful training. Be il reference ely. ii. it.v-. u. BABTLETT, Principal. I a Kl "I's MILITARY ACADEMY. st.niifoi-il. I ) Coon .on Prospe. lilli oui le tbe nils -- vi. 'ul. 46th .eiir bejlui un pi.h. * .. loUege >.r boallia!* For portico ara lead foi cal dogae. D0Y8 and YOUNG MEN privately fitted for 1> eoUentk CendUUooed *.r r.ii.txi candidates roached, ,11-nlii or ¦vilil.T. >l< uk!.Inler. Mae* 1 ll 1 I'M.ANN. DORDENTOWN, N. J..Military Institute. I* Preuare* foi (jolleaooi [malorie. Pinerylocated, bealla lui and thoron* h. Foi elri ,)m-. ,* t.. add I'.ev. \k M. BOM 1, A. M.. Principal. piVIL, MECHANICAL and MINING EN- VV UINEKK1 N'. il lhe 111 SBSELAER POLYTECHNIC INHTITI T!-:. Tr.y. N Y i'h.lest engineering itchool In America Nexl tenn begtn*i September 17. The Register for IhHl ..ntm. a lintot the. ni nlu.ii.- for tbe peal Ifty-uloe yean, with tl llao cenrae of itooy, rt.ireniei Addre i I. A V li M i.rl I \ lorri I,.r C hAVl D B, Director. ^HESTER VALLEY ACATjEMY, Downiiij:- un. (;....d hollie foi namer. II. M WALHA!.. \'i:.r .p.I. POTTAGE GROVE SCHOOL, Poughkec] y> tl. V.. pr.-.mies boya for roUsgs, tctenttflc and Uorer* laent soboola, a.l-l for iii~,n J.iliN Mt ley. Principal. HIGHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY. Won eater, M.ihh., UStbyoar. E»r full information np- ply lo''. H. METCALF, A. M., >.i;..r,ni. i,,|,i,t. I fAVERFORD COLLEGE, Penn., nine miles I I from Philadelphia, on the Penmylvinli idaiir.-a-t ITI-'MAS CHASE. 1.1..l>. l-ie.i tmiei nm- o! »f Friends classical and erlenMflc coorie* Application for idmlaalon may now be mada Wot .;.i;.io;iie iddrrsi i-i.u I8AA( HI1AHPLES8, D au, Ilaverton! CoUece l\_o. Pen PREPARATORY SCHOOL, Pnnceton, N. J.. I A-.tr.tiv preparatory Initltution for Princeton, Rai nu I. \ Ile ..nd oliiuilii... i. Pie-iiicui Janiaa Mc ..-h. Por eire niara and Infurmation ad. .1. REM PEN BIHIloP, Head Mailer. >ENNSYLVANIA MILITARY AiAPL.MV, ChiiUr. '.-.. reat J < -1'.i d ( ol. i lil U. .il A'lT. PP UoCKLANI) COLLEGDi nv \. k-mn-i ii;..'ttti-ov. Opt ii OB half tildy lol --ii ni." Pupil (loin 'one 15. Candl.latei coached for Fall Ki send for nen catiilouno. W. Il BANNISTER A. .M. CEYMOUR SMITH INS I lill L. *' Pine Plain i. N. V. A pleaianl home. Nat rhorounh. "ti.-* -s'iiI. Bend for circular._ CUMMER SCHOOL FOR BOYS. k3 ni Ipi -.. Xorthfptoi I WWITIIIX C.SHORTLIDG 0 MEDIA A'' MU.MY. ron yoi sa ¦-. kn and Bore Thirteen mllei fiom .h....I Itreel Uki IIB .it. i: traim each way dally betweaa a i*ud Phila- deipta a s-ia.ie.iia saautted amt elaaslfleS it an* ti-ue. Ali af.i lent! :. tb* achoo! .¦¦.ith tbe prlu. pal. 1 :- Ex- p.-rii-:.. u mea welters Re ma itoxlenta, al nicely snd eoaipletely furnished. Fixed price eiteiiae. even booka, eta. No extra rhirs ia, except foi .Ni.rxa.o'.iiaiion foradmlialoa. I'lfleenexpetinaced t. uhio a aaaaU aratToatei Six Harvard, two Yale, 01 ity. Special '.: dull .¦mi i !.'... ni be . Patronaoi ¦ .any itadlea, or ehaoie the rei lUc, Bnaiuaa* Classleal or Clxll FasiseetiaaT ot different oura..*.. Utghfrade itndent! n ¦( kepi bael b) aofeotlreolaaiifloitleii. (ondinonad i '- ta ..- int e'Hia. trtored. Yon nea a bust early tSasatiog bat asn io-- leetal Inatracted prlvatelr. btadeata nu-<l «i Ml Dla ai'A iii MY irs now .n llamrd, Yale, Pilli..»->*. I I'.v.i ,--. o, pi ettr narai ferd. Vt I pic luaoa Sterens Instltnt* of Techuoloay, Itoi in Polylieh af ku a ACADKiTYhaii physical and a rhsaalea] labnra tory, iSn* aymnnaliiiii ra a irxe ball field yift**ea ti voliiiiim a*..i-.'. to Ute library In I---*. Kogt -i d .bled In SSS. A ari.'u',11 nala.n tl .*-r. *--. 'I well , tad ii. 1 *.: 'll ...li« hui lewpai Uria. Ueallahaa ..-v. n lim:: ..ii i ;i l eui pei ance c bartel, which prohibit! the mle of tm utica' -\i -li u'.a I'': Bea lilt liar of M. ilia Academy addren (he principal ind proprietor, K-,k flHTN C. RHORTLIDGE, A r.. ann A M. Harranl Ce Ked 4, Pana W0RCESTE'{ A(JA I i E MY, Worcester, »» Fiftieth Year BulldlnBi idmirable in appointment! '1 horooRbly repaired and coma refurnlihed dun:' imai ie:u rtltuatlou ebarmina Hanilacy eondltlona perte luitruc Hon by trained Uacbeti on the roon appro eal met nodi Termi very moderate |'J.i.(nk> acbolarabip foundation Ad dichs li. w. Aiii;i'.ii;.i..fiili.. A. M ii,h. ipaL For Yotm? Ladies.Countrf. DORDENTOWN. N. J.. Female Collage Ir beaatlfnlly located; ve.v bealtbfnl and tborensa. ^a Barm Music aaa Art Department* Karel cular.a. addre* ll. > WU BOW KN. A. .M |-|.-.l,l»iil. .OROVE HALL. \ S Mtai Montfort'! Behool for Yorme Ladies, Xew.HaireB t (.au. T.11II1 y. .11 I..-;-111- --ot niter 'ii. RYE SEMINARY, RYE, NXW.YOBK. for partlcalan addreai Bira B. J, lin:. J^HE ELMS..Faniily and Day Schoiil for Girls s No. in ni/)..t, si-,-mcneill Mi''* for rlienlari ad ..ins lllt. priaeinala, Hlsaaa POBTiaa CHaJktPNXY. For Both Sexes.Country. 1 MULLST, MASS.-Famfly School for deli 2\ cat.-.m 1 1,erv,m.-., M.lui, h. Special attention clraa t ilefe. liv. ultu uhiln.n .Mis. \v. li. n EMR1CK. DLAIR PRESRYTERIAL ACADEMY. I> John I Blair tooadaUon Healthy location, nholai ibipe prize*, largeendowmeul lo« it*» J.H.SHI mais hr.. ih D., Pilli, ipji. Blslrslown, H. J CLAVERACK COLLEGE aud Hodson Hlv»r Imtltiite.Claetrack. N. Y. .rJ.-i A ', BAR FITS for AM. * 'U.I.K'.l:- mel BUSINE»«, FreB. h, Art iiml Mu-.i tpeclallies Both -ei.-s fcchool LOUllllllea oprll .:u: lui; J illy ..*vl A Ber. ALONZO FLACK, Ph. li., Preiident. (tciul)cro. A -ABLE AND THOROUGH TEACHER XaVe ni nil iredat, tulon. roTernesaea, lectaren coi punoiiB. de; ctr. ulan si sew Kbools free 1 no cbarce Ihoat einployiiiL' teat hera, nor !.> tea. lura 111111I mxaaed C. Ml Kl AM . .. Vi: 11.Kl. A l O, ^ _1_ «i Kaal lTth-at, Union AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE, ..lui j* baked 18S5. eroridee promptly baal reacbera foi Prix* Pupils. Fauilllea. Mhools. lolleifei. (Hrcularaol kOihI <,¦..», will, reliable info, mai mn tn-e to parent! hkiiiii roache aluuki wanle.l. Application form tnt at imp J. W. »< ll Kit.di Hil-. RN ,\ ( " 7 a.t lilli at N. V rfEACHERS WAN I LD.-Liiili.-s: hj,'.|. ¦ aaaliab and Preach. Metkodlal Piano Bpiteopaiian; Plano un.l siusioit, I'mbyteruui Plai Otaan and .-^lUKinii Frenejl, Ut in in ami Pulinlus Ia* Principal for Uaptial Bel.I Hlnbei EncUsb Mjtuema'ti «nd Ail 1 nt,, ism nup.rior liuti*.- li.iieti lady for la.lli (Jeatlemen 1 Norms! irra.lunl* for dav >.¦ hind mir cit* Kneiiah .rmi Phyiici for obj school Mathematica Kuiacoi lian ; Knjllah tplacopsltaii ';.»-,.-. 1 p,.,.,,,, nutt .a aim .1. it.ny li.li luau, a and Maiheini Atsti Plaaoaod Violin; in-ii.li Violin ind Plano Apply to Mia m i. Yoi m. I tl h>\-. Auierlcan a li.r.-nfu u-a«i,ei,'AK*-!., t. aa Union 8qoare rpEACHERS' AGENCY.-36 Weal 21at-ai a. N.i iProfeasora, tfa<-hers recommended to acko. andfainilleii car.-tulKlTi.eu. choice of best icbooii ll :, fillies brj Unction. A -RICHARD V. HARNETT *v (XL B A LOTION Kl i- - Wllliell it auction WKI)N|>|)\y, June 18 lalo l.M-k a m.. it 1117 1 an n'jih-tt. ... Hy ord. i- of Adiiiinliirator, t.ie*ant Hirniti.ie Mirrors, Carpota, Pletnraa. inti Parlor Qrand Plano, Holld SUeerware, l.n.n.rv mindi lome in,.- I,,.,l., H,,..,. hes' Bibi* LoSwi Poiti.lt. \ ! ofMofirih, H.*cketay,ijiclieu*io., lflt«l»eu aud crock. Cegul Sale*. IJECEIVER'S SALE. Notice li hereby given thit In pn'mince of ia order of the Supreme, ourt, hearing date the lllh day of February. 18K4, I shall sell at public auction on Hie front stepi of th" Court Itouie, In Kochriter, N* w-iork, ni the i.a day nf March, Ism, at IO o'rlurk In the forenoon, all the patent rights owned by the Plnudl.ir lT*K-eai Fermentation ouipany. or bv mo aa Hs ri.celver, and anv interrit of that company, and any Inter eil held by me aa lt* receiver, by contract orofherwlie, In any patent hitit.. FRANK W HAWLEY, lie,. iver of the Pfandler Proceai Fermentation Co. The above tile ls adjonmed until the loth day of April, 1HHI. at the lame hour and pliiee KKANK \V. HAWI.KY. Receiver. The above isle u adJonnW until th" 10th dar of April, 18dl, at the name hour md pise* PlfANK \V. HAWLEY. Ee.-elTer. he above isli* la a.Vonrn»d Batt the 2t!th day of April, lh**4, al thc aame hour (uni plice. KKANK at. HAWI.KY. Receiver. The above mle is adpmrned until the Sd day of May, 1SHI, at tho snue hour ind place. I- ll INK W. Il AWI, KV, Hecolver. The above Mle lg adjourned until the 10th day of May, 1884, lt thc same hour ami place. raul*** ar. hawlky. Receiver. The above sal.- ls adjourned until tho 17th day of May, l^l. lt the nauie hour and pla. e. FIIANK If. MA WI,KY. Kee. Iver. Tho ilxive sile is adjourned until the '-!4th day of May, lh-4, at tbs Hillie hour sud place. FIl.kNK W. HAWLEY. P.eeelvcr. The above salo adjonmed uutll the 7th day of lune. l-"i, lt the lam. hour and pl... I 1KA.NK IT. HAWLEY, Receiver. The above nie la adjourned uutll tho 1 Uti day of June. It*s4,at iii*- same boar ami; FRANK W. HAWLEY, ltc:clrer. The above sale ii adjourned until the 28th day of June, lhM. lt the same hour mid alec* PRANK W. HAWLEY, lleeelvor. Proposals. U REMOVAL ot Wrecks in Harbor at New ii. orleans, Lestalana Advertisement T. S. BHOIXSBB (-FUCK, No. 3 g. RAMPAKT-ST. niw-Oblsaxs, i *.. .mil. ia, is s. aicd proposal., ia daplteata, alli be received nt thu of- lue iii.ii 12 o'o.ock m. J ai) 14, ls>*4. far ramara! of the fm- lo -m. -a i. ck tn the harbor al New-Orleans, La.: i... Dabin " '¦!. sh un." now Iring In the Mississippi River, h. line willi Ninth-st., i liv of New.orleani Bhlp Aila*"noa lyititf In (lie Mleileaippi P.lver, li.-tween Blith and Waahingtoa «!ew.Orleans Kt imiblp 'Oentrai .ii.mt." now lying in tue Hiitdailppt front of wharf between I'oulouee and Jeffereon sta, iii. ,,' N< w-Orleans. oe i.-adv to suter Into contract within ten in ter notifies! on ol awi ,i or contract, ind Hie bond .- v. iMii ten tiact. Poi blank formi ipeclficatloni or further lu ormation tip- ph at AM'S STICKNEY, _ Maj,.i ot Engineer! U. s. a. U. S. ASSA1 "lin T N: -, ) SI ri ti: ii Di ni'- OFFli r, > .lune l-l. IhS4 > CEALED PROPOSALS indorsed " Proposnls k ' fersapnlles" (naming thee uso ir), will Ik elven by tbs lim',-.-r u-.1 until June 20, 1*84, al Vi lor supply lng this olive with ucla ..ni other cheml ,i, ml, salt, borax, snap, oils ci ¦tirrel s, dipper* dry goodi snpplie delivered at the \ a) -ittie, tor the ls. il k> ai ending lune M. ,, t be dell .ri c. Un inch 'M il¬ lili.s ii iiwi be i- laired fro any or alt proposal! bclnc rr* rved Propoaalei panted by simples or a satisfactory deici ipi on tobe arnliheaon application. I'sitieilubuMttingpropossls .au be i ;. ¦. ni ben uer are epeiied if th. ... .¦..ii.. AN DUI. '. M -. Bupcriatendent *.,. \ oi * * \. 1 < ktKs i t \. i (ill.I nu: COB! IOU I it. \ \ iu \.;k. n. .1 June ... l <S4. ) CEALEO PROPOSALS will he received at kV nus mlle, until Bj lard .1. Jule- ..'1. SM, ut I p. tn., for the par lase ..: any put ol om boodrod sud tblt thousand .lollara of bonall o rark. denominated u\ tire il.me Bondi," d .. which date iiii.-i* ai i..-.ma. ii, - itborired by act of the Legislator I Blah "f New .t ¦: tey. appi red April -.'¦...-; in Ide in ten yean -in.-a.-h reglal red. bearln interest al ile mt.-,.- :. per cent per inuutn payabl..tnlannu the Hlnklng Fund Vat.lt lon* r. For tlie I-.*.it nf tin- bond the credit nd » h de property of th.-, in m.- pledged i le v ur. no addition to the debi o' h., * '.in irelsiued for tai aircaiage .\ linking fond li ;:c.i i-y law providing- means ..r liqaldatloa al ma tai ij rhe right li reserved to rej med for the interests of the cit] Boengn *iii',.- reqaireo fr.mi nieceiifal bidden si Un Department of Fl- ai deiennlno. r.,r Tai Arrearage Bonds,*" aud ...t .i. ted to thi undcraigiied P T "I INN. Comptroller ol tbe ny or Newark, N". j. UR \Ti:rri.-<<iMi-i>i!T iva EPPS'S COCOA. BREAKFAST.."Bjr a thoron rh knowledge of (be natnral lawi which govern tl.pc rallon of digestion and nutrition, 'ii .ppin ..ii li ni the Una properties of weil-ie- l.iii.','. Mt. kopi bas provided oar oreakfsal tu',,ic with i. ly Savored b* vei .;..¦ whl. ;. nov aave ni many heavy dort..ra' nula. It li by the niili.i...t« use ,,f inch arl diet that a.-tiiiiii-ui mar be gradnally bulli up until en.ie ri. i*. i. lit every t. udew * lodiietme. Uuudredaof su tl.- mi liing around ni ready t" ittick wher* . \( there li a weak point We may eat tue many a fatal ahafl i.y keep well fortified with pare blood and a propel ii Made limply with bolling water or milk. :..- «i only In h-ilf ellod ilma .1 \Mi.> EPPS jj tu, li,,.:, opaUili nu -t London, i.ui.'l.iinl. 8 F' WI Kl t lor J \ ¦lit I III p.' III 111 II 1 DM ml I Ci I '"' Ni BB A 41 nt Wi (Dcciiu Gtcnmcrs iXCIIOR LIXK.-C. B. MAIL 8TEAMERS. a* (il AHOOW via Ll 'N DON PERRY i'.olivii.lona iii, 8 p. m. .i. bo .. .July 8, :i p. ni. Devonia June -.'-. u m. m. re *i.a Jn -. 1.. ( abm ii um I.-,. -,.,, to t W se, uud eabii .1 -..I *l ¦. LIVERPOOL AND <jl KEN <TtlWN WERVICE. Prom Pb ,i Korui River, i...t <>i Leroy-it. Al'MTRAL .taila Jui iS.Ju.vJ'i. Ana.33 ll v OF ROM1. MRU ni] nc. .rn.slat I na tori is* i of passenger!, C'abUI .lin., to uro.nm,j I.iii.nu. BecondCali .re, r,,t pis-i-r. ia du i* im. ii.. . ,*.,.,. apply to HEN Oin UH )N BRUI I! i.i- i. OORDEAUX I.INF.. ' lr New and direct lin* to lhe Booth of Prance NKW.YORK ami BURDEA1 \ DIRE* I'. CHATEAU I. Al ll I .; uureOay. hui. i. ll \.-.\ \ "Prentice's Storei" nearWall.it Perry Brooklyn. Spain nd lu ¦ Vau, -aili save Ume iud Pint t'abin. including win. iud Cabin, Soi. U.UM.H. ...» ". L'.. >. .',' 'lill,' I.I I'olp.l- UOULANOER, 40 rjUNAKD LINE. MU ur. 'LANE RorTE." »U"M NEW-YORK TO LIVERPOOL, VIA Ql'KENS* rowN. FROM PIER NO.40 Null Hi RIVER. \. Wodi.a. min 1,0:30p.m. lilli.' UN. S 7a. m. n \i,' ia.\* eaneaday. tu'* 2, ¦¦'¦( -p. m. .vi -ANIA , nay o.y u, Catlin p..-..il-.. SOO, SS0 ana sui" -tr. rage n. keta t" and from .... uart . ol Europe at very low int*-.*. Freight and paaaa fe ollice. s'o. 4 Howling Oreen. Vl.i: ..Mi h. laiPEClAL NOTICE.. THE I*. M. S. SCYTHIA will sall from Bo toa ftatnrdsjr, Jnscal, nt i p. m. Excellent dutton i- oi paaaaa* app VERNON il BROWN A CO.. Agents, l l-..* 'in liro.-n. GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY. Vs Between dew-York ind ll trw Companv'i pier na Na 4S North River, foot ol atortoavat l"4' '; >anielll.Wednesday. June IH, noon N HMAN DIE, Krangoul. Wednesday, Jul LABBA!K)H I oilier.