cay july of ladies at a pre-nup- tial surprise linen shower for miss eileen jones of...

HERALD, To THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1944 Cay Loveliest for summer wear— everywhere! Sec the pretti est in prints 'n' pastels here —styled to flatter every figure. All tiny priced! Choose Gay Charm « ^ The Gay Shop 1319 SARTORI AVE. Torrance Phone 818 Miss Jean Yodcr. Bride-Elect, Is Showered Among the; many lovely pro- nuptial courtesies given for Miss Jean Yodcr, whose wed- ding to Herbert Richard Goulcl, U.S.N., will take place Juno 9, was a miscellaneous shower last Wednesday eve- ning when Mine's. Call Wocl- ker, R. McRae and Bert Prior entertained at 2-125 Manhat- tan ave., Gardena. Many handsome gifts were pre- sented following an evening of game*. Refreshments in the- bridal motif were served. Those present were the hon- oree and her mother, Mrs. Thora Yodcr, and Connie Brandt, Agnes Sopchinsky, Bov- crly Whitney, Sonia Scapheus, Mickey Twyman, Ann Connell, Maltha Merrill; Mmcs. Floyd DeVore, E. H. Williams, Ralph Pottit, Howard Foster, Frank Garrity. * * -K TOKRANCE LADIES ATTEND INSTALLATION New officers of Re'dondo Court Our Lady of Victoiy, Catholic Daughters of Amer- ica, were installed in formal ceremony Tuesday evening, May 23. Mrs. Lucy Greaves, formerly of this city, as re- tiring grand regent, presided ovor the meeting. New offi- cers fiom Torrance who as- sumed their stations that eve- ning were: Miss V i r g inia Zamperinl, monitor; Mrs. Cecillo Penning- ton, lecturer, and Mrs. The- resa Murray, organist. Mrs. Sara Epps and her committee, Mmes. C. J. Flynn, Florence Turner, Cccille Pen- nington, the Misses Rosa and [Catherine Oilman, all of this city, and others served on the refreshment committee. SERVICE MEN'S MOTHERS ATTEND LUNCHEON The home of Mrs. Lela Con- ner of North Torrance was the setting for an "I Am an Amer- ican" luncheon last week when covers were anangcd for 12, all mothers of service men serving overseas. A patriotic color scheme was used and with tapers and flowers pro- vided the background for pho- tographs of the guests' sons arranged on the buffet. Pre- ceding luncheon a brief cere- mony of song and prayer for the absent loved ones created a sacred bond. The rite was concluded by reciting aloud in unison "The Lord's Prayer." Places were arranged for Mmes. J. H. Morgan and Phoebe Harris. R e d o n d o; Gladys McAfeo, Los Angeles; Georgia Winngcr, Glendale; Ocic Shipman, Brentwood; Emma Nyland, Lennox; G. V. Powell, Torrance; Cairie Bern- hard, Lawndale; Olga Ncilson, Hermosa; Georgia Elliott, Lo- raine Manna and Lela Conner, North Torrance. The afternoon was con- cluded by a solo, "God Bless Ameiica," by Mrs. Morgan, accompanied by Mrs. Harris at the piano. BRIDAL SHOWER HONORS EILEEN JONES Mrs. Scott Licht of East Torrance was hostess to a group of ladies at a pre-nup- tial surprise linen shower for Miss Eileen Jones of Torrance Thursday evening. May 25. The evening was spent play- ing games. Miss Lucille Smith sang a number of beautiful s-elections appropriate for the occasion. Miss Jones received many lovely gifts. Ice cream and wedding cake were served. Miss Jones was Pgain honored at a miscella- neous pro-nuptial shower giv- e'n by Miss- Louise Schutt of Torrance Friday evening, May The party, a gathering of old fi lends and acquaintances, was ple-a^ntly spent visiting and playing games. The gifts for the bride-to-be were placed on a table with a decorated white umbrella making a can- opy. Decorations were in pale blue and white. Miss Jones received many useful gifts and well wishes. Refreshments were served. ideas Short Coats for Summer Best coats for Summer—the "shortie"! Tops everywhere, slick over everything from date dresses to slacks! Slick cardisan trotteur, officer's coat, double-breasted shorties— all hit fashions in lush colors—all low priced! from the GAV 1319 Sartori —• Torrance Gay Swim Cay Cotton A Classics up Jiffy-on, jiffy-off button up pers in cool crisp cotton. Pretty pastels, white, prints in your favorite style, from your favorite store. '^' Gay Shop 1319 SARTORI AVE. rrance Phone 818 Wedding Date Noted Sunday At Gala Party Ml. and Mrs. J. A. Rodlfer of Los Angeles were compli- mented on the occasion of their silver wedding anniver- sary- when Mrs. Rodlfer's son- ' in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. John W. Beeman, and Mr. and Mrs. William Nile Jaccard of Glendale enter- tained Sunday at a surprise buffet dinner party at the Beeman home on El Prado. The honor guests entered to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march played by Mrs. Howard A. Wood, followed by Auld Lang Syne sung by the assembled guests. A nosegay bouquet, to which was attached a gift of 50 silver dollars, individually wrapped in cellophane, was presented to her grandmother by little Janel Beeman. All white garden flower*, used to decorate the outdoor barbecue table, suggested the wedding motif used through- The guests, numbering 50, were from Los Angeles and surrounding cities and Phoe- nix. Ariz., Riverside and Beau- mont. f * * NEWS OF WOMEN OF THE MOOSE This is to notify all mem- bers of Women of the Moose that our nights have been changed from the 1st and 3rd Fridays to the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. Our member- ship has increased so rapidly during the last three months that it has become necessaiy to hold our meetings in the larger hall. Our next meet- ing will be held Wednesday evening, June 14. You have nominated your incoming of- ficers, now they are to be elected, so mark June 14 as an important date on your