cee 3804: computer applications in civil and environmental engineering

Applications in Civil and Environmental Engineering Spreadsheet Functions Spring 2003

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CEE 3804: Computer Applications in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Spreadsheet Functions. Spring 2003. 1. Topics to be Covered. Understanding Excel’s Error Codes Auditing Worksheet Formulas Using Excel’s Built-in Functions Lookup Functions Financial Functions Date/Time Functions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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CEE 3804: Computer Applications in Civil and Environmental Engineering

Spreadsheet Functions

Spring 2003

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1. Topics to be Covered

Understanding Excel’s Error CodesAuditing Worksheet FormulasUsing Excel’s Built-in Functions

Lookup Functions Financial Functions Date/Time Functions Financial Functions

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1. Function Basicsa. Operator Sequencing & Precedence

Formula results depend on the operator sequencing and precedence:

(2+6)/2 = 42+6/2 = 5

Excel sequence in operations:left to right:

• parentheses• exponential calculations• multiplication and division• addition and subtraction

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1. Function Basicsb. Reference Operators

Excel uses three reference operators:the colon: cells between and including two cell

references• e.g. A1:A5 refers to A1, A2, A3, A4, and A5

the comma: indicates the union of two ranges• e.g. A1:A3,B4,B6:B7 refers to A1, A2, A3, B4, B6, and


the space: indicates the intersection of two ranges

• C1:C5 B3:G3 refers to cell C3

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1. Function Basicsc. Creating Names and Using Text

Define range including row and column names:

Insert/Name/CreateCreates names for

rows and columns

Concatenation of strings (&):• A3: Nice• B3: Person• C3: A3&” “&B3 gives Nice Person

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1. Function Basicsd. Array Formulas

Arrays allow:multiple values as input to a single formula, andproduce either a single or multiple output

An array formula shared by multiple cells is more efficient in terms of memory standpoint:

Excel only stores a single formulaDrawbacks:

cannot insert, delete, or move cells within an array range

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1. Function Basicse. Array Constants

Values can be entered as an array constant:elements separated by commasrows separated by semicolonsarray surrounded by {} brackets

Example - EssentialFunctions Workbook:={96,94,77;90,91,85;84,93,84}depending on range defined the array or a

portion of the array are displayed

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1. Function Basicsf. Natural Language Referencing

Natural Language Referencing is a feature that:lets users refer to data in a table using the column

and row headings without the need to create a name

• make sure that the “Accept Labels in Formulas” is activated in the Tools/Options Calculation tab.

Limitations:headings should not have blank spacesneed to re-edit the formula to include changes in

data ranges

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1. Editing Formulasa. Overview

To edit a formula:press F2 or double-click on the cell

• dependent cell references are color coded to simplify editing

• can dependent cell references with the mouse

Can edit formula in theformula palette

• result will be updated asthe formula is edited

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2. Editing Formulasb. Decoding Error Values - Overview

Excel errors begin with a “#” sign:#DIV/0#N/A#NAME?#NUM!#REF!#VALUE!#NULL!

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2. Editing Formulas c. Decoding Error Values - #DIV/0 and #N/A

#DIV/0: divide-by-zero error indicates that the denominator evaluates to

zeroNote: empty cells evaluate to zero

#N/A: Not available error varies depending on formula:

lookup function: no value available• charting features ignore #N/A• can include in a formula - NA():

– Example: if(B7=0,NA(),B7)

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2. Editing Formulas d. Decoding Error Values - #NAME? and #NUM!

#NAME?: Name Error Excel cannot evaluate a defined name used in

formula#NUM!: Number Error

Number cannot be interpreted:too small or too bigdoes not exist

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2. Editing Formulas e. #REF!, #VALUE! and #NULL!