\l .alne-ulav. lu y .'. eon Cheeki payable at sum, n, amnnntl to ault, uu Ibo liiimmo 1 ranaaUanuc ol Lol ia de BEB1AN, agent. Na 6 Bowlimj Orasn fiUION LINK. V^ CNITEDBTATES afAIL STEAMERS l"lt 'jil i.N-i. ,\V\ an li LIVERPOOL, i.<a\in»' p.ci :.-*. n E.. foot of Eli ONmin. | . ., UV'Ml.MI .Milmtiiiv. lillie -.'I, ll. nip m. Alt /()>A. Batu ,!u ..linn- 2S.PB m. ALAi-KA.saturday, Juiv ... 'i-;iu p ni N ry lli.-se steamers arc built ot iron, witn water-tigtit.*, parin..-ula, and are tornlsbed «nii i-vnv reoulalte io maka ige acroai Um AtlanUe both aaf,- gno igreea'de i.a* nm iiaih-r.M.iii. smoking;room, .irawing.riKim, plano ind i.i.i.iii-. ai.,. eiperUoced nrgeon, itewBrdeai atei caterer I, each itaamer Tbe iiate-roomi are all upper deck tims Inrarlnsthose trieuieit of all Inxnrlee st tea. perfect ventlla, lion and llghL i.'abln paaaage (according to slur- l aaa and SlOOi llil.nie ,-....- .T l aili »1UUJ iii I li i;. No. 29 BROADWAY QTJIOH *t co. nAMBURG-AMERlCAN PACKET cn\T- i- tNY'8Semi-weekly Mail H Line for PLYMorin (l>it"l"'i ' -h.-roourg. .Parii, ann liAMHt Ru *S .....A.Nl'.... iUlle I M.... v\ lA. UlllC-'s « .lane I ham Monia jim i Baie* lirst .-ullin. t*li,.*7'i aim *--i.. according to lo', allon ...T-j.|. Pound inp.. ieilnee.1 m., 4 » Eui opt IIK, Bend for "Tourist Oatette." K Kl' Nil A UH I * .".. lien. Aifta, .So. ,;1 llroad.af N V ii. iii. BARD A ( ».. <; '. Has Acts* wi B'way N y INMAN LINE OP BTEAHER8. 1 POE QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOI. I'lTI (il I'J-.KLl a .,, iroav. iou .1 .io m ITT Of M < IREAL. .),... .; ft £' CITY UP <MII (JO <*., i n,' Prom Pier 3d (new nnmber) North Rlrer abin pabsaoe SOo, sso..,;,.,. rnurmediata wa s i EERAOE it... o.\ \ ,,ts 4ji 1 ,.¦ ,,u.sa*;«, Ac. apply lottie INMAN STBAM8UIP Ca lunn, d, waablnaton Hulltlins 1 Broad wai s v PblladMsaiaOdlee, No toa Houth ttti.st. ROYAL MAIL TO THE NETHERLANDS; ak. ¦tsssisrsatsr* ca'a van, foot al Snaaax^c JaraarCiu tut Ain-ii-iiiain * ¦ ':'1I'AM...\kedii.-mtav. June I, a::iti p ,. .. . , ., ' or Itottenlam "* M,VV ,"\ 1W..Wedneaday. June ll.7:S0apa. lu, i ailii.*. 1; aecond. S.'.di steane. -Iii prepaid. S17. .,. \ } .N-'":i «». Igeni ...-.-uthu'iuuioit. ','>.. I.. W. MORRIU A son, 17a UlJliain-st.. Height Airti. ..e-ll-v.ay.Ucit. Pals. Agk REDBTaVB LINE..For Antwerp and Parts ., . ,M»!ll''''l'r','1',N''wVork aatl Ant w-rp every ,-«i ,ir)Ul, lihvl'1,. ;v'''1' e.ilttrday,Jua. ., ,;.,.)J- I'lNNl.ANi. Saturdar. Juut l hi lams, alater.ioms, smoking niel h.ilhiouuiH uml.lalili,. k-4....,,. a. ..,. 4',.; rxrnr,,.,,.. ell. j,,,,,. ^J^Wi,^ SWlfor«mtward.prerialdjexcillilou. Ililli sic-rane ..utviaiiL S-JOipiapaid no:,. Xutwei... aim eactirsion, *.;¦.. in. ludlua beddlug, eic ill Wkiuhi- - THHE NEW AND FAsr S I.i. ,.,-,li Am (.curial Agent-., ft* llluadrtay. Bteaaaabln AM ERICA, ., . Captain draco, Hill, for Liverpool. WF.Ir l.-.i'.\V. JOLY in ll.m KIl,-,V,,Vk,,l,i:i,.|,v,;V|r.uJtt)^!,^ Choice roomi «i.i tuperu a. .-..iiiuiuditioii* v. w. j. utiisj', WaihiugUiu ipply to iliuldlug, nattery I'Uwe, New-York. (Petan Steamer*. OftTli GRIMAN LLOYD H^'UD, HIIORT ROUTE TO LONDON, NEW-YORK. (SOUTHAMPTON ANO HRKMEN. H.Wed.. June lsiuiiKii.Hat... June 28 lilli KU.MU. June 21 ILB1.Wed.. July 3 DMR.Wed.. June 2'. MAIN .Hat., Joly 5 irst cabin Slow to S1..0. second cabin. SOO. Hteeraga al eil rates. OELRK'IIH A 00k, No. a Rowling Oreen. rCinC MAIL STKAMSHTP COMPACTS LINES FOR CALIFORNIA, .SANDWICH lhI,A.N'l)S», IAN CHINA. NEW-ZEALAND. At'MTRALlA. CEN- ALaad SOUTH AM KUI CA ami htEXIOO. .Tom New-Yor*. pier foot can .1 at N. H. For -mi Frau. i-o. via lae l.Omma of panama. city ol' I'vka anil. Friday. Jone SO, boob Connecting for Central and Mouth America and Mexico. Preta Man 1 ran.laen, 1st aud Kiuunaii lt*. For Japan aud China. I'll V iiKT.,M'i ' I. I ni-.lav Inly 1, noon. 'or HONOLULU. NEW-ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA. Kl A LAN IA sail! >i.tur.lav, July o. on arrival of Lon lon malu at Han francisco freight.panage and general information, apply atcom pany's ollce on tho Pier, foot Caual-it., N. R- v if i BULLAY.Hnpertntendent inilTE STAR LIME..MAURY ROUTE. m t CM I BD8TATSM ANO ROYAL MAH. STKAMbBS. POR QUEENSTOWN ANO LIVERPOOL n Ll !' .. apt. lien.-.-. Ti ursday. Jone IS, 1:30 p. na ITANHIO 'ant ''erry....salnt.l.iy. June ¦',. -.. '" a. m. I't'liIJ. .capt. irving.1 hura.lav. July '¦*¦ 1:30 p. in I.I ic, capt. m. idell ..Mtiirnav. nilv r.'.sa. ui OM lill, WHITE STAR DOCa, I "Ol OP WEsl lOTH-VT LATTtB,* Haloon. **.". *-h<i and'$100. Return ticket! -rn orableteraa stcora.'e ar l,.w ratett. Inteniiedlato lAUTl- or inspection of ii hms sad other information apply altlie .psnyautUcc!, Mo. il Broadway, gfljggTO Agent. Steamboats aiifc Hailroabs._ LBANY BOATS. PEOPLED LINE, DREW an.l SI. J (i UN. eave Pier il, N R., foot of Canal-st.. every week day std SaaSk :. TT.Tickets so'.I ind lii.trirace che. ko.1 to all sta*loni on a Yorl Central R. Ri and *w.i .....,r- Railroad k.k.1 for isa*-'.- iiu.l .liii.-riH.u. Im-i Hi. .TROY BOATS, CITIZENS' LINE. . steamer, cn V OF TROT end SARATOGA leave Pier North i.iver, foot Cbrlitopher-st.,daily except satnrday. I p. m., "lin,' 'lue With mon.init (illina for kia* North and sf. sun.lay'.-, strainer touch.* ut Albany._ ALL RIVER LINE FOR BOSTON AND EAST. oi.ii'li'l ttssrasrs PILOB1M and providence b-avo ir Yiirkldailr (MUNDAYH IN4 lil H at .'. t. m. from Pier n. ii, toot oi M.ni.iv-st. onnectlonby annex boat.-* ,,i Un, .Lli-n nt in:" i. tn. .1. .-...-. Itv 4 li. m. MUHN'.. Tir'u.iti .1 Rand and Orche tra a* <. impantes each Kteamer. in (ii ami -aloon every ..vening. TH KM'-*, u'i'i-'i'i'.H Ai can be obtained at all principal hotel*! niter md ticket offlcei, nt i-ter-'\ N. R.. Bud on steamers. in i*.n r .it)ist line nu.-i fleet <>f tieamera engagedex> siveiv in tbe freigbl service, thui Insarlng prompl and ro¬ il.- iiinv.-'i,. nt Rates aa low aa other linea, BORDEN 4 LOVELL, ONNOR, Agenta Oen'l Pass. A|tent,_ ¦ol! RONDOUT AND KING8T0N, m m Landing al Cranslont (Weat Point,) CornwaR, New- burgh Marlboro, Milton, P n-ritk. .-pal"' ami Eaopil! meeting with later and Delaware ami stony ciovo lt. lt, unbolts JAMEH W. BALDWIN snd* iii "*.»«». V- .limy ai i p. av, Plat tisit .f Harrlaaail, j.Jb> EHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD..Puaenger I trams leare depot foot of cortian.it ami Desbreassi sta -Ina m.. 8:40 Bain ,' p.m. f'-r Huton, Rethl.hen, Allen- sn, Beaning, Maneh Chunk, Wllkeibirre. ow andi, Wa¬ rty, Ithaca, USB***, lynn, ituff.iloan.lth>* West. Pn'inisu ¦oiigb ccachea ma drly Lo al trains at 7 a. ni. and SAO in. loi n<t..-i, Bethlehemand Coolar, ring at Hilo a. m.. 1 and 3 40 p. m. connect for point! .n Muhaimy and Hannon coal ragloua. sundsy i- Maii.-b Chunk 8:10 a.m. Lenvo Mauch Chunk leter J Eastern OUlc*. corner of Churrh ind Cortlmdt sta E. B BYINOTON, O. P. A. IARY POWELL..For West Point, rom- 3 wir Panrbkaapale, Rondenl and xintrston, idin* »t Cra*!iio:i. MP'on. New-Haml.urg and llv.le Pan Inri excepted). I.eav.-s Vt-strv a*. 3:19, ind Welt -..p.m. Connects st West Pout or Corn wall, via , ks'esl Shore rad Buffalo R R. Ti'-k»ty mid bagaage ¦kaogertias. CatskllL Allnuy and all points west. with trn'ns for thi North: L ts-o',' nd checked to Rbtenbeok, Hudson, Al¬ or an.l ni' pent! west on the N Y Central R R SN CU Ra ION TI< Ki; li to West Taint, r'tnrnlna via is* shoroor Hiulsoik Rl.ir U. R. lame nay. il9i. NO l XPRESS BA [OAOE BKUKIV.tP AT 9Vd-BT. T0RWICH LINE TO ROSTON, W0RCE8- \ T*-U, NA-HT'A, PORTLAND and t!.-> WMIIK iCNTAINS with.mt transfer. "City of WnreesfT." the ivellen favorite, leaves PITT No. .*/), North River, f..-*t ut aalal. New-York, ou Tu -.dayl, Tta.iiri.aya and r-iituidayi, d th* popular "(.ty of Bolton " on Monday* Wedceitayi .! Friday! ll 0 p, tn. lim ¦' amt irupdon. Tleltfta at redaerd rates. Ptate- imimaybei sured at-J07 tir..-*dway and it Pier i" S-i- ilor ad'vaufag. . are otTar-.l by this Un.. .:. a FA.lT ¦III- Hi l [NP. Two ste.imors eseb wiy erery *ve -k,l »¦- r Inforuiat ou referring to p-isseuicr or frelijht rate, apu O. W. RltADY. Agent r&W-YORK A STD ''TIToTSaKI) BO nT) < r.iNK. la [few-Yortt oBtar!oand Weaten Railway and dally Hoe itaamera frrm oaweirn ilnclndlnn ^nndiy., touching al le gitea, (Canada ( lavfn, AloT-.ndrfci Hay. Pleatanteit .lie io Thntisand Isl.irids. Night lipieil. with Pullmiu wpera, laarea New-York 7 p. tn., arriv.* (.iwego7:49 a.ui.j . I.---.ci on arrival ot tran. Day upresi icave3 J.ew-York *o s. m. Depots and ferries tn New-York f.v.t of ( ..»fl«tiilr lletbroi- IWaat4Vd-it rtmesURiles, tickets, and copies of -fin v m mes" ut Nea 162, 2*7 918.1.8*13 readwar, N'» 7H7 ni-ivtv '.US l'ast 12'tn st., s r moa inare. in Brooklyti, 4( ourt-at, Annex omce, Ms l-'ulton-iL, re., sad depot* ntnamtr higfai trtf/i tone tv (.CANDI it ¦¦.* ."¦'. rieaawal Paaaeagar Ageat, n state-it. liROVIDENCE LINE..Providence Direct. ALL NORTHERN NKWKNOL IND POINTS. Mlegant .,.... ri RHODE IKLANO an.l MA9»ACH\7SETT8 1. art er29, N. lt.. al '- p m. dally, except8nn X tri LAU SHORE LTNK.-For Provldoiiofs Roatonand the East All tall fromC.rand Central Depot., ress unit:-.duh- Randa/Bazoented to Uo.ton ai 1 ia -J p. m. parlor car attached! and 10 p. m. with palace ..'ping eani. Sandayi nt 10 p m. iw'.th palnce sleeping ra). Newport eiprcss l,*av»i Orana central Depot at I m., arri vt-1 at Newport 7:33 p. in. P.irlor cars attached. W, W. Pul-i'LE. Ag(*utV nilLADELl'HIA AND READING RAILROAD. FROM STATIONS OF NEW-JERSEY CENTRAL DIVISION, FOOT OJ LIRI'RTY-ST.. VilRTII RIVER. Irect connection to and from Rrooklyn, via Annex Tloats, rrooi Urooklyn Iln.lgo Pier. TIMK TABLE.TAJCINU EPFECT MAY ll. 1>*8I. it PHILADELPHIA an.l TRENTON, "Round Urnok Route,' at 7:1--.',*::)(>, Hilda, m.. 1:8'), ano, 4*80, 8:80, itOO, l-i:.¦>> p. :n. SUNDAYS at H.-4S n. *n., 5:80, ISKKI p :.i lr -ct oonneeiton at Wavne Junction for licrm-.utown and chestnut nilli at Coluiubla.ave. tor Mana>-unk, Combo. h -k.u ind Norrisiown. BAWINO-RO* »M A in on all Day Traiua and HLKEPINO Sight I'ralns. tv Rr e'n ruing l(»ro I'll I. \DEI.PHIA, Ninth aid Ore.-iats, 7:»0, M:30. SiSO. 11:60 a. m.. 1:15, %Ali, 5:40, « SUNDAY. S:80 I m_ 8:80, 19:00 a tn. rblrdand Berks'lt*. at 5:10. HiJil, 9:00 10:80 a :n., [tOO, 3:30.6:30. &30 1 DAY, 8:li*a m.. 4:30 p. :u. roN, Warren abd l'uolcar-lt*..Bt 1:95.6:20 S-03 P..ii, ld ..** .11 .M., -i m., iii, 4j29. 0:24, 7:8* p. m HI'.*?. DAYH, iv m. !,.I.IAMspiiRl1. HUN'lURY. LEWISHT'nn, »na BtA ll ANOY (Il Vat Tis;.. i*.(,0 .». m.. 8.15. 4>jo p m. ,i KADINOand HARiii*4iu:iu»at7:45, 9,00 lilts a rn l:()o, lin.). 1:00, .'.i*>. 5:48 I2t00p.a. Kimdayi ut 3:30 p. ul BI SCRANTON at 7:15, *.i:00 a. m.. 3:45 p. ui. or WILKESBARRK and riTTfTON at 7il5, OOO a m. 1.1 IO, AM. toto I m. Sundiij-! at G:dO p. m. or Iil-.II li IN at 7.1'. a. :n A: I j p. m. nrTAM **U'A at 7.15, 7:15, 9:00 a. m.. 1:00, 1:80. 3i45 400 19 (I p. ui. ' or IIKTKI.MHKM, ALLENTOWN lind MAUCH 'HUNK L' -1 i, e.liij a. m., l:i)il,l:80. 8:45, 5:30 p. m. Humuty at f.iLni i*. m. UN nt 7:15, 7 4V 0 t»*i ¦». ra., 1:00, 1:30, 8:45, 400 q ... m. Sondaya 5:.:o p. m. ar STATIONS OM Illili BRIDGE BRANCH at imo un., i 0,4i80p. n. or i U..M NOTON at 7:15. OiOO a nx, LOO, 1:30, 4:00, 4:30 p oi. <" laya l:3n p. m. oi SO Mi-'! VI I.I.I, at ll;... \ 7:1.1, 7: lo: MA 111:30, Hilda m lil)', 1 ¦'.', !i30,8:45, 1:00, 1:8ft liOO, 0:80, 6:45 8:00, 7:'(io 8ii0. 10:80n. m. aun.isys at HiOO a m., 1:80, ...30, i>:()0 p. ni" Ol¦ PLAiNFiEI.Dal ."0. 7:15 |45. 9*M). 9:8Q 10:8'». lll.k l.pt.l:"'.. 1:3-), il 30,8 80, 3:aJ5, 4:00, 1:80, .r,:(H),6:l5.5:i" 5-45 8:00, 0:30, 7iOO. -ii.M), UioO. 10:80,19:"0 p. in. SUNDAYS at 8:00. S:l5a. Ul 1:30, 1:00. >:.;,l, ilniil, l.-:i>.i p. m. fl Kil/AI!FTH at (tO<) (1:15. «:4 .,7:l.\7:l\»iOO.< 8>,9 00 6:80, 10:l)'-,10 :(0,l!:,o,11:3'1.111,12:15,12:45, IiOt).!-:,!..'--,-),) 5:80, Sid l, A:Ao,y l.,, t; -ii. 4:18, 4 St), \A\ 5:IH), 5-1 k, ,«,-';t.)' 6 l*i. tlfiO,H-AB, ll: 0. Ii:l5. 7.'.0. 7:30. ±&), (*:45. H.,0. lU:3o' ll::iil, Vi:iHi pm. f*l'.\DAY» at S:l),i, M:45 a nt. 1:S0. 40o' >, 12:0.) piu, ¦or NEWARK at 5 00. 5:15, d: 15. 6:45. 7:18, 7:S-\J.'0.->, S-15 BIS. On 0, Oil-, un.'. lOilfl 10:lo. 11:15 aw.. 19:0tfm. ia-45 l:lo, 3:00, 2:30. 8:00, 8i 30. 4.00 4:30, ..:0O, 5:16, 6::i.l, 6tS C-". 1 -, 6:30. :>)"i TlSO, 8:16. 9-00. 0:45, l"i30, LlilK 1 ii't.m. SUNDAYS at 8KK), k»:15, 10:15 am, 12:00 nt 1:1.*".. BlOO, 4:O0,5:iiil. 8:18 -*:0O, iii),), I0:i!0 p IO. ¦or I.u.Nii BBANOEL m'EAN Oliov.-:, <to.. 1AI1 radi at 8:15 a ui, l:8.i. 4:0<J, 0:00 pm. SUNDAYS lexcept ocean Orora) at 10:48 am. "OT FUKKHOLD.At R:15. lin. m., 1:30,4, 6 n m. 'or LAl>E\k'()')D, ToM-* ltlVi.il omi HAHNEOAT at 8-18 a m., L30, 4:30 p. m. with throu<h parlori-ara on 4:30 p ul train :'ui VINELAND and BRI DO ETON at 1:30 p. m. NEW-JERSEY S0KHIERN DIVIDION. From Pier Ne. 8, North River, rta Wandy Utooi. "M M K NC N >. MA V -.'2d, 1 .St. i'OTHEA HRH ill'l. I.ONO UP.ANCH. eto.. It4:30. lOillan. 8.45, 4:45 y. iu. buudiya, I'.ou am. .or A 1 I.ANTIC HI011LA.NU.-4 at 4:30, 10.15 a. m. 8-48, 4ofp m. :'or KLBKRON.ABBUItl PARK.OCP.AN OROVE, POINT Pl.- \ v.N I' . to., at 10:16 n. ui, 3:45, 4:4Bp. m. Sunday! tc ia Aahury Park and I mass Orovo> at 9:00 am. Kor LAKEWOOD, TOMS RIVERand DARNEUATat3i48 p m. Tleketa can be procuie.1 at f,..t Llberty.it., Pier No. B.Nertb Hiv.-iJl, 1.19,2(57, 267-201, 271, 4Jl, 721, t>44, l.ftlT, amt I,'.' i:r.*.twavi 787 and 748 oth-ave.i 1 Riviniton it.; 10 irivnwl.li.a* Ids, 2im fist 12oth.it .and principal Hotel! In Sia Vols cut In nrooklvuit Nos. I ourt-st i lu? Proul, sriy; si, Pultoii-it SID Manhattan-live.; 7 Dr Kalb- ive.: l-"9'j Atlantic av«. In liohoken, 264 Waihluston-at. N. \. Iiaiiafei-i.-oiapany will call tor and cueck ha^caiefroiu liol* ll or le.lileauu todriUuatii.il. I. E. WO., ll N», CO. HANCOCK (Jenenal Manaaer. (Jen. Vsnn. iud Ticket As. Il P. BALDWIN .1. E. P. Art IIP Liberty lt.. N. Y _* MIST SHORE ROU! E, v. NEW-YORK. WIST BHORI A BUFFALO RAILWAY All tran..a except the 7:40 an. aad 4:88 a, ¦ leare trotu \v.!ti:.l-«i Deabroase*ande.utlututi-ai stations. Tba7:41 t. m. andi ip bi traini leave trotu Weal I'id-atonly. Pur * bieafo and D.-noii in.1.0 a. m -**:0n j. ni. Baipenatoi BiI.Ikc. Nlaaara Kulla, Buffalo, Newark and Rocbailer, -H'.-i u. in .-. p. pt. Foi Sj m. ii ¦¦ niiil i'iin.la, 7:4*8, .ii.-mi a. ni; H p. m. lll.