carrizozo outlook, 09-30-1921

University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-30-1921 Carrizozo Outlook, 09-30-1921 William Kabler Follow this and additional works at: hps:// is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Kabler, William. "Carrizozo Outlook, 09-30-1921." (1921). hps://

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University of New MexicoUNM Digital Repository

Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Carrizozo Outlook, 09-30-1921William Kabler

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This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been acceptedfor inclusion in Carrizozo Outlook, 1915-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please [email protected].

Recommended CitationKabler, William. "Carrizozo Outlook, 09-30-1921." (1921).

Page 2: Carrizozo Outlook, 09-30-1921


a- - ar." í3"

Published Weekly in the Interest of Carrizezo anil Ltnceln County PAGES





Demand Thnt AH LcrqI DUobll-illc- s

or IncqualiticH In Conatl-tutlo- n

on Account of Sex orMarriage bo Removed.

Washington, Sept. 26. A worn-u-

"bill of rights" proponed for en-

actment tiy tho federal and all stategovernments to remove legal discrim-

inations against women was outlinedtoday In a statcmnt by the nationalwoman's party.

file program Includes n now con-

stitutional amendment, declaring "nopolitical, civil, or legal disabilitiesor Inequalities on account of her sex,

or on account of marriage" shall pre-

vail, together with a bill to grvo worn,

on the samo rights, privileges and

Immunities as men.It wan announced Hint tlio pro-

posed amendment iwould be Intro-

duced In congress October 1, and thatcopies of the new bill had been sentall state chairmen of the woman'sparty, except Wisconsin, which hasenacted the law.

Women would havo tha right, onmarriage, to choose their names andhave equal voire in the custody ottheir children, legitímalo or Illegiti-mate, under' the proposed bill.

Other legal rights proposed In-

clude:Suffrage eligibility for nil offlcos;

freedom from contract; choleo oldomicile, rcsldcncn nnnio; Jury nor- -

vice; acquisition ami control ot prop-erty; control of labor and earnings;eligibility for Judiciary positions;equality In grounds for divorce iimlImmunities mid penalties lor sex of-

fense.All common law disabilities ot

women would be abrogated,

A NEW 3IK.NAt"KUTO THE RANtli:cavile iMiuantv

Btalo College, N. M Sept. 23."Contagious abortion" Is ti.o newmenace that Is controntlng Hie stockmen of New Mexico, tor severalyears nasi tho slockgruwors have buuserious problems tu contend with,duo to drouth uud other conditions,but tills now mcnaco that la creeping Into the Block growing, will, II

not checked, paralycu the industryNo stockman can arturd to buy lugiipriced stock It It Is not productiveWith coutaelous abortion In a liordIt Is a very unproiltablo Investment.

Prevention Is tho point wu areaiming at. says tho veterinarian o,the Agricultural College. It a herdIs freo troui this disease, purchase uunow stock unless u guarnnteo Is giventhat the animals In question havebeen tested by tho agglutlon anucomplement llxatlon methods andhave been found free. Tho bloodtest Is thu only uccurate means to dotermino whether tho animal Is dlscased or sound. I'osltlvo reuctlonsliavo been obtained from tho blood otvirgin hellers, showing th.-.- t alio dlscaso may lurlc on until a certain per'lod arrives, und than break out likeu spontaneous tiro.

In the control of this disease, sanItatlou Is an Important fuctor. Alldebris should bo burned, the abort'Ing animal segregated, and the surrounding premises disinfected. I.lqcrosolls composltls 3 per cent, forexternal purposes and Lugols soiuHon V4 per cent for Internal IrrlgU'Hon Is recommended. Tho vuclnceIn combination with the bactcrLiisaro being widely used, nltlio their efficiency has yet to lie proven.


State College, N. M., Hcpt. 26.Three hundred and fifty students andInstructors at the Now Mexico forlego of Agricultura and MechanicArts, on Saturday, September 21thdemonstrated the fact that curliilwent of stato appropriations to xlucailonal Institutions, tho a serioushandicap, .iced not bo an limtirmountanbo obstacle.

Promntlv at 8 o'clock, ovurv ablebodied man In Hie student body andtho faculty reported for work on therotul from Hie College campus to thefjamlno Heal, ii stretoli ot road thatlias long needed improvement

Trucks, trailers anil wagons werefurnished by tho slate uud count)hjgltway commission, and the laborfor loading, unloading and spreadingthe gravel was supplied by tho rolicgnl Six hundred cubic yards otgravel were hauled from the collegepits ahd spread on the half mile ofruHÍl.

the students and Instructors vrotunaed into squads of six vuuh, under command ot a corporal Thewprk was under tho direction of Mr,ariiwilor. of Hie county Highway commission and Dean Uoddard, of thecollege.

The girls of the colltge, womenteaehera and faculty wives served

"ujñner to the men at work alona theroan.

The road liad been graded tirrflouM'ri so wijh.the gravel surface.

aliieicouego cu now uuui ui u wuibuilt road



Oaltup, N. M., Sept. 21. Tlio Navajo Indians predict this year willproduco tho greatest crop of plnonnuts tho world has aver seen. All ov-

er tho weetorn states tha crop willbo enormous. '

Tha first gleanings of tlio croplmvtstarted to como In. Tlio prices areholding up wonderfully under thecircumstances. Tho wholesalers urooffering five cents a pound for thoplnons. Ono Indian trader In townIs offering eight cents and on Is offering ten cents. Ot courso, therehave been only a few brought in to

town up to tho present timo. Follow-

ing the first henvy frost tho gathorlngof plnons will begin In earnest, astho frost cuts them all loose from thocones and they either fall to thoground or can be easily shaken fromtho trees.

Kills Aid In (luthcrlng.Pack-rat- s which aro quito numer

ous In all parts of the Southwest, urogreat gathers of plnons. They pileup great heaps ot plnons In their burrows. Whenever o plnon gleaner is

fortunate enough to find a pack-ra- t

hole, bo docs u big day's work. A

puck-r- Is a grcnt hustler when It

comes to gathering plnons. Ho of-

ten curries two or thrco sacks oftho little berry bean to his lair andstores them nwny for bis wlntr ra-

tions. It a Nnvujo Indian finds oneof these holes ho Immediately digs It

up and sacks tlio plnons und hurriesto town, because tiny uro all goodplnons, lor n rat never makes a mls-tuk- o

uud carries away a bad nut.

UOVEllNOIt M ECU EM ANXIOUSto Sr.t. (.T.wtit turn our tu

JIANKI.VKIIH AMI I'll A I' 1 ICELas cruces, N. M, Sept. SS.

Writing to tno Crucos Chamberot commerce, announcing tlio uniiunlmuiii'uvur und target pructico ot uu.Sutluial Uiiurd of .New Mexico lit H.lilla, 'luxns, Oct. li to 31, Adjt. tun.i (mi y Kt.inli llrown, coiniiiaauulit,say among other tilings

"rue governor is anxious to secthu citizen HDlulcry ot tno stutc be- -

urna inore closely umiuucd with ourjtnvr cmentlui civic organizations,and the ululo In interested In liiuin- -

uinliiK n national guard as mi rxor- -

clso of Itu constitutional and sover-eign right to hear arms. '1 lie intentu( tills cuiistllutluuul provision wusto pua-- at tno Jlsposr.l ot tlic clilotexecutive a tlnal means of ctuorcliii;mw und order, should In his opinionuch u fono bo justified,

The statu of Now Mexico spends aminimum of $60,000 annually on tills.orce, lor armories and lulmliilotru- -

Uve purposes. Tlio Federal govern-ment is interested In maintaining thoiltiurd of our state ns a second linoof defense to bo used l.l enso of nu- -lonal emergency and with a view to

(raining una developing It progrods- -vuiy, nos appropriated iiou.oou to

.iciray tho total oxpenacs of thu ap-

proaching encampment and an additional (2110,000 tur tho pay of thu officers and men and upke-o- pf publicunlmals during thu entire ycur.

"Thus, it may bo seen that a minimum of $000,000 In cash Is expendedannually on the guard in tho HluteThis does not take Into considerationtho equipment, costing not less than$500,000, Issued by the Federal (Inv- -

ornnient without oxpeuso to thoslate."

(Icncral Urcwn adds that In eonslileiutlon of the Importance attach- -

oii to tuts work by the Federal uov'liiment ami slate government andbecause or the appropriations of tunpotting the state lawn with citizensoldien. It is uxpceloil that the('liniubers of I'nmmsrcu uud the pub-lic generally will give their active

and ltilh ince to tho

"That the most training be dissem-inated," Oeneral HroWn adds, "It Isueettssary tliut euali guard orguiilsu-tlo- n

go to ramp with at li.nt Itsminimum striinclh, namely, fur com-pany of Infantry, three olllcers and86 enlisted men."


Tuesday night, Cnrtlzozo Lodge,No. III). I. O.U. I'., entertained thellrtiecens In honor of tho 71 Anniver-sary of the founding of the order. Asplendid program was arranged forthe occasion and a large crowd waspresent. A short speech was mailo bySenator Ii. M. Hrlckley, solos rondoredby tho Misses Carrlu Roberts andClaire Adams, a quartette selection bythe llttlo Misses, Miller, Dliiwlddlo andMnster Itaymond Lackland, A pianosolo by Mrs. I). S. Donaldson, musicalreading b) Mrs. Dinwiddle, and a fewremarks by Ilev. Huffman of the Hun- -

tlst cliurch elated the program whichwas followed by presentation of lodgepins to Itov, and Mr. Huffman, whowere about to leave for their newhome In Colorado. Aftnr the exercises,a delight fui luncheon was ferved.


A movement wns launched this week for a two days'celebration here on tho dates of October 7 and 8. The com-

mittee on arrangements have perfected a program that willbo interesting and as usual, we will havo a large attendancoat tha same. As will be seen by tho program that follows,there will bo all sorts of sports to satisfy every desire, Alargo attendance will be had from our neighboring town'sand r .nch districts, and ample provisions will be made forall. The program for the two days' celebration follows:


hour event rmzE10:00 a. m. Ford Raco $25.0010:30 a. m. Rolay Race 20.0011:00 a.m. Pony Race 60.00

Noon, Free BarbecueAFTERNOON

1:00 p.m. Pio Eating Contest 8.001:30 p. m. Ball Gamo 60.003:30 p. m. Steer Riding 25.004:30 p. m. Basket Ball Game, Carrlzozo Town vs.

Capitán Town . . . 25.00Evening, Dangino, Lutz Ijall

SECOND DAY, (CAPITAN-CORON- DAY)10:00 n. m. Boys' nnd Girls' Race 5.0010:10 n. m. Ladies' Foot Race, 50 yds., free for all 10.00H :20 a. m. Men's Foot Race, 100 yds., Iree for all 10.0010:30 a. m. Ladies' Running Broad Jump .... 5.0010:40 a. m. Men's High Jump, free for all ... . 5.0010:50 a. in. Ladies' High Jump, free for all . . . 5.0011:00 a. m. Men's Running Broad Jump, free for all 5.0011:10 a. m. Horse Race, free for all . 75.00

AFTERNOON ,1:00 p, m. Bosket Ball Gntne, Carrizozo High School

vs, Capitán High School, two ijnmes.boyHnnd girls 50.00

2:30 p. m. Boxing Mutch 50.003Í0Ü p. m. Blinded Folded Boxing Match .... 15.003:30 p. m. Two Battles Roynl, first prize .... 25.00

Second prizo 15.00Evening, Dancino, Lutz Hall

COMMITTEESExecutive Committee-- A. J. Rolland, Chnlrman; E. M.

Brickley, J. A. Huley, C. P. Huppertz, A. H. Sweet,J. P. Nash.

PltoartAMME and Sports-- E. O. Finley, Chairman; VV. P,Dolun, II. G. Norman, J. R, Adams, A. L. Burke,Leo Prude.

Finance E. D. Boone, Chairman; R. E. Lemon, O. W.Bamberger.

Bardecue G. T. McQuillen, Chairman; G. J. Dingwall,M. U. Finley, T. A. Spencer, B. L. Stlmmel, W.A. Spence.

Dance T. M. Carr.'E. J. Dingwnll, M. B. Paden.Grounds-- W. T. Sterling, W. S. Norman, M. B. Paden,

Shorty Dawson, R. M. Treat.



Chicago, Sept. 20. A majority ofthe 180,000 members ot tho Ilrothcr-hoo- d

of Itattwny Trainmen, huvevoted to strike rather than accept therecent wago cut ordered by tho Unit-

ed States ltallroad Lubor Hoard, gen-

eral chnlrman ot tho brothorhoodtoday us they began an oM-et-

ranvass ot the ballots.Fltty-sovc- n general chairmen who

arrived during tho day privately re-

ported to Vice President James Mur-doc- k

that their men were in favor ola strike unless their demands weremet.

"Our past experience lias bocn,"Mr. Murdock commented, "that 98per rent ot the men will always votefor a Btrlko."

Whether a general strike shall becalled by the six most powerful rail-road unions may be decided withinthe next two weeks. Olllcluls of thellrothcrliood of Ilallroad Tralumcngathered hero today to cojiint the160,000 Btrlko ballots of their organ-ization, cast tu decide whether themen will accept I lie recent wugo cut.

Next Monduy oftlci- -' if four murounlons--lli- e Ilrotli if I mo--tire Engineers, IwayConductors, llrot' .lio, como-Hv- o

Firemen und Enu .rs, andtho Hwltchmcti's Union ot North Am- -

rica will meet here to count strlkoballots cast by their 260.000 members.

Mora than 200,000 shop crafts em-

ployes havo already voted by an over-whelming majdrlty according tofigures announced a wootc ago tostrlko rather than accept tho wagecut, but on advice ot their leadersare waiting far tho labcr board tocompleto Its announcement ot newworking rules and far tho other un-

ions to decido whether or not theyshall support the strlko and make Itgeneral.



Prices of food and clothing arocoming down, but so far the price totho man In the street has not keptpace with the prlco to tho retailerThe wholesalo price ot cattlo Is verynear the pre-wa- r ratos. Hut roundsteak Is still up 00 per cent and sir-loin costs tho housewife at least SIper cent more then before the warSo retail prices which went up lossthan wholesale during tho expansiónare coming down slower, though ItIs doubtful It they will over reach theold level.

Food in general which was over180 per cent above pre-w- priceslast year Is uow a little over 30 percent nbovo. Clothing lira droppedfrom over 2S0 per cent, wholesale,last year to 80 per 'cent now. Thesefacts oro from figures compiled bytho Chemical Nutlooal llnnk ot Nev,York, from government and otherauthoritative sources.

It Is however, pointed out thr.most of tho prlco changes nt tho lustfew months have been In the direction of stability and there aro ludícations that tho price system Ingeneral Is recovering Its stability.

Ilulldlng mater als. the cost orwhich directly Influences the home,went up soino 240 per cent and arestill upwards of 100 per cent abovetho figures for 1913. Yet It Is shownthat the average wholesale prlco of12 basic commodities Is only 6 percent above tho 1013 average.

It Is really the disturbance ot theold relations between the wholesaleand retail prices more than (he riseand fall ot tha general level that Isso dangerous to prosperity. Andthis disturbance Is now apparentlybeginning to rectity itself.


Albuquerque, N. M Sept. 22.Now Moxlco has Just received a

check for $22,684X7 from tho Trea-surer ot the United 8tatos ns Its shareof tho National Forest receipts forthe year ending July 1. This amountconsists ot $1,491.12 which repre-sents 26 per ce, t ot tho receipts fromthe National Foresta In tho stato and$1,093.45 because of school lands Intho Forests,

Tlio amounts are considerablysmaller than usual becnuso ot thogreatly reduced National Forest re-

ceipts. In 1920 the total receipts ofthe forests In New Mexico wcro $313,-00- 0

wlillo this year thoy dropped tu$84,000. This reduction Is duo large-ly to the concession made to thostockmen by giving them until Dec-

ember 1 to pay their erasing teeswhich would ordinarily liavo beenpaid l".st spring. A portion ot thoreduction Is duo also to reducedsales ot timber.

Now Mexico's share because o'f

school lnr.d3 within Forests, Is sosmall alnco tho state has given backmany ot these Intuís to the UnitedStates, taking in llnu thereof, landsoutside of the National Forests.

In addition to tlio funds Bent thostate, District Forester F. C. W. Pool-e- r

has Just received $8,500.46 fromWashington for tho constructtan ofroads n:id tr.xtls within the Xntlnii.ilForos! ot the State. This amountrepresents 10 por cent ot the NationalForest rcrc!;)t.

Under existing laws the states,In which the National Forests oxtstmuy benefit through National Forestreceipts In throo ways. First theyreceive 26 per cent of tlio receiptsfor roads and schools, Thoia fundsare turned over to tho states for dis-tribution to the counties withinwhich tho National Forests exist.They aro Riven to ;ho counties In lieuot taxes, tho amounts given eachcounty depending upon tlio area ofNational Forest lauds within It.

In additional 10 per cent of tho'orost receipts aro .nt within thoForostB for roads aim trails. These.'unds are spent by tho Forest Sorv-vlc- o

but of course tho counties bene,lit directly by them.

In Arizona and Now Mexico, thrutheir enabling act, the Forest Ber-

ries alao administers the school section within tho National Forests,turning ovar tha receipts to tho statofor school puropses. Tha states,however, havo the privilege of giv-

ing back these school lands to theUnited States nnd taking In lieuthereof, other government lands nutsido the National Forests, la whichcase, ot course, the receipts from thissource aro reduced.

CAtiniZOZO SCHOOL notes(Oy Supt. E. E. Cole)

Next Visitor's Day la October 6,

Wednesday. Gome, get acquaintedwith the teacher of yonr child, seeschool conditions, what tha pupil is doing anu now ne is aoing u,

Last week tha Domestic Scienceclass mads a special study of meats,their different food values, dualities.colors, texture, etc. A heluful amiinteresting demonstration was giventhe class Thursday by Mr. Woolen.In Mayer's storo. He explained andihowed the different cuts and pricesfor them. Them studies were followedby the cooking of meats and makingirom mem certain loous sunt hi beerlakes, with tomato sauce and stuffedtomatoes. Miss Cowan wishes themothers to cooperate with her anil thei(iri8, Helping to make the home workmoro practical anu iiuiprul and showIng Intorest in thu home economicsvnrk or their daughters,

Tha following Is the program for the-- Mierary 10 oe ne o r riiiuv. uct. ii'.,n , 'UHII tf WIUVIlead ng of Minutes

Current Events Will Kahlerinstrumental Molo Lois JonesDebate; Will Johnson, Roy otimmel,

Dayton Herrón. Hollo P ace.Scientific Talk Kastler TaylorPaper: Jeanetta Johnson and Adn Corn"It Can't He Done". . . . Charles ScottVocal Solo Mary White


Tho Clean-U- p Squad, to look afterme soi-i- er ooys wno nave in any man-ner failed to recclvo cdmiiuinntlon forservices under tho government, arrivedthe vsrly part of this week and afterauenning tu tna wants ol the lioys asthey were sri Informed, left Thursdsynight on their mission of mercy forouier ueius.

SOUTHWEST TRAJL CONVENTIONA convention nf delégalos re pre

seating Interests In tho SouthwestTrail Convention, has been railed tomeet nt Canadian, Texas, at 3 p, inuctouer id,

Tha Southwest trail runs tromKansas City to the great Southwest,'and delegatos are especially request-ed to bo present trom Kansas City,Wichita, Cahadjjn, Amarilla, Clovls,Róswéll, El Paso and Intermediatecities and towns.



FOR PLANTSInvestigation Mtjde With Ma- -

dltim Orea By An EawtwiProfeastor Have RevMletl ThatEmanations Act As Tonic.;

Investí!Silver City Enterprise.gatlons raado with radium by an castem professor have revealed the factthat the emanations from this act it

tonic and a stimulant on plantsThis discovery opens a new "ranga otpossibilities for the Immense 'deposits radium bearing ores at WhltoSignal, slnco the amount ot radiumnooded to serve ao a fertiliser torplants Is oxcaedlngly minute. Thoexperiments tn the east, which areroportod successful, were mado withthe tailings from radium ore lawhich all but n trace of radium hidbeen removed. Should very lowgrade radium ores prom In generaldemand, Qrant county will bo able tosupply a vast ampunt from tho WhileSignal district, where these ores areknown to oxlst ovor a wldn area.The artlcto Is as follows

Radium Is worth around seventymillion dollars a pound, and tharo Isvary little ot It even at that prlco.Nevertheless there Is u wuy to getradium for fertllltxr purpura, Thoplants aro uble to uWUe tlio radiumIn tho soil It It It then); and In rad-ium orr;i from which radium has beenextracted 'here uiwitys icuiuluu amliiiito mum' It whlrli in iiultu Mttfl- -

clont to servo as a tremendous stimulant to pluut Ilia.

It oecured tu Prut. II If. Jtusufcyof Columbia Unlrnrsllr lo grhid "upsome waste radium oro as ordinarycommercial fertilizer for uso lu hisgnrden at Nutlay, N. J. Ho dividedhis garden Into tlvo plots, In which housed t lie new fertilizer in dlffrentamounts,

Ono noticeable affect was the wayIn which the Influence ot tha radiumappeared to travel through tho soli.o that plants adjoining and unfertil

ized plots wora greatly stlmMlated,Hoot crnpn seem to derlvu special

benefit from radium. Radishes, foraxampto, produced a crop 70 per centgreater In heavily fertilizad plots thanthey did tn a plot that liad been leftunfortlllzcd. Flat turnips showed again ot 30 per cent: long turnips, Í29per cent: Hockey Ford melons produced an 80 per cent larger crop whenfertilized with this maule substance;squaah, 40 per cent; string beanu, Itpor cent, Tho result was with loopounds of fertilizer to tho aero. With

pounds to the acre, peas Jumped22Vi Per cent! Cucumbers 35 percent; cqush, 26 per cent; lato coraCO per cent, and lettuce, 29 per cent.

