catalogo consumabili v1 2014 it tcm3-47666

COLORI/MONOCROMIA Perché non esistono vere alternative Stampanti a colori Stampanti monocromatiche Prodotti multifunzione Stampanti ad aghi Fax Supporti di stampa Consumabili Catalogo consumabili originali 2014

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    Perch non esistonovere alternative

    Stampanti a coloriStampanti monocromaticheProdotti multifunzioneStampanti ad aghiFaxSupporti di stampa


    Catalogo consumabili originali 2014

  • La prevenzione sempre meglio della cura

    Ecco perch raccomandiamo i consumabili originali

    Test svolti da un laboratorio indipendente confermano in modo inequivocabile che luso di consumabili non originali pu comportare seri rischi per la salute della vostra stampante OKI.

    I sintomi che ne derivano possono essere frequenti inceppamenti della carta, qualit di stampa scadente e fuoriuscite di polvere toner. Tutto questo comporta stress inutili, fermi macchina e costi addizionali.

    Con i consumabili originali OKI siete certi di ottenere la massima qualit di stampa, unaffidabilit senza pari e il massimo ritorno del vostro investimento.

    E per darvi la massima serenit, vi offriamo inoltre uno speciale pacchetto di assistenza sanitaria per la vostra stampante OKI: lestensione gratuita a tre anni della garanzia standard. Se durante tale periodo doveste riscontrare qualsiasi problema con il vostro prodotto, interverremo rapidamente e senza alcun costo per voi.*

    Consumabili originali OKI. La nostra prescrizione globale per la salute della vostra stampante. Perch non esistono vere alternative.

    * Termini e condizioni sul sito OKI

    I livelli di servizio variano in funzione della localit e del prodotto

  • Versione 1 1/2014 3

    Provate il piacere di fare qualcosa di originale!

    Stampare con OKI significa esprimere tutta la vostra creativit. E

    un aspetto ancora pi importante quello di effettuare la stampa

    dei vostri documenti in modo perfettamente integrato nel flusso di


    Ecco perch i consumabili originali OKI fanno la differenza in

    termini di qualit e rapporto costo/efficacia della vostra

    produzione documentale, sia essa realizzata tramite una

    stampante desktop, sia con un dispositivo OKI condiviso nel

    gruppo di lavoro o situato ovunque in azienda.

    OKI raccomanda di utilizzare sempre consumabili originali con i

    vostri dispositivi di stampa. Non solo per assicurarvi

    unaffidabilit a tutta prova e la massima tranquillit, ma anche

    per poter fruire pienamente della grande libert creativa offerta

    dalle stampanti OKI.

    Le cartucce ricaricate creano solo problemi

    Le nostre pi recenti analisi comparative indipendenti hanno

    confrontato i livelli di affidabilit, durata e qualit di stampa dei

    consumabili originali OKI rispetto a quelli delle cartucce toner


    I risultati di tutti i test hanno confermato che le prestazioni dei

    consumabili originali OKI sono di gran lunga superiori a quelle dei

    consumabili del fornitore non ufficiale.

    Per maggiori informazioni, vi invitiamo a consultare la documentazione disponibile nella sezione Consumabili del nostro sito web.

    Non preoccupatevi con OKI gratuita

    Lestensione gratuita a tre anni della garanzia standard una delle opzioni preferite

    da chi acquista un nuovo dispositivo OKI. Il motivo molto chiaro.

    Lestensione della garanzia a tre anni assolutamente gratuita

    Si ottiene semplicemente registrando il prodotto entro trenta giorni dallacquisto

    Comprende il costo delle eventuali parti da sostituire e della manodopera

    Ancora meglio: non vi sono vincoli. sufficiente usare consumabili originali OKI

    durante i tre anni di validit della garanzia. Perci, conoscendo i rischi associati

    alluso dei consumabili non originali, meglio andare sul sicuro.

    Le stampanti della Serie MX e le stampanti POS non possono fruire dellestensione della garanzia.

    Consumabili originali: parte vitale dellefficienza professionale

  • Catalogo consumabili 2014

    Contenuti Pagina

    Stampanti a colori 6 Stampanti monocromatiche 19

    Prodotti multifunzione 22 Stampanti ad aghi 31 Fax 34 Supporti di stampa 35 Tabelle compatibilit 36

    Non credete allimpossibile

    Tutti consumiamo. Ma alcuni consumabili consumano pi

    di altri.

    E ora ce ne sono cinque Non solo una svolta nell'innovazione della stampa, ma un

    gigantesco balzo in avanti nella stampa digitale a colori.

    Stampare in un bianco uniforme, nitido e brillante ora

    estremamente facile: come stampare con qualsiasi altro


    Progettato per operare con le stampanti per gruppi di lavoro

    C711WT e C920WT, il toner bianco OKI consente di

    stampare su una grande variet di supporti. Da trasferibili

    per T-shirt e merchandising a soluzioni e packaging in

    piccole tirature e materiali promozionali.

    Naturalmente, il nostro nuovo toner bianco condivide tutte

    le caratteristiche dei nostri quattro toner a colori. Potete

    cos fruire della stessa elevata qualit e affidabilit per tutte

    le vostre esigenze di stampa ma ora con un ulteriore pizzico

    di creativit.

    Con i consumabili originali OKI potete essere certi di

    utilizzare materiali studiati per ridurre al minimo l'impatto

    sullambiente - come dimostrato dalla nostra Certificazione

    ISO ormai di lunga data.

    Dalla produzione, allassemblaggio, alla distribuzione,

    lattenzione per lambiente per noi pari a quella posta per

    mantenere elevate le prestazioni dei nostri prodotti.

    A nostro parere, nessuna azienda pu dimostrare simili livelli

    di impegno e trasparenza in relazione alla cura

    dell'ecosistema e fornire nel contempo la stessa elevata

    qualit di stampa e affidabilit, tipiche dei consumabili

    originali OKI.

    Controllate fuori e anche dentro

    I consumabili contraffatti rappresentano un grande giro di affari per chi li produce, ma costituiscono un

    grande rischio per chi li usa.

    Va inoltre considerato che, a parte la scarsa qualit dei risultati e i danni inevitabili ai componenti dei

    dispositivi di stampa, vendere o essere in possesso di prodotti contraffatti un reato.

    Assicuratevi che i vostri consumabili originali siano veramente originali. Controllate la presenza e

    lintegrit del sigillo in foglio di alluminio posto sulla confezione. Per maggiori informazioni sui consumabili per la stampa contraffatti visitate il sito della Coalizione Consumabili per la Stampa di Europa, Medio Oriente e Africa, della quale OKI membro fondatore.

    4 Versione 1 1/2014

  • Gruppi di prodotto

    Come utilizzare al meglio il Catalogo Consumabili EMEA

    Per aiutarvi a identificare e ottenere

    velocemente le informazioni sui

    consumabili originali OKI di vostro

    interesse, i codici dordine, la durata

    e altre specifiche tecniche sono

    organizzati per gruppi di prodotto.

    Tali gruppi sono descritti in questa


    Stampanti a colori (Colour)

    La generazione pi recente di

    stampanti a colori adotta la nostra

    esclusiva soluzione High Definition

    Colour, un set di tecnologie hardware e software


    Percorso carta rettilineo a singolo passaggio Testine di stampa LED High Definition Toner a microparticelle High Definition Sistema intelligente di controllo della stampa Insieme, queste tecnologie permettono di stampare in

    azienda con notevoli risparmi energetici e risultati

    perfetti. In modo facile, conveniente ed efficiente.

    Stampanti monocromatiche (Mono)

    Velocit, versatilit, flessibilit e affidabilit. Queste

    sono le caratteristiche che contraddistinguono le

    stampanti monocromatiche OKI. Il progetto e la

    realizzazione dei nostri consumabili, studiati

    appositamente per queste macchine, riflettono la

    stessa qualit. L'impiego dei consumabili originali

    massimizza perci la produttivit, l'efficienza e la

    durata dei prodotti OKI.

    Prodotti multifunzione (MFP)

    La gamma dei prodotti multifunzione OKI comprende i

    dispositivi a colori, quelli monocromatici e le soluzioni

    fax. Tutto ci per offrire ai moderni uffici grandi

    risparmi di tempo, spazio e maggiore produttivit.

    Stampanti ad aghi (Dot matrix)

    Le stampanti ad aghi OKI mantengono inalterata la

    loro ottima reputazione, grazie alle loro prestazioni

    elevate anche con carichi di lavoro impegnativi e

    alla capacit di operare perfettamente nelle condizioni

    ambientali pi difficili.

    Prodotti fax (Fax)

    Per comunicare via fax e fotocopiare tramite dispositivi

    da tavolo o per effettuare comunicazioni con macchine

    in rete ad alta velocit, i consumabili originali OKI

    forniscono una qualit senza compromessi per

    unampia gamma di applicazioni.

    Supporti di stampa (Media)

    I nostri supporti di stampa comprendono numerose

    soluzioni e strumenti per espandere la gamma dei

    documenti che potete produrre in azienda.

    Potete stampare biglietti da visita, etichette per CD,

    cancelleria personalizzata, bozze pubblicitarie,

    striscioni, grafici di grandi dimensioni, materiali per

    punti vendita e molto altro .