-ll, Clinrtjotniilr, Till. -Ill ni 1! N ll, 'Hp lil Alhanv mi, I Catskill '7 40, .lunn 11-20 t ni J.,iu, SJ a, in l oi l-alcnvlllc. Cairo, Mountulu lluus*.-'Matiun 7:4t>, ilr.-i a tn. i'oi Ktuiiei ikill, Hunter, summit, Pim Hill, Pho-nex-li ll 20 a m. for Sharon Mprlnns loin am,, with li.iff.-t I'll lol (M -, wi11.,.iii ebanxe from Weal u.l st. st ttion. burn, Kluasloti, Hixhlaud, pou«hke.p4lc. '7:40, *10:0.l 11:90 u. m.. ,i li, I 3 '. -s|, ,i, .Dally uiin i min-, daily *-n >pt Bandar, Unit, t Parlor Uara to Byraense and iiuflalo. Piilliuiit lliillrt Bleeplns I ar. to -yt:at u.e, oneida, Rllffal umI Im .i-n. I lakala and tims tal.lea at itatlutis and ut tSaSSS of Iks SOI nany. Jeraej ny, I'tniniyivuiila RsUroad station, lin.iklyt No oin i-.t Annex olTli-.-fi.it ol I ullon Mt.; HaS t'uittu Bl., and No. 7 DeKalli-uva.; New-York City. Nos. HIJ -JO", nil, 308, 419.946,1,898Broadway, No. 8 Union Bquaie Ni 787 otli '.*.-., No [SS Eait l:5th si , I'l'liiiaylvuiiia HU. HU 11..,i. fool lieshlo.*ei-it,, tool CorlJaU.lt-nt , and West bhoi bUitlou, tuot Weat 49d st UENRY MONET1'. Uta. Pan Aaana. 24 aut»>iu Steamboat** ano Raiiroa5«. j^-HUDSON RIVFfcBY DAYLIGHT. Albany Day Mne steam*ar*. ALBANY and C. VIRHARO. Dally lexcavpt sundays) Leave Fnltonit. Brooklyn i Dy annesi.*:Or)ara> - Veitry.it pier. New.York.. H:»8 - ' VVeil 22dit pier . 9:00 ¦ lor albany. laimina at Nyack and Tarrytown (by ferry!, Ya eat I'olnt, Newburg, Poughkeepsie, Hhloebe* k. Ceteklfl an.l Iii da.m. ^ r CONNECTIONS: RIIIVKIIKCK-With ll anac. W. R. R.. for Lekevlll*. Martin .I. .-prlnsiiel.t ami Boatoa, ami')*v fe, ry with apec-iat train on Clai-r and Del II K for I. - itnoi I. o* tbe Cat.kill*. CATSKILL-With ipeclai train rmi auk il) Mt K. R. HUDSON -With Bolton aud A R. K. for Chatham Pitts¬ field, North A (lain! and l.cMnon (apr nea ALBANY- With Del. ind H. C. Co'i R. R. for i-arat/ig* and thu North, and with N. Y. C. R. R. for I'Uca, Buffalo, N.JK.r.i lal la and (he Welt. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD." MOOKI, FAST LINK TO I UK WhST. Via Philadelphia. Baltimore and Waahfngv.n. Tralna leave from Pennsylvania H. It. tinpot: . 8p n. incept Munday, for Washington aad all point! WeaS 7 n. m.. DAILY FAST EXPR?.Ss\ through ilaxtplnn caches to Chicago, Clncinuatl, Ht. Loula Connect! Ht all point! West. ly, MIDNT*. HT, dally for Waihlneton ind ill point* We*»V For Tune Tahlee, Ticket!, Sleeping Berth! and Ballasts apply at company lotrice. 21. Air,, «ji ano l.ito Broadwayi 4 Court-lt., Brooklyn! Fenoiylvania Railroad. IVOR BOSTON AND ALL POINTS EAST. 1 TlaSTO.VfNOTON LINC. Favorite INSIDE it*, ip '-trim ni ave dally (except Sunday, from Pier 33, N. IL, Jay-sf nt 0 I* m. W. W. POPPLE, Oen'l Peas. Ant.. 177 West-st^ l/OR HR 11 IO ITO RT anti all point* on IIOU- I- HATONK'iod NAUOATl'CK RAILRO* i>s -steamer! leave Catherine Slip it 11 a m.. 3 p. m v.'Jd lt., Eaat River, :i:10p. ni. Pare lower than by any other rout, VKW-II.W F.\. STKAMROATCO'S STEAM- 1! ERK, C ll. NORTHAM AND CoNTINi VTAL. leav* p.-.k Blip Pier No SS, E. R. at Hand ll pm Sondayiex- rented.; eonneetina Ht New-Haven wirti special trains for ME rt I DEN, HARTFORD, SPBINOFIKLD, HOLYOKE, Ac. Ticket* sold and haKSaare checked at '.lit Broadway, N. Y., and 4 Court-it., Brooklyn. Excurilou to New-Haven si..'). _, MEW-YORK AND LONG BRANCH RR. ll l Pennsvlvinl* Kft..foot''ortlandt- Htatiom In Now.York < at and Dolli! oisei.il. (Phi)a.ARoad.Rl'. < ...tLlberty-lt. LEAVE NKW.YORK, commencing Mar ii, t884 For mo ith Amhoy, via Pill*. A Reading R. R. HA .. 11:00 am., .hi, 4. 0, tl p m. Soudan IOU a. in vii. Penn. R. R, U »i a. m. li m. 3: <>, 0 p. m. siu.lay 9 a. m 6 p. m. For M itawan, Ao.. Tia Phlla. * Reading HR., 8:1*}, ll a. m, 1:3 .. 4:0", liol), 5:00, dp. m. Sunday* HMS * nu, via. P.ru HR.. 9 a. m., 12 ai. 5 p. m. Hnndara, .' a m. 6 p m. For Red liana, Lons fliauob. Ocean drove, Albury Para, Sea C. IrL Point Pleaaaot, Ao, vt* Phiiad-lphia and Beading RR, 8:1:. a. m., 1:30, 1:00, 6:00 p. ttl. honda/! (nol stopulpg at Oc-an drove or Albury Purki, i.):4 a. m., via pennsylvania RR., 9 a. m., 12 m. 3:10,8 p. m. Snn.layi (not stol.p!n:r at ocean drove or \ibury Parki. 0 a to., li p m. For Freehold, via Philsdelpbla and Readme RR., 8:15, ll a. m., 1:30, Vdu, .>p. m. For Keyport, via Philadelphia ami Readinir RR., 8:15. tl a. mo, 1.3*', 4:80. fcflO d p. m. For LfliHvro.it!, Tons River, and Harnegat at 3 ls a. ni li-'-'). 131) il in For .uni River, via Pena, it R.at Hilo a. m., 12.O) kL For Vinelind, Bilda-atoa Atlantic City, Ac , 1:S0 p. m. c. o. hancock? lr wood, h h nikman. 0. r. A T. A., P. * R. RR. O. P. AF RR. Act'* Htipt._ N KW-YORK CENTRAL ANO HI'DSOM RIVER K.*ILROAD-( ..ran-enelnir May 31, 1884, thiough trains villi leave ..rind ei.'i.i Depot. 8 a. ni, Weatern New-York anti Northern Ki press, wita th rou ui, ilia* rn: room cara o lian ne-t and to Moa r>-al. *H:40 a li., Past Limited chleaRO Ktnreis, with dinlna can, ¦toppin? af A Minny Utica. .Syracuse Rivh.-at. r Buffalo Ni. nsara alla Ene. Cleveland snd Toledo, arriving at .Chicano 10:1 la m. next Sar 10:3" a m., Chicano Express, drawintt¦ro'.si cari to Canan- .l.ii .m.. Rochester, Niik*ar.k tails and RulTalo: connect* for Oiwpko s ...-. n aprlnirs and Rkh ... Ila m.. Western New-York and Northern Ext ress, wita drawl, ir rem era. _. ;':..op.m..Albany.Troy, saratoga and I ticaE ipress, throngs. drawing-room __ .4 i> ni, Accrntnodation to Albanv an.l Troy .H p. m., Ht L-nli Expr.ii. with ileeping can for Niagara Fills, Buffalo, cincinnati (except Haturday). Toledo, Detroit 6:80 p m , Express, with sleeping can to Syracuse and to Aubnrn roi.d: also to Montreal. afln m. Pacific Express, with sleeping; can for Rochester, Rutfihi Ni*: .ta FaliB, Cleveland. Tolwlo. Del rolf. Chicano, st. Louis, Oawssm al*. I..", (except saturday*. . lip m., NlKht Eipit>!i, with eleepln* cats io Aihanyana Troy. Connect* with the morning trains for the Welt and North .exe -pt Saturday night!. ._ t,.^t,._ TlokeU on aale at Ci and Ccntnt Depot, >o o Rowlln*? Oreen 'J.V1 sud 435 Broadway, and at 'Aestciitfi hxpn-ss (lill,. .. :t Puk pin. e. ami 7-46 and 1142 Rroii*lway. N'-w-V ork. .n,1 tnt Washburton and 730 Fulton eta., Brooklyn, and79 Fourth-st Willhtiuahura. , Accommo'iitl'.ns In drawlnz-iviorn an& sleeping cars can ba procured at any ol tba ticket oiUcei in New-York City, and a* 3^3 U'aahiiitsoii.st. Biooklyn. indar. H, AS'-nC DaKitaire .ailed for and checked from rendeiice. .Th.Vtrnins mn dally. AU others daly except iBaal J M ll ll'('FY L. B Ml. c. K.r. rf, (ieiieralsuiierliitendent. Cleaeral Pasacui,er A PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD^ 1 On and after Fell. 37. 18d4. ORKAT Ikl'.NK LINE _- AND fSITED STATEa MAIL ROrTre. Tralni leav Now.York via. Deabroesei and Corilandt Ferries aa folluwa: _^^_ __,, Harrisburg. Plttahurg, tb" West and Ponto, a*1th Pnllman Palace ca.* attached, * a. m. ii and I p m. dally New.Yorn and ( lueavo I unit. .1, of Parlor, Llulne, Suiuklug and Hloena* big Cars, ut <. a. m. every day.| . _^ Wllilanisu.ut. Lock Haven. 8 a. m. 6 p. m. Corry and Eries] e p. m. conn.i-ilng at Corry for Tltoivllle, Petroleum Central and the ti ii. kl,ms. Baltimore, WMhinatoa and tlie fionth. "I.lrulte.t WMhlbftOl Express- ;f l-ullii.an Parlor Can dally except Pumiay. Ill a. m., anlve Waahlnatou 4V05 D-m. Regular, via B. nod F. R.R, at bi :o and stH a m. A.io and 0 p.m. and 1'.' night i via U lint (i. ll. lt. 1 ao*l lp. m. and 12 nlglit. sunday, vi* ii I., a ni, Op. m. and 12 night, and P ll. lt. ti-1\. i ni, 9 p. m. aad 12 night, via lt. and O. It. 7 p. rn iud l'J night. For Atijnttc < ,ty except Sunday, with through car, 1 p. ni For Cap.* May, exc-pt sunday, If :10 a. m. Long ft rut i i, Buy Mead Junction, and interne Hate itittrraS ria Raliway and Atoboy,« a m.. Ill noon, StlO, Op m. OOj Bundar. 9 a m. and .*> p. m. do not nop at Ait'urf Park.i . lo it a of'' Brooklyu Annex" Connect wtth all through trains al Jeraey city, nff. riling a ipeedy and direct ttamter tor Brooklyn 11 aveL Train* arrivt -1 rom Plttibnrg. Cil'i and lli'.T) a m., 7:30 ami lu: (lp m. lady, and 7 a. ia dally excopt Monday. Front Waihlngton and ftalUuiore. B:.,0 and d'4) I. u., 340. 8:30, 6.-. 0, ii 20, 10''5 and 10:35 p.m. snnday, 6: (.*>, 0:.'0 am, 10:l)S and 10:30 p. ni From Haiti..,..!.*, 1:20 p. m.. on ^unJ days. 0 8*) p- m. From Philadelphia, A-So, 6:10, 6:30, 0:.,0. Jt except Monday, f):-0, l»:80, 10:40, 11 *0 a. in 1:20, 3, ii 40, 8;o0. 15.30, tfiti, :¦», 7|30, x-.-.O, H:i<\ 10.115, lOi^O mai 10:15 p.m. Suulay, 3:..0, 11:20,6:35, 8:50, 7:05, lli83 a UlJ 6:80, .:8i, Ui'iO, tOlOo, 10:20 and 10:3o o. m. TO PHILADELPHIA. ¦.HE OLD ESTABLISHED ROUTE AND fsnORf UXR) 20 TRAINS EACH WAY WKEK-DAYS ARD 9 Oat SUNDAY: 3 STATION--* IN PHILADEL. FHIAi 3 IN NEW.YORK OOURT.E TRACK, TnE MOST IMPROVFD EQUI"* MENT. AND THE FASTEST TtML C'.NSIdT. ENT WITH ABSOLUTE SAFETY. CxpTess Ti sins leare New.Y'ork via Deibrosgei and Cortland! blieet Ferries na folluwii 7 6:»0, 7:2.*, 8, S-.u ,9 and 10 Limited), IL 11:10 a. m. 1, 3iJ0j SAO. 4, 5, (I, 7, 8 aud 0 p. m. and 12 night. Bundar*. 6:10, 9, [9 Limited itml lil a. m.: 4, 6, 7, 8 an.l i* p m., ami 12 nlaht. trains leavlnar New-York dally, exe* pt -UL.lay, 7:2n, iilOand ll:ii> a. m., 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 p. iu., conuaet at Trenton for ( aiiiit.-n. Urtu: i.iii, trains leave Rroad-it. Station, Philadt.-li.lila, 1A0L ail.., 8-20,4, 4i38 lexcepl Voudavi, 6:8*'. 7:;*.', ->:-0, 8i30 li, and 11:16a m. (Limited Kxpreaa 1:3" iud '.20 p. m.', 1, 5, I, o, (t, B:S0, 7f»0, 7:45 and 8 p m. On Sunday 12:1)1, 8tlS. 8:--0, 4, 4:.<j. **::10 a. m. 4. (5:20 Limited., lit.'O. 7i40, 7 and s p m. Leave Philadelphia via Camdon, 8:50 a daily en ept Sunday. ., mu, and 944 Broadway, 1 Aitor Home, md foot of Desbronsi'i and coi tlandt Streets, 4 ( ourt-iU lictet od:.-.--*, ii.. knit Brooklyn Annex Station, foot of Fultuuit u-iU Btooklyit: Bush'! lintel. Hoboken | Htatlou. Jeriey CltT Euiigiant Ticket otflctt No. 8 Battery Place and Caatie Oar len. 1 he New York Transfer Company will caU for and chec) tu fi om lu.U'.s an.l realdeucea. IAM.I¦-.. iTi.H. J.R. WOOD, Ueueral Mauaadr. Oaueial Paai'r Agent. b*em CTARIN'8 ° CITY, RIVER AND HARBOR TRAN SRO RTATIOM COMPANY. Office Pier 18, N. H., foot of Cortlandt-tt. Consis-nmeuts of freight forwarded aa directed toanrcart af tue world ' *^ UNEQUALLED FACfLITfES FOR DISPATCH, orders r.-.et% ai f.r delivery of all kinda of freixht and mea ohand.se to any part of the city. SEA AND HARBOR TOWINO AND RIVER AND HA* BOR LIOHTERACE Frtlght of every deicrlptlon promptly lightered to any Doini In the harbor nt r.-aiouable ratea. STEAM BOATS. BABOES AND GROVES TO CHA*. TER l-OR EXCURSIONS. ^«***» Steamer! JOHN H STARINand ERASTUS CORNTNQ forNEW.nAVEN, loavo Pier Ix, N. R.. foot of Cortlaudt-ittL, at 9 p. ci daly [saturday! excepted.] Fretirht for point! on D. L. A W. H. r. received at Pier 19. For New-Haven and point! Eaet, at Pier 18 NORTH SHOBE, STATEN ISLAND.-Eleven Mlle* foe Ten Couta, ria Steamer! from Pier 1, E. R., foot ot Wnltav hall lt. CENTRAL SHIPYARD, Commonipaw, N. J.-Dry Docks, Mitchlne and Holler Shop* Everything appertaining to the ..o..,,i, ,;|.| ...pnlr ot veaaeli. THE ERIE RAILWAY, better known aalhe J. NEW-YORK, LAKE ERIE AND WKsri-.RN RAIL. ItdAD. ArraiiK*¦m.-iit* of tralna from Chamber! at. Depot. Sam.Lally except Hondas/a. Day Expr.-s^. drawina-rooia coaeoea io Btniil.amtoo. Elmira and lluitato. SleeDlna ("iii'li.-* 'luvaland, . nu inuati au«l Chlcatro. 6 ii ni daily, ".st. Louis l.liuitud'' Express -No extra chara;*) foi fu.at tune-Pullman Sleenlng Coaches to Burtalo. arrlvtna 7i23 a iu Nlag-ara Fain. 9am: Hamilton. >nt I"; io a m.; Detroit. Sii-'Umi Salamanca. :5-* ami (lev. land t:(VJ i> nv. Cincinnati, > li p m. st. Limn 8:40 a ni iecou.1 day. couneot- lui; irami arrive Toledo .v.- , p ni and Inuiauapoili ll a m. * sou Dally).Pa Bc Express tor Ute Weat, a s.-i,i prainot Vi,ilin.in bay amt sleeping Coaches to Binghamton, Kindra, Bulluio. Ni ai: ai a luili. Ctuclunatl an-l Chicago. Hotel and Buflet mu..kim; Coaches to chlcaao. SilO p at. l-.mlitratit iraln for the weet. Rutherforo and l,aK«aici.:4..7:2ii7:'>O9::t«10:2t)ani 13 noon li46 8 3:60 4:40 6tl0 5:80 6:10 «:80 7:80 1" i" p m IS midnight. Hun,la\ s 4 x .'il D': J.i a ni 1:13 6:SO 9 n Ul 1 J midnight. Paterson..:! .7 20 7:50 9 8010.10 am 12 noon 1 ir..( o'.04:40 6:ll)6:l.i'. 100 I ll 7 I0 8M 10 10.80 pm and 1: ini.tiught. Sun- deTl6.t".S;.*0 10:20am l:4,MJ:.tO -tl) p iu 12 mi.tni.ihl, ,k ami l uci-on via Newark htj tin ;>.i am ILIO 4:.'i» .->-" 5:00 'J" 7i6o -(pm ami 12 aUdalght saiuntay U.glxi oulv. siimtuys 9:10 a m Hil) U80 u iu. sulteru Mi 7:6*1 1(1:20 ara 1:15 3 0 -»:15pni!Ud 12 iiiidiiiatif. sunday! 6:45 8.30 10:'10 am 1.10 I -td S pm and 12 liiutuUht. \\ai*»i.-k 7 .*() l*)-.'iiara4:SOpm. Sun.luva B:30 a.m. Nea burn a'"' ' oruwaii 7.00 Dam 8:30 4:30 tl p m. Sunday Slitiaim ..pm. p.oudoiit and Kneston and Moutgonu-ry l* a rn IJOpm. i Bonda* s.u) a m. i,. -lo-ii a,' 100 1I..2.) a in 11:30 3;00 4..I0 o 8:1 j p m. Run- day 0 46 8 30 '.ii 20 a in ii .di ** \i ut Mi.ldleiown.i Lt 7:009 HViOa rn 3:30 4:30 8 StlO pal, snmlsy I I" J" i ni li.IO Sp m. The dallis '.).t in and 4:3*) P rn tralDJ monea! **lth Nev* York, ontario an.l \k rs;. ,-,i iuilroa.1 at Maui it. 'lheUaiiktralnstopiatMiau-itoi.lv. Pun j. via 7 ... io:Ji)am iJo o 8 s.iopm. sunday 8.30 10.30am loss m ii.als leave '-.ltd st .inaner of and .|liait*'i after ea. h hutu trom 0*40 a ni to lil 45 pm every thirty minutes aud from Hi;4."> p iii to i A.". i nt every hour. rickett nu paa**»ice and apartment! lu Draw iiur Room aaa Hloeplug loaches, au l»* obtained, and onida lor th., cheeki*"*- ami uni-*!, r <.r bi.Kifatf*-may Im< it-It ut itu c.* un..ii. i oOlosa. Noa -ol. 101 ..i 907 Broadway. '**'¦ Weat-au, N. v.. N*»*s Court it, Ki.H.klyn. .nat the Coinpauk's Depota ,,.,., hiuroi'i triiliw iioui the Weil arrive lu New -Yera ai *.'« 7;.i011.231» iu aud 10:2i)ii m. , ... Vtirw J..HN N abhoTT. Oen'lPaaa'r Agent,««*:T*>tmr^ rVORTHERN RAILROAD of NKW-'IKSKY. ll liams leave for I lulewood. Cloner, '.'.."out *** Niaok7 8:80 lilai.il :l 0 4 46o 5:40 IUD ¦'.-'O P mli mitt uluht. Siiuil.1)..',' Maui and 7:10 pm. _,.,,«._,.«,»__ N.uuet, spt-iug Valley and Moniey 7:10 10 am4:50ptn suudaysj^w.^ AUBOTT, Oea'l Pssar AgauL NsnYorS.

