career clusters and academic and career plans of study: virginia’s best practices

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Career Clusters and Academic and Career Plans of Study: Virginia’s Best Practices Virginia Department of Education December 13, 2012. 2012-2013 Video Streaming Training Sessions for Career and Technical Education (CTE) Administrators. Agenda Welcome - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PowerPoint Presentation

Career Clusters and Academic and Career Plans of Study: Virginias Best Practices

Virginia Department of Education

December 13, 2012

12012-2013 Video Streaming Training Sessions for Career and Technical Education (CTE) AdministratorsAgendaWelcomeAnne Rowe, Coordinator for Curriculum and InstructionOffice of Career and Technical Education Services

Career Clusters and Academic and Career Plans of StudyAnne RoweJoseph Wharff, School Counseling Career ConnectionsSpecialist, Office of Career and Technical Education Services

Wrap Up and AnnouncementsJoseph Wharff


2012-2013 Video Streaming Training Sessions for Career and Technical Education (CTE) Administrators

Training Session Outline

A New Vision for Career and Technical EducationDefining Career Clusters and PathwaysDefining Plans of StudyDeveloping Academic and Career Plans of StudyPlans of Study ChecklistCareer Development Resources


44The Changing U.S. Workforce Professional20%Professional20%Source: Pathways to Prosperity, Harvard, February 2011

55According to the Pathways to Prosperity Report produced by Harvard University in February 2011, The message is clear - in 21st century America, education beyond high school is the passport to the American Dream. But how much and what kind of post-secondary education is really needed to prosper in the new American economy? Career Clusters can be used to help more students access pathways that lead to viable careers.

6System has transformed over time to meet the needs of industry, our economy and our employers.

Today meeting these needs looks very different than those early days of the federal investment. It looks very different than it did just 10 years ago.


7Acknowledge global economy Greater connection to employersAll need to be college and career ready Data driven and Career Clusters7What are Career Clusters?Career Clusters are groupings of occupations and industries that are used for:

Organizing curriculum design, and

Career counseling and guidance.

8Groupings based on commonalities8

16 Career Clusters

Agriculture, Food & Natural ResourcesArchitecture & ConstructionArts, A/V Technology & CommunicationsBusiness Management & AdministrationEducation & TrainingFinanceGovernment & Public AdministrationHealth Science


16 Career Clusters

Hospitality & TourismHuman ServicesInformation TechnologyLaw, Public Safety, Corrections & SecurityManufacturingMarketingScience, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM)Transportation, Distribution & Logistics

10Refer to Nathans Handout10What Do Career Clusters Do?Organize academic and technical knowledge and skills into a coherent sequenceIdentify pathways from secondary to postsecondary educationProvide a framework for seamless educationProvide instructional support for rigorous academic teaching and learning

1111What Do Career Clusters Do?(Continued)Provide alignment of academic and technical skills with workplace readiness skillsProvide opportunities to involve parents, business and industry, and the school communityProvide the development of effective plans of study that are based on career assessments

1212Career Clusters: Multi-FacetedHigh Schools can be organized around career clusters to prepare students to meet the demands of postsecondary education and the expectations of employers.

School Counselors can use career clusters to help students explore options for the future.

1313Career Clusters: Multi-FacetedStudents can use career clusters to investigate a wide range of career choices. Clusters make it easier for students to understand the relevance of their required courses and help them select their elective courses more wisely.

Parents, Educators, and Business and Industry can use career clusters as a foundation for decision-making.

141479 Career PathwaysWithin each career cluster, there are multiple career pathways that represent a common set of skills and knowledge, both academic and technical, necessary to pursue a full range of career opportunities within that pathway ranging from entry level to management, including technical and professional career specialties.

Based on the skills sets taught, all CTE courses are aligned with one or more career clusters and career pathways.

15Knowledge & Skills (K & S)The foundational principle of career clusters/ pathways is that a set of knowledge and skills are shared with other occupations in a pathway and other pathways in a cluster:

Cluster Level academic and technical skills and knowledge for all pathways within a cluster

Pathway Level academic and technical skills and knowledge within each pathway

Career Specialties - full range of career opportunities within each pathway

The cluster level knowledge and skills are correlated with Workplace Readiness Skills for the Commonwealth.