On a farm Prof. Rushby lias InOhio, tho yields were even larger.Pumpkins treated with a hundredpounds of fertilizer to the aero show-ed a gr.ln ot 13& per cent ovor thosegrown Hi an ndjacont unfertilizedHeld; corn g..lned 105 per cent; to-

matoes, CO per cent; oats, 60 per centearly potatoas, 60 percent; enrly cab-bage, 68 per cont, and many othervegetables from 25 per cent upward.

Resides tho Incroase In field crops,two very Important effects from theuse of ridluni wore noted. Manyfor ma ot Insect lite which attackedthe vegetables In tho unfertilizedHolds kopt awny from tho fertilizedplants, There was also an Improve-ment In tho edtblo grown propertiesof tho- - vegs'.ibles grown lu thofertilized fields.

Considering thu enormous quanti-ties of radium oro that must bo han-dlo- d

to produco evon tho smallestcommercial amounts ot radium calls,and thn fact that the wasto . oreswould bo threwn away, '.I Is quitoppsslbln that radlo-actlv- o fertilizersmay bo put on tho nlarkot some dayn( n prlco that will bring them In therange of the ordinary turners ot thafuturo.


Last Tuesday. W. P. Loiiehrev andO. It. Reichelt mode an attempt todisinfect a chicken houso belonging tothe latter, and after all preliminarieswero finished, they sprinkled gasnlinuthrough the place, prepared to Tl;ht it,Mr, i.oucnrey nein ine maten reauyund as ho struck It, yelled tn a boy,who Was anlstlnir him. to trot awavHe threw the burning match Into thechicken house, but In attempting toget awsy from the dsnger himself,run Into the boy which tripped him,throwing him headlong Into, thev burn-ing mass.

Severo as the heat was, Mr. Lough-re- y

retained presence ot mind enoughto give himself a lurch which threwhim again Into tha open air, but hsustained a badly b'irned face and hishands sre also In a painful condition,lit received medical aid from Dr.Paden after which he was advised togo to Hotel Dieu In El Paso and lefton No. 3 Wednesday morning, where1:0 will be treated by company doetorand will soon be at his post ot dutyagain. Is the hope of his many friendsIn Csttiiozo. í

Page 3: Carrizozo Outlook, 09-30-1921



flynopali. Young Carlrle Wllliur-lo-

Dale, or "Mill IMli," Kin olwealthy coat operator, John K.

arrhre t the HalfwayHwtUU. In eastern Tennessee,abandoning- - a life of IdleIncldnilellr bride, Pnlrlrla C'lavMine, at the altar detrnnliird innoli Ma nwn nny In I Iff. IIDwell "Hal" Wltlerord, typicaltnoonlaliire r Kill. "Hy" link, arnarat-tr- ot the lakes him loJohn Moreland'e horn. Morelandle chief o( IiIk "rlnn," which

n old feud with the Uttlerorda.lit telle Dal of Hi killing of dlabrother, David Moreland, rearaago, owner or rich roel deHialta,by luan named Carlyl. Daltielletea Ilia man waa lila fatherItole leakea Ida home with IheMorrlanda, TalklnK with lialie,Dala la ordered by "Mark Adam"Hall to leuve "hla girl" alone.Date nhlpe the bully, II arrangewllh Jnlni Morrlaml lo drvlo Ihrual depnelta lien Ijltlleford andaa, rnaltetig In John Morland lomeet hlni wllh hla follow In batII. Morelaml agrees, Th twoplana Hn uu for Until. A

llrna Ih Oral ahot. Hnlie.In an effort to atop th fighting,rrnaaee lo th Mnreluml aid of therlvir, ami la accidentally ahnl hyher lather nnd aerlotisly wounded.Th fight atnpa anil llatie In taknlu Ih ill). Doctora annnunr ahla nnl aerlously hurl. Dnle ineelaan old friend. Hobby Melgarla,who ha married 1'atrlrla Cliver-- l

lialr'a fnlher ndinlla he killedDailil Mnieland nml nlTera I1I111

funds In deirtitp Hie coul

CHAPTER VI Continuad.0

"Vim needn't," broke In I hi' embit-tered Hill Dille. "I I'll 11 get till- -

funds without illlllciilty. I'll I myI he debt lujneir. You've hint n Rrcntmany yours In which 111 try In makemielitis, nuil you linvi'ii't dune

Ymi might have helped theMoretuiulx llliiuit HiHr even knowlm?Hint It wtix ymi especially n Ihevscimii lo hnvp known you liy iiuullu'rlump 11 ml Ihnfa Hip only way ,ntt

'Wild IlltVP helped llll'lll, lll'IP .Mill'mvp nun ri'iiHon why I I'liiuiol ueccptiiKilalnitcp rriMil j mi llnu'l you see, fnIIiit7 The MiirHiinilH wouldn't hnveII, nuil I couldn't lln to Ihi'iii."

Hi- - tiMilloni'il to Mrl.iilirln, ulin limliiiiIImI on II111 lower vernmhi slop Inonli'l- - Hull lie mlRllt lio) overhear. It' I

liiineil nml walked nwny. .Mi'l.iiurliiliillowed, mnl Kiion uveiinuk I1I111.

tllll Ullll- - HtlllH'll Nlllllll'llly mi'lfnriil hurl; to Ills fulhcr.

"Ili'tiii'inhcr Hint Hiilihy gels III

liiiiiH)' nml hit '""M'K." replied .lolii' K. Hull-- , "Hubby

got IiIn Iioiiki' mnl lot."lie ivnii amll) tuwnril I lie Miiiiixioii

Hull Ki'i'iiK'il lo lil 111 now 11 irnoil ili'iilIIUi1 11 Inuih. VnuiiK Mule liiiulicil IiIhllli'iul 1111 Hit' muí.

"Ti'll mi', wlmt 1II1I iuoIIiit kii'7 I

know It'H kiiIiik lo hurt, hill It'll It.""Mill! WIIN KlttlllK llCXllll' llll Opl'll win- -

ihiw lu Hii lilirmy," nhIiI Mi l .11 ml 11.

!iíjíolil her Hint you wi-r- lit tlw i;:ili',Hllll uftki'il If Hho wuulil l.i' to Mr you.At llrvt I wiih nfrnlil hIic huiln'l lii'iinliiu. 'i'lii'ii xlio iii'.i'iicir 11 hook Hint iIiittim ii'iiillUK. folliul her lilni'e nml

"I'll Pay the Dtbt Myialf."

inarloil 11 v 'In HiiKer mill liMikwl Btnip.

"'Wlie 1I11! nu nny wua lit thu EHle.Mr. MdMiirlur aim naked.

"jfiMir Mn Ontlyle," 1 ninmeri'il."'Ml Mcl.Hiirlu,' aim aolil In 11111

piililij-- , 'I unlit you miviT to furéet this :

"l tup i here I 110 aurli perauu onpfili h Ifntlytn lntf.

'TRey went ilowntuwii In alienee.


Vonaiomt.When John Miirphiml nml lien

iiml llnl-Ttt- st' hilf hreatfaH

there In tho iIIuIuk room ot Hie llluls-ili'll- .

ttiry ilriink tlm wnter rrom llu-l- r

lliiKerliowta, throiiti'lii'il Willi amlileiiilenlli Hip wnlter who aiilrkereil, nmlintliiil Hie way to Hie lohtiy.

To Mttlefnril the IiiIiiiiHm ilriiRKt'ilMHlilrnly. r'ltnilly he tolil Aloreluiiil,III n Henleui'P lllleil Willi ilouhle tiepi-tlve-

Hint lie couhl henr Huí nnnpeiixeno loniicr, mill propoaeil Hint Hiey artmil nt uiiee for Doctor llriieiner'H

TIip hotel luiimiKer oerhenrlmime of Hie i'uuveriilloiihp 'phoupil the aurKeuu nml leiirne'lHull Hip youiiK wnuinn wiih reHilne(ual'y, which luforiiuitlnu lie ptiaNeil11 . In the iiiounlnln men.

lien l.lttlefuril wna ipilet fur liveinluutea, more or lexa. 'I'lieu he iipilupropoaeil In John .Murelnml Hint theyBo in Hip lioxpltiil to xee llnhe, .MoríI11111I refiiaeit llnlly, muí neeniiipiiuleillila ri'fiiHiil wllli un iimiilainkiilile lookof ronleiupt.

"Vou'rn 11 realli'Ha 11 k 11 iliiwi; Inlien tu 11," lio toll! lila ulil enemy, nmlWilli Hint lie wulkfil nwny,

A few mlmitPi4 luler lieu l.ltllerorilNtnlv out umiotleeil liy hla uplghhni'O'u'v Hut ll'c Clue. 11ml weul ill n lirlaltH.4.. VI U .iri'i'l. Murelmiil roiinil Itnut Nliortly urterwnril he lullowi'O I lieI. lttli'foril chief hotfoot, nmlI1I111. Trimt yiiur hill ilweller lo untoIninlmiirkK when he K' lulo unknownterrllury Mttleforil wiih liiuileilKirnlKht for tho hoHpliul.

'I'hey wulkiil for iwn hloeka lu H-

íleme. Moreliilul I1111I iimniiuiikI the ill- -

llluile of une whu luí Hie j;iiiinl- -

liiiiKhlp uf 1111 Irrepniilhle perxunlliruxi upon him, llul xoun lie l

aouieuhiil."I xlioru ciiln't omlerxtmiil, lieu.' he

ilruwleil, "how Hill Hule eer 1011I1I

heur It to llvu here.""I wnuiler," l.lltleroril xillil

lliiiiich lie hull llol heuril,"nhiir Itlll Oule Ih utY It'x ml!hl.ilurueil I. 'ii'Hoiue wlthoill lilln. ulu'l It)Thut wiih Kunil Iiiiiii we hull fur lileuk-tux- ',

.lollll.""It wiixu'l Iiiiiii. It wiih lieef.""It wiih hum.""It wiih hecf,""I I Wiih I111 "

"llnu'l yu recknii," lliileil .1 ill 11 .Mole-I-

ml, "Hint I knnw 11 iliinn ron'x ihi'iiiwhen I nee IIV It hivf I",

'I hey hull luilleil In I lie mlihlle of 11

xlii 11111 uf peili'Ntrluux. A hiIIii'Iuiiiiernuileil IiIm nny In Iheiu.

".Mine 011 ! un crowli'il.

Hill llule wiih ut thill nuiiiii'lit enli'l'-Ili-

liie Inhhy uf the IIIiiIhiIi'II WilliKolierl Mi'l.iilli'lu ut III- - xlile. Inhiliml JiiMt mill .Mi'l.iiiiilii Hint he liieiinllu o to I'liiclniuill lu hoi row uiniieyfluiii IiIh wenllh) Irleuil llurrlx. Tin 11

l llll 11 lulil Utile xnimililUK Hullxueil him thu Journey lo I'liniuunll.

"Vuii huxen't hetiril uhoiii lliiril.Illlli I'm xurry, luini-- - he weiihlInue ni'coiiinioilnteil you. He Weill

hinke 11 few ihl)K iiko lu Hie loltulixliuixh. lie wiih here y til ilny . nmlIt'll lilxl ilium I ui- - l llll-J-


Hule illtl nut try lo iiiiueul hi u

nml tllHiippoliiliiii'iil. llurrlx, lornil hlx yuiilh, liml heeii u liuxiuexx unir-vel- .

"I'll tuive lu try Miiiii'liiiily here, I

KiiexH, llul I won't luke II Irtuiimilliter wotililu'i periull II. uiiy-wu-

If Hhu knew mill there uro hw-er-

ullier ifiixinii. Queer huw 11 leiliitv'M inother wouhl linn hhu tlnwi:like HiIh! Uxiuilly, y'knnw, ll'x 11

luolher liml xllekH liy him HieloiiKext. . .

"I wnuiler u litio I I'liuhl llii'l i'lilNow Inn heiitlej, u Hie l.uiherMientle Iron I'umpiliiy 1 I know mm,

till riKhi He ulwtiya llketl me. Hnhh;"toil II liml him nl home, .Mi Uinrln

miHwereil. "Ile'x out of liiiklueaa, nuilhere nil Hie time mi, lie lutein Hike11 Hliut ut I'otit. Why nut 'plituiu hhuI rom herei"

I II 1I0 Hint." Dnle ileelih il. "Imkup inv two trli'iuU fur nits Hohhy. will


I'e wiih emiii xpeukllii; In New InnUheiitley lie una hrler In xIiiiIiik hlxnlxliex To the lUeHluu ua lu why heillil 1101 ko lo lila fnther fur fumlvwell he liml IiIh renaoii, nml It wuaI'liiiior 11 prlwilt iiiullér. Whtiiüey. ofi'uurae, reineinhereil Hie

I lie ulil Iron man wua xlleut furlull xeemeil lo Dille II Very Inilc Mine.

Then IiIh vnlce eiiine iner the wirewith nil illiitHl ii'illliuiia culm:

"Who liexlileH yuu Iuik nccii HiIm flu.I'nrljlet Aujlintty lljiit kmiwx inulj''

"ex, my ffithír," Dille iuiwereilipilckl "He went over It yeitrx ucn.Aak him uhoiii the coiil In Duvltl More- -

lnnil x ulil. 'I'hoiie hi m Hu n'pliiuie me. I'm wnlthii: 1 the lllulx-ilell.- "

Whealley uureeil 11 little relnrliinlly.Dale w iilleil putlttilly fur lllleeu

lulnuleH. Then Hut clerk citllcil himIn Hie 'ihoni'. He took up ihu receiverwith hoy lli pukrriH'iM.

Whculley cordlnlly: "VourtellN mo It U u kohI propoxltlnu,

t'lirlyle, (to I'll let )ou have nil Hiemoney you'll need. Ami It yuu wuiit 11

k'ootl mlnlni; limit, I know where youenn Iny your linmlM 1111 our; ulmi I rnufuruUli yuu, nt I111 If Hie orlk'lmil eoxt.11II the necpxHiiry itiiiclilnery nml nceex-Hurle- .

Yuu didn't knuw the uhlcompiiiiy illikcnil III

muí ai well ua Iron j plif Well, It 1II1I.

Let me ee yuu at three o'clock thlxafterniKm "


Dnle wiih Jqhllnnt. Here wna u rnreatrnko of K'hhI furtunr. lie weul loMcLniirln who hud not yet roundJohn Morrlnml mid Hen l.lttli'forilunit mill him uhiiiil It. .Mcl.uurlu wuxiilmual hnppy ua Dale out It. A

hellhoy iippcnrcil like uIn the center, of the floor. "MlatollI'uhlylp.Diilp! Mlxioli I'uhlyle Dale I"

llule wheiled. "Wellt""Witnted Ininicjllly ui liovtuli llrai-nii'- h'x

hnxpltllp. Huh t"DiiIp xhnok liiiudH with .Mcl.uurlu

11ml hitrrleil liiwnril the átreet.A fl'W mlmitca Inter Doctor llroeimT

met hhu in the reception rooiu."WIiiH'h wronir, dociort"The xurKenu heckuneil, "I.'iiiiii; with

me."He turned nml led the wny thrmmli

n lone corridor nml lo n xuiiny whiternom where llnhe l.lttlvfurd lay with11 luí 111I11 nhutit her teinpleM, Hen

Hitx nil IiIh knees ut hUdillll.'hter'H heilxlde; he wua xlowlywi'liii'lus hla hli;. roiik'li linmU uud hrx-glu-

plteuiixly In lie foriftvvil.llnhe Hinred nl him u trllln coldly.

Mliv liml nut yet xeen Hie livu men who


"I Wat to Skeer Him Out o'Pldhtln' Any More," She Inter,rupted,

kHiihI In the dourwiiy. Then lnher IiiIIut:

"Vim IiiihIi, I nip, uud X invay. I'dmill ye 11 liuiiderd 1 mi' nhutit llitlitln'

iiiuiiler, nuil 'xpeclully tu n.--t

wliuuii'iilolkH, nml y mi never wouldpity nny 'leiitlon to I no. Voil hush,pup. itml k nwny. i:r I die, I'll Jesttin r lo die Ami ef I die, I xhore dowind In dhi In pence. Do wuy, pup,"

"Hut e luilxt live, lliihe, honey!"Hen l.lltlcfntil lliotiuetl, "Kl you WIIH10 die. whlit'il I 1I0Y"

"I doii'l knuw whul ye'd do, pup,"llnhe Miltl wi'iikly. "Von utiitlit tothuuehl ' Hint 11 fore, pup. It muy heloo lute mm. I wunt )e lu ru on ultillld le' me nluuc. HI I die, I Wunt lodie In pence. The I .mil kmnvx I neverpil to live lu pence I"

There wiih 11 worried look III herwnuilcrltll luonii ejes, nml Hie dnclurxtiw II. lie at mile lorwurd ileclslvelynnil helped t.ltlli'furd to IiIh feet, Thehltliniin wlied nwny 11 I ear with Idsliuliil li in- - huudiinu, mid Iiiiiik IiIhheiul. lie hud hccii mudo u brokeniiiiiii lu one iluy.

"tin out to your frll'tul .Morelund, '

nilled the dnclur, "mnl wull therii turllllle while."lluhe'H futher wiilked iiiixteudlly out

or the room. Dille uenl to Din-tu-

llriieincr ami vthlxpered, "Ixu't aimIn liiake II)" mixlolloly.

"I nil nly kIii.'h koIuk Im uiuke It,"llrueiner assiinil lililí, "lln 1111; hewniita to ace ymi."

Dale drew 11 (huir lip cluiu lu thewhile lied mnl kilt down. llnlie'M eyesIlKlttcd nl nine, anil ahe put u hum!illii'crliilnly out towitrd hllll. Dale tookHie hnitit lu his. He kiiw lliut It was11 little pule under lis ilcllculo Hunhiirti.

"lllnil In xee you, llnhe," li told heroftly. "Why do yuu think yuu'ru

lo die, llnhPi"She xiulled ut III at. tli, 1 don't

lliluk I'm lu die" ahe xuid. "Iknuw I'm ii'k'ulir to live, Itlll Dale.I fid like I could walk lllty milesrleht nnw!"

"llul I hcnril ynu tell your father""I was til kkeer him out o'

Huillín' any more," ahe Interrupted."And I hellevi! I limit done It, dun':joill"

Dnlp wua relieved. "1 tin. Is then)uuytlilui: yuu wunt, ItuheT ir there Is,I'll eet it for yuu ir ll'a la thu util- -

erxe."The unlverxu)" Hhu rcpcHled Impilr-tllKl-

"Wluil'H the universe, IIIH DdleTSonii'lliln' in en 17"

'Thi! wnrlil, thu mill, tlm tuuoa, midHip Mfirx."

Hlie nulled nl 111 III URUlti. "No." sheaid, "I he' nlu't nolhln' I wunt, urtil

nln't iintliln' ye cau du ta' me, I



' a.Ik

oepyrtgki r DMtMir, rase o.

"Hut I thuuiiht, ua they acnt formu "

llnhe l.lllli'ford llnuera held lightlytu hla. "It was me thut xent to' yuu,"

Shu turned her fncp I he oilier wuy."I wna au lononouie. Itlll Dalul"

ItohiTt Mcliurln'a wife, l'niricla,vlslicil llalie twice dnlly, and u friend-xhl- p

Hint was iionu the less wunn furlieltiK tiulipie apruim up quickly

thi'tit. i'ltiik-i- tk'clnreU to tierhuhhiilld thut aim wua Ruing to keeplliilip whom aim wua already culllliKhy her proper mime, thu xatuo hclnglilliiihi'lh uud educiitu her, Thcruwua roni-- lu thu IiuiiriiIow, I'ulrlcluauhl) uud Hint really needed conipuny,hecause llohby wna uwuy ao much.

Ilulm ncccpti'tl little Mr. Mcl.utirln'HulTcr ua auuu a a Hill Dulu convincedher Hint ahe wouldn't he merely uu

uf charity. Thu hill prltk-'- a llratlaw In thut uiiu must 'pay fur vyhutlie kcIx uud It'a prohuhly the llratlaw Hod laid down for ulil Adam In

Hen Ultlvfonl bewil-dered und blue when they luid him ufthu iirrntiReuipiit, but hu voiced no ob-

jection. Dale iiri'ssed upon him 11

loan of a hundred dullnra, und or-

dered him tu Rive It to hla duiiRhtvr,which hu did, i:ilinht'th Uttlurord, ofvuurae, wuuld need new clolliliiR.

"1 ulu'l even Rot any druHsva uthome," ahu wlilapervd tu l'utrlcla, "huttwo."

Dili llule wiih hi re now that hulou'd llahi. und he wua ulniost xureHint ahu cured fur him, Hut he wuatliltu pruperly lu 1111 lutMu to come tuuu iiiuluratuiidliiR, lie hud known ulluloiiR thut lluhu would have tu bueducated I uud 11 woiimu'i titslex, hureasoned, inlRht cIiiiiiru wllh ediica-Hu-

And hu wauled her to have thuopportunity uf kuowliiR other men ofIda class. If ahu couldn't lovu hlinwith 11 ItiHlliiR love, lie didn't wunther to love him ut nil. '

Oddly or nut, hu never HioiiRht ufJ I nun y 1'uyne,


Major Dradley and Henderson Qoff,When Hill Dnle, thu expert iiilnltiR

rum Huye und thu two muiintiilueiTHxtepped from 11 xhnrl pnxHciiRer Irnlnut the lliilfwuy Hwllch, they vvero

hy tint muonxhliier, Heck,und n mini wliuiii Dnlu hud never kcciitn'fnre. Hu a lull, ami IiIh heurliiRwiih erect mid auldlerllke, HioiirIi huwua every iluy uf xlxty yeura old.Ills eyes were liluu und twInklliiR withcutIiixHiir Rood humor Ida Rrnytillixluchex und Imperlul wore exceed- -

IttRly well cured fur; hla truth werehlx own, uud as while oh a school-Rlrl'H- ,

mid they bore nut Ida rciiithIair uf iieuliiexa. Ho wna, plulnly, 11

Southerner uf thu old type."WIiii'h Hint?" whlxHTcd Dnlu lo

.lolin Mnreluml.Hut .Murelnml didn't heur. He run

forward wllh hla rlRht hand out-

stretched, und xu did lieu l.ltilefnrtl..Men could nut have Rreeled 11 brotherwllh mure rIiiiIiichh, Dulu IhuiiRlit.

