cappp full proposal form - conservation international · web viewupdated feasibility assessment (a...


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Page 1: CAPPP Full Proposal Form - Conservation International · Web viewUpdated feasibility assessment (a review of most recent feasibility assessment document to update with respect to

Conservation Agreement Private Partnership PlatformCall for proposals for site-based initiatives

1. Program overview

The Conservation Agreement Private Partnership Platform (CAPPP) is a five-year initiative (2014 – 2019) financed by the GEF’s Earth Fund through the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as Implementing Agency, and executed by the Conservation Stewards Program (CSP) at Conservation International (CI). The purpose of GEF Earth Fund platforms is to catalyze private sector participation in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem service maintenance. To do so, the CAPPP will fund the use of conservation agreements to establish effective partnerships between private sector actors and local communities or resource users who explicitly agree to achieve biodiversity conservation, reduce land/sea degradation, support climate regulation efforts, and promote sustainable natural resource management. The CAPPP will support site-based initiatives that engage the private sector in one or more of the three following ways:

i. Shape product-sourcing relationships between private sector companies and communities (for example, between coffee-farming communities and international coffee companies);

ii. Develop conservation partnerships that support compliance with corporate social and environmental responsibility commitments (for example when a mining company invests in a biodiversity offset by supporting community-based conservation); and,

iii. Build capacity of small- and medium-sized enterprises to promote community participation in product/service supply chains that benefit conservation and economic development (for example by investing in a community-based ecotourism venture).

The CAPPP goal is to protect at least 1 million hectares of high biodiversity areas, by supporting conservation agreements with at least 30 communities around the world and engaging at least 15 private sector partners. A principal metric of private sector engagement will be co-financing generated through one of the three forms of engagement described above.

2. Grantee eligibility criteria

Eligible grantees will include local, national and international NGOs interested in using conservation agreements to catalyze private sector participation in community-based conservation. These organizations will implement conservation agreements with local communities and land owners who can secure the conservation of high biodiversity areas or areas providing ecosystem services.

Successful applications will include clear and compelling justification for how conservation agreements will support institutional strategy and help ensure sustainability of results beyond the Platform’s implementation period.

Eligible partners must have a sound and tested financial and administrative system that will be assessed through the application process. In accordance with CI procedures, applicants must describe in detail their existing administrative and financial structures and how these structures will support effective and efficient implementation.

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3. Funding

CAPPP grants will be for up to 3 years and up to $250,000 (larger grants may be considered but will be subject to additional review and approval). Funding will support conservation agreements currently under implementation that have developed or are developing a relationship with the private sector. The implementation process of the conservation agreements should follow the steps and the requirements described in the Conservation Agreement Field Guide for Implementers (available at

4. Application process

To apply for a CAPPP grant for a site-based initiative, NGOs must submit the following documents:

CAPPP Project proposal (annex 1), reflecting model described in Conservation Agreement Field Guide for Implementers

Detailed budget (annex 2) and accompanying budget narrative Work plan (annex 3 template, separate excel sheet on All work plans

should describe the creation of long-term funding and long-term management plans. Updated feasibility assessment (a review of most recent feasibility assessment document to update

with respect to changes that may have taken place and revisit conclusions) Letter of support from communities involved in the conservation agreements, or other form of

documenting Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) Copy of conservation agreements under implementation, in the case of sites with existing

conservation agreements

5. Project selection criteria

To be selected, a project must meet the following criteria:

Proposal Maximum scoreThe project proposes valuable and measurable conservation outcomes 10There is a local resource owner or user who is interested in participating in the initiatives


There is a private sector partner identified or already working with the resource owner or user


There are clear long-term management and financial strategies in place 20CAPPP funding will be important to consolidate the project 10The budget required is adequate for the proposed activities 10The NGO has experience implementing conservation agreements 10The project offers a valuable learning experience 10Total 100

6. Selection process

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The proposal will be reviewed by the CSP team, who will send comments within 14 days after receiving the proposal. Based on the comments the grantee will send a revised proposal to be assessed by CSP using the CAPPP criteria. In some cases, additional evaluations may be required. If the proposal is declined, CSP team will notify the applicant, explaining the rationale. If it is approved, CSP will ask the grantee to complete the financial questionnaire for grant recipients and will prepare the grant agreement. Preparation of the grant agreement can be expected to take at least 3 weeks.

