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PROGRAMME BROCHURE School of Distance Education National Institute of Construction Management And Research NICMAR

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School of Distance EducationNational Institute of Construction

Management And Research


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SCHOOL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION............................................................................3-5

Introduction..................................................................................................... 3

Rationale......................................................................................................... 3

Challenge of Competition..................................................................................3

Unblocking Career Promotion............................................................................3

NICMAR School of Distance Education (SODE).................................................. 4

Courses Offered...............................................................................................4

Post Graduate Programmes...............................................................................4

Graduate Programmes......................................................................................4Certificate Programmes....................................................................................4


Programme Design........................................................................................... 4

Study Procedures............................................................................................. 4


Examinations................................................................................................... 4

Project Work - Long Paper................................................................................ 5

Computer Proficiency....................................................................................... 5


Payment of Fees.............................................................................................. 5

Study Materials................................................................................................5

Campus Facilities............................................................................................. 5

Libraries.......................................................................................................... 5

Computer Centres............................................................................................ 5

How to Apply...................................................................................................5

DISTANCE EDUCATION PROGRAMMES........................................................................6-24

Post Graduate Programmes............................................................................. 6

Graduate Programmes....................................................................................10

Certificate Programmes................................................................................. 17

INTERNET ENABLED PROGRAMMES.........................................................................20-24

Graduate Programmes.....................................................................................22

Certificate Programmes..................................................................................24


NICMAR Core FacultyNICMAR Institutions and Contact PersonsBoard of GovernorsBoard of TrusteesNICMAR Locations

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INTRODUCTIONThe Distance Education is a mechanism for doordelivery of quality education, providing opportunitiesof gaining higher qualifications and accessing thelatest developments in the technologies andmethodologies of selected profession. It is a learningsystem that permits study at one’s own pace andplace and is affordable. It is the best option to pursuestudies for those who can’t take up campus studiesfor whatever reason. The Distance Education hasthe following distinct features:

- Cost is much less than the cost of Campus Studies.- Enrol for a programme according to affordability oftime and funds.

- Getting Expert study materials door delivered.- Do self – study at own pace and place.- Network with other professionals at ManagementDevelopment Workshops.

- Individualized instruction. Performance of eachstudent is monitored and guidance given to matchpersonal needs.

- Take examination at pre-set dates. Qualify and earna Post Graduate Programme / Graduate ProgrammeCertificate.

- Get credits for courses already studied whileenrolling for new courses.


The NICMAR Distance Education Programme catersto the training needs of the working executives andother personnel of the construction industry andinfrastructure development projects.

A large number of engineers are employed on CivilEngineering projects located in the interior and faraway places. They are unable to keep abreast of thelatest developments in technology and managementdue to logistics and communication problems.Likewise, there are many others who cannot affordto leave their jobs to attend full time programme ofstudies due to personal circumstances. Moreover,uneven workflow at the project site and frequenttransfers do not permit construction engineers to plantheir studies at an even pace round the year.

It is, therefore, necessary to develop strategies forhuman resource development that make it possiblefor the working engineers and executives to upgradetheir technical competence and managerialcapabilities as well as to acquire higher professionalqualifications for career improvements.

The Distance Education Programmes bycorrespondence are specially designed to suit theconvenience of engineers and other personnelworking on the construction and infrastructuredevelopment projects. They can select their ownpace and place of studies and improve theircapabilities as well as qualifications.

After registering for a course by paying theprescribed fee the student will receive lesson booksand assignments for each course. The student willwrite assignments and submit to Pune Campus andtake the examinations held at one of the Centres he/she may find convenient. On passing all the courseshe/she is awarded the Certificate.

CHALLENGE OF COMPETITIONWe live and work in an era marked by an ever-changing environment. Converging technologies,increasing symmetry in markets, global competitivepressures, changing life styles and high expectationsare the forces that pose new challenges of changeand competition. Information technology has enteredall the offices and work sites. Knowledge and skillsacquired by managers and engineers becomeredundant rapidly, thus the need for retraining andcontinuous learning. No other sector of the economyfeels the pressure of new challenges as much as theconstruction industry.

A large number of engineers / architects, both degreeand diploma holders are engaged in mammoth taskof nation building by constructing projects of all kindsand sizes. They work with various project authorities,contracting firms, consultancy houses, manufacturingand service enterprises, which includes residential,commercial and industrial structuring, civil and socialinfrastructure, energy, irrigation, transportation,communications etc. Many other are engaged inwork related to management of designs, costestimating and tendering, quality, safety and ecology.Most of the projects are located in the interior andfar away places. They are unable to access the latestdevelopments in the technology and management dueto logistic and communication problems and yet thefate of projects depends on their capabilities.

Construction engineers and managers should be everproficient in the latest techniques of managing theirjobs efficiently, effectively and harmoniously.Learning, unlearning and re-learning – all in shortsspan of time, is fact of managers / engineers in thetechnology driven construction business. This is theway to move up the corporate ladder.

UNBLOCKING CAREER PROMOTIONIt is well known that project engineers and mangersbegin their careers with a limited knowledge ofmanagement skills. They learn personnel and technicalmanagement, financial control of constructionoperations and other management techniques on thejob only. This learning takes very long time and isseldom certificated. Promotion channels get blockedand only horizontal job mobility takes place. Verticalmobility can be achieved by studying for qualificationcourses that are tailor made for higher-level jobs inthe construction industry.

Then, there are thousands of Diploma holder engineersworking in the construction industry whose careersare blocked and promotions withheld because theydon’t possess acceptable formal qualifications forhigher-level jobs. They are neither able to acquirehigher qualifications nor can access information onnew developments in technology and methodologiesin construction. Many can’t afford to leave jobs foron-campus studies; others can’t be spared by theiremployers. Nevertheless, the careers of this largereservoir of technical manpower can be unblockedand skills upgraded through distance education.

NICMAR School Of Distance Education (SODE)NICMAR commenced teaching qualification courses onJuly 9, 1984. In 1985-86, it organised roving workshops














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on Construction Project Management at BAI Centresat Baroda, Bangalore, Bombay, Trichi, Delhi andCalcutta where the participants were mostly fromcontracting sector. In the same year, similar workshopswere held for client’s engineers: CPWD, HUDCO, DDAand MHADA. In all these workshops, there was apersistent demand on NICMAR to extend its servicesto persons who desired career improvement but wereunable to do as they were working in the interior / faroff places or project sites or unable to take time offrequired to attend courses in educational institutions.Suggestions also kept coming forth that NICMAR shouldactivate a continuing forum for senior executives todiscuss specific problems common to all in the industry.

Pressed by the persistent demand from constructionprofessionals, BAI, OCCI & others, and impressed bythe operations and delivery methods of the British OpenUniversity, NICMAR has decided to include DistanceEducation in the project proposal that was being draftedfor UNDP Technical Assistance. A year later, the UNDPgranted its approval to finance the project andestablishing a Distance Education programme becamea UNDP programme. Thus, NICMAR, Centre ofDistance Education (CODE) was set up in July 1988 atMumbai and relocated to Pune in 1992.

CODE was re-christened as NICMAR School of DistanceEducation (NICMAR SODE) in 2004. Over the yearsSODE blossomed into multi modules and multi durationbasket of courses which are revised and upgradedregularly for their quality, relevance and value addition.

The distance education courses offered by NICMAR,are qualification Programmes in various branches ofConstruction Management in the infrastructuredevelopment sector, and the construction industry.SODE conducts Regional Contact Classes at everyquarter of the year. It has Centres at Delhi, Hyderabad,Dubai and Bahrain. The main Campus is located at Pune.