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Page 1: - Cegul Steamer*. Steamboat** 1SEW PUBLICATIONa IJECEIVER ... · but embodythemostcandidself-analysis of a ania toni in thc possession ofmankind. Manus gannan Oeqeeotly i'-it the



Maners Ai'usura antoninus, ny vivi, barro*

VaU-x pi>. 33*. Harper A Brother*.

The author (rf this book says in his preftwo: "The

lire of Marona Anrelins has never before lieen writ-

ten in the English language-a fact which nf itself

¦would seem to be a sufficient apology for the pres¬

ent work." Uudoubtodly this fact is a justificationof the undertaking, for the life of Marcus Aurelius

is the record of the noblest character of Paganism,and one of thc noblest to be found in all history.

The extensive bibliography appended to his work

by Mr. Watson at once bears testimony to the tho¬

roughness of his preparation and proves the depthof the interest which the character of Marcus Au¬

relius has awakened ever since his time. And while

it te not a little strange that no Enulish biographyef ao fascinating a personage should have been

written before, it must lie rem«mbored that manv

English thinkers have Beeag the Iini**'rial author «>f

the "Thoughts'" the subject of elaborate analytic

.*»*-T8* , ,1. V

The reston why no EagHsb biograph? of him bas

eppearetl is perhaps to be found in the strength,

until unite recently, of wlint Mr. Herbert Spencercalls tho " theological bias." Marcus Aurelius was

a Stoic ; yet he lived sn blameless and in all ways

noble a life that it la ti.moult to distinguish be¬

tween his virtues and tiaoaeel the highest Christian

Ideal. And yet there is a distinction snd a difiVr-

ence. and it deserves to be pointed out. Marcus

was ind.-eil more than a stoic : his character in

parts seems to have approached the peculiar ten¬

derness which is the special product nf the new

faith. Stoicism was virile end masculine to the

utmost. Its philosophy demanded life-long self-

sacrifice andsclf-disciplinc without promise or hopeof reward, either here or hereafter. Virtue was to

bc pursued not because it brought happiness, or

good report, or peace of mind, hut booanaa lt was

right. No love of humanity, no trust in an over¬

ruling Providence, was involved. The worst was

to be expected and endured, without complaintand without hope. His conscience nea the God of

the Stoic, and it teas u pitiless and above all a dis¬

illusionizing deity. Hut Marcus Aurelius was moro

than a Stoic. Tenderness was so blended with Ball-repression in his nature that while In saw the vices

and Meeta of asea ba could not refrain from lettingbis pity for their foibles merge into love for tliem-

BfUt-s.So uncongenial « career a* that to which he was

born has seldom lieen recorded. With Hie nature

ami predilections of a sage and a recluse.In- va-.com-

pelled to be a ruler and a warrior. The meditm ive

di-positiou which would have Whited -an earlyChri-tiai anchorite suffered daily martyrdom ex¬

posed to "that fierce Unlit shel beeta upon a

throne." The spotless purity of a saint was forced

into juxtaposition with thc iank corruptions of the

deo.inposion Kuinin society of thc time. A human¬

ity as sensitive and profound as that of Romillywas compelled to pander to a populace t lint lusted

altai gladiatorial aeons An example of eeerlyaHthe highest Christian virtu, s was made, tlnoii^hthe satire of circumstances, lebeeoeas B persecutorof Christianity. And he whoso soul delighted In

patna anti harmony was eetedetaaed to e-asto his

years in sanguinary wars against barbarians, aadtodieatlast amid scenes of carnage and pistil tne.

Yet through all thees trials bia OOBBtencj never

deserted him, nor did he ever lower his standard.In. »-rt jin as t«. th.-future, wavering always Let naen

eiuiihilatiou and immortality, ho yet was

Blea.tfa.st to his duty as he saw it. For lie was, in

truth, an optimist. He held that God was omni¬

scient aud omnipotent, and thal whatever hap¬pened it must I.e for the best. 1 hus he says : " Weare all working togethet to one ead, some erithknowledge and dc-.ic.ii, and olia rs without knowingwhat they do." But every mau must act for him¬

self, and search himself, and establish Ins own aonljsnd make his own character. For " it is a ridicu¬

lous thinir," ba observes, " for a man not to fly frombis own badness which is, indeed, possible, but to fly(rouother men's badness, which lsiuipowilile." Allthrough tbe " Thoughts" thia iidmonition for self-

Culture runs ; and it must he horn*- in Blind thalthe " Thoughts" frere inver meant lot publicationbut embody the most candid self-analysis of a ania

toni in thc possession of mankind.Manus gannan Oeqeeotly i'-it the depression

inseparable from his surroundings, but ba Beret

fielded to it, always stimulating himself on such

Kciisiousby a fresh and loreiblc recapitulation of

bil duty. The study of such a character cannot

but bo most interesting, and th.; more BO beeeaet. it

ls uuique. And the external hf** of the EmpOTOllorrespoudod with bia Internal piegieaa. The nine*leen years of his reign were lilied with good works.

Fi.mi*first t-> last ho Tabored ceaselessly to reformtbuscs, ta ameli6ratc the eeadltloa of the poor andlheoppressod, to introduce rctorms, tn p-irify the

law, to promote Beano and prosperity, to weld to-

|ether thc disjointed masses of thc Boreen Empire.His relation to Christianity has inevitably In cn a

lubji-ct of much controversy. That he did pereeeatet'.:o Christians, or that they w.-re pi iscciitcd duriuahis reign, is certain. Hut Mr. Watson bas bestowedmich pam-* iipin bte demonstration of ih;s phage in

the career of Marcus, and han brought into neoee*

laiy pioiiiineuce the explanatory eirenmstanoeaIn the second century Christianity w us in many rc-

rpec-ts deservedly disliked. It a'".muled in horoatOQNo man could say certainly which its doctrinessrere. It was torn by internal dissensions. It was

Insulting aud aggressive toward the old religions.And lt was In oneil hostility toward thc Slate. Tia*Roman populace naturally hate.) it. and the Romanrulers as naturally looked with disavorupon a faithwhich made men bad citizens and shore all spoiledthem for military service. The plain truth is thatlhe new religion was then lu badidor, and that while no donni pureIgnorance and nlaenderetendlng aoeonnttormuch of this unpopularity, the condition of theChristian churches t-hesaeelYes whsm Banff leapeetaConducive to the growth of the general sentimenl>f dislike and distrust. Marcus Am. lins was.*la-re-fore, simply not in advance of his lime in tins mat¬ter. He did not examine tho Christian apologetics;rcry few educated Romans would have thought itworth their while to do .,.. thea. In fact, C'hris-hatiity in the second century was regarded hytheRoman world very much as a mixture of Mormon¬ism and Communism would be to-day. lt was

thought to be a superstitious epidemic maderpecially offensive by au infusion of sedition.Marcus did not originate any measures of pi

Han, moreover, lie merely put in force a decree ofHadrian. The cruelties practised unon the Chris¬tiana in Gaul and elsewhere duringhis reign were the outcome of popu¬lar Intolerance and the acts of provincial goy-srnors and officers. The Emperor him-wlf appearsto have looked upon the Christians with a BOri ofciirionsnouteinpt, as weak-minded and too-willingTiftini/of. delusion. But it cannot l>e doubted thatIf he could have ventuted to defy public prejudiceha would have practised toleration toward them,for that was thenatara! bent af his disposition.And it has bean well pointed out by Mr. Leckythat one of the best proofs of his genuiue liberalismrealists in the fact that though lie was the ruler ofth.* civilized weald, and wielding an absolute au¬

thority, he never'ittt* inpt.-'l to force his own beliefsupon society, as for instance Philip the Second did.The "Thoughts" show tla-ir author to have

been a man of tho most sincere humility. Hiseminem a but increased at once his sense of respon¬sibility and his efforts to be worthy of the greattrust confided to him. He lived not for himself butfor his people. Ho spared every one hut himself.He was ao little aslleh that area a conspiracy todethroue him could not iucense him against therebel, and when the latter died Marcus regrettedthe event because it prevented bim from pardoninghis enemy. The fact that such a man lovedFaustina to tho end goes veiy far toward refutingthe scandals which have come down regarding- her.for wiiils Marcus wat compassionate ho could nothave condoned iniquity such as hus been as* ribedto his wife.Mr. Watson has performed his work with pains¬

taking completeness, He has examined and col-lated all that has bo«u written of his subject,whether in time past or pecaeiit. His notes artmarked by a judicial tone. His judgments axe wei]

onsidered and for the most part amply supported.he chapter in which the "Thoughts" are con-

tdered might well have boen more extended and

he quotations given more numerous. Perhaps also

he popular interest of the book would have been

uhanced by an effort to reproduce in

mre detail tho social life, leas of

lie period than of tho Emperor himself.

-ante must alwaya be difficulty in appreciatingi character so far removed from ordinary humaint v.

md therefore the biographer should endeavor to

[ivereality and life to the picture by painting the

lomeher details as fully and accurately as possible.Int on tho wholo tho work has been well done, and

hose who have read Mr. Watson's handsome vol-

ana will not wonder that " Marcus was so univer-

ally loved by his people that on tho day of his

uneral all iolned with one accord in tho sentimenthat there should he no mourning, since he was now

ct urned to tho gods, who had lent him to the

vorld." In accordance with the custom of the age

ie was deified, and without a dissenting voice; and

io long after as iu the reign of Diocletian the

itatucoi the MeM Marena was frequently tobe

ound among the household gods of the Roman




_lill. Till Ht NE. XEW-VdUK.