calendar. We wish to thank all who helped make our last week's card party a success. Mr. Harris of Los Angeles and Mrs. Lcpkin of this city were award winners. Signed: Ionia Steele, publicity chairman. * * * NAVY MOTHERS PLAN CARD PARTY Little Hills Navy Mothers Club No. 157 will sponsor a card party at 8 p.m. Friday , evening, June 2, to be held at V.F.W. Hall, Lomita. Bridge, pinochle and 500 will be played and refreshments will be serve-d. The public is cordially invited. * * -K ARLINE SMART FETED AT BIRTHDAY DINNER A dinner party Wednesday evenim,', May 24, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Smart, 1222 Arlington ave., marked the ninth birthday of their daughter, Arline. At the dining table, gay with a can- dlelightcd birthday cake and pastel appointments, covers were placed for the honorce, her grandmother, Mrs Albert Smart, her grandfather, W. A. Michcau, Jimmy Pauline Mat- thews, Daris Ann Hillor and Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Smart. * * * ELEMENTABY P.T.A. REPORTS MAY MEET Dr. Williiam Day Mooio, school doctor, who was guest speaker at Torrance Elemen- tary's regular P.T.A. meeting Tuesday, May 22, told of the importance of a well balanced diet for the school child. He also suggested different meth- ods of getting the child to eat the needed foods Mis. W. E. Bowen presided over the business . noting. She gave June 15 as the date of the next paper drive and told of the salvage drive to be car- ried on in June at a date to be announced later. Miss May Willard Haslam presented her sixth grade pu- pils in a leading demonstra- tion. At the conclusion of the meeting tea was served by Mr.s. M. Machln, school, and Mrs. W. F. Burgener, a teacher. * * # SON IS BORN TO THE .lAMES DVAIW John Roger Dyar was born May 10 at Torrance Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. James Dyar of Lawndale. The baby's mother is the former Mildred Edmonds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Edmonds of "20600 N. Elliott St., Toi ranee. The paternal grandmother is Mrs. J. Dyar of 3880 Second ave., Los Angeles. Roger has a sister, Cneryl. * * * JOB'S DAUGHTERS PLAN DANCING PARTY Torri-nce Bethel No. SO, Job's Daughters, will sponsoi a student dance Friday eve- ning, June 2, at Tonance Wo- man's clubhouse. Mines. Wil- liam Hojo and Frank Paour, Jr., bethel gilardians, will have; charge of arrangements. Music for dancing will be' pro- vided by recoids. Tickets at 23 ce'iits each may be pur- elia^i-ij at the door. Clarke-Bryant Nuptials Read In Chapel Rites On Friday morning. May 26, at St. Peter's Chapel, Mare Island, Miss Frances Marga- ret Bryant exchanged wedding vows with Gordon Thomas Clarke. United States Navy. Lt. Commander R. L. Bonncr. chaplain, performed the dou- ble ring ceremony. Lovely in an aqua marine' blue suit with while accesso- ries, complemented with a corsage of white- blossoms, the bride was attended by Mrs. R. L. Larenca of Mate Island, who wore a green suit and pink rosebuds. Fireman 1/c R. L. Larenca was the bridegroom's attendant. The bride Ls a daushtei of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Bryant of 1401 220th St.. and her hus- band's parents are Mr. and Mrs. George T. Claiko of 2075 Tnrrance blvd. Following a dinner for the wedding party and the bridegroom's mother, who arrived for the ceremony, the young couple left for a honeymoon. , * * -K EILEEN JONES BECOMES BRIDE OK GLEN SMITH At 4 p.m. Sunday, May 28. the Church of Christ of Tor- rance was the scene of a dou- ble ring ceremony that united Miss Mae Eileen Jones of Tor- rance and Glen Smith of Ro- dondo Beach in holy matri- mony. Boyd Fields, the pas- tor, officiated. The ceremony w a s per- formed before a background of beautiful spring flowers. The bride, dressed in an egg-shell afteinoon frock with a navy blue hat and accesso- ries to match and a blue or- chid corsage, marched down the- aisle on the aim of her cousin, Clayton Jones, who gave her in marriage. Miss Violet Jones attended her sis- ter as maid of honor and wore pink with black and white accessories and a cor- sage of white carnations. The bridegroom was at- tended by his brother, Noel Smith. Miss Ruth Smith, sis- ter of the bridoKi oom. and Miss Louise Schutt ushered. Preceding the cere monv Mis-;--. Lucille Smith sang "I Love Yoii Truly" and "Be- cause," accompanied by Kath- ryne Buffington. who also played "Lohengrin's Wedding March." Mrs. Smith is a daughter of Mi. and Mrs. J. R. Jones of Carnegie, Okla. Her hus- band is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wcs Smith of 221 S. Fran- cisca Ave., Redonelo Beach, and is employed at National Supply Co. The- reception, for a host of relatives and friends, was held at the home of the bride- groom's patents immediately following the ceremony. Mrs. Smith graciously received ill black, complemented by a cor- sage of red roses. She was assisted by the Misses Ruth Smith and' Louise Schutt. A beautiful four-tiered wedding cake and punch were seivcd. Out-of-town guests arriving for the nuptials were Misses Lillian and Patricia Edwards of M.