cascade user manual

February 20, 2013 Cascade User Manual

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  • February 20, 2013

    Cascade User Manual

  • Cascade User Manual

    2 2012 The Scripps Research Institute.

  • Cascade User Manual

    2012 The Scripps Research Institute 3

    Table of Contents

    What is Cascade? ........................................................................................................................ 5

    Scripps Research Web Content Management System ............................................................................ 5

    User Benefits ............................................................................................................................................ 5

    Benefits for Your Lab or Department ........................................................................................................ 5

    Log In (This Class ONLY) ......................................................................................................................... 6

    How to Access Cascade ............................................................................................................... 7

    Computer Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 7

    Permission to Use Cascade ..................................................................................................................... 7

    Log In (Your Live Account) ....................................................................................................................... 8

    Cascade Interface ....................................................................................................................... 11

    What You See After You Log In ............................................................................................................. 11

    Basic Page Edits ......................................................................................................................... 19

    Setting Up Your Website ............................................................................................................. 23

    Create the Hierarchy / Flow Chart of Files / Folders for Your Site ......................................................... 23

    Choose a Template ................................................................................................................................ 23

    Template Choices ................................................................................................................................... 25

    Create a New Page ..................................................................................................................... 37

    System Name ......................................................................................................................................... 37

    Inline Metadata: Display Name, Title, Summary, & Author .................................................................... 38

    Practice: Edit Existing Pages ................................................................................................................. 42

    Adding Images ........................................................................................................................................ 44

    Editing Images ........................................................................................................................................ 46

    Practice: Add Images, Table and Text to Existing Lab Members Page ............................................... 48

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    Publishing ................................................................................................................................... 51

    Un-publish ............................................................................................................................................... 51

    Exclude from Publishing ......................................................................................................................... 52

    Practice: Publishing Web Pages ............................................................................................................ 52

    Advanced Functions ................................................................................................................... 53

    Move or Rename a Page or Folder ........................................................................................................ 53

    Move a Folder or Page in Directory View ............................................................................................... 54

    Help ............................................................................................................................................. 55

    Glossary ...................................................................................................................................... 57

    HTML .......................................................................................................................................... 72

    Notes ........................................................................................................................................... 73

  • Cascade User Manual

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    What is Cascade?

    Scripps Research Web Content Management System

    Cascade is a Web Content Management System, which we use to manage both the TSRI external

    website and the intranet. It allows users to author and edit their websites without their having to acquire

    the significant technical skills that website publishing can involve. Another advantage is that it makes it

    easier to manage who creates, edits and publishes content. Specific publishing rights can be allocated to

    individuals, based on their roles.

    User Benefits

    Easy content updates using the WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editors.

    Helpful tracking of who "owns" each page and the last time it was updated.

    You can roll back changes and even retrieve deleted pages!

    Built-in templates that contain the page navigation and structure.

    Benefits for Your Lab or Department Cost savings: you dont need to purchase licenses for web publishing software.

    Reduced time-to-publish, allowing you to get content up on the Web or intranet faster. The quicker you get key content published, the more value it creates.

    Allows for a common and consistent information architecture (metadata, classification, navigation, search, layout and design). Inconsistent and poorly designed information architectures plague many websites and create a frustrating experience for readers.

    Improved search process through a consistent management of metadata through content template structures. If the appropriate metadata is captured in all documents, then people can find the right content a lot more quickly.

    Cascade provides better security, which is an important issue, particularly for intranets. It controls who is allowed to publish to the website, and which content may be viewed by whom.

    Improved management of multiple authors and editors in different locations.

    Optional workflows may be set up in the system to ensure appropriate approval before publishing.

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    Business practice Before working on your web pages in Cascade, check out the TSRI Web Publishing Guidelines, such as Authentication and Reliability of Information Content, Design Requirements including Web page identifiers, Links to TSRI home page and other relevant pages and Web Page Templates. The Guidelines can be can be viewed at Acceptable Use Policy:

    Log In (This Class ONLY)

    This class will give you the opportunity to practice using Cascade in a safe test environment. Later on in

    the manual we will give you instructions on how to log in to your account on the server so you can start

    working on your website.

    Log in to the Cascade Server at:

    Username: test1, test2, test3 use the name on the blue card by your computer.

    Password: (to be provided by instructor)

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    How to Access Cascade

    Computer Requirements

    To get into the Cascade environment your computer has to be on the Scripps Research Network. Users who want to access Cascade off-campus can do so through the use of the Virtual Private Network (VPN), available through IT Services.

    Supported Browsers and Operating Systems

    Internet Explorer 7 or higher on Windows

    Firefox 4+ on,Windows and Linux

    Safari 3+ on Mac OS X, Windows (Safari 2 has limited support for the WYSIWYG)

    Display capable of 1024 x 768 resolution or higher

    Network connection

    Permission to Use Cascade

    1. Contact your supervisor or IT Services for setup and permission to use Cascade.

    2. Agree to use the standard campus-wide templates, which are provided in Cascade.

    3. Agree to follow the TSRI Web Publishing Guidelines (see link below).


    Business practice Please provide the following when requesting an account for Cascade:

    Directory name (Example: or

    Template - left or right navigation

    Dynamic or Static menu

    Which top navigation header to use: Institute, California, or Florida (page 24)

    State whether it is an existing website or new one

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    Log In (Your Live Account)

    Log in to the Cascade Server at:

    Log in using your Username and the temporary Password you were supplied when your account was created. Your username will most likely be the first part of your email address. Leave the Remember me box unchecked for now, as you will be changing your password in the next step.

    Change Your Password

    The first time you log in to your live account, you should change the temporary password you were given to one that you will remember (please do not change the password in the classroom accounts). Click on the My Settings link above the blue menu bar. Use the Change Password box to change your password.

    To return to the default page, called the Dashboard, click on Home on the blue menu bar.

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    Change Your Password

    Note The only preference under User Preferences that you can change is your password. The other preferences are pre-determined by the Cascade templates.

    Log Out

    Always Log Out when you have finished working in Cascade:

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    Cascade Interface

    What You See After You Log In

    For login instructions, see page 7, Log In (Your Live Account).

    Interface Overview

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    The main interface areas outlined in the graphic are listed below.

    Header Menu bar Left panel (folders, pages and other assets) Right panel (tabs, sub-tabs and related content) Footer


    The Header displays:

    1. Global dropdown: Select the site you want to work on 2. Your username 3. Quick Links: Quickly access the Dashboard and History links 4. My Settings: Customize user preferences (change password) 5. Help: Get online help 6. Give Us Feedback (For administrative purposes dont use) 7. Log Out: Log out of Cascade

    Menu Bar

    The Menu Bar displays:

    1. Cascade Server icon: Access Search (Basic, Advanced and Replace) and Preferences 2. Home: Returns you to the Dashboard view 3. New: Create new pages, folders, and other assets 4. History: View a list of your most recent actions 5. Tools: Access the Zip Archive, Integrate Folder and Bulk Change 6. Search: Do basic searches

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    Left Panel The left-hand column displays the folder structure of your site. Use this to navigate through the system by clicking on folders, pages, and files.

    You will always see "Base Folder" at the top. Click on the button or the name Base Folder to expand it. The button will change to and show any sub-folders it contains. Click the button or the folder name to collapse the structure again.

    The site is made up of:

    Folders: Every page on your site must live in a folder. Every folder will have a "home page" named index.

    Pages: These are the actual web pages that are displayed on your site. Files/images: You can upload files and images to place on web pages.

    To access a folder, page or other asset, click on its name. This will change the Right Panel to the View tab and show the contents of whatever you selected. The path to the selected object is shown above the tabs.