7. Proposal submission

Proposals and all accompanying documentation must be sent by email to [email protected].

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Project Title:Organization:

Organization Information

Organization InformationOrganization Legal NameOrganization short name or acronym if anyMailing AddressPhysical Address (if different from above)CountryTelephoneFaxWebsite address if anyE-mail Address – Separate multiple addresses with semicolonsOrganization type Local _____

Local organizations should be legally registered in the country of the proposed project and have an independent governing structure

International _____

Project description

Project title

Project Location – please include country, province/state, site, etc. If possible, include a map.Proposed grant start date (MM/YY)

Proposed grant end date (MM/YY)

Project Duration – approximate time period for the overall project, indicating when activities commenced if already ongoing, and time horizon for activities beyond proposed grant end date.Project Rationale - Describe the conservation need (key threats and/or important opportunities) your project aims to address and

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what would happen if this project is not implemented (max. 250 words)Brief description of the proposed conservation agreement (max. 250 words) Funding request amount – Enter the amount of funds (in US$) requested for this projectTotal project budget – Enter the total budget for this project from all funding sourcesCounterpart funding – Identify the amounts and sources of any other funding already secured, and other prospective funding, for this project (this will be a reporting requirement)In-kind contributions – Enter the amount of in-kind contributions from your organization and from counterparts to be directed to this project and explain how these have been calculated(this will be a reporting requirement)

Project team

Project lead contact – Provide the name and contact information for the person responsible for correspondence regarding this projectOrganization Chief Executive- Provide the name and contact information for the chief executive or person who is authorized to sign contracts on behalf of your organization.History and Mission Statement – Provide a brief description of your organization’s history and mission, including experience relevant to the proposed project.Year Organization EstablishedTotal Permanent StaffKey Project Staff - Include titles, roles and responsibilities, and percentage of time dedicated to project.Key Project Partners – List any other organizations, private sector partners, and agencies involved in the project and briefly describe their roles

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Implementing your conservation agreement

Project Approach - Describe the proposed strategy and actions of your project to implement the proposed conservation agreement. Include the expected results of the strategy and the expected results of the agreement implemented, particularly in relation to the threats and opportunities identified in the project rationale. Also include any potential risks you face in implementing this plan (max. 1,000 words).

Eligibility Questions

The CAPPP funds may not be used to directly fund government agency activities. In addition funds may not be used for the purchase of land, involuntary resettlement of people, or the alteration of any physical cultural property. If your proposed project involves any of these, the CAPPP is not in a position to fund your proposal. Where possible, you may revise your strategy to avoid these elements.

Do you represent, or is your organization controlled by, a government agency?

Yes ______

No ______

Do you plan to use any of the potential project funds to purchase land?

Yes ______

No ______

Does the project involve the removal or alteration of any physical cultural property (includes movable or immovable objects, sites, structures, and natural features and landscapes that have archeological, paleontological, historical, architectural, religious, aesthetic, or other cultural significance)?

Yes ______

No ______

Does the project involve the relocation of people or any other form of involuntary resettlement?

Yes ______

No ______

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Safeguard Policy Aspects

If the answer to one or more of the following questions is marked Yes, please summarize the potential impacts and how these might be avoided or mitigated. CAPPP may ask applicants for additional information and project documentation if the project has the potential to trigger Safeguard Policies.

