cbl team profile presentation sept2015

EXECUTIVE TEAM PROFILE PRESENTATION SEPTEMBER 10, 2015 Prepared by: The JobBank Delivered by: Dr. Leahcim Semaj

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Prepared by: The JobBankDelivered by: Dr. Leahcim Semaj

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May 2, 2023 2

Dr. Leahcim SemajChief Ideator & Resultant

The JobBank

Keep In Touch!

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JobBank Personality Profile

• Delivers an individualised profile in 40 minutes

• Costs a fraction of the imported products

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Hiring Criteria Change- From Narrow Qualifications to D.A.T.A.

• DESIRE- They really want the job

• ABILITY- They are good at the tasks required

• TEMPERAMENT- Their personality fits the situation

• ASSETS- They have other resources that the work requires

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The Reality• What people know is less

important than who they are• Hiring is about finding people

with the right mind-set• What you know changes, who

you are rarely does

• What people have done is the best predictor of what they will do

• Identify characteristics of your best people and hire more like them

• Fast company 4/1996

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What We Can Do• Develop profiles of most the effective personnel in all areas• Determine the suitability of job applicants• Assess management style and its effect on workers• Measure predisposition to give quality service• Help individuals plan their future development• Diagnose conflict areas in organisations• Provide advice and career counselling

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We Accurately Measure

•MBTI Personality



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The Mental Processes



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Where Do We Direct Our Energy?

• EXTRAVERT• The real world is around you• Energy comes from outside• Sociable, comfortable and confident in

unfamiliar surroundings• Likes organisations, groups , community

gatherings, parties• Dislikes being alone

• INTROVERT• The real world is within you• Energy comes from within• Tends to be unsociable, prefers reflection

to activity• Feels lost in large gatherings, prefers own

thoughts to conversation• At best when alone or in small familiar


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EXTRAVERTS AT WORK• Like variety and action• Often impatient with long slow jobs• Interested in the activities of their work and in how other people do it• Often act quickly, sometimes without thinking• When working on a task, find phone calls a welcome diversion• Develop ideas by discussion• Like having people around

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INTROVERTS AT WORK• Like quite for concentration• Tend not to mind working on one project for a long time

uninterrupted• Are interested in the facts/ideas behind their work• Like to think a lot before they act, sometimes without acting• When concentrating on a task, find phone calls intrusive• Develop ideas by reflection• Like working alone

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Extraversion Communicating

• Communicate energy and enthusiasm• Respond quickly without long pauses to think• Focus to talk is on people and things in the external

environment• Need to moderate expression• Seek opportunities to communicate in groups• Prefer face-to-face over written communication• In meetings, like talking out loud before coming to


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Introversion Communicating

• Keep energy and enthusiasm inside• Like to think before responding• Focus is on internal ideas and thoughts Need to

drawn out• Seek opportunities to communicate one-on-one• Prefer written over face-to-face communication• In meetings, verbalise already well thought out


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HOW DO WE RECEIVE AND PROCESS INFORMATION? What do we naturally notice and remember?

• SENSORS• Trust the certain and concrete• Value realism and common

sense• Tend to be specific and literal• Oriented to present• Like to hone established skills

• INTUITIVES• Trust inspiration and inference• Value imagination and

innovation• tend to be general and

figurative• Oriented to future• Like to learn new skills

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SENSING AT WORK• Like using experience and standard ways to solve problems• Enjoy applying what they have already learned• May distrust and ignore their inspirations • Seldom make errors of fact• Like to do things with a practical bent• Like to present the details of their• Prefer continuation of what is, with fine tuning • Usually proceed step-by-step

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INTUITION AT WORK• Like solving new complex problems• Enjoy learning a new skill more than using it• May follow their inspirations, good or bad• May make errors of fact• Like to do things with an innovative bent• Like to present an overview of their work first• Prefer change, sometimes radical, to continuation of what

is• Usually proceed in bursts of energy

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Sensors Communicating

• Like evidence (facts, details, and examples) presented first

• Want practical and realistic applications shown• Rely on direct experience to provide anecdotes• Use an orderly step-by-step approach in

presentations• Like suggestions to be straightforward and feasible• Refer to a specific example • In meeting, are inclined to follow the agenda

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Intuitive Communicating

• Like global schemes, with broad issues presented first• Want possible future challenges discussed• Rely on insights and imagination to provoke discussion• Use a round-about approach in presentations• Like suggestions to be novel and unusual• Refer to a general concept• In meeting, are inclined to use the agenda as a starting


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• THINKING• Value logic, fairness and justice• Naturally see flaws• May seem heartless and insensitive• Desire achievement• Truth more important than tact

• FEELING• Value empathy and harmony• Naturally like to please others• May seem illogical and weak• Desire to be appreciated• Tact and truth important