Management (PGPCM)ii. Post Graduate Programme in Project

Management (PGP PM)iii. Post Graduate Programme in Infrastructure

Development and Management (PGP IDM)

GRADUATE PROGRAMMESi. Graduate Programme in Construction Project

Management (GPPM)ii. Graduate Programme in Building Maintenance

Management (GP BMM)iii. Graduate Programme in Construction Safety

Management (GP CSM)iv. Graduate Programme in Quantity Surveying (GPQS)v. Graduate Programme in Highway Project

Management (GP HPM)vi. Graduate Programme in Oil & Gas Pipelines

Project Management (GP OGPM)vii. Graduate Programme in Construction Contracts

Management (GP CCM)viii. Graduate Programme in Construction Business

Management (GP CBM).

CERTIFICATE PROGRAMMESi. Construction Contracts Management (CCCM)ii. Construction Equipment Management (CCEM)iii. Construction Quality Management (CCQM)iv. Construction Safety Management (CCSM)v. Construction Site Personnel Management (CSPM)vi. Construction Business Management (CCBM)vii. Waterproofing and Maintenance of Concrete

Structuresviii. Advanced Technology for Concrete Repairix. Application of Polymeric Materials in Construction


These are inter-disciplinary Programmes that build upon theconcepts and methodologies of management, engineering,architecture, law, information technology, social andbehavioural sciences and combines theory with practice.

The curricula is a judicious blend of theoretical and appliedcourses accompanied with practical experience andresearch work. Theoretical courses aim to improve thestudents' understanding of certain fundamentalphenomena and relationships that characterize thechanging world in which managers must operate. Appliedcourses, which occupy the bulk of the students time,link the theoretical studies to practical problems in theconstruction and infrastructure development projects.


The programme Design is modular. A module is of 6months duration, has 4 courses for study, 4 assignmentto write, one seminar to attend and examinations. Onecourse involves 10 lessons and each lesson needs 7hours of self-study.

A Certificate Programme is of one Module, GraduateProgramme has 2 Modules and Post Graduate Programmehas 4 modules.


A student must register for one module at a time,take examinations at the end of six months and passat least two courses, then register for the next module.

ADMISSIONAdmission is open to candidates from India andabroad throughout the year. Students who enrol forthe Programme till February end will write their firstmodule end exam. in June. Similarly, students whoenrol for the Programme till August end will writetheir first module end exam. in December. If anystudent is intending to change the Programme thetransfer request application is to be made within twoweeks from the commencement of the Programme.Student have to pay Rs. 1000 along with transferapplication towards transfer processing fee.

REGIONAL CONTACT CLASSESThe Regional Contact Classes (RCC) are held everymodule at Pune and other centres if the number ofparticipants is sufficient. All students studying forvarious programmes of SODE are required to attend theRCC as prescribed for the courses selected by them.The purpose of RCC is to provide face-to-face teachingto students for becomeing more focussed on studiesand solve individual problems, if any. Students arerequired to register for RCC by paying the fee for RCC.














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Please check our website www.nicmar.ac.in for RCCschedule, RCC form and fee. Duly filled up forms withRCC fee should reach SODE office at Pune before thelast date given on the website.

EXAMINATIONSExaminations of the SODE Programmes are held fourtimes in an year, generally in the months of March, June,September and December at the end of each Module.It is a Course-wise written examination. Pass percentageis 40 in each Course. The schedule is as follows:Admission Taken in Exam.December - February JuneMarch - April SeptemberJune-August DecemberSeptember - November March

PROJECT WORK - LONG PAPERA Post Graduate Programme student is expected toselect a topic for his/her Project Work - Long Paperwith the approval of SODE office. It may be deskresearch requiring collecting, collation and analysis ofstatistical data, another could be a live problem on theprojects or sites where a student is working; still anothercould be a computer model building such as designinga computer model of quality control/safetymanagement / material and stores management systemor it may be a case study of an organisation, a projector a phenomenon. The topic should be researchable inthe given time and have bearing on the performanceof the construction industry. It should involve scientificdesign of a study, collection and analysis of data andwriting a report in an acceptable academic style. TheProject Work - Long Paper may be of around 12500words, about 50 typed pages of A-4 size. It should bebound in an academic style and 2 copies submitted tothe SODE office. The Project Work - Long Paper willbe prepared as a part of the Independent Study module.

COMPUTER PROFICIENCYThis involves learning and acquiring proficiency in theuse of project management software packages - MSProject and Primavera. Students make independentarrangements with local computer training centresor at their workplaces. NICMAR campuses may alsooffer this training to SODE students if sufficientnumbers enroll at any one time. Separate fee will becharged for the computer proficiency programme.

PLACEMENTA Placement Cell functions at Pune Campus. PostGraduate Programme students, on completion of theCourse, can register with the Placement Cell. SODE willassist them to obtain suitable placements on request.Those qualified and interested may register their requestswith the Dean, SODE on the prescribed form.

PAYMENT OF FEESThe Schedule of Fees and other charges for variousprogrammes are given in later paras. The followingpoints may be noted by all students.i. Fees once paid are non-refundable.ii. The fees will be forfeited if a student, after

having been enrolled, leaves studies in-betweenor fails to complete them successfully.

iii. Fees are payable by Demand Draft drawn infavour of NICMAR-SODE, payable at Pune.Personal cheques and cash are not accepted.

iv. The fees and other dues payable at the time of admission.v. Students who are unable to complete the Programme

they have selected during the normal duration shouldpay the fee as per the new scheme prevailing at thattime for completing the Programme.

STUDY MATERIALSThe study material for a Programme typically comprisesthe following:- Lesson Book- Assignments (where prescribed)- Textbooks prescribed in the Syllabus (Minimum of one text book per course)Reference materials mentioned in the syllabus.Students are advised to buy the Text Books whereverpossible. Reference materials are available in local libraries.They may contact SODE office in case of any difficulty.

CAMPUS FACILITIESAll SODE students can use facilities at NICMARCampus at Pune, Delhi and Hyderabad. These facilitiesinclude libraries and computer centres.

LIBRARIESEach campus is equipped with a library. The main libraryis at the Pune campus. This is a specialized library inconstruction management and the constructionindustry. It holds a collection of over 13,000 titles,documents and reference material. Libraries subscribesto all major technical and professional journals relevantto the mainline work of the Institute.

The library provides text book service to students andresearch/ reference support to faculty and scholars anduseful information to construction enterprises. It is fullycomputerized and staffed by professionally qualifiedand computer proficient librarians and documentalists.

NICMAR libraries at Pune, Delhi and Hyderabad areavailable to all SODE students.

COMPUTER CENTRESNICMAR campuses at Pune and Hyderabad maintainwell equipped and modern computer centres. Eachcomputer centre has sufficient number of computersof the latest technology. Internet and e-mail facilitiesare available at all locations. All important softwarepackages of project management, estimating, quantitysurveying, inventory control, accounting, personnelhandling etc. are available at the Centres. The ComputerCentres are headed by qualified and experienced staffand they are open about 16 hours a day.

SODE students may use the computer centre on priorarrangements with the Campus incharge. SODEstudents may contact Dean, SODE for the purpose.Various campuses organise computer training coursesfor SODE students from time to time.

HOW TO APPLYProspectus and Application Form for all the coursescan be obtained from any NICMAR office on paymentof Rs. 1000 or US$ 25 by Demand Draft in favourNICMAR-SODE, payable at Pune. ORDownload the Application Form from website:www.nicmar.ac.in. Fill the forms, attach certifiedphotocopies of the required documents and return toNICMAR School of Distance Education, Pune along withapplication fee of Rs. 1000 by Demand Draft in favourof NICMAR-SODE, payable at Pune.














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DURATIONThe Programme duration is 24 months. It is dividedin 4 Modules, each term is of 6 months. Extensionof the duration for completion of studies is normallynot allowed.

ELIGIBILITYAny of the following qualifications:i. Bachelor's degree in any branch of Engineering,

Architecture, Town Planning, Building Sciencesfrom a recognized University. OR

ii. Non-Engineering Graduates with 2 years' workexperience in a construction firm.

iii. Diploma holders of Graduate Programme inProject Management (GPPM) of NICMAR areeligible for PGPCM programme.