"Ill, Huir, Major llrudley I" thecried. "And huw d'yu come uu

tudiiy?""1 util very well. Rcnlleiiien, Ihiilik

yuu," mid Hie major. xiiiIIIiir.Hu shouk their liuuiK lieurtlly. "Thu

lliilnmeu riivc ua vmir iiii'hhiiru yealer-day,- "

hu weul on, atin xiiiIIIiir, "unde were ilellRliled tu leurii Hint thu

JotiiiR woman wiih out of iIuiirit. I

trust you urn nil In Rood health,

The) tixxured him Hint they were,.Mnreluml turned to Introduce Hill Dalemnl the tultihiR mini, lltu

Hint Major Itrmlley Rrlpia'dDale's hniid they wvru friends.

"MlRliiy rIuiI to knuw yuu, slrl"exclaimed the old lawyer. "I've beenheurliiR 11 Rieut deal nhoiit yuu, air,uver In thu Milley uf thu Doe. TheyHcvm to lliluk there's nobody Just likeHill Diile! It wua IIIH Dnlu tills,und Hill Dale thut; It wiih llcre'xwhere IIIH Dnlu whipped lllnck Adnin.'ur, 'lleru'x where Hill Dnle wua stand-Ili-

when huppened,' or,'llerp'a where IIIH Dalu croaacd Ihufenci)!' "

xhiRRlshly IntlRliedHy Heck, whu atiHal IciiiiIiir uu thuliiuzilw ut Ida rllle. "IHU Dulu la ullrlRht, major je've ahnru Rot my wordfu' thill."

The uthera IuurIiciI. Then JohnMorelund xald they'd better hu tnuv-Iii-

ur they'd be lulu for dinner.When they had put 11 hundred yurds

uf David .Murelitml'H iiiuiintiiln behliulthuhl, thu uhl SiMilherncr IiirriiI alylynt Dale' kleevn and whispered: -

'"Let ua ful! behind a tittle, It yuuplcuso, I want to apeak wllh yuuprlvnlely."

They bcRiiu tu Iiir, und auun Iberowua 11 illatuuce uf wiveral rod be-

tween them and thu olhera,"I heard throilRli Aildlu Morclniid,"

bcRiiii llrudley, hla friendly hand onthu youiiRcr tuan'a arm. "about youund what you're planning to do furthu Mori'luuda. 1 tell ynu, air, I

thiinked heiivcn for your comltiE, undyou may cuunt an 1110 to help In unyway I can. The MorclamU &10 ipilmfriendly to me now, HioiirIi up to tlmmiddle of I ttst tumtne 'Jiey didn't likemu any tou well becauie 1 made lien

l.lttlffortl'a rabfu tuy hoineFlip'uitithere,

"It wna a aímplo thine that brutiRhtua tuRellier. John Morelnnd'a littlenephew' waa luat In thp wouda nml hisinolhrr waa frantic. There are pan-llur-

know, and wlldcnta, millers,nml copperlieade. I waa fortunateenotiRli to flint Hie hoy, und carriedhlin home, That waa all. They're aline people, my boy, and au are Hipl.llllorordx. Hood old KiirIIsIi IiIoikIHint aouiehow wondered off. There'nil purer, cleaner blood lu America,air.

"And Hurt huw are yon rsIHiiruIoiir with yuur plana fur the opera-tion of tin cual tnlneí"

"Kxrellently," anawerisl Dale. "Wehave the necessary llnancpj 11 Rearedlocomotlvp oud cara anil light aleelrail have been bargained for."

"doodl" llrndley gave Dale a heartyHhip on the ahuutder.

'Tlieni'a xoniethltig elae 1 wanted toany, Mr, Dale," he continued, Idavoice grave, "You're nearly certainto I111 vo a barrel ot trouble with 11

ahyater coal man named HendersonUnff. Hc'm a villain, air, If ever therewna one I And he'a quite the niuolh-ex- t

nrllcle I've ever aeen. lln canmake you believe black la white. Ifonly you'll listen to him long enough."

"la ho lina he bee.u hero recently"Dnle wanted to know.

"He'a here now," unawereil the ma-

jor, "llc'a heun hero for three days,uml he'a hern working devilment fnat.He wua up hern last autnmer, tryinglo buy the Moreland coul for a xoiirjhe kuowa all the people, you ave. Asxumi an he landed hero on ltd pres-ent trip, he found out nbout your

Then, at night, bo freedAdittn Hall from Ida tobacco bam pris-on, and went home with hhu,

"Well, Hy Heck followed them umldlil aunip eiiveadroppliig poor Uy haahla atroiig poluta I" the major wenton. "Huff learned that Adam Ilnll'afnllier knew uhuut the cual vein longbefore Duvltl Morelund dlicovcrcd Itnml roI Inwful possession of the moun-tain, Then ClolT mude tho llalla

Hint they were dun a blx aliareof the proceeds of the Mnreluml conIt wasn't very hard to do, 1 gttexs. TheHulla, Hila aet, ut least, were originallylow landers: they took tu the itinun-tullí-

I understand, to keep from be-

ing forced to light during thu Civilwar."

(luff bleu," muttered Dale, "la toget the llalla tu acuri' me luto sellltiRllisteml uf developing, ehl"

"llxnctly," nodilcil old llrudley,"Then hu wuuld sel I le wllh thu Hullaby giving them a dollar or two 11 iluyfur discing cuuli per blips he wouldput them "IT until thu mine wuaworked nut fur bulf of Hint, nml thenskip. Anyway, (loo would come outut tho big end,"

"I xee," xnld Dale."If Uiito'h nuytlilng Hint 1 en 11 do,

ut any lime, ynu won't hesitate in letme knuw?" wild the major.

"You muy cniikldcr yuurxelf attorneyuml legal adviser for the MorelandOonl company, of which I Ihuhonor tu bu general muiinger," smiledDnle. "If ynu will."

Major llrndley'a volee cuiiie happily,"My ileur boy, I nm glut) tu ncceptlAmi tlii'te ahull be no churgo for anyxervlce t Im t I muy rentier."

They were nut Iuiir In reuehliiR thugreen vnlley, which Iny very bounti-ful und very Hiiceful In Hie warmlight of Ihu curly July aun. Thu softmurmuring uf the cryatul river umlthe low, slow tinkling of the cowbellsluiiile music thut was sweet uud plena-Iiir- .

Suddenly John Morelnnil stopped,tillered swearword under hla breath,turned uml went buck lu Dnle.

"Thu'H 11 iiiiiii on ua abendIbar, lllll," be draw led, '"ut je ahorewant 10 unlcli like u hnwk lo keephlin from thu eyelecth outu' yon bi'iiil. Hla name la llemler-aoi- i

HolT, und hu wiintM coul."They won: on. Moon they met it

ir. 11 whu, In clmbliiR und manner,tunde Dalo think of stories he budbeard nml read of Mississippi riverMen inbuilt Ramblers of thu long iirii,Hla eyes were hhicli, and na keen ua11 pair of xpi'iir-puliil- hla imiatitchcH,Inu, weri! black, uml they hud sharp,upturned cutis like lliusp or 11 Mephla-to- ,

The major bud xuld Hint be wua11 smooth article; he certainly lookedIt.

He met John Morelund wllh nu oilysmile uud thrust out hla hum! HutMnrclunit wouldn't see the bund,

"Anything ye'vo got to any aboutcual," he grow led, "ye can any to HillDnle lluir," pointing with a callousedthumb. "IHU he'a Hie IiIrIi light u1

the whole liuslnesa; und when heopens hla mouth, yu enn cock yorehenil to one aide ami listen fo gnwa.pel."

(luff wna delighted lo meet Mr. Dnle,of whom hu hud already hoard, Dnluliml nothing whatever tu auy. Theywalked uu tuwnril Hie cnbln of HieMoreland rider, with (loll keeping up11 running lire of talk concerning thescenery, the cllinulu uuythlng hutcoul.

At John Morelnnd'a gate, (luffnudged Dnle with an elbow uml whispered

"Meet mo ut one o'clock down therewhere Hip big aycninoru Ilea n crossthe river. I've gut something to tellyou that will Interest you."

"I want you Llttlefordl to doon food ttrtni with your ntlgh-bor- i,

Iba Morelandi."


Juit Llkt Ntw York M urda rara.(ven Hie weather ran kill as Inno-

cent fruit crop mil get away with itAtlanta Conttrtatloa.

oü,u;u bu 1 1 Lts y r.SOLDMN' NEWYOHK

, ;! ,

Blggtit Thing ol Kind Evtr Stan InThat Stale, Dtclarta Big


Tho fart Hint irJo.tKm bottles uf Tali- -

lac lime been auhl lu Hie stole uf NewYork aluce lia liiirod'iitlmi Hiere a

limn one year ugu, la 11 big liultiiHem thut Hill uttruct unusual atten-tion thruiiRhuiit thu entire Hnat, fornollilliR like It has ever hnppencu In-

fo re. It break ul record..Mr. Ileorgc II. Ilviiua, iminuger of

Hip (llbsou-Hiiii- t'iiniiany, Hie wellknown wlmlexiile driiRRlsl, wiihbraiiibes In Albany. Ilurfulu, llothes- -

ler uud Hy incuse, recently announcedHint Hip prcpuriillon wna now kclllukIn their trade territorios nlonu nt Ihuphenomenal rale uf approximately Mai,.mal hottlcx 11 year.

"If the preent rule continué." xnld.Mr. Ilviiua, "Ibis rale alone will probably r.'iiulri considerably over Tfayn"!boll le a year. Thlx la n tremendousllgure, hut I inn really t nnscrvnllvi' In

ImikliiR thla xtnteinent."riililuc la sold by leading druggist"

everyw herp. AilverHenienl.

In Happylind.I'lrxt Klen--H- en on 11 vucutloii)Kecoiiil Klen--N- mi 11 trump.- - New

York Sun.

CATARRHAL DEAFNESSla crealty relieved hy miudltutlonit treathient. IIAI.I.-f- l CATAItltll MKDICINHla a eonstllullonal remedy. CatarrhalDeafneaa la rauaed by an tnfUmel con-dition of the muciiua llnlnr of III Kuata-rhla- n

Tube. When Hila tube la Inrtamedhave a rumbllnif sound or Imperten

carina, and when It la entirety rlondnearnesa la (tie realm, unieaa ine

ran he rrdiired, your hearing-ma-

be destroyed forever. IIAI.lHrATAtllllt UKDtf'lNK acta throuih theblood on the murous aurfarea of the aya.tern, time reduelna the Inflammation andassisting- - Nature lu rertorlng- normal con-ditions.. ctrrulare free.. All nruaanie.

J". J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio. AdVcrtlaement.

Lot's wife evidently passed sontoother woman und looked buck lo sobwhat ahe bail on.

Which Kind of

A Pipe-Smok-er

Are You?Tlie,e'g tha man who doesn't cara

what kind of tobacco he amokea In hispipe Just 10 It holds flro and makesrings.

And Kjk'e's tho man, minded tohave all thcru Is to smoking, who willfill his pipe only with tobacco ot realquality and flavor

Tho man who insists upon havingquality and flavor in hismay Im to pay aomewhat more torIt nowadays than before tho War.That's true of Edgewolrth and of goodtobacco in all forms.

But the difference In price a manfor good tobacco Is too narrowfiaya tho Judgment of a cr

who loves lila own brand.Other things all things cost morain proportion, and he Is generally atolerant fellow who knowa that whenIt Is time for good tobacco to comodown in price, it will come.

T h o r o i ssomething Inthe very natureof tho businessof making

thutseems to pre-vent Injustice intho matter ofprice. Whetheror hot It Is thogood fellow-ship, tho co-mradeship of

ipe - smokinghat reaches

back into tho(netorv. wo

don't know, Dut wo know wo do tryto keep tho price as low as we canwithout detracting one lota from thoquality,

Wo feel that nn Edgcworth smokerwants Edgcworth und v. Ill pay a rightprlcofor his smoke. There's such a lotof comfort In n smoke. It smooths awaya lot of small worries and fits a man totacklo things as they aro.

Provided it's the tobacco that ab-solutely suits his taste.

Every man knows what n goodsmoko Is. The old pipe, a brimmingbowl of tha right tobacco, a few min-utes of perfect comfort.

If you haven't yet found Just theright tobacco, wo wish you would tryEdgcworth. Edgewortn may or maynot bo Just tho right tobacco for you,but you can lenrn nt our expense.

Merely wrltu uport a postcard yournomo and address, then that of thdealer usually filling your smokingneeds, and wo will willingly send yougenerous samples of Edgcworth inboth forms Plug Slice and Heady-Ktibbe- d.

Edgcworth Tlug Slice is pressed In-

to cakes, then cut Into very thin slices.Ono moist, waferish slice rubbed be-

tween the hands makes an averagepipe load.

Edgeworth Ready-Rubbe- d reachesyou ready to pour right from can toÍilpe. It packs well and burns evenly,

Edgeworth is sold In various sites,lulled to the needs and means of allpurchasers. Hot!) Edgcworth Plugtilico and Edgcworth Heady-Rubbe- d

como In small, pockc!-s!z- e packages,in attractlvo tin humidors and glassJars, and in economicalalzei.

For the tree samples, address La rus& Brother Company, 41 South 21stStreet, Richmond, Va.

To Wall Tooacco Mirrnonlf Ifyour Jobber cannot supply you withEdgeworth, La rus & Brother Compa-

ny-will gladly aentl yuu prepaid byparcel post a one-- or two-do- tn cartonof any r'. of Plug Slice or Ready-Rubb- ed

for the tame prlca you would

$y the Jobber.

Page 4: Carrizozo Outlook, 09-30-1921

rnirnur ftpam-cmuM- c ur


CONDENSED RECOIID OF THEpnooness of evento at





(tttittfft Kiptpr I al Stmt MmW, I

WESTERNDill a! eiiilmly dill mil mil uf irl

mil ffir lienily ilnee iImjh. three nf Hiefm men mImi iiHit: purl In Hie linnkffitlii Die Htnli xtiilf iirlmiji nl Sill I

Irffkn (,'lty were rniinil li k ttltlilnllif iilwin twill.

Ahlskn yielded Mir iiiiiniiiiinf iflild In I In' Yukon tnlley thin jenr.StftllMlf Hindi lilihlli' tai'flil l li

Hiiperliitenilfiii Itlilinril nf tin tinrtli- -

III llllllllll'ri'llll lMI.ll III Alllskll.--lmmil Unit or the tnllej'i liilnl jlclilllf I,IHK!,IKI, AlllHkll'N lllllillt uno if'.'..10.1 "I. Vllkllll t II II ttllk

SliiVl.lKKI llllll Atllll, It. I'.. KT.'.IMNI.

NVlermiK nf Un- - fiiiniiiix Kiddy-lllllll- i

illtlilnii, reernllfil frnin ruin-rniln- ,

New Mexliu, Kiiiihiih. MlMntirl,Nflnuakii diiiI Knittli lliikntii, iiiv In In'Iimipm'IiiIiIimI In Ilic llr.l tiii'iit rrllllliilllit tin ilUMoii In KniixiiK I'll), .Mu.,

Oil (il l. IUI, III mill Nov. t, iiiiiilillni; inphlll iililiiiiinri'il li Itiirlun A Hiiieinl,M'trelnry nf i In IMtMmi VViir Hiii'letyVfhiili Ih iliitiiiliiK III'' I'tent.

City mill enmity unpen Iwh-- nf SnnI'niliilxcii Vi'irlill tilted ilini iien-hliiii-

uf Mu ii i ti i ni l Kiri'i'i in w tijiteiii'i-nllliii- : fur iiiiiiii'illiiti expendl-in-

of fCa .l t. Tin I'Xlti'iiillttll'i NIn ln iiiiiiIi, It miik iiniiiiiiiii'i'il, mmimirpliiH fiirnltiRH tutnlliiK $ I, 'JIM 1,1 KM I Inthi Ktivi't rnllmi.i riiiiriiiii'iit fnnil

"film xtreel in."rtii, elty mnllirtViilely owned, inlleit tints rurfit ii.

Iliiiiny Mnrpli.t, Aiuerlriin iiiitntnii.htlrdrlter, wlin wiiii Un Onni'l I'rlxrucó In l'nrln Inxt niniith, Mill ilrlM Intin 'J'hiinknglvlni; ilny riiee'iin I lie llfv-rri- y

IIIIIh trnrk lit Iim AllKi'lri, It wimiitiiinuni'iil leeeiilly. HI it ! nil itit

linn I rln Ih fur llu 'I'liiinkxKltll'K lu'riiii", iih tniin ilrhl'iH Hum nre permit-Iri- l

In tin conli'Hi him iilii'iiily iipplledliliinkK, will In liili' IIiiIcn

fur Hi Aliierlfun Aiiliiinnlilli ahmiiIii-lin-

nrnil( clKlili'i'ii i iiin in clnrl.

WASHINGTONA Kiltliili iiri'liiiilllill til nlri ill mill

llin mitliill'H Ki n I II mil' In Hn Mildlerili'llil llllll tlx linpi nf ilellteriilHe fliilillii'UVy uriililini'lilK will III iilwertedfnnil iiiiihI tn iiiiihI mi Arililutlii ilnyunder Hin IiiiiIi'nIiIi if I'ri'HlileuiIllinium mnl nffUliilx nf III" uiliultilx-- I

I'll I Inn.

TrnwIi'i'H pulil UVI riilliniiils ".'T:i.-i'li.'J-

In fill I'M itiiilir Ini'IiiikiiI ruti'H fur Hin first iiiiiiiIIimnf Milu eur im iiciiln) Ci!ii,.'isii,'.'j furtill! Kllllll IH'I'lllll llf lll'.'ll, tin InI'I'IMIM t llllll lfflrl, till' Illll'I'Ktllll1'iMiiliM'rri' I'niiiiiils-iliii- i niiiiiiiniii'il,

htn- - wen I u lit liy rc.Mll.-i.iK- irmiiih iih roniiiiiiil with rill.'i.TTI.INMI, iih iimtiip jiunney in Itr.'i nI ni: It' ll I iih iigiilnM ail. nilliH InUrjo, Kuril irnvi'li'i- - uilil mi iiti.rni;enf .'MXI n mill HiIk yi'iir iihnciilnsi u.tMKl In l.

IIim'IkIiiii uf tin trntiNi'iiiitliiPiitnl rn II

iiitiil In redine inli'H mi tcgi'tulilexfliilil Cullfnriilii mnl ulliii' I'm lfli imixtli'rrllnry pulnlH In llu tcii-ltiir- In

Iimtii Hin ItiM'ky ii t ti ix mnl ChiI IIKU mill tin MIhIhmIiii I II it w iih niliiiiiilni'il liy (In IntrrKliiii 'oiiiiiii! (

CoiiiiiiImhIiiii. Tin ii'iIiii'IIiiiih "IIIii in irr i'illl IniTi'iii-- i nii' Hit

fiili In fffi'i'l A hit. 'J.'i, lll'.'ll, fur tinlliju nr iml liiiri'iim w lili lí went luluimit Aiik. 'Jil, lir.'ti, "iIiiik i vlni:Iiiuii I linn liulf uf tlm liii'i'i'iiM iniiili.lit llllll llllll," till l'lllllllllklull Willi.

Dr. .1. I), I'iIiiii, ii Iiiiil'iiiiu'i' prnfi's-,'ni- 'fit l.'nliiinlilii l'nlitlty mnl pii'Nl-ili'li- t

uf Hin ritiili I'UII riiiiiuiliikluii ufSi'W ,ílrHI'', llllH lil'l'll Mlirliil litPifMlili'iit HiirilliiK ni inlnliliiT tu lifnmil ik.

l!iy Miiiin nml ltii I Oiruit. huí liy

ntlflTN iii'ill' Vmnntiiiir, Vih., mtotitter llil'llllflfll IIH tVHI llf till llll'll wildHíljlii-i- l ii SfllM'liitii i'lri'tli trnrk nfitiiiri' tlinn SS,IMKI iiiui' Vumniirw

i'UMillllllltlTH llf till rtl'Hl, Hflllllll III'. I

lif!l tlilM liiTnifiiT iinihi iut in mi"JúlljiliiHir ilny iiiiUit tin nnlor

liy l'i.1ninifr ilmirral IIhjiiÍ'jiSniiiii(rH "hIiiiII ilnviiH n minimumiif rphl liiiiir iliillj ilitrlni; tlm

uf tin iluy to iliuli'H iihHut imlcr riml. "timl kIiiiII

slt) llii'lr utieiitliiii in ihifiiU!pn nf llii'lr iifflnn nml Khali nutfiliííiit IIiiiii(Uiw ilifrefnim fnr ulullKty- - HrliKl Hun twu iluyii wit limn

lUillinrlty "iiiffiliilili'li IrMiMin rviHirtH uf inl- -

IftltnlW lir Si'lil. I, ItiMallini'iitH nfwtFMa pruflu inxm liiilli-nt-

&ñfaltlNl cntmaiy tlmi Hnri-lur-

ifflpfl BlHWrt of fKW.tKXMMO willm fmttKi- - tMMwiiuiiH mi mr. urnétógiti timmñ Jixm.iKM m Hit(BTlMlU lt'?rvii iMiikN wlHi rrmrttllWn VlMWM oiltlylni; ilUlrlriH In In

MM, a T. MmnliPi', iilif nf tint)(HUr Hervlri'i lm furnuilly iihUbiJ

SÉHIÜj" Wfrkti In lilm fnnilBfiifflfB mul trnii(jT hltu to com


ronEiaNII linn I.itii ilrflnllrl) ilrrlrirtl In

U.llilull Hull tirjllirr l.lujil llnirgr, Hitlirfini iiili!llrr, imr lord t'lirinn, thiiriliir fnr furrlgii iiffnlr, will -

li-- llu waililiiKliin cunfi'rrnri onnml I'mlfli' iirnlilrlii", In

tli'W nf liniii'lnlllK ipvrloiln'1lli III rioiiirnllr Hilltlrt.

