causes of heartburn during pregnancy

Causes of Heartburn During Pregnancy When stomach pushes up into the back of the throat and then causes a painful burning sensation, heartburn occurs. This normally is not harmful to the baby and to the mother but is such a very unpleasant experience. Pregnant women normally experience this and this frequently comes until they have given birth. Since when the esophagus becomes more relaxed during pregnancy, the stomach pushes more acid through the esophagus. This is also because of the progesterone which is a hormone produced during pregnancy. As these hormones relax the muscles, more food are not digested well and leads to the heartburn experience. When the mother's body begins to shift while the baby continues to grow in her womb, the more would she expect to experience heartburn. This is especially true in the second and third trimesters. To help reduce heartburn, herewith below are some tips. · Refrain from taking in carbonated drinks, spicy foods and those with high acidity. · Try to break down your meals instead of having 3 heavy meals, you can consider taking in six smaller meals. · A chewing gum can be very helpful in neutralizing acid by stimulating saliva production. · Make sure you don't take in anything two hours before your bedtime. This is because the if more food is in your stomach, the more acid can be produced causing you to experience heartburn.

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Post on 07-Aug-2015



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Page 1: Causes of heartburn during pregnancy

Causes of Heartburn During Pregnancy

When stomach pushes up into the back of the throat and then causes a painful burning sensation, heartburn occurs. This normally is not harmful to the baby and to the mother but is such a very unpleasant experience. Pregnant women normally experience this and this frequently comes until they have given birth.

Since when the esophagus becomes more relaxed during pregnancy, the stomach pushes more acid through the esophagus. This is also because of the progesterone which is a hormone produced during pregnancy. As these hormones relax the muscles, more food are not digested well and leads to the heartburn experience. When the mother's body begins to shift while the baby continues to grow in her womb, the more would she expect to experience heartburn. This is especially true in the second and third trimesters. To help reduce heartburn, herewith below are some tips.

· Refrain from taking in carbonated drinks, spicy foods and those with high acidity.

· Try to break down your meals instead of having 3 heavy meals, you can consider taking in six smaller meals.

· A chewing gum can be very helpful in neutralizing acid by stimulating saliva production.

· Make sure you don't take in anything two hours before your bedtime. This is because the if more food is in your stomach, the more acid can be produced causing you to experience heartburn.

· Pillows are also useful when you go to bed since while you lie down, it can prevent acid.

· Monitor your weight gain as you should not be gaining fast. Never forget to do your daily exercise and stop eating too much.

Page 2: Causes of heartburn during pregnancy

· Wearing loose clothes is a plus. When you are sitting down, make sure your position makes you comfortable and that your stomach is not pressed.

· Heartburn can also be caused by smoking. If you have not stopped smoking, you should do so. This way, it will be more healthy for you and your baby.

· With the approval of your doctor, antacids are helpful too. Be sure to only use what the doctor has suggested. This is because some antacids contains aspirin which can be very very harmful to your baby. Taking in antacids containing calcium is the correct one.

· If you are experiencing severe heartburn, talk to your doctor about a prescription acid reducer.

One of the common misconceptions about heartburn is that it is simply something that will go away. This is just not true. From acid reflux, to repeat heartburn, there are warning signs you should look out for. It would definitely be best for you to visit and consult your doctor if you constantly experience the same. Failing to do so may lead your esophagus to be damaged while experiencing acid reflux. To avoid worries and keep your baby healthy, eat and drink healthy food, monitor your body well and never fail to take action.

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