FEES AND PAYMENT SCHEDULEFor Indian Nationals resident in India

The total fees payable is Rs. 90,000 plus admissionfee of Rs.5,000. The schedule of payment is asunder:

√ Rs. 27,500 on receipt of admission letter.

√ Rs. 22,500 on registration for Second Module.

√ Rs. 22,500 on registration for Third Module.

√ Rs. 22,500 on completion of Third Module andstart of Independent Study Module.

For NRI and Foreign Students

The total fee for the entire course for NRIand foreign students is US$ 2700. It ispayable in four instalments:√ At the time of admission : US$1300√ At the start of 2nd Term/Module : US$ 800

√ At the start of 3rd Term/Module : US$ 350

√ At the start of 4th Term/Module : US$ 250

Candidates registering from Dubai area will pay feesto NICMAR Study Centre, Dubai and candidatesregistering from Bahrain area will pay fees toNICMAR Study Centre, Bahrain.

Fees once paid are non-refundable.

The final assessment criteria is as under:

Sr. No. Item Marks

i Examinations held Module wise.12 Courses (4 x 3 M) 1200Each of 100 marks

ii. 12 Assignments 360(1 per course x 12) x 30

iii. Attendance/Assessment of RCC 240(3 x 80)

iv. Project Work/Long Paper 200

Total 2000


The academic requirements and procedures of theseProgrammes are as follows:

i. Studying and passing all 12 Courses of Modules 1,2 & 3, and the Independent Study Module M-IS.

ii. Submitting 12 assignments, one per Course andgetting acceptance certificate from SODE office.

iii. Attending three Regional Contact Classes, oneeach at the end of Modules 1, 2 and 3.

iv. Independent Study Module (M-IS) is a period of20 weeks after completion of all work formodules 1, 2 & 3. During Module (M-IS) twooutputs wll be produced.

ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS & ASSESSMENTFive academic requirements of this Programme aregiven below:

i. Course Work: Study 12 Courses in 3 Modules &pass examinations.

ii. Assignments: Writing one assignment percourse.

iii. Long Paper: Preparing a Long Paper based onProject Work.

iv. Regional Contact Classes: Attending 3 RegionalContact Classes, one in each Module.

v. Computer Proficiency : Acquiring proficiency inthe use of various project management softwarepackages.

POST GRADUATE PROGRAMMESNICMAR offers, through SODE, three Post Graduate Programmes . The Programmes, duration, eligibility,fee details, academic requirements etc. of the Post Graduate Programmes are given below.

v Post Graduate Programme in Construction Management (PGP CM)

v Post Graduate Programme in Project Management (PGP PM)

v Post Graduate Programme in Infrastructure Development andManagement (PGP IDM)











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a. Project Work-Long Paper and getting 'passcertificate'.

b. Computer Proficiency Certificate.v. A student will register for First Module, complete

it and pass the examination in all 4 Courses.Thereafter, he/she may register for SecondModule, complete and pass it and then registerfor Third Module, complete it and pass theexaminations.

vi. The student will receive one Lesson Book, oneassignment and a supplementary reading list foreach Course. Thus a student, on registration fora Module, will receive 4 Lesson Books, 4assignments and supplementary reading lists.

vii. An assignment set for a Course must besubmitted before taking the examination forthat Course.

viii. Students must attend Module-end RegionalContact Class (RCC) before sitting forexamination of the Courses in that Module.

ix. Examination for all 4 Courses of a Module shouldbe taken in one sitting. Sitting for examinationin partial Module is not permitted.

x. If a student passes atleast in 2 Courses of aModule and fails in two Courses, he/she may beallowed to register for the next Module andappear in the examination in 6 Courses nexttime.

xi. Not more than 2 attempts can be made to passthe examination of a Course.

xii. The Project Work - Long Paper will be preparedas a part of the Independent Study Module. Thedetails are given separately.

xiii. The student should be proficient in the use ofcomputer in Project Management, MS-Officeand Graphics. He should be capable of usingatleast one Project Management package/software like MS Project, Primavera etc. ACertificate of Proficiency in the above issued bya reputed computer training agency, or fromNICMAR, will be required to be submitted atSODE office, Pune.


The final results are scrutinised by the ModerationCommittee chaired by Director General, NICMARbefore they are declared.

Failed Cases

i. A student who misses two chances to passexamination of a course by not taking the examwhen due means missing a chance. Failing inthe exams means losing a chance.

ii. A student who takes exams for all 4 coursesof a Module and passes in atleast two courseswill be allowed to register for the next Moduleand take exams of failed one/two courses nexttime.

iii. Results of exams of courses are withheld if thestudent has not submitted assignments for thesecourses.

AWARDIn order to qualify for the award of Post GraduateProgramme, a student should have successfully metthe following requirements:

i. Enrolled as a student of this Programme andregistered for all 12 Courses of first threeModules.

ii. Written one assignment per Course andsubmitted to SODE, received an “Accepted andSatisfactory” (A & S) letter from it.

iii. Taken examinations in all 12 Courses in theprescribed sequence and passed by obtainingatleast 40 percent marks in each Course.

iv. Submitted the “Project Work-Long Paper” andreceived an “A & S” certificate for it fromSODE.

v. Submitted a Certificate from a Computer TrainingInstitute, approved by NICMAR, or fromNICMAR, certifying computer proficiency in theuse of prescribed software packages.

vi. “No Dues” Certificate from SODE office.













for Details on RCC, CPP

and Exam.

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Table 1Post Graduate Programme in

Construction ManagementCourse Course Title No. of No. Less- Assign- ons ments

MODULE 11NCP 21 Management in Organisation 10 1NCP 22 Construction Personnel Management 10 1NCP 23 Construction Contracts & Contracting10 1NCP 24 Construction Materials and 10 1 /25 Equipment Management

MODULE 12NCP 26 Construction Project Management 10 1

TechniquesNCP 27 Construction Quality Management 10 1NCP 28 Management Information Systems 10 1NCP 29 Construction Finance Management 10 1

and Cost AccountingMODULE 13

NCP 30 Site Organisation & Management 10 1NCP 31 Productivity & Works Study 10 1

Technqiues in Construction ProjectsNCP 32 Construction Safety Management 10 1NCP 33 Construction and Environment 10 1

MODULE ISNCP 83 Project Work - Long Paper - -NCP 84 Computer Proficiency - -




The core objective of this course is to enable astudent to train himself to become a projectmanager/construction manager/chief executive ofa construction firm.

Towards that end:- to develop the understanding, skills and

competencies necessary for the effectivemanagement of projects and cost control ofconstruction operations.

- to enhance skills in business analysis,information technology, financial packaging andpeople management.

- to internalize management qualities essentialfor effective leadership in a multi-disciplinaryteam.

- to acquire an integrated view of corporatestrategies and business decisions.

Details of Course Work

It comprises the study of 12 courses shown in Table 1:











Schematic Chart of Study
















NCP 21 PGPM 11 IDM 11

NCP 22 PGPM 12 IDM 12

NCP 23 PGPM 13 IDM 13

NCP 24/25 PGPM 14 IDM 14

Regional Contact Class I

NCP 26 PGPM 21 IDM 21

NCP 27 PGPM 22 IDM 22

NCP 28 PGPM 23 IDM 23

NCP 29 PGPM 24 IDM 24

Regional Contact Class II

NCP 30 PGPM 31 IDM 31

NCP 31 PGPM 32 IDM 32

NCP 32 PGPM 33 IDM 33

NCP 33 PGPM 34 IDM 34

Regional Contact Class III

NCP 83 PGPM 41 IDM 41

NCP 84 PGPM 42 IDM 42

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The objective of this Programme is to train thefaculties of young and dynamic graduate engineersto develop them into mature and knowledgeableprofessional project managers with the potential tomanage small and large projects in any field in Indiaor abroad, to shoulder responsibility in any functionalcapacity with some of the essential competencies,such as• Sound knowledge of theory and practice of

project management.• Proficiency in engineering & construction of

projects in different sectors.• Skills in financial, marketing and human resource

issues in the projects.• Techniques of dealing with quality, planning,

software and IT systems.

