· created date: 2/5/2019 12:06:02 pm

|TEM 51014 FORDMUSTANGGT4 BODYPARTSSET 7 *-l. 779 r, Git4 7^7 ,,rri.t E !tl- .ao tf i,( O,fr 4 - Iv.{-7,u257mm?1" aThis body featuräs a whoelbase of 257mm. trrr )lLt TAMTYA A;rr a-a+ t l$ßarlr< trtv?-f" +t 6ät ..,}ä,.fr!FIZa**räü ,r< ratL'. *,l.,lr+Srj€@E+16 oltr*ifi<Atttt. §r*oh+) ä*ar<ritl'. artotlBl.lJ+ä*f Lz< rät1.. \*ti=t t \- F+47 ta crJfit tä+ ä,F8&liiltLr<,":ü!'. aElnlrpEßf tJ. &E,.ätrrr.zh? tro)iltltäl <;tar. ll äta1#2ziE L<EELr< rtLr. */.. EH!.äe *rr=6ofi trli+r;ttL?< r:t0.. a,l.ttä7lt@l'ällfr ?0)I#lt LäUa?< t:tL\" -tl.tär,. r. 4\tr§,/t-yo)rt?ri a,15. g=-rr§ z 1, x 2< oa eb 2:E*rzffnff * 1 Bl,ttt. a a <t $* B rü e,,,t)t, ?<ratl., A caurror.r aRoad carsfully and tully undeßland the inslructions before commencing Owlt€n assemblins this kit, tools in- clucling tniv€§ ärE us€d. Ertra cäre should b€ taken to avoid peßonal iniury. aRead and follow the instructions supplied with paints and/orcement, ii used {not includ€d in kit). aKeep out ol roach of smallchildr6n. Childrsn must not be allowed to put any parts in th€ir mouths, or pull vinyl bags over th€ir heacls. S€nsibly dis- pos€ ol the leftover parts immediäret f;iotllrW.t) Trimming *7 > rrZn< ä,teß&IlEäbt ti (6d) äB!l,a</:tL. *Make 6mm hole, matching ihe position of antenna. *i, I ?, > t a{tttzeblJ, tu t) .lrJlr,r (6-6.5m) äl$lrr< /.-i!L\" *Make two 6-6.5mm holes. matchlng the position ol lront body mounts, *4mitE€lr5t *ur&r*!.. *X.;,(<r,lH't l6-6-5M) *tvlake6-6.5mm holes. / -..,.- ::::>--.--- rrO?604V->:, jjl>rty l. {trjä) E Dt)fitt^ X Make hols for atiächinS 53604 Bacing Wing Set (sold s6päraiely). *5n näH3tJ*1. j *ad)ßt tttl l: a.-i[ä - t!ä6(.ff L\f , *U*d lalerlormaking *4En7\ät5lr*f .t.1Fr-TOrllW).. Ligm cases ,-rV.1l' Taillighls *r,luE\l*i («ßi4a)|{lUWr»

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Page 1: · Created Date: 2/5/2019 12:06:02 PM

|TEM 51014

FORDMUSTANGGT4BODYPARTSSET 7 *-l. 779 r, Git4 7^7 ,,rri.t E !tl-

.ao tf i,( O,fr 4 - Iv.{-7,u257mm?1"aThis body featuräs a whoelbase of 257mm.


A;rra-a+ t l$ßarlr< trtv?-f" +t6ät ..,}ä,.fr!FIZa**räü,r< ratL'. *,l.,lr+Srj€@E+16oltr*ifi<Atttt. §r*oh+)ä*ar<ritl'.artotlBl.lJ+ä*f Lz< rät1..\*ti=t t \- F+47 ta crJfit tä+ä,F8&liiltLr<,":ü!'.aElnlrpEßf tJ. &E,.ätrrr.zh?tro)iltltäl <;tar. ll äta1#2ziEL<EELr< rtLr. */.. EH!.äe*rr=6ofi trli+r;ttL?< r:t0..a,l.ttä7lt@l'ällfr ?0)I#ltLäUa?< t:tL\" -tl.tär,. r.4\tr§,/t-yo)rt?ri a,15. g=-rr§z 1, x 2< oa eb 2:E*rzffnff * 1Bl,ttt. a a <t $* B rü e,,,t)t,?<ratl.,