    Versione 1 1/2014 5

    Stampanti a colori Stampanti monocromatiche

    Multifunzione Stampanti ad aghi Fax

  • 6 Versione 1 1/2014


    Microfine High Definition Toner for new generation models

    New breakthrough WHITE toner C711WT and C920WT printers offer a revolution in

    digital colour printing

    C800 Series are our smallest ever A3 networked colour printers

    C301/C321 offer a compact, affordable solution ideal for small or crowded offices

    High capacity toner cartridges and image drums for low user intervention

    User-friendly design for clean and fast replacement


    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C110/C130 High Cap Black Toner 44250724 5031713044604 2,500* 0.560 399 x 108 x 110

    C110/C130 High Cap Cyan Toner 44250723 5031713044598 2,500* 0.560 399 x 108 x 110

    C110/C130 High Cap Magenta Toner 44250722 5031713044581 2,500* 0.560 399 x 108 x 110

    C110/C130 High Cap Yellow Toner 44250721 5031713044574 2,500* 0.560 399 x 108 x 110

    C110/C130 Std Cap Cyan Toner 44250719 5031713044550 1,500* 0.540 399 x 108 x 110

    C110/C130 Std Cap Magenta Toner 44250718 5031713044543 1,500* 0.540 399 x 108 x 110

    C110/C130 Std Cap Yellow Toner 44250717 5031713044536 1,500* 0.540 399 x 108 x 110

    C110/C130 Imaging Unit 44250801 5031713044697 Mono: up to 45,000** 2.240 433 x 333 x 255 Colour: up to 11,250**

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Continuous print Std Cap = Standard Capacity High Cap = High Capacity For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    C100 Series printers


  • Versione 1 1/2014 7


    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C301/C321 Black Toner 44973536 5031713055808 2,200* 0.480 312 x 123 x 123

    C301/C321 Cyan Toner 44973535 5031713055785 1,500* 0.180 300 x 56 x 52

    C301/C321 Magenta Toner 44973534 5031713055754 1,500* 0.180 300 x 56 x 52

    C301/C321 Yellow Toner 44973533 5031713055730 1,500* 0.180 300 x 56 x 52

    C310/C330/C331 Black Toner 44469803 5031713047995 3,500* 0.520 314 x 112 x 120

    C310/C330/C331 Cyan Toner 44469706 5031713047988 2,000* 0.200 300 x 56 x 52

    C310/C330/C331 Magenta Toner 44469705 5031713047971 2,000* 0.200 300 x 56 x 52

    C310/C330/C331 Yellow Toner 44469704 5031713047964 2,000* 0.200 300 x 56 x 52

    C301/C321/C331 Image Drum Unit 44968301 5031713054702 30,000 K** 4.500 392 x 385 x 320

    20,000 CMY**

    C310/C330 Image Drum Unit 44494202 5031713048947 20,000** 4.500 392 x 385 x 320

    C301/C310/C321/C330/C331 Transfer Belt 44472202 5031713048961 60,000*** 1.800 378 x 374 x 167

    C301/C310/C321/C330/C331 Fuser Unit 44472603 5031713048954 60,000 1.500 387 x 142 x 243

    NB * Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19798 ** Average A4 life based on a typical office environment *** A4 at 3 pages per job For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    C300 Series printers

    C300/C500 Series image drum with CMYK toners


  • 8 Versione 1 1/2014


    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C3100 Black Toner 42804516 5031713025726 3,000* 0.451 302 x 113 x 72

    C3100 Cyan Toner 42804515 5031713025719 3,000* 0.471 302 x 113 x 72

    C3100 Magenta Toner 42804514 5031713025702 3,000* 0.476 302 x 113 x 72

    C3100 Yellow Toner 42804513 5031713025696 3,000* 0.472 302 x 113 x 72

    C3100 Black Image Drum 42126644 5031713020608 14,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C3100 Cyan Image Drum 42126643 5031713020592 14,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C3100 Magenta Image Drum 42126642 5031713020585 14,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C3100 Yellow Image Drum 42126641 5031713020578 14,000** 1.308 372 x 149 x 231

    C3200 High Cap Black Toner 42804540 5031713027546 3,000* 0.456 302 x 113 x 72

    C3200 Std Cap Black Toner 43034808 5031713027461 1,500* 0.420 302 x 113 x 72

    C3200 Std Cap Cyan Toner 43034807 5031713027454 1,500* 0.451 302 x 113 x 72

    C3200 Std Cap Magenta Toner 43034806 5031713027447 1,500* 0.420 302 x 113 x 72

    C3200 Std Cap Yellow Toner 43034805 5031713027430 1,500* 0.420 302 x 113 x 72

    C3200 Black Image Drum 42126665 5031713027423 14,000** 1.840 302 x 199 x 231

    C3200 Cyan Image Drum 42126664 5031713027416 14,000** 2.016 302 x 199 x 231

    C3200 Magenta Image Drum 42126663 5031713027409 14,000** 2.016 302 x 199 x 231

    C3200 Yellow Image Drum 42126662 5031713027393 14,000** 1.840 302 x 199 x 231

    C3100/C3200 Transfer Belt 42158712 5031713020677 50,000*** 2.028 410 x 370 x 217

    C3100/C3200 Fuser Unit 42625503 5031713020684 45,000 1.989 378 x 160 x 256

    C3000 Series printers

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Average A4 life based on a typical office environment *** A4 at 3 pages per job Std Cap = Standard Capacity High Cap = High Capacity


  • Versione 1 1/2014 9


    C3000 Series printers

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Average A4 life based on a typical office environment *** A4 at 3 pages per job Std Cap = Standard Capacity High Cap = High Capacity For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C3300/C3400/C3450/C3600 Std Cap Black Toner 43459436 5031713040675 1,500* 0.225 306 x 56 x 52

    C3300/C3400/C3450/C3600 Std Cap Cyan Toner 43459435 5031713040651 1,500* 0.225 306 x 56 x 52

    C3300/C3400/C3450/C3600 Std Cap Magenta Toner 43459434 5031713040637 1,500* 0.225 306 x 56 x 52

    C3300/C3400/C3450/C3600 Std Cap Yellow Toner 43459433 5031713040613 1,500* 0.225 306 x 56 x 52

    C3300/C3400/C3450/C3600 High Cap Black Toner 43459332 5031713040590 2,500* 0.250 306 x 56 x 52

    C3300/C3400/C3450/C3600 High Cap Cyan Toner 43459331 5031713040576 2,500* 0.250 306 x 56 x 52

    C3300/C3400/C3450/C3600 High Cap Magenta Toner 43459330 5031713040552 2,500* 0.250 306 x 56 x 52

    C3300/C3400/C3450/C3600 High Cap Yellow Toner 43459329 5031713040538 2,500* 0.250 306 x 56 x 52

    C3300/C3400/C3450/C3600 Black Image Drum 43460208 5031713032106 15,000** 1.120 415 x 165 x 145

    C3300/C3400/C3450/C3600 Cyan Image Drum 43460207 5031713032090 15,000** 1.120 415 x 165 x 145

    C3300/C3400/C3450/C3600 Magenta Image Drum 43460206 5031713032083 15,000** 1.120 415 x 165 x 145

    C3300/C3400/C3450/C3600 Yellow Image Drum 43460205 5031713032076 15,000** 1.120 415 x 165 x 145

    C3300/C3400/C3450/C3600 Transfer Belt 43378002 5031713031987 50,000*** 2.120 390 x 335 x 220

    C3300 Fuser Unit 43377103 5031713031963 30,000 1.740 378 x 160 x 256

    C3400/C3450/C3600 Fuser Unit 43377003 5031713031970 50,000 1.740 378 x 160 x 256


  • 10 Versione 1 1/2014


    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C510/C511/C530/C531 Std Cap Black Toner 44469803 5031713047995 3,500* 0.520 314 x 112 x 120

    C510/C511/C530/C531 Std Cap Cyan Toner 44469706 5031713047988 2,000* 0.200 300 x 56 x 52

    C510/C511/C530/C531 Std Cap Magenta Toner 44469705 5031713047971 2,000* 0.200 300 x 56 x 52

    C510/C511/C530/C531 Std Cap Yellow Toner 44469704 5031713047964 2,000* 0.200 300 x 56 x 52

    C510/C530 High Cap Black Toner 44469804 5031713048008 5,000* 0.540 312 x 123 x 123

    C511/C531 High Cap Black Toner 44973508 5031713054825 7,000* 0.540 312 x 123 x 123

    C510/C511/C530/C531 High Cap Cyan Toner 44469724 5031713048626 5,000* 0.240 300 x 56 x 52

    C510/C511/C530/C531 High Cap Magenta Toner 44469723 5031713048619 5,000* 0.280 300 x 56 x 52

    C510/C511/C530/C531 High Cap Yellow Toner 44469722 5031713048602 5,000* 0.260 300 x 56 x 52

    C510/C530 Image Drum Unit 44494202 5031713048947 20,000** 4.500 392 x 385 x 320

    C511/C531 Image Drum Unit 44968301 5031713054702 30,000 K** 4.500 392 x 385 x 320

    20,000 CMY**

    C510/C511/C530/C531 Transfer Belt 44472202 5031713048961 60,000*** 1.800 378 x 374 x 167

    C510/C511/C530/C531 Fuser Unit 44472603 5031713048954 60,000 1.500 387 x 142 x 243

    NB * Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19798 ** Average A4 life based on a typical office environment *** A4 at 3 pages per job Std Cap = Standard Capacity High Cap = High Capacity For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    C500 Series printers


  • Versione 1 1/2014 11


    C5000 Series printers

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C5200/C5400 Std Cap Black Toner 42804508 5031713025801 3,000* 0.440 302 x 113 x 72

    C5200/C5400 Std Cap Cyan Toner 42804507 5031713025795 3,000* 0.471 302 x 113 x 72

    C5200/C5400 Std Cap Magenta Toner 42804506 5031713025788 3,000* 0.460 302 x 113 x 72

    C5200/C5400 Std Cap Yellow Toner 42804505 5031713025771 3,000* 0.471 302 x 113 x 72

    C5100/C5200/C5300/C5400 High Cap Black Toner 42127408 5031713925026 5,000* 0.521 302 x 113 x 72

    C5100/C5200/C5300/C5400 High Cap Cyan Toner 42127407 5031713925019 5,000* 0.511 302 x 113 x 72

    C5100/C5200/C5300/C5400 High Cap Magenta Toner 42127406 5031713925033 5,000* 0.540 302 x 113 x 72

    C5100/C5200/C5300/C5400 High Cap Yellow Toner 42127405 5031713925040 5,000* 0.521 302 x 113 x 72

    C5100/C5200/C5300/C5400 High Cap Toner Rainbow Pack 42403002 5031713017158 5,000*** 2.027 312 x 151 x 240

    C5100/C5200/C5300/C5400 Black Image Drum 42126608 5031713925002 17,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5100/C5200/C5300/C5400 Cyan Image Drum 42126607 5031713924999 17,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5100/C5200/C5300/C5400 Magenta Image Drum 42126606 5031713924982 17,000** 1.340 372 x 149 x 231

    C5100/C5200/C5300/C5400 Yellow Image Drum 42126605 5031713924975 17,000** 1.370 372 x 149 x 231

    C5100/C5200/C5300/C5400 Transfer Belt 42158712 5031713020677 50,000**** 2.028 419 x 369 x 223

    C5100/C5300 Fuser Unit 42158603 5031713924951 45,000 1.989 378 x 160 x 256

    C5200/C5400 Fuser Unit 42625503 5031713020684 45,000 1.989 378 x 160 x 256

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Average A4 life based on a typical office environment *** At 5% coverage A4 per colour **** A4 at 3 pages per job Std Cap = Standard Capacity High Cap = High Capacity

