carnivorous plants1a (1)

carnivorous plants By: Jessica Morgan

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Page 1: Carnivorous plants1a (1)

carnivorous plants

By: Jessica Morgan

Page 2: Carnivorous plants1a (1)

What Is a Carnivorous Plant?

• Carnivorous plants are those which attract, capture, kill, and digest invertebrates (and the occasional vertebrate).

• Hundreds of species of plants from several genera are carnivorous.

• Carnivorous plants are found all over the world.• Their habitats range from grasslands to swamps to

under water, from civilization to the jungles of the Amazon.

• Many of them are protected by laws against collecting in the wild.

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Some carnivorous plants• Aldrovanda vesiculosa• Amorphophallus

titanum spp.• Brocchinia reducta

Byblis liniflora• Capsella bursa-

pastoris• Cephalotus follicularis• Darlingtonia californica

(Pitcher plant)• Dionaea muscipula

(Venus fly trap)• Drosera paradoxa


• Drosophyllum lusitanicum

• foetidaPhoradendron spp.

• Genlisea hispidula• Heliamphora tatei• Ibicella lutea • Leedertzae • Metopium

toxiferum• Nepenthes thorellii.

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SOMe More Carnivorous Plants

• Roridula gorgonias • Pinguicula longifolia• Sarracenia flava

(Pitcher plant)• Sarcodes sanguinea• Sphagnum S. alata • Stapelia• Triphyophyllum • Utricularia


• N. bicalcarata • Passiflora• Pinguicula vulgaris

(Butterwort)• Platanthera

sparsiflora• Proboscidea spp.• Pterospora

andromedea • Pueraria montana

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• As you can see some Carnivorous Plants have a sticky substance that catches flies on their leaves.

• Others drown the insects in a pitcher shape that is part of the plant.

• Still others trap whatever touches special trigger hairs.

How Do The Plants Catch Their Food?

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Are The Plants Hard to Grow?

• Carnivorous plants can be easy to grow.

• They can be cultivated in a greenhouse.

• You can grow some varieties in your house as house plants!

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Fast facts about some varieties

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Venus fly trap (Dionaea)• It is the most

commonly known carnivorous plants.

• The leaf closes when the tiny hairs inside the leaf are touched.

• This picture (right) shows a leaf with an unusual double trap. (It is the only leaf known to have to grown like that)

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• Different varieties are found all over the world

• They create a ‘winter resting bud’ that helps them survive cold weather

• They are easy to grow in a greenhouse, but harder to grow in a terrarium because they need good air circulation.

Butterwort (Pinguicula)

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A Pitcher plant blossom

•One variety of Pitcher Plants lives primarily on the West Coast in the United States (Darlingtonia)

•The other varieties grow primarily in Florida and South Carolina (Sarracenia)

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• Made by: Jessica Morgan

• Helped by: Karen Morgan Katie Morgan

• Sources:–––– Rice, B.A., 2004, Carnivorous Plant FAQ
