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for more information on the property ‘Villa Solar Observatory’:

ESTATE OWNER_ damecuta srl, via mendola 21, 39100 bolzano, italyINFORMATION_ [email protected]; [email protected]_ studio arch. massimiliano fuksas in collaboration arch. gennaro della rocca

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architect _massimiliano fuksasintroduction _general overview _Capri: image of a dream _Anacapri: a place of exceptional treasureshistory _the Solar Observatory of Damecutaproject _keyplan of the villas _plot 1 // the ‘casa del Professore’ & the ‘Torre dei sogni’ _plot 2 // the ‘casa degli Scienziati’ _plot 3 // mediacentre & guest room _plot 4 // the water room & suite with the underground sauna _plot 5 // hammam or the house of the blue grotto _plot 6 // Persico’s House _plot 7 // atelier - studio _plot 8 // the ‘Garden’s Heart’materials _local architecture & restorationfurnishing _observatory museum pieces and fifties furniture design

The excellence of a building project is based exclusivelyon the respect of nature and the people who live it.

[massimiliano fuksas]


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Born in Rome 1944 of Lithuanian background, Massimiliano Fuksas graduated in architecture from the Sapienza University of Rome in 1969.

Fuksas set up a studio in Rome in 1967, followed by one in Paris 1989. He opened a studio in Shenzhen, China, in 2008.

One of the leaders of the contemporary architectural scene since the 1980s. He has held the position of visiting professor at several universities,

such as the École Spéciale d’Architecture in Paris, the Akademie der Bildenen Künste in Vienna, the Staatliche Akademia der Bildenen Künste in Stuttgart and Columbia University in New York.

Between 1998 and 2000, he was the director of the 7th International Architecture Exhibition in Venice.

His awards and acknowledgements include: 1999 Grand Prix National d’architecture Francaise, in Paris, France; Honorary member of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA), London, UK

and the American Institute of Architects (AIA), Washington D.C., USA.

He has served on the board of directors of the Institut Francais d’Architeture (IFA), Paris, France, and on the Berlin board of urban planning, Germany.

Their main projects include: National Archives of France in France; Tbilisi Public Service Hall in Georgia; Hotel Management School Georges – Frêche in France, Centre Palatino in Turin, Lyon Confluence in Lyon; Admirant Entrance Building in Netherlands;

18. Septemberplein in Netherlands; Peres Peace House in Israel; St. Paolo Church in Italy; MyZeil in Germany; Armani Fifth Avenue in USA; Mainz Markthäuser 11-13 in Germany;

Armani Ginza Tower in Japan; New Milan Trade Fair in Milan, Italy; Ferrari Headquarters and Research Centre in Italy;

Armani Chater House in China; Twin Towers in Austria;

Work in progress: Shenzhen Bao’ an International Airport, Terminal 3 in China; Flagship Benetton in Italy;

New Rome Convetion Centre in Italy; Rhike Park in Georgia;


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“Vorrei che tutti guardassimo il mare, il tramonto camminando sui tetti sinuosi delle nostre case.

Vorrei che la casa fosse un luogo protetto e aperto verso l’orizzonte, con il caldo del camino, perché - anche l’inverno la casa è una casa – e di giorno la forte luce dell’ Isola di Capri immersa nel Mediterraneo

sia filtrata ma non nasconda troppo i cieli alti, tersi, di un azzurro simile al colore dei ghiacciai.

Ma non si tratta del freddo, anzi, di un caldo e di un tepore che ci prepara alla lungastagione della luce che va oltre i confini del giorno. In altre parole vorrei che questo angolo di

Capri fosse per il piacere dell’esistenza, la voglia di incontrare gli altri e quella di una felice solitudine.

Camminare a piedi, lunghe passeggiate per andare dove pochi altri vanno, ma sicuramente per dividere il tempo insieme verso la visione del domani.

Geografia e paesaggio sono l’essenza del progetto, l’architettura ne accompagnerà soltanto i suggerimenti.”