    C5000 Series printers

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C5250/C5450 Std Cap Black Toner 42804548 5031713027744 3,000* 0.400 302 x 113 x 72

    C5250/C5450 Std Cap Cyan Toner 42804547 5031713027737 3,000* 0.440 302 x 113 x 72

    C5250/C5450 Std Cap Magenta Toner 42804546 5031713027720 3,000* 0.460 302 x 113 x 72

    C5250/C5450 Std Cap Yellow Toner 42804545 5031713027713 3,000* 0.480 302 x 113 x 72

    C5250/C5450 High Cap Black Toner 42127457 5031713027669 5,000* 0.498 302 x 113 x 72

    C5250/C5450 High Cap Cyan Toner 42127456 5031713027652 5,000* 0.491 302 x 113 x 72

    C5250/C5450 High Cap Magenta Toner 42127455 5031713027645 5,000* 0.521 302 x 113 x 72

    C5250/C5450 High Cap Yellow Toner 42127454 5031713027638 5,000* 0.498 302 x 113 x 72

    C5250/C5450 High Cap Toner Rainbow Pack 42403006 5031713029144 5,000*** 2.027 312 x 151 x 240

    C5250/C5450 Black Image Drum 42126673 5031713027621 17,000** 1.500 372 x 149 x 231

    C5250/C5450 Cyan Image Drum 42126672 5031713027614 17,000** 1.340 372 x 149 x 231

    C5250/C5450 Magenta Image Drum 42126671 5031713027607 17,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5250/C5450 Yellow Image Drum 42126670 5031713027591 17,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5250/C5450 Transfer Belt 42158712 5031713020677 50,000**** 2.028 419 x 369 x 223

    C5250/C5450 Fuser Unit 42625503 5031713020684 45,000 1.989 378 x 160 x 256

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Average A4 life based on a typical office environment *** At 5% coverage A4 per colour **** A4 at 3 pages per job Std Cap = Standard Capacity High Cap = High Capacity

  • 12 Versione 1 1/2014


    C5000 Series printers

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C5600/C5700 Black Toner 43324408 5031713031260 6,000* 0.520 302 x 113 x 72

    C5600/C5700 Cyan Toner 43381907 5031713031413 2,000* 0.420 302 x 113 x 72

    C5600/C5700 Magenta Toner 43381906 5031713031406 2,000* 0.451 302 x 113 x 72

    C5600/C5700 Yellow Toner 43381905 5031713031390 2,000* 0.420 302 x 113 x 72

    C5600/C5700 Black Image Drum 43381708 5031713031482 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5600/C5700 Cyan Image Drum 43381707 5031713031475 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5600/C5700 Magenta Image Drum 43381706 5031713031468 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5600/C5700 Yellow Image Drum 43381705 5031713031451 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5650/C5750 Black Toner 43865708 5031713039808 8,000**** 0.540 302 x 113 x 72

    C5650/C5750 Cyan Toner 43872307 5031713039792 2,000**** 0.420 302 x 113 x 72

    C5650/C5750 Magenta Toner 43872306 5031713039785 2,000**** 0.451 302 x 113 x 72

    C5650/C5750 Yellow Toner 43872305 5031713039778 2,000**** 0.420 302 x 113 x 72

    C5650/C5750 Black Image Drum 43870008 5031713040125 20,000** 1.400 372 x 149 x 231

    C5650/C5750 Cyan Image Drum 43870007 5031713040118 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5650/C5750 Magenta Image Drum 43870006 5031713040101 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5650/C5750 Yellow Image Drum 43870005 5031713040095 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5800/C5900 Black Toner 43324424 5031713031680 6,000* 0.537 302 x 113 x 72

    C5800/C5900 Cyan Toner 43324423 5031713031253 5,000* 0.480 302 x 113 x 72

    C5800/C5900 Magenta Toner 43324422 5031713031246 5,000* 0.480 302 x 113 x 72

    C5800/C5900 Yellow Toner 43324421 5031713031239 5,000* 0.480 302 x 113 x 72

    C5800/C5900 Black Image Drum 43381724 5031713031734 20,000** 1.380 372 x 149 x 231

    C5800/C5900 Cyan Image Drum 43381723 5031713031727 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5800/C5900 Magenta Image Drum 43381722 5031713031710 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5800/C5900 Yellow Image Drum 43381721 5031713031703 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5850/C5950 Black Toner 43865724 5031713039884 8,000* 0.480 302 x 113 x 72

    C5850/C5950 Cyan Toner 43865723 5031713039877 6,000* 0.487 302 x 113 x 72

    C5850/C5950 Magenta Toner 43865722 5031713039860 6,000* 0.487 302 x 113 x 72

    C5850/C5950 Yellow Toner 43865721 5031713039853 6,000* 0.487 302 x 113 x 72

    C5850/C5950 Black Image Drum 43870024 5031713040200 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5850/C5950 Cyan Image Drum 43870023 5031713040194 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5850/C5950 Magenta Image Drum 43870022 5031713040187 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5850/C5950 Yellow Image Drum 43870021 5031713040170 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5600/C5700/C5800/C5900 Transfer Belt 43363412 5031713031543 60,000*** 2.250 419 x 369 x 223

    C5650/C5750/C5850/C5950 Transfer Belt 43363412 5031713031543 60,000*** 2.250 419 x 369 x 223

    C5600/C5700/C5800/C5900 Fuser Unit 43363203 5031713031536 60,000 2.150 378 x 160 x 258

    C5650/C5750/C5850/C5950 Fuser Unit 43853103 5031713039761 60,000 2.150 378 x 160 x 256

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Average A4 life based on a typical office environment *** A4 at 3 pages per job **** Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19798 For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

  • Versione 1 1/2014 13


    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C610 Black Toner 44315308 5031713045861 8,000* 0.510 302 x 72 x 113

    C610 Cyan Toner 44315307 5031713045854 6,000* 0.487 302 x 135 x 74

    C610 Magenta Toner 44315306 5031713045847 6,000* 0.487 302 x 135 x 74

    C610 Yellow Toner 44315305 5031713045830 6,000* 0.487 302 x 135 x 74

    C610 Black Image Drum 44315108 5031713045946 20,000** 1.308 372 x 149 x 231

    C610 Cyan Image Drum 44315107 5031713045939 20,000** 1.308 372 x 149 x 231

    C610 Magenta Image Drum 44315106 5031713045922 20,000** 1.308 372 x 149 x 231

    C610 Yellow Image Drum 44315105 5031713045915 20,000** 1.308 372 x 149 x 231

    C610 Transfer Belt 44341902 5031713045823 60,000*** 2.250 419 x 369 x 223

    C610 Fuser Unit 44289103 5031713045816 60,000 2.000 378 x 160 x 256

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Based on a typical office environment *** A4 at 3 pages per job For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    C600 Series printers


  • 14 Versione 1 1/2014


    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C710/C711 Black Toner 44318608 5031713045984 11,000* 0.572 302 x 135 x 74

    C710/C711/C711WT Cyan Toner 44318607 5031713045977 11,500* 0.532 302 x 135 x 74

    C710/C711/C711WT Magenta Toner 44318606 5031713045960 11,500* 0.592 302 x 135 x 74

    C710/C711/C711WT Yellow Toner 44318605 5031713045953 11,500* 0.557 302 x 135 x 74

    C711WT White Toner 44318657 5031713056355 6,000** 0.800 302 x 135 x 74

    C710 Black Image Drum 43913808 5031713041542 20,000*** 1.308 372 x 149 x 231

    C710 Cyan Image Drum 43913807 5031713041535 15,000*** 1.308 372 x 149 x 231

    C710 Magenta Image Drum 43913806 5031713041528 15,000*** 1.400 372 x 149 x 231

    C710 Yellow Image Drum 43913805 5031713041511 15,000*** 1.308 372 x 149 x 231

    C710 Transfer Belt 43363412 5031713041894 60,000**** 2.250 419 x 369 x 223

    C710 Fuser Unit 43854903 5031713041672 60,000 1.960 378 x 160 x 256

    C711 Black Image Drum 44318508 5031713046066 20,000*** 1.308 372 x 149 x 231

    C711/C711WT Cyan Image Drum 44318507 5031713046059 20,000*** 1.308 372 x 149 x 231

    C711/C711WT Magenta Image Drum 44318506 5031713046042 20,000*** 1.308 372 x 149 x 231

    C711/C711WT Yellow Image Drum 44318505 5031713046035 20,000*** 1.308 372 x 149 x 231

    C711WT White Image Drum 44318529 5031713056331 6,000*** 1.308 372 x 149 x 231

    C711/C711WT Transfer Belt 44341902 5031713045823 60,000 CMYK**** 2.250 419 x 369 x 223

    30,000 WT****

    C711/C711WT Fuser Unit 44289103 5031713045816 60,000 CMYK 2.000 378 x 160 x 256

    30,000 WT

    NB * Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19798 ** At 5% coverage A4 *** Based on a typical office environment **** A4 at 3 pages per job For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    C700 Series printers


  • Versione 1 1/2014 15


    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C8600/C8800 Black Toner 43487712 5031713037743 6,000* 0.720 388 x 70 x 110

    C8600/C8800 Cyan Toner 43487711 5031713037736 6,000* 0.720 388 x 70 x 110

    C8600/C8800 Magenta Toner 43487710 5031713037729 6,000* 0.720 388 x 70 x 110

    C8600/C8800 Yellow Toner 43487709 5031713037712 6,000* 0.720 388 x 70 x 110

    C8600/C8800 Toner Rainbow Kit 43698501 5031713038177 6,000*** 2.500 453 x 130 x 230

    C8600/C8800 Black Image Drum 43449016 5031713037668 20,000** 1.850 464 x 128 x 120

    C8600/C8800 Cyan Image Drum 43449015 5031713037651 20,000** 1.850 464 x 128 x 120

    C8600/C8800 Magenta Image Drum 43449014 5031713037644 20,000** 1.850 464 x 128 x 120

    C8600/C8800 Yellow Image Drum 43449013 5031713037637 20,000** 1.850 464 x 128 x 120

    C8600/C8800 Transfer Belt 43449705 5031713037811 80,000 (A4 LEF)** 4.125 500 x 450 x 230

    C8600/C8800 Fuser Unit 43529405 5031713037828 100,000 (A4 LEF) 3.350 487 x 234 x 141

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** A4 at 3 pages per job *** At 5% coverage A4 per colour For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    C8000 Series printers

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C7100/C7300/C7350/C7500 Black Toner 41963008 5031713923404 10,000* 0.848 310 x 180 x 130