#REF!: Reference Errorproblem with cell reference

• deleting rows, columns, or cells

#VALUE!: Value Errortrying to calculate text or incorrect arguments

for a worksheet function

#NULL!: Null ErrorNo intersection for the ranges identified in the


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2. Editing Formulas f. Identifying Errors

To isolate an error:break the formula into parts

• select a portion of the formula that calculates properly and press F9

press Escape or press the Cancel button when finished

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3. Auditing Workbooks a. Circular References

A circular reference is a reference that refers back upon itself

Example:• A1 : = C1• B1 : = A1^2• C1 : = 5*B1

To correct circular references use:auditing tools

Circular references are required for iterations

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3. Auditing Workbooks b. Precedents and Dependents

Dependent cells:depend on another cellExample: in cell A1 the formula = C1 means that

• A1 is dependent on C1

Precedent cells:cells precede another cellExample:

• C1 is the precedent to cell A1– must determine the value of C1 before determining

the value of A1

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3. Auditing Workbooks c. Determining Precedent and Dependent Cells

Excel’s auditing tools trace:dependent and precedent cells

Activating auditing tools:Tools/auditing or activate the “Circular

Reference” toolbar

Auditing scheme:valid entries: blueerror values: red

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3. Auditing Workbooks d. Tracing Errors

To trace errors:Tools/Auditing: Trace Errors

• highlight cell with error

Example:• A5: 1, A6: 2, A7: 3, and A8: #N/A• A10: Sum(A5:A8)• Error in the equation:

– auditing tool indicates A8 as the causeof the error

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4. Functions a. Overview

Functions are built-in formulas that perform calculations or a series of calculations:

typically require input argumentsreturn a result

Custom made functions can be made using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Accessing Functions:Insert/Function or use the function icon

• formula palette

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4. Functions b. Nesting Functions

Nested functions:functions within functions

Excel calculation:starts with innermost function and outward

If() function:logical_test: expression that evaluates to true or

falsevalue_if_true: value displayed if logical test is TRUEvalue_if_false: value displayed if logical test is FALSE

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5. Essential Functions a. Logical Testing - IF() Function

If() Function:If(logical_test,value_if_true,value_if_false)Example:

• If(C3=“”,NA(),C3) replaces empty cells with #N/A

Example - Nested If() function:• =IF(Age>65,8.95,IF(Age<5,0,IF(Age<12,6.95,12.95)))

– Age < 5 : $ 0.00– 5 <= Age <12 : $ 6.95– 12 <= Age <= 65 : $12.95– Age > 65 : $ 8.95

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5. Essential Functions b. Logical Testing - SUMIF() & COUNTIF()

These functions allow the adding and counting for cells that meet a specific criteria

Syntax:SUMIF(range, criteria, sum_range)

• range: range of cells to be evaluated if they meet the criteria

• criteria: criteria to be used• sum_range: range to be summed

Example: EssentialFunctions.xls• =SUMIF(E6:E11,"Passed",TestScores)/


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5. Essential Functions c. Logical Testing - AND and OR Functions

The AND and OR functions evaluate up to 30 conditions:

AND(logical1,logical2, …) OR(logical1,logical2, …)

Evaluate to a TRUE or a FALSEAND returns

• TRUE if all arguments are TRUE• FALSE if any argument is FALSE

OR returns• TRUE if any argument is TRUE• FALSE if all arguments are FALSE

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5. Essential Functions d. Logical Testing - AND and OR Functions

Example: Two variables

Sky: Blue or CloudySidewalk: Dry or Wet

Use umbrella when Sky=Blue and Sidewalk=Dry

• If(AND(Sky=“Blue”,Sidewalk=“Dry”),”Nice Day”,”Use Umbrella”)

• If(OR(Sky=“Cloudy”,Sidewalk=“Wet”),”Use Umbrella”,”Nice Day”)

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5. Essential Functions e. Logical Testing - NOT Function

The NOT function reverses the meaning of a logical value:

TRUE is changed to FALSEFALSE is changed to TRUE

Example:Check a product is NOT(Red)

• product is Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple, Brown, or Black

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5. Essential Functions f. Counting Functions - COUNT and COUNTA

These functions count the number of items in a group of cells:

COUNT(value1,value2, …) COUNTA(value1,value2, …)

COUNT:only counts numbers, dates and times

COUNTA:counts numbers, text, logical values, and error

valuesdoes not count empty cells

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5. Essential Functions g. Counting Functions - COUNTBLANK Function