Il nostro intervento si propone di riqualificare una delle aree piu’ naturali di Capri partendo dal completo recupero dell’ area dell’ Osservatorio Astronomico Damecuta attraverso il riutilizzo di alcuni edifici ormai in disuso cercando di interpretarli con una visione strategica, complessiva e puntuale nel contesto, con un linguaggio che assume carattere di assoluta contemporaneità nella reinterpretazione di caratteristiche più che di caratteri, di volume come massa più che del costruito tipicamente caprese.La maggior fonte di ricchezza dell’ isola di Capri resta il paesaggio e il progetto punta sulla capacità di porre il costruito al centro di una strategia in cui il territorio sia l’elemento primario, infatti le costruzioni preesistenti si sviluppano in relazione all’ ambiente naturale che si intende conservare senza interventi che modifichino l’andamento del terreno.

L’intervento riguarda la riqualificazione di un vecchio complesso astronomico situato in Anacapri, nell’isola di Capri (NA). I volumi sono inseriti all’interno di un parco del quale verranno rispettate le essenze e valorizzati gli spazi comuni. I padiglioni esistenti verranno restaurati e riconvertiti per attività residenziali o per attività legate agli spazi comuni, in particolare i lotti ospiteranno:

plot 1 // the ‘Casa del Professore’ & the ‘Torre dei Sogni’plot 2 // the ‘Casa degli Scienziati’plot 3 // mediacentre & guest roomplot 4 // the water room & suite with the underground saunaplot 5 // hammam or the house of the blue grottoplot 6 // Persico’s houseplot 7 // atelier - studio plot 8 // the ‘Garden’s Heart’

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Scrivere oggi di Capri, quando se n’è scritto all’infinito e in tutte le lingue; parlare di quest’isola, definita la più bella fra tutte le bellezze del creato; parlare degli uomini di primissimo piano che vi sono approdati per pochi giorni, o per mesi, o per restarvi tutta la vita e che, ammaliati dal suo fascino, hanno fatta diventare il salotto culturale ed esteta del mondo; parlare dell’indole dei suoi abitanti, gentili e tenaci lavoratori, ha, oggi, il solo significato di trascrivere il vissuto umano di un secolo e mezzo di storia, in base alle testimonianze di migliaia di scrittori.

I moderni vacanzieri che approdano oggi, restano a bocca aperta davanti al profilo dell’isola e alla coloratissime casette di Ma-rina Grande, la celebre piazzetta “il salotto del mondo”, o alle spiagge. I turisti di oggi sono affascinati dal paesaggio o dal canto delle sirene come i primi visitatori del ‘700 e specialmente dell’800, che hanno creato il mito del celebre scoglio.

Questa, che Norman Douglas definì “La terra delle Sirene”, offre dei vividi colori e il sogno della sua immagine. Le sue verdi pendici sono state immortalate, alla fine del ‘700, dal tedesco Jacob Philipp Hackert e, nella prima metà dell’800, dal nostro Giacinto Gigante. A loro fece seguito, per tutto l’800 e la prima metà del ‘900 una generazione di pittori che hanno amato e valorizzato l’isola, e che rispondono ai nomi di Witting, Carelli, Lanza, La Volpe, Smargiassi, De Gregorio, Casciaro, Diefenbach, Migliaro, Coleman, Pratella, Viti e tanti altri i cui dipinti abbelliscono le sale del Museo Nazionale di Capodimonte e il Museo Nazionale di San Martino.A metà ‘800 arriva a Capri la fotografia e materializza il sogno dell’isola in bianco e nero, moltiplicandola all’infinito e diffonden-dola in tutto il mondo: James Gralham, Robert Rive, Giorgio Sommer e poi i nostri Alinari e Brogi. L’isola viene fotografata in tutti i suoi angoli, fotografano la vita dei pescatori e dei contadini, i matrimoni, le feste di piazza e l’architettura delle case. Pittori, scultori, poeti, musicisti, intellettuali, scienziati, politici, e poi, regnanti, principi, sceicchi, nobili: tutti sono rimasti ammaliati dalla bellezza dolce e nello stesso tempo aspra dell’isola e dalla cortesia dei suoi abitanti.