Hit miIiIIith iif tin armynf iiiriiuitliiu III (liTiiuinv miti klllffl

lirn ii tul II I it r- lurry wilt triii'k hjI In Iiiirliiiiiiiill'rotikfnrl jri. untilii ill't'iil'li ( I'urlH f rum l'ulilinx. t'nli- -

li'iir. U lii'iiiliiuiirli'M of I In AlliiTli'illlII my ir urriliiil!iili.

I'niilriii l fnr iiniitrili'lliiii uf il 'fi'i'iitlirlilm nii'r iliu Vi'llnw rlM'i uii tinMm' nf (In IVklliu-lliinkii- riilhviiy Iiiihiin lnvii iiiiniil ii IIi'IkIhii iiuiii rn.

Il Mil un 11 xi.mH) I'liur AiimtI- -

rilli IiIiIh iiiii i'IiIiti-iI- . Tin lirllui'hi In iiiuii' limn n nl lr mnl n IhiIi' lulu:

Tin' lillffl. llu Ml l in hlllll un llllllSll' l!riiil Slim kli'lnli Mill iiidii ilitiiliiluirti'ii uf llu SiiiiiIi iiiniHr. llu I'm lfli' mul tin Aulntvlli' mmi- -'

ll'fl tin TIlllllll'H UII III!' Hlllll nf IiithMMi'iir tuyiiKi. Ijii'ki i'iiiuli i.'iilliI'li'il mi llu ilnik) In ih Si' I'.nii'Hlmnl IiIh luiily n Hilri'iHfill iii.mii:i'

Tin llrlll-- li iiiiiiiiinilil Iiiih 'lluI ni t ilii'il n Hlruiiuly wiirili'il tiuii m.MiiM'utt' it ii tr iitli'iilliui uf Hn niiMiiu'n ii niiii'ii; in iiIIikiiI ffilmiH Iiiiii'Ii.i'K uf fullli Inv.Hi'il In tin iiui'HUiiureliy llu KiiHxImiN ihiiiiiuliniii .I'liinilA hIh nml AfeliiinlHluii uf n riuuiiiilgiinf IntrlciioH jitniliixi llii'iit lli'linln.

Tin I mu ll imrllmiii'iil huh uii'iiiil liy(Jlli'i'll W'l Im'.iiiI mi lllnlil"! hi'uiii'H ur

lwii'ilir. A ili'iiiiiiiHirnlluii wiih niiili'ilmil In tin hIipi'I lii'fnri' llu I n i il tu M'l 1

liiillilliii. Aiill iiilllliirlt oliinitH iiillll-I'- ll III Hll I M III II llllll llHI'lf,mul tin ii'iiillim uf tin Hpi'i'i-l- i frnin llutlirnni iiiuiiii'tiliirlly min iIiuwijimI InHll llllllllll.

.Mil t ml (In ii llniili'ii, limitfmnuiiH JiiiiruiillHt, Iiiih innii-li'i- l IiInlirnpiiHi'il Ifitiin tullí' nf llu I'liUnlStnli'H. Ili'i i' I In l ili'ii iililiiiiiliri'il Hintlii'nrt .ii'iikni'HH luiil i'iiiuiilliil lilm litHll lllHI llllllllll 111 fllll'fll lili iiIiiiim. Mi

wiih iiluli'i- - riiiitiiiit In ilcllti-- r

li ninny 1'llli-- In Hit' I'iiIIimI SIiiIi-n- .

Tin Irniif fi'i'llni; npiliiHt lluIn (ii'iiiiiiiiy. lililí Iiiih

tnmilfi'Hlii Ithi'lf si i i tin I'l'.ciii unir-ili- r

uf .M ut ti Id h Ih IhIIiviiIIII III' till I'll IIH' llf HI'M'llll llll'llllirrH uftin lliilii'lir.nlli'l'll fuilllly It'llxlliK y

mul (.'nliic In Dniirn, wluri t linynn ixni'liil In ri'tiiiilii lili fnriniTKmii'rni- - Will In m Hlllll Ilipy rniiHlili'iHint rniiilltliiiiH In (ii'iiiiiiiiy nr fnturulilt Id tln'lr return,GENERAL

I'niiiity Altnriipy Miirvln Siliurlockwiih iittnrki'il mnl ulilinil liy Mrn. At.I. MH.'nuki'ii ut lli'iiiiiiiniil, Tixiih, tinni ! tlm iiriiil riiiul Jury fiillnl InInillrt it miiiiiuii luí. Mi'H. MiCrurki-i- l

nlli'Ki'il, sluit at Iiit. Si Inn lode wiihnut Injiiri'il.

Tlm riiinnillli'i uf fiirly-uliili- t uniiuiiiiiviI It M urpinlrlni; u mw tmlttlnil pni'ly In I'lili'i' tin lir.".' i uimn-H-Mi-

nml i'uiiiI'iiIkii. Sul ut Ion uf Hn nilin prnlili-m- , ri'iliii'lluii uf iiiiIIiiiiiiI

mul iiif finin luxiittnu liy

liriivlilluu tiiw mul lucliliiiuli Miiirri--

uf nueniii. wi'ii Htuli'il In In Il 4 ilih'fiilin.

Flint nffliliil iiitluii liy uillliurlllcHiikiiIiihI llu iii'lli'llli'H uf Hn Uii KIiixKin ti Iiiih Iiiiii Inkuii In I'lili'iicu. It

In llu fiirin ur ii ili'fliillifrnin Cli '. nf I'ullri I'Mtiunurrls

Hint iiurnili'H nl iniiiiln.i'Hiif tin kliiliur nllirr nri'iinlrjitliiiiH wIiiihi mi'inliiTSiiin'iir ii h U 'd will nut In piT'mliliilIII CIlll'UKII Hlll'I'tM,

A mullii'i' iih urri'Hli'il In Aiirnrn,III,, mi I'umplnllil uf hi')' twn iliiimli;turn, uliu rliurci'il lur with tin iiiuiili-- r

nf llii'lr fullii'l-- . Tin' tniillu'r, MiuI'riHH'i'H llnlrliijiinH, .'II, wiih lukrii Willi.Inlin I'ultiiHkii, '.'7, w Iiiuii llu til Ik,

lli'li'ii, IS, mul 1'liinri'H, II, rlinrp Ih

lnr HWi'i'llii'iirl. Tlny wilit tin iiiuiurtiinii'il un tin kiih llu nlulit uf .linn- - II

lllHl, IIH IlllJr flltlll'l' Hll'pl. Tliu wuiiiiiiiflu wiih lliliiiri'lil.

Aililli'Mtlnu' tin ruiivi'lilluti uf tliuMIlilii'Hiitu l.i'iiuili' ut MilllUMitmllH rci'i'iilly, riiimii'iHiimn A. .1

V(iIhIiiiiI uf MIiiiii'miiIii hi ii I nl Hun liUlift luiil lii'i'ii mi It Ih ili'imi'titrt ,fruui Wimliliiiluli. II nhIiI luiwiih winniil In ii lnltir Him Ik- "wnulillutir Inki li In hi'iiI ukiiIIi III tliullllll!."

Tin imlliiiiul l ml u ! tln I iiiiifiirviiivI m in r 1, mi nritiililKiitliiu nf liri'iitt urilium liiiliihiili'H liiiiluii mi iiiiim-i'llii-

Willi llu nnlii IiiihIn NVw Vurk llllll Iih Iiim'MI-filllo-

linutil ml ii prlii'H In llul iiltiil Ml n i in liuii l.ll perput In Ancusl. 'flu uvcniiH' InriviiHt

In tin iiwt uf IMdk wiih I.T per ri'iit.llHity rnluH nnrtli uf l!l I'nwi, Tix.,

chummI hii iivirfluw in tin KmnkllniiiiihI wlilrli ilrmi Hitiml liumliitlfumllliti frnin llii'lr luirnos In tlm

Hifllnu. t'HHiiiillli'H wi'ii) nvulili'illiy tlm t'nlti'il Stnti'H rirliiiiiiitliiii htv-Ir- i

ufflvlulH In mIiiiI l Inn tiff Hn. .i,.RiitPH nf tin iiiinil. 'i'lilH iHilnii

In ii In'iivy vuliiiiii ur wntrr Intin Iliu tlniiiili lililí Tur ii iliiniihiihihI ti HUHpi.'iiliiii ur Hlri'i't rur I ruf-fle tn mul from Juiirur..

MlH. Ill'lfll litWIIIIll Stokl'H WIIH ixniii'riiti'il uf tin ilmriii's iiiuii liy V.

R H. Sloki'H. iiillllonulii' in ion mullnnil fnriiii-rl- iiwiiit uf tin llnli--l

nf Ni'W Vurk, In IiIh milt fur,IiihHi-- i nf Hin Hiipri'tui

I'ourl iIIhiiiIuhIiii; Hip ininpliiliit uf IliuIt ii k) in ml.

A tiirii'iilliil ruin tvlili Ii ili'Hri'iiilciltipun Ouiuliii riiriitly flnnitpil tin lowhi'pHihih nf Hid illy. Witter run fivefeet ili'pp In tin flrii'iH In hhlilciitlul tpctluiiH. A nrlilce on tin

railway In'twi-i-- Uuinliu mnlllcrton. a luliiirli, u waakid but.

AAKY GMAM BONNER.nmatl f VltllflM HriMII WnVM in


"Hmnp eri'iitnri!.'' hrIiI Mr Hun, mIi t luii'k mul tulknl tn Mr. Hark

eiuiiil. "Hiluk HintI'M? llollilll); ilntu ilit luit plpnipilii-iu- .

"Tlu-- think I

inn illHiippi'iir IfMiry mini mln.mul Hint I ' iiii

lii'ii Hiiy. ii n I inn In;Mliirrui, iih tiltknow. I iiiiihI ilnlull il" olil Mull


11111111:11 uf iniirnitI run miilii- rxs-I'tn- l

ri'iiH'HlHllllll'llllll'H. lint

nut tun nflrn!"Now. I luiil

"Annoyed MtHIlllll'tlllllK Mllil (

Frightfully."mi nnly n few

mlliil I iH iikii wlilrli niilio.ii'il mi' frlchtrully."

"Wliiit ttris tliutl" nki'il Mr. OitrkI'lnuil, "I'll piiiiIhIi iinyoni' wlui hiiiiIiinyllilue in juil wlilrli Hiiliojril you.Yen. I'll In no niiL'ry I'll Imrnt nmlHii'it I'll pour Mown iny iiiicit tipunUntil, nml my unurr In tery wet.

mtpr."Vim knnw I run iln Hull !""IihIi'imI I On know Hint." milil Mr.

.Sun. "lull tlien If you Olil tlmi 'oiit mi til lip upt In pnnr iliiwn nu Hie

wriiiitf intkoii mul Hint wimlilu't ilnany uikmI."

"Hut toll tun wliiit II wiih Huhyou huí" imkeil Mr. Murk Cluml,

"Well," mill Mr. Sun. "I wiih JustiviiIHiik uliuiil nml nut f liiiiluii teryiiiiii Ii. I wim rliiittlui.' n lilt Willi llinK I nt: nf Hit CIoiiiIh mul I luiil nut ipill"iiiiiiIi up my iiiinil whnt to tin.

"I luiil lierli luiil liy Olil Mini WpiiIIi-c- r

Hint lir illiln't mlliil wlnil I Olil.

"Anil jou knuw I rinililn't tiuike uplliy llllllli. Tllllt llllplM'tlH MIIIII'HllleH,

mul I "Imply riinnot tiinkp up my tiiltulat nil. Kterynne Ih like Hint ut Hiiiph,

woiiilcrliiK Jiint wlmt Hiey will iln orwhnt tlu-- will lint iln, MiiklliK upllielr iiiIiiiIh, In other wnril.

"Ah I wim making up my tiiltul I

lienrd mnneone wiy nnutlilnB teryruilp.

"Tho perfil ínld!"'Oh, ilpnr, why cnn't tlm mm

out nml Ih ii mull T' And '.IiIh perituueriimhled u Krent dpiil.

"Now, Hilt pemnu tvnii n Inily, nnilIt hpi'Iiih he luiil lii'i-- wiinhine herlinlr. or rnurte. HrliiipH 1 muy nothn Kympnlhetlc mul uiiilerHtnmlliiK

I neter luiré to wiihIi my linlr,not tinvliiK tin lr tu wiih.

"If I hud linlr tu wiihIi I mlulit hntiileen utile to umlpmtmid heller whatlie inrnnt,"That Ih, I lulKht hnto nlilo

to exrue her ruileneHt with nun oense.

"Hut to" me wnn very rude. ItIn true, 1 MippoM, I would hntn lieenn srent help.

"Hut I Jiit couldn't he ufior thoivny h!h' npuku In me nml of me.

"I an iv her with her wet huir drillIiIIiie down her bavk mul liter herfurplipiid nnil iri'ltliii; duwn lulu tliuhark of her tierk. nml pity iiliiuntmine Into my minny heurt, hut then I

llimicht how Kreutly nln hud niinuyeilmo liy IohIhc her temper iih hIii IiiiiI.mi I Juki riimu hnrk here fnr u dint.

''If Hill luiil nked tin II limit lim.liiK tier teniper I inlulit hnve luiil jiltyon Hint ilrllihllng ttet linlr of liern. I

"IIH feel rulher norry for her. Hut I

miiM punlnli tier."She will npprei'lnlii old Mr Hun

morí In the future."Yen. lu will upproi'lnlt me mure.

And iIiiiukIi I mu m h n Minny ' ren-

in ro. I. too, liketn In I'lieeii'd upliy n w o r il of

itlmnkH mid rheermire In ii while

"Well. nin de irher linli iHii't

drlitl I mn.t "tillhelp her il lill "

until Mr. Hun. "I'mMil! fet'llm; rulherunrry fnr her. furI did tiutliv Hintttet hnlr, mid theHioiiEht of It IiiihHiimohmv lui'k Inmy mind.

"Of ruiirne, w henche wiih n rruHHhIiii iliouliln'l liiivn With Hr Wet

i nnj thine iIiiiiii for Hair.her, even liutv, hutnliiH, mul nlnrk, I hoe who Miould nopuuMied ofli'ii aren't, mul Hiumi whoHhniildn't Ii' iiflen nre.

"I'erluipH t fhouliln't linvi iihi-- i thoitnrd 'nflen.' 'SumetlineH' It helter,

"Hut I did feel mrry for her withItn. tt'tiliti. Iflt'Lllui iliiu it lint linpt!."

I And Mr. Hun left Mr. Hnrk Cloud nml! went bnrk ami dried tho hitly'n linlr I

Particular.Dickie'" futher wiih .iiM'ked tu Hie

IiIh noii kirk IiIh little playmate."Why did you klek JuliuV he nuked

foverely."I iiiii tired nf plnylng with lilm. 1

ttnnt him to pi home," wiih Dkklo'HItllHHIT.

"Tlien why didn't you imk lilm to goliomol"

"tilt,' It win Dlrkle'H turn to hoihocki-i- l "why, dniiiiy, Hint wiuildn'tbe iMiljio

, i't MU

Some More Truths.yyOTJLD you uso a stoam sbovol to movo a pebble? Certainly not Impiomenta

aro built according to tbo work thoy have to do.

Would you uso a grown-up- 's remedy for your baby's ilia? Cortainly not:Remedies arc prepared according to tbo work THEY bavo to do,

All this is preliminary to reminding you that Flotcbor's Castoria wau soughtout, found and is prepared sololy as a remedy for Infants and Children. And lettbis bo a warning against Substitutes, Counterfoil and tbo Just-as-go- od stuff thatmay bo all right for you in all your strength, but dangerous for tho little babe.

All tho mothor-lov- o that lies within your heart cries out to you: Bo true toBaby. And boing truo to Baby you will keep in tho houso remedies speciallyprepared for babios as you would a baby's food, hairbrush, toothbrush or spongo.

plIHL run

mm '3EUfffi

mm.nipni inrinnu i j.wi- -

neither Onlum.Morphtae not




resultlni thercfrowj!ll!!&aty



Eiact Copy of Wrapper.

Must ieuilii liuver really ned ImlfIhey niy for.

50flood cigarettesfor 10c fromone sack or



TOBACCOWo want you to have thaboat papar lor "BULL."So now you can receive,with eaoh package a bookol 24 leavea ol MAIV.-I- he

very lineal cigarettepaper In the world.

The Common OKI."Wim Ii iiiiieli of ii tteilillni:!""I ulioiilil miy. 'I'lio lirldi nml

rei'i'lveil elclit eluek."


For many yrari dnntgliti litre witclifditllli much Inten t the muarkahle recordmilnUlned hy Dr. Kilmer'! Hwunii-Itoot- ,

the great kidney, lltrr ami hladdrr innllIn,It la a phyalclan'a prr.rriptlon. i

Hiiamn-Hoo- t It a itrenitlitnlna inrtllrlnn. It lirlpi the kldneya. liver ami bind-Ir-

do the work nature Intrnded thrylioiild do,Bmiup llwit ha atood the (e.t of jeata.

It la nl! liy all llniili'ii on Ita melitand it ihmdil help you. No other kldnrymrdldne hn ao many frirndi.

He aure tn grt Bwainp-ltoo- t and atcrttrratmrnt at onre.

However, If you lh fir. I to teat tlilareal preparation arm! ten renta to Pr

Kilmer To., JI. Y., for aaaniple linttlo. When wrltlnn te aure andmention tbla paper. Advertisement,

Cnti, tinllka pollllclniiK, lve voiceto the moat decided Hítenmete ttlille

, fm ih fefiee.

hi:T 'i'"f



Are You Prepared?A doctor In the house nil tho tiue would be a good Idea. Yet you

can't afford to keep a doctor ii. tho family to keep baby well or pre-vent sickness. But you can do almost the same thine by having athand a bottle of Fletcher's Castoria, because it is a wonderful remedyfor indigestion, colic, feverishncss, fretfulncss and all the other dieorders that result from common ailments that babies have.

Fletcher's Castoria is perfectly safe to use. It is a harmless substltute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. Childrencry for Fletcher's Castoria, and mothers recommend it because theyhave found it a comfort to children and a mother's friend.

If you love your baby, you know how sweet it is to be able tohelp baby when trouble comes. You cannot always call upon a doctor.But doctors bavo nothing but good to say of Fletcher's Castoria, be-cause they know that it can only do good that it can't do any harmand they wouldn't want you to use for baby a remedy that you woulduse for yourself.MOTHERS SHOULD READ THE BOOKLET THAI IS AROUND EVERY BOTTLE OF FLETCHER'S CASIOW


St Bears tho


Stop Ford Rattling,and Chattering S


Cork InsertBrake LiningTVu locklrt trill whyCoil I runt don itClxlly ni1J FTiEE.Ail U "CockIwtl," OutluUlKr. MUol

V ADVAnCE AUTOHOIIUircuionri coir.

ilZi l"w Ato. CHt

DMBomDlecrlmlnatlno, I

At n tliiirili Iiiuii yiielnl, lit ttldclilimit uf the ciiiidli'H roiiHlKted of tiiime-- !iniiile ftiilni clreii liy the Indie of tito'I llllll li, II llllll) tlllHA Imvll'g dlf ,

(lenity In n'li'i'tlns the llflh li'iiny'H I

tviirlli uf I'liiuly In roiiipleli lur purrtiiie. Tin iileslitily, wUlilni; lo helpIiit to ileelde, Imiulred If nlu 'vonlilIIKb nonio "of tills niee, tvlilrt ludce."Tin lililí Klrl üiitt nne look lift, mulxulil: "t'cii. nu. t liellevu my irliimiinmude Hint."

I'rlnelplen uf neniiatlea nri) nuinilitlll'trllleH

1 Ja kuuu

i. .

Cry For

Signature of

Western CanadaOffers Health and WaaHfinail hai brought contentment and htrrotncMtuthouoniit of homeaeker nnd their (wn-ll-

who have started on her FREE homrttejuUorbourht land at attractive price, thev havaefltabiunea tneir own nomei ana aerurea properil y and Independence, tn the icrrat ttrnm

rowing aecuona 01 me prairie profa itill to be had on eoey tcrmaFertile Land at $15 to S30 AtrtHand almllar to that which thmueh manyyeara haa yielded from 2U to 43 liuahelaot wheat to tho acre oata, barley and Haaatao In xreat abundance, while ratalhoraea. cattle, oheep and noea ta rquatir

tabla. Hundreds of larnv-- i lo WtsteraEroft have retard cropa In t. Inirle araeonworth mora than the whole coat of their Und.Healthful climate, good neighbors, churthc.achoola, rural telephone, cxcetlent roatketa)and shipping facilities. The climate and aotloiler Inducements for almost every bnnAalagriculture. The uivantagra for

Dairy In t;, Mixed Farmlna;and Stock Ralalngc

tnakeatremendoua appeal to Induatrtoua1settlers wishing to Improve their clrcunvt anees, rorccnwicaiornuiunti jo

to ret aceu rait way r atea, llluitratc 3 Siuteri ture, rnapa. arecriottonoi mmopportunities n Manitoba, sagkit chew m. Albert a andlirVnan coiutnDia, ttc write

W.V, BENNETTRoom 4. Dae BulUlng

Omaha, Nsb.

antiui fahji iln noon L.tNii. r....loo IM wi t your l.tnl I lai ..I,

lll. 1. JO I III, Ol.NKt, II.U




irJBUIiíüarlSIl'' lllllllllHf Btlll

' "Miu Uly White will pteaie aland uptMOut Phoebe upward wriggled:

Vm LHy While with Faultleu Slarcfc."And all the Pupila giggled.