-iywooil, Mr. and Mrs. riayton Jones and Joe Ken- neth of Long Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Witt and Allie Mil- lie Nelson of Redonelo Beach, Mr. and Mrs. William Felts of Compton, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Hart and family of Her- mosa Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Kil- patrick of Hawthorne and Corp. Don Oiiffin, U.S.M.C., Camp Elliott. After a short honeymoon at Big Bear, the; happy couple will make their home at 24«0 Torrance blvel.. Apt. A. * * * TEENERS MKET AT BENNER HOME Membi r>f (hi Club were' delightfully enter- tained when they met. lust Friday evening for a bnffe'l supper at the home of Miss Ruby Denner, 1728 Andreo ave. Miss Virginia SSamporini assisted as co-ho.sless. At the business meeting plans were discussed for the ol utiliza- tion's forthcoming fourth an- nilversary. Those present were the Misses Jenoyne Barkdull and Ruth Puiikey, and Mmes. Hi-ba Belcher, Shirley Guttcii- felder Kelts, Helen Kanthiop, M a r i o n Robinson, Marjorie Rusk, Margaret Foster, Jean Dandridge and Claire Uuckley. * * * CATHOLIC PARTY THIS EVENING Hostesses fur this week's Catholic ladies caid party are Mrs P. B. Clayton and her comniitttee. Mmes. Chlcoinc, Diet lln. MeDoniilri. Young, Lcwellen, Allies, Wllken, Moel- I'-r and Mot tilt. Everyone is cordially invited. The first door prize will lie drawn promptly at 8 o'clock and curd play will follow immeellatey. Tables of rontiact and auc- tion bridge, pinochle and SOO will be In pluv. Refreshments will lie served. Nuptial Vows Kead May 20 At Los Angeles Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wurzer of 21033 Eshelman ave. an- nounce; tin; marriage of their daughter, Maxlnc, to Virgil Plunkett of 1533 Marcclina ave. Given in mairiage by her father, the bride was beauti- fully attired in a blue suit with contrasting accessories anel her corsage bouquet was of gardenias and rosebuds. Miss Shirley Iluelson of this city, the blidc's maid of hon- or, wore a blue- suit with rose accesfories n^d gardenias. Harold C. Calllhan of Waltc- ria attended the bridegroom. The candlelight ceremony was pei formed by Rev. Julius Du Bose', who officiated in the presence of 25 wedding guests Saturday, May 20. Mr. and Mrs. Plunkett will make their home here. Mrs. I'luiikc'U was a Nar- bonno High school graduate. * * * E. It. RADEMAKERS ARE DINNER HOSTS L. .!. Rademaker, a special- ist. I c. anel Mrs. Rademaker of San Diego, were honor guests at dinner Saturday evening when his parents, Mr. anel Mrs. E. B. Rademaker, entertained. Garden flowers centered the dining table, where places were also ar- ranged for Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rademaker of Redondo Beach, Mis. O. L. Michaels of this city and 'he hosts. On Sunday morning the San Diego visitors were enter- tained at breakfast served in the attractive patio of the H. M. Schott home on Crenshaw blvd. Other guests were Mmes. E. B. Rademaker, L. G. Finlayson and O. L. Mich- aels. + * -k CLUB MEMBERS AT COMI'TON HOME Mr. anel Mrs. Don Toler of Compton -md formerly of Tor- rance; weie hosts Saturday evening when they entertained their card club at their home. Prize winners were Mr. and Mrs. William Gascoigne, Mmes. Lucille Riley, Chailes Sault, Messrs. George Nah- mens and Norman Hovlid. Refreshments were served at the cloa; of play. * * * ART-CRAFT CLUB AT JAIN HOME The home of Mrs. Glenn Jain was a pretty setting for an evening mooting of tho Arts and Ciafts club when they met recently. Following a short business meeting, at which Mrs. Cora B. Bohrer presided and reported that three lap robes had been pre- sented to Red Cross for use at L.A.P.E. Hospital, the la- dies spent their time work- ing on lap robes. Refresh- ments we-re served and a so- cial evening was enjoyed. * * * METHODIST ACTIVITIES ARE ARRANGED Tuesday, June 6, Circle No. 3 of the Woman's Society of Cluistian Service will meet at the home of Mrs. Julia Stamps, 804 Acacia ave., for a business meeting at 2 p. m., with Mrs. Ethel Holland presiding. De- votions in charge of Mrs. Eva Paxton. Tea will be served All women of the church re- siding north of Tonance blvd. are invited. Wednesday, June 7, is Fam- ily Night in the church, with a covered dish dinner at 0:00. Circle' No. 3 in charge of ar- range'inonts. A "sing" will follow (he dinner, Charles Bar- tholomew directing. After the .singing the program of fun and fact will be in charge of Mr. and Mr.s. R. D. Macken- zie. All families of the church are- welcome. Thursday, June 8, is Wo- man's Day for all the women of the church, who will meet at 12:00 for a luncheon served by Circle No. 1, Mrs. Ix>la Mae Tomkins chairman. Following will be a business rge'Oting, with Mrs. Marie' Morgan, pros- ieicnt. presiding. + * * PAPER DRIVE TODAY. TOMORROW AT FERN AVE. Fern Avorue school will have its final paper drive of this school year on Thursday and Filday, June 1 and 2. The importance of theto paper drives cannot be over empha- sized and have elone a won- derful job In helping to re- liovo the critical paper short- age by collect inK hundreds of tons of scrap paper. Please cooperate with the children by giving them your waste paper when they call at your door. II will help alle- viate the paper shortage and at the same time remove a fire hazaid. * * * AT SODOUA Mr. and Mrs. John Koofcr returned Saturday from a week's vacation at Soboba Hot Sprint's at San Jucmtu. LOMITA-SAN PEPRO COUNCIL I'.T.A. Baiton Hill P.T.A. and the Mexican auxiliary were hos- tesses to Lomita-San Pedro Council last Tlnnsday. Mrs. O. M. Benton, secre- tary, read a resume of the Tenth District War Workshop held Wednesday, May 31, at the Ambassador Hotel, and today, June 1, at John Adams Junior High srhool in Los Angeles. She also gave a de- tailed report of the district activities as outlined by the State P.T.A. historian. Mrs. John Garner read as an inspirational message, "A Recipe for Making a P.T.A." Mrs. R. Thompson, presi- dent of Gateway Council, ex- plained two initiative meas- ures to be on the November ballot. Mrs. William Hall, president of Leland P.T.A. and chair- man of the annual June