captain jeans and the quest for keith - chapter two

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Post on 09-Apr-2018




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  • 8/8/2019 Captain Jeans and the Quest for Keith - Chapter Two


    Chapter Two

    The Quest Begins

    This is not going well...In the absolute panic some poor

    fellow got caught up in the rigging and his head flew off

    in a red spurt of rope based unpleasantness. At last we are

    in open water. I need to take stock of what has just


    Finally found my sea legs. I have spent the last 24 hours

    violently barfing. This would not have looked good to the

    crew so I blamed it on Juicy Bob's cooking. I was informed

    during one of my less pukesome moments that it was the

    First Mate Jim who had got caught up in the rigging during

    our hasty departure. The crew tried to revive him but the

    absence of a head of any sort had made the whole exercise a

    messy and fruitless one. Salty Pete has also sustained an

    injury...he was shot in the leg during his escape from gaol.

    We are charting slow progress indeed. Our average speed is

    around 10knots. I'm not quite sure what that means but it

    sounds at bit, well, naff! Our destination is the Rock of

    Gibraltar as that was the last known sighting of Keith. He

    was spotted by a gaggle of Nuns swimming naked in the sea -

    Keith that is, not the Nuns!

    The infinite ocean, the ceaseless groaning of timber, the

    ghostly howl of the wind...all of these things fill myheart with a desperate loneliness. God I'm bored. I have

    tried conversing with my ship mates but I don't know what

    they're on about most of the time. So, I bark the

    occasional order and strut about the deck like I know what

    I'm doing, then return to my quarters and wallow in the

    darkness that envelopes my soul.

    Day four of our journey and Salty Pete's leg wound is

    beginning to emit a ominous funk reminiscent of rancid dog

    cheese. Alric the Huge (carpenter and surgeon) has begun

    sharpening his tools and staring at Pete with gruesomeanticipation.

    Unbeknown to me it seems with have another crew member, a

    cat no less. I did verily admonish the crew for such a

    lapse in security until one of the crew (George I think he

    is called) informed me that said beast was there to kill

    the rats that would otherwise nibble at our supplies. I

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    thanked him for his candor then had him immediately

    flogged. I know he was right but I am the Captain and if my

    position aboard this vessel means nothing else it is to be

    the ligaments that hold the muscle and bone of this ship

    together. On a related note, to distract the crew from my

    ignorance I have given Alric permission to hack Salty

    Pete's gangrenous leg off.

    Discipline has reached an all time low.Questionable Bob has

    obviously got into the rum again as he is running about the

    ship dressed only in a ladies bra spouting the most obscene

    obscenities that even Satan would be a bit embarrassed

    about. Thankfully none of our mothers are here to witness

    this. What are we going to do with him at this early hour?

    Salty Pete did not take too kindly to having his leg cut

    off. Usually we would have filled him with rum before the

    "operation" but after Questionable Bob's antics we were

    forced to sit on him while Alric hacked away. Christ, the

    screams, poor bastard! When it was over we tried to calm

    him down with a spray tan, we had heard of "beauty therapy"

    but it turned out to be a contradiction in terms and made

    matters worse. He seemed to relax and fall into a quivering

    unconsciousness.There was much debate upon what we should

    with the severed limb.Some of the crew thought we should

    cook it and eat it,some thought we should hoist it on the

    main sail as a warning to our enemies.In the end I had to

    put my foot down(which is something Salty Pete will never

    do again without falling over)and commanded the offendinglimb be thrown overboard.

    Nothing much to report. Heading steadily south, moral is as

    high as is to be expected, oh and a Seagull shat in

    Amille's beard.

    The Sailing Master, while fiddling in the rigging (that's

    rather a good name for a sea shanty methinks) noticed

    something drifting in the waters to the west.On closer

    inspection it would appear to be a small boat. I was unable

    to spy any signs of life on board but I have instructed thecrew to head toward the stricken vessel. Even if it be

    unmanned it may contain plunder to be, err, plundered.

    We arrived at the mysterious craft much sooner than any of

    us had expected. Maybe the trade winds had caught us or as

    some of the more superstitious members of the crew

    suggested, Satan's gut pipes had blown us toward that

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    desolate vessel with all the vigour that only a million

    undigested souls, festering in Lucifer's hellish bum hole

    could muster.

    Whatever force drove us here has surely negated our efforts

    by ramming us into the very launch we had journeyed to


    All is not lost. We have managed to pluck two female women

    from the debris and from what I've heard most of the crew

    haven't plucked a woman for ages!

    We are heading to the nearest harbour (Viana do Castelo on

    the Portuguese cost). Well obviously its on the coast,

    its the only practical place to have them. The two women

    we have rescued are in a sorry state indeed. It would have

    been ungallant of us not to afford them safe passage.

    The first soggy woman to be hauled on board was a putrid

    hag so encrusted with gnarly warts that we at first mistook

    her for a lump of heavily barnacled debris. She gave off an

    aura of sweet death and an aroma of rancid life...very


    The second was the most exquisitely mountable creature I

    have ever laid eyes upon and, indeed,did yearn to lay hands

    upon.Her ebony hair cascades gently around a face as soft

    and flagrant as a fairys fart.Her shapely bossom hung

    serenely from her frame like two nesting flesh puddings.Her

    hips had a shapely litheness like the wisp of smoke from aswan's cigar,but still...the strength to bare an elephant!

    We have laid anchor in the Minho estuary by the town of

    Caminha. The river marks the boarder of Spain and Portual

    so according to our Quartermaster we are in International

    waters and still under the jurisdiction of Her Majesty.

    What this means in practical terms we shall soon discover...

    I have fallen in love with the most divine creature that

    God has ever locked his bedroom door and had a private

    moment to himself about. Her name is Maria. Damn! I have animportant mission abound and must not be distracted by such

    vaginosities. I have already felt the cold and bitter

    slivers of envy at the way she looks at him.

    My sweet Maria was rescued with her mother and I have spent

    most of my time trying to quell the heebiejeebies that the

    rancid old bitch has unleashed upon my vessel. It would

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    seem that in my absence our Quartermaster Doomsford

    Blackheart has been exhibiting his manhood. I am hoping

    that means doing press ups and shit, maybe tying a

    particularly impressive knot.

    She was delivered to me by fate and it seems fate shall

    take her away. This fleeting glimpse. I was duty bound as a

    Captain and a gentleman to send her to safety. I put

    together the finest fellowship that did ever man a rollock

    and watched the them debark with a heavy heart. The boat

    steadily grew fainter. Every stroke of the oars like a

    dagger in my heart.

    I couldnt let her go. I gathered the rest of the crew and

    launched the secondary row boat thing. A dark mist closed

    around us like an endless past. I was avast in an ocean of

    time.Every second lost from her was an eternity of


    So, she guided me to shore and the crew rejoiced at the

    simple pleasures of a nice hot pie and a brief venture into

    the local whores. Its good for moral and hopefully we will

    have more interesting topics of conversation than hows

    she holding? and full sail ahead! and loads of other

    boaty things. Its all they seem to talk about!