Capri è stata sempre sinonimo di trasgressione e di eccentricità. Anche in epoca più vicina a noi, mettere il piede nell’isola, non si sa perché, metteva addosso un’euforia, una voglia di distinguersi dagli altri con qualcosa di originale, di unico, per la sola gioia di stupire.Negli anni sessanta, settanta, molti camminavano scalzi perché Jacqueline Kennedy aveva lanciato questa moda, nonostante l’isola fosse famosa nel mondo per i suoi sandali di corda, chiamati appunto “capresi” Si sfoggiavano le toilette più stravaganti, i gioielli più vistosi; era molto chic per le signore portare in testa una paglia a grandi falde e, sotto di essa, un foulard. Si faceva l’alba nelle ville private e a gara a chi organizzava la festa più spettacolare. Le signore uscivano sempre in lungo la sera, mentre i loro accompagnatori sfoggiavano elegantissime camicie e pantaloni scuri.

Ogni epoca ha avuto i suoi personaggi, rimasti nella memoria per la loro simpatia, per la loro classe ed anche per le loro stra-nezze.Chi non si ricorda l’epoca “Mare Moda”, la bella manifestazione che si svolgeva nel chiostro della Certosa di San Giacomo e che vedeva i più grandi sarti di tutto il mondo presentare, in scenografie meravigliose, i costumi e i vestiti estivi che da Capri inondavano il mondo? Chi può dimenticare i mantelli da gran sera, dal taglio impeccabile, del grande sarto, il marchese Emilio Pucci? O i copricostume coloratissimi e gli originali accessori del grande amico Livio De Simone? Erano inconfondibili per essere dipinti a mano, per l’accostamento dei colori e per il gusto del loro creatore.

Capri è sempre li, con i suoi paradisiaci panorami e basta allontanarsi dalle strade del centro, prendere la via di una qualsiasi delle sue romantiche passeggiate per trovarti a tu per tu con la natura, bearti dei profumi delle fiori e delle erbe selvatiche o dei gelsomini, di cui è impregnata l’aria.Il suo mare è sempre azzurro; il tramonto inonda di luce ramata il monte Solaro e Villa Iovis; i gabbiani danno la buona notte agli abitanti dell’isola con le loro stridenti urla, quasi umane, volteggiando da una roccia all’altra. E la luna, quando si affaccia inondando d’argento lo specchio d’acqua della Piccola Marina, costituisce sempre uno degli spettacoli più belli che occhio umano abbia mai visto.

_vista panoramica_i faraglioni di Capri, sono tre picchi rocciosi posizionati a sud-est dell’isola, famosi in tutto il mondo


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Also known as ‘Capri di sopra’ (high Capri), the name that the Greeks gave to this ancient town, has long since been a refuge for the Elite trying to escape the

summer hoards arriving daily from the mainland to the town of Capri, whereas the serene haven of Anacapri, just a view kilometers to the west, remains more

peaceful and untouched; which is why Anacapri has been chosen as the place where many fashion designers, architects

and film-makers have decided to make their home.



One of the twelve palaces built on the island by the Roman Emperor Tiberius and said to be his favourite summer residence owing to the magnificent views of the Gulf of Naples

as well as the refreshing breezes from the neighbouring Solara mountain.A private shortcut from the Damecuta Villa leading directly to the Blue Grotto was created during

Tiberius’ time here. All these privileges including the unobstructed view of majestic Vesuvius and the Amalfi coast with its twinkling evening lights will become the owners’ and their guests’.

villa solar observatory


Dating back to the time of Romans the spectacular blue grotto is the island’s most characteristic gem. Archeological evidence shows us that it was the emperor Tiberius who used it as it’s personal ‘ninfeo’.

The Blue Grotto is one of the world’s biggest marine grottoes, and definitely the most famous! The name comes from the particular way in which the refracted rays of the sun hit the water

and cause myriad azure reflections.

this ancient town, has long since been a refuge for the Elite trying to escape the summer hoards arriving daily from the mainland to the town of Capri, whereas

the serene haven of Anacapri, just a view kilometers to the west, remains more peaceful and untouched; which is why Anacapri has been chosen

as the place where many fashion designers, architects and film-makers have decided to make their home.

