carrier and symbol synchronization hardware software co-design final project r91943045 楊進發...

Carrier and Symbol Synchronization Hardware Software Co-design Final Project R91943045 楊楊楊 R91943050 楊楊楊 R91943068 楊楊楊

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Page 1: Carrier and Symbol Synchronization Hardware Software Co-design Final Project R91943045 楊進發 R91943050 楊雅嵐 R91943068 陳宴毅

Carrier and Symbol Synchronization

Hardware Software Co-design Final ProjectR91943045 楊進發R91943050 楊雅嵐R91943068 陳宴毅

Page 2: Carrier and Symbol Synchronization Hardware Software Co-design Final Project R91943045 楊進發 R91943050 楊雅嵐 R91943068 陳宴毅


IntroductionClock error & Frequency errorCarrier Recovery & Sampling RecoveryImplementResultConclusionReference

Page 3: Carrier and Symbol Synchronization Hardware Software Co-design Final Project R91943045 楊進發 R91943050 楊雅嵐 R91943068 陳宴毅


Wireless communication has received much attention from researchers working on personal communication systems in recent years.

We have observed that in a digital communication system, the output of the demodulator must be sampled periodically, once per symbol interval, in order to recover the transmitted information.

Page 4: Carrier and Symbol Synchronization Hardware Software Co-design Final Project R91943045 楊進發 R91943050 楊雅嵐 R91943068 陳宴毅

Introduction (cont’)

Since the propagation delay from the transmitter to the receiver is generally unknown at the receiver, symbol timing must be derived from the received signal in order to synchronously sample the output of the demodulator.

The propagation delay in the transmitted signal also results in a carrier offset, which must be estimated at the receiver if the detector is phase-coherent.

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Frequency error

Caused by mismatch of carrier and Doppler shift


ω0+ Δω


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Clock error

Caused by clock signal mismatch and Doppler shift

→ Correct sampling clock--> Incorrect sampling clock

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Carrier Frequency Recovery

Carrier recovery is to synchronize the locally generated carrier with the carrier contained in the received input.

This can eliminate crosstalk between I and Q channel data, thus increasing output SNR.

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Carrier Frequency Recovery (cont’)

• QPSK Decision-Directed Costas Loop

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Timing Recovery

To find the correct timing for sample-and-hold or integrate-and-dump devices in the receiver.

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Timing Recovery (cont’)

Sample-Derivative Timing Recovery Loop

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QPSK Transceiver Signal

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Implement (cont’)

Carrier frequency offset and timing offset

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Implement (cont’)

Carrier frequency recovery

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Implement (cont’)

Sampling Recovery

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․QPSK Transceiver Signal

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Result (cont’)

Carrier frequency offset and timing offset

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Result (cont’)

Carrier frequency recovery

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Result (cont’)

Sampling Recovery

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Carrier recovery and timing synchronization are two topics that have been thoroughly investigated over the past three decades.

Symbol synchronization is required in every digital communication system which transmits information synchronously.

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Jen-Shi Wu, Ming-Luen Liou, His-Pin Ma and Tzi-Dar Chiueh, “A 2.6V 44MHz all-digital QPSK direct-sequence spread-spectrum transceiver IC,” IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, vol. 32,No. 10, Oct. 1997.

John G. Proakis, Digital Communications, McGraw Hill.

R. L. Peterson, Introduction to Spread Spectrum Communications, Prentice Hall, 1995.

Baseband Communication VLSI Lab.