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    Right Panel (Showing Dashboard and Related Tabs)

    By default, the Dashboard shows in the right panel when you log in. You can get to it from anywhere in

    Cascade by clicking Home on the menu bar.

    The Dashboard displays an overview of the current state of the content you have been working on. The

    Dashboard tab has no sub-tabs. The related tabs (Messages, Workflows, Locked Assets) are also

    represented as headers (links) on the Dashboard. You can get to the same content, either by clicking on

    a tab, or by clicking the appropriate link. (Note that there is no Recent History tab.)

    Create/Manage Content o Recycle Bin: Recover previously deleted files (files are kept for 15 days)

    Outstanding Items

    o Workflows: Contact the Web Team for information and setup o Messages: Access messages about publishing and un-publishing from here or

    the Messages tab. These messages provide details on whether your publishing or un-publishing was successful or not, and if it contains broken links.

    Current Activity o Locked Assets: See a list of any pages you have locked. o Drafts: See a list of your pages you have saved as drafts. o Recent History: See the pages and assets you've worked on Click on any item in the list

    to return to it.

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    Restoring Assets from the Recycle Bin

    1. Click the Recycle Bin link or tab.

    2. Use the drop-down under Select One or click on the green curved arrow under the Actions column to restore a deleted asset.


    Deleting Messages Having numerous messages may affect Cascades performance. To delete messages:

    1. Click the Messages link (or tab)

    2. Click the checkbox next to the message(s) you want to delete or select the top

    checkbox to automatically select ALL messages on that screen.

    3. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen display and select Delete from the

    Select One drop-down menu.

    4. Click Submit.

    Right Panel (Showing View and Related Tabs)

    After you select a folder, a page or an asset from the left panel, the View tab and its related tabs

    become visible. The specific tabs that are shows depend on the type of asset you selected. When a

    page is selected, these are the tabs that show:

    View: By default, when you select a page or an asset, it displays in View tab. It will look similar to the way it will appear on the live website. Within View, you can select these sub-tabs:

    o Layout - Access small icons, which you click to display additional information about the

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    contents (e.g., the main navigation).

    o Preview - View the page as it will appear once published.

    o Live - View the page as it currently appears on the live site.

    o Properties - Find page-related information such as the page creator, creation date, who last modified and published it, on what date, page title, and access rights.

    o Lock - Keep other users from accessing or editing the page you are working on by clicking the Check-out this asset link.

    o Configurations - View the assets that are used to comprise the page: template, main photo, logo, main navigation, etc.

    Edit: Click this tab to edit the content of a page or asset. Within the tab, you can select these sub-tabs:

    o Content: Access formatting tools similar to those used in other web authoring applications.

    o Metadata: Set the inline metadata.

    o System: Change the publishing and indexing settings.

    o Configurations: View the assets that are used to comprise the page.

    Move/Rename: Click this tab to move or rename a page, folder, or file.

    Copy: Click this tab to make a copy of a page or folder.

    Publish: Click this tab to publish your pages and folders from Cascade to the web servers.

    More: Click the arrow on this tab to bring up a submenu with the following options:

    o Delete: This tab lets you send a page to the Recycle Bin. o Access: This tab lists Users or Groups who have been granted read and/or write access

    to your CMS folder. Access rights are determined by your web site administrator. o Audits: This tab shows the date and time a page was created, modified and the person

    who modified it. o Reference: Currently unsupported. o Versions: This tab lists when the selected page was last modified and the person who

    modified it. Cascade saves the last 20 versions of the saved page. Using this tab, you can revert to a previous version of the page.

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    Note The menu bar under the tabs changes when the Edit tab is selected.

    Footer The footer contains four buttons in addition to the Hannon Hill Corporation copyright, the title

    Web Content Management System, and the Cascade Server version.

    RSS: Enables the subscription to the site via an RSS feed. Home: Returns you to the Dashboard. Menu: Displays the menu and sub-menu items in a list. Log Out: Logs you out of the server.

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    Basic Page Edits

    Many users already have websites and folders in Cascade, so we will begin with how to edit an existing

    web page. Then we will explore how to create new pages in Cascade.

    Select Your Website After logging in, select your website from the site selector dropdown box in the header. Usually you will

    only have one site and will not need to select the site each time you work in Cascade.

    Locate and Edit a Page 1. Locate the page in the left panel where the folders and pages are displayed.

    The page may be hidden in a collapsed folder. Click on the plus (+) sign to expand the folder and locate the page you need to edit. (pages are represented as blue icons )

    2. Click the page to be edited 3. The page will open in the View / Preview mode.

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    4. Click the Edit tab to access the editing mode.

    This example uses a 1 Column Page template. Templates are explained later in the manual.

    Since this is an existing page, the Inline Metadata fields are filled in. The Inline Metadata fields will be covered in the Create a New Page section.

    5. Content is created or edited in the Standard 1 Column area (or Standard 2 Column depending

    on the template).. 6. This area includes the Cascade WYSIWYG editor. (WYSIWYG is an acronym for What You See

    Is What You Get.)

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    WYSIWYG Editor Cascades editor is similar in functionality and features to a word processor, with which most people are familiar. Be aware that some icons look similar to, but have very different functions from your word processor! Its a good idea to familiarize yourself with them, especially the ones on the right side of the editor.

    The editor is located at the top of the Standard 1 Column or Standard 2 Column content windows.

    Note Only certain assets (standard pages and XHTML blocks) can be edited in.the WYSIWYG Editor.

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    Setting Up Your Website

    Create the Hierarchy / Flow Chart of Files / Folders for Your Site

    If you are starting a new website from scratch, its helpful to do a bit of planning before you start creating

    any folders and pages. There are good resources on how to structure a website, but this subject is

    beyond the scope of this course. Listed below are some things to bear in mind.

    If your site has more than one page, you will need:

    A Home page (always called index in Cascade).

    A logical structure, based on your content, so people can their way around your site.

    A short folder name for each topic/subject/area, which will contain all the related content.

    An index page in each of these folders. This will be the landing page for that section of the site.

    Each index page should be linked to the Home page through the menu or navigation bar links.

    Create a Flow Chart

    Sketching out your pages and their relationships to one another, on paper first, can be a very useful

    exercise. The number of pages and their relationships to each other will also help you to determine which

    page layout you will need for each page.

    Choose a Template

    A template is the framework of a page. It consists of a header area, the logo, a navigation bar, menu(s), a

    built in search function, quick links, content area, a footer and a host of other details. All your pages must

    be based on a template. You cannot create your own from scratch.

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    This, of course, is a huge advantage, simplifying the web-editing process enormously. It allows you to

    concentrate on your content without worrying about all these design elements. Much of what you see on

    a template page is either built-in or configured for your pages upon setup; specifically: the Scripps

    Research logo and top navigation search box, quick links, and footer. On the external site, the left

    navigation is generally also built-in.

    There are three Cascade parent templates from which to choose: Institute, California or Florida. They

    have different banner images, logos and top navigation bars. The three templates, with their default

    background images, are:

    1. Institute template: for pages relating to the whole organization.

    2. California template: for pages specific to the California campus.

    3. Florida template: for pages specific to the Florida campus.

    Note Faculty may submit photos and images to replace the default image on each of the three templates. The image size is 1024 X 120 pixels. Users may select dark or white text for the logo and quick links (Directory, Contact, Careers, and Home). Submit customized header images to [email protected]. Scripps Research must own the copyright for all images used on either the external or the intranet websites.