The programme allows engineers from differentdisciplines to select special engineering subjects toenhance their subject expertise in tune with careersof their choice.

Details of Course Work

It comprises the study of 12 courses shown in Table 3:

Table 3

Post Graduate Programme inProject Management

Course Course Title No. of No. Less- Assign- ons ments

MODULE 55PGPM 11 Management in Organisation 10 1PGPM 12 Construction Finance Management 10 1PGPM 13 Construction Personnel Management 10 1PGPM 14 Contracts Management 10 1

MODULE 56PGPM 21 Projects Formulation & Appraisal 10 1PGPM 22 Projects Planning and Control 10 1PGPM 23 Construction Quality, Safety 10 1

and EnvironmentPGPM 24 Project Management - I 10 1

Power Plants & Engineering

MODULE 57PGPM 31 Project Risk Management 10 1

PGPM 32 Project MIS 10 1PGPM 33 Materials and Logistics Management 10 1PGPM 34 Project Management - II 10 1

Oil & Gas and InfrastructureMODULE 58

PGPM 41 Project Work - Long Paper - -PGPM 42 Computer Proficiency - -


OBJECTIVEThis course prepares graduates to assumeresponsibilities at various levels of the constructionand operation of infrastructure development projects,and deliver results. Graduates of this Course shouldbe able to take responsibilities of Planning Engineersat both projects and sites, site organisation andmanagement, and as cost planners and controllers.They are adept in computerised project management.

Toward that end:- to develop sound knowledge of the theory and

practice of corporate management.- to acquire an integrate proficiency in information

technology, finance and people management skills.- to develop understanding of construction and real

estate development business and management offacilities and building services.

- to enhance skills and techniques of constructionproject management.

- to develop competency to handle a project in thespecialized construction sector.

Details of Course Work

It comprises the study of 12 courses shown in Table 2:Table 2

Post Graduate Programme inInfrastructure Development & Management Course Course Title No. of No. Less- Assign- ons ments

MODULE 51IDM 11 Management in Organisation 10 1IDM 12 Construction Finance Management 10 1IDM 13 Construction Personnel Management 10 1IDM 14 Construction Contracts Management 10 1

MODULE 52IDM 21 Construction Project Management 10 1

SystemsIDM 22 Construction Quality, Safety 10 1

and EnvironmentIDM 23 Construction Materials and 10 1

Equipment ManagementIDM 24 Infrastructure Development - I 10 1

Power and Oil & Gas SectorMODULE 53

IDM 31 Tendering, Bidding, Contract 10 1Laws & Claims Management

IDM 32 Risk Management in Infrastructure 10 1Projects

IDM 33 Joint Ventures and Privatisation 10 1in Infrastructure Projects

IDM 34 Infrastructure Development - II 10 1Highways and Port SectorMODULE 54

IDM 41 Project Work - Long Paper - -IDM 42 Computer Proficiency - -











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GRADUATE PROGRAMMESi. Graduate Programme in Construction Project Management (GPPM)

ii. Graduate Programme in Construction Business Management (GP CBM)

iii. Graduate Programme in Construction Contracts Management (GP CCM)

iv. Graduate Programme in Construction Safety Management (GP CSM)

v. Graduate Programme in Building Maintenance Management (GP BMM)

vi. Graduate Programme in Highway Project Management (GP HPM)

vii. Graduate Programme in Oil & Gas Pipelines Project Management (GP OGPM)

viii. Graduate Programme in Quantity Surveying (GPQS)










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INTRODUCTIONNICMAR SODE offers 8 Graduate programmes. Eachone of these Programmes caters to specific needs ofworking students coummunity. It is not uncommonfor a student to qualify in one programme & thenenroll for another. The programme duration getstelescoped due to the credit points earned forcourses, studied as a part of the earlier programme.

DURATIONThe Programme duration is 12 months from the dateof enrolment, and is split in 2 Terms. Extension ofthe duration for completion of studies is normally notallowed.

ELIGIBILITYIn order to be eligible for admission to GraduateProgramme, the candidate should successfully meetthe following criteria:

i. Diploma in any branch of Engineering. OR

ii. Non-Engineering Graduates with 2 years' workexperience in a construction firm.


For Indian Nationals residing in India

The total fees payable is Rs. 45,000 plus admissionfee of Rs.5,000.

The schedule of payment is as under:Rs. 27,500 on receipt of admission letter.

Rs. 22,500 on registration for second Module

For NRI and Foreign Students

The total fee for the entire course of 12 months forNRI and foreign students is US$ 1350 payable asunder:i. At the time of admission : US$ 800

ii. At the start of Term 2 : US$ 550 (beginning of 7th month)

Candidates registering from Dubai area will pay feesto NICMAR Study Centre, Dubai and candidatesregistering from Bahrain area will pay fees to NICMARStudy Centre, Bahrain.

ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTSFour academic requirements of Graduate Programmesare given below:

i. Course WorkStudy 8 Courses in 2 Modules & pass examinations.

ii. AssignmentsWriting one assignment per course.

iii. Regional Contact Classes Attending 2 Regional Contact Classes.

ASSESSMENTThe final assessment criteria is as under:

Sr.No. Item Marks

i. Examinations held Module wise8 Courses (4 x 2 M) 800Each of 100 marks

ii. 8 Assignments 240(1 per course x 8) x 30

iii. Attendance/Assessment of RCC 160(2 x 80) Total 1200


The academic requirements and procedures of this Programmeare as follows:i. Studying and passing all 8 Courses of First and

Second Module.ii. Submitting 8 assignments, one per Course and

getting acceptance certificate from SODE office.iii. Attending two Regional Contact Classes, one each

at the end of First and Second Module.iv. A student will register for First Module, complete

it and pass the examination in all 4 Courses.Thereafter, he/she may register for Second Module,complete it and pass the examinations.

v. The student will receive one Lesson Book, oneassignment and a supplementary reading list foreach Course. Thus a student, on registration fora Module, will receive 4 Lesson Books, 4assignments and supplementary reading lists.

vi. An assignment set for a Course must be submittedbefore taking the examination for that Course.

vii. Students must attend Module-end Regional ContactClass (RCC) before sitting for examination of theCourses in that Module.

viii. Examination for all 4 Courses of a Module shouldbe taken in one sitting. Sitting for examination inpartial Module is not permitted.

ix. If a student passes atleast in 2 Courses of a Moduleand fails in two Courses, he/she may be allowedto register for the next Module and appear in theexamination in 6 Courses next time.

x. Not more than 2 attempts can be made to passthe examination of a Course.


i. A student who misses two chances to passexamination of a course by not taking the exam.when due means missing a chance. Failing in theexams means losing a chance.

ii. A student who takes exams for all 4 courses ofa Module and passes in atleast two courses willbe allowed to register for the next Module andtake exams of failed one/two courses next time.

iii. Results of exams. of courses are withheld if thestudent has not submitted assignments for thesecourses.

AWARDIn order to qualify for the award of GraduateProgramme, a student should have successfully metthe following requirements:










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i. Enrolled as a student of the Programme andregistered for all 8 courses of First and SecondModule.

ii. Written one assignment per Course and submittedto SODE, and received an “Accepted andSatisfactory” (A & S) letter from it.

iii. Taken examinations in all 8 Courses in theprescribed sequence and passed by obtaining atleast40 percent marks in each Course.

iv. “No Dues” Certificate from SODE office.











Admission letter received

from SODE, Pune

Self Study

Register for IInd ModulePay Fees

Self Study

Train inComputers

Submit Assignments

Take examsfor Ist Module

Attend RCC

Receive from SODE, Pune- Lesson Books for IInd Module- Topics of 4 assignments- Reading Lists

Submit Assignments

Submit Computer Training Certificate

Attend RCC

Take examsfor IInd Module

Pay the prescribed feesto SODE, Pune

Receive from SODE, Pune- Lesson Books for Ist Module- Topics of 4 assignments- Reading Lists

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This programme of studies covers the ConstructionBusiness Management procedures and relatedpractices. The course is designed for:- Wards of family owned construction business- Construction industry managers, architects,

contractors, consultants, realtors, financiers andresource suppliers.

