cashmere pashmina


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Report Cashmere Pashmina


INTERNAL ASSESSMENT ASSIGNMENTGLOBAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT- PASHMINA SHAWLS SUBMITTED TO: Ms. SMITA IYERJAGRITI SOOD - 15020241136KISHAN DHAMELIYA - 15020241144DHAVAL OZA - 15020241146AISHWARYA PATIL - 15020241148NIHARIKA KUMAR - 15020241131AUGUST 2015CONTENTS 1.0 Executive Summary KISHAN DHAMELIYA - 15020241144Vision Organization SummaryOrganization Location2.0 Product Introduction3.0 Products and ServicesAISHWARYA PATIL - 15020241144Product and Service DescritionSourcing and !u"#i""ment$ec%no"ogy&.0 'ar(et )na"ysis SummaryDHAVAL OZA - 15020241146'ar(et Segmentation$arget 'ar(et Segment Strategy Industry )na"ysis*.0 'ar(et )ccessJAGRITI SOOD - 15020241136 +eogra%ica" Indicators,ea" time Indicators-.0 EP.NIHARIKA KUMAR15020241131/ey 'ar(etsExort Destinations$rade !airs1!0 E"E#UTIVE SUMMARY1!1 V$%$&'Provide authentic Cashmere Pashmina Products World Wide1!2 O()*'$+*,$&' S-..*(/0 Leading manufacturer, supplier and exporter of a wide range of exquisite products such asCashmere Pashmina Products i.e.Shawls, Scarves, Stoles, Sweaters, Blanket etc.!elentless commitment toprovidesuperior qualit"products, makingthemavaila#leatreasona#le prices and #acking them up with prompt deliveries $ efficient services. %t is thesefactors that will make us a respected manufacturer and supplier of Shawls, &ufflers, Scarves,Stoles and the like.Wewill haveall thenecessar"facilities tomeet thevariedneeds $requirements ofcustomersall overtheworld. wewill esta#lishourselvesinthedomesticmarket andwillsuccessfull" made inroads into the international market, presentl" exporting our product rangeinto the qualit" conscious markets of 'S( and )urope.Wewill constantl"enhancedourexpertise$capa#ilitieswiththeviewtoprovideourcustomers with high qualit" products. With exclusive designs and stellar craftsmanship, ourproducts will #e definitive statements of st"le.1!3 O()*'$+*,$&' L&0*,$&'totakeadvantageof availa#ilit"of rawmaterial suita#leplacefor manufacturingLadakh,*ashmir, %ndia 2!0 PRODU#T INTRODU#TIONPashmina, from the Persian word for wool, is popularl" known in the West as cashmere wool,from the old spelling of *ashmir. +he fine wool comes from the undercoat of the ,imala"anmountain goat, called Ch"angra -Capra ,ircus. which lives in the high ,imala"an regions of/epal and the most remote regions of +i#etan Plateau. 0or over a thousand "ears cashmere has#eenwovenintoshawls and#lankets, pri1ed#"ro"alt"andcommonpeoplealikefor itssoftness, warmth, andlonglife. *ashmirwasforcenturiestheonl"placethefi#ercould#ewoven into shawls, according to treaties that gave the &ahara2a of *ashmir exclusive rights to+i#et3s pashmina suppl".Whileshawls, stoles, mufflers, scarvesand#lanketswovenfrompashminawool have#eenadored for centuries in the far )ast, the Western world has #een slow to discover pashmina3suniquequalities. +oda"most of theworld3s pashminashawlsarewovenonhandlooms in/epal3s *athmandu valle". (nd most are woven on a warp of spun silk for increased supplenessand strength. %n recent "ears this silk and pashmina #lend has #ecome the adoring of the westernfashion world. )xtraordinaril" soft and light, "et exceptionall" warm, #e it pure pashmina or silk#lended pashmina.Pashmina wool, also known as cashmere wool world over is the softest, most luxurious and the#est wool in the world comes from ,imala"an region from a special ,imala"an goat Ch"angra-Capra,ircus.whichlivesat thealtitudeof45666feet wheretemperaturedrops#elow76degree centigrade. +he goat is #lessed #" nature with a unique ver" thin short inner coat of hairwhichis the#est insulationintheworldandthis inner coat of hair is P(S,&%/(. +he,imala"an goat is survived #ecause of this nature gifted hair in the coolest weather. Pashminafi#er is 48 to 49 microns in diameter where as a human hair is :8 microns in diameter. ;ne,imala"an goat produce s < to = ounce s of Pashmina per "ear.;rigin of Pashmina dates #ack to ancient civili1ation and has #een traced #ack to the times of&aha#harata. )arlier in olden da"s pashmina shawls found favor with )&P)!;!S, *%/>S,P!