fes- tivities, announced that the council will entertain at lunch- eon Friday, June IB, at 12 noon in Odel Fellows Hall, San Pedro. Mrs. Kenneth Schwartz, president of Orange P.T.A., in chaige of ticke;ts, announced reservations are limited to 200 and are being distributed to locals on the basis of mem- bership. Mrs. iKiacson, in reporting from the district boaiel meet- ing, urged all P.T.A. members to continue through the sum- mer such war activity projects as Victory gardens, home can- ning, blood bank, paper and fat salvage, making it a year round program. Mmes. Isaacson. John Gar- ner and John Socollch were elected delegates to the Work- shop and were luncheon guests at the Ambassador Wednesday. Mrs. Merle S. Brown, dis- diet life membership chair- man, has been chosen to In- stall the new council officers June 1. A Spanish luncheon was served to representatives of Bandini, Barton Hill and Aux- iliary, Cabrlllo, Fern, Fif- teenth, Harbor City, Leland, Lomita, Orange, Pt. Feimin, Se'venth, Torrance anel Walte- ria P.T.A.'s. * + * NONOGKNARIAN FETED AT PARTY SATURDAY The 94th birthday of Mrs. Mi'lvin Tyler, Sr., of 1003 Cra- vens ave., was the occasion for an enjoyable reunion of friends and neighbois who gathered at her home for an afternoon party Saturday. Those present were the hono- ree and her son, John Gar- land, and Mrs-. Melvin Tyler, Jr. of IMS Angeles; her house guest, Mrs. W. D. Burnett, whose home is in Kansas; Rev. and Mr.s. W. W. Jewell, Mrs. J. M. Wright of this city, and her sister, Mrs. Annie L. Buchanan of Vir- ginia; Mmes. May Mercer, Lillie Scovill, Margaret Blake- more, J. B. McCune and Jo- seph Faith. Two beautifully elecorated birthday cakes and other re- freshments were served fol- - lowing the presentation of many lovely gifts. Mrs. Tyler's activities in- clude the- care of a fine Vic- tory garden in addition to many hours' sei-yicc In Red Cross. * * -»> FERN AVENUE P.T.A. AT INTERESTING MEET Fein Avenue P.T.A. held its regular monthly meeting Tues- day, May 23. The chairmen of various groups gave reports of their year's activities and accomplishments during the business meeting. Captain Roy Winte-rs and Chief J. E. He-Master of the Torrance fire department spoke during the program which followed the business meeting, telling of the work demo by the- Junior Fire De- partment and the usefulness of that (a sanitation. Miss Mary Charlotte Wad dell, school principal, spoke on the now stresses in education, in- cluding the program to be in- stalled next year allowing lime for the children to at- te'iid religious education classes, and the Spanish in- struction classes given the chlldien this year. Pupils from Mrs. Mildred Dudley's room gave a Spanish class demonstration and two pupils from Mrs. Ida Sanders' room, dressed In costume, sang Spanish musical numbers. The meeting was adjourned and tea solved In the kinder- garten by Mrs. Claude Hof, assisted by Mmes. Finch and Curler, room mothers. Ethel Creighton Becomes Bride In Home Rites In a simple ceremony per- formed Friday, May 10, at thr home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cox of Al- hambra, Miss Ethel Vielta Creighton became the bride of Clifford O. Gray: Rev. W. Stanley Creighton, brother of the biiele. read the- ceremony anel Mr. anel Mrs. Cox served as witnesses'. The bride, a dauglitei of Mr. and Mrs. William Creigh- ton of 2256 Torrance hlvel., chose a pasle-1 blue suit with contrasting accessories and a pink rosebud corsage. Her husband is a son of Mrs. Claire D. Gray of Los Ango- les. Following a hone-ymoon in San Francisco the young couple will make their home in Hollywood. Mrs. Gray was graduated from Torrance High school with the class of sum- mer '37 and attended Meth- odist Business College. The biiilogroom, a former resident of North Dakota, is employed as a toolmaker at Technical Products, Inc., Inglewood, where- his wife is a member of the eiffice staff. * * * FAREWELL PARTI' HONORS MRS. COX Mr.s. Mabel Cox. who has been visiting for .several months at the home of her sister, Mrs-. L. C. Burger, was honored last week at a fare- well shower when Mrs. W. I. Laughon enterlained bridge club members and guests at her home on El Prado. Ar- rangements of colorful snap- dragons were a pretty back- ground for the bridge table's and later refreshments were nerved. Club guests were Mrs. Cox and Mmes. R. R.' Smith, Albert Iscn and Chriss Jones. Prizes for contract weie presented to Mmes. W. J. Neclands and A. II. Silligo. En route to her home Mrs. Cox plans to visit in Wash- ingtem. + * * P.E. CHEERIO (I.I II ARRANGES MEETING Mrs. C. O. U-atherman will open her home at 9J2 Cola ave. lor a meeting of P.E. Cheerio Club to be' held at 8 p.m. Friday, June 2. Mrs. C. E. Chaplin will assist as co- hostess. * * * HAKMOMCAS NKI I)K|) FOR SERVICE MEN Miss Aela M. P. Chase-, art tcachei at Torrance High school and chairman of Junior Red Cross activities, requests a contribution of two har- monicas to complete Red Cross gift chests for service men, the c in-rent junior group's activity. + * + TORRANCE P.T.A. AT COUNCIL MEET Mrs. W. E. Bowen, Mrs. Ralph Perry and Mis. John Spiller represented Ten-ranee Elementary P.T.A. at the Lo- nilta-San Peelro Council at Harton Hill school Mav 2!>. FERN AVENUE IA DIES AT COL'M II, MEET Lomlla - San Pedro P.T.A. Council meeting, held at Bar- ton Hill school, San Pedro. Thursday, May 25, wan at- tended by Mmes. Jack Long, John R. Garner and J. J. Mil- lard ul Fern Avenue P.T.A. VERDI VIEWS SUNNY "PINNY" Sunback pinafores for little play girls. Sizes C|J 00 I to 6. Priced from*- 70 DRESS SHOP KH2 Sartori TORRANCE