- Practicing engineers, quantity surveyors, system











This Programme is designed especially for threegroups. First group is, site engineers and middlemanagers in either line or staff capacities workingfor civil construction companies, development bodies,industrial and commercial enterprises, contractorsand consultancy firms. Second group is, industrialengineers and functional managers - financial,materials, personnel, plant, working on projects. Thirdgroup is, contractors interested in buildingcompetencies in project management.

OBJECTIVE- To develop competencies in project management

techniques and skills.- To acquire proficiency in controlling time, cost

and quality.

- To gain knowledge on the dynamics of siteorganisation and operations.

On completion of the Course, the graduates shouldbe in a position to work as Project Planners, CostControllers, Site Managers and as deputies todepartment heads. They can also manage mediumsize projects on their own.

Table 1Graduate Programme in

Construction Project Management Course Course Title No. of No. Less- Assign- ons ments

MODULE 18NCP 22 Construction Personnel Management 10 1 NCP 23 Construction Contracts and 10 1


NCP 24 Construction Materials and 10 1 /25 Equipment Management NCP 30 Site Organisation & Management 10 1


NCP 26 Construction Project Management 10 1Techniques

NCP 27 Construction Quality Management 10 1

NCP 28 Management Information Systems 10 1 NCP 29 Construction Finance Management 10 1

and Cost Accounting

designers, cost accountants and those handlingother functions in construction industry.

- Prospective Construction entrepreneurs.


The programme is designed for students to gainproficiency in tools, techniques and practicesrequired for managing contracts of a medium-sizeconstruction project, independently. Graduates ofthis programme will be able to effeciently andeffectively perform the following managementrelated functions:- Construction business development and

management techniques- Site organisation and administration- Documenting and raising claims

Table 2Graduate Programme in

Construction Business Management Course Course Title No. of No. Less- Assign-

ons mentsMODULE 20

NCP 21 Management in Organisation 10 1

NCP 29 Financial Management and 10 1Packaging of Projects

NCP 26 Project Planning & Management 10 1Techniques

NCP 35 Project Risks and Insurance 10 1Management


NCP 36 Construction Business Management 10 1 NCP 30 Construction Site Organisation & 10 1

Administration NCP 59 Estimating, Costing & Bidding 10 1

NCP 37 Contractor/Builder and the Law 10 1


This programme of studies covers the constructioncontract management procedures and relatedpractices. The course is designed for:- Contract managers and their team members- Construction industry managers, architects,

contractors, consultants, realtors, financiers andresource suppliers

- Practicing engineers, quantity surveyors, systemdesigners, cost accountants and those handlingother functions in construction industry.

OBJECTIVEThe programme is designed for students to gainproficiency in tools, techniques and practicesrequired for managing contracts of a medium-sizeconstruction project, independently. Graduates ofthis programme will be able to effeciently and

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effectively perform the following managementrelated functions:

- Implement the tendering process as Estimatoror Quantity Surveyor

- Develop, budget and submit tenders/bids asTendering Engineer

- Learn system of contract administration andmanagement

- Learn to identify, raise and document claims asContracts Engineer/Manager.

Table 3Graduate Programme in

Construction Contracts Management Course Course Title No. of No. Less- Assign-

ons mentsMODULE 20

NCP 21 Management in Organisation 10 1NCP 29 Financial Management and 10 1

Packaging of Projects

NCP 26 Project Planning and Management 10 1Techniques

NCP 35 Project Risks & Insurance Management 10 1


CCM 11 Construction Contracts 10 1CCM 12 Tendering and Contracting in 10 1


NCP 39 Essentials of Contract Law 10 1

CCM 14 Construction Claims 10 1


Constructing safe structures and providing safe workenvironment to the personnel is a vital factor insuccessful construction business. This makes safetyan important function in the management ofconstruction projects. The concern for safety startsfrom the design stage and continues till the facilityis delivered to the owner. The designer, consultant,client and contractor share equal responsibility forsafety which should be built into their work valuesand systems.

OBJECTIVE- To be responsible for compliance of statutory

obligations of the employer in regard to safetyof personnel and structures

- To function as a "Staff" officer on theconstruction sites and guide and assist the sitemangers/engineers to make their sites safe andaccident free

- To train personnel in construction safety,conduct safety surveys and design suitabledocuments for recording and promoting safetyon sites and construction industry.

On completion of the Course, the graduates shouldbe employable as Safety officers at Project officesand construction sites.

Table 4Graduate Programme in

Construction Safety Management Course Course Title No. of No. Less- Assign-

ons mentsMODULE 23

CSM 21 Construction Safety Management 10 1

CSM 22 Construction Safety Hazards & 10 1Construction Operations

CSM 23 Construction Safety Management 10 1Administration & Organisation

CSM 24 Safety in Handling Materials, 10 1Machinery, Tools andSpecialised StructuresMODULE 24

CSM 25 Site Safety Practices 10 1CSM 26 Safety Training and MIS 10 1CSM 27 Construction Safety Legislation 10 1

and StandardsCSM 28 Construction Safety Planning and 10 1



The maintenance of built environment affect eachone of us continuously. The state of our houses,working places and places of relaxation will influencenot only our comforts but even our economic survival.Since the total value of housing and workplacebuildings accounts for nearly two thirds of nationscapital stock, economy of the country largelydepends on its building activity and preservation ofconstructed assets by proper maintenance strategy.


To train an engineer as a maintenance manager whohas:- technical skills required for proper maintenance

of building structures, services and systems.- management skills to plan and implement

maintenance jobs economically and effectively.- business skills to give value for money to clients

and earn a good living for self, and- knowledge of the maintenance laws and


On completion of the Course, the graduates will bein a position to work as maintenance managers orengineers. They may also manage medium sizemaintenance contracts or building services projects.










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Table 5Graduate Programme in

Building Maintenance Management Course Course Title No. of No. Less- Assign- ons ments


BMM 31 Economics and Management 10 1

of Building Maintenance

BMM 32 Building Maintenance Status 10 1

and Standards

BMM 33 Building Maintenance Contracts 10 1and Contracting

BMM 34 Estate Management 10 1MODULE 26

NCP 45 Building Maintenance Chemicals 10 1

and MaterialsNCP 46 Building Structure Maintenance 10 1

NCP 47 Building Services Maintenance 10 1

NCP 28 MIS for Building Maintenance 10 1


This programme is designed for three groupsassociated with highway construction projects. Firstgroup is site engineers and middle managers in eitherline or staff capacities working for road buildingconstruction companies, consultancy firms or subcontractors. Second group is planning engineers andfunctional managers in financial, materials, personnel,plant, working on projects and third group is all civilcontractors interested in entry into highwayconstruction business.

OBJECTIVE- To develop basic understanding of highway

construction business potential and practices

- To acquire proficiency in planning and executinghighway construction projects

- To gain insight into safety and qualitymanagement practices relevant to highwayconstruction contracts

On completion of the course, the graduates shouldbe in a position to work as site managers or quality,safety engineers in road construction business orundertake medium size contracts and manage themefficiently. Executives and engineers working withfinancial institutions or PMCs can developperspective about road construction projects.

Table 6Graduate Programme in

Highway Project Management Course Course Title No. of No. Less- Assign-

ons mentsMODULE 20

NCP 21 Management in Organisation 10 1NCP 29 Financial Management and 10 1

Packaging of ProjectsNCP 26 Project Planning and Management 10 1

TechniquesNCP 23 Infrastructure Contracts and 10 1

Contract ManagementMODULE 29

NCP 49 Economics of Transport System 10 1and Road Infrastructure

NCP 50 BOT Project s - Regulation & 10 1Structuring

HPM 57 Highway Construction Safety 10 1and Quality Management

NCP 35 Project Risks & Insurance 10 1Management


This programme is meant for all those engineeringand commercial professionals who wanting todiversify into Oil and Pipeline Construction sector.Multi-disciplinary nature of this infrastructural sectoroffers opportunities to civil and mechanical engineersalongwith petroleum and instrumentationprofessionals working with construction/consultancyfirms. Even functional managers involved in financial,commercial execution of infrastructure projects willfind it beneficial. Finally, safety and qualityprofessionals will obtain working knowledge directlyapplicable to Oil and Gas Pipeline projects.