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THINKING TYPE AT WORK• Use logical analysis to reach Conclusions• Can work without harmony• May hurt people’s feelings without knowing it • Tend to decide impersonally, sometimes paying

insufficient attention to people’s wishes• Tend to be firm-minded and can give criticism when

appropriate • Look at the principles involved • Feel rewarded when job is done well

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FEELING TYPE AT WORK• Use values to reach conclusions• Work best in harmony with others• Enjoy pleasing people, even in unimportant things• Often let decisions be influenced by their own and other

people’s likes and dislikes• Tend to be sympathetic and dislike, even avoid, telling

people unpleasant things• Look at the underlying values in situation• Feel rewarded when people’s needs are met

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Thinkers Communication

• Prefer to be brief and concise• Want the pros and cons of each alternative to be listed• Can be intellectually critical and objective• Convinced by cool, impersonal reasoning• Present goals and objectives first• Consider emotions and feelings as data to weigh• In meetings, seek involvement with tasks

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Feelers Communication

• Prefer to be sociable and friendly• Want to know why an alternative is valuable and how it

affects people• Can be interpersonally appreciative• Convinced by personal information, enthusiastically

delivered• Present points of agreement first• Consider logic and objectivity as data to value• In meeting, seek involvement with people

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• JUDGING• Happiest after decisions are made• Work first, play later • Set goals and work towards them • Product oriented• Satisfaction from finishing projects• Time is a finite resource• Take deadlines seriously• prefer to know what getting into

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• Work best when they can plan their work and follow their plan

• Like to get things settled and finished• May not notice new things that need to be done• Tend to be satisfied once they reach a decision on a thing,

situation, or Person • Reach closure by deciding quickly • Seek structure and schedules • Use lists to prompt action on specific tasks

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Judging Communication

• Want to discuss schedules and timetables with tight deadlines

• Dislike surprises and want advance warning• Expect others to follow through, and count on it• State their positions and decisions clearly• Communicate results and achievements• Talk of purpose and direction• In meetings, focus on the task to be done

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PERCEIVING• Happiest leaving their options open• Enjoy now, finish job later• Change goals as new information becomes available• Process oriented• Satisfaction from starting projects• Time is a renewable resource• See deadlines as elastic• Like adapting to new situations

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• Enjoy flexibility in their work• Like to leave things open for last-minute changes• May postpone unpleasant task that need to be done• Tend to be curious and welcome a new light on a thing,

situation, or person• Postpone decision while searching for options• Adapt well to changing situations and feel restricted without

change• Use lists to remind them of all the things they have to do


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Perceiving Communication

• Willing to discuss the schedule but are uncomfortable with tight deadlines

• Enjoy surprise and like adapting to last-minute changes

• Expect others to adapt to situational requirements

• Present their views as tentative and modifiable

• Communicate options and opportunities• Talk of autonomy and flexibility• In meetings, focus on the process to be


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What are the types?





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• SJ (Sensing, Judging)• SP (Sensing, Perceiving)• NF (Intuitive, Feeling)• NT (Intuitive, Thinking)

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• #1 DOMINANT - never changes• #2 AUXILIARY - never changes• #3 THIRD - opposite of #2

– develops between 25 & 50, closer to 40– midlife crisis– strong impact on career change

• #4 FOURTH - opposite of #1

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• Responsibility• Service Duty• Hard Work Tradition• Conservative Values• Respect of Authority

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–stable and predictable environments–clear reporting hierarchy–high level of responsibility for all–evaluated and rewarded for good work

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• Freedom FunExcitement

• Action Variety• Autonomy Skill

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–variety and change–flexible and relaxed environments–less bureaucracy and rules–working alone with real things–skilled using tools, crafts

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• Intelligence Competence logic Creativity• Independence Excellence Mastery• Constant new learning Ingenuity

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• Highly intellectual and achievement oriented• Mastering new technologies, new projects• Using creativity to solve complex and theoretical problems• Need to work with people they respect• Best at perfecting flawed systems

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• Harmonious relationships Personal growth• Originality and creativity Integrity• Personal Expression • Meanings and possibilities

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CBL Team Type LensPersonality Profile Team Type Lens

ISTJ = 1 Leader ISFJ = 1 INFJ INTJ




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The CBL Exec Team ProfilePersonality Dimensions

E 5   EI 2  

S 5 SN 2  

T 4 TF 3  J 3  

P   4 P

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ESTP Teams

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ESTP Team Strengths and Weaknesses• Below are lists of possible strengths and weaknesses for an ESTP team. • Although the strengths may come so naturally that you take them for

granted, try to identify how you can capitalize on them. • Also, not all potential weaknesses may be apparent on your team,

especially if you have team members whose types are different from the team type or who are flexible in the use of their preferences.

• Individuals may not have been aware of some of their strengths and weaknesses because they have never considered them to be a necessary part of their teamwork.

