canadian national committee of union radio-scientifique

The National Research Council of Canada Canada’s Adhering Body to International Council for Science Canadian National Committee of Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale Dr. Frank S. Prato, CNC-URSI Chair Lawson Imaging SJHC, Room B5-004 268 Grosvenor Street London, ON Canada N6A 4V2 August 12 th , 2013 USRI Awards Committee URSI HQ, c/o INTEC, Ghent University Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium Re: Nomination of Dr. Lotfollah Shafai for the Booker Gold Medal Dear Chair of URSI Awards Committee I include the completed awards nomination form, the 5 page summary of Publications and Patents and Letters of support from Dr. Michel Clénet and Dr. Oigvir S. Jaya. It is my understanding that additional letters of support can be sent prior to September 9 th , 2013. Sincerely Yours, Frank S. Prato CNC-URSI Chair

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The National Research Council of Canada Canada’s Adhering Body to International Council for Science

Canadian National Committee of Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale

Dr. Frank S. Prato, CNC-URSI Chair

Lawson Imaging SJHC, Room B5-004 268 Grosvenor Street London, ON Canada

N6A 4V2 August 12th, 2013

USRI Awards Committee URSI HQ, c/o INTEC, Ghent University Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium Re: Nomination of Dr. Lotfollah Shafai for the Booker Gold Medal

Dear Chair of URSI Awards Committee

I include the completed awards nomination form, the 5 page summary of Publications and Patents and Letters of support from Dr. Michel Clénet and Dr. Oigvir S. Jaya. It is my understanding that additional letters of support can be sent prior to September 9th, 2013.

Sincerely Yours,

Frank S. Prato CNC-URSI Chair

Page 2: Canadian National Committee of Union Radio-Scientifique


Nomination Form for the URSIAwards

1. NAMEOFCANDIDATE: SHAFAI, LotfollahLast, First, Middle

PRESENTOCCUPATION:Position, OrganizationDistinguished Professor, Dept. of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of ManitobaCanada Research Chair in Applied Electromagnetics, Dept. of Electrical and ComputerEngineering, University of Manitoba .

BUSINESSADDRESS: Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University ofManitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3T 5V6 .

HOMEADDRESS:169 Red Moon Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, R3X OC4 .

BIRTHDATE:March 17, 1941 NATIONALITY:Canadian SEX:male - female(Underline the appropriate)

2. EDUCATION(Honorary degrees denoted by H)Educational InstitutionUniversity of TehranUniversity of TorontoUniversity of Toronto




3. PROPOSEDCITATION(not more than thirty words)For fundamental contributions to satellite terminal miniaturization, development of low-lossengineered conductors for high efficiency antennas and components, and virtual array conceptfor signal processing reflector antennas .

4. NOMINATOR:Dr. Frank Prato, President, Canadian URSI National Committee .ADDRESS:Lawson Health Research Institute, Nuc. Med. Dept., Room B5-004, St. Joseph'sHealth Centre, 268 Grosvenor Street, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 4V2 .PHONE: 1+5196466100 Ext 64140................ FAX:1+5196466205 .E-MAIL:[email protected] .

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5. PROFESSIONAL HISTORY - Present position first. Limit copy to this page.

From (year) I to (year) Name of Company/Institution Position and Responsibilities

2002 present University of Manitoba Canada Research Chair

2002 present University of Manitoba Distinguished Professor

1994 2002 University of Manitoba Professor

1989 1994 University of Manitoba industrial Research Chair

1987 1989 University of Manitoba Department Head

1985 1988 University of Manitoba Director, lnst. Tech. Develop.

1979 1985 Un ivers ity of Manitoba Professor

1973 1979 University of Manitoba Associate Professor

1970 1973 Un ivers ity of Manitoba Assistant Professor

1969 1970 Un ivers ity of Manitoba Sessional Lecturer

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The nominee has been recognized by many organizations for his contributions to antennatechnology and innovative designs. Some of these awards include:• Premier Award in Design Excellence, for design of Satellite Picoterminal, 1978.• University of Manitoba Award for outstanding research, 1984,87,89,91,99,2000,2004• Corporate Higher Education Award, from industry, for outstanding research 1993,94.• RH Institute Foundation Medal for research on electromagnetics and antennas (Highest