What to Take forCONSTIPATION

Take - - e n..J. V u.i. l - wii.uuac ui ici o unte ajavcr K HBBit. ll.fl 1 I I l . miiiciiiuKcuroiuruicwniKiusniicr. j iiey

cleanse your system of all waste matter andRegálate Yaar Bewels. Mild -- as easy tetake as sugar. Gtnutn ir dim ycSmall Pill. Small Dose. Smnll Price.






tí, :

Page 5: Carrizozo Outlook, 09-30-1921

mm-- .PTE OUTLOOKIjubTtativd weukly In the Inlvrnt of

r.! I.lneoln County, Now Mexico

A. L. 1IUIIKK, Alitor and l'ulillaher.

Folvn AdwtUlnt KpfnlvTHE ASSOCIATION

Largrat Circulation In The County

suusauiTiori hatesSIX MONTHS In AJ. UH

3N YEAR i. A;l... W.UU

nUred m nfccmil'dan matter January 0, 11)11, nt tho post ofllco nt(Jarrliuzo, New Mexico, Ulular the Actof March 3, 187.

AdvorlUIni fotim ploo Weilnmlay ulnnoii. Nnwa aulutnna olnta Tiiiril;iolht. Iryoil iln tint fecrlVe yngr iinpi-- i

tKt'iliilly, ilnun noliry thn I'lilillnhorAilvvrtlilnir rule on iiiitillruiluii.

Urril'R I'llONB NUMI1KK 14

Victor Hugo's DreamAnd Disarmament

Yenra bko, when Victor Hugopreached wildly, iih most peoplethought, yet they little realizedthat their descendants wouldsome day see his dreams cometrue. The thought those daysof disarming nations of the earthand quieting tin! doits of warwhich if not continually in thefight, were straining nt their lea-

shes, was n condition so remote,that it was laughed to scorn.

Uut now, we are beginning torealize that his wildest dream(so called) will, let us hopo, soonbe a reality. Representatives ofthe nations of the earth nro soonto gather in Washington withthe one purpose in view Dis-armament or tho world Thinkof it! When wars shall bo nomore; when hands that onceclutched at each other's throats,will be clasped across tho highBeas. Tho dream (or rovolntion)us wo may choose to term it,follows:

"A day will come, when theonly battlefield will be, tho mar-ket open to commerce and themind open to new ideas. A daywill come, when bullets nndbombshells will bo replaced byvoteá, by universal suffrage ofnations; by arbitration of a sovereign oonate which will bo toEurope, what the isto England, tho diet is to Ger-many and the assembly is toFrance. The duy will come,when canon.bnlls will bo exlbit-e- d

in public museums just us In-

struments of torture urn nowand the peoplo will bo astonish-ed, nt how such n thing couldhave been. A day will come,when theso two Immense groups,the United Stntrs of Americaand tho United States of Europeshall bo seen extending tho hnndof fellowship across tho ocean,exchnnglng their p r o d u e t s,thMr industry, their nits, theirgenius; clearing the earth, pop-ulating the deserts, improvingereation .untler the eye of theCrentor mid uniting for the goodnf nil. theso'twolrrcsiHtable pow-rs-Th- e

fraternity of men nndthe power of God."

Gingham school dresses forgirls. A Inrge assortment atlowest prices- - Zleglor Uros.FOR ,SALE-Mod- ern residencoClose to school. Win consider ncar in trndo as a part of the deal.Inquire ofW. A. Place. tf

Notice For Publication017503

Department of the InteriorUnited Stnten Land Olllcont Uoawoll, New Mexico,

Sept. 20th, 1921.Notice la hereby given that Ham

I'yeatt, of White Mountain, N. M.,who, on Mny Uth, 1U20, mndu Homo-Un- d

entry No. ()47M3f for l.olx 3,KjSWh HHJ Sec. 7: Iota 1. 2; Ké

NWJ! NKJ. Section 18. Townalili 10--

Itange lO-- N. M. 1' Meridian, haHied notlco of intention to mnko tlnnl

proof, tn eataliloili claim to theland above deacrlbed, before Grace M.Jones, U. S, Commlaalonur, lit Carrl-tot-

N. M., on the 31 at, day of Octo-ber. 1921.

Claimant name aa wltneaaea:Ueoriía It. Alexander, Will Bd llnr

rli, tlieae of White Mountnln, N. M..Edfclti 0. KInlej.of Qacuro. N. M

A'rn'tt Ilynum, of White Mountain,N. M.

PMMBTT PATroN.Sept. t. 31. 1UJ1 IteKliter

Notice for Publication

Umiartmrnt t the InturiorUnited State hand (5 Hireat Itoawell, New Mexico,

8cnt. 2i)lh. lllil.Nfltlte U hereby given that Kuiehlo

Cari Jal. of Jicarilla, N. M., who, on


190, mails liomeateadBU7. mr kjnu j. w. . : . .

i,uwnaiiip 0Kf. M. P. Meridian, hna (fled mil If 1. nfInieiltlgn lo mnke flnul :i senr prHif,to rituhlfah claim to Hi,- lund ahuveileftflbi?d, hflftlre llrnre M. Jinu-a- , I'8. Comjlilaahilier. tit I'lirriantn, N. l

rmjlwaiaj, day of Oi iober, 1921.QlllitiKiit llamea na wltiiuwca:llolorei I.Uerna. Antonio tltero y

dhan-.- the- -

luiS Montiivu,jnrirliis. NL'M.

Bint. 21ÍÍ

nf iiniienioii, .1. ni..'Icol MHea, theau uf





Old HomcBtcad Flour, U30por hundred, Special prices onwholesale lota -- Humphrey Uro-ther-

Carrlzozo, N. M.

Just Received! A car load ofImrliéfl wlro nnlla which wo areoffering at lowest prices. Kelly& Son.


Notice for Publication046537

Department nf the Interior,8. Land Office at Itoiwell, N. M

Sept. 13,1021.Notice I hereby given that n

F. Ooff, of (.nrrliozo, N. M

who. on Aunuit 2nd, 1U;0, made Ad-

ditional ltomeatead entry No. 015537,for SKI .Section 3, NJ; Section II),Townahlp 6-- Itanirc 11-- N. M. V,

Morldlnn. has filed notice of Intentionto make, final proof, to eatnbllahclaim to trie land above deacrlbed, be-

fore Grace M. Jonea. U. S. Corrtmla-loner- ,

nt Carrlzozo, N. M., on Oct.1U. 11)21 .

Claimant ramea aa wltnaaaea:Drcnt 1'aden, Hohert K. I'. Warden,

thoan nf Cnrrizncn. N. M.. Jump Mor.rls, Heneo t. Cochran, theau of WhiteOaka, N. M.

1JMMETT PATTON,Sept, t. It. HeRinter.

Notice for Publication016300


Itoiwell, New Mexico,Sept. 2Uth, 1021.

Notice la hereby Riven that MndleyM. Stubbi, of Jlcarlllo, N. M., who,on Annual 2nd, 1920, mnde Additionalllmeatead entry No. 015300. fur Nl;Stction 8. Townahlp Itálico 13 G.

N. M. P. Meridian, hna died notice ofIntention to make final proof,to eatubliah claim to the land abovedeacrlbed, lieforo Grace M. .Innea,U. K. Comtnlaalnnor, nt Carrlzozo, N.M.. on tho 31at duy of October, Mil.

Claimant namea aa witneaaea:Edward Miller, Price Miller, thcae of

Ancho, N. M., Arthur I). Pankoy, nfJicnrllln, N. M., Arthur M. Fleming,of Ancho, N. M.

EMMETT PATTON,Sept. 2tat, 1921 Hcglater.

Notice For Publication016121

Department of the InteriorU. S. Land Office,

nt Roawell. N. M., Aug. 29, 1921. TNotlco la hereby iven that Manuel

Caralmjnl, of Jicarilla, N. M who, onMarch 21st.. I III 9, mado homoatendentry, No. 046124, for S ), Section 28,Townahlp ItaiiRo 13-- N. M. P.Meridian, has filed hla Intention tomake final three year proof, to ratnhliah claim to tho above dea-

crlbed,-before Uraco ul. Jonea. U. H.

Commlaaloncr, nt Carrlzozo, N. M.,on tho Uth day of Oct. 1921.

Claimant namea aa witneaaea: n

Carabajal, tfuaebio Carnlmlal,these of Jicarilla, N. M., Dolorca I.u.eras, of Itabenton, N.M., TomuaMaes,of Jicarilla, N. M.


Sept. 9th. Oct. 7th. 1921.

Notice for Publication017629

Department of tho Interior,U. S. Lund Ofllce nt Itoawell, N. M.

Sept. 13. 1921.Notice la hereby given that I'nul

tllount, of I. a I.ui, N. M., who, onMay 1920, mude NtockrHlalnKIlomcitcad entry No, 017C29, for all ofSection 2. Townahlp ItnnBc 11 li,N. M. P. Meridian, hna tiled notlre ulIntention to make llniil proof, toestubllah claim to tho land above

beforo Orace M. Jonea. U K

Cnmmlaaloner, at Carrlzozo, N. M , onOct. 19, 1921.

Claimant namea as witnoaaea:Joe Wauaton, Huston C. Walloon.

Wullaco P. Wauaaon, thcae of I. it LucN. M., Clarence Humphroy. cf (.'orona,N. M.

EMMETT PATTON,Sept I I. IteuiaU-- r


CITY GARAGEVincent 1MI, Prop.

Agent for

Dodge Cars

W i z n r dStorage


Goodyearand ;

Kclly-Spriiiellcl- d


Large Stock of Springs,Axles, Shafts, Gears,

and Parts forFORD Cars

Used Cars Boughtand Sold.

Mail Ordem will receiveprompt attention.

"CITY GARAGEVinceni licit, Prop,

I'JIOXIt .10

I. llenlbicr. 3 lUHitwuu iiuiiiMinc tatuutiwciBuiHNiiiniuiu(Hainiwnuii

FÓit SALE, Cheap Ono Fordtruck, ono 11 horse power andone 12 II. 1'. Stover gasolineengines, mounted on steel truck!.All this machinery in first classcondition. Will bcII cheap forcash or banknblo note. Inquireof Harold Ueoth, Ancho. N. M.

Sept. 10, 'It

FOIt KENT -- Furnished apart-men- t.

Two rooms,1 kitchenette,and bath. Steam heat Applyto Carrlzozo Trading Company.







Cnrrlzozo, N. M.

Phono 110 Box 290

ABSTRACTS ALL KINDS OFINSURANCE, Quickest servicenvallablc In nil classes. of com-

pensation insurance nnd SuretyCompany Uonds,


" 'Estabiished 18921


DOJHDQOOrMPBDOrCommercial and Savings Departments.

Interest at i per cent per annum paid

on time and savings Dc--

posits. Accounts

. Solicited.


Oiiiiiiiititiiaiiiiiiuii'H iiiiiintiiiaiiiiiiiiiiniO'"iii1i'i'"tlll,t"l","l':" uiintmuniiiit OltiiiiiiiiinauiiiiiinnrO JiiiiiiiiinianiiiiMiim 0

fit-- nil IB! IE3I HTj

Carrisozo Eating House R

Best of Accommodations To All the Peo-

ple, All The Time.

Table Supplied With Best The MarketAffords

E. H. SWEET,Proprietor It


It will mean a SAVING to you.

JI.75 Universal I.unch Kit 3.80a. 75 Vaeuum Ilnttlo, 1 (JU alio 3.00t 80 Vacuum Ilottlü. 1 CJL alxe, nickul platod 3.002.85 Vacuum lloUk 1,11. bIíü. nlckiil plated 2.301.3R Vacuum llutljo I lft 1.002.60 Vacuum Hottlti KlllerH 1 Qt 2.003.50 Hterno Oookiiiu outfit 2.80

5.00 " " " 4.011

2.75 2.20i,25 " " -. . 1.80125 ys

Tho nbovo prices nru SPECIAL for Snturdñy, Oct. 1st.

We liavo Eomo very attractive prices on Healing Stoves,so DON'T UtTY without seeing our line.

Don't forget that we are runningspecial bargain sales every Saturday andit will pay to make your purchases onthat date.

Kelley & SonThe WINCHESTER Store





Wo have every facility of any other bank andmoro than most. Wo can transfer money for you toany part of tho world,

Wo can sell you A. B. A. Cheques.

We can give you advico with regard to anything;in our line.

We want to bo ofrIvo us a trial;




iDiaAi. ataaava

The First National Bank"Trv Flrtt National Service"


Building Material

All building material is cheaperand now is the time to build.We can fill your order for



Let Us Show You

Foxworth-Galbrait- h Co.Carrizozo, N. M.



temptation for prefer layer cakes you'llfind ours exquisite. yourtaste inclines other sortsyou'll discover thntoureukrs

qunlly good, somcthini?homo baker can Rtinrnn-te- e.

Try our cakes for de-

ssert for any occasion whoreserved. You'll find themless exponsivo and betterthan homo baking




service and Invito you


flOB 00DC


is n If



wo to

-- 00

PURE FOOD BAKERYDocrlng Hldg. C.H. HAINES, Prop. Carrizozo,

FORD PRICES DROPThe Ford Motor Company announces another cut,

effective September 3rd, 192LFollowing areold nnd new cash prices, f.o.b. Carrliozo.

Old Prlco New PriceTouring, (Standard,)Runabout, (Standard,)Truck, (Pneumntic,)Sedan,Coupe, --

Tractor, -










No Change 710.00


Electric Lights nnd Starter, $70.00 ExtraDemountable Wheels, $25.00 Extrft

Above, prlcea Include full tank of kb anil oil. ' Heady to ro."Can mako dellverlua mi alutrt notlco. Terina.Wo carry a full line of Genuine Kurd 1'nrla and Auto Acceaaorle1,

BxlúV llnlterv Srrvlcp Rlatlnn. Kelly Spring Tlrea.Mlcliclin Tuliet

Write Wire U Come and Fee Ua

Western Garage, Inc.,Carrlzozo, - New Mexico

N. M.


Page 6: Carrizozo Outlook, 09-30-1921

fMóFESSIONSQeó. W. Prlclurtl W. 0. Merchant


l.uu llulldlngC.rrlinio, Niw Mixteo


LAW Y tiltrtione 23 Currlxuzo, N. M,

DR. IL E. ULAN E Y, DentistxetD( IUnk llulldlni

Ctrriimo Now Mexico

T. 15. KELLEYFuitril Director ticl Llccinctl I'mbtlmtr

l'hone UO

Ct'rlioio New Mexico

FRANK J. SAGERluiurmce, Notiry Pubtlo

Ag.ocy EitablItUed 1802Ulllca In KxchmiKe IUnk

Criloio New Mexico

I. M. SHAVER, M. I).l'liynlclan nntl Hurgón

Dille. Koom nt the llrnnum IIulIdlnRAl.mofforilo Ave. l'hanelK),0AHHI7.OZO . NKW MKX


Itoom 6 and (1, Exchanga Hank Illd

CAittmoo, New Mexico.

LODGESCarrizozo Lodge

No. 40


Mrtli evitry MiimlHyi'Vi'iiliiK ut I'Hull l.uu liuiliiliiK

VUillntt lirothi'i umillully InvllvdV I: IIUI'I'HIITV.. O. C

B. U. HUUllilt, Until, AH.


ORDER OF EASTERN STAHCarrisiozo, Now Mexico.

,7k Regular MeetingFirst Thursday of

1 Each Month.All Visiting Stnrs Cordially In.

vited.Mus. D. S. DonaldBon.W. M.

S. F. Miller. Secretary.

--CAnntzozo Loihie No.New Mexico.

A. F. & A. M.

Recular communi-cations for 1921:Jnn. 22, Feb. IS),

Mar. 10. Apr. 10,Mnv 21 .luno 18.

July lG.Aug. 13,Sept. 17.0ct. 15,Nov. 12, Dec. 10-2-

R. E. Lemon. W. M.,S. F. Miller.Secrotar?.

CAnnizozoLouoENo.aoi.O.O.FCarrizozo, New Mexico.

J. H. Farrls.jN.G,

'W.J. Langaton,Sec'y

Recular meeting nights Firstand Third Tues. of each month

Cakuizozo Lodoe No. 010U. of R. T.

Carrizozo, N. M.Meotinga First and ThirdWednesdays of Each Monthat 7:30, at Masonic Hall.

R. C. O'Connors, Pres.W. E. Wallace, Sec.-Tre- s.

Johnion, "Tire Doctor'

Will n tin ml in vmir wnntn 1m..!-!- ... .... a.I 1 -- ....

Half Solos ntul Tires. Also sellsAccessories. The V h A C K tohnvo your Tires Doctored.

JUST RECEIVED; A Curof barbed wlreund HOG FENCE.PRICES are LOWER. The Tits-wort-

Company. tfJUST RECEIVED A stock of I

new school books. TV R M SGASH. Titsworth Co. Inc.,Capitán. Nw Mexico.

Deafness Cannot Ue Curoilfer lotl pPllCtlitn. K Mhti iríi'hthf diiMi4 ioriiuti r rr i r i I

only onr r la cure iMinita, and thai itby fonitltuitxiiti rtnr'iri UCiuieü br an intlintMl ittMiiin " mutfi'ui llntnt oi hr KututtikKii luix UhiIhli tebf If nn he.t tun.MlntííinC t twffeci hrtilna n4 lit" it ti

tntlrtly i''ffi.e i ilt rriult anilUtilosa th lnnnim4iMi fan t tk-- om

an4 thU tüW rtiinr t n- tia iiurmal Ji-

lt 6t, fiMrihtf win b-- .iniruvpj foravr, nlnraata ott lí ln rr aiid by ratarth

hieh U not Mu an titHamtrd condlU'.na,th muaoua car

Ve III lire n llumlre-- 1 Oollar for anyCat rf Iafneee (rente.) hy raiarrhi thatcaftaei b eür-- hy lian Oaiarth rura.

end for circulara rr. Jt U! I Kfl K T i Toiao, omo.

2l!",ulv?i-- '.... Ml

Ranch For Rent

,. For three years. My homo of820"ncre8, cast of Oscuro. Lots8f water, three acres of coodgarden, splendid house. If youwill como and see tho plnce. vouwUlwnnt it. Richt price to theríftlit party. Seth P. Crows. Os-

curo, N. Mt Sept. 10, tf

Notice for Publication039t0

Department of th Interior,U. 8. Lend OITlce nt Konwell. N. M

Sept. 13, 1921.Notice li hereby Riven that. Lull

I.iirna. nf Ilalienton. N. M.. who, onJune inth. 1010. mad homoitead en-- 1

try Nn. Olince. for NV); Hectlon 12,Town.hlp Hnnire 13 E, N. M. 1".

Meridian, haa (lied notice of intention ,

to final proof, to citabllihclaim to thn land above deanrlbi-d- , be-- 1

foro Or M ,Ione. U. 8. Commia-- 1

Inner, at Carrlirro' N. M., on Oct.10, 1021.

Claimant name, nt wltncasoi:Porfirio Miinnda, Klnvlo (lonialci,

Dolorea Lucra, Juan Mnrtinea, all ofIlabenton, N. M.

KMMETT PATTON.Sopt. L U. ltci?lcu'.

FOR SALE-Ho- tie of six rooms,well improved, Ono block fromischool house. Bargain If takenat once. Inquire of Outlook of-- '

flee. 1 tf

Print Athirt t$ tafefin toppy rJ hug 9,Uiiy rid Un, hnnd

m pcund and hallpound tin humidorand In ttw $tcundtrytUt ffait tumidr with $ponf

rntilinir lop.


l ooacco uo.WlnstmSiUtn,

It C.

Notice for Publication

Department of the InteriorU. S. Land ülllce, at Iloawell. N. M.

Sept. 13, 1921.

Notice la hereby Riven that CharleaStonemnn, of Jayton, Texaa, who, onAuguit 10th, 1920, made ndditlonalhomeatead entry No. 0411086, for Loti1 k.nd 2; IC,NW. NKlj Action 31.Townahip IlanRe ts.E, N. M. P.Meridian, Ima filed notice of nla In-

tention to make final proof, tocatatillnh claim tn me ntmi above ue.icrllied, before Heritor or Iteceiver,U. S. Land Olflce, nt 0 o'clock n. m.,at 3rd floor Federal Illil'g Iloawell. N.M., on 0t. Ill, IP2I.

Claimant names aa wltneaicaiAlvin W. Johntot.. of Roawell. N. M,

Seomnn V. Ilailm, John Hamlin. Ed-

ward llnakln, theae of Jlcnrllla. N. M.KMMETT PATTON,

Sept. 10 -- Oct. 14. IteRlater.o

Soveral one and one quarterinch Studebaker wagons at redu-ced prices. Titsworth Company.

FIRST thing you do nextfiot some makln's

papers and some PrinceAlbert tobacco and puff awayon a home made cigarettethat will hit on all yoursmoke cylinders 1

No use sitting-b- y and say-ing maybe you'll cash thishunch tomorrow. Do It whilethe going's good, for man-o-ma- n,

you can't figure outwjiatyou'repassingbyl Suchflavor, such coolness, suchmovo-Ish-nc- ss well, the onlyway to get the words em-

phatic enough is to go to itand know yourself I




Rev. hasan for throat troubleat a in El Pbbo and is

nicely, Under tlioadvico of ho will re-

main until tira latter part of thisand will bo home for the

TheSchool will have the class-es in at the recular hour,

Day exercises willoccupy the 11 o'clock hour.

of tho various classes willgive reports of tho year's work,

with an on Mmpart of tho Anof the year's work willalso bo civon. ThoLeague will hold an openat 7:30 p.m., to which tho pub-H- e

is Invited. Therewill bo opeclal music and talksmade by the young

its from bltoand which Is cut out byour

youP. A. from sun up till youslip tho sheets


Is thothat pipo

If you never coulda pipe It!