PRACTICAL COOKER t.Mina leo nus ian taoKSzra



nuiijiti aznu, no. m.nut t,u omii*aearsaa



ron isat,thi-: PnKeiDCNTlaX ykar.

11* ttti.i.«itl, iilititil tag ali.ti-ti.al authorityBDITKS BY



An ln.1fxnn.tfrTopical Head*of tho World'! Htitorjr dur-

1D( 18b. i, us detailed In Ilia* (lilli.los t.f

rm-; DAILY TRIBUNE.fl-.lri. .mi ayala

taSrz of lhe preTiuus rear* ls?»-"7ft-'77-'78-'79-'80-'81li .:'cJeal. I.e l.a.1. I'lHi- ;><». Mila, i a, li. A.l.lreai

lill. I IlilliMl. New-York.

InstitutionFor Boys and Youri or Mon.City.

ADVERTISEMENTS FOR THF NEW-1 Mn\k.\ nun KB, -N... 1.2a8 }(r..a«l\»ay. corner Tl.irlvflrilKt.. until H i. m.. :i:,.t lins Waal Twenty third-at. ,,..,.,-iiL-i.ti, .-.*... No.e-J Baal K..iiiti.i.ii, iu. coner Como koon*,00 ll.ird.aTe., corner Fortyie'eotb-il Noa 1 (Hil li,,miave?Dear sixtieths!., and al th* BARLEM OFFICE 'i in.'ili.1.1.uvc, corser Oas uuii.iieii.and.twcuty.tmhM., un io

Bp, m., ul uvular office ratt-i. »

rPl IK (OLLLt.lATi; SCHOOL, No. 721. Mavll(Kii».ay^.. nen 'ill .a'., Dr. ll. ll. OHAFIN, Print*,

pal. BaalUli. elaailoai amt uri ow/ ti9.art.l...t,. nT,UU4.limn. Wsw bnUdlaJL '-...nyleU m iu BDpelal n lui* tb*inns.in.,.! ..-ui ,iiai Mena

UNIVERSITY GRAMMAR school, l 481Hr..adway, near 4-.id.pt,; 47th year. Primary. Ciii.iiicrnal

ind i-isiaicaiWt* M. H. HOBBY. U. L. AKIN 1'1'iicVl!fTNIVERBITY OF THE CITY OP NEW-\J YORK

JOHN II ALL, D. D., Chanoollor ad rntirlm.DJ-!. Aili ilK.Mh OF AUTH AND HOIKNCE.

TOefjinoal examination of ti..cl.mw. will basin ou Mar ailand arilleoiitli.iii. iiutajn/iiue 18

y .

The cullane eiamiiiatiou will lie h«!d at 10 a. m. on Tue*ila/ jim.-i7;ttu.i fwasdar, B*ptat*oarli.M tlie Uuiv.i.it/building*. WaitiioBioii .^...iiri.


TIioCumiueiiofiiieuteiierciAel «lll he held al IS* AcademyKjfaaU on Thura*!*/. June 10. ut lOiSO a m.

The fall lem. will bcrlu oo Hepteuiher ]l7The new laboratory ol analytical oheniiitry hut been eom-

nleUd Itnuorumt i.l.litioiis hav. been ma*lu tu the materialtor Wu-tritton tn all brau.iiiai.


NO MAKOF. KdMTUril'.N ll made lo their depart-menu, Uieonlr fee bern* that of $15 for InclaVntaUn. A.* ^'»'>OL(,r IVIL KNOINI-.ERINO.<ai.didate! for admlailoii lo thu achoo! will prelent them-

5®J?5 *t.t!1-? Ui4iT»i»ity building! on /una 17 and heuteiu-¦Li. Jli1 'i0 *¦ .".- rh<' re* fut tUiUou lu tilla lelkoul ll BOlTFoioirculais and caulofsa anoi/ vo ituJaoltar;



"A DAUGHTER OF TTIE MLE,"Frontliplca-e. From sketch by Slr Frederick Leighton,

President of the Royal Academy.

THE NILE,Ry Dr. A. Trantvetter. Illustrated from Sketches by Sir

Frederick Leighton, P. lt. A.. ai.d other sour. .h.

THK SILENT BCHOQL8OF KENDALL GREEN.I!y sarita M. lindy. Illustrated.

PRINCE BISMARCK IN PRIVATE LIFE,By Dr. Moritz Duich. With ND pagt j.orti alt.

BUMMER RESORTS ON THE ST. LAWRENCE,By Annie Howell! Fred ¦ell.-. Illustrated.

HARRoW-ON-THIvlIILL.Hy Joseph Hutton. Illu-trute**..


Ty Alice Comyns Curr. Illustrated.

APPROACHES TO NEW-YORK.By Alexander Wainwright. Illustrated.

"OLD HICKORY,"Hy T. W. Kagglaaoa. Wilh full-paite Portraits of Andrew

Jackson and Dani. 1 Webster.

BEEF: FROM! HE KANQET0THESHAMBLE8,By George- ronieroy Kte>e.


Hated I.y Bk A. Abtny.NAiTHhs UBIail iTOnT. By E.P.Hoe. Illuitrated

by Qttatsa and I'ieiinun.

SHORT STORIES:MY' UCLL-CALF. By Frank lt. Htockton.

AN HoNEbT boCL. liy Mary K. Wllkeul.

KOSEs ANO THE NIGHTENGALE,A Poem. By Philip Bouike Marston.

EDITOR'S EAS. (HAIR,Tis "IfSgasr fiterintls ls New-York..(lass otOe Tatattleal

sensor...Vulgar Maum-is nt PtBBlk AuiuieminU.." Tom



rnT*-aet(y..Ane.-.lot** *.f Waslilnirton Inrlnar Thc Bather

ll. K. Mkinklllrlok..."Wlul 1-> til B*Bt* WaWtS 1 .Why Timi,

my was lic'.aye.l al Un* Kuiieial -GraadlBOtbeB Pl..wu (M*r.

emet agtlaga) .a Madest Baan -t-''..usiiteu.-y..Lie of

.;-ldeJuda'en. .A Hit at the luiil.-..An i-xi'lunuiiou.

HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Per Year.HAP.PK.ns MAdAZINi:.Ul (KlH.VI'.l'l R'S Will KLY. 400

BiaVIBI HA/- A ll. 4 00

.i.vi'.pi B*eYouno i'1'ii-i.K. aooHAHi-i.Ks rnanxxin aavann i.iuhauy isanumbers).10 00

Index to Ump rx atanaalsa l lo00. >*%,,.( loth.^i ik»

NslSgg lr*6 t(J "ll SSseetttert in the United Stales or


r-yitATtl'KP.s OATAXaOOVn, comprlsin* the tillea ot

ill|WSSS three aiet four ItkOWtSBd vo'ittiica, Will bc sent by¦all ca rattlyt af rea Cania


MISS CONSTANCE FENIMoEE WOOL-SON'fs.cbarmlna itonr " MI8S ORI gp," wblch|bai not

huberto pp* Obel *e*n book i-uven, li obi of thi laleaeonlam.-i lu t:.e fooxth volume ol -' UIBNEK'HHTuKIli,8 BiAM ill- AN Al THORS, whl.-h ls Jiiftt leady. Hound in

clotli Mi.-nts._Vol; I'll AMERICAN REVIEW

^> FOR JULY.Jim. a ami Jurymen." Uv liikf RotiertC. ritman.

" American Economic*" liv Profeaaoi Van nunn Oenslow... Marrlaae ami Dlroroe " Br Ju-u- .. Noan liavis."lhe Abi.i-iatKiii ot anada.' Bj in. P. Beo4ar..renuaentTelegraphT." By Prof. o. uni Means

By Cai il.- T CongdenIii.- Future ..I tin- Mssro." Hy Prof. I imrlisA Qardloer.

"Bostter J..im 'i. Mi.mun ": " Fredericfc Doaalaa,'i "Beastar I ii Vanes"; "Joel Cbandlai Uams"! "Frd Ricauni l. i.i.eie ". .li-, i-i Johnson": '8.C, Araastronjc'';. J. H. Walworth "-, "J. A. I merion." SO .ems a copy ; *6 a

\.-hi l'.ibilshe.l it St) Laliiyetlo iili.ee. New-York_UUOl'ER I'lUUE.

itt... . ...-

Jiietrnrlion.For Young Ladies.City.

TRS. GALLAHERS French Frotostnut'I lioardliitz and Day Hchool for Yinns Ladle* 46<> Midt-n-are cor. Mitti st. A" i.ran.hea taught for collo** pripa-tlon. Special attention to Intermediate and primary rinses

both French aad Eunllih. Heparate and limited clan for

tieboys._ ____________..

jma v'.~a. peeblesAMIISS A. K. THOMPSON

111 open a BOAIIDINO AND nvY KTBOOL f»r fSarsjnat ind children. WEDNESDAY. OOF. 1, 1SH4, lt HAST &7TH-ST, NKW.YOHK.Denirlns to rerelre only thole whom ther can comfortablylat and personally inperlntetid. ther will Malt the day puplli.silty. Fortliei.kmereai.ua, and having- regard to the

Andard and discipline of i well-ordered home, the nnmber of

urdlu*; pupils will be limited to flfteea.

Theeourseof Instruction will embrace all the studies in-

u.led In a thorough Erirnsh edin allon. Heyond this the

iSBtbasnajserssatangnagss win ba practically susans byiitnent mulcra, and French will Le tlie lan»;aa«e of the

bool.The ciercliei in ciltr.tiiritlcs will be general, and le*aom In

locution will be Included In the course.

Darinji the year there will be lectures on Art, History,

itronomy, ind Chemistry.To carry out their Saraga, BB* mle nfl! be s'm.ll rlaaa,... few

Indies, and In the Junior department daily recitations in

leh study.The recitation! will b*»o arranr 1 «-* to give each day pupiln<- or more study hours nt the achoo), In order lo relief*- the

ffinure of work nt home.A Iud luncheon will he providol for those who may da

ir. lt.Mill Pteliiei and Mils Thompson will be it home on lit

4-ptei.ib. r. Pefor*- iD it date, ad-ireas nil (oiiiunii.1. allum to

:..x Iga, Fijint.ii.lt- -in dm-: New. V ors * Hy.


rill op*»n on erF.DNESDAY. Ol rOBEH let. 1H-*I. an

:n,lii.i French and (l.-rtn.in Roardlng and Day Sch. ot foromit,' I.ii.ii. a and I'hlklreu .t S*.'Ksst 67tli.lL, New-York..or parti, ulara address lion IOU, Equitable Huildiup, Raw.otk Itv.

lliss .1. V. WREAK'H Roardins and Dajvi School fm rmi04 l.nlie- mid cl..I tren. Hi Ma.ll-«on-ave.,rill reopen >t-pi> nbar 27.

If'RS; SALIsi'LLY.JUL -.".' l.-k-TTWh-af.

(Cori.er Mn.li-.oii--.ve.>*-' undi. i int 01BIA-

For Both Sexes.Citv.A -CIRCULARS OP BEST BCH00L8t\* rreetoparenU. pleaseglTepartlcalara, e. miriamUVUIEKl. ak I '.. .'.! Baal ITU.nt.. Inion xjiutiv.

For Boys and Youn<? Men.Country-.A HOME-LIKE BOARDING-SCHOOL for/\ CaaagBaya K.HIND8.A. M» HaipatiBa,Ia,l.BACKWARD and INVALID BOYS. The un-Ddervdsaed bb exDenenced phibeean rad Instruction of such boyi » ipeclaltr Ai

uk. Wi i.i AM m..n, Lyme, Coua

DLACK HALI. SCHOOL, I.vine. Conn..Aaa (sally sad preparatory eel.::.r.. Fsa bunitructlou ind careful training. Be il reference ely. ii.

it.v-. u. BABTLETT, Principal.I a Kl"I's MILITARY ACADEMY. st.niifoi-il.I ) Coon .on Prospe. lilli oui le tbe nils -- vi.

'ul. 46th .eiir bejlui unpi.h.* ..

loUege >.r boallia!* For portico ara lead foi cal dogae.

D0Y8 and YOUNG MEN privately fitted for1> eoUentk CendUUooed *.r r.ii.txi candidates roached,,11-nlii or ¦vilil.T. >l< uk!.Inler. Mae* 1 ll 1 I'M.ANN.

DORDENTOWN, N. J..Military Institute.I* Preuare* foi (jolleaooi [malorie. Pinerylocated, beallalui and thoron*h. Foi elri ,)m-. ,* t.. add

I'.ev. \k M. BOM 1, A. M.. Principal.



i'h.lest engineering itchool In America Nexl tenn begtn*iSeptember 17. The Register for IhHl ..ntm. a lintot the.ni nlu.ii.- for tbe peal Ifty-uloe yean, with tlllao cenrae of itooy, rt.ireniei Addre i

I. A V li M i.rl I \ lorri I,.r

ChAVl D B, Director.

^HESTER VALLEY ACATjEMY, Downiiij:-un. (;....d hollie foi namer.

II. M WALHA!.. \'i:.r .p.I.

POTTAGE GROVE SCHOOL, Poughkec]y> tl. V.. pr.-.mies boya for roUsgs, tctenttflc and Uorer*laent soboola, a.l-l for iii~,n

J.iliN Mt ley. Principal.

HIGHLAND MILITARY ACADEMY.Won eater, M.ihh., UStbyoar. E»r full information np-

ply lo''. H. METCALF, A. M., >.i;..r,ni. i,,|,i,t.

I fAVERFORD COLLEGE, Penn., nine milesI I from Philadelphia, on the Penmylvinli idaiir.-a-tITI-'MAS CHASE. 1.1..l>. l-ie.i tmiei nm- o!

»f Friends classical and erlenMflc coorie* Application foridmlaalon may now be mada Wot .;.i;.io;iie iddrrsi i-i.uI8AA( HI1AHPLES8, D au, Ilaverton! CoUece l\_o. Pen

PREPARATORY SCHOOL, Pnnceton, N. J..I A-.tr.tiv preparatory Initltution for Princeton, Rainu I. \ Ile ..nd oliiuilii... i.

Pie-iiicui Janiaa Mc ..-h. Por eireniara and Infurmation ad..1. REMPEN BIHIloP, Head Mailer.

>ENNSYLVANIA MILITARY AiAPL.MV,ChiiUr. '.-.. reat J < -1'.i d

( ol. i lil U. .il A'lT. PP

UoCKLANI) COLLEGDinv \. k-mn-i ii;..'ttti-ov.

Opt ii OB half tildy lol --ii ni." Pupil (loin 'one 15.Candl.latei coached for Fall Ki send for nen

catiilouno. W. Il BANNISTER A. .M.

CEYMOUR SMITH INS I lill L.*' Pine Plain i. N. V. A pleaianl home. Natrhorounh. "ti.-* -s'iiI. Bend for circular._CUMMER SCHOOL FOR BOYS.

k3 ni Ipi -.. Xorthfptoi



ron yoi sa ¦-. kn and BoreThirteen mllei fiom .h....I Itreel Uki IIB

.it. i: traim each way dally betweaa U« a i*ud Phila-deipta a

s-ia.ie.iia saautted amt elaaslfleS it an* ti-ue. Ali af.i lent!:. tb* achoo! .¦¦.ith tbe prlu. pal. 1 :- Ex-

p.-rii-:.. u mea welters Re ma itoxlenta, alnicely snd eoaipletely furnished. Fixed priceeiteiiae. even booka, eta. No extra rhirs ia, except foi.Ni.rxa.o'.iiaiion foradmlialoa. I'lfleenexpetinaced t.uhio a aaaaU aratToatei Six Harvard, two Yale, 01

ity. Special '.: dull .¦mi i !.'... ni be . Patronaoi ¦

.any itadlea, or ehaoie the reilUc, Bnaiuaa* Classleal or Clxll FasiseetiaaTot different oura..*.. Utghfrade itndent! n ¦( kepi baelb) aofeotlreolaaiifloitleii. (ondinonad i '- ta ..-

int e'Hia. trtored. Yon nea abust early tSasatiog batasn io-- leetal Inatracted prlvatelr.btadeata nu-<l «i Ml Dla ai'A iii MY irs now .n llamrd,

Yale, Pilli..»->*. I I'.v.i ,--. o, piettr narai ferd. Vt Ipic luaoa Sterens Instltnt* of Techuoloay, Itoi inPolylieh

af ku a ACADKiTYhaii physical and a rhsaalea] labnratory, iSn* aymnnaliiiii ra a irxe ball field yift**ea tivoliiiiim a*..i-.'. to Ute library In I---*. Kogt -i d .bled InSSS. A ari.'u',11 nala.n tl .*-r.

*--. 'I well ,tad ii. 1 *.:

'll ...li« hui lewpai Uria. Ueallahaa..-v. n lim:: ..ii i ;i l eui pei ance c bartel, which prohibit! themle of tm utica' -\i -li u'.a

I'': Bea lilt liar of M. ilia Academy addren (heprincipal ind proprietor,

K-,k flHTN C. RHORTLIDGE, A r.. ann A M.Harranl Ce Ked 4, Pana

W0RCESTE'{ A(JA I i E MY, Worcester,»» Fiftieth Year BulldlnBi idmirable in appointment!

'1 horooRbly repaired and coma refurnlihed dun:' imai ie:u

rtltuatlou ebarmina Hanilacy eondltlona perte luitrucHon by trained Uacbeti on the roon appro eal met nodiTermi very moderate |'J.i.(nk> acbolarabip foundation Ad

dichs li. w. Aiii;i'.ii;.i..fiili.. A. M ii,h. ipaL

For Yotm? Ladies.Countrf.DORDENTOWN. N. J.. Female CollageIr beaatlfnlly located; ve.v bealtbfnl and tborensa. ^aBarm Music aaa Art Department* Karel cular.a. addre*

ll. > WU BOW KN. A. .M |-|.-.l,l»iil.

.OROVE HALL.\ S Mtai Montfort'! Behool for Yorme Ladies, Xew.HaireBt (.au. T.11II1 y. .11 I..-;-111- --ot niter 'ii.


for partlcalan addreai Bira B. J, lin:.

J^HE ELMS..Faniily and Day Schoiil for Girlss No. in ni/)..t, si-,-mcneill Mi''* for rlienlari ad

..ins lllt. priaeinala, Hlsaaa POBTiaa CHaJktPNXY.For Both Sexes.Country.