University of Manitoba Award for research excellence), 1998.• Association of Professional Engineers, "Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award" for

design of Ka-Band Picoterminal for European Space Agency, 1999.• Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce "Innovation ofthe Year Award" for design of Dual-band

Satellite Terminal for secure communication at 20/30 GHz, 1999.• IEEE Canada, Reginald A. Fessenden Medal, for "Outstand ing Contributions to

Telecommunications and Satellite Communications", 2003• Synergy Award from Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, for outstanding

antenna research with industry, 2003.• lEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, Chen- To- Tai Distingu ished Educator Award "For

contributions to antenna teaching and research by developing curriculum, numericaltechniques, establishing link between industry and university and its impact on studentsinternationally", 2009.

• Killam Prize in Engineering from Canada Council for research on applied electromagneticsand antennas, the most prestigious award in Canada, given by the Governor General, 2011.

• IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, John Kraus Award "For contribution to the designand understanding of small high efficiency feeds and terminals, wideband planar antennas,low loss engineering conductors and virtual array antennas", 2013.

7. PRINCIPAL PUBLICATIONS, PATENTS (Give list in annex - maximum 5 pages)Prefer items of sole responsibility, otherwise give joint names.

Mention only books and articles in referred international journals.

Identify the ten most significant contributi ons.


o Balthasar van der Pol Gold Medal

D John Howard Dellinger Gold Medal

D Appleton Prize

0' Booker Gold Medal

D Issac Koga Gold Medal

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9. ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT OF THE NOMINATION ofDr. Lot Shafai for the Booker Gold Medal:Or. Lot Shafai, over a 40 year career, has made a number of pioneering contributions to

telecommunications and related disciplines. Early in his career his work resulted in the design of thefirst generation satellite picoterminal for Canadian Hermes Satellite (see figure). Dr. Shafai'sinnovations in high efficiency feed design, and feed mounted receivers enhanced the antenna gain

and signal to noise ratio sufficiently to shrink the terminal size, for the first timebelow 2ft, ushering in a new era in satellite communications in the form of DirectBroadcast Satellite (DBS). It was used in 1977, in Peru, to broadcast "theCanadian Stanley Cup, final hockey game", live from Montreal, the first everdemonstration of an international OBS application. This terminal won "thePremier Award" for industrial design innovation in 1978. Later, Dr. Shafai also

designed the next generation picoterminals for European Space Agency, at 20/30 GHz, forbroad band satellite communications, winning two awards, "the Engineering Achievement Award",and "the Innovation of the Year Award". In addition, he has assisted his students to transform theirresearch results into pioneering industrial products. One of his students, while in the M.Sc. program,incorporated "Broadband Network Inc. ", to commercialize the first 30 GHz terrestrial link, and soldit three years later for $596M to Nortel Networks. Two other students (M.Sc. and Ph.D),incorporated Spectraworks to design and market a secure 20/30 broadband satellite link and sold ittwo years later for over $1OOM to Norsat International. Many other telecom companies started byhis students and their research, such as "NTG Clarity Network Inc. ", "IMT", and "Novra" areprospering and contributing to Canad ian and global business and connectivity.

Or. Shafai's contributions within the past six years, are even more significant. Two of whichinclude "development of low-loss engineered conductors", and "virtual antenna arrays usingreflectors". Since the invention of rad io by Marconi the communication systems and antennas havesuffered from the resistive loss of conductors, which limit their performance at microwavefrequencies and beyond, especially when miniaturized. The problem is even more severe atmillimetre wave (MMW) and terahertz (THz) bands. To solve these problems, Dr. Shafai hasdeveloped, for the first time, "Low-loss Engineered Conductors", which dramatically reduce theresistive losses of RF components and miniaturized antennas. The implications of this invention areenormous. Conductor losses no longer will limit antenna miniaturization, and RF componentefficiency. In addition, low-loss RF technology can now be extended into MMW and THz bands.

Or. Lot Shafai's virtual antenna array concept transforms a single reflector antenna into anarray, without adding new hardware. While a single antenna suffers from high noise and the lack ofsignal processing capability, the virtual array, so generated, eliminates both problems. It providesnoise cancelation and full signal processing capability for the reflector antenna, without increasingits size, cost and complexity. A real break though in RF engineering, with a real potential for aprofound impact in communication systems, remote sensing, imaging and radio astronomy.