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Loveliest for summer wear— everywhere! Sec the pretti­ est in prints 'n' pastels here —styled to flatter every figure. All tiny priced!

Choose Gay


« ^The Gay Shop


Torrance Phone 818

Miss Jean Yodcr. Bride-Elect, Is Showered

Among the; many lovely pro- nuptial courtesies given for Miss Jean Yodcr, whose wed­ ding to Herbert Richard Goulcl, U.S.N., will take place Juno 9, was a miscellaneous shower last Wednesday eve­ ning when Mine's. Call Wocl- ker, R. McRae and Bert Prior entertained at 2-125 Manhat­ tan ave., Gardena. Many handsome gifts were pre­ sented following an evening of game*. Refreshments in the- bridal motif were served. Those present were the hon- oree and her mother, Mrs. Thora Yodcr, and Connie Brandt, Agnes Sopchinsky, Bov- crly Whitney, Sonia Scapheus, Mickey Twyman, Ann Connell, Maltha Merrill; Mmcs. Floyd DeVore, E. H. Williams, Ralph Pottit, Howard Foster, Frank Garrity.

* * -K


New officers of Re'dondo Court Our Lady of Victoiy, Catholic Daughters of Amer­ ica, were installed in formal ceremony Tuesday evening, May 23. Mrs. Lucy Greaves, formerly of this city, as re­ tiring grand regent, presided ovor the meeting. New offi­ cers fiom Torrance who as­ sumed their stations that eve­ ning were:

Miss V i r g inia Zamperinl, monitor; Mrs. Cecillo Penning- ton, lecturer, and Mrs. The­ resa Murray, organist.

Mrs. Sara Epps and her committee, Mmes. C. J. Flynn, Florence Turner, Cccille Pen- nington, the Misses Rosa and [Catherine Oilman, all of this city, and others served on the refreshment committee.


The home of Mrs. Lela Con­ ner of North Torrance was the setting for an "I Am an Amer­ ican" luncheon last week when covers were anangcd for 12, all mothers of service men serving overseas. A patriotic color scheme was used and with tapers and flowers pro­ vided the background for pho­ tographs of the guests' sons arranged on the buffet. Pre­ ceding luncheon a brief cere­ mony of song and prayer for the absent loved ones created a sacred bond. The rite was concluded by reciting aloud in unison "The Lord's Prayer."

Places were arranged for Mmes. J. H. Morgan and Phoebe Harris. R e d o n d o; Gladys McAfeo, Los Angeles; Georgia Winngcr, Glendale; Ocic Shipman, Brentwood; Emma Nyland, Lennox; G. V. Powell, Torrance; Cairie Bern- hard, Lawndale; Olga Ncilson, Hermosa; Georgia Elliott, Lo- raine Manna and Lela Conner, North Torrance.

The afternoon was con­ cluded by a solo, "God Bless Ameiica," by Mrs. Morgan, accompanied by Mrs. Harris at the piano.


Mrs. Scott Licht of East Torrance was hostess to a group of ladies at a pre-nup- tial surprise linen shower for Miss Eileen Jones of Torrance Thursday evening. May 25.

The evening was spent play­ ing games. Miss Lucille Smith sang a number of beautiful s-elections appropriate for the occasion.

Miss Jones received many lovely gifts.

Ice cream and wedding cake were served. Miss Jones was Pgain honored at a miscella­ neous pro-nuptial shower giv- e'n by Miss- Louise Schutt of Torrance Friday evening, May

The party, a gathering of old fi lends and acquaintances, was ple-a^ntly spent visiting and playing games. The gifts for the bride-to-be were placed on a table with a decorated white umbrella making a can­ opy. Decorations were in pale blue and white.

Miss Jones received many useful gifts and well wishes. Refreshments were served.


Short Coats for Summer

Best coats for Summer—the "shortie"! Tops everywhere,

slick over everything from date dresses to slacks! Slick

cardisan trotteur, officer's coat, double-breasted shorties—

all hit fashions in lush colors—all low priced!


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Jiffy-on, jiffy-off button up­ pers in cool crisp cotton.

Pretty pastels, white, prints in your favorite style, from your favorite store.

'^' Gay Shop1319 SARTORI AVE.

rrance Phone 818

Wedding Date Noted Sunday At Gala Party

Ml. and Mrs. J. A. Rodlfer of Los Angeles were compli­ mented on the occasion of their silver wedding anniver­ sary- when Mrs. Rodlfer's son-

' in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. John W. Beeman, and Mr. and Mrs. William Nile Jaccard of Glendale enter­ tained Sunday at a surprise buffet dinner party at the Beeman home on El Prado.

The honor guests entered to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march played by Mrs. Howard A. Wood, followed by Auld Lang Syne sung by the assembled guests.

A nosegay bouquet, to which was attached a gift of 50 silver dollars, individually wrapped in cellophane, was presented to her grandmother by little Janel Beeman.

All white garden flower*, used to decorate the outdoor barbecue table, suggested the wedding motif used through-

The guests, numbering 50, were from Los Angeles and surrounding cities and Phoe­ nix. Ariz., Riverside and Beau­ mont.


