cba consumer formating attitude and change

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  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    ConsumerAttitudeFormation andChange


  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Learning Objectives

    1. To Understand What Attitudes Are, How They AreLearned, as Well as Their Nature and Characteristics.

    2. To Understand the Composition and Scope o

    Selected !odels o Attitudes.". To Understand How #$perience Leads to the %nitial&ormation o Consumption'(elated Attitudes.

    ). To Understand the *arious Ways in WhichConsumers+ Attitudes Are Chan ed.

    -. To Understand How Consumers+ Attitudes Can Leadto eha/ior and How eha/ior Can Lead toAttitudes.

    Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall 2 Chapter #i htSlide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change



  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    What Is our Attitude To!ard the ProductAdvertised" What Is our Attitude To!ard theAd Itse#$" Are the T!o Attitudes %imi#ar or&i'erent"

    )Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    ou (a) Have Li*ed theProduct but &is#i*ed the Ad or

    +ice +ersa

    -Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change



    A learned predisposition to

    behave in a

    consistentlyfavorable or

    unfavorable mannerwith respect to a

    given object.

    3Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    What Are Attitudes"

    • The attitude 4o 5ect6• Attitudes are a learned

    predisposition• Attitudes ha/e consistency• Attitudes occur within a situation

    7Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    to AssistConsumers in Forming Attitudes To!ard

    the %aturn +ue H)brid"

    8Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    It is %t)#ish, %a$e, andGood $or the Environment

    9Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change



    Tricomponent Attitude !odel

    !ultiattri ute Attitude !odel The Tryin 'to'Consume !odelAttitude'Toward'the'Ad !odel

    Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall 10 Chapter #i htSlide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change



    A %im.#e Re.resentation o$ theTricom.onent Attitude (ode# / Figure 012

    11Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change



    Co niti/e• A:ecti/e• Conati/e

    The ;nowled eand perceptions

    that are ac

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change



    Co niti/eA:ecti/e• Conati/e

    A consumer+semotions or

    eelin s a out aparticular

    product orrand


    1"Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change



    Co niti/e• A:ecti/eConati/e

    The li;elihood ortendency that anindi/idual willunderta;e a speci=caction or eha/e in a

    particular way withre ard to the attitudeo 5ect


    1)Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    &iscussion 4uestions

    #$plain your attitude toward yourcolle e>uni/ersity ased on thetricomponent attri ute model.

    e sure to isolate the co niti/e,a:ecti/e, and conati/e elements.

    1-Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change



    Attitude models thatexamine the

    composition ofconsumer attitudesin terms of selected

    product attributes or


    13Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    (u#tiattribute Attitude(ode#s

    • The attitude/to!ard/objectmode#

    • The attitude/


    • Theor)/o$/reasoned/actionmode#

    • Attitude is unctiono the presence ocertain elie s orattri utes.

    Use ul to measureattitudes towardproduct andser/ice cate ories

    or speci=c rands.


    17Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    (u#tiattribute Attitude(ode#s

    • The attitude/to!ard/objectmode#

    • The attitude/


    • Theor)/o$/reasoned/actionmode#

    • %s the attitudetoward eha/in oractin with respectto an o 5ect, rather

    than the attitudetoward the o 5ectitsel

    • Correspondsclosely to actual


    18Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Consumer Characteristics, Attitude,and On#ine

    19Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    • /iew nine ene=ts o onlineshoppin , includin e:ecti/eness,

    con/enience, in ormation, sa ety,ser/ice, deli/ery speed, we desi n,selection, and amiliarity withcompany name

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    (u#tiattribute Attitude (ode#s

    • The attitude/to!ard/objectmode#

    • The attitude/


    • Theor)/o$/reasoned/actionmode#

    • %ncludes co niti/e,a:ecti/e, andconati/ecomponents

    %ncludes su 5ecti/enorms in additionto attitude


    21Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    A %im.#i5ed +ersion o$ the Theor)o$ Reasoned Action / Figure 016

    Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall 22 Chapter #i htSlide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    &iscussion 4uestion

    • Now use the theory o reasonedaction to descri e your attitude

    toward your colle e>uni/ersity whendecidin on which school to attend.

    2"Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Theory ofTrying toConsume

    An attitude theorydesigned to accountfor the many caseswhere the action or

    outcome is not certain but instead reflects

    the consumer’s

    attempt to consume(or purchase).