A private shortcut from the Damecuta Villa leading directly to the Blue Grotto was created during Tiberius’ time here. All these privileges including the unobstructed view of majestic Vesuvius and the

Amalfi coast with its twinkling evening lights will become the owners’ and their guests’.

villa solar observatory




Amalfi Coast

The observatory villas are located on the most strategic and fascinating area of the well known island of Capri. Situated directly above the Blue Grotto, in fact the address is Via Grotta Azzurra no. 1, the sprawling estate covers more then 1,5 hectares of even terrain a feature seldom found on the island. This spectacular part of Anacapri was chosen by the emperor Tiberius for his summer palace and also by the leading scientists and astronomers of the 1950’s observatory for its unobstructed and incomparable views of the Ischia and Procida Islands, Vesuvius, the Gulf of Naples and the Amalfi coast, a vista spanning over 180°.

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Capri is famous for the beauty of its flora which converts the isle into a paradise on earth.There is much more however that contributes to make it into one of the most beautiful places in the world; its unique history that goes back to Roman times.

_panoramic view of the damecuta estate05

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Also known as ‘Capri di sopra’ (high Capri), the name that the Greeks gave to this ancient town, has long since been a refuge for the Elite trying to escape the summer hoards arriving daily from the mainland to the town of Capri, whereas the serene haven of Anacapri, just a view kilometers to the west, remains more peaceful and untouched; which is why Anacapri has been chosen as the place where many fashion designers, architects and film-makers have decided to make their home.


One of the twelve palaces built on the island by the Roman Emperor Tiberius and said to be his favourite summer residence owing to the magnificent views of the Gulf of Naples as well as the refreshing breezes from the neighbouring Solara mountain.A private shortcut from the Damecuta Villa leading directly to the Blue Grotto was created during Tiberius’ time here. All these privileges including the unobstructed view of majestic Vesuvius and the Amalfi coast with its twinkling evening lights will become the owners’ and their guests’.


One of the world’s biggest marine grottoes, and definitely the most famous!Situated in the middle of Anacapri coastline , between “punta del Arcera” and the “bagni di Tiberio”, also very closed to the natural rock formed swimming pools and their celebrated seafood restaurants - il Riccio and il Nettuno. The name comes from the particular way in which the refracted rays of the sun hit the water and cause myriad azure reflections.The entrance to the grotto is so small, only one meter high, that in order to enter one must lay flat in a small fishing boot, and pull in the oars, or, if you are lucky enough to live close by, you can swim directly into it.Below the surface of the entrance, a natural window has been formed whereby the rays of the sun enter and are filtered by the water: some colors of the spectrum are absorbed by the water, but the blue and green pass through creating a natural illumi-nation phenomenon, which changes according to every wave.


_Grotta Azzurra, una delle attrazioni più famose dell’Isola di Capri

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The internationally acclaimed journal SKY AND TELESCOPE published a special issue on the solar observatory of Anacapri in its may 1966 edition.The dome less solar refractor was built in the mid-fifties by Carl Zeiss the renowned “camera and lens manufacturer” based on the researches and b developments of Professor Karl Otto Kiepenheuer, founder of The Frauenhofer Institute, former West Germany.In order to avoid image deterioration caused by heat flow around the telescope the objective was placed more than 20 meters above ground level, the direct affect of ground convection ware thus eliminated.Two tubes and two mountings to house the telescope were constructed, the outer protected against wind and weather while the inner carried the optical telescope independently.

Known on Capri as ‘the German observatory’ since it was founded by the astrophysicist Karl Otto von Kiepenheuer, who was commissioned by the German government to find the optimum geographic location for solar observation as well as to create the most visionary and technical design for a telescope at that time.

Construction began in the mid-fifties with the biggest names in the burgeoning industrial market of technical innovators - Sie-mens and Leitz at the forefront.