1616Finance Plans of Study9121110Cluster Knowledge and Skills1314151616+GradeSecurities and InvestmentsPathway K & SSpecific Skill Preparation May ContinueAdult Education Entry and Exit PointsCourtesy of Benson Consulting July 2007Banking Services Pathway K & SBusiness Finance Pathway K & SInsurance Pathway K & SAccounting Pathway K & S17Career Cluster Programs/Plans of StudyThe Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006 requires career cluster/pathway programs of study to expand connections between secondary and postsecondary education through the development and implementation of programs of study.

1818Career Cluster Programs/Plans of Study (Continued)According to the Act, programs of study must:Incorporate secondary education and post-secondary education elements;

Include academic and career and technical content in a coordinated, non-duplicative progression of courses;

Lead to an industry-recognized credential or certificate at the postsecondary level, or an associate or bachelors degree; and

Include the opportunity for secondary education students to participate in dual or concurrent enrollment programs or other ways to acquire postsecondary education credits.

19Credentials Handout in Packet

Refer to Handout2008 Supts. memo on dual enrollment agreement in VA19

Career cluster organizer of knowledge and skills needed by a broad industryCareer pathway organizer of knowledge and skills statements shared by professionsPlans of study sequence of instruction that prepares individuals for careers

SUMMARY 2020The Finance Cluster prepares students for careers in financial and investment planning, banking, insurance, and business financial management. Every sector of the economy offers a job in this career. Many career opportunities require specialized skills in organization, time management, customer service, and communication.

Developing Academic and Career Plans of Study 2121Pathways:

Securities and InvestmentsBusiness FinanceAccountingInsuranceBanking Services

Finance 2222

23Academic and Career Plan (ACP)Beginning with the 2013-2014 academic year, all schools shall begin development of a personal Academic and Career Plan for each seventh-grade student with completion by the fall of the students eighth-grade year.

Source: Regulations Establishing Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia (SOA)8 VAC 20-131-140: College and career preparation programs and opportunities for postsecondary credit. 24Academic and Career Plan (ACP)Shall include, but not be limited to:

The students program of study for high school graduation that is aligned with a postsecondary career pathway and/or college entrance;

Postsecondary career pathway based on students academic and career interests;

Shall be signed by the student, students parent or guardian, and school official(s) designated by the principal;

25Academic and Career Plan (ACP) (Continued)The school shall have met its obligation for parental involvement if it makes a good faith effort to notify the parent or guardian of the responsibility for the development and approval of the Plan;

Shall be included in the students record; and

Shall be reviewed and updated before the student enters the ninth and eleventh grades.

26Plans of Study (POS) and Academic and Career Plans (ACP)POS and ACP interchangeableCareer Clusters and Sample Plans of Study- Guidelines for Academic and Career Plans- Technical Assistance Document-

27Academic and Career Plans of StudyChecklistCareer Clusters Web page

Plans of Study Checklist is located on each of the 16 Career Cluster pages


Plans of Study Checklist2929Plans of Study Checklist, continued

30Plans of Study Checklist, continued

31Virginia Career VIEW-

Virginia Education

Career Development Resources32R U Ready? ResourcesYouth Appealing magazinePromotes Career Preparation through PathwaysPDF Version on the CTE Home PageOnline and in printTargeted Audience: Sophomores in High SchoolPlans for Life After High SchoolOpportunities in High SchoolParents GuideTeachers Guide



35Career Clusters in VirginiaAll CTE courses are aligned with one or more career clusters and career pathways within those clusters based on the skills sets taught in the class.

VERSO is now organized by Career Clusters and Pathways (

Career cluster and pathway alignments are listed in: the Administrative Planning Guide (, the Career Planning Guide (, andThe Career and Technical Education Reporting System (CTERS) Users Manual (

36Note: Nathan will provide an illustration36January Video Steaming SessionSession 9The 2013-2014 CTE Local Plan and Budget SubmissionBroadcast: January 31, 2013, at 1:30 p.m.37Evaluation of Todays SessionPlease give your feedback on todays session by accessing the online evaluation link at


Contact InformationVirginia Department of EducationOffice of Career and Technical Education Services

Anne RoweCoordinator, Curriculum and Instruction

Joseph WharffSpecialist, School Counseling Career Connections

[email protected]