OBJECTIVE- To develop basic understanding of oil and gas

pipeline business and construction practices- To acquire working knowledge of planning and

executing oil and gas cross country pipelineprojects

- To understand working practices of safety andquality management relevant to oil and gaspipeline and construction contracts.

On completion of the course, the graduates shouldbe able to work as Construction Manager or Quality& Safety Engineer in cross country Oil & Gas piplineprojects or undertake medium size Installationcontracts & manage them efficiently. Executives &Engineers working with Oil Companies & Refineriescan develop better understanding about executionof Oil & Gas pipline projects.










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Table 7Graduate Programme in

Oil & Gas Pipelines Project Management Course Course Title No. of No. Less- Assign-

ons mentsMODULE 20

NCP 21 Management in Organisation 10 1NCP 29 Financial Management and 10 1

Packaging of ProjectsNCP 26 Project Planning and Management 10 1

TechniquesNCP 23 Infrastructure Contracts and 10 1

Contract ManagementMODULE 30

OGP 61 Pipeline Installation & Operations 10 1Management

OGP 62 Economics of Oil Products & 10 1Pipeline Infrastructure

NCP 35 Project Risks & Insurance 10 1Management

OGP 64 Pipeline Construction Safety 10 1and Quality Management


Quantity Surveying as a professional function inconstruction and civil works projects has been slowto receive recognition in India. However, larger sizeof projects, tight work schedules and morecompetitive rates has brought quantity surveying tothe forefront. This is a function that combines withinitself the elements of Civil Engineering, Economics,Finance, Material Sciences, Statistics, Valuation,Management etc. Now, the performance of almostthe entire function has been computerised.Accordingly the GDQS has been designed as an inter-disciplinary Programme that builds upon all theaforesaid disciplines.

OBJECTIVEBeing a job oriented Programme, it equips graduatesto become site engineers and quantity surveyors withgovernment departments, MES, constructioncompanies and consultants.

Graduates of this Programme will have competencyin:- Estimation of quantities, preparation of BOO

and submission of tenders.- Building economics from conceptual stage till

completion.- Post-contract functions, monthly valuations and

project variance reports.- Identification of claims and extra items of work

at sites.

Table 8Graduate Programme in

Quantity Surveying Course Course Title No. of No. Less- Assign- ons ments

MODULE 37MQS 113 Construction Technology 10 1

MQS 211 Quantities (Taking Off) 10 1MQS 212 Analysis of Prices and Value 10 1

Engineering in Construction

MQS 312 Laws for Surveyors 10 1


MQS 213 Valuation of Land and Buildings 10 1(Elements of)

MQS 311 Tendering & Contractual Procedures 10 1MQS 214 Specifications & Bill of Quantities 10 1

MQS 314 Arbitration, Conciliation and ADR 10 1










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CERTIFICATE PROGRAMMESConstruction is engineering and management in action. The activity is performed by the skilful applicationof human effort to create designs and to convert them into physical facilities through organisational inputs.Construction projects are becoming large in volume and complex in design. The demands of economy,accuracy, quality and timely completion of projects is the essence of contract management. Use of newbuilding materials, mechanised operations, sophisticated plant and instrumentation and superior constructiontechniques are critical to efficient and profitable management of projects.

The following 9 certificate courses are offered:i. Construction Contracts Management (CCCM)ii. Construction Equipment Management (CCEM)iii. Construction Quality Management (CCQM)iv. Construction Safety Management (CCSM)v. Construction Site Personnel Management (CSPM)vi. Construction Business Management (CCBM)


vii. Waterproofing and Maintenance of Concrete Structuresviii. Advanced Technology for Concrete Repairix. Application of Polymeric Materials in Construction

Certificate in Construction SafetyManagement (CCSM)

- Safety Officers and Engineers- Project Officers and Site Engineers- Govt. Safety Officers- Trade Union Leaders- University Teachers and Lecturers- Officers of CWC, CEA, NHAI, IAAI, CPWD,

MES, PWDs, Housing Boards, Safety Councilsand Institutes.

Certificate in Site PersonnelManagement (CSPM)

- Personnel and Labour Officers of ConstructionCompanies

- Contractors, Consultants, Lawyers- Officers of Government Labour Departments- Faculty Members of Management Schools and

Schools of Labour Welfare.- Trade Union Officials- Builders and Contractors' Associations

Certificate in Construction BusinessManagement (CCBM)

- Builders and owners of Construction Firms- Sons/daughters of owners of construction

companies who are joining/taking over familybusinesses.

- Entrepreneurs expanding into constructionbusiness

- Professors & teachers of busines schools andengineering institutions

- A/E Consultants- Business Development Managers.


Certificate in Construction ContractManagement (CCCM)

- Contractors who want to learn contractconditions and laws for ‘do it yourself’ for routinematters and save on fees of advisors andconsultants.

- Consultants who are expanding business from‘design only’ to project supervision and control.

- Site Engineers, project managers, teachers ofengineering colleges, journalists etc.

Certificate: Construction EquipmentManagement (CCEM)

- Project Managers and site engineers ofconstruction projects.

- Mechanical engineers who are in project teamsof development projects.

- Officers responsible for planning, selection andpurchase of equipment and tools.

- Marketing executives of construction plant andmachinery.

- Safety Officers / engineers

Certificate in Construction QualityManagement (CCQM)

- Quality Controllers- Personnel working in test houses, R&D labs and

standards institutions.- Project Managers, site engineers.- Contractors, Consultants- Officers of CWC, CEA, NHAI, IAAI, MES,

CPWD, PWDs, Housing Boards.










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OBJECTIVEConstruction is a dynamic and multi-disciplinaryactivitiy. It demands that its performers continuouslyupdate their knowledge and skills and also developbetter appreciation of contributions of otherdisciplines. The certificate courses are designed tomeet the following objectives:i. To help construction professionals to keep their

knowledge and skills updatedii. Gain proficiency in the performance of a specific

management function in constructionenterprises, projects and sites, and

iii. Acquire a qualification granted by Asia’s leadingconstruction management Institute.

DURATIONThe Programme duration of each CertificateProgramme is 6 months from the date of enrolment.Extension of the duration for completion of studiesis normally not allowed.

ELIGIBILITYDiploma in any branch of Engineering.


Graduate in any non engineering discipline with 2years work experience.

(Candidates working in the construction industry will










be preferred).

FEES AND SCHEDULE OF PAYMENTFor Indian Nationals resident in India

The total fee for a Certificate Programme is Rs.27,500 and it is payable at the time of enrolment.For NRI and Foreign Students

The fee for one certificate course is US $ 675 and itis payable at the time of enrolment. Candidates willpay fees to NICMAR Study Centre, Dubai/Bahrain.

ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTSThe academic requirements of a Certificate Courseare the following:

1. Course Work

i. Studying the Lesson Books sent by SODE.ii. Studying the books from the List of Readings

sent by SODE.iii. Appear in the examination and pass it.


1. SchemeThe assessment of the Certificate students isbased on the following critieria:

Sr. Item MarksNo.i Examinations

(Upto a Course) 400

ii. RCC 100

Total 500


Certificate in Waterproofing andMaintenance of ConcreteStructures

- Builders and owners of Construction Firms

- Construction & maintenance professionals tokeep their knowledge & skills updated.

- To gain proficiency in the Waterproofing andmaintenance of concrete structures.