    C7100/C7300/C7350/C7500 Cyan Toner 41963007 5031713923398 10,000* 0.848 310 x 180 x 130

    C7100/C7300/C7350/C7500 Magenta Toner 41963006 5031713923381 10,000* 0.848 310 x 180 x 130

    C7100/C7300/C7350/C7500 Yellow Toner 41963005 5031713923374 10,000* 0.848 310 x 180 x 130

    C7100/C7300/C7350/C7500 Toner Rainbow Pack 01101001 5031713014478 10,000*** 3.400 500 x 325 x 195

    C7100/C7300/C7350/C7500 Black Image Drum 41962808 5031713923480 23,000** 1.714 370 x 160 x 290

    C7100/C7300/C7350/C7500 Cyan Image Drum 41962807 5031713923473 23,000** 1.751 370 x 160 x 290

    C7100/C7300/C7350/C7500 Magenta Image Drum 41962806 5031713923466 23,000** 1.751 370 x 160 x 290

    C7100/C7300/C7350/C7500 Yellow Image Drum 41962805 5031713923459 23,000** 1.751 370 x 160 x 290

    C7100/C7300/C7350/C7500 Transfer Belt 41945503 5031713923732 60,000**** 3.200 510 x 410 x 235

    C7100/C7300/C7350/C7500 Fuser Unit 41945603 5031713923725 60,000 3.000 450 x 220 x 240

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Average A4 life based on a typical office environment *** At 5% coverage A4 per colour **** A4 at 3 pages per job

    C7000 Series printers

  • 16 Versione 1 1/2014


    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C801/C821 Black Toner 44643004 5031713049623 7,000* 0.620 388 x 70 x 110

    C801/C821 Cyan Toner 44643003 5031713049616 7,300* 0.620 388 x 70 x 110

    C801/C821 Magenta Toner 44643002 5031713049609 7,300* 0.620 388 x 70 x 110

    C801/C821 Yellow Toner 44643001 5031713049593 7,300* 0.620 388 x 70 x 110

    C810/C830 Black Toner 44059108 5031713043546 8,000* 0.660 388 x 70 x 110

    C810/C830 Cyan Toner 44059107 5031713043539 8,000* 0.620 388 x 70 x 110

    C810/C830 Magenta Toner 44059106 5031713043522 8,000* 0.640 388 x 70 x 110

    C810/C830 Yellow Toner 44059105 5031713043515 8,000* 0.620 388 x 70 x 110

    C822 Black Toner 44844616 5031713056188 7,000* 0.720 442 x 70 x 146

    C822 Cyan Toner 44844615 5031713056164 7,300* 0.700 442 x 70 x 146

    C822 Magenta Toner 44844614 5031713056140 7,300* 0.740 442 x 70 x 146

    C822 Yellow Toner 44844613 5031713056126 7,300* 0.700 442 x 70 x 146

    C831/C841 Black Toner 44844508 5031713053828 10,000* 0.750 442 x 70 x 146

    C831/C841 Cyan Toner 44844507 5031713053811 10,000* 0.750 442 x 70 x 146

    C831/C841 Magenta Toner 44844506 5031713053804 10,000* 0.750 442 x 70 x 146

    C831/C841 Yellow Toner 44844505 5031713053798 10,000* 0.750 442 x 70 x 146

    C801/C810/C821/C830 Black Image Drum 44064012 5031713043324 20,000** 1.850 464 x 128 x 210

    C801/C810/C821/C830 Cyan Image Drum 44064011 5031713043317 20,000** 1.850 464 x 128 x 210

    C801/C810/C821/C830 Magenta Image Drum 44064010 5031713043300 20,000** 1.850 464 x 128 x 210

    C801/C810/C821/C830 Yellow Image Drum 44064009 5031713043294 20,000** 1.850 464 x 128 x 210

    C822/C831/C841 Black Image Drum 44844408 5031713053781 30,000** 1.940 457 x 190 x 260

    C822/C831/C841 Cyan Image Drum 44844407 5031713053774 30,000** 1.940 457 x 190 x 260

    C822/C831/C841 Magenta Image Drum 44844406 5031713053767 30,000** 1.940 457 x 190 x 260

    C822/C831/C841 Yellow Image Drum 44844405 5031713053750 30,000** 1.940 457 x 190 x 260

    C801/C810/C821/C830 Transfer Belt 43449705 5031713037811 80,000*** 4.125 500 x 450 x 230

    C822/C831/C841 Transfer Belt 44846204 5031713053590 80,000*** 3.330 512 x 450 x 226

    C801/C810/C821/C830 Fuser Unit 43529405 5031713037828 100,000 3.350 487 x 234 x 141

    C822 Fuser Unit 44848806 5031713056027 100,000 4.120 488 x 224 x 165

    C831/C841 Fuser Unit 44848805 5031713053606 100,000 4.140 488 x 224 x 165

    NB * Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19798 ** Based on a typical office environment *** A4 at 3 pages per job (LEF) For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    C800 Series printers

  • Versione 1 1/2014 17


    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Average A4 life based on a typical office environment *** At 5% coverage A4 per colour **** A4 at 3 pages per job

    C9000 Series printers

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C9300/C9500 Black Toner 41963608 5031713923565 15,000* 1.270 462 x 202 x 143

    C9300/C9500 Cyan Toner 41963607 5031713923558 15,000* 1.270 462 x 202 x 143

    C9300/C9500 Magenta Toner 41963606 5031713923541 15,000* 1.270 462 x 202 x 143

    C9300/C9500 Yellow Toner 41963605 5031713923534 15,000* 1.270 462 x 202 x 143

    C9300/C9500 Toner Rainbow Pack 01101101 5031713015864 15,000*** 4.787 545 x 470 x 220

    C9300/C9500 Black Image Drum 41963408 5031713923640 30,000** 2.394 490 x 180 x 265

    C9300/C9500 Cyan Image Drum 41963407 5031713923633 30,000** 2.394 490 x 180 x 265

    C9300/C9500 Magenta Image Drum 41963406 5031713923626 30,000** 2.240 490 x 180 x 265

    C9300/C9500 Yellow Image Drum 41963405 5031713923619 30,000** 2.394 490 x 180 x 265

    C9300/C9500 Transfer Belt 41946003 5031713923800 80,000 (A4 LEF)**** 5.000 520 x 470 x 250

    C9300/C9500 Fuser Unit 41946105 5031713924159 80,000 (A4 LEF) 3.600 540 x 160 x 250

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C9600/C9650/C9800/C9850 Black Toner 42918916 5031713026846 15,000* 1.000 484 x 102 x 117

    C9600/C9650/C9800/C9850 Cyan Toner 42918915 5031713026839 15,000* 1.000 484 x 102 x 117

    C9600/C9650/C9800/C9850 Magenta Toner 42918914 5031713026822 15,000* 1.000 484 x 102 x 117

    C9600/C9650/C9800/C9850 Yellow Toner 42918913 5031713026815 15,000* 1.000 484 x 102 x 117

    C9600/C9650/C9800/C9850 Toner Rainbow Pack 43112702 5031713028895 15,000**** 3.300 483 x 279 x 141

    C9655 Black Toner 43837132 5031713050926 22,500** 0.700 484 x 102 x 117

    C9655 Cyan Toner 43837131 5031713050919 22,000** 0.700 484 x 102 x 117

    C9655 Magenta Toner 43837130 5031713050902 22,000** 0.700 484 x 102 x 117

    C9655 Yellow Toner 43837129 5031713050896 22,000** 0.700 484 x 102 x 117

    C9600/C9650/C9655/C9800/C9850 Black Image Drum 42918108 5031713026570 30,000*** 2.300 528 x 162 x 200

    C9600/C9650/C9655/C9800/C9850 Cyan Image Drum 42918107 5031713026563 30,000*** 2.340 528 x 162 x 200

    C9600/C9650/C9655/C9800/C9850 Magenta Image Drum 42918106 5031713026556 30,000*** 2.320 528 x 162 x 200

    C9600/C9650/C9655/C9800/C9850 Yellow Image Drum 42918105 5031713026549 30,000*** 2.340 528 x 162 x 200

    C9600/C9650/C9655/C9800/C9850 Transfer Belt 42931603 5031713026990 100,000 (A4 LEF)***** 4.900 489 x 459 x 199

    C9600/C9650/C9655/C9800/C9850 Fuser Unit 42931703 5031713026983 100,000 (A4 LEF) 3.600 517 x 217 x 141

    C9600/C9650/C9655/C9800/C9850 Waste Toner System 42869403 5031713027003 20,000 - 30,000 0.700 575 x 160 x 105

    C9600/C9650/C9655/C9800/C9850 Staples 42937603 5031713027010 N/A 0.550 163 x 64 x 42

    C9000 Series printers

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19798 *** Average A4 life based on a typical office environment **** At 5% coverage A4 per colour ***** A4 at 3 pages per job For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

  • 18 Versione 1 1/2014


    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C910 Black Toner 44036024 5031713046356 15,000* 1.000 484 x 102 x 117

    C910/C920WT Cyan Toner 44036023 5031713046349 15,000* 1.000 484 x 102 x 117

    C910/C920WT Magenta Toner 44036022 5031713046332 15,000* 1.000 484 x 102 x 117

    C910/C920WT Yellow Toner 44036021 5031713046325 15,000* 1.000 484 x 102 x 117

    C920WT White Toner 44036059 5031713056683 8,000* 1.200 484 x 102 x 117

    C931 Std Cap Black Toner 45536416 5031713061359 24,000 ** 1.200 536 x 114 x 111

    C931 Std Cap Cyan Toner 45536415 5031713061335 24,000 ** 1.200 536 x 114 x 111

    C931 Std Cap Magenta Toner 45536414 5031713061311 24,000 ** 1.200 536 x 114 x 111

    C931 Std Cap Yellow Toner 45536413 5031713061298 24,000 ** 1.200 536 x 114 x 111

    C931 High Cap Black Toner 45536508 5031713061519 38,000 ** 2.500 536 x 114 x 111

    C931 High Cap Cyan Toner 45536507 5031713061496 38,000 ** 2.500 536 x 114 x 111

    C931 High Cap Magenta Toner 45536506 5031713061472 38,000 ** 2.500 536 x 114 x 111

    C931 High Cap Yellow Toner 45536505 5031713061458 38,000 ** 2.500 536 x 114 x 111

    C910 Black Image Drum 44035520 5031713046196 20,000*** 2.540 525 x 160 x 201

    C910/C920WT Cyan Image Drum 44035519 5031713046189 20,000*** 2.540 525 x 160 x 201