His other innovations include microwave detection and disabling of land minds for UN peacekeeping forces and modelling of the arctic sea ice for investigation of global warming.

Or. Shafai's early research on satellite picoterminal enabled DBS technology, and broughtsatellite communication to small business and every household. His subsequent research on 30 GHzlinks resulted in wideband terrestrial and satellite systems that transformed Canadiancommunication technology, and improved worldwide connectivity. His recent research on low-lossconductors and virtual arrays will revolutionize the communication technology, and enable efficienthardware designs for MMW and THz bands. Dr. Lot Shafai is an ideal candidate for URSI BookerGold Medal.

r ••

Hermes SatelliteTerminal. in 1977.

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Principal Recent Publications and Patents


Books and book chapters (\7)Papers in Refereed Journals (291)Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings (632)Research Reports (94 )Patents (13)Ten recent most significant contributions are sbown in Bold: BI4, B13, J289, J287, J285, J28I, J266, J256, J252, JI89.

Books:17. S. Sharma, L. Shafai and S.K. Rao, 2013, "Handbook of Reflector Antennas and Feed Systems", Vo\., I, Ed., Artech House, Boston.16. L. Shafai, S. Sharma and S.K. Rao, 2013, "Handbook of Reflector Antennas and Feed Systems", Vol., 2, Ed., Artech House, Boston.15. S.K. Rao, L. Shafai and S. Sharma, 2013, "Handbook of Reflector Antennas and Feed Systems", Vol., 3, Ed., Artech House, Boston.14. L. Sbafai, Z.A. Pour and S. Sbarma, 2013, "Generalized Asymmetric Reflector Antenna Feeds for Polarization Control and Adaptive Virtnal Array

Design", cbapter 8 in "Handbook of Reflector Antennas and Feed systems", Vol. 2, Artecb House, Boston.L. Sbafai, Z.A. Pour and S. Latif, 2013, "Electrically Small Feeds", chapter 3 in "Handbook of Reflector Antennas and Feed systems", Vol. 2, ArtecbHouse, Boston.L. Shafai and S. Sharma, 2013, "Introduction", chapter I in "Handbook of Reflector Antennas and Feed systems", Vol. 2, Artech House, Boston.S. Sharma, Z.A. Pour and L. Shafai, 2013, "Reflector Antennas with Adaptive Apertures", Chapter 4 in "Handbook of Reflector Antennas and Feed systems",Vo\. I,Artech House, Boston.S. Sharma and L. Shafai, 2009, Invited, "Printed Antennas for Wireless Communications", Chapter 10, John Wiley, New York.A. Mohamed and L. Shafai, 2009, Invited, "Investigation on the Phase Centre of Ultra Wideband Monopole Antennas with Band-Stop Functions," Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 9, (UWB SP 9) Book, Springer 20 I0, pp. 213-220.L. Shafai and S. Noghanian, 2008, Invited, "Classical Wideband Antennas", chapter in "Modern Antenna Handbook", John Wiley, New York.L. Shafai, 2007, Invited, "Broadband Microstrip Antennas", Chapter 16, "Antenna Engineering Handbook", McGraw-Hill, New York.L. Shafai, 2003, "Dielectric Loaded Antennas", revised 2nd Edition, chapter in Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley, New York.L. Shafai, 1998, Invited, "Dielectric Loaded Antennas", chapter in Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Wiley, New York.L. Shafai with P.J.B. Clarricoats, A.D. Olver and A.A. Kishk, 1994, "Microwave Horn Antennas and Feeds", lEE Publications, London.A. Bhattacharyya, L. Shafai and R. Garg, 1991, "Microstrip Antenna, A Generalized Transmission line", Vol. 4, Chapter 2. Progress in ElectromagneticResearch, Elsevier Science Publ ishers.L. Shafai and A.A. Kishk, 1989, Invited, "Numerical design and evaluation of small primary feeds", Section 4.4, pp. 315-334, in Recent Advances in AntennaTheory and Design, Microwave Exhibitors and Publishers Ltd., London.

I. L. Shafai and A.A. Kishk, 1989, Invited, "Analysis of circular microstrip antennas", Chapter 2, Handbook of Micro strip Antennas, Peter Peregrinns, London.Patents:13.