This is to notify all mem­ bers of Women of the Moose that our nights have been changed from the 1st and 3rd Fridays to the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. Our member­ ship has increased so rapidly during the last three months that it has become necessaiy to hold our meetings in the larger hall. Our next meet­ ing will be held Wednesday evening, June 14. You have nominated your incoming of­ ficers, now they are to be elected, so mark June 14 as an important date on your calendar.

We wish to thank all who helped make our last week's card party a success. Mr. Harris of Los Angeles and Mrs. Lcpkin of this city were award winners. Signed: Ionia Steele, publicity chairman.


Little Hills Navy Mothers Club No. 157 will sponsor a card party at 8 p.m. Friday

, evening, June 2, to be held at V.F.W. Hall, Lomita. Bridge, pinochle and 500 will be played and refreshments will be serve-d. The public is cordially invited.


A dinner party Wednesday evenim,', May 24, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Smart, 1222 Arlington ave., marked the ninth birthday of their daughter, Arline. At the dining table, gay with a can- dlelightcd birthday cake and pastel appointments, covers were placed for the honorce, her grandmother, Mrs Albert Smart, her grandfather, W. A. Michcau, Jimmy Pauline Mat­ thews, Daris Ann Hillor and Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell Smart.


Dr. Williiam Day Mooio, school doctor, who was guest speaker at Torrance Elemen- tary's regular P.T.A. meeting Tuesday, May 22, told of the importance of a well balanced diet for the school child. He also suggested different meth­ ods of getting the child to eat the needed foods

Mis. W. E. Bowen presided over the business . noting. She gave June 15 as the date of the next paper drive and told of the salvage drive to be car­ ried on in June at a date to be announced later.

Miss May Willard Haslam presented her sixth grade pu­ pils in a leading demonstra­ tion. At the conclusion of the meeting tea was served by Mr.s. M. Machln, school, and Mrs. W. F. Burgener, a teacher.


John Roger Dyar was born May 10 at Torrance Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. James Dyar of Lawndale. The baby's mother is the former Mildred Edmonds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Edmonds of "20600 N. Elliott St., Toi ranee. The paternal grandmother is Mrs. J. Dyar of 3880 Second ave., Los Angeles. Roger has a sister, Cneryl.


Torri-nce Bethel No. SO, Job's Daughters, will sponsoi a student dance Friday eve­ ning, June 2, at Tonance Wo­ man's clubhouse. Mines. Wil­ liam Hojo and Frank Paour, Jr., bethel gilardians, will have; charge of arrangements. Music for dancing will be' pro­ vided by recoids. Tickets at 23 ce'iits each may be pur- elia^i-ij at the door.

Clarke-Bryant Nuptials Read In Chapel Rites

On Friday morning. May 26, at St. Peter's Chapel, Mare Island, Miss Frances Marga­ ret Bryant exchanged wedding vows with Gordon Thomas Clarke. United States Navy. Lt. Commander R. L. Bonncr. chaplain, performed the dou­ ble ring ceremony.

Lovely in an aqua marine' blue suit with while accesso­ ries, complemented with a corsage of white- blossoms, the bride was attended by Mrs. R. L. Larenca of Mate Island, who wore a green suit and pink rosebuds. Fireman 1/c R. L. Larenca was the bridegroom's attendant.

The bride Ls a daushtei of Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Bryant of 1401 220th St.. and her hus­ band's parents are Mr. and Mrs. George T. Claiko of 2075 Tnrrance blvd. Following a dinner for the wedding party and the bridegroom's mother, who arrived for the ceremony, the young couple left for a honeymoon. ,

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At 4 p.m. Sunday, May 28. the Church of Christ of Tor­ rance was the scene of a dou­ ble ring ceremony that united Miss Mae Eileen Jones of Tor­ rance and Glen Smith of Ro- dondo Beach in holy matri­ mony. Boyd Fields, the pas­ tor, officiated.

The ceremony w a s per­ formed before a background of beautiful spring flowers.

The bride, dressed in an egg-shell afteinoon frock with a navy blue hat and accesso­ ries to match and a blue or­ chid corsage, marched down the- aisle on the aim of her cousin, Clayton Jones, who gave her in marriage. Miss Violet Jones attended her sis­ ter as maid of honor and wore pink with black and white accessories and a cor­ sage of white carnations.

The bridegroom was at­ tended by his brother, Noel Smith. Miss Ruth Smith, sis­ ter of the bridoKi oom. and Miss Louise Schutt ushered.

Preceding the cere monv Mis-;--. Lucille Smith sang "I Love Yoii Truly" and "Be­ cause," accompanied by Kath- ryne Buffington. who also played "Lohengrin's Wedding March."

Mrs. Smith is a daughter of Mi. and Mrs. J. R. Jones of Carnegie, Okla. Her hus­ band is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Wcs Smith of 221 S. Fran- cisca Ave., Redonelo Beach, and is employed at National Supply Co.

The- reception, for a host of relatives and friends, was held at the home of the bride­ groom's patents immediately following the ceremony. Mrs. Smith graciously received ill black, complemented by a cor­ sage of red roses. She was assisted by the Misses Ruth Smith and' Louise Schutt. A beautiful four-tiered wedding cake and punch were seivcd.

Out-of-town guests arriving for the nuptials were Misses Lillian and Patricia Edwards of M.-iywooil, Mr. and Mrs. riayton Jones and Joe Ken­ neth of Long Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Witt and Allie Mil­ lie Nelson of Redonelo Beach, Mr. and Mrs. William Felts of Compton, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ liam Hart and family of Her­ mosa Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Kil- patrick of Hawthorne and Corp. Don Oiiffin, U.S.M.C., Camp Elliott.