    C910/C920WT Magenta Image Drum 44035518 5031713046172 20,000*** 2.540 525 x 160 x 201

    C910/C920WT Yellow Image Drum 44035517 5031713046165 20,000*** 2.540 525 x 160 x 201

    C920WT White Image Drum 44035547 5031713056560 10,000*** 2.300 582 x 160 x 200

    C931 Black Image Drum 45103716 5031713061205 40,000*** 3.980 510 x 104 x 93

    C931 Cyan Image Drum 45103715 5031713061199 40,000*** 3.980 510 x 104 x 93

    C931 Magenta Image Drum 45103714 5031713061182 40,000*** 3.980 510 x 104 x 93

    C931 Yellow Image Drum 45103713 5031713061175 40,000*** 3.980 510 x 104 x 93

    C910 Transfer Belt 42931603 5031713026990 100,000 (A4 LEF)*** 4.900 489 x 459 x 199

    C920WT Transfer Belt 42931616 5031713056614 50,000 (A4 LEF)*** 4.600 489 x 459 x 199

    C931 Transfer Belt 45531213 5031713061014 150,000 (A4 LEF)*** 10.250 760 x 582 x 280

    C910 Fuser Unit 42931703 5031713026983 100,000 (A4 LEF) 3.600 517 x 217 x 141

    C920WT Fuser Unit 42931723 5031713056607 50,000 (A4 LEF) 3.600 517 x 217 x 141

    C931 Fuser Unit 45531113 5031713061007 150,000 (A4 LEF) 4.990 225 x 551 x 200

    C910/C920WT Waste Toner System 42869403 5031713027003 20,000 CMYK 0.700 575 x 160 x 105

    10,000 WT

    C931 Waste Toner System 45531503 5031713061045 40,000 2.080 182 x 522 x 119

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 per colour ** Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19798 *** A4 at 3 pages per job Std Cap = Standard Capacity High Cap = High Capacity For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    C900 Series printers

  • Versione 1 1/2014 19

    B2000 Series printers


    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    B2200/B2400 Toner Cartridge 43640302 5031713038634 2,000* 0.114 264 x 55 x 44

    B2200/B2400 Image Drum 43650302 5031713038665 10,000** 0.900 319 x 141 x 105

    Microfine toner for smoother lines and sharper characters

    Low temperature melting point toner for faster time to first page printing

    Long life consumables to reduce user intervention

    Engineered for fast, easy replacement by any user

    Crisp, professional business output every time


    NB * Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19752 ** Continuous print For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    B400 Series printers

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    B401 Standard Capacity Toner Cartridge 44992401 5031713055365 1,500* 0.340 300 x 80 x 93

    B401 High Capacity Toner Cartridge 44992402 5031713055389 2,500* 0.360 300 x 80 x 93

    B410/B430/B440 Standard Capacity Toner Cartridge 43979102 5031713042327 3,500* 0.185 262 x 47 x 46

    B411/B431 Standard Capacity Toner Cartridge 44574702 5031713048688 3,000* 0.360 300 x 80 x 93

    B430/B440 Medium Capacity Toner Cartridge 43979202 5031713042358 7,000* 0.420 262 x 57 x 71

    B431 Medium Capacity Toner Cartridge 44574802 5031713048701 7,000* 0.480 300 x 80 x 93

    B431 High Capacity Toner Cartridge 44917602 5031713054641 12,000* 0.600 300 x 80 x 93

    B440 High Capacity Toner Cartridge 43979216 5031713045656 12,000* 0.460 262 x 113 x 79

    B401 Image Drum 44574307 5031713054757 25,000** 1.600 391 x 258 x 236

    B410/B430/B440 Image Drum 43979002 5031713042570 25,000** 1.160 320 x 125 x 145

    B411/B431 Image Drum 44574302 5031713048671 25,000*** 1.600 391 x 258 x 236

    NB * Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19752 ** Continuous print *** Average A4 life based on a typical office environment For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

  • 20 Versione 1 1/2014

    B6000 Series printers

    B700 and B800 Series printers


    B4000 Series printers

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    B6100 Print Cartridge 09004058 5031713925200 15,000* 2.160 380 x 178 x 324

    B6200/B6250/B6300 Print Cartridge 09004078 5031713925804 11,000** 2.600 380 x 240 x 230

    B6250 Print Cartridge 01225401 5031713041870 6,000* 2.060 386 x 241 x 232

    B6300 High Capacity Print Cartridge 09004079 5031713925811 18,000** 2.700 380 x 240 x 230

    B6500 Standard Capacity Print Cartridge 09004461 5031713929123 13,000** 2.600 386 x 241 x 232

    B6500 High Capacity Print Cartridge 09004462 5031713929130 22,000** 2.600 386 x 241 x 232

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    B710/B720/B730 Standard Capacity Print Cartridge 01279001 5031713048268 15,000* 2.320 386 x 241 x 232

    B720 High Capacity Print Cartridge 01279101 5031713048275 20,000* 2.500 386 x 241 x 232

    B721/B731 Standard Capacity Print Cartridge 45488802 5031713059752 18,000* 3.200 326 x 396 x 246

    B731 High Capacity Print Cartridge 45439002 5031713059776 36,000* 3.600 326 x 396 x 246

    B721/B731 Maintenance Kit 45435104 5031713059561 200,000** 2.200 393 x 160 x 269

    B730 High Capacity Print Cartridge 01279201 5031713048282 25,000* 2.580 386 x 241 x 232

    B840 Print Cartridge 44661802 5031713051024 20,000* 3.500 496 x 255 x 286

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19752 For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    NB * Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19752 ** Average life A4 based on a typical office environment For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    B4100 Toner Cartridge 01103402 5031713015994 3,000* 0.180 262 x 47 x 46

    B4100 Image Drum 42102802 5031713925064 25,000** 1.280 147 x 336 x 130

    B4200/B4250 Toner Cartridge 01103402 5031713015994 3,000* 0.180 262 x 47 x 46

    B4200/B4250 Image Drum 42102802 5031713925064 25,000** 1.280 147 x 336 x 130

    B4300/B4350 Standard Capacity Toner Cartridge 01103402 5031713015994 3,000* 0.180 262 x 47 x 46

    B4300/B4350 High Capacity Toner Cartridge 01101202 5031713015949 7,000* 0.216 262 x 71 x 56

    B4300/B4350 Image Drum 42102802 5031713925064 25,000** 1.280 147 x 336 x 130

    B4400/B4600 Standard Capacity Toner Cartridge 43502302 5031713035404 3,000* 0.180 262 x 47 x 46

    B4600 High Capacity Toner Cartridge 43502002 5031713035435 7,000* 0.324 262 x 57 x 71

    B4400/B4600 Image Drum 43501902 5031713035466 25,000** 1.300 318 x 150 x 123

    NB * Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19752 ** Continuous print For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

  • Versione 1 1/2014 21

    B8300 printers

    B930 printers


    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    B8300 Print Cartridge 09004019 5031713924586 27,000* 2.830 560 x 200 x 290

    B8300 Developer Cartridge 09004020 5031713924593 100,000 2.410 175 x 548 x 145

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    B930 Toner Cartridge 01221601 5031713041092 33,000* 1.130 428 x 141 x 132

    B930 Image Drum 01221701 5031713041108 60,000** 2.400 492 x 196 x 190

    B930 Maintenance Kit 01226701 5031713041986 300,000 4.000 573 x 205 x 305

    B930 Staples 01244301 5031713043386 N/A 0.580 127 x 77 x 50

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    NB * Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19752 ** Continuous print For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    B930 with duplexer, tandem and finisher

    OKIPAGE and OL Series printers

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    OKIPAGE 6w Toner Cartridge 00079801 5031713451839 2,000*** 0.108 260 x 55 x 45

    OKIPAGE 6w Image Drum 40709902 5031713451792 10,000** 0.810 320 x 115 x 95

    OKIPAGE 8p/8p Plus/8iM Toner Cartridge 00079801 5031713451839 2,000*** 0.108 260 x 55 x 45

    OKIPAGE 8p/8p Plus/8iM Image Drum 40709902 5031713451792 10,000** 0.810 320 x 115 x 95

    OKIPAGE 8w/8w Lite Toner Cartridge 00079801 5031713451839 2,000*** 0.108 260 x 55 x 45

    OKIPAGE 8w/8w Lite Image Drum 40709902 5031713451792 10,000** 0.810 320 x 115 x 95

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Continuous print *** Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19752

  • 22 Versione 1 1/2014


    OKIs multifunction products provide a cost-effective solution for everyone from the

    individual desktop user to large work groups

    MC160 offers a compact, affordable solution ideal for small or crowded offices

    MC860 is an ultra compact MFP delivering A4 and A3 colour flexibility to the workgroup

    MC300 Series are OKIs smallest and fastest A4 colour MFP with low running costs and

    choice of 3-in-1 or 4-in-1 options


    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    MC160 High Cap Black Toner 44250724 5031713044604 2,500* 0.560 399 x 108 x 110

    MC160 High Cap Cyan Toner 44250723 5031713044598 2,500* 0.560 399 x 108 x 110

    MC160 High Cap Magenta Toner 44250722 5031713044581 2,500* 0.560 399 x 108 x 110

    MC160 High Cap Yellow Toner 44250721 5031713044574 2,500* 0.560 399 x 108 x 110

    MC160 Std Cap Cyan Toner 44250719 5031713044550 1,500* 0.540 399 x 108 x 110

    MC160 Std Cap Magenta Toner 44250718 5031713044543 1,500* 0.540 399 x 108 x 110

    MC160 Std Cap Yellow Toner 44250717 5031713044536 1,500* 0.540 399 x 108 x 110

    MC160 Imaging Unit 44250801 5031713044697 Mono: up to 45,000** 2.240 433 x 333 x 255 Colour: up to 11,250**

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Continuous print For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    MC160 colour MFP

    MC160 toners

  • Versione 1 1/2014 23


    MC300 Series colour MFPs

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    MC332/MC342 Black Toner 44973536 5031713055808 2,200** 0.480 312 x 123 x 123