L. Shafai with S.K. Sharma, B. Balaji, A. Damini and G. Haslam, 2007, "Multiple phase centre feedhorn for reflector antenna", US Patent 7180459,February.L. Shafai and C. Shafai, 2006, "Multiple Frequency Antenna", US Patent 7050004, May.L. Shafai, 1999, "Microstrip Line Fed Microstrip End-fire Antenna", US Patent 5896108, April.L. Shafai, 1993, "Directional Switched Beam Antenna", US Patent 19920429.L. Shafai, 1992, "Scanning Antenna" Canadian Patent 1,305,249, July.L. Shafai and P. Bhartia, 1992, "High Performance Dipole Feed for Reflector Antennas", Canadian Patent 1302559, June.L. Shafai, 1990, "Scanning Antenna", U.S. Patent 4947178, August.L. Shafai, A. A. Kishk, E. Bridges and A. Ittipiboon, 1987, "Paraboloid Reflector Antenna Feed Having a Flange with Tapered Corrugations", CanadianPatent 1224563, July.

5. L. Shafai, A.A. Kishk, E. Bridges, and A. Ittipiboon, 1986, "Corrugated Feeds with Profiled Corrugations", US Patent 4622559, November.4. L. Shafai, A. Ittipiboon & E. Bridges, 1986, "A Dielectric Rod Feed for Reflector Antennas", Canadia Patent, 1201199, February.3. A. Ittipiboon, L. Shafai & E. Bridges, 1986, "Waveguide with Dielectric Loaded Flange Antenna Feed", Canadian Patent, 1201802, March.2 A. Ittipiboon, L. Shafai & E. Bridges, 1985, "Waveguide with Dielectric Coated Flange Antenna Feed", US Patent 4,516,129, March.I. B. Azarbar and L. Shafai, 1982, "Array of Annular Slots excited by Radial Waveguide Modes", Canadian Patent 1136267, November.Recent Papers in Refereed Journals (1988 to 2013 only):289 S. I. Latif, L. Shafai and C. Shafai, 2013, "An Engineered Concoctor for gain and Efficiency Imprivement of Miniaturized Microstrip Antennas",

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. SS, Issue 2, pp. 77-90, April.A. Rashidian, L. Shafai, and D.M. K1ymyshyn, 2013, "Tall Microstrip Transmission Lines for Dielectric Resonator Antenna Applications", accepted forpublication, lET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, March.Z. Allahgholi Pour and L. Shafai, 2013, "Investigation of Virtual Array Antennas with Adaptive Element Locations and Polarization Using ParabolicReflector Antennas", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, VoI. 61, No. 2, pp. 688-699, February.M. Qudrat-E-Maula and L. Shafai, 2012 "Low-Cost, Microstrip-Fed Printed Dipole for Prime Focus Reflector Feed", IEEE Trans. on Antennas andPropagation, Vo\. 60, No. 11, pp. 5428-5433, November.A. Rashidian, L. Shafai and D. M. Klymyshyn, 2012, "Compact Wideband Multimode Dielectric Resonator Antennas Fed with Parallel StandingStrips", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, VoI. 60, No. 11, pp. 5021-5031, November.O.A. Nova, J.C. Boh6rquez, N.M. Pena, G.E. Bridges, L. Shafai and C. Shafai, 2012, "Design procedure ofa filter-antenna module implemented in SubstrateIntegrated Waveguide technology", accepted for publication, Springer Science & Business Media Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing Journal,lEEE-LASCAS20 11.Z. Allahgholi Pour and L. Shafai, 2012, "A Ring Choke Excited Compact Dual-mode Circular Waveguide Feed for Offset Reflector Antennas", IEEE Trans.on Antennas and Propagation, Vo\. 60, No. 6, pp. 3011-3015, June.Z. Allahgholi Pour and L. Shafai, 2012 "A Simplified Feed Model for Investigating the Cross Polarization Reduction in Circular- and Eliptical-Rim OffsetReflector Antennas", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vo\. 60, No. 3, pp. 1261-1268, March.A. Foroozesh and L. Shafai, 2012, "On the Characteristics of the Highly Directive Resonant Cavity Antenna Having Metal Strip GratingSuperstrate", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, VoI. 60, No. 1, pp. 78-91, January.M. Ostadrahimi, S. Noghanian and L. Shafai, 2012, "A Novel Antenna Design Technique Using Finite Element Method and Transmission Line Theory",Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 54, No. I, pp. 126-133, January.S.1. Latifand L. Shafai, 2012, "Circular polarization from dual-layer square-ring microstrip antennas", lET Journal on Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation,Vo\. 6, No. I, pp. 1-9.