After a short honeymoon atBig Bear, the; happy couplewill make their home at 24«0Torrance blvel.. Apt. A.

* * *


Membi r>f (hiClub were' delightfully enter­ tained when they met. lust Friday evening for a bnffe'l supper at the home of Miss Ruby Denner, 1728 Andreo ave. Miss Virginia SSamporini assisted as co-ho.sless. At the business meeting plans were discussed for the ol utiliza­ tion's forthcoming fourth an- nilversary. Those present were the Misses Jenoyne Barkdull and Ruth Puiikey, and Mmes. Hi-ba Belcher, Shirley Guttcii- felder Kelts, Helen Kanthiop, M a r i o n Robinson, Marjorie Rusk, Margaret Foster, Jean Dandridge and Claire Uuckley.


Hostesses fur this week's Catholic ladies caid party are Mrs P. B. Clayton and her comniitttee. Mmes. Chlcoinc, Diet lln. MeDoniilri. Young, Lcwellen, Allies, Wllken, Moel- I'-r and Mot tilt. Everyone is cordially invited. The first door prize will lie drawn promptly at 8 o'clock and curd play will follow immeellatey. Tables of rontiact and auc­ tion bridge, pinochle and SOO will be In pluv. Refreshments will lie served.

Nuptial Vows Kead May 20 At Los Angeles

Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Wurzer of 21033 Eshelman ave. an­ nounce; tin; marriage of their daughter, Maxlnc, to Virgil Plunkett of 1533 Marcclina ave.

Given in mairiage by her father, the bride was beauti­ fully attired in a blue suit with contrasting accessories anel her corsage bouquet was of gardenias and rosebuds. Miss Shirley Iluelson of this city, the blidc's maid of hon­ or, wore a blue- suit with rose accesfories n^d gardenias. Harold C. Calllhan of Waltc- ria attended the bridegroom.

The candlelight ceremony was pei formed by Rev. Julius Du Bose', who officiated in the presence of 25 wedding guests Saturday, May 20.

Mr. and Mrs. Plunkett will make their home here.

Mrs. I'luiikc'U was a Nar- bonno High school graduate.

* * *


L. .!. Rademaker, a special­ ist. I c. anel Mrs. Rademaker of San Diego, were honor guests at dinner Saturday evening when his parents, Mr. anel Mrs. E. B. Rademaker, entertained. Garden flowers centered the dining table, where places were also ar­ ranged for Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Rademaker of Redondo Beach, Mis. O. L. Michaels of this city and 'he hosts.

On Sunday morning the San Diego visitors were enter­ tained at breakfast served in the attractive patio of the H. M. Schott home on Crenshaw blvd. Other guests were Mmes. E. B. Rademaker, L. G. Finlayson and O. L. Mich­ aels.

+ * -k


Mr. anel Mrs. Don Toler of Compton -md formerly of Tor­ rance; weie hosts Saturday evening when they entertained their card club at their home. Prize winners were Mr. and Mrs. William Gascoigne, Mmes. Lucille Riley, Chailes Sault, Messrs. George Nah- mens and Norman Hovlid. Refreshments were served at the cloa; of play.

* * *


The home of Mrs. Glenn Jain was a pretty setting for an evening mooting of tho Arts and Ciafts club when they met recently. Following a short business meeting, at which Mrs. Cora B. Bohrer presided and reported that three lap robes had been pre­ sented to Red Cross for use at L.A.P.E. Hospital, the la­ dies spent their time work­ ing on lap robes. Refresh­ ments we-re served and a so­ cial evening was enjoyed.


Tuesday, June 6, Circle No. 3 of the Woman's Society of Cluistian Service will meet at the home of Mrs. Julia Stamps, 804 Acacia ave., for a business meeting at 2 p. m., with Mrs. Ethel Holland presiding. De­ votions in charge of Mrs. Eva Paxton. Tea will be served All women of the church re­ siding north of Tonance blvd. are invited.

Wednesday, June 7, is Fam­ ily Night in the church, with a covered dish dinner at 0:00. Circle' No. 3 in charge of ar- range'inonts. A "sing" will follow (he dinner, Charles Bar­ tholomew directing. After the .singing the program of fun and fact will be in charge of Mr. and Mr.s. R. D. Macken­ zie. All families of the church are- welcome.

Thursday, June 8, is Wo­ man's Day for all the women of the church, who will meet at 12:00 for a luncheon served by Circle No. 1, Mrs. Ix>la Mae Tomkins chairman. Following will be a business rge'Oting, with Mrs. Marie' Morgan, pros- ieicnt. presiding.


Fern Avorue school will have its final paper drive of this school year on Thursday and Filday, June 1 and 2. The importance of theto paper drives cannot be over empha­ sized and have elone a won­ derful job In helping to re- liovo the critical paper short­ age by collect inK hundreds of tons of scrap paper.

Please cooperate with the children by giving them your waste paper when they call at your door. II will help alle­ viate the paper shortage and at the same time remove a fire hazaid.


Mr. and Mrs. John Koofcr returned Saturday from a week's vacation at Soboba Hot Sprint's at San Jucmtu.


Baiton Hill P.T.A. and the Mexican auxiliary were hos­ tesses to Lomita-San Pedro Council last Tlnnsday.

Mrs. O. M. Benton, secre­ tary, read a resume of the Tenth District War Workshop held Wednesday, May 31, at the Ambassador Hotel, and today, June 1, at John Adams Junior High srhool in Los Angeles. She also gave a de­ tailed report of the district activities as outlined by the State P.T.A. historian.

Mrs. John Garner read as an inspirational message, "A Recipe for Making a P.T.A."

Mrs. R. Thompson, presi­ dent of Gateway Council, ex­ plained two initiative meas­ ures to be on the November ballot.