Counts the number of blank cells within a specific range:


Counts:empty cells

• cleared contents, or• never had any data

null text “”

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5. Essential Functions h. SubTotal Functions - Overview

Perform a number of mathematical functions on a range of data: Advantages:

ignores other subtotal functions that may be nested

ignores hidden cells and applies to visible cells only

• good with data filtering

outlines data by category

To activate function: Data/Subtotals …

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5. Essential Functions h. SubTotal Functions - Example

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5. Essential Functions h. SubTotal Functions - Manual Function

Syntax:SUBTOTAL(function_num,ref1,ref2, …)

• function_num:– 1. AVERAGE– 2. COUNT

.– 11. VARP

• ref1: range of cells to use


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5. Essential Functions i. Dividing, Multiplying and Square Root

PRODUCT(number1, number2, …)product of a sequence of numbers

MOD(number,divisor)remainder left over after the number argument

is divided by the divisor argumentExample: mod(5,2) = 1

SQRT(number)square root of a number

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5. Essential Functions j. Changing the Sign and Rounding a Number

ABS(number):negative numbers become positivepositive numbers unchanged

SIGN(number):returns the number sign


• positive: number of digits right of decimal point• negative: number of digits left of decimal point• zero: round to next integer

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5. Essential Functions k. Alternative Rounding of Numbers

ROUNDUP():Rounds to nearest number upExample:

• ROUNDUP(1.45,0) = 2• ROUNDUP(-5.675,0) = -6

ROUNDDOWN(): Similar to roundup except that it rounds down

EVEN() and ODD():round to the nearest even or odd number

• +ve numbers rounded up and -ve numbers rounded down

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5. Essential Functions l. Alternative Rounding of Numbers

Rounding in Multiples:FLOOR(number,significance):

• FLOOR(145,12) = 144

CEILING(number,significance):• CEILING(145,12) = 156

Truncating Numbers:TRUNC and INT round to the nearest integer

down• TRUNC deletes the decimal portion

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6. Manipulating Texta. Formatting Text - Formatting

DOLLAR(number,decimals):Converts a number to text and displays it in the

standard currency format• number of decimals displayed is controlled by 2nd argument

FIXED(number,decimals,no_comma):Converts a number to text

• rounds the number to the decimals indicated and commas if last argument is omitted or FALSE

TEXT(number,format_text):Converts a value to text with the defined format

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6. Manipulating Textb. Formatting Text - Capitalizing

UPPER(text):converts all letters to uppercase

LOWER(text):converts all letters to lowercase

PROPER(text):converts the first letter of each word to

uppercase and the remaining letters are converted to lowercase

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6. Manipulating Textc. Removing Extraneous Characters

TRIM(text):Removes extra spaces around text and leaves

only a single space between words

CLEAN(text):Removes all non-printable characters:

• end-of-line code• end-of-file code

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6. Manipulating Textd. Finding a Text String

FIND(find_text,within_text,start_num):Finds a specific text string within another text stringGives starting position of “find_text” in “within_text”

relative to a user defined starting point (default 1)Case sensitive

SEARCH(find_text,within_text,start_num):Identical to FIND function except:

• not case sensitive• allows the use of wildcards (*) and (?)

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6. Manipulating Texte. Counting and Truncating

LEN(text):Computes the length of a string

RIGHT(text,num_chars):Returns the rightmost characters of a string

LEFT(text,num_chars):Returns the leftmost characters of a string

MID(text,start_num,num_chars):Returns a predefined number of characters

from a starting point within the string

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6. Manipulating Textf. Replacing Text Strings

REPLACE(old_text, start_num, num_chars, new_text):Replace a number of characters “num_chars” in

a text string “old_text” starting from “start_num” with a new text string “new_text”

SUBSTITUTE(text, old_text, new_text, instance_num):Substitute a specific text string “old_text”

within a text “text” with another text string “new_text” a number of times “instance_num”

Example: EssentialFunctions.xls

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6. Manipulating Textg. Additional Character Manipulation