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278. M. Ostadrahimi, P. Mojabi, S. Noghanian, J. LoVetri, and L. Shafai, 2011, "A Multiprobe-per-collector Modulated Scatterer Technique for MicrowaveTomography", IEEE Antennas and Wirelesss Propagation Letters, Vol. 10, pp. 1445 - 1448.

277. P. Mojabi, J. LoVetri and L. Shafai, 2011, "A Multiplicative Regularized Gauss-Newton Inversion for Shape and Location Reconstruction", IEEE Trans. onAntennas and Propagation, Vol. 59, No. 12 pp. 4790-4802, December.

276. D. Isleifson, 1. Jeffrey, L. Shafai, J. LoVetri and D.G. Barber, 2011, "An Efficient Scattered-Field Formulation for Objects in Layered Media using the FVTDMethod", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 59, No. 11, pp. 4162-4170, November.

275_ S.l. Latif and L. Shafai, 201 I, "Investigation on the EM-Coupled Stacked Square Ring Antennas with Ultra-Thin Spacing", IEEE Trans. on Antennasand Propagation, Vo159, No. 11, pp. 3978-3990, November.

274. A.M. Mehrabani and L. Shafai, 2011, "Effect of Air-Gap on Axial Ratio of Low Profile Spiral Antenna", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 53,No. 10, pp. 2422c2423, October.

273. S.L Latifand L. Shafai, 2011, "Pattern Equalization of Circular Patch Antennas using Different Substrate Permittivities and Ground Plane Sizes", IEEE Trans.on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 59, No. 10, pp. 3502-3511, October.

272. Z. Allahgholi Pour and L. Shafai 2011, "A Novel Impedance Matched Mode Generator for Excitation of the TE21 Mode in Compact Dual-mode CircularWaveguide Feeds", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 10, pp. 427-430.

271. O. A. Nova, J. C. Bohorquez, N. M. Pena, G. E. Bridges, L. Shafai, and C. Shafai, 2011, "Filter - Antenna Module Using Substrate Integrated WaveguideCavities", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 10, pp. 59-62.

270. A.M. Mehrabani and L. Shafai, 2011, "An Extremely Low-Profile Offset-Fed Curl Antenna Over an AMC Ground", Microwave and Optical TechnologyLetters, Vo153, No.5, pp. 1036-1041, May.

269. K. Kota and L. Shafai, 2011, "Gain and radiation pattern enhancement of balanced antipodal Vivaldi antenna", lET Electronics Letters, Vol. 47, No. 5, pp.303-304, March.

268. A. Foroozesh and L. Shafai, 2011, "Investigation into the Application of Artificial Magnetic Conductors to Bandwidth Broadening, Gain Enhancement andBeam Shaping of Low Profile and Conventional Monopole Antennas", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 59, No. I, pp. 4-20, January.

267. Z. Allahgholi Pour and L. Shafai, 2011, "Effect of Feed Phase Errors on the Crosspolarization of Offset Reflector Antennas", Microwave and OpticalTechnology Letters, Vol. 53, No. I, pp. 231-235, January.

266. S.l. Latif, L. Shafai and C. Shafai, 2011, "Gain and efficiency enhancement of compact and miniaturised microstrip antennas using multi-layeredlaminated conductors", lET Journal on Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 402-411, January.

265. A. Foroozesh and L. Shafai, 2010, "On the Analysis Methods and Reflection Phase Characteristics of an AMC/AEC Surface", IEEE Antennas and PropagationMagazine, Vol. 52, No. 5, pp. 71-90.

264. A. Foroozesh and L. Shafai, 2010, "Investigation into the Effects of the Reflection Phase Characteristics of Highly-Reflective Superstrates on Resonant CavityAntennas", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 58, No. 10, pp. 3392-3396, October.