    MC332/MC342 Cyan Toner 44973535 5031713055785 1,500** 0.180 300 x 56 x 52

    MC332/MC342 Magenta Toner 44973534 5031713055754 1,500** 0.180 300 x 56 x 52

    MC332/MC342 Yellow Toner 44973533 5031713055730 1,500** 0.180 300 x 56 x 52

    MC350/MC360 Black Toner 43459324 5031713037958 2,500* 0.250 306 x 56 x 52

    MC350/MC360 Cyan Toner 43459371 5031713045434 2,500* 0.250 306 x 56 x 52

    MC350/MC360 Magenta Toner 43459370 5031713045427 2,500* 0.260 306 x 56 x 52

    MC350/MC360 Yellow Toner 43459369 5031713045410 2,500* 0.250 306 x 56 x 52

    MC351/MC352/MC361/MC362 Black Toner 44469803 5031713047995 3,500** 0.520 314 x 112 x 120

    MC351/MC352/MC361/MC362 Cyan Toner 44469706 5031713047988 2,000** 0.200 300 x 56 x 52

    MC351/MC352/MC361/MC362 Magenta Toner 44469705 5031713047971 2,000** 0.200 300 x 56 x 52

    MC351/MC352/MC361/MC362 Yellow Toner 44469704 5031713047964 2,000** 0.200 300 x 56 x 52

    MC332/MC342/MC352/MC362 Image Drum Unit 44968301 5031713054702 30,000 K*** 4.500 392 x 385 x 320

    20,000 CMY***

    MC350/MC360 Black Image Drum 43460224 5031713037873 15,000*** 1.120 409 x 144 x 154

    MC350/MC360 Cyan Image Drum 43460223 5031713037866 15,000*** 1.120 409 x 144 x 154

    MC350/MC360 Magenta Image Drum 43460222 5031713037859 15,000*** 1.120 409 x 144 x 154

    MC350/MC360 Yellow Image Drum 43460221 5031713037842 15,000*** 1.120 409 x 144 x 154

    MC351/MC361 Image Drum Unit 44494202 5031713048947 20,000*** 4.500 392 x 385 x 320

    MC350/MC360 Transfer Belt 43378002 5031713031987 50,000**** 2.000 410 x 370 x 230

    MC332/MC342/MC351/MC352/ Transfer Belt 44472202 5031713048961 60,000**** 1.800 378 x 374 x 167


    MC350 Fuser Unit 43377103 5031713031963 30,000 1.740 378 x 160 x 256

    MC360 Fuser Unit 43377003 5031713031970 50,000 1.740 378 x 160 x 256

    MC332/MC342/MC351/MC352/ Fuser Unit 44472603 5031713048954 60,000 1.500 387 x 142 x 243



    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19798 *** Average A4 life based on a typical office environment **** A4 at 3 pages per job For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

  • 24 Versione 1 1/2014


    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    MC560 Black Toner 43865724 5031713039884 8,000* 0.480 302 x 72 x 113

    MC560 Cyan Toner 43865723 5031713039877 6,000* 0.487 302 x 72 x 113

    MC560 Magenta Toner 43865722 5031713039860 6,000* 0.487 302 x 72 x 113

    MC560 Yellow Toner 43865721 5031713039853 6,000* 0.487 302 x 72 x 113

    MC561/MC562 Std Cap Black Toner 44469803 5031713047995 3,500** 0.520 314 x 112 x 120

    MC561/MC562 Std Cap Cyan Toner 44469706 5031713047988 2,000** 0.200 300 x 56 x 52

    MC561/MC562 Std Cap Magenta Toner 44469705 5031713047971 2,000** 0.200 300 x 56 x 52

    MC561/MC562 Std Cap Yellow Toner 44469704 5031713047964 2,000** 0.200 300 x 56 x 52

    MC561 High Cap Black Toner 44469804 5031713048008 5,000** 0.540 314 x 112 x 120

    MC562 High Cap Black Toner 44973508 5031713054825 7,000** 0.540 312 x 123 x 123

    MC561/MC562 High Cap Cyan Toner 44469724 5031713048626 5,000** 0.240 302 x 57 x 51

    MC561/MC562 High Cap Magenta Toner 44469723 5031713048619 5,000** 0.280 302 x 57 x 51

    MC561/MC562 High Cap Yellow Toner 44469722 5031713048602 5,000** 0.260 302 x 57 x 51

    MC560 Black Image Drum 43870024 5031713040200 20,000*** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    MC560 Cyan Image Drum 43870023 5031713040194 20,000*** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    MC560 Magenta Image Drum 43870022 5031713040187 20,000*** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    MC560 Yellow Image Drum 43870021 5031713040170 20,000*** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    MC561 Image Drum Unit 44494202 5031713048947 20,000*** 4.500 392 x 385 x 320

    MC562 Image Drum Unit 44968301 5031713054702 30,000 K** 4.500 392 x 385 x 320

    20,000 CMY**

    MC560 Transfer Belt 43363412 5031713031543 60,000**** 2.250 419 x 369 x 223

    MC561/MC562 Transfer Belt 44472202 5031713048961 60,000**** 1.800 387 x 374 x 167

    MC560 Fuser Unit 43363203 5031713031536 60,000 2.150 378 x 160 x 258

    MC561/MC562 Fuser Unit 44472603 5031713048954 60,000 1.500 387 x 142 x 243

    MC500 Series colour MFP

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19798 *** Average A4 life based on a typical office environment **** A4 at 3 pages per job Std Cap = Standard Capacity High Cap = High Capacity For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    MC561 black toner

  • Versione 1 1/2014 25


    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    MC760/MC770/MC780 Std Cap Black Toner 45396304 5031713057710 8,000* 0.560 302 x 135 x 74

    MC760/MC770/MC780 Std Cap Cyan Toner 45396303 5031713057697 6,000* 0.500 302 x 135 x 74

    MC760/MC770/MC780 Std Cap Magenta Toner 45396302 5031713057673 6,000* 0.540 302 x 135 x 74

    MC760/MC770/MC780 Std Cap Yellow Toner 45396301 5031713057659 6,000* 0.500 302 x 135 x 74

    MC770/MC780 High Cap Black Toner 45396204 5031713057635 15,000* 0.780 302 x 147 x 94

    MC770/MC780 High Cap Cyan Toner 45396203 5031713057611 11,500* 0.580 302 x 135 x 74

    MC770/MC780 High Cap Magenta Toner 45396202 5031713057598 11,500* 0.620 302 x 135 x 74

    MC770/MC780 High Cap Yellow Toner 45396201 5031713057574 11,500* 0.580 302 x 135 x 74

    MC760/MC770/MC780 Black Image Drum 45395704 5031713058519 30,000 ** 1.440 372 x 149 x 231

    MC760/MC770/MC780 Cyan Image Drum 45395703 5031713058496 30,000 ** 1.440 372 x 149 x 231

    MC760/MC770/MC780 Magenta Image Drum 45395702 5031713058742 30,000 ** 1.440 372 x 149 x 231

    MC760/MC770/MC780 Yellow Image Drum 45395701 5031713058458 30,000 ** 1.440 372 x 149 x 231

    MC760/MC770/MC780 Transfer Belt 45381102 5031713058724 60,000 *** 2.250 419 x 369 x 223

    MC760/MC770/MC780 Fuser Unit 45380003 5031713058731 60,000 2.000 387 x 160 x 256

    MC760/MC770/MC780 Staples Offline (3000 staples) 45513301 5031713059820 N/A 0.120 57 x 57 x 11

    MC760/MC770/MC780 Staples Finisher (15000 staples) 42937603 5031713027010 N/A 0.550 163 x 64 x 42

    MC700 Series colour MFP

    NB * Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19798 ** Average number of A4 pages printed *** A4 at 3 pages per job Std Cap = Standard Capacity High Cap = High Capacity For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.


  • 26 Versione 1 1/2014


    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    MC860 Black Toner 44059212 5031713043621 9,500* 0.700 388 x 70 x 110

    MC860 Cyan Toner 44059211 5031713043614 10,000* 0.660 388 x 70 x 110

    MC860 Magenta Toner 44059210 5031713043607 10,000* 0.680 388 x 70 x 110

    MC860 Yellow Toner 44059209 5031713043591 10,000* 0.680 388 x 70 x 110

    MC860 Black Image Drum 44064012 5031713043324 20,000** 1.850 464 x 128 x 210

    MC860 Cyan Image Drum 44064011 5031713043317 20,000** 1.850 464 x 128 x 210

    MC860 Magenta Image Drum 44064010 5031713043300 20,000** 1.850 464 x 128 x 210

    MC860 Yellow Image Drum 44064009 5031713043294 20,000** 1.850 464 x 128 x 210

    MC860 Transfer Belt 43449705 5031713037811 80,000*** 4.125 500 x 450 x 230

    MC860 Fuser Unit 43529405 5031713037828 100,000 3.350 487 x 234 x 141

    MC860 colour MFP

    NB * Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19798 ** Based on a typical office environment *** A4 at 3 pages per job For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    MC860/MC851/MC861 transfer belt

    MC860/MC851/MC861 fuser unit


  • Versione 1 1/2014 27


    C3500 Series colour MFPs

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    MC851/MC861 Black Toner 44059168 5031713052654 7,000* 0.620 383 x 72 x 110

    MC851/MC861 Cyan Toner 44059167 5031713052647 7,300* 0.600 383 x 72 x 110

    MC851/MC861 Magenta Toner 44059166 5031713052630 7,300* 0.620 383 x 72 x 110

    MC851/MC861 Yellow Toner 44059165 5031713052623 7,300* 0.590 383 x 72 x 110

    MC861 Black Toner 44059256 5031713052616 9,500* 0.680 383 x 72 x 110

    MC861 Cyan Toner 44059255 5031713052609 10,000* 0.640 383 x 72 x 110

    MC861 Magenta Toner 44059254 5031713052593 10,000* 0.680 383 x 72 x 110

    MC861 Yellow Toner 44059253 5031713052586 10,000* 0.640 383 x 72 x 110

    MC851/MC861 Black Image Drum 44064012 5031713043324 20,000** 1.850 464 x 128 x 210

    MC851/MC861 Cyan Image Drum 44064011 5031713043317 20,000** 1.850 464 x 128 x 210

    MC851/MC861 Magenta Image Drum 44064010 5031713043300 20,000** 1.850 464 x 128 x 210

    MC851/MC861 Yellow Image Drum 44064009 5031713043294 20,000** 1.850 464 x 128 x 210

    MC851/MC861 Transfer Belt 43449705 5031713037811 80,000*** 4.125 500 x 450 x 230

    MC851/MC861 Fuser Unit 43529405 5031713037828 100,000 3.350 487 x 234 x 141

    MC851 and MC861 colour MFPs

    NB * Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19798 ** Based on a typical office environment *** A4 at 3 pages per job For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C3520 MFP/C3530 MFP Black Toner 43459324 5031713037958 2,500* 0.250 306 x 56 x 52