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• Takes spontaneous action to solve problems• Adapts quickly to external demands• Takes risks to achieve team goals• Can reinvent or renew itself when necessary

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Possible Weaknesses of An ESTP Team

• May neglect long-range planning• May not follow plans through to completion• May create future problems by using quick-

fix solutions• May be inconsistent

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What STs Seek

Team Tasks STs Seek• Monitoring progress with statistics, graphs, and charts• Managing costs and schedules• Showing measurable results• Using proven methods to increase productivity• Solving problems immediately

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Team Tasks STs Avoid

• Participating in self-awareness activities• Brainstorming with no practical outcome• Hypothesizing about the future• Using untried and unperfected methods• Not concentrating on work

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Team Tasks NTs Seek The Component Missing From This Team

• Positioning the team for the future• Linking systems, strategies, and

models• Finding opportunities for

organizational growth and development

• Conducting long-term impact studies of complex problems

• Debating challenging questions

Personality Profile Team Type Lens

ISTJ = 1 Leader ISFJ = 1 INFJ INTJ




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STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES• Teams can have areas of strength because of the team

personality as a whole – and because of the contributions of individual personalities on the

team. • Likewise, team weaknesses can result from the blind spots of

the team as a whole – and the blind spots of individual team members.

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Team Strengths and Weaknesses• Although the strengths may come so naturally that you take them for

granted, – try to identify how you can capitalize on them.

• Not all potential weaknesses may be apparent on your team, especially if you have team members whose types are different from the team type – or who are flexible in the use of their preferences.

• Individuals may not have been aware of some of their strengths and weaknesses – because they have never considered them to be a necessary part of their


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• The Function Lens is most useful when your focus is general communication issues.

• Teamwork implies communication; – tasks cannot be undertaken or completed without some form of

communication. • Any team will almost certainly include a variety of types. • Because of the preferences of the different types,

– you will find that effective teams require that you work and communicate in a variety of ways.

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CBL Function Lens

• This table indicates that your team function is ST and therefore the communication style of your team would be that of the ST type.

• This type style of communication focuses on details and the logical implications of those details.

• The function type also shows what tasks are more likely to be sought – as opposed to those which would be avoided depending on the function type.

Function Lens

ST = 4 Leader SF = 1 NT = 0 NF = 2

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For STs tasks sought and avoided are as follows:

AVOID• Participating in self-awareness

activities• Brainstorming with no practical

outcome• Hypothesizing about the future• Using untried and unperfected

methods• Not concentrating on work

SEEK • Monitoring progress with

statistics, graphs and charts• Managing costs and schedules• Showing measurable results• Using proven methods to

increase Productivity• Solving problems immediately

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• The Quadrants Lens is most useful when your focus is change, reorganization issues, organizational or team culture.

• A characteristic of the Quadrants is that they combine the functions of Perception (S and N) with Extraversion (E) and Introversion (I).

• Myers found that Extraversion-Introversion was related to one’s preferred organizational work setting.

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CBL Quadrant Lens

• The above table shows that your team’s Quadrant is ES, as most of the members have this preference.

• This shows that your team will work best in environments where there is variety and some time for socializing;– where they can think out loud and act on their thoughts and where they can work

towards tangible, useful products or results.

IS = 2 Leader IN = 0ES = 3 Team EN = 2

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Within the Quadrants,

• the first two letters of the type formula reflect how a person may react when he or she encounters change.

• The Extraversion and Sensing (E and S) Quadrant are called the Action-oriented Realists.

• These people want to see that practical tasks are carried out. • They prefer a work environment where realistic, down–to-earth tasks

and problems are managed. • The organisational culture that is most productive for the E and S

Quadrant is one that focuses on results relating to people, data or things.

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• The Temperament Lens is most helpful when your focus is Leadership Style – or competence, resistance to the team leader, – or roles and responsibility.

• Using the Team Leader’s type and the predominant leadership style of the team culture, – you can match the way the team is led with the way they prefer to be led.

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CBL Temperament Lens

• From the table above it shows that the team temperament is SJ. • SJs do not question the concept of leadership and expect that

someone will lead and others will follow. • They are responsive to the leader’s directive.