263. Z. Allahgholi Pour and L. Shafai, 2010, "Investigation of Asymmetric Phase Errors of an Optimized Dual-Mode Primary Feed on the Cross Polarization ofOffset Reflector Antenna", IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 9, pp. 872-875, September.

262. D. Isleifson, B. Hwang, D.G. Barber, R.K. Scharien and L. Shafai, 2010, "C-Band Polarimetric Backscattering Signatures of Newly Formed Sea Ice DuringFall Freeze-up", IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 48, No. 8, pp. 3256-3267, August.

261. S.1. Latif and L. Shafai, 20 10, "Polarization and Resonant Characteristics of Gap Loaded Microstrip Square Ring Antennas", lET Journal on Microwaves,Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 733-742, June.

260. C. Gilmore, P. Mojabi, A. Zakaria, M. Ostadrahimi, C. Kaye, S. Noghanian, L. Shafai, S. Pistorius and J. LoVetri, 2010, "A Wideband MicrowaveTomography System with a Novel Frequency Selection Procedure", IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Eng., Vol. 57, No. 4, pp. 894-904, April.

259. A. Foroozesh and L. Shafai, 20 10, "Investigation into the Effects of the Patch-Type FSS Superstrate on the High-Gain Cavity Resonance Antenna Design",IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 258-270, February.

258. M. Ng Mou Kehn, and L. Shafai, 20 10, "Wideband Radiation Enhancement of Wave guide Arrays Operated as Feeds for Reflector Antennas Using Patch ArrayCover", Radio Science, Vol. 45, RS I006, doi: IO.1029/2008RS00396I , February.

257. M. Ostadrahimi, J. LoVetri, A. Zakaria, C. Kaye, S. Noghanian and L. Shafai, 2010, "Investigating a Double Layer Vivaldi Antenna Design for Fixed ArrayField Measurement", International Journal of Ultra Wideband Communications and Systems, IJUWBCS Special Issue, Vol. I,No. 4, pp. 282-290, Winter.

256. M. Ng Mou Kehn and L. Shafai, 2009, "Improved Matching of Waveguide Focal Plane Arrays using Patch Array Covers as Compared toConventional Dielectric Sheets", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 57, No. 10, Part 2, pp 3062-3076, October.

255. S.l. Latif and L. Shafai, 2009, "Polarization Characteristics of Multi-Band Loaded Microstrip Annular Ring Antennas", IEEE Trans. on Antennas andPropagation, Vol. 57, No. 9, pp. 2788-2793, September.

254. R.J. Galley, M. Trachtenberg, A. Langlois, D.G. Barber and L. Shafai, 2009, "Observations of geophysical and dielectric properties and ground penetratingradar signatures for discrimination of snow, sea ice and freshwater ice thickness", ELSEVIER Cold Regions Science and Technology, Vol. 57, No. I, pp. 29-38, June.

253. M. Ng Mou Kehn and L. Shafai, 2009, "Proper interpretation of source excitations for resolving ostensible excessive power gains of met am at eria I resonances",Electronics Letters, Vol. 45, No. 12, pp. 599-601, June.

252. M. Ng Mou Kehn and L. Shafai, 2009, "Characterization of Dense Focal Plane Array Feeds for Parabolic Reflectors in Achieving Closely-Overlapping or Widely-Separated Multiple Beams", Radio Science, Vol. 44, RS3014, doi:10.1029/2008RS003953, June.

251. M. Ng Mou Kehn, L. Shafai and S. Noghanian, 2009, "Permittivity Measurement of Disk and Annular Dielectric Samples using Coaxial Transmission-LineFixtures - Part II: Experimentation and Accuracy Analyses", Canadian Journal of Electrical & Computer Eng., Vol. 34, No. I, pp. 31-41, Winter/Spring.

250. M. Ng Mou Kehn, L. Shafai and S. Noghanian, 2009, "Permittivity Measurement of Disk and Annular Dielectric Samples using Coaxial Transmission-LineFixtures - Part I: Theory and Formulation", Canadian Journal of Electrical & Computer Eng., Vol. 34, No. I, pp. 21-29, Winter/Spring.

249. A. Foroozesh and L. Shafai, 2009, "Effects of Artificial Magnetic Conductors in the Design of Low-Profile High-Gain Planar Antennas With High-PermittivityDielectric Superstrate", IEEE Antennas & Wireless Prop. Letters, Vol. 8, pp. 10-13, March.