Environmental assessment: Will the project have adverse impacts on the environment? If you answer yes, please provide additional information and a description of mitigating measures you will take.[ ] Yes[ ] NoNatural habitats and forests:Will the project cause or facilitate any significant loss or degradation of forests or other natural habitats? If you answer yes, please provide additional information and a description of mitigating measures you will take.[ ] Yes[ ] NoInvoluntary restrictions of access to resources:Will the project introduce or strengthen involuntary restrictions of access to resources? If you answer yes, please provide additional information and a description of mitigating measures you will take.[ ] Yes[ ] NoIndigenous peoples:Does the project plan to work in lands or territories traditionally owned, customarily used, or occupied by indigenous peoples? If you answer yes, please provide a brief description of planned activities in these lands or territories, any adverse impacts foreseen on these indigenous peoples an d any mitigating measures you will take.[ ] Yes[ ] NoPest management:Will the project involve use of herbicides, pesticides, insecticides or any other poison for the removal of invasive species? If you answer yes, please provide the name of the pesticide, herbicide, insecticide or poison you intend to use.[ ] Yes[ ] No

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Additional Information

Stakeholder Participation - Describe stakeholders important to your project and how you have involved them in your planning and implementation.

Private Sector Participation - Describe private sector actors important to your project and how they will be involved in the project financing and/or implementation. Proposals will be strengthened when accompanied by letters of support/commitment from private sector partners.

External Assumptions - Describe any important external factors that may affect your project during implementation and how you will mitigate these potential risks.

Long-term Sustainability/Replicability – Describe how the conservation agreement will continue or be replicated beyond the initial project. List the potential sources of funding that you identified during the feasibility analysis for financial sustainability.

Social Context – Describe the broad socio-economic context of, and local communities living in, the area of the proposed project. Describe how the project will work in this context and with the local communities, if relevant.

Additional Information – Please provide any additional information relevant to CAPPP’s evaluation of your project.

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Category Amount (in US$)Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

SalariesBenefitsProfessional servicesRent and StorageTelecommunicationsPostage and DeliverySuppliesFurniture and EquipmentMaintenanceTravelMeetings & EventsMiscellaneousSub-GrantsSubtotal Indirect cost (cannot exceed 10% of subtotal)1

Total Budget Requested from CAPPPCo-financing from other sources (cash)Co-financing from other sources (in kind)GRAND TOTAL

Budget Detail2

Salaries/Benefits Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TotalFull time employee #1

Part time employee #1


Professional Services Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TotalConsultantsAudit feesLegal Services

1 In budget narrative, please describe how IDC is calculated.2 Budget detail only requested for CAPPP funding, not expenses covered by other co-financing sources.

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Other Professional ServicesPrinting Services


Rent and Storage Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TotalRentStorage


Telecommunications Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TotalVoiceData


Supplies Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TotalOffice SuppliesField SuppliesSoftwareBooks and SubscriptionsHardware/Computer Supplies


Furniture and Equipment Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TotalFurniture and Equipment <$5,000Furniture and Equipment >$5,000MaterialsInfrastructureVehicles


Maintenance Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TotalFurniture and Equipment MaintenanceVehicle Maintenance

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Software MaintenanceComments

Travel Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TotalLodging, meals and incidentalsTravel insuranceAirfareLocal TransportationFuel


Meetings and Special Events

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Total

Meetings and Special Events Training


Miscellaneous Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TotalMiscellaneous Liability insuranceTaxes and licenses


Subgrants Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TotalSubgrant #1Subgrant #2


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 TotalSubtotalIndirect Cost (not to exceed 10%)TOTALComments

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Instructions: Please use this budget narrative template to provide justification for proposed project costs and how project costs are calculated. Please specify if the estimates are based on government-provided rates, grantee knowledge of the local market and/or historical payment records, quotes received from vendors, etc. Please clearly indicate the total for each category in the header ($Total).

1. COST INCREASE ASSUMPTIONSProvide explanation for any periodic cost increases applied to expenses throughout the budget, including but not limited to salary merit increases and inflation rates.

