
Cancer NV DHAMTARI Presented by Sukhnandan Saw

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Page 1: Cancer


JNV DHAMTARI Presented by Sukhnandan Saw

Page 2: Cancer

INTRODUCTIONCancer is characterrized by uncontrolled growth and division of certain body ttissues, so forming a tumour.

It is more common in people between 40 to 60 years of age . It ia one of the chief killers todaay.

JNV DHAMTARI Presented by Sukhnandan Saw

Page 3: Cancer

Characteristics of cancer cell1. Cancers show uncontrolled mitotic divisions of cells causing

unorganised growth. 2. The rate of cell division is much higher than that of normal

cells.Ex. Gut linig divide after 36 hours.

3. Cancer cell lose the normal feedback controls that prevent excessive growth, so these cells grow much ore than the normal cells.

4. Due to uncontrolled growth and division of cells, a tumour( also called neoplasm which literally means new growth) is generally formed.

5. All tumours are not cancerous further, no tumour is formed in


JNV DHAMTARI Presented by Sukhnandan Saw

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6.These cells have less survival capability than the normal cells.

7.Cancer cells are far less adhesive than the normal cells so these generally wander through the tissues to cause cancerous growth in different parts of the body.

8.Most of these produce angiogenic facters which stimulate the growth of blood vessels to supply more nutrients required for cancer growth.

9.Cancer cells do not undergo differntiation.

10.Cancerr cells do not show contact inhibition.

11.These cells have high invasiveness.

12.In cancer cells, cytoskeletal structure like microtubules and microfilaments tend to be disorganised.

JNV DHAMTARI Presented by Sukhnandan Saw

Page 5: Cancer

Causes of cancerCancer is neither contagious nor hereditary disease.

Every living organism has some inactive cancerr causing genes called Proto-oncognes.

A physical or chemical agents mutate the Proto-oncognes into oncogenes.

1.Ionising radiation. 2.Physical irritants. 3.Chemical agents. 4.Biological agents.

JNV DHAMTARI Presented by Sukhnandan Saw

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1.Ionising radiation Cancer cause by X-rays, Gamma rays,Uv rays.

Skin Cancer , Leukemia etc

2.Physical irritants Certain food, and heat exposure.

Abdominal skin cancer and intestinal Cancer.

Tumor in Colon

Skin cancer

JNV DHAMTARI Presented by Sukhnandan Saw

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3.Chemical agents chemical Caffein, Polycyclic hydrocarbon, Heavy metals, Hormones testosterone, and estrogen

Chewing of beetles, Cigarette and cigartobacco smoking.

Chemical Benzpyrene and N-nitrosodimethylene

4. Biological agents Cervix cancer is caused by viruses.

Tumour causing virusesEx. Epstain Barr virus, Herpes simplex type-2 virus these are oncovirus.

JNV DHAMTARI Presented by Sukhnandan Saw

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Chromosomal changes in the genome of cancer cells




Deletion Reciprocaltranslocation

IsochromosomesInsertion Inversion


JNV DHAMTARI Presented by Sukhnandan Saw

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Nucleotide changes in the genome of cancer cells

Nucleotide Deletions

Nucleotide Insertions

Nucleotide Substitutions

JNV DHAMTARI Presented by Sukhnandan Saw

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Types of cancer1.On the basis of their location, tumours are

of three types


Tumors in Liver

JNV DHAMTARI Presented by Sukhnandan Saw

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2. On the basis of their spread, tumour is of two types.

a)Benign or Non-malignant tumour.

a)Malignant tumours.

JNV DHAMTARI Presented by Sukhnandan Saw

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Danger signals of Cancer 1. Presence of a perisistant tumour in lip, tongue ,breast.

2. Any wound with continuous bleeding.

3. Persistant indigestion.

4. Rapid change in appearance form and growth of some warts on the body

5. Any wound not healing for long time.

6. Persistant hoarseness in voice, or persistant coughing, or perrsistant difficulty in swallowing indicate throat cancer.

7. Unexpected loss of weight.

8. Excessive bleeding in the menses.

JNV DHAMTARI Presented by Sukhnandan Saw

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Diagnosis of cancer

1. Histologic and Cytologic methods

2. DNA probe analyses.

3. Tumour markers.

4. Endoscopy. A) Gastroscopy B) Laparoscopy

JNV DHAMTARI Presented by Sukhnandan Saw

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Therapy Radiation therapy

Hormonal therapy


Chemotherapy:- Mercaptopurine 6-AminopterinSadabahar (Catharanthus roseus) provide two anti-cancerous drugs.

Vincristin and Vinblastin which is use in leukemiaPhotoferin cure throat cancer.

JNV DHAMTARI Presented by Sukhnandan Saw

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Treating Cancers

Cancer treatments include drugs that can stop cancer cells from dividing.

JNV DHAMTARI Presented by Sukhnandan Saw

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Normal Cell Division

1. DNA is replicated properly.

2. Chemical signals start and stop the cell cycle.

3. Cells communicate with each other so they don’t become overcrowded.

Cancer Cells

1. Mutations occur in the DNA when it is replicated.

2. Chemical signals that start and stop the cell cycle are ignored.

3. Cells do not communicate with each other and tumors form.

JNV DHAMTARI Presented by Sukhnandan Saw

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