248. S.K. Sharma and L. Shafai, 2009, "Performance of a Novel 'I'-Shape Microstrip Patch Antenna With Wide-Bandwidth", IEEE Antennas and WirelessPropagation Letters, Vol. 8, pp. 468-471.

247. D. Isleifson, A. Langlois, D. Barber and L. Shafai, 2009, "C-Band Scatterometer Measurements of Multiyear Sea Ice before Fall Freeze-up in the CanadianArctic", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 47, No. I, pp. 1-11, January.

246. Z. Allahgholi Pour and L. Shafai, 2009, "Control of Phase Centre Location in Circular Microstrip Antennas Operating at TMll and TMo2 Modes" Microwaveand Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 51, No. I, pp. 166-169, January.

245. 1. Hossain, S. Noghanian, L. Shafai and S. Pistorius, 2008, "Design and Performance Investigation ofa Diamond-Shaped Compact Ultra-Wideband Antennafor Microwave Imaging" Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 50, No. 12, pp. 3255-3259, December.

244. A. Foroozesh, L. Shafai and M. Ng Mou Kehn, 2008, "Application of Polarization and Angular Dependent Artificial Ground Planes in Compact Planar High-Gain Antenna Design", Invited, Radio Science, Vol. 43, RS6S03, doi: 10.1029/2007RS003795, November.

243. SoS. Oh and L. Shafai, 2008, "Investigation into Polarization of Unloaded and Loaded Microstrip Square-Ring Antennas", IEEE Trans. on Antennas andPropagation, Vol. 56, No. 10, pp. 3129-3135, October.

242. L. Shafai and Z. Allahgholi Pour, 2008, "Displacement of Phase Centre Location in Circular Microstrip Antennas", Microwave and Optical TechnologyLetters, Vol. 50, No. \0, pp. 2531-2535, October.

241. A. Foroozesh, M. Ng Mou Kehn and L. Shafai, 2008, "Application of Artificial Ground Planes in Dual-Band Orthogonally-polarized Low-Profile High-GainPlanar Antenna Design", Progress in Electromagnetic Research, PIER 84, pp. 407-436.

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240. A. Foroozesh and L. Shafai, 2008, "Application of combined electric- and magnetic-conductor ground planes for antenna performance enhancement",Canadian Journal of Electrical & Computer Eng., Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 87-98, Spring.

239. A. Foroozesh and L. Shafai, 2008, "Wave Propagation in ID EBGs: Periodic Multilayer Films Consisting of Two Different Materials", IEEE Antennas andPropagation Magazine, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp. 175-182, April.

238. C. Shafai, S.K. Sharma, J. Yip, Leili Shafai, and L. Shafai, 2008, "Microstrip Delay Line Phase Shifter by Actuating Integrated Ground Plane Membranes",lET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 2, pp. 163-170, March.

237. M. Fallah-Rad and L. Shafai, 2007, "Gain Enhancement in Embedded Microstrip Antennas", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 50, No. 2, pp.269-271, December.

236. S.l. Latif and L. Shafai, 2007, "Hybrid perturbation scheme for wide angle circular polarization of stacked square-ring microstrip antennas", lET ElectronicsLetters, Vol. 43, No. 20, pp. 1065-1066, September.

235. F. Kaymaram and L. Shafai, 2007, "Enhancement of microstrip antenna directivity using double-superstrate configurations", Canadian Journal of Electrical &Computer Engineering, Vol. 32, No.2, pp. 77-82, Spring.

234. S-S. Oh and L. Shafai, 2007, "Compensated circuit with characteristics of lossless double negative materials and its application to array antennas", lETMicrowaves, Antennas and Propagation, Vol. I, No. I, pp. 29-38, February.

233. D. Qu, L. Shafai and A. Foroozesh, 2006, "Improving Microstrip Patch Antenna Performance Using EBG Substrates", lET Microwaves, Antennas andPropagation, Vol. 153, No. 6, pp. 558-563, December.

232. L. Shafai, S.K. Sharma, B. Balaji, A. Damini and G. Haslam, 2006, "Multiple Phase Center Performance of Reflector Antennas Using a Dual Mode Horn",IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 54, No. 11, pp 3407-3417, November.