Temperament LensSJ = 3 Leader NF = 2 NT = 0

SP = 2

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When leading SJs leaders need to:• Establish:

– Precise expectations and procedures– Definite lines of authority– Firm deadlines– A reliable, predictable and consistent

environment– Clear communication Channels

• Leaders need to be:– Decisive– Well organized– Hard working– Direct and Fair

• Leaders need to use:– Encouragement when needed– Humour where appropriate– Appreciation when deserved– Their own example of hard work to

convince other team members

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Your Team Building Program


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Team Predictions

• The more similarity between individual types on a team, –the sooner the team members will

come to understand each other; • The more different the types, the

slower the understanding

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Team Predictions

• Groups with very similar members will reach decisions more quickly –but may make more errors because not all

viewpoints are represented

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Team Predictions

• Groups with many different types will reach decisions more slowly (and painfully)

• but may reach better decisions because more viewpoints are included

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Team Predictions

• Team members may often choose tasks that fit the gifts of their type

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Team Predictions

• Leadership roles may shift as the tasks to be done require the skills of different types on the team

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Team Predictions• Team members who are opposite on all four

preferences –may have trouble achieving an understanding;

• Members who share two preferences from each of the opposites may act as “translators”

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Team Predictions• The person who is the only representative of

a certain preference –(e.g., the only Introvert)

• may be seen as “different” from the other team members

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Team Predictions

• Team members who come to appreciate and work with different types –may help to diffuse conflict

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Team Predictions• Successful teams with many different types

–promote the personal development of team members

• by encouraging learning from the gifts of other types

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Team Predictions• Teams that are “one-sided”

–(i.e., have few types) will succeed if • (a) team members use different types outside the team

as resources, or • (b) they make an effort to use their own less-preferred

preferences as the tasks require

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Team Tasks NTs Seek The Component Missing From This Team

• Positioning the team for the future• Linking systems, strategies, and

models• Finding opportunities for

organizational growth and development

• Conducting long-term impact studies of complex problems

• Debating challenging questions

Personality Profile Team Type Lens

ISTJ = 1 Leader ISFJ = 1 INFJ INTJ




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Team Predictions• Extraverts may dominate discussions, and

perhaps decision making, –unless they make a special effort to involve

Introverts;• Introverts may need to make a special effort to

be heard

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Team Predictions

• Feeling types may be more concerned with harmony and “teamness;”

• Thinking types may be more concerned with truth and task

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Team Predictions• Good decisions will be made when the basic facts and

realities have been taken into account (sensing)• When useful new possibilities have been opened up

(intuition)• When inconsistencies or consequences have been

analyzed (thinking)• And when important values have been considered


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Suggestions for Improving Team Effectiveness• Successful teamwork doesn’t always come naturally—it takes commitment, skill, time, and effort. • While there is no such thing as a perfect team, you may be able to continuously improve the way your team functions

by paying attention to its process. • Based on the individual personalities of your team, which indicate that your team type is ESTP, below are some

suggestions that can serve as an action plan for improving your team’s effectiveness.• Review “Possible Weaknesses of an ESTP Team” in this report. • Use that information as a checklist to evaluate each team decision or product.• Find someone outside the team whose type is the opposite of your team type to review the team’s product before it is

released.• Identify team members who can play the role of the opposite types or who can operate out of different preferences.• Have someone play the role of devil’s advocate.• In doing so, the team will probably slip into a different preference.• Develop a profile of the team’s “customer.” • Have a team member role-play the customer evaluating the product—the team will probably slip into a different

preference.• Try brainstorming solutions individually before coming together as a team.• Identify unique talents or expertise on the team that can help you overcome any potential blind spots that result from

personality similarities.

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Suggestions for Improving Your Individual Effectiveness• Awareness of personality type will take you only so far—it must be followed by action

if you hope to really improve the functioning of your team. • Although you will be at your best and most comfortable when you are using your own

preferences, it is also important to learn how to be flexible. • Good type development means having a clear preference but then being able to use

an opposite preference when you choose.• If your “work type” is very different from your “at home type,” you may have already

developed many of these characteristics. • The suggestions may help you stretch and develop new skills so you can achieve more

at work and communicate better with people of opposite preferences. • Because these behaviors don’t come naturally to you, don’t try all of them at once. • Pick one and work on it for a while.

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What Are the Conflict Styles?

1. Win/Lose - Competing 2. Yield/Lose - Accommodating 3. Compromise4. Lose/Leave - Avoiding 5. Win/Win - Collaborating

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What Are the Management Needs?

• DOMINANCE - to control one’s environment• ACHIEVEMENT - to be one’s best• AFFILIATION -to do things with people

rather than alone

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Dealing With The BOSSDealing With SUBORDINATES

• AUTONOMY - to be independent in making decisions

• DEFERENCE - to respect and get suggestions from others

• NURTURANCE - feel empathy for others

• SUCCORANCE - support from others• ABASEMENT - tend to overly accept


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Rounding Out The Person

• Introspection

• Exhibition

• Aggression

• Gender Sensitivity

• To analyse one’s motives and feelings

• To be noticed, recognised• Settle disputes publicly• Project sexuality or be

embarrassed by sexuality

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Task Factors • CHANGE

– to do new and different things• ORDER

– detail, precision, routine schedule• ENDURANCE

–sustained effort

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Dr. Leahcim SemajChief Ideator & Resultant

The JobBank

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