Example: Salary Merit Increase: Rate is budgeted as X% per year, consistent with local custom and to account for

annual inflation which has averaged X% over the previous X years. Inflation: Rate is budgeted as X% per year, based on the CPI-Urban average for the previous X years.

2. SALARIES ($Total)Provide detailed explanation of key personnel involved and the role/responsibilities in achieving project deliverables. Provide detailed explanation of salary for each salaried individual and level of effort budgeted for the project. Clearly indicate how the total salary per employee is derived.

Example: Program Expert: Responsible for Activities X, Y, Z. Position is budgeted as a full-time employee with effort

evenly allocated across each of the aforementioned Activities. Employee is paid $X per year, assumed as a 225 day working year.

Program Coordinator: Provides general administrative support across all activities. Position is estimated to work 10 days per activity (out of a possible full 225 day working year), at a rate of $X per day for a total of $X.

3. FRINGE ($Total)Provide detailed explanation of how fringe benefits are calculated and the type of cost input into the formula.

Example: Fringe Benefits are calculated as X% of base salary per employee. Fringe benefits include employer

contributions to social security, health insurance, retirement, paid leave, etc.

4. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ($Total)Provide detailed explanation of how contractual services are calculated. Provide explanation of process and policy for selecting professional services in excess of $5,000 (i.e., competitive bid, sole source justifications).

5. OCCUPANCY ($Total)Provide detailed explanation of how occupancy costs (rent, storage, building maintenance, etc.) are calculated.


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Provide detailed explanation of how telecommunication costs (office, etc.) are calculated.

7. SUPPLIES ($Total)Provide detailed explanation of how supplies costs are calculated. Provide explanation of process and policy for purchase of equipment in excess of USD $5,000 (i.e., competitive bid, sole source justifications).

8. FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT ($Total)Provide detailed explanation of how equipment and furniture costs are calculated. Provide explanation of process and policy for purchase of equipment in excess of USD $5,000 (i.e., competitive bid, sole source justifications).

9. MAINTENANCE ($TOTAL)Provide detailed explanation of how maintenance costs are calculated, including but not limited to furniture maintenance, equipment maintenance, software maintenance, and vehicle maintenance.

10. POSTAGE & DELIVERY ($TOTAL)Provide detailed explanation of how postage and delivery costs are calculated.

11. TRAVEL AND TRANSPORTATION COSTS ($Total)Provide detailed explanation of unit costs, number of units, and basis for the determination. Associate the expense to the appropriate project activity/objective/deliverable.

Example: Total travel is calculated at X number of trips, inclusive of Y number of individuals. Each trip contains $X

amount for airfare/train, $X amount for lodging, $X amount for meals & incidentals, and $X amount for local transportation for each individual. These rates are based on the US State Department per diem guidance.

12. OTHER AND MISCELLANEOUS DIRECT COSTS ($Total)Provide detailed explanation of how other direct costs not described in other sections are calculated. Provide detailed explanation of unit costs, number of units, and basis for the determination. Associate the expense to the appropriate project activity/objective/deliverable.

13. SUB-GRANTS ($Total)Provide detailed explanation of sub-grants are calculated and entity allocation amount. Provide explanation of process and policy for purchase of equipment in excess of USD $5,000 (i.e., competitive bid, sole source justifications).

14. INDIRECT COSTS ($Total)Provide detailed explanation of how indirect costs are calculated. If the project is funded by the USG then the grantee’s proposed Indirect Cost Rate must be based on a Negotiable Indirect Cost Rate Agreement known as NICRA approved by the grantee's cognizant agency. If the grantee has no approved NICRA then the indirect cost or overhead rate should be based on a documented methodology and should not exceed 10% of total direct costs. If the grantee has no documented methodology then all administrative/overhead costs should be direct charged.


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Explain any current or anticipated relationships, payments, arrangements, transactions, etc. with government officials and/or entities and how this is critical to the success of the project.