You can AND YOUif you use

for It's a smokein a pipe

or a 1

rinee Albertjoy


We Carry StockBale TiesSpark PlugsDry BatteriesBinder TwineGrain BagsLubricating OilsLime and CementBarbed WireDynamiteFuse and CapsHog FenceSteel RoofingComposition RoofingCarbon High Life



Methedkt Church.

Hlgbee undoreonooperation





together oxibltlonpupils. outline





Youl enjoy thesport of rolling'em with P. A.!

And, besidos PrincoAlbert's delightful flavor,there's freedom

parchexclusive patented proc-

ess! Certainly smokoi

between with-out comeback.

Princo Albert tobac-co revolutionizedsmoking.smoke forgot

WILLPrince Albert

packing!revelation jimmy



services. Sunday


InSulphurShaving Soap. CreamVaselineCamphor IceMellins FoodBrushes and SpongesHot Water BottlesHorlick's Malted MilkSafety RazorsPatent MedicinesToilet ArticlesSchool SuppliesPulman's Dyes

The Titsworth Company,Capitán, New Mexico

B. Y. P. U. Program(Jnmea lloielle, President.)

Ear) Harkey will lead tho moot-ing next Sunday evening at 0:30.Because of a delay in receivingour literature, wo are unable togivo tho subject for next meet,lug, but wo will have an Interesting and instructivo program.Come and bring a friend.

We Will Sell DirectTa The People

One price to everybody. BestiFlour, $4.00 per hundred wolght.

Currizoze Transfer & StorageCompany, plone, 140.




Girls' dresses, well made. BeetMaterials. Latest styles at Zlgcr Uros.

That "houee cleaning" theDemocrats promld to N e wMexico síímed to neve struck asand storm on the 20,

Now line of school shoes forboya and girls at Zlegler Bros,

Sweet MilkSweet milk, 16 cents per quart.

Mrs R. H. Taylor. Phone 82. tf.

Don't forget An extra pairof pants with our Boys' SchoolSuits-Zle- gler Bros.

Have YouIndigestion and Rheumatism?

"Digesta Kai"Is the only medicine that will help you

1 AT


Try Sunshine ServiceWe carry in stock nt nil times a full and complete

line of dtugs.Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles of All the Stan-

dard Makes, Stntionnry, Writing Material,School Supplies, Perfumes, Standard Line ofCigars and Tobacco, Kind's Chocolates.

In fact any thing to be found in u first class drugstore. .

Also we carry in stock n full line of Jewelry andWatches We repair Clocks and Watches.Our work gives satisfaction and the price Is right,

SONORA PHONOGRAPHSTry Sunshine Service, It Pays

The Sunshine PharmacyCapitán, New Mexico

BarnettügD StoreWholesale and Relail

Hay, Grain and FeedStock Salt, Oil Cake

and Stove Wood

Prices Lowest and Service Best

Carrizozo ... New Mexico

Why Don't Those Hens Lay? n

Wo have tho feed Hint will do thebusiness

Wo sell Flour, Corn, Chops, Meal, Hay,Bran, Shorts.

A full lino of Puronn Mill Feeds

" Phone 140



WE HONOR YOUR DRAFTSInstantly and glad to do it.There's no waiting or checkingup. Wo know how your accountstands at nil times because oursystem Is perfect. Evey tifllcerand employee spells efficiency.

Place your account with us andwe'll Justify your confidence.


GROW Wímr&&L.

Page 7: Carrizozo Outlook, 09-30-1921

By'.IOHN DICKINSON SHERMAN,iireaumnbly know, nn

Kiiuit Americana ahoilld,llulTnln HUI, Col. WllK. Coil)-- , la liurloil on

Mountnlii In lliu

BOU Itocklcn,ronce of thu

Hut do you know Hintpeople, vlalt ItllfTnlo

k'nivn each en r tliniitu I ho Krtivi'K of

muí Lincoln Well,It U ao, Anil theru appeara 10 tieground for tiie atntement Hint withina few yenra lluffnlo Illir itruve willlir the d grave In Dio world,

ThU la the wuy of It; The city nuilcounty of Denver liuvo ratnbllahcd theDenver Mountnlii parka, lying betweenthe city ami the pcuka of the

illvlilo. Tliern are n.'J.1U eren;the cot him been f l7T,8fiO; there uroM mlleii of ruuda, Lookout MoiititulnU one of the acenlc feature of theepark, The iniiln iiutomoblle ronit, of

likh the l.nrlnl trull In n part, cllmhato ItH euuimlt. Ilurrolu lllll'g urine Inon the fiut loio of Lookout Moun-tul-

nuil Ik eaally rent-lie- tiy u romltlmt turna out at the (lolileti reaervulron the Miuunlt, Clou, hy the urinethe city Iiiih extnhlUlicd u llulTalo Illllmuaeum. lu the aummcr of Will up.tiroxltniilely 3.'iUUi) vlnltum enteredthe KBtra of the Denier Mountulntmrke. Of theae vlalior about one.quurtcr from other Htntea. Montof themi vlxllorx

topped u fta the irnvo iintl Ilia luu-cu-

Ho much for the prcacnt.The tourlut huKltn-N- of the accnlc

Weet la InercnMiiR troniondoutly jenrhy jenr. Denver I k'euirnplilcully theKntewuy lo thin acenlc Went with Itstwelve iintlounl purkn and thlrly-tw-

imtlonul innuuini'iilH. It I the alartlngiwlnt of the Nnlloiiiil I'urk-to-l'ar-

hlKhwny. .Most vUllorn to Denver Inthe aummcr ilrhu thriuifth tlio Denverllountnlii parka, Ho, ua thu touristurow In numheiH, the vlaltora lo lluf.fulo IIIII'm Kru vii wilt lucrenae.

The llurfulo Illll intihouiu on Look-out ..uuntuln mm opened to the pulHe luat Meuiorlnl dny. Thu park oil).cluU report that It, lu connection w,Ili'Talu IIIII'm Kinve, turn proved to hethe moat popular fentitro of (he moun-- (

In parkh thla luat auminer.ruhiiHku Tepee U Hut olllcliil name

of (he llillTnlo Illll mimcum, The namela well taken. "I'uhintkn" In the iininulilven llurriiln Illll hy the Hloux In-diana. The word tueiina "Loiib Ilulr."The hulldliiK la typically mountainatylo In count ruction. Within It nrehouacd thu pcraonnl relie nuil collec-tluii- a

of llurriiln Illll. Thin was tundepnaalhlo Hiroiieh the Interest mid

of Ida widow. Mm. Loulau M.Cody, to whoi.i nearly tlio whole, rolleoHon helonga. And Hie crowning (ouchof thu inuaeum la the fuct Hint Johnnylinker la lu clutrge of the veryunió wnrld'a rJinmplou ahiitirun nnd

rllie ihot who wua Húrtalo Hill's right-han-

man au mnny jenr In thu aliowtiualneaa.

(icrlnln It la Unit no American young-ale-

to any notlilug of the grownupacan paea by 1'aliuakn Tepee without

lopping. Thu luuaeum houkea alutereatlug collection. Homu

of till-n- nre:Thu more ImiKirtnnt pnlntlnga of

lluffalo Í1III. Among theae la thecipieatrlnn portrait, prenenlcd

to the city of Denver. When the mon.unü-ii- t la erected over llurfulo Ultra

Golfer's Trick Strokes,

The Jimng Australian golfer J. II.K'lfEwiKXl I something of ii wliardMill) U Ml nnd clubs besides twlugK Urat-eln- golfer In the ordlimryway. Ilia trick Include driving n balltiff lm fate of a wiilch without touch-ing thu glass. He cun rnlse the hullfrom Hie ground with Ida niblick undcatch It lu la fall without changingkia alance, He has driven a hall fromjuuiitr maii'e boot toe. He baa at

grnve, thla pnlnllng will be done Intohrnnze. The photogrnph given here-with given nn hlen of how llie co,uea.trlnn tnlue will lit In with the

I'Hlntlnxn of frontier life done forlluffnlo tllll hy noted nrllatn In accord-ance with hl ili'BcrliitloiiH of ceneand Incldenta,

The acnlp of Yellow llanil nnd thekulfe with which IluiTnlo mil killedthe chief and lifted Ida acnlp. YellowHand wna n noted Chejcnne chief wholook part lu the Hloux war of 1870.llurfulo Hill wua nerving an n governluent At the brittle of IndianCreek Hie t muí I he chief met Inpornonul combat In full view of theI'outenillng forceH, lu lliiino dnyn Itwon the proper thing for n victor to"count Ida coups" hence Hie acnlp.

The gun tmed by Hitting Hull InHie buttle of the Utile Dig Horn; Hit-ting H'lU'a acnlp, ahlrt and pence pipe.Kitting Hull (1KIT-IKJ- ) wna Hie fumouaHloux chief whu led the II.UOU Indianwho wiped out dell, (leorge A. Custer,and bin Ü7T men In 1811. He racupedto Camilla, returned In 18H0 and wnakilled In nn attempt to reacuu hliufrom nrreat,

"Lucretlu llnrgln," the rifle whichKmc JIutTalu Illll hla name. When theUnion 1'aclflc wua being built tlioacout imide a contract with Hie rail-roo- d

cotupnny to furnish Ha lulmrerawith meat. In eighteen month, 1807-8- ,

llurfulo mil g nn Id to hnvu killedI.IIÓO hurrnlo with thla rllle In curry-ing out hla contract,

llurfulo lllll'a guns, Middles, hrldleaand perao'iul ornuincuK Includingmnny gifts ninde to lilm by Indianchiefs and by crowned heads InKuropc,

Mementoes of the tours of thu "WildWi'it Hhuw" In Hurope.

Now, lest the younger generiittiinshould think of llurfulo Illll as mordí-an Indian lighter, burfnln killer nnd

IniuinHU, here are the factahla life, In brief: Horn In 181(1 In

Scutt county, Imiu; 1SK). "I'on)rider 1S01-Í1- , caiulry acnut for

the Union lu Civil wur: 1871!, memberNclirankii leglalnture; 1S1HM, btigmllergeneral Neliiiinka Nntlouiil (Itinnl luludinu warn: 18111, orgnnlceil WildWeat ahiiw ; 1IU, president of CodyMilitary college, Wyoming; Judge

general of Wyoming NullonulOunrd: president Hhoslume Irrlentloneouipuny , nuthor uf live liooki ivrltlenbetween 1R71I nnd 11)10.

Municipal l'ncta, nil olllclul Denverimbllrntloii, glvea the following Infor-mation of l'ahuaku Tepee and Its purpone:

Thu city of Denver, largely throughthe luntniuientnllly of W. V. It. Milla,chairman of the mountnlii parka ud- -

tlmca placed a ball near the lip or thuhole and ten olhera lit lutervula behindIt ; then beginning with thu tenth ballbu lofta them one utter tho oilier overthe atymlo and Into the hole. He be-gun Ida gulling career ns a cuddlu nndat the ugo uf sixteen wua appointedprofeMslounl ut llrlibane. Muuchester(lunrdluii.

Must Net nad 8peh.The ruin In the Ilrltlali bouse of

cnmmo;ia la that apeechea runnot beread. However, "coploui notea" are

vlaory cnuuulaalnn, creeled thebuilding lu uecorduuen with an

agreement with Johnny linker, tlioworld clinmplon aholgun nnd ride shot,who wna with Colonel Cody In Idaallow business from Hie time Hint lin-

ker wua aeven jenr old, .Mr, linkeroperates the building us n cnncesalon,but no ndnilaslon la ever to he cli urgedto thu lluffnlo Illll tuuacuin.

Aaldu from the historical nnd ro-

mantic Interest attached to the build-ing through thu collccjluu, I he struc-ture Itself Is an absolutely suited tothe purpose for which It wua designed.Hint It seems to hnvu been Inspired,The structure la built of undressedpltm logs, covered with liumf-spll- t

shingles, The crowning fea turo of thebuilding from nn architectural stand-point, Is the reuinrknblu uso tunde ofgnarled and curved loga nnd branches,stumps anil roola of trees, There laprobably no chnudellcr In the worldso unlipto us Hint which hnnga fromthe two-stor- celling of the Teiee,

lleuda und skins of wild inlmnlahung from the walls and balcony ralla.Two snarling wolves' bends gleamfrom ruceases In thu great atone fire-place. At thu entrance nn ancient buf-fut-

akull, with the akin and litilr part-ly adhering, bears the legend, "TheLnat of thu llurfulo,"

Aaldu from the museum featuresI'lihnsku Tepeu fills a long-fel- t wantlu thu mountain parks, I'or severalyears thu park nuthurltles of Denverhave been ileslious of eatubllsnlug npavilion somewhere In lookoutMountain park, equipped with n high-clas-

popular-price- d rcslnurnnl, forthe convenience! of Deliver'a resident!and guests.

Fronting thu plains la an Immensebalcony from which, with a pulr ofHeld Kinases, one muy look Into Iliastates of Wyoming, Nehrnskn und Kan-sas, the states that, lili Colorado,were thu stumping gruuuiU uf lluf-fnlo Hill during hla life us hunter andgovernment scout. Denier strelchcaout on the plains, ten miles distant onnn airline, mid ut night the llghte ofthe city, winking In unison with Hitstnrs above, blnte In n wide diamond-studde-

bank from north to south.The view la superlntlve either by tinyor night ; there lire few view a In Amer-ica more Interesting and luipreastie,

Hvcntunlly a monument to ColonelCody Is to be erected ut Ids grave. TheCody Memorlul association was rais-ing funda for thla purpose when Amer-ica entered the war und, of course, themovement, like mauy almllar onpathroughout the country, h d lo beabandoned for the lime hi lug, It laexpected that the nasocUHou will nowrevive the project

allowed, and sometimes they becomeso "copious," ns practically to amountto a complete address. If the memberwho nttempts to read a speech la"young," that la, la new to thu house,and cspeclully If he la making Idafirst effort, the house Id usually Indul-gent, permitting him to go on, pro-vided he anmewhqt conceals the factHint he la rendliij by keeping Idamutiuacrlpt on Ida desk and not makinga display of It, Such breach uf theruin la winked at. The rule, however,la no rend apeechea.

Southwest NewsFrom A It Over

New Mexicoand Arizona

IttHl Nttaf t'nlM Nr Sfllrt. I

The public mIiihiN uf Arlenla openedwith the largest reglstrutlon lu hMor)nuil nil the building" wern filled luIhelr rapacity.

Work on the new grade nilmol buildlug nt Dck Molnen is prngicnnlug rap-idly and will probably be rlnlnhi-i- l bythe first uf N'oi ember.

The cuiiierslone uf the Children')liMKpltiil ut AlliuiUeille mis luid withi lie (Irand bulge A. I'. A; A. M. Incharge of Hie' ceremonies.

Work Ik In start soon on the newbridge In Hie western purl nf Magda-lena Hi replace Hie one which humwnsheil n way during the recent floods,

Handcuffed mill guarded by I'liuiliniiuly deputy nbeiiffa iirmeil iillh ti-

fies, five Mob-nu- were brought luluTucson, following it flghl ut

nil slallon. tieur i'uesnu.I'hiun fill' Hie leasing 'of all proper-

ties owned by tho Arlr.uuu ll)psumI iimpiin) tu Hie Atltuuu (lipstini

Company uf Nm Angeles, limebeen iiuniileteil jn I'lmeiilx,

Deputy game wardens in iliouf Hen Moines, N. .M urn making

ii ill lie on sportsmen who have beenfishing without licenses. Scleral menlime been iiircled mid Hucil In thelimit.

Wnii: will be xturlcd nl unci' on Hienew high siiiiml nl l.ngiin, X. M whichtiben completed will cusl $l'll.lNli. Thelieu building will be built of unliverocks und will ciintnlu six large chisslooms.

At il recent meeting of the i lly coun-cil uf Clayton, N. M., wun decldeillo purchase n modern flic fighting ma-

chine for the illy which will Include unew tuuliir truck, two foru-irallo-

cheiulcal Imiks mill IDKI feet nf Arehoe.

At II recent meellng uf Hie sel I

bimril n' Caplliin, N. M., plans wereisuupleled fur the plirchasii nf theHoward hull, which will he used forthe athletic department nnd manualtraining In connect Ion wilh lliu highschool.

N, 0. accrelury of Hi buurdof regen Is of lliu Neie Mexico Collegeof Agriculture mid Mechanic Arts, busannounced the appointment of II. .1.

Ilurilsley of Lexington, Ky as thehead of Hie poultry ilepaiimeM ut theHlale College farm,

A complaint directed against HieApache Hallway Company mid seekingrelief from alleged freightrato i n Aool from Conley lo Hot.hlnok bus been filed with the

on cniiiiulsslnii of Arizona by theA. II, Hhusler Company of lliilhi'uiil;.The rule now charged, Hie complaintsets forth, In ,' cents n hundredpounds.

Three penllenlhiry prisoners luiveI u paribiiieil recently by CovernorMechein of New Mexico, two upon Hielecinuineiiilnlbiti of the ienllciilliir.iboard mid unit upon the leciiiumenihi-Ho-

of Dlstilct Judge Hurry l, Owen,Hie 1 n I Judge, und responsible

Those pariloned were: Iteglniillour.ales, Valencia county: .luso A.Mniin, Curry county: Luis Carninnu,Valencia cotiuly.

The live stuck Minltnr.i hoard of Ati-zona In sending nut warning lu culile-me- n

In guard against "black leg."There hate l een un rcpuiin of a e

uf I In ulluieiil which In Hie moilfatal of all to cattle, bul II Is pointeduut Hint Hie condition are ilglu furthe Inception unit spread of II. ns cut-ti- e

ure mure susceptible tu II whenundergoing u change fioin a period nfhurt feed In line In which the) rapid--

take on fat.I'lellmllmry in rmigetuents are being

Huido fur Hie erection of a bilge niltoiitul mill ut Lining, .V. M. If Hie plans

ure curried mil, the new mill will heput In operuilon In Hie next twomonths mid will cost mor .Y'Jó.ikki,

Policing uf Sonora, Mexico, Interimtloiial biiuuilar.i line bun been rciliiu-ble-

In Hie end Hull raids by outlawsbe pleienleil, iieciil'illllg til il messageI ei oil ed h Ailing lliueinor MrnosiHall uf Arlxiiun from I'ruuiiscu s. Kil-

ns, goiernor uf Sonorn.The ginsn biuiileil llidebledtiess of Ari-

zona In l.llHt.7,".'.M,l, accuiillug In uNtuleineilt ptepured by Slate TreasurerIta.iinond Karbart. The sialemeiil,which Is lu the form of nu affldiiiil.bun been prepared Tin- - the

Hunk or I.ih Angeles, succi-ssfu- l

bidders fur A1.4MKI.INMa wnrlll of Alir.uliiltux iintliipatloii bonds, he explained.

Ilrape growers uf Arizona met Inriiuetilx recently and effected the

of Hie ArUonu drupe Draw-ers' Association, More that- l.tssl acresof grape lands were signed up II, Hieiissuclalluu agreement and steps weretaken lu perfect Hie ussnclulloii alongHie linea of the California llalnltiCompany.

The slory of ti brutal attack on MissSadie Champion hy caltle rusllern lu- -

llevcd In be .Mexicans, us related by'her wan the result nf a disorderedblind, mused by Injuries sustainedwhen her hnrse fell on her, officers In- -

lestlgallng the cuse declared In Ills-be-

lteporta that negotiations nre aboutIn be ciiiiautuiunleil fur the Inking nvelnf the Alliona Copper Ciunpaliy by Hie1'belps.J lodge Corporallon have beenKUbntiiiitlateil In Tucson by Col. JohnC. (llcenway, general mntiuger of theNew Cornelln Cupper Ifompuiiy.








turtles Nis'airf I'nlna Nrvi afitkt i

Majence, I let man). A greul explo-Io-

ut the chetnlcnl priulucts plant ofIho lladlsche Anlllnfubrlk Coiupnnj atOpputl, on the lllilne, wrecked HieIon II mid spread death und destruc-tion. The number or killed In entliunt-c-

at from 1,1 mo in 1,,'ssi, mid Hie in-

jured nearly L'.uhi.Oppuu In ii scene uf ilesiduiliiii, more

tl lata u third of the nouses hilling beendestroyed, while llie roofs of the otherswere nwepl off. Here also mnny werukilled or Injured.

The explosion In iittrlliiiled b.i iiuueto excess pressure In inn inljolnlngpiMimelel-M- , thin part or Hie works belug ptllieliaed. Where the gasometersMood In now a runnel. Kliapcd hole l.'UI

) 11 rils wide nuil forty-rii- e j arils deep,II Idle liiisled girders mid ilclirls Ilohialtered nlioul. I'm-- H'lciiil hiiudreil) arils not ii wnll In left slninllng.

Ltiiliiigshufeu lepuiiH say threeworkmen's trains were hulled underHie wreckage und tunny children luJin ed.

Ileillireiiillllg scenes itere wlluessed,At Hie Utile cemetery near llppailliunierolis liiiubstiiiieH were hillied III

imioun directions. There wun nut U

door or window left luluci fur n radiusut lineo lidien,

l'remb luedlcul mills belpeil In therescue work. Anslslmice ulnii unalusbeil fioin uelghbiirlng limns, undall public anil prliule iniiliir cura undicblcles were rispilsliliineil.

The Nhuck wun felt as fur anmore than forty miles awu, ami

mnny windows were broken there.The whole district una enveloped lu

thick smoke which, together with thecutting uf telegraph nnd telephonecommuiilculliiu wilh neighboring townshampered the efforts of assistance.