A caurror.raRoad carsfully and tully undeßlandthe inslructions before commencing

Owlt€n assemblins this kit, tools in-clucling tniv€§ ärE us€d. Ertra cäreshould b€ taken to avoid peßonaliniury.aRead and follow the instructionssupplied with paints and/orcement, iiused {not includ€d in kit).aKeep out ol roach of smallchildr6n.Childrsn must not be allowed to putany parts in th€ir mouths, or pull vinylbags over th€ir heacls. S€nsibly dis-pos€ ol the leftover parts immediäret


*7 > rrZn< ä,teß&IlEäbt ti (6d) äB!l,a</:tL.*Make 6mm hole, matching ihe position of antenna.

*i, I ?, > t a{tttzeblJ, tu t).lrJlr,r (6-6.5m) äl$lrr< /.-i!L\"*Make two 6-6.5mm holes. matchlngthe position ol lront body mounts,


*ur&r*!..*X.;,(<r,lH't l6-6-5M)*tvlake6-6.5mm holes.

/ -..,.- ::::>--.---

rrO?604V->:, jjl>rty l. {trjä) EDt)fitt^X Make hols for atiächinS53604 Bacing Wing Set (sold s6päraiely).

*5n näH3tJ*1. j

*ad)ßt tttl l: a.-i[ä -t!ä6(.ff L\f ,*U*d lalerlormaking *4En7\ät5lr*f

.t.1Fr-TOrllW)..Ligm cases




Page 2: · Created Date: 2/5/2019 12:06:02 PM

'f,7.,( o)8*

Painling body


* A - I tt<^r:r-tva*EZ.t"* A - H denoto§numb€rof maskingsticker

*t \t =Fb t 1-t1 7aqrv,*t"*Cut ofi using scissors or a rnodelinq knif6.

«üäeotrrryrJ»Curved sections

*h vt-+12Tq»W.»*t"* Cut usif,g a modeling knife.

(a*fäeir.»Reparing body lor painting


«.\v t§r-f F R)Headlight B

Page 3: · Created Date: 2/5/2019 12:06:02 PM

7k;kt\z LT ;*.at)z *.1''6 L( *t ä La <ttL'"*Washthe bodylhoroughlywith delerqentin order to remove any oil, lhen rinse well

) o< -, t*8*+E,To)< - t 7t"tE ^;,

oäielrl*+r t t h - R ),-FEAfl .^1fi !lä'BE*LZ< r:rr."., t4Eaa.7r'rrgßE@4*t.ß.4.77'r, HA{Jtt3lFL'< fii!r'.i Thismarkdenoles numberslorTamiyaColor paints. Paint body frcm inside usingpolycabonate paints. Paint plastic parts(sideminors, rearwing) using plastic painis.

«ß U h - ;r Z'- t- H, - \, h. ->)TAMIYA POLYCABBONATE PAINTS


TS-rratVhrrr, &- s1"". bla"k

L.,t:; a 61fl1aü 1 > t- üfl . - 4 tfit FÄt)*t.*Wash the body ihorou9hly wilh detergenl then allow to airdry-Cut oul masking slickers and mask ofiwindow and light areas

*,\71 +dJßt)»B)r., 2 (Ps-s) Tä*L*t. 77 v-A*t*rßt,i äB30cmrIc t*i; L, -tgtEaBdäEt.ärrTa., §!"*Paint body with Black (PS-s). Apply thin layer of spray painl2-3 times keepi.9 30cm disiancelrom body-

, * )) , T-a* T ä -',r ,+ Agtlv 8t.40)'z 7 +2 , 7 -J c ?

*Mask olr ar;as to be painted body color with separatelyavailable maskins tape.

L: *). t , h\*.t\,:aä > I5 tvEßh a? 7+:/ r 7-) +tttjjL. i;aAlääti)/tr)t lPs 23) a4*L*?..*Atler black painl h6 dned, emove masking tape Gunmetal areas but keep window d light areß masked ofi, thenpaint body with Gun metal(PS-2s).

«77,yh-o)Aht)fi».tT+ 6tii *.ettAt f 1.. EIlfil i!hf.g1tt&rrU+Er\T <rit L'. *Ba)2t\L77 vh-ltt t) L-a L*.4 x*5ä\i,Pf L.oaFtä t) t. -ra<ldi!1..@äfiEo)näc)*ßtjt'» Ltr, t t U +ertt hfcE:fr L.FAU btr>t *t " effie -)tilcS*{üEtöbtz( li,3u'"o,r, Lrräf6a r*ä\ L t:s b\ t; Efi .b;

It]"fzr, 77', h - o)q i.ft iEä\tl?f. t) L t-J-r\ &) t.jtäLl-rä\5H6rzLl

äfi6ä-,EliäEßi*ä\ LT AÄ 6 z t:t*.L b ä\ ? ä lc I fi )ä ä\ Ii cfcU't 4lF,BLter*t"StickersC) Cut along the edges as close aspossible to cut the sticker ftom thesheet, Cut out stickers in numberedorder to prevent confusion,(, Slightly peel away one end of thelining and position the sticker on thebody.€) Slowly remove the remaining Iiningwhile checking sticker position. Do notcompletely remove lining prior to appli-cation as this may cause unwanted airbubbles and creas€s.

\ *14h,&t lrä2 ( >lrg1t)o)< ^>,

)tFtähL-tel! b<78-, (P5 3rr ä51ELEq.*After paint has dried, Remove masking stickers from windowareas but keep headlights and taillights masked off, then pai.twlndows with §moke (PS-31).

*?- r,J*EJEl.F6r<< /:'tL\"*apply stickers in numbered order

A * tE ö.*tL't brlL< 7r,-)täEh L tt;i#ü,DIF- ;l7arrÄ{,llD'L<< , i!L'"*aiter paint has dried, remove remainins masking stickers.Aftercompletion of paintinq, remove protective film,

**fie?i, :t ä9tEfr EAEtr.B,ElH3-7 51614 Ford Muslang GT4 Body(11056663)

Page 4: · Created Date: 2/5/2019 12:06:02 PM


*? 2lJ*EElilä,<<l:t1..*Apply stickers in numbe.ed ordei




Mirrorsurfaces *Makeng änd left.

r ß{11,L:.äli.ltH'

Page 5: · Created Date: 2/5/2019 12:06:02 PM

, 77, h - äAÄ )<h' atlt)Wl * ta Applyslickerand cutoulas shown.

(r-r Fir-Side mirrors

,af*L\< t 3!\*Cul double.sided iape into theshape ol

//o\\ 1FVAT-2 |=)Double-srded lape (black)

) ^7,h-L\Ä^r.", ---:-..


Serni sloss blek /\ \(+(D EEr-7 (R)

Double-sided tape'äb-

<-..-z-Yäß\ -E-Tio


-.( lr-70wr{:fi,Attaching light cases

*, - ^it fl 1 2 t iE L r.1*. &6 a i**

7ltVt^Xt*h\L*t*Pant innor surlaces ol lisht cäses,then remove prolective iilm.

l;;-tv-11-» iTailliqhts rr

*E67 -7 ll9+ a, a, I 7 liljrZrjf€L' < l:i!L\-*Cut double-sded tape into required sr2es.

EiEi-7 (ElOouble-sided tape (while) tr6r-7 (ä)


,"c!§tr"''Ooubl€'sided läpe (whne)



Page 6: · Created Date: 2/5/2019 12:06:02 PM

+j7 t' =t-. uPrl>r1)wü,l<lL!Attaching side mirrors and rearwing

1z=ra7). rt



-4 l- r-7.............................x1

Hgß&.......... ... ... .... ......-...x1

7- tn- ............................ .x1

< 7r'.,-)t....... .........-....-.....x1


/i::,1^\,// 6nn7t )7C> ,Il\


snäD oin\-,C>/P

^+-, rta> vt') .../ 4

Snap pin (smarl)

3mot)rr'lE)O{ins (black)

6A7 .1 1äl ............ .... ......x4Dou ble-sided tape (whits)