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    Template Choices

    In addition to choosing the appropriate parent template, there are several specific child templates that

    you must choose from. These templates have the same features as their parent templates, but have

    different menu placements, number of columns, etc. The diagram below shows the child template

    choices under the Institute parent template.

    1 Column Page The following diagram shows the structure of the 1 Column Page template. This template has a dynamic left menu panel and one content column. It is a good choice for text-rich content.

    Logo Field

    Navigation Field (non-editable)

    Left Block (dynamic menu)

    Content Block (WYSIWYG)

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    Example 1 Column Page template:

    The New Page interface

    window for a 1 Column Page

    template. (includes a dynamic

    left menu)

    Dynamic left menu

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    2 Column Page The middle column in this template spans the rest of the width of the page. It is a good choice for text-rich content.

    Logo Field

    Navigation Field (non-editable)

    Left Block (dynamic menu)

    Main Content Block (WYSIWYG)

    Column 1

    Right Content Block (WYSIWYG)

    Column 2

    Example 2 Column Page template:

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    The New Page interface for a

    2 Column Page template

    (includes a dynamic left menu)

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    No Left Nav 1 Column This template does not have a left navigation panel; the whole content area spans the width of the page.

    Logo Field

    Navigation Field (non-editable)

    Main Content Block (WYSIWYG)

    Example No Left Nav 1 Column template:

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    The New Page interface for a

    No Left Nav 1 Column template

    (No dynamic left menu)

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    No Left Nav 2 Column No left navigation panel in this template. There are two content blocks spanning the width of the page.

    Logo Field

    Navigation Field (non-editable)

    Main Content Block (WYSIWYG)

    Right Block

    Example No Left Nav 2 Column template:

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    New Page interface for a

    No Left Nav 2 Column template

    (No dynamic left menu)

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    No Left Nav 2 Column Dynamic Right There is no left navigation panel in this template; however there is a dynamic menu in the right content area.

    Logo Field

    Navigation Field (non-editable)

    Main Content Block (WYSIWYG)

    Right Dynamic Menu

    Example No Left Nav 2 Column Dynamic Right template:

    Right Dynamic Menu

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    New Page interface for a

    No Left Nav 2 Column Right

    Dynamic Menu template

    (No dynamic left menu)

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    Shared Right Menu Page The following diagram shows the structure of the Shared Right Column Page template. This template can be used if the same content in the right column is used on multiple pages.

    Logo Field Navigation Field (non-editable)

    Left Block (dynamic menu)

    Main Content Block (WYSIWYG)

    Shared Right Block

    Use for menu, images, and other data to be shared on other pages.

    Example Shared Right Menu Page Template:

    Shared Right Menu

    Dynamic Left Menu

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    New Page interface for a

    Shared Right Menu template

    The Right Menu is not

    dynamically created. It must be

    manually created as a shared

    asset. Besides a menu, this

    asset could be images or a block

    of text that is shared on other


    This template includes a dynamic

    left menu.

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    Create a New Page

    1. Select External Test Site from the Site Selector 2. Select your test folder 3. Click on New in the menu bar 4. Select the Institute folder for the institute templates 5. Click 1 Column Page 6. A new page will open in the right-hand panel

    System Name All components in Cascade must have a System Name. This is the filename that shows in the left panel in Cascade. It also becomes part of the page URL (link). System names must follow this protocol:

    1. All lowercase

    2. Use dashes or underscores between words instead of blank spaces

    3. No special characters (% & # * etc.)

    4. Be as short as possible

    When you create a new page or folder, the system name will be the first field in the template. It will default to the name of the template. Overwrite this with the name of the page. If it's the primary page in the site or folder, name it "index". If it is any other page or folder, name it something meaningful and short.

    System Name Examples:




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    Inline Metadata: Display Name, Title, Summary, & Author The Display Name will be displayed in the navigation and the breadcrumbs. Keep this as short as

    possible to avoid text wrapping. (see graphic on next page)

    The Title is displayed in the HTML metadata title tag. This populates the page name users see in the upper left corner of their web browser and the page title displayed in search results.

    The Summary is the brief description about the page that displays in search results.

    The Author is the person responsible for the page content.

    The Logo Color can be white or black. The default is black.

    If the site has a left menu and you want this page included in that menu, select the Include In Left Menu option, otherwise select No.

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    Display name appears in the Breadcrumbs:

    Practice: Fill out Metadata Section in New Page

    Create a new page: 1. Select the folder test in the left panel. 2. Click New on the menu bar. 3. Select Institute and then 2 Column Page from the fly out.

    The new page is created and opens in the Content tab (Content tab graphic on next page)

    1. Enter the following in the first box: o System Name: index o Parent Folder: leave default

    2. Complete the Inline Metadata as follows:

    o Display Name: Home o Title: Home o Description: Home Page o Author: Your Initials o Logo: CA Dark o Include in Left Menu: Yes

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    3. Under Inline Regions, beside RIGHT COLUMN click the minus sign 4. Click Submit (save)

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    Practice: Create a Folder Structure Create four folders in your test folder:

    1. Click on your test folder. 2. Click New on the menu bar and select Folder in the dropdown menu.

    3. Create the news folder first, by filling in the details in the New Folder tab as seen below:

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    4. Click the Submit button to save the News folder. 5. Select the news folder, as the remaining folders belong inside it. 6. Repeat the process to create three more folders and call them:

    news_views all_recent after_2010

    Your folder structure should look like this, after adding the four folders:

    Practice: Edit Existing Pages

    Open the Research page in your test folder. The page already contains content. You will add the

    Header, a link to an external source, and an anchor on the page.

    Header type Research

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    1. Select the word molecular in the first sentence

    2. Click the Link tool on the WYSIWYG editor

    3. Select External in the Insert/Edit Link window

    4. Type

    5. Click the Insert button


    o Place cursor on Anchor location o Click the Anchor tool

    o Name the Anchor top and click Insert

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    o Type Return to top at the end of the document o Select Return to top

    o Click on the Link tool in the WYSIWYG editor o Type Anchor name top in the Anchor box

    Save Submit

    Adding Images Tip: Use JPEG format for photographs; GIF and PNG for other graphics.

    Insert an image into a web page: 1. Place your cursor where you would like the

    image to appear, then select the Insert/edit image button:

    2. In the 'Insert/edit image' pane, select the 'browser file/image' button or the btn.

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    3. Use an uploaded image: a. Locate the images folder (or subdirectory within images) b. Select an image c. Click Confirm d. Type in alternate text describing the image: Ex. "student using a laptop" e. Click Insert

    4. Upload a new image:

    a. Select the images folder (or subdirectory within images)

    b. Click New link in the blue menu bar c. Select File d. Type filename and extension in System Name

    box (example: cells.jpg) e. Click the Browse button and locate the image on

    your computer f. Click the Open button g. Click Submit after the file completes uploading

    h. If the file was uploaded you will see a green bar with message Asset created successfully

    i. The image is now uploaded and ready to place on Cascade webpages

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    To align the image (optional): 1. When aligning an image with a single line of text choose from one of the following options:

    o Baseline and Bottom - Aligns the bottom of the text to the bottom of the image. o Top - Aligns the image with the top of the tallest line item. o Middle - Aligns the text baseline with the middle of the image. o Text Top - Aligns the top of the image with the top of the tallest character. o Absolute Middle - Aligns the middle of the image with the middle of the text. o Absolute Bottom - Aligns the bottom of the image with the lowest point of the text line.

    2. When aligning an image with two or more lines of text use the Left or Right options.

    Image sizes: Images that span the width of the center column, such as promotional images, should be no

    wider than 510 pixels.

