catalan christmas receipt

Download Catalan christmas receipt

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Post on 30-Jul-2015




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1. CANDY ALMONDS (ametlles garapinyades) Ingredients: - Almonds (three measures) - Sugar (two measures) - Water (one measure) Material: In Catalonia we usually use a typical pan made of earthenware. But as you probably will not find this kind of recipient you can use whatever type of material. We also need a big wood spoon. Advice: Cook the almonds over medium heat. 2. Preparation: We put the three measures of almonds, the two measures of sugar and the same measure of water in the pan. We switch on the cook and we put the pan on it. From the beginning you start stirring the mixture without stopping, taking care of removing them well. When the sugar covers the almonds we go on stirring them until the sugar have a more liquid texture. Then suddenly, the almonds start popping. You wait for a couple of minutes and you spread out all the almonds individually on a cotton cloth. You roll on the cotton cloth with the almonds inside and you just wait till the almonds are completely cold. Later you can put them in a glass pot. They are very tasty and irresistible. You will not stop eating them! Enjoy our sweet Catalan snack!