All thu mailable fire brigades wererushed to thu spot hut the work of'rescue wun found by the relief piililesto be exceedingly difficult.

ltcscucrs who penelrateil Oppuu re-

poned finding hundreds of dead undwiiuuded lying In the debris. The un-

injured Inhabitants fled In punió whenllie oxplosTmrTtnnirre-it- ; "

A late statement Issued by theof the Oppuu faelory says

that thu explosion occurred In 11

containing '.'INI tuns of nnimoiiI it in sulphate. II mills Hull nil neccsMiry preiiiutliilin hud been taken miHint an explosion appeared Impossible

Vienna Money Changera Mobbed.Vienna.- - Serious disorders and deiu

oiislrulliilin ugilllisl profiteering occulled lu tills clly following Hie tinslug of lliu bourse. Crowds wreckedthe ahupa of several money changersIII Hie iliinlty, while u few men sus-pected of spcculullllg In foreign excbnnge were drugged from Ihelr ti utomobiles und beuleii. Acting ut the

uf HoiiiillslN, police bail enteredHie bourse mill stopped nil I railing.

Twlna Acquitted by Puzxled Jury.Minneapolis, Minn. 'ui-.zleil by the

similarity In appearance or Leu midLeonard Jnhiisun, twins, aDistrict Court here decided lu freebullí. They were on trial on a chargeof stealing an iiuliiinoblle.

New Mexico Elect Duroum Senator,Alhuiilel'iUo, X. SL The eleiilun uf

Holm II. Iliirsuui of Soinrro as t'nlledHtuten seiialur frimi New Mexlcu wunIndicated bj u plurality of more lluiiiT.lssi, bused upon ciiinprchenslvi' butIncomplete icliiriis from every countylu Hie slate. Figures nhiiw thai llursum curried twenty counties, ulili u

total inleiif IM.ITII: llliliurd II. Huillíncurried eleven counties, Ida

mini l ole being 5,81 Ml. Thin git on llursum 7,.i7,i plitrulll).

Arreited on Admittance to U. 8

New Ynrk. Wlllhnii Suyles, aliasHubert Wilson, ur rented after iiriiiingfrom Huglutiil, wun held hy Hie policefur retttrtl to the luuii state peiilteullnry, from which he In said tu haveeacitped three yearn ago while sen luga sentence fur killing John (I. Ituiijimof CiiuucH ItluffH. Deported from l.nglaud fur reglalerlng In Hie nlleii officeunder u false tuitue, lie wun iiiltiiltleillu thin country by a I man I of Inquiryat Kills Island because, he In u cltlxen.

Zantivllle Damaged by Cyclone,.unesillle, Dhlii, I'ruperly In lliu

business district of Ibis city wan damaged tu the extent of IIIHI.IKKI, iwumen weru severely Injured and Hie

(treet cur and electric light companiesput out of couimlssluu ns the result ofa cyclone which struck thla dt). Oneluán, Jerome lEiiimert, had a narroweacnpe from being struck when u steel

tuck fell and demolished his automobile. He saved liluiself by lenplngfrom llii iuuchlne.

Weak and MbenlkDoa the leaet exertion tire jotifbut?

Fetl "blue" and worried and bare dallybacktehe, lanwneta, btadachee, dleibneea, and kidney Irrrgularitleaf Hickkldneya ara ften to blame far Mill

elate. You muit act inkkly toprevent more eerlnue trouble. UaeDoan't Kldnev Prill, the renwdy rtoommended everywhere by gretefulOKra. Alk your netghtorl

A Colorado CaMra. W. O. Orten,

Nl !;, DoiiiIiiAve., n. Canoncity, Colo., uyal

BBBHKigir '1 Ii a it paintlirouah my ahoullera and In lhaemail ot mr back,When 1 workf.l Ina atooHil poalllonfor a raw mlnutsaNnd than attempted to atralaMm,harp e a t e n a

look me In themult nf tnv hnrk.

t used rwin'e Kidney lilla anil llityaoon curad me."

OH Dow'a at Aa fltoee, 9t Be


Saved Up.Niekelpluch If you spend an much

time ut golf, .ion won't luive nny.thing luid iiside for it rainy day.

HI) mil- - Won't. chT My desk lacrnwileil wilh work that I've put naidefor ii rnlny dny.


6 Bell-an-smm Hot waterSure Relief


aFOrt INDIGESTION's toasted, ofcourse. To sealin the flavor



Clear Baby's SkinWith Cuticura

Soap and TalcumSate 25c, Olatatat 25 ao' 50c, Talcasi 25c.




ELECTRIC PASTEfUadK for Uta BUr Than Traps

IXrvctltmi In 1ft Uniui In rr bn.lUtt, Mica, Ouekruftflh!, Anu ind Wttorbvgdoitrur f mni atrnl prupvrtr n1 r rtrrln utdlieue. KUrtru I'dttt iorrr ibnm ptlo roa froioth tulldin fur wittr ml fr air

VH, UotarutucutbajalU

WomenMade YoungBright eyes, a dear slcln nnd a bodyfull of youth and health may s

if you will keep your systemin order by regularly taking


The woild'a lUndard temedy for Irldner.liver, bladder and urle add trooblee, tbenemlai of life and looka. In ui dnc1694 All drugfiet, three aliea.

Uh far Ike ? OJ eraey Warue Mte M ladUlUa

hi ii imii mill ii I



Page 8: Carrizozo Outlook, 09-30-1921



Read Mr. Corley' Letter andBenefit by Her Experience

Edmund, 8.C. "I waa run down withnervousness and female trouble and auf- -

fered every month.I waa not ble to doany work and tried alot of medicine, buteot no relief. I saw

I your medicine adver-- IUsed In a little book

was thrown inIthatdoor, and I hadaH A not taken twobottlctof Lydia E, l'lnk-ham- 'a

Vego tabloCompound before Icould im It win heln- -

inu me. 1 am keeping house now andam able to do all of tny work. I cannotay enough for your medicine. It haa

done inure for me than' any doctor. Ihire not naper enough to tell you howmuch it haa done for me .and for myfrienda. You may print thla letter Ifyou with." Elizabeth C. Corley,care of A. P. Corley, Edmund, 8. C.

Ability to itand the atraln of work lathe privilege of the strong and healthy,but how our heart ache for tho weakand sickly women struggling with theirdaily rounds of household duties, withbackaches, headaches, nervousness andalmost every movement brings a newpain. Why will not the mass of lettersfrom women all over thla country, whichwe have be-o-n publishing, convince suchwomen that Lydia E. I'lnkham y Vege-table Compound will help them just aaautely aa it dla Mrs. Corley T


Stortkttper Had Eye for Ominen InKeeping Qood. Looking Cuitomtr

Waiting for Attention.

A Minium In n small town asked herhusband. Colonel Illiink, til cull In atllm dairy when passing tn order somenctv.lnlil eggs. After making a briefdemur the colonel yielded. A littleInter lie lulled at the Hhop In question,quite it small anil iiiilniporttuit estab-lishment mi a liaclt street.

Two nr three minutes passed i then,as mi une came to serve him, tlm cnlo.nel cave a gentle knock cm the counter, 'thin had mi effect: so n smartdotihlu nip ai glten. Then a early,headed joungsler put his henil arnuniltli door and anunuiiced, "1'iilher's

Ily tin1 lime the father arrived tlmciiliuiel was boiling lili rage.

"What iln you mean by keeping laowaiting all thin time" ho roared.

"Very sorry, sir." snhl the mail, "butyou mi- - It's like tliK You're the veryllrsl gooiMooWng mini that I've hail Inmy shop, anil us them were a lot oflieople passing hy J thought what ngood iiilvcrtlxi'incnt you was

there." 1'hllndclphlu Public Led-g'e-

Considerable Agitation."Wilier my eyes are acting fuiinv or

eleo there's something powerful wrongwith yore house," said an acquaint-mic- e

who hnil halted In the big roncl tosluru ut tho Johnson ilomlclle. "Ireckon It must he my eyesight, hut thedoggone house, 'pears to he stinkinganil stilterlitg like It was going totumble ilown."

"Aw, 1 reckon likely my fourteenclillitr-'i- i happen to have look n' notionto scrnlth their chlggers nt the samep'tltt Mime lime," replied (lap John-son of Itmupus Ithlgc. tlin was luing-Ih-

iiM-- r his own front fence, hookedmi hy tliu elbows. Kansas Clly .Star.

When a mail knows hut one thing hefeel enpnble of giving advice on alllílljccth.

To the hasty demand, glvu the I

le5llrey reply.

In thousands of homes,n 'linn" Is druwn nt thobreakfast table. Tea orcoffee Is served for"Brown-upa"un- d Postumfor children. But someparents do not discrimin-ate. Caffeine and tannin,tho injurious contents ofcoffee and tea, seriouslyretard the development ofthe delicate nerve tissuesin children.

Consequently, Insteadof rich, satisfyinschildren nro over stimu-lated by the drug In teaand coffee; und so maygrow up irritable andnervous. Any doctoreantell you that this is aKrent evil and should becorrected.

Although some par-ents feel a certain Justifi-cation for tho personalIndulgence In coffee, yetthe hatm to them maybe equally serious. Itmay take a little whilelonger for the Incoffee and tea to affect

Cutleura for Pimply Facet.To remoro pimples and blackheadsmear them with Cullcura Ointment,Wash off In Ovn nilntiles wltli Cullrurn Bojp and hot water. Onco clearKeep your skin elenr by using them forilslly toilet purposes. Don't fall to Inelude Cutlrtira Tnlrum, Advertisement,


Young Lady, It Might Da Imagined,Would Bt Noticeable In A.

mott Any Compsny,

Home alumni folks In I'hllnilclphlnwere getting up a social functionwhen the secretary hnppeiieil tn menlion to one. of the ttienibers the fuelthat n young vioiiinn from Hustontiameil lllgglus would attend.

"lllgglus isn't a very attractivename." he said, "hut the girl herselfIt n beauty."

"How shall I know herl" nuked theother Interested at once.

"Well." said the secrolnry, "she'sthe only girl I know with Ynle eyesami a Harvard complexion"


Name "Bayer" on Genuine

Take Aspirin only aa told In eachpackage of genuine Dayer Tableta ofAspirin. Then you will be followingthe directions and dosage worked outby physicians during 21 years, andproved safe by millions. Take dochances with substitutes. If you seeme nayer Cross on tablets, yon canlane mem without fear for Colds,Headache, Neuralgia, RheumatismKurnche, Toothache, Lumbago andfor Pain, IJnndy tin boxes of twelvetnhletsrost few cents. Druggists alsosell largor packages. Aspirin Is thetrade mark of Ilayer Manufacture otMnnoaretlcncldester of Sallcyllcacld.Advertisement.


Ambitious Medical Student Was Slight,ly Too Precipitate In Jumping

to His Conclusions.

"After tho first crash," Impnrtedthe llrst hospital surgeon to tho sec--

win, "i ran over to whero It lay onthe Pavement! and when t raised IIIII), I saw nt once that Its rlhs weresmashed, while a gaping liulo wustorn la its"

"I'arilon me, doctor." broke In themedical student, who had caughtthese words as he was about to Vanshy Into the cotisiinipllvo ward, "hutIf you hae no objections, I'd like totake n few notes on that accident

He pulled Ids notebook from Illspocket. "Was tho cuse u child J"case."

"No," (ho surgeon Informed him tohis embarrassment. "I was speakingof my umbrella." Science and Inven.Hon.

Profit and Lois.First Trainti I'm sum hungry. How

kin we git ii bile to eat?Second Trump I'll tell yn. Pit give

ya a black eye,I'lrst Tramp A black eye I What

for?Second Trimiii Kiin. then you run

ami ask that old Indy In that houseover joniler for a piece of raw meat toput on It.

The bunko man does his best tomake farming pay.

an older person, but Inmany cases the nervoussystem and allied bodilyfunctions will becomeweakened. Tho surestway to avoid such pos-sibilities is to quit coffeeentirely and drink PostumInstead. The change per-mits you to get sound,restful sleop.

Postum Is the well-know- n,

meantime bever-age. Like thousands ofothers you will like it be-cause, in flavor, it ismuch like a high-grad- e


Do away with the dls.tlnction at the table.Serve delicious Postum,piping hot, to all the fam-ily. One week's trial andIt is likely that you'll neverreturn to tea and coffee.

Postum conns In twofcrmttlnatant Postum (In tins)tnd instantly In the cup bythe sddlilon of boding water.Postum Cenal (In packages oflarger bulk, for thou vho pre-fer to make the drink while themaat la being prepared) madeby boiling for 20 minutes.

Do you discriminate at the diningtable or are you thoughtless?




PELTRYFur to Adorn Suits and Coats as

Collars, Cuffs. Borders.

TrleoUrs Suits for Early Wear WithMeunyns and Ouvtt da Lalns

for Winter.

Pulirles which hate found opeclnlrator for llm fin season uro rcpresenteil In the collection of suits andcoats now being shown, Por earlywear Irlcotlne Is n medium used tofashion suits, with inoussyne nndduvet ile Inlne for colder weather.("outs evidence n liking for pnnvel- -

nine, mnuasyiir nnd hnllvla. Kur Isused tn advaiitngf on both suits androuts, forming collars, cuffs andhordcrs,

A suit of correutn blue moiiasyurshows the Jacket trimmed Willi n bluefox collnr and cuffs. Hie blue Ionesfurther accented In llosa embroiderieswhich describe nrrow motifs nt tlmbust nnd nt tho hack form a panelshowing grenter width at the shouldersthan al the hips, Klngcr-tl- p lengthJackets are highly favored.

A suit devoid of fur ndomment. de-

veloped along more tailored lines, Isalso form! of inoussyne. An Inter-esting treatment Is noted tn the bnrksection of the Jacket, where soft full-ness above the wnlatllue develops Intosirup Ireuliuents below the waistline,The treatment Is reversed nt the front,where slrnpplngs terminate In softlypouched pockets,

Coals In ninny Instances fentmothe flat hack and front villi fullnessIntroduced nl the sides, an effect ntonce youthful and flattering, l'niive-hitn- e

fashions a cent of this sort, tholower skirt section treated with useries of self eonl (lickings which nrorepealed on 'be flare sleeves. A shawlcollar of squirrel adds to the attractiveness of this number.

The wide (lowing sleeve Is ndvo.caled, one model showing a markeduse of lids ramie being mudo of

The sleeves are so cut as tnhe worn flying open ut tho lower edge


Pans It producing vogulth designswith ehort tklrtt despite Itt dictumof length. At a sample thla It a smart i

street frock with aklrt trimmed withbuttons of mother o' pearl, The bloutei oí ttrlped allk.

HOW THE NEWFace Covering Floatt Out and Hanga

to Shoulders, Adding dracefut-net- s

to Wearer.

Mow do )ou wear your tell? In- -

llilriw the .Sew York Sun.Do jou pull ii large meshed veil

over jour face so that the Hp of yourroonii'fiidcd nose pushes through orthe end of your polo led nose ' '.rks

lit iDo you pull the tell tightly across

your fwchriid so Hint your eye-

lashes catch In It?On you nlways have an Irritating

Utile excess of veil under the chinthat )ou repeatedly roll mid twist In-

to it little buiH'lf to gel It out nf theway?

l)n 1 mi get Hie tell on so that ItIritws In some places and sags In nth- -

rxiDo you hate trouble because the

ell slips from around your hut downover jour ejes, while II remains i--

ii re around your neck ami chin?Do yon lose Hie ends ut the. buck

from their fastening and find themlimiting out in Hie winds of heavenbehind nu7

Of futirse If you follow the iiiikIhIn tells jou nerd do none of thesethings, for the really smart veil nowa-days floats loosely nt the hack and Isnot held in at all, unless urimiiil ll.cthroat. Some of tho new veils aremade with little rufls of feather ortulle or ribbon that fastens about thellinuit. Above this bniiil the tell pulTsand ballisiiii unit Utile effort Is tudutu keep It (nut atiil smooth.

Home of the new veils are sttrip'tlve. They are made so


The silk and wool Jeraey eport aklrtcontlnuea popular. If, at Illustrated,thtrt la a new detall In the designall the better. A black allk sweetercompletes the outfit.or rnltghl together, Hands of Wolffur add In (ho (hire effect.

The bodice section Is cut full andstraight nnd emlirolder"d on thesleeves und hark with self floss andgold metal thread, A round rordglrdlo marks the low waistline nt thehack with a self belt crossing Pie frontand tying loosely.

(Iruy hnllvla Is chosen to fashion acnnl trimmed with heaver. This Isa full strnlcbt model with n hand ofthe fur marking the low waistline.Self tucks of slender order emanatefrom the neckline In sunburst effect.a.,d an Interesting bundling Is seen Inthe sleeves cut with a deep iiriuhnte.the lower sleeve In riillle form, thowrist belted wllh a bund of inn fur,A wldii beaver collar liulshes thenock.


Cape frocks are worn hy both growntips and children.

I'ouhird dresses wllh narrow flowergirdles are being worn,

An evening gown of hlarit lace hasn neck which Is high In front andslopes to the girdle In hack.

Petticoats uie carefully titled nt Hi

waistline so that there nmy he no extra bulk In unnecessary gathers.

I Hack crepe de chine dresses wllhmonkey fur frlngo In perpendicularrows from waist to hem uru shown.

In I !u- - evening gowns, the soft null-um tnrfelas uru preferred In the limpies Kugenlu types wllh the long,slim bodice.

A sleeveless afternoon gntvn of taffeia worn wllh a pair of black fancygauntlets nnd hliick ruch aloiiud yourneck Is mighty stjllsh.

Very up to dato girls uie wearingkid gauntlets generously embroidered.some In plain silks und heads, hutmostly In sleel. Very often these willsport upon the cull" the wearer's mon-ogram.

(Icorgctlcs unit hire, and now u runof silk ulid lace, or silk tollo amigeorgette hate taken tn their heartslinings of velvet, duveljn nnd fur,thus upsetting our established notionsus to material propriety.

VEILS ARE WORNthin they flare In nliiiost circular simpofrom the small lints with which theyare worn. They float mil and hnngto the shoulders and add much grace-fulness to their weaier.

Tho tight, snug tell Is often con-sidered tu Hurope a tjplcally Amer-ican trick, That Is to say. Kuropcnnsconsider Hie American woman a pastmistress at arranging the ucut facetell.


Wrap That May Da Thrown AcrotaShoulders Carelettly Will Keep

Out Frigid Bísete.

The desire, for Spanish shawls Istie!, It seems, Just mi Isolated (light,for we are In havu shawls for thewinter, loo. They am In bo of wool andembroidered, ami, generally speaking,they uru (o retain much of he graceund charm possessed hy the highlycolored ones of (his season.

Women have found them tisi becom-ing In part with them lightly, and theylire prnrllcal adjuncts to the ward-rob-

til he sute, for they can hothrown across the slmuldi rs yet effectlttdy. If keeping outfrigid blasts happens to Im a subjectof any umiismt.

An Accessory.Select from nniong I he new ruchlngs,

lace pllsse crepe or gathered rutiles,the especial heck adornment which Istnnst becoming, One nf these daintyHccessorlcs adds Inexpresable cblc lothe dark suit or dress.


QUOTATIONSssessa Furnished by


tn.ilna SraiMMf t'elM Mnt SnVi.lLit SlM-- mmd Meat

.iF.hJSf.'.' .!""? rt1f n'd "mÜlni--f. 'il ,5. Hfht wolalite slid pscklns mvti .how.

ofi.. ",t fluctuations. Cholesn?n".'l.,u.m wlht sti-sr- moetlri. n.,,2i.l.0c.i!h,"ihr' heavy klrnte

f.!n VA"r ."5 " totkrs up lto

ii. .5' !l..,h,'P vesrllnireri.,'" ÍSí.' 'ilnir Ismbe steady totLhf,,., prlcsst Unas, top,IMO; uf aatsa, ig.T( to IMO!

mrdlum and aod bf lr. to110: biilchsr rowa and lirlfers, 11.10 tnl: f'dr sl;rs, It to 17 lit ilsht andjrndl urn welsht vest cslvee. ft tn IM,ííi.J.m.h. '.'I. " f""5tu H: fat .w., to II.

Ilalrr Vrtturi:,lrm throughout tha--lhtr.n'LTk.tbut ateadr at cln.c !rleeabout 1c higher than a week ato.Cln.lnir prlrre. II score: Nw York

iíf'.5n.írír Pbseea rnarketeMfsfljr to firm; greater activity atprimary markets In th country. Fancyerad inovlnc well! undsrsrsdra dull.Kni" t Wlsennsln primary msrkrte:JVIi., tin. Dstelee Itm, Doublepatalea. Iltfe, rounir Amerlrae aillmKhurna JOc.

Oral,tended lowsr during thv-- J"'"..Principal factors rauslnr inwre wrakneee In forelsnchsna, rslns In Araentlna and slowmilling; snd esport demsnd, Cornlight on srrount of rsrentrains and elnw paeti-r- drmand,

Decrmber wheat dropped Hie,clnelng- - at II.JIi December corn downJMe, clo.lno- at littc. MinneapolisIJncember wheat down liq nt 11.114:Kansas Clly December wheat down

i lti Winnipeg Decemberwheat down 7ie at II..H. Hoeingprices In Chlcsgo caah marketei No.wln,f. wh'st 11.11. No. I hard

w.ln,r.r w.,"'' tt.U: No. 9 mlsnd comBle. Mi. I yellow corn BJci No. 1 whltnatS IIP. Pillear Kenlemltai. wl..tfliieed at 11.11 Uj, September corn 5lic.r; " nrpiemner woeat l.tu,Kansas city Heptember wheel 11.14;Winnipeg October wheat tl.SIU.