1 MULLST, MASS.-Famfly School for deli2\ cat.-.m 1 1,erv,m.-., M.lui, h. Special attention clraa tilefe. liv. ultu uhiln.n .Mis. \v. li. n EMR1CK.

DLAIR PRESRYTERIAL ACADEMY.I> John I Blair tooadaUon Healthy location, nholaiibipe prize*, largeendowmeul lo« it*»

J.H.SHI mais hr.. ih D., Pilli, ipji. Blslrslown, H. J

CLAVERACK COLLEGEaud Hodson Hlv»r Imtltiite.Claetrack. N. Y.

.rJ.-i A ', BARFITS for AM. * 'U.I.K'.l:- mel BUSINE»«,FreB. h, Art iiml Mu-.i tpeclallies Both -ei.-sfcchool LOUllllllea oprll .:u: lui; J illy ..*vl A

Ber. ALONZO FLACK, Ph. li., Preiident.


A -ABLE AND THOROUGH TEACHERXaVe ni nil iredat, tulon. roTernesaea, lectaren coipunoiiB. de; ctr. ulan si sew Kbools free 1 no cbarceIhoat einployiiiL' teat hera, nor !.> tea. lura 111111I mxaaed

C. Ml Kl AM . .. Vi: 11.Kl. A l O,^

_1_«i Kaal lTth-at, Union

AMERICAN SCHOOL INSTITUTE, ..luij* baked 18S5. eroridee promptly baal reacbera foi Prix*Pupils. Fauilllea. Mhools. lolleifei. (Hrcularaol kOihI <,¦..»,will, reliable info,mai mn tn-e to parent! hkiiiii roachealuuki wanle.l. Application form tnt at imp

J. W. »< ll Kit.di Hil-. RN ,\ ( " 7 a.t lilli at N. V

rfEACHERS WAN I LD.-Liiili.-s: hj,'.|.¦ aaaliab and Preach. Metkodlal PianoBpiteopaiian; Plano un.l siusioit, I'mbyteruui PlaiOtaan and .-^lUKinii Frenejl, Ut in in ami Pulinlus Ia*Principal for Uaptial Bel.I Hlnbei EncUsb Mjtuema'ti«nd Ail 1 nt,, ism nup.rior liuti*.- li.iieti lady for la.lli

(Jeatlemen 1 Norms! irra.lunl* for dav >.¦ hind mir cit*Kneiiah .rmi Phyiici for obj school Mathematica Kuiacoilian ; Knjllah tplacopsltaii ';.»-,.-. 1 p,.,.,,,,nutt .a aim .1. it.ny li.li luau, a and MaiheiniAtsti Plaaoaod Violin; in-ii.li Violin ind PlanoApply to Mia m i. Yoi m. I tl h>\-. Auierlcan a

li.r.-nfu u-a«i,ei,'AK*-!., t. aa Union 8qoare

rpEACHERS' AGENCY.-36 Weal 21at-aia. N.i iProfeasora, tfa<-hers recommended to acko.andfainilleii car.-tulKlTi.eu. choice of best icbooii

ll :,

fillies brj Unction.


Wllliell it auction WKI)N|>|)\y, June 18lalo l.M-k a m.. it 1117 1 an n'jih-tt.... Hy ord. i- of Adiiiinliirator,

t.ie*ant Hirniti.ie Mirrors, Carpota, Pletnraa. intiParlor Qrand Plano, Holld SUeerware, l.n.n.rv mindilome in,.- I,,.,l., H,,..,. hes' Bibi* LoSwi Poiti.lt. \ !ofMofirih, H.*cketay,ijiclieu*io., lflt«l»eu aud crock.

Cegul Sale*.

IJECEIVER'S SALE.Notice li hereby given thit In pn'mince of ia order of the

Supreme, ourt, hearing date the lllh day of February. 18K4,I shall sell at public auction on Hie front stepi of th" Court

Itouie, In Kochriter, N* w-iork, ni the i.a day nf March,Ism, at IO o'rlurk In the forenoon, all the patent rights ownedby the Plnudl.ir lT*K-eai Fermentation ouipany. or bv mo aa

Hs ri.celver, and anv interrit of that company, and any Intereil held by me aa lt* receiver, by contract orofherwlie, In any

patent hitit.. FRANK W HAWLEY,lie,. iver of the Pfandler Proceai Fermentation Co.

The above tile ls adjonmed until the loth day of April,1HHI. at the lame hour and pliiee

KKANK \V. HAWI.KY. Receiver.

The above isle u adJonnW until th" 10th dar of April,18dl, at the name hour md pise*

PlfANK \V. HAWLEY. Ee.-elTer.

he above isli* la a.Vonrn»d Batt the 2t!th day of April,lh**4, al thc aame hour (uni plice.

KKANK at. HAWI.KY. Receiver.

The above mle is adpmrned until the Sd day of May, 1SHI,at tho snue hour ind place.

I- ll INK W. Il AWI, KV, Hecolver.

The above Mle lg adjourned until the 10th day of May, 1884,lt thc same hour ami place.raul*** ar. hawlky. Receiver.

The above sal.- ls adjourned until tho 17th day of May, l^l.lt the nauie hour and pla. e.

FIIANK If. MA WI,KY. Kee. Iver.

Tho ilxive sile is adjourned until the '-!4th day of May,lh-4, at tbs Hillie hour sud place.

FIl.kNK W. HAWLEY. P.eeelvcr.

The above salo 1« adjonmed uutll the 7th day of lune. l-"i,lt the lam. hour and pl... I

1KA.NK IT. HAWLEY, Receiver.

The above nie la adjourned uutll tho 1 Uti day of June.

It*s4,at iii*- same boar ami;FRANK W. HAWLEY, ltc:clrer.

The above sale ii adjourned until the 28th day of June,lhM. lt the same hour mid alec*

PRANK W. HAWLEY, lleeelvor.


UREMOVAL ot Wrecks in Harbor at Newii. orleans, Lestalana Advertisement


niw-Oblsaxs, i *.. .mil. ia, iss. aicd proposal., ia daplteata, alli be received nt thu of-

lue iii.ii 12 o'o.ock m. Jai) 14, ls>*4. far ramara! of the fm-

lo -m. -a i. ck tn the harbor al New-Orleans, La.:i... Dabin " '¦!. sh un." now Iring In the Mississippi River,

h. line willi Ninth-st., i liv of New.orleaniBhlp Aila*"noa lyititf In (lie Mleileaippi P.lver, li.-tween

Blith and Waahingtoa «!ew.OrleansKt imiblp 'Oentrai .ii.mt." now lying in tue Hiitdailppt

front of wharf between I'oulouee and Jeffereon sta,iii. ,,' N< w-Orleans.

oe i.-adv to suter Into contract within ten inter notifies! on ol awi ,i or contract, ind Hie bond.- v. iMii ten tiact.

Poi blank formi ipeclficatloni or further lu ormation tip-ph at AM'S STICKNEY,

_Maj,.i ot Engineer! U. s. a.

U. S. ASSA1 "lin T N: -, )SI ri ti: ii Di ni'- OFFli r, >

.lune l-l. IhS4 >CEALED PROPOSALS indorsed " Proposnlsk ' fersapnlles" (naming thee uso ir), willIk elven by tbs lim',-.-r u-.1 until June 20, 1*84, al Vi

lor supplylng this olive with ucla ..ni other cheml,i, ml, salt, borax, snap, oils ci

¦tirrel s, dipper* dry goodisnpplie delivered at the \ a) -ittie, tor the

ls. il k> ai ending lune M. .« ,, t be dell .ri c. Un inch 'M il¬

lili.s ii iiwi be i- laired froany or alt proposal! bclnc rr* rved Propoaaleipanted by simples or a satisfactory deici ipi ontobe arnliheaon application. I'sitieilubuMttingpropossls.au be i ;. ¦. ni ben uer are epeiied if th. ... .¦..ii..

AN DUI. '. M -.

Bupcriatendent*.,. \ oi * * \.1 < ktKs i t \. i

(ill.I nu: COB! IOU I it. \\ iu \.;k. n. .1 June ... l <S4. )

CEALEO PROPOSALS will he received atkV nus mlle, until Bj lard .1. Jule- ..'1. SM, ut I p. tn., forthe par lase ..: any put ol om boodrod sud tbltthousand .lollara of bonall o rark. denominated

u\ tire il.me Bondi," d .. whichdate iiii.-i* ai i..-.ma.

ii, - itborired by act of the Legislator IBlah "f New .t ¦: tey. appi red April -.'¦...-; in

Ide in ten yean -in.-a.-h reglal red. bearln interest alile mt.-,.- :. per cent per inuutn payabl..tnlannuthe Hlnklng Fund Vat.lt lon* r.

For tlie I-.*.it nf tin- bond the credit nd » h de propertyof th.-, in m.- pledged i le v ur. no addition to the debi o'h., * '.in irelsiued for tai aircaiage .\ linking fond li

;:c.i i-y law providing- means ..r liqaldatloa al matai ij

rhe right li reserved to rej med forthe interests ofthe cit] Boengn *iii',.-reqaireo fr.mi nieceiifal bidden si Un Department of Fl-

ai deiennlno.r.,r Tai Arrearage

Bonds,*" aud ...t .i. ted to thi undcraigiiedP T "I INN.

Comptroller ol tbe ny or Newark, N". j.

UR \Ti:rri.-<<iMi-i>i!T iva

EPPS'S COCOA.BREAKFAST.."Bjr a thoronrh knowledge of (be natnral

lawi which govern tl.pcrallon of digestion and nutrition,'ii .ppin ..ii li ni the Una properties of weil-ie-

l.iii.','. Mt. kopi bas provided oar oreakfsal tu',,ic withi. ly Savored b* vei .;..¦ whl. ;. nov aave ni many heavy

dort..ra' nula. It li by the niili.i...t« use ,,f inch arldiet that a.-tiiiiii-ui mar be gradnally bulli up untilen.ie ri. i*. i. lit every t. udew * lodiietme. Uuudredaof su >¦

tl.-mi liing around ni ready t" ittick wher*. \( there li a weak point We may eat tue many a fatal ahafli.y keep well fortified with pare blood and a

propel iiMade limply with bolling water or milk. :..- «i only In h-ilf

ellod ilma .1 \Mi.> EPPS jj tu,li,,.:, opaUili nu -t London, i.ui.'l.iinl.



J \¦lit









(Dcciiu Gtcnmcrs

iXCIIOR LIXK.-C. B. MAIL 8TEAMERS.a* (il AHOOW via Ll 'NDONPERRYi'.olivii.lona iii, 8 p. m. .i. bo .. .July 8, :i p. ni.

Devonia June -.'-. u m. m. re *i.a Jn -. 1..( abm ii um I.-,. -,.,, to t W se, uud eabii

.1 -..I *l ¦.

LIVERPOOL AND <jl KEN <TtlWN WERVICE.Prom Pb ,i Korui River, i...t <>i Leroy-it.

Al'MTRAL .taila Jui iS.Ju.vJ'i. Ana.33ll v OF ROM1. MRUni]

nc. .rn.slat I na tori is* i of passenger!,C'abUI .lin., to uro.nm,j I.iii.nu.

BecondCali .re,r,,t pis-i-r. ia du i* im. ii.. . ,*.,.,. apply to

HEN OinUH )N BRUI I! i.i- i.


lr New and direct lin* to lhe Booth of PranceNKW.YORK ami BURDEA1 \ DIRE* I'.

CHATEAU I. Al ll I .; uureOay. hui. i. ll \.-.\

\"Prentice's Storei" nearWall.it Perry Brooklyn.

Spain nd lu ¦ Vau,-aili save Ume iud

Pint t'abin.including win. iudCabin, Soi.U.UM.H. ...» ". L'.. >. .',' 'lill,' I.II'olp.l- UOULANOER, 40



FROM PIER NO.40 Null Hi RIVER.\. Wodi.a. min 1,0:30p.m.

lilli.' UN. S7a. m.

n \i,' ia.\* eaneaday. tu'* 2, ¦¦'¦( -p. m..vi -ANIA , '¦ nay o.y u,Catlin p..-..il-.. SOO, SS0 ana sui"-tr. rage n. keta t" and from .... uart . ol Europe at very low

int*-.*. Freight and paaaa fe ollice. s'o. 4 Howling Oreen.Vl.i: ..Mi h.


will sall from Bo toa ftatnrdsjr, Jnscal, nt i p. m. Excellentdutton i- oi paaaaa* appVERNON il BROWN A CO.. Agents,

l l-..* 'in liro.-n.

GENERAL TRANSATLANTIC COMPANY.Vs Between dew-York ind ll trw

Companv'i pier n a Na 4S North River, foot ol atortoavatl"4' '; >anielll.Wednesday. June IH, noon

N HMANDIE, Krangoul. Wednesday, JulLABBA!K)H I oilier.\l .alne-ulav. lu y .'. eonCheeki payable at sum, n, amnnntl to ault, uu Ibo liiimmo

1 ranaaUanuc olLol ia de BEB1AN, agent. Na 6 Bowlimj Orasn


l"lt 'jil i.N-i. ,\V\ an li LIVERPOOL,i.<a\in»' p.ci :.-*. n E.. foot of Eli

ONmin. | . .,UV'Ml.MI .Milmtiiiv. lillie -.'I, ll. nip m.

Alt /()>A. Batu ,!u ..linn- 2S.PB m.ALAi-KA.saturday, Juiv ... 'i-;iu p ni

Nry lli.-se steamers arc built ot iron, witn water-tigtit.*,

parin..-ula, and are tornlsbed «nii i-vnv reoulalte io maka'¦ ige acroai Um AtlanUe both aaf,- gno igreea'de

i.a* nm iiaih-r.M.iii. smoking;room, .irawing.riKim, plano indi.i.i.iii-. ai.,. eiperUoced nrgeon, itewBrdeai atei caterer

I, each itaamer Tbe iiate-roomi are all upper deck timsInrarlnsthose trieuieit of all Inxnrlee st tea. perfect ventlla,lion and llghL

i.'abln paaaage (according to slur- l aaa and SlOOillil.nie ,-....-

.T l aili »1UUJ

iii I li i;. No. 29 BROADWAY QTJIOH *t co.

nAMBURG-AMERlCAN PACKET cn\T-i- tNY'8Semi-weekly Mail H Line for PLYMorin

(l>it"l"'i ' -h.-roourg. .Parii, ann liAMHt Ru*S .....A.Nl'.... iUlle I M.... v\ lA. UlllC-'s

« .lane I ham Monia jim iBaie* lirst .-ullin. t*li,.*7'i aim *--i.. according to lo', allon

...T-j.|. Pound inp.. ieilnee.1 m., 4 »Eui opt IIK, Bend for "Tourist Oatette." K

Kl' Nil A UH I * .".. lien. Aifta, .So. ,;1 llroad.af N Vii. iii. BARD A ( ».. <; '. Has Acts* wi B'way N y

INMAN LINE OP BTEAHER8.1 POE QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOI.I'lTI (il I'J-.KLl a .,, iroav. iou .1 .io mITT Of M < IREAL. .),... .; ft £'

CITY UP <MII (JO <*., i n,'Prom Pier 3d (new nnmber) North Rlrer

abin pabsaoe SOo, sso..,;,.,. rnurmediata was i EERAOE it... o.\ \ ,,ts 4ji

1 ,.¦ ,,u.sa*;«, Ac. apply lottie INMAN STBAM8UIP Calunn, d, waablnaton Hulltlins 1 Broadwai s v

PblladMsaiaOdlee, No toa Houth ttti.st.ROYAL MAIL TO THE NETHERLANDS;ak. ¦tsssisrsatsr* ca'a van, foot al Snaaax^c JaraarCiu

tut Ain-ii-iiiain*

¦ ':'1I'AM...\kedii.-mtav. June I, a::iti p ,.

.. . , .,' or Itottenlam

"* M,VV ,"\ 1W..Wedneaday. June ll.7:S0apa.lu, i ailii.*. 1; aecond. S.'.di steane. -Iii prepaid. S17..,. \ } .N-'":i «». Igeni ...-.-uthu'iuuioit.

','>.. I.. W. MORRIU A son,17a UlJliain-st.. Height Airti. ..e-ll-v.ay.Ucit. Pals. Agk

REDBTaVB LINE..For Antwerp and Parts., . ,M»!ll''''l'r','1',N''wVork aatl Ant w-rp every ,-«i ,ir)Ul,lihvl'1,. ;v'''1' e.ilttrday,Jua. ., ,;.,.)J-I'lNNl.ANi. Saturdar. Juutl hi lams, alater.ioms, smoking niel h.ilhiouuiH uml.lalili,.

k-4....,,. a. ..,. 4',.; rxrnr,,.,,.. ell. j,,,,,. ^J^Wi,^SWlfor«mtward.prerialdjexcillilou. Ililli sic-rane ..utviaiiLS-JOipiapaid no:,. Xutwei... aim eactirsion, *.;¦.. in. ludluabeddlug, eic ill Wkiuhi- -

THHE NEW AND FAsrS I.i. ,.,-,li

Am(.curial Agent-., ft* llluadrtay.

BteaaaablnAM ERICA,

., . Captain draco,Hill, for Liverpool. WF.Ir l.-.i'.\V. JOLY in ll.mKIl,-,V,,Vk,,l,i:i,.|,v,;V|r.uJtt)^!,^

Choice roomi «i.i tuperu a. .-..iiiuiuditioii*v. w. j. utiisj',


iliuldlug, nattery I'Uwe, New-York.

(Petan Steamer*.OftTli GRIMAN LLOYD H^'UD,

HIIORT ROUTE TO LONDON,NEW-YORK. (SOUTHAMPTON ANO HRKMEN.H.Wed.. June lsiuiiKii.Hat... June 28lilliKU.MU. June 21 ILB1.Wed.. July 3DMR.Wed.. June 2'. MAIN .Hat., Joly 5irst cabin Slow to S1..0. second cabin. SOO. Hteeraga aleil rates.

OELRK'IIH A 00k, No. a Rowling Oreen.


.Tom New-Yor*. pier foot can .1 at N. H.For -mi Frau. i-o. via lae l.Omma of panama.city ol' I'vka anil. Friday. Jone SO, boob

Connecting for Central and Mouth America and Mexico.Preta Man 1 ran.laen, 1st aud Kiuunaii lt*.