Leitz supplied all of the observation equipment in particular the telescopic lenses and Siemens (as pioneers of computer technology) provided all of the observatory’s computer hardware which at that time were as bis as an entire room in fact, all the countries newspapers were filled with descriptions of Herculean efforts to transport parts to the observartory by several special trains and then boats to the island.

La stazione per l’osservazione del sole dotata di un telescopio Zeiss e di uno spettrografo di alta risoluzione.

Il telescopio era stato disegnato per la latitudine di Anacapri.Nel complesso la strumentazione fù considerata la migliore in Europa.


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The panoramic view across the Golf of Naples to the volcano Vesuvius.

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Sulle rovine della dimora romana, nel Medioevo, fu costruita una torre di vedetta che affaccia sul mare e nel XIX secolo fu fortificata la zona circostante.Oggi risplende come casa degli scienziati e biblioteca dei vini.

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The observatory villas are located on the most strategic and fascinating area of the well known island of Capri.Situated directly above the Blue Grotto, in fact the address is Via Grotta Azzurra no. 1, the sprawling estate covers more then 1,5 hectares of even terrain a feature seldom found on the island.This spectacular part of Anacapri was chosen by the emperor Tiberius for his summer palace and also by the leading scientists and astronomers of the 1950’s observatory for its unobstructed and incomparable views which remain to this day.

Easily accessible by all kinds of transport, there is even an officially recognized Heliport at the main entrance where you can also find parking, service and security offices.Apart from this main entrance there are another three, more private gates which bring you to the 11 different buildings: The former custodian’s house, also called ‘Persico’s House” and the neighbouring studio will become two guest houses with sufficient space and facilities for anyone who stays on the property and appreciates some autonomy from the estate, whilst still being connected to the other buildings and residents through the ‘Garden’s Heart’.Situated on the promontory of the Estate, all the other buildings, each with spectacular views of the Ischia and Procida Islands, Vesuvius, the Gulf of Naples and the Amalfi coast, a vista spanning over 180°.

From the West and surrounded by majestic pines, the former Professor’s House, further to the East, the group of buildings formerly used by the scientists composed of the ‘Torre de Sogni’ , the ‘Casa dei Scienziati’ , the .......and the suite with its own Turkish bath and the independent ‘Water-Room’.Just a few steps away, the former telescope building, on top of which remains the original Domeless Solar Refractor, the most famous telescope of the time.

The existing original machinery and complete furnishings of the building represent an ideal setting for an innovative Mediacenter which still echoes the bygone scientific era.Still on the promontory and cut from the cliffs, the Turkish bath or Hamman, with its direct view to the see and outdoor rooftop relaxation area.

VEDUTA AEREA isola di capri _villa osservatorio solare Anacapri


grotta azzurrathe professors

the house of the scientist

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KEYPLAN isola di capri _ villa osservatorio astronomico Anacapri



Persico’s HouseAtelier - Studio

Fitness room

The Professor’s House

The Garden’s Heart

Hammam or the “Casa della Grotta Azzurra”

Mediacentre & Guest Room

The Waterroom

Suite with Turkish Bath

The “Torre dei Sogni”

The “Casa degli Scienziati”

Service area

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The island of Capri boasts an exceptional abundance of flora, not only the typical plants of the Mediterranean but all the world’s plantlife thrives here. The most predominant characteristic of the Estate is the ancient woodland, full of majestic Pines with there striking canopies, as well as towering Cypresses, heavily laden citrus trees, Olive tree groves, Almond blossoms, Fig trees, Broom bushes and more. Growing in the dappled shade of the trees, a carpet of wild herbs and myriad flowers, the scents and colors of which transform every season. Stacked stone walls dating back to the Greco-roman period, survive to this day, acting as terraces which were used to separate sections of the garden; specifically for fruit, vegetables, herbs and above all the vines, here in Capri Viticulture was originated by the Greek and Romans. Upon arriving at the Estate the romantic arbours of the existing vines create a natural roof above the open living spaces.