    Images in right column should be no wider than 160 pixels.

    Editing Images You can now edit images directly in the CMS. To edit an image:

    1. Select the image file in the images folder. (You cannot edit images using the WYSIWYG editor) 2. Click the Edit tab. 3. Use the buttons to:

    a. Resize (maintains aspect ratio by default) b. Rotate or flip (horizontally or vertically) c. Crop

    Note If you are resizing an image that is already placed on a page, delete the image from the page before resizing it. Otherwise, the page will retain the old height and width and will look distorted after resizing.

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    1. Click the button again (example: click the Crop button again after setting the crop area) 2. Click Submit to save the edit.

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    Practice: Add Images, Table and Text to Existing Lab Members Page

    Open Lab Members page in your test folder and click the Edit tab.

    Add the Header: Lab Members

    Insert a table 5 x 1 into the content area

    Click the Table tool on the WYSIWYG editor and input the following data:

    Cols 1 Rows 5

    Cellpadding 1 Cellspacing 1

    Alignment Left Border 0

    Width 700 Height 200

    Upload images from Cascade Class members folder: lee_group.png,

    lee_charles.png, sunita_setlur.png and katayoon_darvishi.jpg

    Insert images into table in the same order as listed above

    Page layout pictured on the right

    Paste Lab Members.txt from the members folder into appropriate


    Submit (Save)


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    Create a new page and use the HTML Editor

    Create a new page named Publications:

    1. Select your folder test* (* represents your folder number)

    2. Click New on the Menu Bar

    3. Select Institute

    4. Click the 2 Column Page template from the fly out

    Fill in the Metadata:

    o System Name: publications o Display Name: Home o Title: C. Lee Laboratory o Description: C. Lee Laboratory o Author: your initials

    Select Include in Left Menu

    Add Page Heading: Publications

    Open HTML Editor on the WYSIWYG editor

    Copy and paste publications.txt, from the Cascade Class Publications folder, in the HTML editor

    Click Update in the lower left corner of the HTML Source Editor

    Scroll down to Right Column under the Main Content window

    Insert image iphone.png from the images folder in your test folder and align to center

    Click Submit and view


    Download free HTML editor:

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    Edit index page

    Open the Index page in your test folder by double clicking it

    Fill in Header: Charles Lee Laboratory

    Copy and paste Welcome.txt from your Cascade Class home folder into Main Content


    Replace the text RESEARCH IMAGE HERE with the image, home_research.png from images


    Create a link to a PDF

    o select the last two words in the page: Download PDF o use the Link tool and browse to nbt.1852.pdf in the test PDF folder o Click Insert

    Click Submit

    View and check links in the left navigation panel

    Completed Index page

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    When you click Submit after creating or making changes to an asset, it records your changes in Cascade; it does not publish the content to the web server. Assets for the entire TSRI website are

    published serially, in the order received. Therefore, if there are many assets waiting to be published, it

    could take quite a while for your changes to appear on the website.

    Cascade is set to publish to the external and intranet sites each night. Every asset that you have created

    or edited will publish to the website unless you have saved it as a draft, it is waiting in an Approval Workflow, or you have indicated that it should not be published. If you have a large publishing job, you should wait until after hours to publish it, or let it publish during the nightly update.

    To publish an asset, select it in the left panel. Then click the Publish tab:

    Destination indicates to which website the asset will be published. Check that Publish is selected in the Options sections, and click Submit.

    You should now see Publish message sent successfully at the top of the View Content screen.

    Un-publish Before you move, rename, or delete an asset, you must un-publish it. Select the asset from the left

    panel and click the Publish tab. Select Un-publish and click Submit.

    You should now see the Un-publish message sent successfully banner at the top of the View Content


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    Exclude from Publishing There may be rare instances when you are working on something, and you do not want it to publish, or it

    is old content that you want to save for future use. In these cases, select the asset that you do not want

    published in the left panel. Select the Edit tab and click System.

    Uncheck both Include when publishing and Include when indexing. Click Submit.

    Practice: Publishing Web Pages

    Publish all four of your web pages.

    Index Research Practice Lab Members

    View online:

    ( Red underlined text: use your class name in place of test3. EX: e_test3)

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    Advanced Functions

    Move or Rename a Page or Folder

    Find Pages Linking to a Page 1. Go to the Scripps Intranet search box (like the search box on the Scripps Research home page) 2. Type "link:http://YOURPAGEURL" in the search box 3. Click Go 4. This will return a list of all pages indexed in the GSA that are linking to that page.

    Move or Rename a Folder or Page If the page or folder has already been published, it is critical that you unpublish it first before you move it (see Unpublish).

    1. Select the folder or file you wish to move or rename (in the left panel). 2. Select (check) the Move /Rename tab. 3. Edit the System Name and/or select the Parent Folder icon and select the new parent directory.

    4. Click Confirm once you have made your folder selection. 5. The Confirm page redisplays with the new location displayed next to the Parent Folder field,

    click Submit to move the page or folder to this location. 6. Next, you'll need to re-publish the page and the parent folder in the new location AND in the old

    location to correct the left navigation.

    Note When you move a file or folder, Cascade does not list all the pages that may be linked to it. By moving the page or folder, it is possible to break links throughout campus websites. You can check to see which pages contain a link to a page you are about to move by using the Google Search Appliance (GSA).

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    Move a Folder or Page in Directory View If the page or folder has already been published, it is critical that you unpublish it first before

    you move it (see Unpublish).

    1. Select the parent folder in which the page or sub-folder is stored.

    2. Select (check) the asset or folder on the Contents tab.

    3. Select Move from the drop-down at the bottom of the Contents tab.

    4. The Confirm page displays. Use the browse icon to select the folder where the selected page or

    folder should be moved.

    5. Click Confirm once you have made your folder selection

    6. The Confirm page redisplays with the new location displayed next to the Parent Folder field,

    click Submit to move the page or folder to this location

    7. Next, you'll need to re-publish the page and the parent folder in the new location AND in the old

    location to correct the left navigation

    8. Last, delete the page from the original location

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    Help Request a Cascade Account

    Cascade Assistance

    La Jolla IT Services Help Desk

    Phone: Internal 4-HELP External: (858) 784-9369

    Jupiter IT Services Help Desk

    Phone: Internal x 2850

    External: (561) 228-2850

    Training Assistance

    Jesse Stumpp /Software Trainer

    [email protected]

    Phone: Internal 4-8268

    External: (858) 784-8268

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    Accessibility Checker

    The Accessibility Checker ensures a page complies with the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) Guidelines.

    Administrator Administrator is a role in Cascade that permits full, uninhibited access to any asset and/or area of the

    system. A user assigned the Administrator role has access to both the standard home area where web page assets are managed and the administration area where advanced system entities and publishing can be configured. Folder access rights do not apply to the Administrator role; therefore, a user with administrator rights can view, edit, copy, delete, or move an asset without restriction. Additionally, Administrators have the ability to break asset locks anywhere in the home area.

    Advanced Search Advanced Search offers a more fine-tuned search capability than the basic search and is based on the

    asset name, asset path, asset contents, asset metadata fields, and/or asset types. In addition to the standard search term field, Advanced Search includes check boxes to select types of content to search for and can be used to filter asset types and search for metadata fields.

    Approver Approver is a role in Cascade and can be assigned to a user or a group. The Approver role allows the

    same actions as the Contributor, as well as allowing the user to take part in the workflow process and review and approve (or reject) content that belongs to an active workflow.