%/C)S, !'LL)!S and /;BL)S. +his precious fa#ric was known as 0%B)! 0;! *%/>S.;rigin of pashmina in /epal started long #ack, the mountain people of /epal had to depend onthe fa#ric the" wove for warmth, for eas" travel and for survival. %n man" high mountain areasand semi?tropical 2ungles, the" continued to weave for their perfect protection and comfort wear.+he art of wearing wool products #" hand has #een practiced throughout the countr" remainspopular toda"as its ruggedconditions have not changed. @ue to gradual popularit"andcommerciali1ation of pashmina there are variet" of pashmina is #eing offered in the market likeApashminashawls, pashminastoles, pashminascarves, pashminasweaters, pashminamufflers,and variet" of other pashmina products. +hese luxurious pashmina shawls are hand woven #"traditional weavers whose families have #een in the occupation since ages the" inherit this artfromtheir ancestors, andtraditionof pashminaweavingcontinues fromonegenerationtoanother generation./epalese women have traditionall" worn pashmina shawls. ;ur ancestors have descri#edpashmina as sensual su#limit". %t is the" who perfected the skill to retrieve pashmina up to 98Bpurit" and the skill as such got passed from generation to generation as a heritage of /epalesecraft.Pashmina is the most original and authentic fi#ers. +he king of all wools originated in *ashmirhundreds of "ears ago. +he art of Pashmina making in the valle" of *ashmir is #elieved to #e asold as oing in different export promotion council4!1 M*(72,$') S2).2',*,$&' 7.4.4 >eographic Segmentation&arketers cansegment accordingtogeographiccriteriaJnations, states, regions, countries,cities, neigh#ourhoods, or postal codes. +he geo?cluster approach com#ines demographic datawith geographic data to create a more accurate or specific profile.So We will target the high end market of %ndia and across the glo#e.+he countries that we are targeting for the marketing of the product for the pashmina product. Western )urope 'S( Canada /ew Deeland (ustralia+he main #enefit of the online &arketing is that we can target specific area of that region forselling.4.2.2 Demographic segmentationSegmentation according to demography is based on variables such as age,gender, occupationandeducationlevel oraccordingtoperceivedbenetswhich a product or service may provide. !enets may be perceiveddi"erently depending on a consumer#s stage in the li$e cycle. Demographicsegmentation divides markets into di"erent li$e stage groups and allows $ormessages to be tailored accordingly.+his is the high end product #ut for the demographic segmentation we can target the people forman" age group.4.2.% !ehavioural segmentation!ehavioural segmentation divides consumers into groups according to theirknowledgeo$, attitudetowards, usagerate, response, loyaltystatus, andreadinessstage toaproduct. &hereisane'traconnectivitywithall othermarket related sources. !ehavioural segmentation divides buyers intosegments based on their knowledge, attitudes, uses, or responsesconcerning a product. (any marketers believe that behaviour variables arethe best starting point $or building market segments%n the case of online marketing we have facilit" like the we can target the specific people for themarket of our product whoare searchingfortheproduct relatedtowooland findingfortheclothes for the winter.4.2 )ndustry analysis+hecompetitioninthisindustr"for theoutsidemarket isver"narrow.Becausegettinganauthentic pashmina product outside %ndia is difficult and there are so man" pashmina one can getwhich artificial fi#re and which is #eing sold on the name of the pashmina.4!3 D$%,($8-,$&' P*,,2(' *'3 P($0$') (s the pashmina is premium product keeping so man" inventories in the various nations requireshugeamount $Capital andaswe aresellingitthroughonlinemode we canmakestrategicpartner with @istri#ution Compan" which can deliver our product on ordering.PricingA ( Pashmina product cost around 86666?:6666 in normal @esign and goes up to 486666in custom made design.5!0 MARKET A##ESS5!1 GEOGRAPHI#AL INDI#ATORS>eographical %ndications ->%s. have gained more interest since its protection has #een ensuredmultilaterall" under the +rade?!elated (spects of %ntellectual Propert" !ights -+!