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SCHEMA VERDE ESITENTE isola di capri _ villa osservatorio astronomico Anacapri


Ulivo Pino Mandorlo Ginestra Carrubo Cactus













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A timeless dream: getting away from everyday life to immerse oneself in a reality still to discover.

The house of the professor is a villa with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen, dining room and a big living room

opening into an outside space with ‘pergola’ from where on can see the island of Ischia. Characteristic of this building is the arched rault in the silting room.

Beautiful glass doors open up into the garden, this permitting a fusion of inside - outside.


concept e schizzo

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piantascala 1:100

MEASUREMENTS _INSIDE UNITbedroom 27.28 m²second bedroom 16.47 m²connection 14.00 m²bathroom 8.20 m² second bathroom 6.49 m²toilet 3.37 m²kitchen 11.73 m²tv room 17.33 m²living room 18.00 m²dining room 12.06 m²total surface 134.93 m²

FEATURES:2 bedrooms3 bathrooms1 tv room1 living room1 dining room

MEASUREMENTS _OUTSIDE UNITpergolato 17.42 m²arched arcade 11.93 m²pavement 61.5 m²total surface 35.50 m²

ESSENZE ARBOREE olivo / sorba / quercia / oleandro / cipresso / pino / mirto / cespuglio /carrubo fabacea / mandorlo







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sezione aascala 1:100

sezione bbscala 1:100


prospetto sud

prospetto nord

prospetto ovest

prospetto est

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Front view of the professor’s house with a panoramic view of the isle of Ischia.

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Inside view of the professor’s house with a view of the surrounding areas and the mediterranean sea


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Architecutre is a science of manifold knowledge whos work pertains to all arts.


The house of scientists comprehends various buidlings:the villa, the tower of dreams and the suite with the turkish bath.


concept e schizzo

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piantascala 1:100


living areas / connection / bedroom / bathroom


turkish bath / bedroom / bathroom


the tower of dreams

MEASUREMENTS _INSIDE UNITliving room 22.55 m²corridor 6.23 m²kitchen 6.35 m²dining room 12.76 m²bedroom 17.73 m²bathroom 2.90 m² second bathroom 4.04 m²total surface 72.56 m²

MEASUREMENTS _OUTSIDE UNITpergolato 26.48 m²total surface 26.48 m²

MEASUREMENTS _INSIDE UNITbedroom 9.62 m²closet 3.59 m²turkish bath 9.62 m²bathroom 6.00 m²total surface 28.80 m²

MEASUREMENTS _INSIDE UNITground floor 7.13 m²first floor 3.12 m²total surface 10.25 m²



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MEASUREMENTS _INSIDE UNITliving room 22.55 m²corridor 6.23 m²kitchen 6.35 m²dining room 12.76 m²bedroom 17.73 m²bathroom 2.90 m² second bathroom 4.04 m²total surface 72.56 m²

FEATURES:1 bedroom2 bathrooms1 dining room1 kitchen1 living room

MEASUREMENTS _OUTSIDE UNITpergolato 26.48 m²total surface 26.48 m²

ESSENZE ARBOREE olivo / mandorlo / quercia / pino / cespugliocipresso / oleandro /

THE HOUSE OF THE SCIENTISTSThe main villa includes a bedroom, a kitchen, a dining room and a living area divided into two smaller spaces; all at it enclosing an open space with a pergola made of chestnut.

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25Front view of the house of scientists

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pianta quota +0.00scala 1:50

pianta quota -2.55scala 1:50

THE HOUSE OF THE SCIENTISTS _SUITE WITH BATHROOMa bedroom with one suite bathroom and a small secret underground: a turkish bath


closet 3.59 m²turkish bath 9.62 m²

bathroom 6.00 m²total surface 28.80 m²

FEATURES:1 bedroom

1 closet1 turkish bath

1 bathroom

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Inside view of the house of scientists_the tower of dreams


L’architettura è una specie di oratoria della potenza per mezzo della forma. [friedrich nietzsche]

prospetto est

prospetto nord

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MEASUREMENTS _INSIDE UNITground floor 7.13 m²first floor 3.12 m²total surface 10.25 m²

FEATURES1 bedroom

THE HOUSE OF THE SCIENISTS _THE TOWER OF DREAMSThe original observatory is converted into a bedroom with a special characteristic, namely the blending of nature, industrial archaeology and man. Thanks to the mechanical opening of the roof the bedrooms opens up into the sky.