Certificate in Advanced Technology forConcrete Repair

- Builders and owners of Construction Firms

- Construction & maintenance professionals tokeep their knowledge & skills updated.

- To gain proficiency in the concrete repair.

Certificate in Application of PolymericMaterials in Construction

- Builders and owners of Construction Firms

- Construction & maintenance professionals tokeep their knowledge & skills updated.

- To gain proficiency in the application ofpolymeric materials in construction.

DURATIONThe Programme duration of each CertificateProgramme is 6 months from the date of enrolment.Extension of the duration for completion of studiesis normally not allowed.

ELIGIBILITYDiploma in any branch of Engineering.


Graduate in any non engineering discipline with 2years work experience.

(Candidates working in the construction industry willbe preferred).


The total fee for the above three CertificateProgrammes is Rs. 15,000 each and it is payable atthe time of enrolment.

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Module Certificate in Course No. Course Title

31 Construction Contract Management (CCCM)

CCM 11 Construction Contracts CCM 12 Tendering & Contracting in Construction CCM 13 Essentials of Contract Law CCM 14 Construction Claims

32 Construction Safety Management (CCSM)

CSM 15 Introduction to Construction Safety CSM 16 Common Safety Hazards CSM 17 Laws on Construction Safety, Health and Welfare CSM 18 Safety Practices and Standards in Construction

33 Construction Equipment Management (CCEM)

NCP 51 Introduction to Construction Equipment and Machines NCP 52 Introduction to Construction Equipment Planning & Selection NCP 53 Construction Equipment Maintenance NCP 55 Case Studies on Construction Equipment Planning & Selection

34 Construction Quality Management (CCQM)

CQM 23 Quality Assurance Systems NCP 56 Quality Manual in Building Services CQM 25 Quality Control in Concreting CQM 29 Productivity, Safety and Quality

35 Construction Site Personnel Management (CSPM)

CPM 27 Site Personnel Management CPM 28 Manpower Planning Techniques CPM 29 Productivity, Safety and Quality CPM 30 Labour Laws for Construction Sites

36 Construction Business Management (CCBM)

NCP 36 Construction Business Management Techniques NCP 30 Construction Site Organisation and Administration NCP 59 Estimating, Costing and Bidding NCP 37 Contractor / Builder and the Law

40 Waterproofing and Maintenance of Concrete Structures

- Fundamentals of Waterproofing - Waterproofing principles, Practices and Materials - Maintenance of Concrete Buildings and Structures - Safety, Health and Environmental Issues

41 Advanced Technology for Concrete Repair

- Concrete as a Building Material - Appraisal of Concrete Buildings and Structures - Manifestations of Concrete Distresses and their Repair Practices

42 Application of Polymeric Materials in Construction

- Understanding Polymers and their Evolution - Engineering Plastics - Adhesives in Engineering Applications - Coating Materials and Applications

- Water Reducing and Rheology Modifying Chemicals in Cement and Concrete

- Grouting and Repairing Chemicals - Safety, Health and Environment Issues

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Name SpecialisationDr. M. G. Korgaonker Operations ManagementPh. D., IIT Mumbai Corporate Strategy

Project ManagementSupply Chain Management

Dr. J. C. Edison Economics, Project ExportsM.A., Ph.D.

Prof. Tapash Ganguli Project ManagementPGDM, GDMM, PGDCA Materials & LogisticsPMP Management, Business

Strategy & Planning, OB,Principles & Management

Dr. Anil Agarwal Construction Methods &B.E., M.E. (Construction Practices, Project Manage-Management), Ph. D. ment, Value Engg.,

Estimation & Costing

Prof. Vivek Datey Project Management B.E.(Mech.), M.M.S (Fin.) Project Mgt. Software

Dr. Mona N. Shah (Mrs.) Marketing StrategicB.A.(Eco.), MBA Management, Human(Marketing), Ph.D. Resource Mgt., Real Estate

Development & Manage-ment, Leadership

Prof. Anand Gosavi Contract Mangement, SiteM. Tech (Struct) Management, Constuction


Garg Arvind Kumar Dr. Construction Finance ManagementB.E.,M.E.,Ph.D.Eng. Financial Services(Tokyo Univ.) Markets and Instruments

Prof. Pramod Deshpande Plant Design & EngineeringB.Tech. (Chem.) M.Tech. Piping Design & Engg.IIT-B, FIE (Chemical) Energy Management &Chartered Engg. Conservation, Power Plant

Engineering & Mgt.Project Management

Prof. P. Nagarjuna Infrastructure DevelopmentB. E. (Civil), M.Tech. Projects, Infrastructure(Transportation Engg.) Operations Management

Special ConstructionMethods and Technology

Prof. Virendra D. Vyas Cost AccountingM. Com., C. A. Management Accounting

Prof. Desai Vijaya (Mrs.) Data Base Mgt. SystemB.Com., M.C.M. System Analysis & Design

Mgt. Information SystemProject Mgt. Software System

Dr. Medha Joshi (Mrs.) Financial Management,B.Sc. (Stats.) Modern Portfolio Theory,M.M.S. (Finance) Investment Management,Ph.D.(Finance & Insurance) Derivatives Insurance

Prof. Sanjay Choudhari Operations Management,BE (Mech.) Operations Research,M.Tech. (Industrial) Supply Chain Mgt.,

Manufacturing Strategy

Prof. Bablu Rajput Construction Methods &B.E. Civil, M.E. Technology, Construction(Construction & Quality Control inManagement) Construction Materials

Prof. Milind Jagtap Operations Management,M. Tech. Quantitative Techniques,(Mfg. Systems Engg.) Supply Chain Management

Prof. Abhijeet Sangapurkar Project Quality Mgmt.,B.E. (Civil), PGD(ACM) Management of Safety

and Health

Prof. Smitha R. Yadav (Mrs.) Estimation & Qty. Surveying,B.E. (Civil), M. E. Tendering Bidding &

Contracting, Foundation Engg.

Prof. Sachin Jain Construction TechnologyB. E. (Civil) & Methods, New MaterialsMBA (Marketing) Productivity, Construction

ManagementProf. Sanjay Bhoyar Infrastructure ProjectsM.E. (Construction) Project Management

Tendering Bidding &Contracts, Privatisation inConstructionQuantitative Techniques

Prof. Darshan Mahajan Data Base ManagementB.A., MCM System, ProgrammingPGDBM (Appearing) Languages, Web Designing,

Computer Skills

Prof. Jonardan Koner Dr. Economics, EconometricsStatistics, QT, ResearchMethodology, MarketingResearch

Prof. Deepak M. Sundrani Marketing Management,M.E.(Construction Mgmt). Real Estate DevelopementMBA(Marketing), LLB and Management,

Principles and Practices ofManagement

Prof. Madhav Darwhekar HR in Construction,M.E.(Civil - C & M) Equipment Management

and Quantity Surveying

Prof. Prasanta Kumar Sahu Transportation SystemM. Tech. Civil Engineering, Airport

Planning, Design andManagement

Prof. Mangesh Madurwar Construction Manag-B.E. Civil, M.E.Civil ement, Infrastructure

Planning & Management


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Prof. Ayesha Wahid(Ms) Project Management, RealB. Arch., MBEM(Masters Estate, Strategic Manage-in Building Engineering mentand Management)

Prof. Sushrut S. Vaidya Design and ConstructionB. E.(Civil), M.Tech. of offshore pipelines, Con-

truction in the MarineEnvironement,Construc-tion Equipment Manage-ment

Prof. Smruti Sanjeevani(Ms)Organisational Behaviour,B. Arch., PGP ACM Human Resource Manage-

ment, Computer work-shop, Health and SafetyManagement

HYDERABAD AND GOADr. Singh Indrasen Project ManagementB.E.(Civil), M.Tech.,Ph.D, FIE Construction Quality Management

Risk Management

Prof. Ramanna K.R. Plant & EquipmentB.E.(Mech.) Management, BuildingM.Tech. (IEM) Services ManagementPG Dip.(IM), C.E., FIV Const.Methods and Tech.,FIIPE, CEA (BEE) HSEM, Productivity

Techniques, Engg. Tech.Update, Energy & Quality Mgt.