EXACT(text1, text2):Compare two strings to determine if they match

in all but formatting

REPT(text, number_times):Repeat a text string a number of times

CONCATENATE(text1, text2, …):Combine a number of strings togetherExample: CONCATENATE(“CEE”,” “,”3804) =

CEE 3804

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6. Manipulating Texth. Importing ASCII Files

To import an ASCII file:File/Open and select all files

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7. Information Functionsa. IS Functions

Perform a test on a value or a cell:Functions include:

• ISBLANK: Determine if cell is blank• ISERR: Tests for all errors except #N/A• ISERROR: Tests for all errors• ISNA: Tests if cell contains the #N/A error• ISLOGICAL: Checks for either TRUE or FALSE values• ISNONTEXT: Tests for anything that is not text including

blank• ISNUMBER: Tests for numbers• ISREF: Value is a valid reference• ISTEXT: Tests for text only

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7. Information Functionsb. Type Functions

TYPE function: returns type of value in cell• 1: Number, 2: Text, 4: Logical, 16: Error Value, 64:

Array• Example:

– IF(TYPE(A1)<16,A1,B1)

ERROR.TYPE: returns error number• 1: #NULL!, 2: #DIV/0!, 3: #VALUE!, 4: #REF!, 5:

#NAME?, 6: #NUM!, 7: #N/A, #N/A: all else• Example:

– IF(ERROR.TYPE(A1)=2),”Divide by Zero Error”,A1)

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7. Information Functionsc. Cell Function

CELL(info_type, reference):Provides information about selected cell, including

format, location, and/or contentsSome types of information:

• address: Returns the address - CELL(“address”,B3) = $B$3• col: Returns the column - CELL(“col”,B3) = 2• contents: Returns the value of a cell• filename: Returns the path and filename• format: Returns a symbol description of the format• row: Returns the row• width: Returns the column width

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7. Information Functionsd. INFO Functions

INFO(type_text):• directory: Path of current directory• memavail: Total amount of available, in bytes• memused: Total amount of memory being used, in

bytes• numfile: Number of worksheets currently open• osversion: Operating system and version• recalc: Current recalculation mode• release: Version number of Excel• system: Operating environment• totmem: Total memory

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8. Looking Up and Referencing a. Indexing into a Table Array

INDEX(array or reference, row_num, col_num, area_num):Returns a specific value or address of a specific

value from within an arrayExamples - EssentialFunctions.xls:

• INDEX({5,10,15,20,25,30},5) = 25• INDEX(JanOrders,2,3) = Value of item 2 rows down and 3

columns right• SUM(INDEX(JanOrders,,3)) = Sum of column 3 in

JanOrders• SUM(INDEX((JanOrders,FebOrders,MarOrders),,3,G10))

– sum orders for any of the 3 arrays depending on value of G10 (1,2, or 3)

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8. Looking Up and Referencing b. Choosing an Item from a List

CHOOSE(index_num, value1, value2, …):similar to the INDEX function except that items

are chosen from a list of up to 29 argumentsExample - EssentialFunctions.xls:

• CHOOSE(G10,”Jan. Orders”,”Feb. Orders”,”Mar. Orders”)

– where: G10 takes a value 1, 2, or 3

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8. Looking Up and Referencing c. Excel’s Lookup Functions - MATCH

MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, match_type):Returns the position of an item within an array that

matches a specific valuematch_type:

• 0: first match• -1: smallest value >= to lookup_value (array descending

order)• +1: largest value <= to lookup_value (array ascending order)

Example - EssentialFunctions.xls: • MATCH(F14,Order_Number,0)

– Finds the row number of the first match of the value in cell F14 in the Order_Number range

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8. Looking Up and Referencing d. VLOOKUP & HLOOKUP

VLOOKUP(lookup_val, table_arr, col_idx_num, range_lookup):Lookup a specific value from within a table or array

• “lookup_val” is located in the first column of “table_arr”

range_lookup:• True: array sorted, False: array not sorted

Example - EssentialFunctions.xls:• Revenue = VLOOKUP(C4,Q1Orders,4)