For Japan aud China.I'll V iiKT.,M'i

'I. I ni-.lav Inly 1, noon.

'or HONOLULU. NEW-ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA.Kl A LAN IA sail! >i.tur.lav, July o.

on arrival of Lon lon malu at Han franciscofreight.panage and general information, apply atcom

pany's ollce on tho Pier, foot Caual-it., N. R-v if i BULLAY.Hnpertntendent



Ll !' .. apt. lien.-.-. Ti ursday. Jone IS, 1:30 p. na

ITANHIO 'ant ''erry....salnt.l.iy. June ¦',. -.. '" a. m.

I't'liIJ. .capt. irving.1 hura.lav. July '¦*¦ 1:30 p. in

I.I ic, capt. m. idell ..Mtiirnav. nilv r.'.sa. ui


LATTtB,* Haloon. **.". *-h<i and'$100. Return ticket! -rn

orableteraa stcora.'e ar l,.w ratett. Inteniiedlato lAUTl-

or inspection of iihms sad other information apply altlie.psnyautUcc!, Mo. il Broadway, gfljggTO Agent.

Steamboats aiifc Hailroabs._LBANY BOATS. PEOPLED LINE,

DREW an.l SI. J (i UN.eave Pier il, N R., foot of Canal-st.. every week day stdSaaSk:. TT.Tickets so'.I ind lii.trirace che. ko.1 to all sta*loni on

a Yorl Central R. Ri and *w.i .....,r- Railroad k.k.1 forisa*-'.- iiu.l .liii.-riH.u. Im-i Hi.

.TROY BOATS, CITIZENS' LINE.. steamer, cn V OF TROT endSARATOGA leave PierNorth i.iver, foot Cbrlitopher-st.,daily except satnrday.

I p. m., "lin,' 'lue With mon.init (illina for kia* North andsf. sun.lay'.-, strainer touch.* ut Albany._ALL RIVER LINE


oi.ii'li'l ttssrasrs PILOB1M and providence b-avoir Yiirkldailr (MUNDAYH IN4 lil H at .'. t. m. from Pier

n. ii, toot oi M.ni.iv-st. onnectlonby annex boat.-*,,i Un, .Lli-n nt in:" i. tn. .1. .-...-. Itv 4 li. m. MUHN'..Tir'u.iti .1 Rand and Orche tra a* <. impantes each Kteamer.

in (iiami -aloon every ..vening. TH KM'-*,u'i'i-'i'i'.H Ai can be obtained at all principal hotel*!niter md ticket offlcei, nt i-ter-'\ N. R.. Bud on steamers.

in i*.n r .it)ist line nu.-i fleet <>f tieamera engagedex>siveiv in tbe freigbl service, thui Insarlng prompl and ro¬

il.- iiinv.-'i,. nt Rates aa low aa other linea,BORDEN 4 LOVELL, ONNOR,

Agenta Oen'l Pass. A|tent,_¦ol! RONDOUT AND KING8T0N, m m

Landing al Cranslont (Weat Point,) CornwaR, New-

burgh Marlboro, Milton, P n-ritk. .-pal"' ami Eaopil!meeting with later and Delaware ami stony ciovo lt. lt,unbolts JAMEH W. BALDWIN snd* iii "¦ "*.»«».

V- .limy ai i p. av, Plat tisit .f Harrlaaail, j.Jb>EHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD..Puaenger

I trams leare depot foot of cortian.it ami Desbreassi sta-Ina m.. 8:40 Bain ,' p.m. f'-r Huton, Rethl.hen, Allen-sn, Beaning, Maneh Chunk, Wllkeibirre. ow andi, Wa¬

rty, Ithaca, USB***, lynn, ituff.iloan.lth>* West. Pn'inisu¦oiigb ccachea ma drly Lo al trains at 7 a. ni. and SAOin. loi n<t..-i, Bethlehemand Coolar,

ring at Hilo a. m.. 1 and 3 40 p. m. connect for

point! .n Muhaimy and Hannon coal ragloua. sundsyi- Maii.-b Chunk 8:10 a.m. Lenvo Mauch Chunk

leter J Eastern OUlc*. corner of Churrh ind Cortlmdt staE. B BYINOTON, O. P. A.

IARY POWELL..For West Point, rom-3 wir Panrbkaapale, Rondenl and xintrston,

idin* »t Cra*!iio:i. MP'on. New-Haml.urg and llv.le PanInri excepted). I.eav.-s Vt-strv a*. 3:19, ind Welt-..p.m. Connects st West Pout or Cornwall, via

, ks'esl Shore rad Buffalo R R. Ti'-k»ty mid bagaage¦kaogertias. CatskllL Allnuy and all points west.

with trn'ns for thi North:L ts-o',' nd checked to Rbtenbeok, Hudson, Al¬or an.l ni' pent! west on the N Y Central R RSNCURaION TI< Ki; li to West Taint, r'tnrnlna viais* shoroor Hiulsoik Rl.ir U. R. lame nay. il9i.NO l XPRESS BA [OAOE BKUKIV.tP AT 9Vd-BT.

T0RWICH LINE TO ROSTON, W0RCE8-\ T*-U, NA-HT'A, PORTLAND and t!.-> WMIIKiCNTAINS with.mt transfer. "City of WnreesfT." theivellen favorite, leaves PITT No. .*/), North River, f..-*t utaalal. New-York, ou Tu -.dayl, Tta.iiri.aya and r-iituidayi,d th*popular "(.ty of Bolton " on Monday* Wedceitayi.! Friday! ll 0 p, tn.lim ¦' amt irupdon. Tleltfta at redaerd rates. Ptate-imimaybei sured at-J07 tir..-*dway and it Pier i" S-i-ilor ad'vaufag. . are otTar-.l by this Un.. .:. a FA.lT¦III- Hi l [NP. Two ste.imors eseb wiy erery *ve -k,l »¦-

r Inforuiat ou referring to p-isseuicr or frelijht rate, apuO. W. RltADY. Agent

r&W-YORK A STD ''TIToTSaKI) BO nT)< r.iNK.

la [few-Yortt oBtar!oand Weaten Railway and dally Hoeitaamera frrm oaweirn ilnclndlnn ^nndiy., touching allegitea, (Canada ( lavfn, AloT-.ndrfci Hay. Pleatanteit.lie io Thntisand Isl.irids. Night lipieil. with Pullmiuwpera, laarea New-York 7 p. tn., arriv.* (.iwego7:49 a.ui.j. I.---.ci on arrival ot tran. Day upresi icave3 J.ew-York*o s. m.Depots and ferries tn New-York f.v.t of ( ..»fl«tiilr lletbroi-

IWaat4Vd-it rtmesURiles, tickets, and copies of-fin v m mes" ut Nea 162, 2*7 918.1.8*13readwar, N'» 7H7 ni-ivtv '.US l'ast 12'tn st., s r moainare. in Brooklyti, 4( ourt-at, Annex omce, Ms l-'ulton-iL,

re., sad depot* ntnamtr higfai trtf/i tone tv(.CANDI it ¦¦.* ."¦'. rieaawal Paaaeagar Ageat, n state-it.


.,.... ri RHODE IKLANO an.l MA9»ACH\7SETT8 1. arter29, N. lt.. al '- p m. dally, except8nnX tri LAU SHORE LTNK.-For Provldoiiofs

Roatonand the East All tall fromC.rand Central Depot.,ress unit:-.duh- Randa/Bazoented to Uo.ton ai 1

ia -J p. m. parlor car attached! and 10 p. m. with palace..'ping eani. Sandayi nt 10 p m. iw'.th palnce sleepingra). Newport eiprcss l,*av»i Orana central Depot at Im., arri vt-1 at Newport 7:33 p. in. P.irlor cars attached.




Irect connection to and from Rrooklyn, via Annex Tloats,rrooi Urooklyn Iln.lgo Pier.

TIMK TABLE.TAJCINU EPFECT MAY ll. 1>*8I.it PHILADELPHIA an.l TRENTON, "Round UrnokRoute,' at 7:1--.',*::)(>, Hilda, m.. 1:8'), ano, 4*80, 8:80, itOO,l-i:.¦>> p. :n. SUNDAYS at H.-4S n. *n., 5:80, ISKKI p :.i

lr -ct oonneeiton at Wavne Junction for licrm-.utown andchestnut nilli at Coluiubla.ave. tor Mana>-unk, Combo.h -k.u ind Norrisiown.BAWINO-RO* »M A in on all Day Traiua and HLKEPINO

Sight I'ralns.



e'n ruing l(»ro I'll I. \DEI.PHIA, Ninth aid Ore.-iats,7:»0, M:30. SiSO. 11:60 a. m.. 1:15, %Ali, 5:40, «

SUNDAY. S:80 I m_ 8:80, 19:00 a tn. rblrdandBerks'lt*. at 5:10. HiJil, 9:00 10:80 a :n., [tOO, 3:30.6:30. &30

1 DAY, 8:li*a m.. 4:30 p. :u.roN, Warren abd l'uolcar-lt*..Bt 1:95.6:20 S-03

P..ii, ld ..** .11 .M., -i m., iii, 4j29. 0:24, 7:8* p. m HI'.*?.DAYH, iv m.

!,.I.IAMspiiRl1. HUN'lURY. LEWISHT'nn, »naBtA llANOY (Il Vat Tis;.. i*.(,0 .». m.. 8.15. 4>jo p m.,i KADINOand HARiii*4iu:iu»at7:45, 9,00 lilts a rnl:()o, lin.). 1:00, .'.i*>. 5:48 I2t00p.a. Kimdayi ut 3:30 p. ulBI SCRANTON at 7:15, *.i:00 a. m.. 3:45 p. ui.or WILKESBARRK and riTTfTON at 7il5, OOO a m.1.1 IO, AM. toto I m. Sundiij-! at G:dO p. m.or Iil-.II li IN at 7.1'. a. :n A: I j p. m.nrTAM **U'A at 7.15, 7:15, 9:00 a. m.. 1:00, 1:80. 3i45 40019 (I p. ui.


or IIKTKI.MHKM, ALLENTOWN lind MAUCH 'HUNKL' -1 i, e.liij a. m., l:i)il,l:80. 8:45, 5:30 p. m. Humuty atf.iLni i*. m.

UN nt 7:15, 7 4V 0 t»*i ¦». ra., 1:00, 1:30, 8:45, 400q ... m. Sondaya 5:.:o p. m.

ar STATIONS OM Illili BRIDGE BRANCH at imoun., i 0,4i80p. n.or i U..M NOTON at 7:15. OiOO a nx, LOO, 1:30, 4:00, 4:30

p oi. <" laya l:3n p. m.oi SO Mi-'! VI I.I.I, at ll;...\ 7:1.1, 7: lo: MA 111:30, Hilda m

lil)', 1 ¦'.', !i30,8:45, 1:00, 1:8ft liOO, 0:80, 6:45 8:00, 7:'(io8ii0. 10:80n. m. aun.isys at HiOO a m., 1:80, ...30, i>:()0 p. ni"

Ol¦ PLAiNFiEI.Dal ."0. 7:15 |45. 9*M). 9:8Q 10:8'». lll.kl.pt.l:"'.. 1:3-), il 30,8 80, 3:aJ5, 4:00, 1:80, .r,:(H),6:l5.5:i" 5-458:00, 0:30, 7iOO. -ii.M), UioO. 10:80,19:"0 p. in. SUNDAYS at8:00. S:l5a. Ul 1:30, 1:00. >:.;,l, ilniil, l.-:i>.i p. m.

fl Kil/AI!FTH at (tO<) (1:15. «:4 .,7:l.\7:l\»iOO.< 8>,9 006:80, 10:l)'-,10 :(0,l!:,o,11:3'1.111,12:15,12:45, IiOt).!-:,!..'--,-),)5:80, Sid l, A:Ao,y l.,, t; -ii. 4:18, 4 St), \A\ 5:IH), 5-1 k, ,«,-';t.)'6 l*i. tlfiO,H-AB, ll: 0. Ii:l5. 7.'.0. 7:30. ±&), (*:45. H.,0. lU:3o'll::iil, Vi:iHi pm. f*l'.\DAY» at S:l),i, M:45 a nt. 1:S0. 40o'

>, 12:0.) piu,¦or NEWARK at 5 00. 5:15, d: 15. 6:45. 7:18, 7:S-\J.'0.->, S-15BIS. On 0, Oil-, un.'. lOilfl 10:lo. 11:15 aw.. 19:0tfm. ia-45l:lo, 3:00, 2:30. 8:00, 8i 30. 4.00 4:30, ..:0O, 5:16, 6::i.l, 6tSC-". 1 -, 6:30. :>)"i TlSO, 8:16. 9-00. 0:45, l"i30, LlilK1 ii't.m. SUNDAYS at 8KK), k»:15, 10:15 am, 12:00 nt1:1.*".. BlOO, 4:O0,5:iiil. 8:18 -*:0O, iii),), I0:i!0 p IO.

¦or I.u.Nii BBANOEL m'EAN Oliov.-:, <to.. 1AI1 radi at8:15 a ui, l:8.i. 4:0<J, 0:00 pm. SUNDAYS lexcept oceanOrora) at 10:48 am."OT FUKKHOLD.At R:15. lin. m., 1:30,4, 6 n m.'or LAl>E\k'()')D, ToM-* ltlVi.il omi HAHNEOAT at 8-18a m., L30, 4:30 p. m. with throu<h parlori-ara on 4:30 p ultrain

:'ui VINELAND and BRI DOETON at 1:30 p. m.NEW-JERSEY S0KHIERN DIVIDION.From Pier Ne. 8, North River, rta Wandy Utooi.

"M M K NC N >. MA V -.'2d, 1 .St.i'OTHEA HRH ill'l. I.ONO UP.ANCH. eto.. It4:30. lOillan.8.45, 4:45 y. iu. buudiya, I'.ou am.

.or A 1 I.ANTIC HI011LA.NU.-4 at 4:30, 10.15 a. m. 8-48,4ofp m.

:'or KLBKRON.ABBUItl PARK.OCP.AN OROVE, POINTPl.- \ v.N I' . to., at 10:16 n. ui, 3:45, 4:4Bp. m. Sunday!

tc ia Aahury Park and I mass Orovo> at 9:00 am.Kor LAKEWOOD, TOMS RIVERand DARNEUATat3i48p m.

Tleketa can be procuie.1 at f,..t Llberty.it., Pier No. B.NertbHiv.-iJl, 1.19,2(57, 267-201, 271, 4Jl, 721, t>44, l.ftlT, amtI,'.' i:r.*.twavi 787 and 748 oth-ave.i 1 Riviniton it.; 10irivnwl.li.a* Ids, 2im fist 12oth.it .and principal Hotel! InSia Vols cut In nrooklvuit Nos. I ourt-st i lu? Proul,sriy; si, Pultoii-it SID Manhattan-live.; 7 Dr Kalb-ive.: l-"9'j Atlantic av«. In liohoken, 264 Waihluston-at.N. \. Iiaiiafei-i.-oiapany will call tor and cueck ha^caiefroiuliol* ll or le.lileauu todriUuatii.il.I. E. WO., ll N», CO. HANCOCK

(Jenenal Manaaer. (Jen. Vsnn. iud Ticket As.Il P. BALDWIN .1. E. P. Art IIP Liberty lt.. N. Y _*MIST SHORE ROU! E,v.

NEW-YORK. WIST BHORI A BUFFALO RAILWAYAll tran..a except the 7:40an. aad 4:88 a, ¦ leare trotu

\v.!ti:.l-«i Deabroase*ande.utlututi-ai stations. Tba7:41t. m. andi ip bi traini leave trotu Weal I'id-atonly.Pur * bieafo and D.-noii in.1.0 a. m -**:0n j. ni. Baipenatoi

BiI.Ikc. Nlaaara Kulla, Buffalo, Newark and Rocbailer, -H'.-iu. in .-. p. pt.Foi Sj m. ii ¦¦ niiil i'iin.la, 7:4*8, .ii.-mi a. ni; H p. m.lll.-ll, Clinrtjotniilr, Till. -Ill ni 1! N ll, 'Hp lilAlhanv mi, I Catskill '7 40, .lunn 11-20 t ni J.,iu, SJ a, inl oi l-alcnvlllc. Cairo, Mountulu lluus*.-'Matiun 7:4t>, ilr.-i

a tn.i'oi Ktuiiei ikill, Hunter, summit, Pim Hill, Pho-nex-li

ll 20 a m.for Sharon Mprlnns loin am,, with li.iff.-t I'll lol (M

-, wi11.,.iii ebanxe from Weal u.l st. st ttion.burn, Kluasloti, Hixhlaud, pou«hke.p4lc. '7:40, *10:0.l

11:90 u. m.. ,i li, I 3 '. -s|, ,i,.Dally uiin i min-, daily *-n >pt Bandar,Unit, t Parlor Uara to Byraense and iiuflalo.Piilliuiit lliillrt Bleeplns I ar. to -yt:at u.e, oneida, Rllffal

umI Im .i-n.I lakala and tims tal.lea at itatlutis and ut tSaSSS of Iks SOI

nany. Jeraej ny, I'tniniyivuiila RsUroad station, lin.iklytNo oin i-.t Annex olTli-.-fi.it ol I ullon Mt.; HaS t'uittuBl., and No. 7 DeKalli-uva.; New-York City. Nos. HIJ -JO",nil, 308, 419.946,1,898Broadway, No. 8 Union Bquaie Ni787 otli '.*.-., No [SS Eait l:5th si , I'l'liiiaylvuiiia HU. HU11..,i. fool lieshlo.*ei-it,, tool CorlJaU.lt-nt , and West bhoibUitlou, tuot Weat 49d st

UENRY MONET1'. Uta. Pan Aaana.24 aut»>iu

Steamboat** ano Raiiroa5«.

j^-HUDSON RIVFfcBY DAYLIGHT.Albany Day Mne steam*ar*.ALBANY and C. VIRHARO.

Dally lexcavpt sundays)Leave Fnltonit. Brooklyn i Dyannesi.*:Or)ara>

- Veitry.it pier. New.York.. H:»8 -' VVeil 22dit pier . 9:00 ¦

lor albany. laimina at Nyack and Tarrytown (by ferry!,Ya eat I'olnt, Newburg, Poughkeepsie, Hhloebe* k. Ceteklflan.l Iii da.m. ^ r

CONNECTIONS:RIIIVKIIKCK-With ll anac. W. R. R.. for Lekevlll*.