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Change of perspective.

The media room & guest room can be said to be the most characteristic and interesting part of the estate:

an astronomical observatory which is transformed into a guest room and a projection room and which by the keeping the flavor of its original destination,

becomes an important example of the recovery and reconversion of a bygone scientific and industrial era.

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pianta 1° pianoscala 1:100

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MEASUREMENTS _INSIDE UNITmedia room 25.10 m²projection room 32.00 m²total surface 57.10 m²

FEATURES1 media room1 projection room

MEASUREMENTS _INSIDE UNITbedroom 17.09 m²bathroom 6.07 m²total surface 23.16 m²

FEATURES1 bedroom 1 bathroom

ESSENZE ARBOREE olivo / quercia / pino / pittosforo / mirto a




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Inside view of the media room


What interests me most in the relationshiop between architecture and environment.[massimiliano fuksas]

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Exterior view of the media room _view of the astronomical observatory and the mirror of constellations.


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THE MIRROR OF THE CONSTELLATIONSThe pool, a mirror of water which juts aout to the sea, surrounded by nature and formed by natural rocks, becomes the place for all the residents of the astronomical observatory to relax while observing the specatular sunrices and sunsets.The form of the pool follows the morphology of the rocks. Built of natural stone and the same materialsd as the surroundig area, the pool’s border is level with the ground in order to create a sense of continuity with the surrounding landscape.





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existing rock

open-living room




media room & guest room

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Architecure is not an art form, since anything serving a purpose is excluded from the sphere of art.[adolf loos]

The house of water is built in stone, hiding in its interior a precious resting place, a water basin.



total surface 7.98 m²

FEATURES1 water basin

MEASUREMENTS _OUTSIDE UNITtotal surface 8.13 m²

ESSENZE ARBOREE olivo / mandorlo / quercia /

oleandro / cipresso



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An advanced and civilized way of living.

Variation 1 // Hammam, Built on the edge of the propertz over looking the sea, the hammam consists of a water basin and a bathroom.

The peculiarity of this building consists in its access: coming up through the surrounding gardens a stone staricase leads inside.

Variation 2 // The house of the blue grotto,built on the edge of the property overlooking the sea, the house includes a bedroom,

a livingroom, a small space for cooking and a bathroom.

MEASUREMENTS _INSIDE UNITwater basin 8.61 m²

bathroom 3.2 m² total surface11.81 m²

FEATURES1 water basin

1 bathroom



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MEASUREMENTS _INSIDE UNITbedroom/living room/cooking area 22.35 m²bathroom 3.00 m²total surface 25.35 m²

FEATURES1 bedroom/livingroom/cooking area1 bathroom




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Architecture is the skilful, rigorous and magnificent play between volume and light.[le corbusier]

The guest house consists of two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a big livingroom, a kitchen and open spaces covered by pergolas

that offer moments of relaxtion in the midst of a splendid natural setting.

The fitness room, a space to be used by all the guests of the estate, consists of a structure which allows for outdoor (under a pergola), as well as indoor activities

(a small building with big glass doors that permit the view of the surrounding garden).