    Approvers may be given read or write access to areas Cascade. These access permissions are set by an Administrator at the folder level and are set for an individual user, a group, or for all users. Actions taken by an Approver-level user within Cascade will go through a pre-determined workflow process similar to that of a Contributor-level user in order for the action to be completed. This process may include approvals by other Approver-level users.

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    Assets An asset is any entity within Cascade that can be used to generate content. For ease of classification, assets are grouped into several different categories:

    Page: A mutable asset built by Cascade from other assets to create the finished product of published documents such as web pages or XML documents.

    File: May be a jpeg image, CSS file, or any other static content. Block: A pluggable piece of content that can be easily substituted, with or without styling,

    into any page region. As the name suggests, these are the building blocks from which other blocks and pages are built.

    Format: Used to transform and style data, such as an XML block. External Link: A symbolic link to a specific URL. Folder: A container within Cascade that acts a parent asset to other assets. Template: The basic building block for a page's layout. Reference: A special asset that is created to represent an existing asset in another location,

    allowing it to be indexed in multiple folders.

    Audit Trail The Audit Trail is a tool for Administrators to see a summary of activities performed in Cascade by a particular user, group, or role. Selecting the Audit Trail for a group or for roles will display the actions performed by all users belonging to that group or role. A date/time filter is provided as part of the Audit Trail view and is useful for filtering the results into a more specific timeframe.


    Base Folder The base folder is the top-level folder for assets located in the home area.

    In the Left Panel, all assets are ordered hierarchically and have a parent folder, even assets that are folders themselves. The top-level folder (the folder at the top of the Left Panel) is called the base folder because it is the only folder that does not have a parent. This means the base folder is the root folder for all other assets managed within a particular website (see note below) or instance of Cascade.

    Note: When multiple websites are managed within the same instance using the global content model, the base folder may also be used to refer to the top folder for a specific website.

    Basic Search Basic Search provides an easy way to perform powerful searches within Cascade. The single search

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    field automatically searches all home area and admininstration area assets across the following fields:

    Name Path Username of the last editor and original creator Site name Asset type Content for home area assets (typically the XML or XHTML field associated with that asset)

    To search content within the system, use the Basic Search tool.

    Block A Block is a pluggable piece of content that can be easily placed (with or without styling) into any

    page region. Therefore, whenever there is content that is common to many pages or regions, i.e. an About the Company section that appears after every press release and newsletter, that content should be put into a block. Doing so allows the appropriate content to appear in many pages while always being updated from one place. This makes it easy to maintain consistency in that text/markup across many pages. Cascade users can reuse a single block in an unlimited number of page regions.

    The text or markup contained by a block can be plugged into a page region at three different levels: the template level, the page configuration level, or the page level. When a block is plugged into a page region at the template level, the block content will appear in any pages using that template. Any blocks assigned at the page configuration level will appear in any pages using that configuration.

    There are five types of Blocks in Cascade:

    1. Index Block: Used to dynamically generate system assets as XML 2. Text Block: Static text content 3. XML Block: Static XML content 4. XHTML Block: Static XHTML content 5. XML Feed Block: Dynamic XML from a third-party server (e.g. RSS feed)

    Breadcrumbs Breadcrumbs are a type of dynamic navigation typically used for every page except the home page. By showing a navigation trail from the home page to the current page, breadcrumbs ensure that users know where they are and how they got there.

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    Check In and Out Users can exclusively check-out assets to work on them and to prevent others from submitting changes to them. An asset must be checked-in before other users can edit it again.

    Compare with Current Compare with Current functionality enables users to visually compare changes between versions of an asset. When viewing a previous version or working copy of a page, users can click the Compare with Current link to view differences between it and the current version.

    Components A component is any entity managed within the administration area of the system. Components include all elements found in the administration area that are used to create and render assets for a site.

    Components serve many purposes, including: facilitating creation of content, managing and publishing content, and management of system users. For ease of classification, components are grouped into several different categories:

    User: Someone who uses Cascade.

    Group: One or more users with common permissions.

    Role: Determines the abilities and permissions of a user or group.

    Asset Factory: A way to create a specific type of asset or a specially configured page.

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    Configuration Set: A grouping of configurations that makes them more manageable. Content Types: Formally aggregates configuration sets, metadata sets, and data

    definitions into a single administrative component that can be applied to pages.

    Data Definition: A form-based input field for the creation and editing of page content, as well as the generation of XML data from user-provided input in the input fields.

    Metadata Set: Provides the interface for customizing the kinds of metadata fields that can be visible and/or associated with an asset.

    Publish Set: Directs groups of publishable assets to be published on-demand or on a schedule.

    Target: Represents a site or sub-site and specifies the format in which content should be published (XHTML, XML, etc).

    Destination: Links a target to a transport, specifies encoding (UTF-8 or ASCII), and allows for publishing content on a schedule.

    Transport: Stores data concerning how published content is pushed out to the final publish location.

    Configuration A configuration is a special component that is typically accessed from the context of a page asset. For example, a page might have HTML, Text Only, and XML configurations. This allows common content (defined in the page itself) to be rendered using different templates and output types. Each page in Cascade must have at least one configuration, and can include as many as you need for your site.

    Configuration Set A configuration set is a collection of one or more configurations that can be used to help create one or

    more pages. In order to be used to create a page, a configuration must be a part of a configuration set. Configuration sets that include multiple configurations are typically used when multiple outputs are required, such as HTML, XML, or printer friendly. To make large numbers of configurations manageable, Cascade uses configuration sets to group a number of configurations, along with their respective targets, templates, and block and format assignments.

    Contributor Contributor is a role in Cascade and can be assigned to a user or a group. The Contributor role is the most basic role and allows only the simplest actions within Cascade. Contributors may be given read or write access to areas in the system. These access permissions are set by an Administrator at the folder level and are set for an individual user, a group, or for all users.

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    CSS The term CSS refers to a cascading style sheet, which is the standard method for styling the appearance of a website. Cascading style sheets effectively separate the code needed to create the look and feel of a website from the actual XHTML tags that define the structure of its pages.

    When designing a website, it is important to separate the concepts of presentation and structure, because a site can quickly become very hard to maintain when they are combined together. Because CSS properties reside inside an independent file, multiple pages within a single website can link to the CSS to receive the style definitions that dictate the appearance and positions of elements on a page. When a website designer uses this modular approach to website development, it is easy to change the properties of all the pages within a website by editing the single CSS file that all of the pages are linked to.


    Dashboard After logging in, every user is greeted with a personalized dashboard showing messages, current workflows, assets checked out, and other general information.

    The Dashboard allows users to customize their viewing preferences and manage their workflows in a workspace environment best suited to them.

    The Dashboard, also referred to as the home area, is used to supply the user with a summary of the activities that require the users attention. The Dashboard can be accessed at any time by clicking Home on the blue menu bar.

    Dynamic Navigation Navigation menus on websites are typically a graphical view of a site's hierarchy. When pages are added,

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    deleted, moved, or renamed, all corresponding links need to be updated on the navigation menus throughout the site. Dynamic navigation allows a navigation menu to update automatically, based on the state of a website's content. There are six main types of dynamic navigation in Cascade: menu(s), breadcrumbs, previous/next, recent pages, a site map, and a site index.


    External Link

    An external link is an asset that points to a webpage outside of Cascade. Since external links are indexable assets, they are useful when there is a need to include external pages in a dynamic navigation menu.

    An external link records the desired URL, and the index block, when rendering the external link, will write out the URL path in the rendered document.


    File A file is any sequence of bits stored in Cascades database as a single unit. In Cascade, files are

    typically created by external programs and imported for use in Cascade.