HLOOKUP(lookup_val, table_arr, col_idx_num, range_lookup):Similar to VLOOKUP function except for horizontal


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8. Looking Up and Referencing e. Excel’s Lookup Functions - LOOKUP

LOOKUP(lookup_val, lookup_vector, result_vector):Looks up the position of “lookup_val” in the

“lookup_vector” and then reports the value of that position from the “result_vector”

• array sorted in ascending order

Example - EssentialFunctions.xls:• LOOKUP(B4,Customers,Customer_Revenue)

LOOKUP(lookup_val, array):Looks up a value from the 1st row/column of array

and reports the value in same position for last row/column

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8. Looking Up and Referencing f. Excel’s Lookup Functions - OFFSET

OFFSET(reference, rows, cols, height, width):Returns a cell reference or a range that is a

specific number of rows and columns from the reference cell

• rows and columns can be +ve (to right or down) or -ve

When entered directly into a cell it gives the value

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8. Lookup Functions

Example - EssentialFunctions.xls:• OFFSET(H4,1,0): returns one cell below reference cell

– equivalent to the formula: = H5• SUM(OFFSET(AnchorCell,1,4,H8,1))

– calculates the sum of rows defined in H8 that are 4 columns to the right of the AnchorCell

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8. Looking Up and Referencing g. Excel’s Lookup Functions - INDIRECT

INDIRECT(ref_text, a1):Converts a text string into a cell referencea1:

• TRUE: reference is A1 style (default), FALSE: R1C1 style

Examples - EssentialFunctions.xls:• INDIRECT(B1): Converts text in cell B1 to a reference• INDIRECT(“A”&ROW()): Converts the text in the cell in

the current row and in column A to a reference• SUM(E2:INDIRECT(“E”&H5)): Sum from E2 to Ex,

where x is defined in cell H5

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8. Looking Up and Referencing h. Excel’s Lookup Functions

ROW(reference)/COLUMN(reference):• Returns the row/column reference number

ADDRESS(row_num, col_num, abs_num, a1, sht_txt):• Creates a cell reference using row and column

numbers– abs_num: absolute (default), relative, or mixed– a1: TRUE - A1 reference, FALSE - R1C1 reference– sht_txt: specify an external reference to a

worksheet• Example:

– ADDRESS(ROW()-1,COLUMN()): If in E6 returns $E$5

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Looking and Referencing i. Excel’s Lookup Functions

ROWS(array)/COLUMNS(array): • Returns number of rows/columns in an array

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9. Dates and Timesa. Overview

Excel handles dates as numeric values known as serial numbers: combination of whole and decimal numbers

the whole number portion refers to the date• starts from January 1, 1900

the fraction refers to the time (percentage of 24 hours)

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9. Dates and Timesb. Basic Functions

The basic date functions include:NOW(): Current date and timeTODAY(): Current dateDATE(year, month, day): Builds a custom date

• Example: DATE(99,8,7) = 36379 or 8/7/99

TIME(hour, minute, second): Builds custom timeYEAR(serial_number): Get year portion of date

• MONTH(serial_number) and DAY(serial_number): similar

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9. Dates and Time (cont.)

WEEKDAY(serial_number, return_type): Returns day-of-week

DATEVALUE(date_text): Converts text to number

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10. Financial Functionsa. Overview

Functions can compute:• internal rate of return of an investment• future value of an annuity• yearly depreciation of an asset

The arguments used most frequently are:• rate: fixed rate of interest• nper: number of payment or deposit periods• pmt: periodic payment• pv: present value of a loan• fv: future value of a loan

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10. Financial Functionsb. Commonly Used Functions

FV(rate,nper,pmt,pv,type):Returns the future value of an investment or loan

NPV(rate,value1,value2, …):Net present value on a series of cash flows

PPMT(rate,per,nper,pv,fv,type):Principal payment for a specified period of a loan

PPMT(rate,per,nper,pv,fv,type):Interest payment for a specified period of a loan

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10. Financial Functionsc. Example Illustration