Mrs. William Hall, president of Leland P.T.A. and chair­ man of the annual June fes­ tivities, announced that the council will entertain at lunch­ eon Friday, June IB, at 12 noon in Odel Fellows Hall, San Pedro. Mrs. Kenneth Schwartz, president of Orange P.T.A., in chaige of ticke;ts, announced reservations are limited to 200 and are being distributed to locals on the basis of mem­ bership.

Mrs. iKiacson, in reporting from the district boaiel meet­ ing, urged all P.T.A. members to continue through the sum­ mer such war activity projects as Victory gardens, home can­ ning, blood bank, paper and fat salvage, making it a year round program.

Mmes. Isaacson. John Gar­ ner and John Socollch were elected delegates to the Work­ shop and were luncheon guests at the Ambassador Wednesday.

Mrs. Merle S. Brown, dis- diet life membership chair­ man, has been chosen to In­ stall the new council officers June 1.

A Spanish luncheon was served to representatives of Bandini, Barton Hill and Aux­ iliary, Cabrlllo, Fern, Fif­ teenth, Harbor City, Leland, Lomita, Orange, Pt. Feimin, Se'venth, Torrance anel Walte- ria P.T.A.'s.


The 94th birthday of Mrs. Mi'lvin Tyler, Sr., of 1003 Cra­ vens ave., was the occasion for an enjoyable reunion of friends and neighbois who gathered at her home for an afternoon party Saturday. Those present were the hono- ree and her son, John Gar­ land, and Mrs-. Melvin Tyler, Jr. of IMS Angeles; her house guest, Mrs. W. D. Burnett, whose home is in Kansas; Rev. and Mr.s. W. W. Jewell, Mrs. J. M. Wright of this city, and her sister, Mrs. Annie L. Buchanan of Vir­ ginia; Mmes. May Mercer, Lillie Scovill, Margaret Blake- more, J. B. McCune and Jo­ seph Faith.

Two beautifully elecorated birthday cakes and other re­ freshments were served fol- - lowing the presentation of many lovely gifts.

Mrs. Tyler's activities in­ clude the- care of a fine Vic­ tory garden in addition to many hours' sei-yicc In Red Cross.

* * -»>


Fein Avenue P.T.A. held its regular monthly meeting Tues­ day, May 23. The chairmen of various groups gave reports of their year's activities and accomplishments during the business meeting.

Captain Roy Winte-rs and Chief J. E. He-Master of the Torrance fire department spoke during the program which followed the business meeting, telling of the work demo by the- Junior Fire De­ partment and the usefulness of that (a sanitation. Miss Mary Charlotte Wad dell, school principal, spoke on the now stresses in education, in­ cluding the program to be in- stalled next year allowing lime for the children to at- te'iid religious education classes, and the Spanish in­ struction classes given the chlldien this year. Pupils from Mrs. Mildred Dudley's room gave a Spanish class demonstration and two pupils from Mrs. Ida Sanders' room, dressed In costume, sang Spanish musical numbers.

The meeting was adjourned and tea solved In the kinder­ garten by Mrs. Claude Hof, assisted by Mmes. Finch and Curler, room mothers.

Ethel Creighton Becomes Bride In Home Rites

In a simple ceremony per­ formed Friday, May 10, at thr home of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cox of Al- hambra, Miss Ethel Vielta Creighton became the bride of Clifford O. Gray: Rev. W. Stanley Creighton, brother of the biiele. read the- ceremony anel Mr. anel Mrs. Cox served as witnesses'.

The bride, a dauglitei of Mr. and Mrs. William Creigh­ ton of 2256 Torrance hlvel., chose a pasle-1 blue suit with contrasting accessories and a pink rosebud corsage. Her husband is a son of Mrs. Claire D. Gray of Los Ango- les. Following a hone-ymoon in San Francisco the young couple will make their home in Hollywood. Mrs. Gray was graduated from Torrance High school with the class of sum­ mer '37 and attended Meth­ odist Business College. The biiilogroom, a former resident of North Dakota, is employed as a toolmaker at Technical Products, Inc., Inglewood, where- his wife is a member of the eiffice staff.

* * *


Mr.s. Mabel Cox. who has been visiting for .several months at the home of her sister, Mrs-. L. C. Burger, was honored last week at a fare- well shower when Mrs. W. I. Laughon enterlained bridge club members and guests at her home on El Prado. Ar­ rangements of colorful snap­ dragons were a pretty back­ ground for the bridge table's and later refreshments were nerved. Club guests were Mrs. Cox and Mmes. R. R.' Smith, Albert Iscn and Chriss Jones. Prizes for contract weie presented to Mmes. W. J. Neclands and A. II. Silligo. En route to her home Mrs. Cox plans to visit in Wash- ingtem.

+ * *


Mrs. C. O. U-atherman will open her home at 9J2 Cola ave. lor a meeting of P.E. Cheerio Club to be' held at 8 p.m. Friday, June 2. Mrs. C. E. Chaplin will assist as co- hostess.


Miss Aela M. P. Chase-, art tcachei at Torrance High school and chairman of Junior Red Cross activities, requests a contribution of two har­ monicas to complete Red Cross gift chests for service men, the c in-rent junior group's activity.


Mrs. W. E. Bowen, Mrs. Ralph Perry and Mis. John Spiller represented Ten-ranee Elementary P.T.A. at the Lo- nilta-San Peelro Council at Harton Hill school Mav 2!>.


Lomlla - San Pedro P.T.A. Council meeting, held at Bar­ ton Hill school, San Pedro. Thursday, May 25, wan at­ tended by Mmes. Jack Long, John R. Garner and J. J. Mil- lard ul Fern Avenue P.T.A.


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