231. S.1. Latif and L. Shafai, 2006, "Investigation on Probe-Fed Open-Ring Microstrip Antenna for Minaturization", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,Vol. 48, No. 11, pp. 2175-2179, November.

230. S-S. Oh and L. Shafai, 2006, "Beam-squint minimization in series-fed slotted waveguide array antennas using double negative materials", Microwave andOptical Technology Letters, Vol. 48, No. 9, pp. 1789-1792, September.

229. L. Shafai, S.K. Sharma, Leili Shafai, M. Daneshmand and P. Mousavi, 2006, "Phase Shift Bandwidth and Scan Range in Microstrip Arrays by the ElementFrequency Tuning", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 54, No. 5, pp. 1467-1473, May.

228. S-S. Oh and L. Shafai, 2006, "Antenna Miniaturization Using Open-Ring Microstrip Geometries", lEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 42, No. 9, pp. 500-502, March.227. B. Ghosh, N. Simons, L. Shafai, A. Ittipiboon, and A. Petosa, 2006, "Analysis of NRD based components and transitions using the TLM based modal

extraction approach", Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Vol. 31, No. I, pp. 15-24, Winter.226. S-S. Oh and L. Shafai, 2006, "Artificial Magnetic Conductor Using Split Ring Resonators and Its Application to Antennas" Microwave and Optical

Technology Letters, Vol. 48, No. 2, pp. 329-334, February.225. S.K. Sharma and L. Shafai, 2005, "Beam Focussing Properties of Circular Monopole Array Antenna on a Finite Ground Plane", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and

Propagation, Vol. 53, No. 10, pp. 3406-3409, October.224. K.Y. Sze and L. Shafai, 2005, "Numerical Analysis of Offset-Line-Source-Fed Microstrip Reflectarrays", Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer

Engineering, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 163-170, Summer.223. M. Fallah-Rad and L. Shafai, 2005, "Gain Enhancement in Linear and Circularly Polarized Microstrip Patch Antennas Using Shorted Metallic Patches", lEE

Proceedings on Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 152, No. 3, pp. 138-148, June.222. S.1. Latif, L. Shafai and S.K. Sharma, 2005, "Bandwidth Enhancement and Size Reduction of Microstrip Slot Antennas", IEEE Trans. On Antennas and

Propagation, Vol. 53, No. 3, pp. 994-1003, March.221. Gh.Z. Rafi and L. Shafai, 2004, "Broadband Microstrip Patch Antenna with V-Slot", lEE Proceedings on Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 151, No.

5, pp. 435-440, October.220. R. AI-Dahleh, C. Shafai, and L. Shafai, 2004, "Frequency-Agile Microstrip Patch Antenna Using a Reconfigurable MEMS Ground Plane", Microwave and

Optical Letters, Vol. 43, No. I, pp. 64-67, October.219. Gh.Z. Rafi and L. Shafai, 2004, "Low-Cross-Polarized Wideband V-Slot Microstrip Antenna", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 43, No. I, pp.

44-47, October.218. Gh.Z. Rafai and L. Shafai, 2004, "Wideband V-slotted Diamond Shape Microstrip Patch Antenna", lEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 40, No. 19, pp. 1166-1167,

September.217. S.K. Sharma and L. Shafai, 2004, "Investigations on Miniaturized Endfire Vertically Polarized Quasi-Fractal Log-Periodic Zigzag Antenna", IEEE Trans. on

Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 52, No. 8, pp. 1957-1962, August.216. A. Damini, B. Balaji, L. Shafai and G. Haslam, 2004, "Novel Multiple Phase Centre Reflector Antenna for GMTC Radar", lEE Proc. on Microwaves,

Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 151, No. 2, pp. 199-205, June.215. S.K. Sharma, L. Shafai and N. Jacob, 2004, "Investigation of Wide Band Microstrip Slot Antenna", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 52, No. 3,

March.214. C. Shafai, S.K. Sharma, L. Shafai and D.D. Chrusch, 2004, "Microstrip Phase Shifter Using Ground-Plane Reconfiguration", IEEE Trans. on Microwave

Theory and Techniques, Vol. 52, No. I, pp. 144-153, January.213. D.D. Chrusch, C. Shafai, L. