cbs outdoor operation breakthrough-2067

Operation Breakthrough

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Post on 22-Mar-2017




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Operation Breakthrough

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Bowling TournamentWe held a bowling tournament in which some of the

proceeds went to Operation Breakthrough and we collected personal items to give to the families.

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Ice Cream SocialWe held an ice cream social at Operation Breakthrough for

the kids. Ice cream was donated by Belfonte Dairy and other supplies by CBS Outdoor KC.

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Question 1: Who did you serve, and what did you accomplish that day?We served Operation Breakthrough for both events. The Ice Cream Social was to

bring a little joy to the kids there. It was just a nice surprise for them. The bowling tournament collected personal items, such as toilet paper, diapers and hygiene

products for the families at Operation Breakthrough.

Question 2: What is your team's plan for an ongoing relationship with the nonprofit?

We plan to host more fun events for the kids and to have more fundraisers to raise money and/or supplies for the families of Operation Breakthrough.

Question 3: What would your nonprofit do if they won part of the prize money?It would allow them to continue serving homeless children and other children who

are most in need, by providing them a full day of care and education every weekday, plus nutritious meals, dental and health care, speech and occupational

therapy, mental health programming, literacy activities, homework help and family supports, such as housing and job search assistance for parents and aid

from our food pantry, clothing closet, etc.