Pralta and Vegetable..Potato maricela welt aittinllerf He.

rnand slow. irlre weaker. Idahonurals steady at 11.50 to 11.71 f. n. b,.rash trsck down ilc to n In Chicagoand Bt. Louis at 11.70 to 11.10. North-ern round whltea :.25 to IMS In Chi-cago,

Demnnd rnr ntinlea ilnw In mM.r.1.- -

marketa steady to firm. Few salesbarreled apple reported. New Yorkand Mlrhliran Wealtbya steady at II. tilto II per barrel tu Chimen, 13.50 tnper bualiel In other markets. New YorkHreenlnits firm st 10.50 to 17 per bar-rel In New Ynrlt CUV! alearfr In f'lil.rsgo at II to 11,71,

Cotton,flnnt enlli.n lirleea Hn.llMH 1SI nnl.l.

durlns- the week, clnalng at lLlio perpmind. New York October futures loet

no poinie, closing at is.ioc.Hay.

t.lallt hay recelóla al Clnelnnall CI, I.esKo slid MtnneapnlU hava rnusedneiier aeniano ami an advance or IIper ton at Mlnnearmtla. Kaatarn nnitsouthern markets quiet snd unchanged,homo export Inquiry at New York. De-mand generally only local and will nutalisnrh heavy receipt., quoted: No. 1

timothy. New York ISM0, Cincinnati110.10, Chicago 125. Mlnneapnlla tl,V)itinnin esi, e.z. ro. 1 al-falfa Meintillls 123. Atlanta t!l. Kansas Cltv 111. No. I nralrle. Mlnne-apnlla 114.50, Kanane City 110.10.

Keed.Iee,1 tillirllele frenerellv r.nlet end

hut little chango In nontatlnna. Minneapolis reports streiu-l- in wheat feedaraiiaed hv higher irrsln prlcea. Rxeel-len- t

pastures curtailing demand. Tallofferings of cottonseed meal 12 belowspot allies. Knlniny feed lower on selling pleasure, i.inseea meni ana ragsfirm at Kansas Clly. nuli-- l nt othermarkets, quoted- Hprlng bian. NewVnrlc 122.5(1. MlMlienniilla 113 Chlcagn111.50. Hard winter bran, Kansaa Cityii. ntHiHinrt; mioiinngs, .iiinncaiinna

114. drey shorts. Kansaa City 117.50.Cotton seed meal, IS per cent. Atlanta 937. l.inseeu meal. NewYnrlt 147.50. Mlnnenhnll 13IÍ Whilehominy feed. CMcarro 1 13. Alfalfanieni, nansa 11a.

IlllWIltt I.I VI! STOCK,(nltle,

Rnlea being made on n steady hnels.villi nm.,1 beef steers selling at Id. CO,'MVS nt 15.50 nlul helfera al 13.r.n. liner

slock continuos In good demand amiquality stuck was quntabln at 5.76to tC.00, with fair feeding rattle run-ning between IS OH and 15.50. Inquiriesfor cows fair, hilt the choice tvne wiiaquotnblo at 14.75 to 15.00. and lees de- -

sirnunt cows at 11.39 to 11.00.Iloita.

Trading In the l.nir market has heenstrong nnd active, wllh euppllea movi-ng- readily under a good demand.Salee run from 25 to to cents higheron all typee. Heavier types helpedthe uisgeat unrt or trie, aitvnnce. with

hogs selling fnr 10.50, Pack-ers and small kilters wera equally

aa buyers, and top aglea at11.50 were touched hy both. Ooodlightweight stock waa quotable at

tn 11.50, heavy thrnwnuts ati.SC and fairly desirable heavies at

tn 16.50.Mhrep,

Demand for feeding lambe fair andsales Indicated that quotations of thistype would hold rniri aleady. Choicefot stock waa quotabla at 11.25 to11.10. with medium gradee bringing17.75 tn 11.25. Kwea ware quoted alII 71 tn 11.25. Not many ewes Included In the offering, hut tha typewas qunien ni in 11, vv.

Ilrlsl Market,

CTnlnrndn settlement nrlceattlar silver (American).! ,Uliar silver (foreign)... .1Copper 13U f .11l.esd 4.107.IIIC 4,21


Cnrn. No. 1 yelhiw, per cwt 11 00Corn, No. 1 mlil, per owt jjWheat, Nn, 1. per bushel joneis, per rwt.,.. 1,10Hurley, per cwt ,10

Hny,TUnnthy. Nn 1. tonTlmnlhv. Nn. 1, Ion lit')ntoiin ii,. 1. inn IB 00Hmith I'atlj Nn. 1. ton 4 00Hvrond hotíom. No. 1, ton 1Ü50Hrond hntlniii, Nn, 1, ton 0 00Alfalfa. Inn n imStraw, ton 1.114

1'lglit thiiusnnil persons. It was eatl-mated, visited the bier of Miss Vlrglnht Itnppe, motion picture nclreei.lor 'lioso alleged iniirdor llnscoe I'at-!-

Arbuckhi Is held In thu riail I'rauitcu city prison,

HOME Ofc'.Trtlv COLttri isi tut it tut cm.ttilll It lei l.fM. lalrmalSia

tn M tlt im tttaevlT


I. II s. el IM stlm. I'etilMtrlnfK?i "! lllltS SK Mflll t.llir, villi nisi, ut) citar lililí.Iff") n A VC sins. "nsiisisr itt....3 "'t 1IHI1H C.l.eti "lAK HO MCA NY.Hll..iiti, Ht,.i. Denver. Valorado,

l're-W- ar I'rleea an CalleaIB-- ai Hue lei IwiiJ uawte. et- -

e.M. isi irttv turn t 'ititl-- Hit 11 UuM n lueir, C.k.


VVAVIMI 'e lead In Hits aaall other linee. Charlea Hair & lleauty"hop. 41 lllli HI.. Denver. Colu,

fLlllVKIla I'llll Al.l, Ot'CANIIIMS.' silt Kloral Co.. iimadway.IIHAUTV PAIII.IMIS. Ilslr tlonda bymall. Mllllcent Hart Co.. 751 lllh HI.

iiniist.Ai.i.nx Jt' en, -- di.ninnda. watches, altverware. out Iowa,'dre careful attention Hal. 1111.

Tlllf NKtv"'v()ltK I'l.MATINO CftiIt b"t phalli. UmlllrSlsl, mrni MleM tal rat.)Ue Mm. itoia lor rit.l-- f. till Mt. IK.e. C.n.

Qary, Indiana, Cuta Prlett. .1(lary, Intl. A general rcdiulloii In

prices, ranging fr.un housu rent tucosts of a divorce, Is In effect In (lary.The cuts follow closely Hid big reduc-tion In wages ot steel tturkers. Uiwerprices were recorded In rcslnurntite,house reals, tlothlng, etc. I'hslclnnsreduced their call charges In andattorneys uniinuutvd n cut from 100Iii or handling divorce rases.

Increase League Memberehlp.(ieneva. Memlicrshlp of I he league

of Nations will Im Increased tu fiftyIf the assembly adopts (bu recommrndiillou uf the political committer, (

wiiicii iieciueii in approve ine aiuills- -

aloti of latvia and Ksthonla, Thclriappllcatlous were put iver, the coinmlltee deciding to nwult .M. Hytnans'reHirt on Hie efforts to setlle (ho Vll-- itut dlspulo before ncllng on l.llhiinnla.

Hoover Binds Check to Qlrl.Newiiort, Oiv. Home girl st'iulent nt

the I'nlverslly of Oregon will be ubbtlo complete her senior year's studies,It was said, ns the result of a gift nfIKCJ from Herbert Hoover, secretaryof commerce, who sent a ehi-c- forHint iiMiount after hearing ot thogirl's need through Or. (lerlrude .Minithorn, ilmiflilcr of Dr. II. .1. Mlnthnrnnf Newport, who was Mr. Hoover'sguardian when he lived In Oregon. -

Nonpartisan Recall Filed,lllsinarclc, N. It. -- Petitions said In

oenr more than Tl.iss) slgnudires listi-ng for on election for recall of (lov. ,Lynn .1. Kriislcr, Attorney ,(len, Will-la-

Intake and John llageu, enmiuls-lone- r

of agriculture unit labor, werereceived by Secretary of State Hall,The election Is nlineil nt slate offi-cials chosen with Indorsement of thoS'onparllsan League.

Prefers Pen to Rutila..Jefferson City, Mo. Miss. Mollie

Kllemer eiiiibaslr.ei she prefers thuMissouri penitentiary tu deportation idItussla. It was annoiiticeil In Wnsli.Inglou Hint Attorney (leiiernl Hit licit- -

erty might recommend her releasefrom Hie prison, where she Is servinga term for violating the espionage law.If she would consent to deportallon tuItussla,

Makes Thrilling Escape.Osslulng, N. V. Joseph Soraee, a

iminslaiigliler convlcl, inuile it thrillingescupe from Slug King prison. Sawingthrough Hie bars of Ids cell, Horaceclimbed through a trapdoor to thu roofof Hie prison, slid seventy feet to thuground nn u telephone wire, scaled thuprison wull and dived Into the Hudsonrher. Ile emerged below the prisonand disappeared In the darkness.

Woman 41 Hat Twenty-tw- o Children.Omaha, Neb. Mrs. Curl M. Itowruy,

4)1 years old, gave blrlh li her twenty-secon- d

child. .Mrs. ltowruy berauin itbrlilu at I I and a inolhtr at 17. Khuhas been married twice. Ily her firsthusband she had twenty children. Fouryears ago he died and she married nman twenty years her Junior nnd slucothen two children have been horn toHiein,

Muelo In Omaha P. O.Omaha, Neb. Acting rnstinoater

Daniel announced he will placn aphonograph at one of the postal sta-tions heru fur use by the night forroHiero of approximately KH) umplnycs.Ills act Inn follows u report hy thuMinneapolis postmaster Hint phono-graph music Increased the efficiencynf night postal eiuploycSs Hiere.

Ntwa ofOrother'a Death Kills Slater.Memphis, Temi.MIss Annie 1

lloyil fell dead Vthcti she received atelegram uuimuuelng Hie sudden dentilnf her brother, W. M. lloyil, on n trnlnen mule In Monroe, Iji. A double, fu-

neral for brother und sister was held.

U. S. Collects 12,000,000 Taxea,Washington. Collection nf approxi-

mately fltf.uxMlOO In delinquent nndadditional sales and mlKcelliincoiwtuxes by llm government as n resultof a sh-cIii- I drive ending Sept. 8, waartnnotiurcd hy Commissioner lllalr.The drive, In which UlM field cnllec-lo- rs

wern engaged, ho said, coveredprncllrnlly every largo city In thecountry, nnd special ultcntloii waaliven In tho "luxury tax,"faxes tin toft drlnki, theater admit(Ions and trnniportailon.

Page 9: Carrizozo Outlook, 09-30-1921


Natice to AutomobileOwners and Drivers

The law governing operation( motor vehicles Is very string

Mt and penalties for violationare very severe. The now lawlimita speed to 3G miles per houren pabilo highways; 15 miles perhour In limits of towns and villages; prohibits driving by children under 14; ana provides torarrest without warrant, of allviolators. There has been twovery serious accidents in DonaAna County, recently, both caused by violations of this law. Toprevent Injuries and deaths, thesheriffs have been notified toarrest violators of this law andthey will be prosecuted and pun-ished accordingly. Your observ-ance of this law may savo n lifeand will obvíalo prosecutions.

J. BENSON NEWELL,District Attorney.


1111, 1U Hm tl KtfMma

Farewell Meeting ForRev. and Mrs. Huffman

On Wednesday evening, themany friends of Rov. and Mrs.Wm. Huffman of tho BaptistChurch, gathered to enjoy u so-

cial hour and to loin in express-- 1

Ing their best wishes for tho fu-- 1

turo welfaro and happiness of1

tho Huffmons who left Thursdaymorning for their now homo inWetmoro. Colorado. After shorttalks and a musical program,refreshments were served.

Hov. Huffman had been Inchargo of tho local pastorato forabout one year, during which.ho made ninny lasting friendspnd tho Church made rapid ad-

vancement under his leadership.Carrizozo has lost a good man;Wetmorc, Colo., has gained one.

Blankets and Comforters ntprices that will appeal to youAll wool blankets ut $8.00 and

Trading Co.

THE DllEXEL model-- a graceful styl, specially

designed for tho liveyoung man whose tasteslean not to extreme, buttotwell-hre- d stylo. A n

model with soft-rol- l

front, natural shouldersand notched lapels; singleor double-breasU-

The right thing foryoung men

YOU'LL like it-e- very way-t- ho new bluntlapels-t- hc wnist-llne-th- o fine, unordlnaryfnbric-a- nd tho elegantly tailored finish of it.The now Droxel model.

Tho prices are from $3G to $55 on the now,lower level for this spring.

Yes, a celebrated Kuppeuhelmcr creation-- up to tho quality standard maintained by

this famous maker for half a century.


Carrizozo Trading Co."Quality First -- Then Price"

Make lieDvna Store

YOUR Drao StoreforEueruíhi 1 Need.

We mnko it a point to "keep up stock'tV.ltl'r. tin "lllat mil nf tl' mlinn ...ill nnma tit


,.wS. v w w jiiwv wt.v Ul If rVIIWIl I UU bUIUU'llh

Wo also nmko It a point to glvo nveryono promptattention iintl to provide every convenience and ser-vice for our customers.

Come in you will like our service.


i'wf!-- , í 'if' - t rtAvwrrnzn ntiTt.n


I). II. Henry of Corona Is anEl Paso visitor thin week.

Senator Lutz spent n few dnysIn Albuquerque this week.

Wo nre specializing on HAMS.Your choice. 10 cents per pound.

Mayer's and Mrs. I). A. Saunders

nre spending tho week-en- d attho border.

For first class cement work,see A. L. V. Nilsson, Phono 1M,Carrizozo. - New Mexico.

Miss Margunrito Sweet Is vis-

iting relatives and irlonds in 101

t'aso tills week.FOR SALE-Gen- ernl hóuso-hol- d

furniture and kitchen utens-

ils- Inquire at this office. 2tMrs Heulali Wilson has re-

turned to her ranch home nearAncho, nf tor a threo week's vis-

it with Mrs. E. Ü. Corn.We mako two deliveries; 9:Ü0

a.m, and 3:30 p.m. Please Irnvtyour orders ready for these twodeliveries Mayer's Cosh Store.

Mrs. Mabel Eberhnrdt, whohas been visiting friends in thislocality for the past two weeksleft for her home in Douglas,Arizonn, last Saturday.

A now shipment of tricotlneand serge dresses at exception-ally low prlcefl.urrived this week.

Carrizozo Trading Company.

M. A. Host of Alto was in lastMondey and says, that tho goodsummer range replenished bycurly fall rains will mnko wintering over, nice for stock in thatlocality.

When It comes to buying foodsupplies, try Mayer's G n s hStore.

Judge Edwin Mechcin nndJ. Henson Newell, DistrictAttorney,, spent Mondny here,attending to legal business, leav-ing on Tuesday for Estancia ona like mission.

FOH SALE Corn chop, Hnr-le-

Wheat, Onts, Mill run Brnn.Tlio Tltsworth Company, Inc.,

Capitán, New Mexico.

Detective Bon West, wife nndson enmo in Monday from Bis- -bee, Arizonn, for n visit withtho Geo. B, Barber family. Mr.West expects to bo transferredfrom Bisliee to Tucson, after hishis return.

Don't forget the Chicken PieSlipper nt Lutz Hull to night.Adults, 75 cents. Children, CO

cents, Supper from 0 to 8,

FOR SALE -- Ford enf in goodcondition. Overhauled n shorttimo nuo. Inquire at the LincolnLight & Power Company. tfMrs. R A. Rhodes, postmistress

at Nogal, was a Carrizozo visitoron Tuesday. Mrs. Rhodes Is ti"booster" for Noual and says,that the revival in the miningindustry lias increased the pouula-- !

lion and moro men will bo need-le- d

In the future.' Fred PIlngHten and Fred Bur-Meso- n

were over from Lincolnthis week nnd sny, tlfnt althoughtho heavy rains this summer bad-- .

ly damaged u part of Hip crops.there will bo an abundance of

' grain nnd vegetables in tho Hon-do valley.

' Road tho cards in tho windows,n tlio I'irst National liaiiK, unr-- 1

rizozo, N. M. They nre changedoften and It will he worth whileto read tlum. These cards havebeen prepared by experts nndnre considered the best windowdisplay ads ever used, tf

V. Sliifflett. wifo and dough,tors Florino nnd Orille, arrivedfrom Tucumcnri Thursday morn-lin- g

nnd will mnko Carrizozotheir futuro home. Mr. Shift--

lett Isnn expert mont cutter nndwill be found at the C. D. MayerCash Store. We welcomo thefamily to our growing community.

CRYSTAL THEATERSundny, Oct. 2. (Vitagraph)

"Message nf the Mouse,"Molality.!!, (Univorsnl) "Just

a Woman."Tuesday, 1. Robertson Cole, in

"Unchartered Channels."Wednesday, fi. (Universal)

"Danger Ahead," CurrentEvents.

Thursday, 0, (Realart) "Shel-tered Daughters."

Friday, 7, (Fox) Star Featuresand Sunshine Comedy.

Saturday, 8, (Goldwyn) "SlimPrincess."r.llii Mtt for reference. lest youfortrnt nnd miss n good week'sprogram. Line party reserva,lions made on application.

Will T. Sterling, Prop.

tarn i zjsdssmxw.t.r' .: .- -i íjlííujhmhLcgnl Notice

To whom It may concern:At a regular term of tlio Probate

Court held In Hoplemher, 1921, at thoCourt Mouse In (Jnrriiozo, N. M., theundersigned wns appointed administratorof tho lístate of Jim I,. Harris,dcraaaed.

All persons having rlalms againstunid estate, are nolllUil lo Ule samo Inthe said court, within one year fromthis date, otlierwite said claims will boburred by otieratlon of law.

Dated September, (Uh, 1021.JOHN W. OWEN.

Administrator of the Ustato of Jim I..Harris, deceased. HepL 1.

Outing flannels in solid colors.Pink, blue, white and gray, only15 cts. per yard. Carrizozo Tra-ding Company.

Wo sell at the lowest price.

Notice of ContestContest No. 10.297


Hoiwell, New Mexico,Autr. 20, 1921.

To John D. Rawlins uf Corona, N.M., Contvsteei

You are hereby notified that InJenkins who gives Corona. N. M., ashis postofllco address, did on Auk. 2S,1921, II lo In this olllco h's duly cor-roborated amended application to con-

test and secure the cancellation of yourhomestead entry, Serial No. 036(07made Dee. 22. 1010. for SKI NWSV NEt, Ni SEI, SW SEi, K, SWNW1 HW. .Section 11 Townsh n 3Ilange 12-- N. M. 1'. Meridian, andasgrounds for the contest he alleges that

d, In aWJ?;WCash Meat Market. months last past earned


title to ssld and: that his absence)?from said land was not to his serv-ice In tlio military naval organisationof the U. nor In the National Ousrdof the several States!

You therefore, further notifiedthat the said allegations will be taken

confesssd, and your said willbe without further right tobe heard, either before this office onappeal, to flit In this officewithin twenty days afterpublication of this notice, shown be-

low, your answer, undtr oath,responding to these allegations of

contest, together with proof thathave served copy of your answer

on tha said in personby registered mall,

You should In your theentryman has never established name at the post olllce to which you

residence on said entry; that he has desire future notices be sent to you.never resided thereon; that he has EMMET PATTEN, Register,never Improved any part Date of first publication Sept.

Every v t e week -- U. v r's feGrocery & and has nevor

- -

- -

- -

- -


any ofare,

you fallthe



" " "ban- - secona

INCOMPARABLE VALUESZiegler's Ready To Wear Section

Sport Skirts

Tunic Blouses'

Jumper Dresses

Fall Dresses

Fall Suits --

Winter Coats --

New Fall Footwear

Fall Hats

No Fall Wardrobewithout them.





out oí tho


state answer"Said

" third " " 23."fourth " " 80.


Tunic or Slip Over Bloiiscsvery latest.


Wool Jersey Volour and Serges;Hiiltuble for sport and streot wenr

Tho very latestmatoiial8.





Madowool materials.

in Silk and Wool


Short nnd Long Coats well tailoredsilk lined. 1

Blnck Kid, Drown Kid, RussiaCalf, tho very latest

Exceptional values,models.




New York

Our Ready To Wear Section is now complete.We ask you to visit this department and fillyour wants, our prices are always the lowest.


Who Am I?1 was horn on tho 1st day of June, 1909, nt Duran, of sturday, loyal and honest

paronlnKe, of the typu that held nhove everything the much sought aficr and oncoattained, cherished Ideal, of Righteous Service to their fcllowtnnn, and It was during myshort but pleasant sojourn In tho vicinity of Duran that I learned from practical expo-rlcnc- o

the Rrcat Inestimable value of tho true and loyal friendship of the happy people ofthis thriving community.

Then, liko to the impulso that is best known to yuth I moved to Vaughn, wherethe great Ideal which was my hcrltago hegan to manifest itself and liko perhaps best totho I'ino which having attained suillcient ago to hear its cones; my Ideal began to budforth and prove its truo worth by tho many true nnd loyal friends I acquired during myrcsldonce In this peaceful thrifty sector, many of whom 1 still havo tho pleasure ofmeeting now and then to renew our unbroken friendship.

Having grown somewhat older while my dauntless spirit craved for more. Truennd Loyal Friendship. I moved to Corona to take up my abodo and settle down for lifeand where I havo now lived for tho past seven years nnd more, and where I think I canbest servo all. It h hero where my Ideal is blooming, which is being made possiblethrough tlio loyal and cheerful support I received from newly formed acquaintances andstaunch friendship I hnve been oblo to enjoy hero blended together with those whom Imet earlier In life, all of which gives mo tho trite vahío of my Ideal which I hopo topreservo through eternity, and which has made mo what I am








or 9.