    C3520 MFP/C3530 MFP Cyan Toner 43459371 5031713045434 2,500* 0.250 306 x 56 x 52

    C3520 MFP/C3530 MFP Magenta Toner 43459370 5031713045427 2,500* 0.260 306 x 56 x 52

    C3520 MFP/C3530 MFP Yellow Toner 43459369 5031713045410 2,500* 0.250 306 x 56 x 52

    C3520 MFP/C3530 MFP Black Image Drum 43460224 5031713037873 15,000** 1.120 409 x 144 x 154

    C3520 MFP/C3530 MFP Cyan Image Drum 43460223 5031713037866 15,000** 1.120 409 x 144 x 154

    C3520 MFP/C3530 MFP Magenta Image Drum 43460222 5031713037859 15,000** 1.120 409 x 144 x 154

    C3520 MFP/C3530 MFP Yellow Image Drum 43460221 5031713037842 15,000** 1.120 409 x 144 x 154

    C3520 MFP/C3530 MFP Transfer Belt 43378002 5031713031987 50,000*** 2.000 410 x 370 x 230

    C3520 MFP Fuser Unit 43377103 5031713031963 30,000 1.740 378 x 160 x 256

    C3530 MFP Fuser Unit 43377003 5031713031970 50,000 1.740 378 x 160 x 256

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Average A4 life based on a typical office environment *** A4 at 3 pages per job For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

  • 28 Versione 1 1/2014


    C5500 Series colour MFPs

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C5510 MFP/C5540 MFP Std Cap Black Toner 42804548 5031713027744 3,000* 0.435 302 x 72 x 113

    C5510 MFP/C5540 MFP Std Cap Cyan Toner 42804547 5031713027737 3,000* 0.455 302 x 72 x 113

    C5510 MFP/C5540 MFP Std Cap Magenta Toner 42804546 5031713027720 3,000* 0.465 302 x 72 x 113

    C5510 MFP/C5540 MFP Std Cap Yellow Toner 42804545 5031713027713 3,000* 0.455 302 x 72 x 113

    C5510 MFP/C5540 MFP High Cap Black Toner 42127457 5031713027669 5,000* 0.505 302 x 72 x 113

    C5510 MFP/C5540 MFP High Cap Cyan Toner 42127456 5031713027652 5,000* 0.495 302 x 72 x 113

    C5510 MFP/C5540 MFP High Cap Magenta Toner 42127455 5031713027645 5,000* 0.525 302 x 72 x 113

    C5510 MFP/C5540 MFP High Cap Yellow Toner 42127454 5031713027638 5,000* 0.505 302 x 72 x 113

    C5510 MFP/C5540 MFP High Cap Toner Rainbow Pack 42403006 5031713029144 5,000*** 2.265 312 x 151 x 240

    C5510 MFP/C5540 MFP Black Image Drum 42126673 5031713027621 17,000** 1.308 372 x 149 x 231

    C5510 MFP/C5540 MFP Cyan Image Drum 42126672 5031713027614 17,000** 1.308 372 x 149 x 231

    C5510 MFP/C5540 MFP Magenta Image Drum 42126671 5031713027607 17,000** 1.308 372 x 149 x 231

    C5510 MFP/C5540 MFP Yellow Image Drum 42126670 5031713027591 17,000** 1.308 372 x 149 x 231

    C5510 MFP/C5540 MFP Transfer Belt 42158712 5031713020677 50,000**** 2.028 419 x 369 x 223

    C5510 MFP/C5540 MFP Fuser Unit 42625503 5031713020684 45,000 1.989 378 x 160 x 256

    C5550 MFP Black Toner 43324424 5031713031680 6,000* 0.526 302 x 113 x 72

    C5550 MFP Cyan Toner 43324423 5031713031253 5,000* 0.526 302 x 113 x 72

    C5550 MFP Magenta Toner 43324422 5031713031246 5,000* 0.526 302 x 113 x 72

    C5550 MFP Yellow Toner 43324421 5031713031239 5,000* 0.526 302 x 113 x 72

    C5550 MFP Black Image Drum 43381724 5031713031734 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5550 MFP Cyan Image Drum 43381723 5031713031727 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5550 MFP Magenta Image Drum 43381722 5031713031710 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5550 MFP Yellow Image Drum 43381721 5031713031703 20,000** 1.306 372 x 149 x 231

    C5550 MFP Transfer Belt 43363412 5031713031543 60,000**** 1.600 372 x 140 x 219

    C5550 MFP Fuser Unit 43363203 5031713031536 60,000 2.150 378 x 160 x 258

    C5550 MFP cyan toner

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Average A4 life based on a typical office environment *** At 5% coverage A4 per colour **** A4 at 3 pages per job Std Cap = Standard Capacity High Cap = High Capacity For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    C5550 MFP yellow image drum

  • Versione 1 1/2014 29


    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    C9800 MFP/C9850 MFP Black Toner 42918916 5031713026846 15,000* 1.000 484 x 102 x 117

    C9800 MFP/C9850 MFP Cyan Toner 42918915 5031713026839 15,000* 1.000 484 x 102 x 117

    C9800 MFP/C9850 MFP Magenta Toner 42918914 5031713026822 15,000* 1.000 484 x 102 x 117

    C9800 MFP/C9850 MFP Yellow Toner 42918913 5031713026815 15,000* 1.000 484 x 102 x 117

    C9800 MFP/C9850 MFP Toner Rainbow Pack 43112702 5031713028895 15,000*** 3.450 483 x 279 x 141

    C9800 MFP/C9850 MFP Black Image Drum 42918108 5031713026570 30,000** 2.300 528 x 162 x 200

    C9800 MFP/C9850 MFP Cyan Image Drum 42918107 5031713026563 30,000** 2.300 528 x 162 x 200

    C9800 MFP/C9850 MFP Magenta Image Drum 42918106 5031713026556 30,000** 2.300 528 x 162 x 200

    C9800 MFP/C9850 MFP Yellow Image Drum 42918105 5031713026549 30,000** 2.300 528 x 162 x 200

    C9800 MFP/C9850 MFP Transfer Belt 42931603 5031713026990 100,000 (A4 LEF)**** 4.900 489 x 459 x 199

    C9800 MFP/C9850 MFP Fuser Unit 42931703 5031713026983 100,000 (A4 LEF) 3.600 517 x 217 x 141

    C9800 MFP/C9850 MFP Waste Toner System 42869403 5031713027003 30,000 0.700 574 x 160 x 110

    C9800 MFP/C9850 MFP Staples 42937603 5031713027010 N/A 0.550 163 x 64 x 42

    C9800 Series colour MFPs

    NB * At 5% coverage A4 ** Average A4 life based on a typical office environment *** At 5% coverage A4 per colour **** A4 at 3 pages per job For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    NB * Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19752 ** Continuous print *** High capacity toner consists of 2 x standard capacity toners in one unitary box

    Mono MFPs

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    B2500 MFP Standard Capacity Print Cartridge 09004447 5031713928997 2,200* 1.460 350 x 220 x 160

    B2500 MFP High Capacity Print Cartridge 09004391 5031713928546 4,000* 1.500 350 x 220 x 160

    B2520 MFP/B2540 MFP Standard Capacity Print Cartridge 09004447 5031713928997 2,200* 1.200 350 x 215 x 160

    B2520 MFP/B2540 MFP High Capacity Print Cartridge 09004391 5031713928546 4,000* 1.200 350 x 215 x 160

    B4520 MFP/B4540 MFP Standard Capacity Toner Cartridge 09004168 5031713926221 6,000* 0.730 120 x 350 x 169

    B4520 MFP/B4540 MFP High Capacity Toner Cartridge*** 09004169 5031713926238 12,000* 1.500 232 x 340 x 169

    B4520 MFP/B4540 MFP Image Drum 09004170 5031713926245 20,000** 0.850 229 x 366 x 162

    B4525 MFP/B4545 MFP Standard Capacity Toner Cartridge 09004168 5031713926221 6,000* 0.730 120 x 350 x 169

    B4525 MFP/B4545 MFP High Capacity Toner Cartridge*** 09004169 5031713926238 12,000* 1.500 232 x 340 x 169

    B4525 MFP/B4545 MFP Image Drum 09004170 5031713926245 20,000** 0.850 229 x 366 x 162

  • 30 Versione 1 1/2014


    NB * At 4% coverage A4 ** Continuous print *** Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19752

    Digital LED fax MFPs

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    OKIOFFICE 1200/1600 Toner Cartridge 09002989 5031713923848 15,000* 1.340 400 x 120 x 160

    OKIOFFICE 1200/1600 Image Drum 09002990 5031713923855 20,000** 0.460 334 x 90 x 105

    OKIOFFICE 2530 Standard Capacity Print Cartridge 09004447 5031713928997 2,200*** 1.200 350 x 215 x 160

    OKIOFFICE 2530 High Capacity Print Cartridge 09004391 5031713928546 4,000*** 1.200 350 x 215 x 160

    NB * Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19752 ** Continuous print *** Average A4 life based on a typical office environment For the protection of your product, and in order to ensure that you benefit from its full functionality, this model has been designed to operate only with genuine Oki toner cartridges.

    These can be identified by the Oki trademark. Any other toner cartridge may not operate at all, even if it is described as compatible or refilled. If it does work, your product's performance and print quality may be degraded.