    2)Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide


  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    %e#ected E7am.#es o$ Potentia#Im.ediments That (ight Im.act

    Tr)ing / Tab#e 018

    2-Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change



    Toward-the-Ad Model

    A model that proposesthat a consumer forms

    various feelings (affects)and judgments

    (cognitions) as the resultof exposure to an

    advertisement, which, inturn, affect the

    consumer’s attitudetoward the ad andattitude toward the


    23Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

    A C ti $ th R # ti hi

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    A Conce.tion o$ the Re#ationshi.Among E#ements in an Attitude/To!ard/the/Ad (ode# / Figure 019

    27Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Issues in AttitudeFormation• How attitudes are learned

    – Conditionin and e$perience –

    ?nowled e and elie s

    28Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

    Ho! &oes a Favorab#) :no!n ;rand

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Ho! &oes a Favorab#) :no!n ;rand3ame Im.act the Formation o$Consumer Attitudes

    To!ard a 3e! Product"

    29Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    There is %timu#us Genera#i

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Issues in AttitudeFormation• Sources o in@uence on attitude

    ormation –

    ersonal e$perience – %n@uence o amily – irect mar;etin and mass media

    • ersonality actors

    "1Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

    Ho! &oes a Cents/ O'

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Ho! &oes a Cents/ O'Cou.on Im.act Consumers=


    "2Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Product,E7isting Customers !i## beRe!arded1

    ""Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    %trategies o$ AttitudeChange

    ")Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Changing the ;asic (otivationa#Function

    "-Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    • -ti#itarian unction is how the product is use ulto us. A mar;eter mi ht want to create a morepositi/e attitude toward a rand y showin all itcan do.

    • ego/de$ensive unction would show how theproduct would ma;e them eel more secure andcon=dent.

    • A va#ue/e7.ressive unction would morepositi/ely re@ect the consumer+s /alues, li estyle,and outloo;.

    • *no!#edge unction would satis y theconsumer+s 4need to ;now6 and help themunderstand more a out the world around them. "3

    Wh) and Ho! &oes This Ad

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Wh) and Ho! &oes This AdA..ea# to the -ti#itarian


    "7Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

    The Product is Green and

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    The Product is Green andWor*s as We## or ;etter

    than Other Products1

    "8Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

    Which Li$est)#e/ Re#ated

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Which Li$est)#e/ Re#atedAttitudes Are E7.ressed or

    Re>ected in This Ad"

    "9Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Hea#th) Eating and%nac*ing Li$est)#e

    )0Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide


  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Ho! &oes This Ad Provide In$ormationto Estab#ishor Rein$orce Consumer Attitudes"

    )1Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

    It R i th 4 ti Ab t +A

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    It Raises the 4uestion About -+ARa)s and then ProvidesIn$ormation on %un Protection1

    )2Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    &iscussion 4uestions

    • What productsthat youpurchaseassociatethemsel/es withan Admired

    Broup or #/ent• When does it


    in@uence your)"Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

    Ho! Is Fiji Water=s Lin* to an

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Ho! Is Fiji Water s Lin to anEnvironmenta# Cause Li*e#) to Im.actConsumers=

    Attitudes To!ard Its Product"

    ))Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    The) (ight Have a (ore Favorab#eAttitude1

    )-Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Attitude Change

    • Alterin Components o the!ultiattri ute !odel

    – Chan in relati/e e/aluation oattri utes

    – Chan in rand elie s – Addin an attri ute – Chan in the o/erall rand ratin

    • Chan in elie s a outCompetitors+ rands

    )3Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

    Ho! Is This 3e! ;ene5t Li*e#) to

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Ho! Is This 3e! ;ene5t Li*e#) toIm.act Consumers= AttitudesTo!ard the Product"

    )7Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

    The Consumer Wi## Have a

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    The Consumer Wi## Have a(ore Positive Attitude Overa##$rom the 3e! Attribute1

    )8Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change



    o! s e sence o an

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    o! s e sence o anIngredient Li*e#) to Lead to aFavorab#e Attitude To!ard a


    -0Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    When It Was An-n$avorab#e Attribute

    -1Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

    Which Attitude Change

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Which Attitude Change%trateg) Is &e.icted in This


    -2Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

    h h d

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Changing the Overa## ;randRating

    -"Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

    Ho! Is +a#vo#ine=s Attem.t to Change

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    gAttitudes To!ard a Com.eting ;randLi*e#) to Im.act Attitudes To!ard ItsO!n ;rand"

    -)Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

    ) %h !i W

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    ;) %ho!ing ;etter WearProtection

    --Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i htSlide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change




    Customer attitudes arechanged by two

    distinctly differentroutes to persuasiona central route or a peripheral route.

    -3Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

    E# b i Li* #ih d

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    E#aboration Li*e#ihood(ode#

    -7Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Central /aria les, leadS to the centralroute, will e e:ecti/e on hi hly'moti/ated consumers. They will dothe thin;in necessary to understandthe in ormation they are presented.

    eripheral /aria les, includin music,spo;espeople, and ri ht pac;a in ,wor; on lower'in/ol/ementconsumers. To ether, or alone, they

    create an attitude chan e that -8

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    ;ehavior Can Precede or Fo##o!Attitude Formation

    -9Copyri ht 2010 earson #ducation, %nc. u lishin as rentice Hall Chapter #i ht Slide

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    Issues in Attribution Theor)

    • Sel ' erception Theory – &oot'in'the' oor Techni

  • 8/17/2019 CBA Consumer Formating Attitude and Change


    All ri hts reser/ed. No part o this pu lication may ereproduced, stored in a retrie/al system, or transmitted, inany orm or y any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopyin , recordin , or otherwise, without the priorwritten permission o the pu lisher. rinted in the UnitedStates o America.

    Copyri ht E 2010 earson #ducation, %nc.u lishin as rentice Hall