    Images, PDF documents, and text files are some common examples of files used in Cascade.

    Folder A folder within Cascade contains a group of related assets. Your folders and all the assets in the

    system appear in the Left Panel.

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    Clicking on a folder will expand the folder view, revealing the assets inside. Clicking on a folder in the Left Panel will also open it in the Right Panel, the main viewing area.


    Global Area The Global Area refers to the main Cascade interface, including the Dashboard, Left Panel, etc. that displays by default when you log into the system and that is NOT restricted to the context of a specific website.

    Group A group is made up of one or more users with common permissions. Each user in Cascade must be

    given membership to at least one group and can be given membership to multiple Groups. The groups role membership is passed on to the user, meaning that the user automatically belongs to any roles that are assigned to the group(s) that the user belongs to. This is a convenient and often preferred way to change role memberships across groups of users.


    History From any page in the system, users can click on the Full History link in the History drop-down menu to see a longer list of their most recently viewed assets and the site they belong to. Users may also jump to an asset listed in the history by clicking its system name.

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    Index Block An Index Block is a special type of block asset that returns a listing of assets from Cascade in the form

    of XML data. Assets such as pages, files, folders, external links, and even other blocks can be returned as XML content that describe them. Index blocks are the cornerstone of dynamic content reuse within Cascade.


    Link Checker The Link Checker ensures that all HTML links between assets in Cascade and links to external resources are valid. It is invoked after an edit is committed by you clicking the Submit button. If the checker detects any broken links, it forwards a page detailing these errors to the user and provides several options for dealing with them.

    Linking Cascade provides users with a number of different ways to manage links in content. The different options depend on the type of asset containing the link, the type of link, the type of asset being linked to (if the linked-to asset is inside the system), and the locations of both assets.

    End users will use the Insert Link and Insert Image buttons in the WYSIWYG to create content links in pages. Developers will typically use Cascade's specified link formats to create links in formats, templates, blocks, files, and pages.


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    Manager The Manager role is second in authority to the Administrator role. It has many of the permissions of

    the Administrator role, but those powers are limited in scope. Generally, the manager role is used to assign administrator-level privileges to a site or sub-site. Since roles are cumulative, managers have all of the powers of the roles beneath them (publisher, approver, and contributor) as well as the power to bypass workflow.

    Menu A menu is typically the main navigational feature of a website. A menu can show a list of just the main links on a site or several levels of subpages. A menu can be the same for all pages throughout the site, or it can expand to show more levels as you go deeper into the site.

    Message Messages are sent to users by other users, as well as by Cascade. They take a number of forms, including informative reports and requests that the user perform specific tasks. They are viewable from the Messages tab on the Dashboard.

    Metadata Metadata is data within Cascade that describes an asset. Common fields such as title, summary, or keywords provide quick information about the content contained inside of a particular asset. Because the system manages all assets as XML, the metadata that a user enters for assets can be used for display purposes on site pages. When used in conjunction with index blocks, an XSLT format can be applied to the metadata to create common HTML content listings, such as a listing of recent press releases including the title and a quick summary of the press release content. Cascade uses two types of metadata wired and dynamic.


    New Menu The New menu is located in the blue menu bar and is used to create new assets.


    Page A page is one of the core asset types in Cascade. It represents the grouping of several items including

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    content, template, blocks, and more that a user publishes to display new web content. Essentially, your page in Cascade becomes a new webpage.

    Pages can represent many different types of content on a website. Pages can be frequently asked questions (FAQs), newsletters, press releases, employee profiles, news articles, simple content, and anything else you might find on online.

    Cascade uses pages to dynamically create navigation link menus, site maps, alphabetical indexes, RSS feeds, and many other automated items.

    Preview Preview is a view in Cascade that enables the user to view a page as it will appear once it has been published. This is very useful in cases when you are about to publish an asset or you recently finished editing a page and you want to verify the absence of possible rendering issues. Once the preview is activated (this is done by clicking Preview in the blue menu bar), the final version of the page will appear.

    Previous Next Previous/next navigation buttons are a type of dynamic navigation and an easy way to allow visitors to browse through sibling pages without having to keep clicking back to a directory. Clicking through previous/next navigation is much like leafing through the pages of a book.

    Publisher Publisher is a role in Cascade and can be assigned to a user or a group. The Publisher role allows the

    same actions as the Contributor and Approver roles, as well as allowing the user to push content out to a live site; either by completing a workflow that contains a publish trigger upon completion, or by selecting assets the user has access to and publishing them.

    Publishing Cascade features a robust publishing engine designed to bake files out in the development environment, and synchronize those environments with one or more production servers. Assembled content is transformed into native XML files, standard HTML, and/or .NET files (.aspx). When the content is published, the information is completely decoupled from Cascade, allowing it to operate independently in any standard environment.


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    Quick Links Quick Links is a drop-down menu that can be accessed from any page in Cascade and can be found to the right in the header. It provides users with one-click access to frequently used options.


    Recent Pages The Recent Pages list is a type of dynamic navigation that makes it simple to present new and important content in a chronological and easily viewable order. There is often a need for a listing and summary of recently added pages. Time sensitive content such as press releases, newsletters, or announcements lend themselves to this particular type of dynamic indexing.

    Relative Link Relative links allow path references to other pages or files to be written so that the file can be located by navigating from the current page, as opposed to starting at the root directory and following a long path (an "absolute link").

    RSS Feed RSS, an acronym for Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication, is a useful way to make a

    list of updated or new information online available in a concise format for other sites and RSS readers. RSS is essentially an XML document with links and metadata conforming to a specific standard.


    Save as Draft Save As Draft allows multiple users to save drafts of assets that they are editing in order to return later to finalize changes. By allowing users to work on multiple assets at once and permitting users to leave the editing interface without publishing, Save As Draft leads to increased efficiency and a decrease in the constant use of system resources. The ability to periodically save a draft of an edit in progress serves as a valuable safeguard against accidental loss of work due to a browser crash or an accidental click. And since the Save As Draft feature is beneficial system-wide, its enabled for all users and for all content types.

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    Search and Replace Search and Replace allows users to quickly change multiple assets at once. For example, while searching within Cascade, Administrators may choose to replace certain content (words, phrases, etc.) with other content.

    Site Index A Site Index is a form of dynamic navigation represented by an alphabetical listing of all the pages in a site. Site indices may also be created for individual sections of a site.

    Sites Sites are containers for organizing all home and administration area assets for a website. Users can switch sites by using the drop-down menu in the header.

    Sites drop-down menu

    Spell Checker The Spell Checker, much like the accessibility checker and the link checker, is invoked after a page edit is committed by you clicking the Submit button. If there are any words that Cascade deems suspect, the user is forwarded to a spell checker page listing the errors sorted by the field on the page in which they occur. The spell checker checks and reports all words (content and metadata) that are not found in the system's dictionary.


    Template A template is a fundamental system entity that defines the HTML/XML structure of page assets in

    Cascade. Templates are essentially XHTML documents that contain standard HTML tags and CSS that create what is commonly referred to as the look and feel of a webpage.

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    User A user is any individual who uses Cascade. Users of Cascade are defined by their user IDs, role

    designations, and the group(s) they belong to. Users can be viewed, edited, or deleted by clicking on their usernames in the administration area and then selecting the appropriate choices.


    Version Cascade maintains a full version history on each asset in the system. As changes are made to an asset, Cascade keeps track of the changes in separate copies of the asset called versions. These are accessible through the More tab of any asset in the home area by clicking the More tab and selecting Versions from the drop-down menu.