    Mono MFPs

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    MB260/MB280/MB290 Standard Capacity Print Cartridge 01239901 5031713043249 3,000* 1.400 352 x 216 x 160

    MB260/MB280/MB290 High Capacity Print Cartridge 01240001 5031713043256 5,500* 1.400 352 x 216 x 160

    MB441/MB451 Standard Capacity Toner Cartridge 44992401 5031713055365 1,500* 0.340 300 x 80 x 93

    MB441/MB451 High Capacity Toner Cartridge 44992402 5031713055389 2,500* 0.360 300 x 80 x 93

    MB460/MB470/MB480 Standard Capacity Toner Cartridge 43979102 5031713042327 3,500* 0.185 262 x 47 x 46

    MB461/MB471/MB491 Standard Capacity Toner Cartridge 44574702 5031713048688 3,000* 0.360 300 x 80 x 93

    MB460/MB470/MB480 Medium Capacity Toner Cartridge 43979202 5031713042358 7,000* 0.420 262 x 57 x 71

    MB461/MB471/MB491 Medium Capacity Toner Cartridge 44574802 5031713048701 7,000* 0.480 300 x 80 x 93

    MB480 High Capacity Toner Cartridge 43979216 5031713045656 12,000* 0.460 262 x 113 x 79

    MB491 High Capacity Toner Cartridge 44917602 5031713054641 12,000* 0.600 300 x 80 x 93

    MB441/MB451 Image Drum 44574307 5031713054757 25,000*** 1.600 391 x 258 x 236

    MB460/MB470/MB480 Image Drum 43979002 5031713042570 25,000** 1.160 320 x 125 x 145

    MB461/MB471/MB491 Image Drum 44574302 5031713048671 25,000*** 1.600 391 x 258 x 236

    MB760/MB770 Standard Capacity Print Cartridge 45488802 5031713059752 18,000* 3.200 326 x 396 x 246

    MB770 High Capacity Print Cartridge 45439002 5031713059776 36,000* 3.600 326 x 396 x 246

    MB760/MB770 Maintenance Kit 45435104 5031713059561 200,000** 2.200 393 x 160 x 269

    MB760/MB770 Staples Offline (3000 staples) 45513301 5031713059820 N/A 0.120 57 x 57 x 11

    MB760/MB770 Staples Finisher (15000 staples) 42937603 5031713027010 N/A 0.550 163 x 64 x 42

  • Versione 1 1/2014 31

    Dot Matrix

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Character Gross Gross dimensions

    life* weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    9-pin printers

    ML1120 Black Ink Ribbon 43571802 5031713037415 4 million 0.110 300 x 80 x 30

    ML182/ML183 Black Ink Ribbon 09002303 5031713351009 3 million 0.029 85 x 70 x 30

    ML192/ML193 Black Ink Ribbon 09002303 5031713351009 3 million 0.029 85 x 70 x 30

    ML280 (elite) Black Ink Ribbon 09002303 5031713351009 3 million 0.029 85 x 70 x 30

    ML320/ML321 (elite) Black Ink Ribbon 09002303 5031713351009 3 million 0.029 85 x 70 x 30

    ML320FB Black Ink Ribbon 09002310 5031713353003 2 million 0.029 85 x 70 x 30

    ML3320/ML3321 Black Ink Ribbon 09002303 5031713351009 3 million 0.029 85 x 70 x 30

    ML3410 Black Ink Ribbon 09002308 5031713356004 10 million 0.380 492 x 140 x 38

    ML520/ML521 (elite) Black Ink Ribbon 09002315 5031713551003 4 million 0.033 85 x 70 x 30

    ML5520/ML5521 Black Ink Ribbon 01126301 5031713019589 4 million 0.030 85 x 70 x 30

    ML5720 Black Ink Ribbon 44173405 5031713047155 8 million 0.160 300 x 37 x 107

    ML5721 Black Ink Ribbon 44173406 5031713047162 13 million 0.200 300 x 37 x 107

    18-pin printers

    ML4410 (2 x 9-Pin) Black Ink Ribbon 40629303 5031713002000 15 million 0.527 541 x 118 x 53

    Minimum wear due to high quality ribbon material

    Metered inkflow for consistent high quality output

    High quality oil to reduce wear of print head

    Precision-tooled ribbon shield to minimize paper jams

    Manufactured to precise tolerances to eliminate wear on ribbon drive mechanism

    miCroline 5720

    miCroline 5721

    NB * Character life calculated on high speed draft printing at 10cpi

    Black ribbon

  • 32 Versione 1 1/2014

    Dot Matrix

    Colour ribbon

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Order code Unitary EAN code Character life (millions)* Gross Gross dimensions

    Cyan Magenta Yellow Black weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    ML393C/ML395C 09002312 5031713355007 1.8 1.8 1.3 2.1 0.580 492 x 140 x 60

    ML590/ML591 40107101 5031713915812 1.5 1.5 1.2 1.5 0.070 84 x 43 x 71

    (requires colour kit)

    NB * Character life calculated on high speed draft printing at 10cpi

    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Character Gross Gross dimensions

    life* weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    24-pin printers

    ML1190 Black Ink Ribbon 43571802 5031713037415 4 million 0.110 300 x 80 x 30

    ML3390/ML3391 Black Ink Ribbon 09002309 5031713352006 2 million 0.030 85 x 70 x 30

    ML380/ML385/ML386 Black Ink Ribbon 09002309 5031713352006 2 million 0.030 85 x 70 x 30

    ML390/ML391 (elite) Black Ink Ribbon 09002309 5031713352006 2 million 0.030 85 x 70 x 30

    ML390FB Black Ink Ribbon 09002310 5031713353003 2 million 0.029 85 x 70 x 30

    ML393(C)/ML395(C) Black Ink Ribbon 09002311 5031713354000 5 million 0.436 490 x 140 x 40

    ML5100FB Black Ink Ribbon 43821103 5031713045250 2 million 0.100 300 x 80 x 30

    ML5590/ML5591 Black Ink Ribbon 01126301 5031713019589 4 million 0.030 85 x 70 x 30

    ML590/ML591 (elite) Black Ink Ribbon 09002316 5031713552000 4 million 0.031 85 x 70 x 30

    ML6300FB Black Ink Ribbon 43503601 5031713032342 4 million 0.310 380 x 80 x 45

    ML5790 Black Ink Ribbon 44173405 5031713047155 8 million 0.160 300 x 37 x 107

    ML5791 Black Ink Ribbon 44173406 5031713047162 13 million 0.200 300 x 37 x 107

    NB * Character life calculated on high speed draft printing at 10cpi

    Black ribbon

    miCroline 1190 miCroline 1190 black ribbon

  • Dot Matrix

    Versione 1 1/2014 33

    Printer model


    Order code

    Unitary EAN code

    CRB MX 1050/1100/ Standard Black Ribbon 09005591 5031713050865 17,000 pages** 0.830 546 x 209 x 47

    CRB MX 1100/1150/1200 Extended Black Ribbon 09005592 5031713050872 30,000 pages** 0.830 546 x 209 x 47

    CRB MX 1100/1150/1200 Extended 4-Pack Black Ribbon 09005660 5031713051053 30,000 pages** each 2.900 552 x 203 x 228

    Microline MX Series printers

    Unitary packaged product

    NB * Character life calculated using data processing mode ** Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19752 CRB = Cartridge Ribbon Based


    Character Gross Gross dimensions

    life mono* weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

  • 34 Versione 1 1/2014

    Digital LED fax


    Unitary packaged product

    Printer model Consumable Order code Unitary EAN code Life (pages) Gross Gross dimensions

    weight (kg) (mm) w x d x h

    OKIFAX 160 Print Cartridge 01234101 5031713042945 2,400*** 0.990 345 x 155 x 145

    OKIFAX 170 Print Cartridge 01290801 5031713049814 2,000*** 1.000 300 x 110 x 180

    OKIFAX 2510 Std Cap Print Cartridge 09004447 5031713928997 2,200*** 1.200 350 x 215 x 160

    OKIFAX 2510 High Cap Print Cartridge 09004391 5031713928546 4,000*** 1.200 350 x 215 x 160

    OKIFAX 4515 Print Cartridge 09004245 5031713926443 3,300*** 1.110 345 x 155 x 145

    OKIFAX 5700/5750/5900/5950 Toner Cartridge 40815604 5031713002024 3,000* 0.192 262 x 55 x 45

    OKIFAX 5700/5750/5900/5950 Image Drum 01008201 5031713007111 20,000** 1.113 300 x 145 x 120

    OKIFAX 5780/5980 Toner Cartridge 01074705 5031713014225 3,500* 0.250 262 x 69 x 48

    OKIFAX 5780/5980 Image Drum 01008201 5031713007111 20,000** 1.113 300 x 145 x 120

    NB * At 4% coverage A4 ** Continuous print *** Yield compliant with ISO/IEC 19752 Std Cap = Standard Capacity High Cap = High Capacity

    okifax 170

    OKIs Original Consumables are designed exclusively for use with

    OKI fax products

    Low melt formulation for high resolution, high speed printing

    User-friendly design for clean and fast replacement

    okifax 160

  • Versione 1 1/2014 35

    Our media and software tools continues to extend the variety of in-house

    colour printing applications available to customers using our media-

    compatible hardware

    Template Manager unique software features ready made templates for all

    kinds of stationary and promotional material included free with OKI

    hardware or downloadable from OKI website


    Printer model Consumable Order code

    C900/C9000 Series Banner paper, 32,8 x 120 cm, 160 gsm, 100 sheets 09300529

    C800/C900/C8000/C9000 /MC850/MC851/MC860/ MC861 Series Banner paper, 29,7 x 90 cm, 120 gsm, 100 sheets 09300623

    C800/C900/C8000/C9000/ MC850/MC851/MC860/ MC861 Series Banner paper, 29,7 x 120 cm, 120 gsm, 100 sheets 09300624

    C900/C9000 Series Business Cards, 50 sheets x 10 cards, 270 g/mq 09002985

    C100/C300/C3100/C3200/C3400/C3500/C500/C7000/C700/C800 C900/C8000/C9000/ MC160/MC350/MC351/MC352/MC360/MC361/MC362/MC560 MC561/MC562/MC850/MC851/MC860/ MC861 Series

    CD Solution, 50 sheets 09004185

    C100/C300/C3000/C500/C5000/C7000/C700/C800/C900/C8000/ C9000 MC160/MC350/MC351/MC352/MC360/MC361/MC362/MC560/ MC561/MC562/MC850/MC851/MC860/ MC861 Series

    Natural paper, A4 sheets, 100 gsm, 500 sheets/rm, 4 reams


    C100/C300/C3000/C500/C5000/C7000/C700/C800/C900/C8000/ C9000 MC160/MC350/MC351/MC352/MC360/MC361/MC362/MC560/ MC561/MC562/MC850/MC851/MC860/ MC861 Series

    Natural paper, A4 sheets, 120 gsm, 500 sheets/rm, 4 reams


    C800/C900/C8000/C9000/ MC850/MC851/MC860/ MC861 Series Natural paper, A3 sheets, 90 gsm, 500 sheets/rm, 5 reams


    C800/C900/C8000/C9000/ MC850/MC851/MC860/ MC861 Series Natural paper, A3 sheets, 100 gsm, 500 sheets/rm, 5 reams


    C800/C900/C8000/C9000/ MC850/MC851/MC860/ MC861 Series Natural paper, A3 sheets, 120 gsm, 500 sheets/rm, 4 reams


    C800/C900/C8000/C9000/ MC850/MC851/MC860/ MC861 Series Natural paper, A3 sheets, 160 gsm, 250 sheets/rm, 6 reams


    C800/C900/C8000/C9000/ MC850/M