Martin .I. .-prlnsiiel.t ami Boatoa, ami')*v fe, ry with apec-iattrain on Clai-r and Del II K for I. - itnoi I. o* tbe Cat.kill*.CATSKILL-With ipeclai train rmi auk il) Mt K. R.HUDSON -With Bolton aud A R. K. for Chatham Pitts¬

field, North A (lain! and l.cMnon (apr neaALBANY- With Del. ind H. C. Co'i R. R. for i-arat/ig*

and thu North, and with N. Y. C. R. R. for I'Uca, Buffalo,N.JK.r.i lal la and (he Welt.


Via Philadelphia. Baltimore and Waahfngv.n.Tralna leave from Pennsylvania H. It. tinpot:

. 8p n. incept Munday, for Washington aad all point! WeaS7 n. m.. DAILY FAST EXPR?.Ss\ through ilaxtplnn

caches to Chicago, Clncinuatl, Ht. Loula Connect! Ht allpoint! West.

ly, MIDNT*. HT, dally for Waihlneton ind ill point* We*»VFor Tune Tahlee, Ticket!, Sleeping Berth! and Ballasts

apply at company lotrice. 21. Air,, «ji ano l.ito Broadwayi4 Court-lt., Brooklyn! Fenoiylvania Railroad.


Favorite INSIDE it*, ip'-trim ni !¦ ave dally (except Sunday, from Pier 33, N. IL,

Jay-sf nt 0 I* m.W. W. POPPLE, Oen'l Peas. Ant.. 177 West-st^

l/OR HR 11 IOITORT anti all point* on IIOU-I- HATONK'iod NAUOATl'CK RAILRO* i>s -steamer!leave Catherine Slip it 11 a m.. 3 p. m v.'Jd lt., Eaat River,:i:10p. ni. Pare lower than by any other rout,

VKW-II.W F.\. STKAMROATCO'S STEAM-1! ERK, C ll. NORTHAM AND CoNTINi VTAL. leav*p.-.k Blip Pier No SS, E. R. at Hand ll pm Sondayiex-rented.; eonneetina Ht New-Haven wirti special trains forME rt IDEN, HARTFORD, SPBINOFIKLD, HOLYOKE,Ac. Ticket* sold and haKSaare checked at '.lit Broadway, N.Y., and 4 Court-it., Brooklyn. Excurilou to New-Havensi..'). _,

MEW-YORK AND LONG BRANCH RR.ll l Pennsvlvinl* Kft..foot''ortlandt-

Htatiom In Now.York < at and Dolli! oisei.il.(Phi)a.ARoad.Rl'. < ...tLlberty-lt.

LEAVE NKW.YORK, commencing Mar ii, t884For mo ith Amhoy, via Pill*. A Reading R. R. HA .. 11:00

am., .hi, 4. 0, tl p m. Soudan IOU a. in vii. Penn. R. R,U »i a. m. li m. 3: <>, 0 p. m. siu.lay 9 a. m 6 p. m.For M itawan, Ao.. Tia Phlla. * Reading HR., 8:1*}, ll

a. m, 1:3 .. 4:0", liol), 5:00, dp. m. Sunday* HMS * nu,via. P.ru HR.. 9 a. m., 12 ai. 5 p. m. Hnndara, .' a m. 6 p m.For Red liana, Lons fliauob. Ocean drove, Albury Para,

Sea C. IrL Point Pleaaaot, Ao, vt* Phiiad-lphia and BeadingRR, 8:1:. a. m., 1:30, 1:00, 6:00 p. ttl. honda/! (nolstopulpg at Oc-an drove or Albury Purki, i.):4 a. m.,via pennsylvania RR., 9 a. m., 12 m. 3:10,8 p. m. Snn.layi(not stol.p!n:r at ocean drove or \ibury Parki. 0 a to., li p m.

For Freehold, via Philsdelpbla and Readme RR., 8:15, lla. m., 1:30, Vdu, .>p. m. For Keyport, via Philadelphia amiReadinir RR., 8:15. tl a. mo, 1.3*', 4:80. fcflO d p. m. ForLfliHvro.it!, Tons River, and Harnegat at 3 ls a. ni li-'-'). 131)il in For .uni River, via Pena, it R.at Hilo a. m., 12.O) kLFor Vinelind, Bilda-atoa Atlantic City, Ac , 1:S0 p. m.

c. o. hancock? lr wood, h h nikman.0. r. A T. A., P. * R. RR. O. P. AF RR. Act'* Htipt._

N KW-YORK CENTRAL ANO HI'DSOMRIVER K.*ILROAD-( ..ran-enelnir May 31, 1884,

thiough trains villi leave ..rind ei.'i.i Depot.8 a. ni, Weatern New-York anti Northern Ki press, wita

th rou ui, ilia* rn: room cara o lian ne-t and to Moa r>-al.*H:40 a li., Past Limited chleaRO Ktnreis, with dinlna can,

¦toppin? af A Minny Utica. .Syracuse Rivh.-at. r Buffalo Ni.

nsara alla Ene. Cleveland snd Toledo, arriving at .Chicano10:1lam. next Sar10:3" a m., Chicano Express, drawintt¦ro'.si cari to Canan-

.l.ii .m.. Rochester, Niik*ar.k tails and RulTalo: connect* forOiwpko s ...-. n aprlnirs and Rkh ...

Ila m.. Western New-York and Northern Ext ress, witadrawl, ir rem era. _.;':..op.m..Albany.Troy, saratoga and I ticaE ipress, throngs.

drawing-room __

.4 i> ni, Accrntnodation to Albanv an.l Troy

.H p. m., Ht L-nli Expr.ii. with ileeping can for NiagaraFills, Buffalo, cincinnati (except Haturday). Toledo, Detroit

6:80 p m , Express, with sleeping can to Syracuse and toAubnrn roi.d: also to Montreal.

afln m. Pacific Express, with sleeping; can for Rochester,Rutfihi Ni*: .ta FaliB, Cleveland. Tolwlo. Del rolf. Chicano,st. Louis, Oawssm al*. I..", (except saturday*. .

lip m., NlKht Eipit>!i, with eleepln* cats io AihanyanaTroy. Connect* with the morning trains for the Welt andNorth .exe -pt Saturday night!. ._ t,.^t,._TlokeU on aale at Ci and Ccntnt Depot, >o o Rowlln*?

Oreen 'J.V1 sud 435 Broadway, and at 'Aestciitfi hxpn-ss(lill,. .. :t Puk pin. e. ami 7-46 and 1142 Rroii*lway. N'-w-V ork..n,1 tnt Washburton and 730 Fulton eta., Brooklyn, and79Fourth-st Willhtiuahura. ,

Accommo'iitl'.ns In drawlnz-iviorn an& sleeping cars can ba

procured at any ol tba ticket oiUcei in New-York City, and a*3^3 U'aahiiitsoii.st. Biooklyn.


DaKitaire .ailed for and checked from rendeiice..Th.Vtrnins mn dally. AU others daly except iBaalJ M llll'('FY L. B Ml. c. K.r. rf,(ieiieralsuiierliitendent. Cleaeral Pasacui,er A

PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD^1 On and after Fell. 37. 18d4.


AND fSITED STATEa MAIL ROrTre.Tralni leav Now.York via. Deabroesei and CorilandtFerries aa folluwa: _^^_ __,,

Harrisburg. Plttahurg, tb" West and Ponto, a*1th PnllmanPalace ca.* attached, * a. m. ii and I p m. dally New.Yornand ( lueavo I unit. .1, of Parlor, Llulne, Suiuklug and Hloena*big Cars, ut <. a. m. every day.| . _^

Wllilanisu.ut. Lock Haven. 8 a. m. 6 p. m. Corry and Eries]e p. m. conn.i-ilng at Corry for Tltoivllle, Petroleum Centraland the ti ii. kl,ms.

Baltimore, WMhinatoa and tlie fionth. "I.lrulte.t WMhlbftOlExpress- ;f l-ullii.an Parlor Can dally except Pumiay. Illa. m., anlve Waahlnatou 4V05 D-m. Regular, via B. nod F.R.R, at bi :o and stH a m. A.io and 0 p.m. and 1'.' night i viaU lint (i. ll. lt. 1 ao*l lp. m. and 12 nlglit. sunday, vi*

ii I., a ni, Op. m. and 12 night,and P ll. lt. ti-1\. i ni, 9 p. m. aad 12 night, via lt. and O.It. 7 p. rn iud l'J night.

For Atijnttc < ,ty except Sunday, with through car, 1 p. niFor Cap.* May, exc-pt sunday, If :10 a. m.

Long ft rut i i, Buy Mead Junction, and interne Hate itittrraSria Raliway and Atoboy,« a m.. Ill noon, StlO, Op m. OOjBundar. 9 a m. and .*> p. m. do not nop at Ait'urf Park.i .

lo it a of'' Brooklyu Annex" Connect wtth all through trains alJeraey city, nff. riling a ipeedy and direct ttamter torBrooklyn 11 aveL

Train* arrivt -1 rom Plttibnrg. Cil'i and lli'.T) a m., 7:30 amilu: (lp m. lady, and 7 a. ia dally excopt Monday. FrontWaihlngton and ftalUuiore. B:.,0 and d'4) I. u., 340. 8:30,6.-. 0, ii 20, 10''5 and 10:35 p.m. snnday, 6: (.*>, 0:.'0 am,10:l)S and 10:30 p. ni From Haiti..,..!.*, 1:20 p. m.. on ^unJdays. 0 8*) p- m. From Philadelphia, A-So, 6:10, 6:30, 0:.,0. Jtexcept Monday, f):-0, l»:80, 10:40, 11 *0 a. in 1:20, 3, ii 40,8;o0. 15.30, tfiti, :¦», 7|30, x-.-.O, H:i<\ 10.115, lOi^O mai10:15 p.m. Suulay, 3:..0, 11:20,6:35, 8:50, 7:05, lli83 a UlJ6:80, .:8i, Ui'iO, tOlOo, 10:20 and 10:3o o. m.





CxpTess Ti sins leare New.Y'ork via Deibrosgei and Cortland!blieet Ferries na folluwii 7

6:»0, 7:2.*, 8, S-.u ,9 and 10 Limited), IL 11:10 a. m. 1, 3iJ0jSAO. 4, 5, (I, 7, 8 aud 0 p. m. and 12 night. Bundar*. 6:10, 9,[9 Limited itml lil a. m.: 4, 6, 7, 8 an.l i* p m., ami 12 nlaht.

trains leavlnar New-York dally, exe* pt -UL.lay, 7:2n, iilOandll:ii> a. m., 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 p. iu., conuaet at Trenton for( aiiiit.-n.

Urtu: i.iii, trains leave Rroad-it. Station, Philadt.-li.lila, 1A0Lail.., 8-20,4, 4i38 lexcepl Voudavi, 6:8*'. 7:;*.', ->:-0, 8i30li, and 11:16a m. (Limited Kxpreaa 1:3" iud '.20 p. m.', 1,5, I, o, (t, B:S0, 7f»0, 7:45 and 8 p m. On Sunday 12:1)1, 8tlS.8:--0, 4, 4:.<j. **::10 a. m. 4. (5:20 Limited., lit.'O. 7i40, 7and s p m. Leave Philadelphia via Camdon, 8:50 adaily en ept Sunday.

., mu, and 944 Broadway, 1 Aitor Home,md foot of Desbronsi'i and coi tlandt Streets, 4 ( ourt-iUlictet od:.-.--*, ii..

knit Brooklyn Annex Station, foot of Fultuuitu-iUBtooklyit: Bush'! lintel. Hoboken | Htatlou. Jeriey CltTEuiigiant Ticket otflctt No. 8 Battery Place and Caatie Oarlen.

1 he New York Transfer Company will caU for and chec)tu fiom lu.U'.s an.l realdeucea.IAM.I¦-.. iTi.H. J.R. WOOD,

Ueueral Mauaadr. Oaueial Paai'r Agent.b*emCTARIN'8° CITY, RIVER AND HARBOR TRANSRORTATIOM

COMPANY.Office Pier 18, N. H., foot of Cortlandt-tt.

Consis-nmeuts of freight forwarded aa directed toanrcartaf tue world ' *^

UNEQUALLED FACfLITfES FOR DISPATCH,orders r.-.et% ai f.r delivery of all kinda of freixht and mea

ohand.se to any part of the city.SEA AND HARBOR TOWINO AND RIVER AND HA*

BOR LIOHTERACEFrtlght of every deicrlptlon promptly lightered to any Doini

In the harbor nt r.-aiouable ratea.STEAM BOATS. BABOES AND GROVES TO CHA*.


Steamer! JOHN H STARINand ERASTUS CORNTNQforNEW.nAVEN, loavo Pier Ix, N. R.. foot of Cortlaudt-ittL,at 9 p. ci daly [saturday! excepted.]Fretirht for point! on D. L. A W. H. r. received at Pier 19.

For New-Haven and point! Eaet, at Pier 18NORTH SHOBE, STATEN ISLAND.-Eleven Mlle* foe

Ten Couta, ria Steamer! from Pier 1, E. R., foot ot Wnltavhall lt.CENTRAL SHIPYARD, Commonipaw, N. J.-Dry Docks,

Mitchlne and Holler Shop* Everything appertaining to the..o..,,i, ,;|.| ...pnlr ot veaaeli.


ItdAD.ArraiiK*¦m.-iit* of tralna from Chamber! at. Depot.

Sam.Lally except Hondas/a. Day Expr.-s^. drawina-rooiacoaeoea io Btniil.amtoo. Elmira and lluitato. SleeDlna("iii'li.-* !» 'luvaland, . nu inuati au«l Chlcatro.

6 ii ni daily, ".st. Louis l.liuitud'' Express -No extra chara;*)foi fu.at tune-Pullman Sleenlng Coaches to Burtalo. arrlvtna7i23 a iu Nlag-ara Fain. 9am: Hamilton. >nt I"; io a m.;Detroit. Sii-'Umi Salamanca. :5-* ami (lev. land t:(VJ i> nv.Cincinnati, > li p m. st. Limn 8:40 a ni iecou.1 day. couneot-lui; irami arrive Toledo .v.- , p ni and Inuiauapoili ll a m. *

sou Dally).Pa Bc Express tor Ute Weat, a s.-i,i prainotVi,ilin.in bay amt sleeping Coaches to Binghamton, Kindra,Bulluio. Ni ai: ai a luili. Ctuclunatl an-l Chicago. Hotel andBuflet mu..kim; Coaches to chlcaao.

SilO p at. l-.mlitratit iraln for the weet.Rutherforo and l,aK«aici.:4..7:2ii7:'>O9::t«10:2t)ani 13 noon

li46 8 3:60 4:40 6tl0 5:80 6:10 «:80 7:80 1" i" p m IS midnight.Hun,la\ s 4 x .'il D': J.i a ni 1:13 6:SO 9 n Ul 1 J midnight.

Paterson..:! .7 20 7:50 9 8010.10am 12 noon 1 ir..( o'.04:406:ll)6:l.i'. 100 I ll 7 I0 8M 10 10.80 pm and 1: ini.tiught. Sun-deTl6.t".S;.*0 10:20am l:4,MJ:.tO -tl) p iu 12 mi.tni.ihl,

,k ami l uci-on via Newark htj tin ;>.i am ILIO4:.'i» .->-" 5:00 'J" 7i6o -(pm ami 12 aUdalght saiuntayU.glxi oulv. siimtuys 9:10 a m Hil) U80 u iu.sulteru Mi 7:6*1 1(1:20 ara 1:15 3 0 -»:15pni!Ud

12 iiiidiiiatif. sunday! 6:45 8.30 10:'10 am 1.10 I -td S pm and12 liiutuUht.\\ai*»i.-k 7 .*() l*)-.'iiara4:SOpm. Sun.luva B:30 a.m.Nea burn a'"' ' oruwaii 7.00 Dam 8:30 4:30 tl p m. Sunday

Slitiaim ..pm.p.oudoiit and Kneston and Moutgonu-ry l* a rn IJOpm.

i Bonda* s.u) a m.i,. -lo-ii a,' 100 1I..2.) a in 11:30 3;00 4..I0 o 8:1 j p m. Run-

day 0 46 8 30 '.ii 20 a in ii .di ** \i utMi.ldleiown.i Lt 7:009 HViOa rn 3:30 4:30 8 StlO pal, snmlsyI I" J" i ni li.IO Sp m. The dallis '.).t in and 4:3*) P rn

tralDJ monea! **lth Nev* York, ontario an.l \k rs;. ,-,i iuilroa.1at Maui it. 'lheUaiiktralnstopiatMiau-itoi.lv.Pun j. via 7 ... io:Ji)am iJo o 8 s.iopm. sunday 8.30

10.30am loss mii.als leave '-.ltd st .inaner of and .|liait*'i after ea. h hutu

trom 0*40 a ni to lil 45 pm every thirty minutes aud fromHi;4."> p iii to i A.". i nt every hour.

rickett nu paa**»ice and apartment! lu Draw iiur Room aaa

Hloeplug loaches, au l»* obtained, and onida lor th., cheeki*"*-ami uni-*!, r <.r bi.Kifatf*-may Im< it-It ut itu c.* un..ii. i oOlosa.Noa -ol. 101 ..i 907 Broadway. '**'¦ Weat-au, N. v.. N*»*s

Court it, Ki.H.klyn. .nat the Coinpauk's Depota ,,.,.,hiuroi'i triiliw iioui the Weil arrive lu New -Yera ai *.'«

7;.i011.231» iu aud 10:2i)ii m. , ... VtirwJ..HN N abhoTT. Oen'lPaaa'r Agent,««*:T*>tmr^

rVORTHERN RAILROAD of NKW-'IKSKY.ll liams leave for I lulewood. Cloner, '.'.."out ***

Niaok7 8:80 lilai.il :l 0 4 46o 5:40 IUD ¦'.-'O P mli mittuluht. Siiuil.1)..',' Maui and 7:10 pm. _,.,,«._,.«,»__N.uuet, spt-iug Valley and Moniey 7:10 10 am4:50ptn

suudaysj^w.^ AUBOTT, Oea'l Pssar AgauL NsnYorS.