    The versions list for each asset shows a list of each version, the author for each change, the original creator of the asset, the time and date of the change, and any available notes. Users may navigate through the various versions, compare them with the current version, and activate any version desired.

    W Workflow

    A workflow is a series of ordered steps that web content (a page, file, image, etc.) must go through to be quality-checked and approved, modified, or disapproved by the appropriate user (an Approver) before being publish-ready. Workflows can be customized or created from scratch. Workflows provide users with a customizable, assignable method of ensuring that content (any asset) is checked multiple times by multiple users before being published. The resulting diversity of input ensures that content is accurate and presented in a professional manner.

    All users may initiate a workflow when creating or editing content. Users assume different roles in the workflow process according to their system role. A higher-level user, such as an Approver, reviews the content and either approves it to be sent to the next step in the workflow or returns it to the user associated with the previous step for changes. After the content has been approved by all users in the process, a Publisher may then publish the content to a live site. Managers and Administrators have the capability to bypass any of these steps in the workflow process.

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    WYSIWYG WYSIWYG is an acronym for What You See Is What You Get. Cascades word processing functionality is referred to as the WYSIWYG editor because as its name implies, it allows you to see formatting while you edit your content in the word processor (much like Microsoft Word).

    The word processor, which is integrated into Cascade, has the same functionality and features you are most likely accustomed to using in a standard editor. The functions available in the WYSIWYG are all available at the top of the editing content window (as with most word-processors), and include:


    Zip Archive Cascade allows for multiple images to be uploaded at once via the Zip archive importer.

    An archive is a file that contains other files packaged together. There are many formats that are used to

    package files like this. The most widely known are probably the ZIP file format (cross-platform) and the

    Stuffit file format (Mac only). There are many other archive file formats as well. An archive allows a user

    to organize and transfer files easily. For example, Cascade allows the user to upload a ZIP archive into

    the system and then unzip it. This is very useful when uploading multiple files at once or when uploading

    content for integration. Instead of uploading each HTML file and image individually using the File Override

    option, they can be packaged into one file, uploaded once, and then the system will unpack it as if each

    file were transferred individually.

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    Want to learn more about HTML?

    Online HTML resources:

    HTML Primer

    If you know nothing about HTML, this is a good place to start.

    HTML Code Tutorial

    This site includes a comprehensive guide to creating web pages.

    HTML Tags Cheat Sheet

    Commonly used HTML codes presented in an easy-to-read chart.

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    What is Cascade?Scripps Research Web Content Management SystemUser BenefitsBenefits for Your Lab or DepartmentLog In (This Class ONLY)How to Access CascadeComputer RequirementsPermission to Use CascadeLog In (Your Live Account)Change Your PasswordLog Out

    Cascade InterfaceWhat You See After You Log InHeaderLeft PanelRight Panel (Showing Dashboard and Related Tabs)Right Panel (Showing View and Related Tabs)FooterSelect Your WebsiteLocate and Edit a PageWYSIWYG Editor

    Basic Page EditsSetting Up Your WebsiteCreate the Hierarchy / Flow Chart of Files / Folders for Your SiteCreate a Flow Chart

    Choose a TemplateTemplate ChoicesShared Right Menu Page

    Create a New PageSystem NameInline Metadata: Display Name, Title, Summary, & AuthorPractice: Fill out Metadata Section in New PagePractice: Create a Folder Structure

    Practice: Edit Existing PagesAdding ImagesInsert an image into a web page:To align the image (optional):Image sizes:

    Editing ImagesPractice: Add Images, Table and Text to Existing Lab Members PageEdit index page

    PublishingUn-publishExclude from PublishingPractice: Publishing Web PagesAdvanced FunctionsMove or Rename a Page or FolderFind Pages Linking to a PageMove or Rename a Folder or Page

    Move a Folder or Page in Directory ViewLa Jolla IT Services Help DeskJupiter IT Services Help DeskAccessibility CheckerAdministratorAdvanced SearchApproverAssetsAudit TrailBase FolderBasic SearchBlock1. Index Block: Used to dynamically generate system assets as XML2. Text Block: Static text content3. XML Block: Static XML contentBreadcrumbsCheck In and OutCompare with CurrentComponentsConfigurationConfiguration SetContributorCSSDashboardDynamic NavigationExternal LinkFileFolderGlobal AreaGroupHistoryIndex BlockLink CheckerLinkingManagerMenuMessageMetadataNew MenuPagePreviewPrevious NextPublisherPublishingQuick LinksRecent PagesRelative LinkRSS FeedSave as DraftSearch and ReplaceSite IndexSitesSpell CheckerTemplateUserVersionWYSIWYGZip Archive

    Want to learn more about HTML?


    Cascade User Manual

    Cascade User Manual


    User Manual

    Table of Contents What is Cascade?5Scripps Research Web Content Management System5User Benefits5Benefits for Your Lab or Department5Log In (This Class ONLY)6How to Access Cascade7Computer Requirements7Permission to Use Cascade7Log In (Your Live Account)8Cascade Interface11What You See After You Log In11Basic Page Edits19Setting Up Your Website23Create the Hierarchy / Flow Chart of Files / Folders for Your Site23Choose a Template23Template Choices25Create a New Page37System Name37Inline Metadata: Display Name, Title, Summary, & Author38Practice: Edit Existing Pages42Adding Images44Editing Images46Practice: Add Images, Table and Text to Existing Lab Members Page48Publishing51Un-publish51Exclude from Publishing52Practice: Publishing Web Pages52Advanced Functions53Move or Rename a Page or Folder53Move a Folder or Page in Directory View54Help55Glossary57HTML72Notes73

    What is Cascade?

    Scripps Research Web Content Management System

    Cascade is a Web Content Management System, which we use to manage both the TSRI external website and the intranet. It allows users to author and edit their websites without their having to acquire the significant technical skills that website publishing can involve. Another advantage is that it makes it easier to manage who creates, edits and publishes content. Specific publishing rights can be allocated to individuals, based on their roles.

    User Benefits

    Easy content updates using the WYSIWYG ("what you see is what you get") editors.

    Helpful tracking of who "owns" each page and the last time it was updated.

    You can roll back changes and even retrieve deleted pages!

    Built-in templates that contain the page navigation and structure.

    Benefits for Your Lab or Department

    Cost savings: you dont need to purchase licenses for web publishing software.

    Reduced time-to-publish, allowing you to get content up on the Web or intranet faster. The quicker you get key content published, the more value it creates.

    Allows for a common and consistent information architecture (metadata, classification, navigation, search, layout and design). Inconsistent and poorly designed information architectures plague many websites and create a frustrating experience for readers.

    Improved search process through a consistent management of metadata through content template structures. If the appropriate metadata is captured in all documents, then people can find the right content a lot more quickly.

    Cascade provides better security, which is an important issue, particularly for intranets. It controls who is allowed to publish to the website, and which content may be viewed by whom.

    Improved management of multiple authors and editors in different locations.

    Optional workflows may be set up in the system to ensure appropriate approval before publishing.

    Business practice

    Before working on your web pages in Cascade, check out the TSRI Web Publishing Guidelines, such as Authentication and Reliability of Information Content, Design Requirements including Web page identifiers, Links to TSRI home page and other relevant pages and Web Page Templates. The Guidelines can be can be viewed at

    Acceptable Use Policy:

    Log In (This Class ONLY)

    This class will give you the opportunity to practice using Cascade in a safe test environment. Later on in the manual we will give you instructions on how to log in to your account on the server so you can start working on your website.

    Log in to the Cascade Server at:

    Username: test1, test2, test3 use the name on the blue card by your computer.