Prof. Varma B.G. Management Theory &M.A. (IR) Practices, HRM, IR, Labour

Laws, Land ManagementSafety ManagementManagerial Skills

Prof. Murthy V.R.K. Quantities Taking Off,MIE(Civil), FIV Analysis of Rates/Prices,

Value Engineering

Prof. Sarbesh Mishra Financial & Cost AccountingM.Com, M. Phil., Ph.D. Financial Management

Financial Services,Markets and InstitutionsManagement Accounting

Prof. K.P. Reghunath Construction Methods & Tech.B.Tech. (Civil) Project Management Appl-M.E. (Const. Technology) ication SoftwaresMIE, MIWRS New Technologies and

Materials, SpecialConstruction Methods & Tech.

Dr. Rajiv Gupta Joint Ventures & PrivatizationMMS, Ph.D. (Mgt.) in Construction

Marketing ManegementManegement of Safetyand Health, ConstructionMaterials Mgt., Infra.Operations & Mgt.

Prof. K. Srinivas Project ManagementB.E. (Civil), M.B.A. (OM) Quantitative TechniquesM.E. (HMWM), MIE Survey & Research MethodsMIWRS

Prof. B. Ravinder Construction TechnologyB.E.(Civil), MBA (Tech.Mgt.) and Design Practices

Quantity Surveying WorkshopAnalysis of Prices

Prof. Mohd. Ghouse Analysis of Prices,B. E. (Mech.) Quantities and MachineryISHRAE (Member) Charges, Utility Service

Management, Work PlanningSite Organisation & Mgt.

Prof. N. Ramesh Babu Traffic & TransportationBE, DBA, MS(USA) Engg, Construction

Material Management,Survey & ResearchMethod, ConstructionMethod & Technology

Prof. Rajiv Gupta Joint Ventures &MMS(BITS, Pilani) privatization in

Construction, Engineering& technology update,Industrial safety, Physicalaspects of environment,Management systems

Dr. V. Sri Hari Physical aspects ofB.Tech(Civil), M.Tech Environment construction(Enviormnetal Eng.), safety, EnvironmentalPhd Mangement, Solid &

Hazardous wasteManagement.

Prof. R. Sathish Kumar Special Concretes,B.Tech(Civil), M.Tech Construction methods and(Building Technology & technology, ConstructionConstruction Mgmt equipment management,from IIT madras) Energy efficiency in

buildings, ModernConstruction materials.

Prof.S.V.S.Rajaprasad Safety EngineeringB.Tech. (Mech), M.E. (IE) Quantitative TechniquesPG Dip. Safety Engg. Environmental Manegement

Research Methodology

Prof. P. Muralidhar Project ManegementB.E. (Mech), M.E. (IEM) Marketing ManegementMISTE Infrastructure Operations

Management, ConstructionMaterials ManagementManagement Theory andPrinciples, MIS

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Director General - Prof. (Dr.) M.G. Korgaonker


Post Graduate Programmes (PGPs) - Prof. (Dr. Anil AgarwalDean

- Post Graduate Programme in Advanced Construction Management (PGP ACM) - Prof. Anand D. Gosavi

Head- Post Graduate Programme in Project Engineering and Management - Prof. Vivek Datey

Dy. Dean- Post Graduate Programme in Project Engineering and Management - Prof. Pramod Deshpande

Head- Post Graduate Programme in Real Estate and Urban Infrastructure Management - Prof. Mona N. Shah

Dy. Dean

NICMAR School of Distance Education (SODE) - Prof. (Dr.) J.C. EdisonDean

NICMAR School of Executive Education (SOEE) - Prof. Tapash GanguliDean


RESEARCH - Prof. (Dr.) A. K. GargHead

NICMAR Journal of Construction - Prof. (Dr.) A. K. GargEditor

IT & SYSTEMS - Prof. Vijaya DesaiHead

GOANICMAR-Mushtifund Saunstha - Prof. (Dr.) Indrasen Singh

DeanHYDERABADConstruction Industry Staff College - Prof. K.R. Ramanna

DeanDUBAINICMAR Study Centre - Prof. C.P. Gupta

DirectorBAHRAINNICMAR Study Centre - Prof. G. Chandra Mohan


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Instructions to Candidates

1. Fill the forms in your own handwriting.

2. No column should be left blank in any Form.

3. All candidates are required to fill the following :

i. Form I - Biodata Sheet

ii. Sponsored candidates should have Form II (Sponsorship Form) duly filledin by sponsoring authority and submit alongwith the application.

4. On the Acknowledgement Card, write your address on the reverse and affixa Rs.5/- postal stamp.

5. Enclose a self addressed envelope (25 cm x 12 cm) bearing Rs. 5/- postalstamp.

6. All forms duly filled in alongwith the enclosures (i.e. attested copies ofcertificates & marksheets of SSC, HSC & Degree/Diploma and one passportsize & one stamp size photograph), and a DD of Rs. 1000 in favour of'NICMAR-SODE' payable at Pune should be sent by Registered Post to:

The DeanNICMAR School of Distance EducationNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF CONSTRUCTIONMANAGEMENT AND RESEARCH25/1, Balewadi, N.I.A. Post OfficePune - 411 045Maharashtra, India.Tel : (020) 27292671/27292512 (Extn. 202 / 223) / 020-65103208Fax: (020) 27291057.E-mail : [email protected]

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Application for Admission to


Affix Passport

Size Photograph

(Please specify the course you have selected)


1. Name ................ ................. .................. Surname Given Name Middle Name

2. Date of Birth

Day Month Year

3. Sex

Male Female

4. Present Address (for correspondence)

..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... Tel.:..................... E-mail:............................

5. Permanent Address ..................................................................... ..................................................................... ..................................................................... Tel.:..................... E-mail:............................

6. Marital Status

Married Unmarried

7. Father's Name ………………………………………………………………

8. What is your father's/ guardian's profession?


9. What is your present occupational status?

Student Employee In between studies & job

10. Who will finance your studies ?

Self Father Guardian Govt.

11. Are you employed ?

Yes No

12. If still a student, when do you expect your result to be declared?


13. How is your proficiency of English Language?

Spoken: Excellent Good Could be better

Written: Excellent Good Could be better


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Examination Institute/ College

Month & year of passing

Class/ Division

% of Marks obtained*

University/ Board


i. S.S.C./S.S.L.C. CBSE

ii. Higher Secondary/ Pre -University (10 + 2 std.)

ii i. Any other Technical Diploma

iv. Bachelor's Degree


1 st Year

2 nd Year 3 rd Year

Last Exams

v . Post Graduate Degree/Diploma


vi. Scores obtained in GATE/MAT/CAT/GMAT /XAT/ATMA

* Class / % of marks as awarded by the concerned University

15 . Medium of Instructions at : School ..…….............. College ..……...............


What Languages (other than English)

Speak : .................………………...................

Read only : .............................………………......

Write only : ................………………....................

17. WORK EXPERIENCE Please start from the present employer.

Sr. No.

Name & Address

Date of Designation Last Gross Monthly


Nature of work Joining Leaving



ii i.

18. Computer Proficiency i. Operating System Windows / XP

ii. Project Mgmt.

Primavera High Low Nil

MS Project

High Low Nil

i i i. Office Mgmt.

MS Office High Low Nil

Excel/Tally High Low Nil

iv. Others

Internet High Low Nil


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Write below your reasons of applying for this Programme, and about your career plans, ambitions, motivation, competencies, training needs, friends and non-friends etc. in 150 words.

I certify that the particulars given above are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and my admission is liable to be cancelled in case of any discrepancy found later on.

I agree to abide by the rules and regulations as well as discipline of the Institute.

Place: ....................................... Signature of Applicant: ..............................

Date: ........................................ Name of Applicant: ....................................

No. of Enclosures: ......................


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