%PS.(greement of the World +rade ;rganisation. *ashmir Pashmina -shawls. is the first officiall"registered item in >% registr" of %ndia under ,andicraft goods form Cammu and *ashmir. ( >%certification is licensed to the producers and other #usiness operators of the >% production linethrough a mem#ership application in a >% clu#.I',(&3-0,$&' ( >eographical %ndication ->%. identifies a good as originating in a delimited territor" or regionwhere a noted qualit", reputation or other characteristic of the good is essentiall" attri#uta#le toits geographical origin andKor the human or natural factors there. >% registration is an indicationthatlinkstheuniquenessofproductstowardstheoriginandthus, reducestheas"mmetr"ofinformation #etween producer and consumer, ensuring market transparenc", price sta#ilit" andreduction in information costs. >%s can #e used as an effective tool for ensuring the qualit" of theproduce as well as developing #rands for local agriculture products. +he >eographical%ndicationsof>oods-!egistrationandProtection. (ct, 4999passed#"%ndianParliament in@ecem#er4999seekstoprovidefortheregistrationand#etterprotectionof>%srelatingtogoods in %ndia. ( total of 556 products got >% registration till Cul" 5645. ;f the total goods whichgot>% registration, G6per cent#elongs to handicraftsand5:per centto agricultural goods.+heseinclude@ar2eeling -tea.,Pochampalli,%kat-textiles.,Chanderi-sarees.,*ancheepuramsilk -textiles., *ashmir Pashmina -shawls., *ondapalli -to"s. etc. +here are man" more %ndian>% in the pipeline for registration under the >% (ct -(s per Sec 5 -f. of >% (ct 4999.. Lacunas in >% (C+ 4999 are summari1ed as followsA4. >%s have no exclusive character with regard to production. (n"one outside the designated areacan still produce and sell the goods 2ust under another name.5. %n addition to the marketing costs associated with promoting the >% product there ma" #eproduction costs associated with ensuring the existence of the qualit" attri#utes that consumersassociate withthe >%. +hese extra costs will have to#e su#tractedfromthe premiumtodetermine the net contri#ution of >%s to profits. )xisting empirical literature is almost silent onthis issue. %s is the Ltrickle down effectM of #enefits. +he price #enefits need to #efiltered through the product value chain and reach the producers who sit at the #ottom end of thevalue chain. %nstitutions have to pla" a #ig role in order to ensure reali1ation of potential #enefitsof >%s. )mpirical evidence on this aspect is also scarce. 7. (ctual reali1ation of the potential #enefits ingrained in the registered would require effectivemanagement in future. +his would entail sustained efforts #acked #" appropriate planning andadequateinvestmentsoverthemediumtolongterm.(ccordingl",strategicinterventions#"pu#lic or quasi?pu#lic institutions are an essential prerequisite for the >%s initiatives in %ndia tosucceed #ut this is not well defined. 8. &ost of the %ndian >%s are linked to traditional knowledge, culture and lives of thecommunities. So, %ndia has a considera#le scope for #uilding the #rand image of such exoticproducts #" highlighting the cultural aspects historical stories, legends and m"ths associated withthem (nd also has a considera#le potential to develop Lcultural tourismM around its traditionalproducts #" drawing focused attention on the cultural aspects associated with them, particularl"among foreign tourists there is not an" specific polic" a#out it. G. +here is an urgent need toimprovetheinter?departmental linkagesandcoordinationtoavoidduplicationofeffortsandoptimi1e returns. Such a coordinated approach could immensel" facilitate the process ofexploiting the commercial and socio?economic potential of >%s in the %ndia and simultaneousl"help in securing various spill?over #enefits from this collective %P!. (nd at the multilateral level,it is extremel" important for %ndia to weigh the costs and #enefits of >% protection in general andthe extension of (rticle 5