Double-sided tape (black)

**ßE1ä,i; < Lfr r. .bLf.htt. h7t.< -., - €

^w^E -rr;+}tl'tr

ftü *t " *tz. llth 7t < - +r- Xz t. Er*.)tif .3i5-ä t*. T;eo,;*r-.;i9aäE tb\a**f..D (*ßlErEEo-+UEi*)tßfF,E d)+Ä i^ E ftEd)iE{=ifi i.T 4) u 7Fäääi.ITEIV*-ts. 7'_ IV. ry?"e. *ßfta. *ßEf - F, xaez'xc=d^<

/i-tr\" lEi ^{+Etffi,.t*ri€;E686 ji=* r\r. l: *, EJ4ä€

00810-9-1118, i[^äe. (ffi) ':]i,aritEit<f:tL'.

a ({tGB t+Ed)E+rtHif)./ {-y1tei.,inaZ,ttE lä+*l*+ (3oo

E+ti) ä - e *E L\L li lrftläi. EEE*Ll*^-A^ r&r.fteBl&t.J6öittäd:Etrt.tLtf":"': ((.lirf) :: i422-8610 ä E6ffiEltr,B,E,H3-7 :

i *it*ilri,r h7r?-t-c7l* |

: ((r3F"5t.6rrt*e) :

:;?]El o54-283-0OO3 :

i.TT. 6:::::::16 li:t:l:ili

(X*+,.r1\u ) iä*+r)ffilifEr Z;di!fti- #El.t*. Brlü;X§ätZ'€?r", i ri,z,i_A/s ,_ ,7t<_1t_X7@ zaE€;S< l:i.* L'"

7 * - j: <7t>) cT4 7^7X:;18'v IrrEM sl6t4

*.ir141d ift (ful,ii ). üllrr20 r 0rr:1ll Hn:d)t oTt ;lirlri'lEr r4 tarj 614 irr'trr *t,* J l[1i l ri,,1L a]1. tltlLl[tilr: ii]llnlrr,l i'. < r:i!i . 14'&i:,I]-{ iir UrrLrr:)

AFTER MARKET SEBVICE CANDWhen purchasing replacement parts, please take orsend this iorm to you. local Tamiya dealer so that theparts required can be correctly identified. Please notethat specifications, availability and price are subjecttochange without notice.

*re* +l6iüt8.Il, 7 " " 560F1 +1iH/\-y......... .......................6808 rä6@7-484). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .280R r.ü7V, h -.- 7r r- JV..........-.....1,060E +fi

iäFl Eß&r-F Parts code11825935 11825935" " " Light Case19000791 19000791' ' ' ' ' H Parts19803126 19803126 " " " Doub|e_Sided Tape (xa)

19495955 19495955... " " "Slicker, lvlasking Slicker

|TEM 51614

tri;r#E88..................... .. ....3008 +& _ 11056663 11056663 ' ' Bodv Set l.structions5P.171 ßiREE7-7" "" 300R +,H t 50171 50171 ' ' Heat Besistant Double_Sided Tape

sP.1g7\l)7t:/(*x1o.d\x5)...........2008+tiC5019750197-"'SnaPPinlsmallx5.Largexl0)sP-1537 6nn7t't:1.>lxl5).............2008 +iE g 51537 51537 " - "" 6mmSnap Pinlx15)

AO50423nnot)>r(x1o).................1008 rü E 841s5 84195 " " " smm O_Bing (Black)(x10)

xza6; 1 Ee a, I )?,

^4_trt*h7r<*.arjr"5l.ä1riJ< Ei!l..

51614 Ford tüu§lans GT4 Body (11056663)


't.i,rf)WDllt,Attaching body

x1A.;a h'4t:7jfrf.6;a'<ü> t- l*,lallüEDzt t)turät"

*^+ ,JC>oDIfEß- fr, ä\ r.rii.EäGir.r*ß4 L/;rrH i! r.qt, ßr., z< /.-ü 1..*Attach lhe snap pins ensuring the body does notcome in contact with the tires and track surface.

(fit.roryr,IrJtr'lüE»Body attachment position