    Password: (to be provided by instructor)

    How to Access Cascade

    Computer Requirements

    To get into the Cascade environment your computer has to be on the Scripps Research Network. Users who want to access Cascade off-campus can do so through the use of the Virtual Private Network (VPN), available through IT Services.

    Supported Browsers and Operating Systems

    Internet Explorer 7 or higher on Windows

    Firefox 4+ on,Windows and Linux

    Safari 3+ on Mac OS X, Windows(Safari 2 has limited support for the WYSIWYG)

    Display capable of 1024 x 768 resolution or higher

    Network connection

    Permission to Use Cascade

    1. Contact your supervisor or IT Services for setup and permission to use Cascade.

    2. Agree to use the standard campus-wide templates, which are provided in Cascade.

    3. Agree to follow the TSRI Web Publishing Guidelines (see link below). (

    Business practice

    Please provide the following when requesting an account for Cascade:

    Directory name (Example: or

    Template - left or right navigation

    Dynamic or Static menu

    Which top navigation header to use: Institute, California, or Florida (page 24)

    State whether it is an existing website or new one

    Log In (Your Live Account)

    Log in to the Cascade Server at:

    Log in using your Username and the temporary Password you were supplied when your account was created. Your username will most likely be the first part of your email address. Leave the Rememberme box unchecked for now, as you will be changing your password in the next step.

    Change Your Password

    The first time you log in to your live account, you should change the temporary password you were given to one that you will remember (please do not change the password in the classroom accounts). Click on the My Settings link above the blue menu bar. Use the Change Password box to change your password.

    To return to the default page, called the Dashboard, click on Home on the blue menu bar.

    Change Your Password


    The only preference under User Preferences that you can change is your password. The other preferences are pre-determined by the Cascade templates.

    Log Out

    Always Log Out when you have finished working in Cascade:


    Cascade Interface

    What You See After You Log In

    For login instructions, see page 7, Log In (Your Live Account).

    Interface Overview

    The main interface areas outlined in the graphic are listed below.


    Menu bar

    Left panel (folders, pages and other assets)

    Right panel (tabs, sub-tabs and related content)



    The Header displays:

    1. Global dropdown: Select the site you want to work on

    2. Your username

    3. Quick Links:Quickly access the Dashboard and History links

    4. My Settings:Customize user preferences (change password)

    5. Help:Get online help

    6. Give Us Feedback (For administrative purposes dont use)

    7. Log Out:Log out of Cascade

    Menu Bar The Menu Bar displays:

    1. Cascade Server icon:Access Search (Basic, Advanced and Replace) and Preferences

    2. Home:Returns you to the Dashboard view

    3. New:Create new pages, folders, and other assets

    4. History:View a list of your most recent actions

    5. Tools:Access the Zip Archive, Integrate Folder and Bulk Change

    6. Search:Do basic searches

    Left Panel

    The left-hand column displays the folder structure of your site. Use this to navigate through the system by clicking on folders, pages, and files.

    You will always see "Base Folder" at the top. Click on thebutton or the name Base Folder to expand it. The button will change to and show any sub-folders it contains. Click the button or the folder name to collapse the structure again.

    The site is made up of:

    Folders:Every page on your site must live in a folder. Every folder will have a "home page" named index.

    Pages:These are the actual web pages that are displayed on your site.

    Files/images:You can upload files and images to place on web pages.

    To access a folder, page or other asset, click on its name. This will change the Right Panel to the View tab and show the contents of whatever you selected. The path to the selected object is shown above the tabs.

    Right Panel (Showing Dashboard and Related Tabs)

    By default, the Dashboard shows in the right panel when you log in. You can get to it from anywhere in Cascade by clicking Home on the menu bar.

    The Dashboard displays an overview of the current state of the content you have been working on. The Dashboard tab has no sub-tabs. The related tabs (Messages, Workflows, Locked Assets) are also represented as headers (links) on the Dashboard. You can get to the same content, either by clicking on a tab, or by clicking the appropriate link. (Note that there is no Recent History tab.)

    Create/Manage Content

    Recycle Bin: Recover previously deleted files (files are kept for 15 days)

    Outstanding Items

    Workflows: Contact the Web Team for information and setup

    Messages: Access messages about publishing and un-publishing from here or the Messages tab. These messages provide details on whether your publishing or un-publishing was successful or not, and if it contains broken links.

    Current Activity

    Locked Assets: See a list of any pages you have locked.

    Drafts: See a list of your pages you have saved as drafts.

    Recent History: See the pages and assets you've worked on Click on any item in the list to return to it.


    Restoring Assets from the Recycle Bin

    1. Click the Recycle Bin link or tab.

    2. Use the drop-down under Select One or click on the green curved arrow under the Actions column to restore a deleted asset.


    Deleting Messages Having numerous messages may affect Cascades performance. To delete messages:

    1. Click theMessageslink (or tab)

    2. Click the checkbox next to the message(s) you want to delete or select the top checkbox to automatically select ALL messages on that screen.

    3. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen display and selectDeletefrom the Select One drop-down menu.

    4. ClickSubmit.

    Right Panel (Showing View and Related Tabs)

    After you select a folder, a page or an asset from the left panel, the View tab and its related tabs become visible. The specific tabs that are shows depend on the type of asset you selected. When a page is selected, these are the tabs that show:

    View: By default, when you select a page or an asset, it displays inViewtab. It will look similar to the way it will appear on the live website. Within View, you can select these sub-tabs:

    Layout- Access small icons, which you click to display additional information about the contents (e.g., the main navigation).

    Preview- View the page as it will appear once published.

    Live- View the page as it currently appears on the live site.

    Properties- Find page-related information such as the page creator, creation date, who last modified and published it, on what date, page title, and access rights.

    Lock- Keep other users from accessing or editing the page you are working on by clicking the Check-out this asset link.

    Configurations- View the assets that are used to comprise the page: template, main photo, logo, main navigation, etc.

    Edit: Click this tab to edit the content of a page or asset. Within the tab, you can select these sub-tabs:

    Content: Access formatting tools similar to those used in other web authoring applications.

    Metadata: Set the inline metadata.

    System: Change the publishing and indexing settings.

    Configurations: View the assets that are used to comprise the page.

    Move/Rename: Click this tab tomove or renamea page, folder, or file.

    Copy:Click this tab to make a copy of a page or folder.

    Publish: Click this tab to publish your pages and folders from Cascade to the web servers.

    More: Click the arrow on this tab to bring up a submenu with the following options:

    Delete: This tab lets you send a page to the Recycle Bin.

    Access: This tab lists Users or Groups who have been granted read and/or write access to your CMS folder. Access rights are determined by your web site administrator.

    Audits: This tab shows the date and time a page was created, modified and the person who modified it.

    Reference: Currently unsupported.

    Versions: This tab lists when the selected page was last modified and the person who modified it. Cascade saves the last 20 versions of the saved page. Using this tab, you can revert to a previous version of the page.


    The menu bar under the tabs changes when the Edit tab is selected.


    The footer contains four buttons in addition to the Hannon Hill Corporation copyright, the title WebContent Management System, and the Cascade Server version.

    RSS: Enables the subscription to the site via an RSS feed.

    Home: Returns you to the Dashboard.

    Menu: Displays the menu and sub-menu items in a list.

    Log Out: Logs you out of the server.


    Basic Page Edits

    Many users already have websites and folders in Cascade, so we will begin with how to edit an existing web page. Then we will explore how to create new pages in Cascade.

    Select Your Website

    After logging in, select your website from the site selector dropdown box in the header. Usually you will only have one site and will not need to select the sit