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piantascala 1:100

MEASUREMENTS _INDOOR UNITdining room 13.70 m²kitchen 9.51 m²bedroom 15.81 m²bedroom 13.03 m²bathroom 4.95 m²bathroom 4.76 m²total surface 48.73 m²

FEATURES1 dining room1 kitchen 2 bedrooms2 bathrooms

MEASUREMENTS _OUTDOOR UNITpergola 99.67 m²total surface 99.67 m²

ESSENZE ARBOREE olivo / albicocco / quercia /mandorlo / mimosa /limone / fico / noce

MEASUREMENTS _INDOOR UNITfitness room 11.94 m²total surface 11.94 m²

MEASUREMENTS _OUTDOOR UNITsolarium 33.62 m²purement/terrace 18.69 m²total surface 52.31 m²


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prospetto nord

The interlaced or intertwined garden_outside area with a view of the guest house

prospetto sud

prospetto ovest

prospetto est45

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THE GARDEN’S HEARTA living area without walls, a space for coming together, right in the heart of the estate. Low, old stone walls divide separate living areas; a relaxing lounge, an outdoor dining room, a fire pit, and a wood fired oven, not to mention the open air bar and a huge decked area - perfect for enjoying dawns, dusks and the falling stars of the Capri sky. KEYPLAN _PLOT 6


MEASUREMENTS _OUTDOOR UNITbancone 36.00 m²bar 36.00 m²lounge 24.00 m²living area 48.00 m²relax 36.00 m²dance 72.00 m²privè 48.00 m²total surface 300.00 m²

FEATURES1 bancone1 bar1 lounge1 living area1 relax1 dance1 privè


c c



living area







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sezione bb

sezione aa

sezione cc


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Le ville sono costruite con materiali per la maggior parte di origine naturale e di produzione locale.

I materiali utilizzati sono di diversa natura, per i rivestimenti interni sia verticali che orizzontali verrà utilizzato un rivestimento in in-tonaco rustico. La muratura esterna degli edifici verrà riqualificata e i colori saranno di tonalità pastello light. La caratterizzazione degli intonaci storici,in particolare la conoscenza della natura dei materiali adottati e della loro provenienza non è solo importante dal punto di vista storico, archeologico e/o artistico ma riveste anche un ruolo fondamentale, nell’ottica di una progettazione d’intervento di restauro, compatibile con la situazione attuale degli edifici. L’identificazione del tipo di legante e del tipo di ag-gregato, oltre alla sua distribuzione granulometrica, è di fondamentale importanza nella scelta dei materiali idonei da impiegare per il restauro dei manufatti, intendendo, con il termine idonei, materiali con proprietà chimico-fisiche simili ai materiali originari e che siano in grado di riproporre gli effetti estetici dei materiali antichi.

La lavorazione ad intonaco rustico verrà estesa anche ai mobili in muratura con l’inserimento delle piastrelle capresi come ele-mento di decoro. Per la pavimentazione saranno utilizzati diversi materiali a seconda della destinazione d’uso, per gli esterni è prevista la posa di lastre di pietra locale oppure elementi in cotto in base al materiale preesistente, invece per gli interni un pavimento in resina oppure costituito da piastrelle di carattere caprese.


L’arredo proposto per questi edifici rispecchia in parte le caratteristiche dell’ isola e in parte si distacca completamente cercan-do di proiettarsi nell’ hi-tech con complementi di arredo dei grandi maestri dell’architettura.

Per quanto riguarda i rimandi verso l’architettura caprese ritroviamo le splendide ceramiche che diventano ornamento per i tavoli, per le sedute in muratura e le pavimentazioni.Invece per quello che riguarda l’arredo più moderno ritroviamo divani come l’ EXTRA WALL di PIERO LISSONI, ISLAND di PA-OLA LENTI, SWAN SOFA di ARNE JACOBSEN e PURE SOFA di TRIBU. Per le sedute sono stati scelte sempre di Jacobsen la famosa EGG, la CITE ARMCHAIR di JEAN PROUVE, la NEUTRA ARMCHAIR di TRIBU, la BKF e la SURF di PAOLA LENTI per gli esterni; inoltre vieneproposto oltre al set tavolo e sedie di SAARINEN anche tavolini bassi come quello di ISAMU NOGUCHI e quello di TRIBU. Per l’ area della piscina invece troviamo un sistema di arredo di GANDIA BLASCO che comprende daybed, lettini e puff chill. Per i corpi illuminanti sono stati scelti quelli di IGUZZINI e di EILEEN GRAY con la sua TUBE LIGHT.

che comprende daybed, lettini e puff chill. Per i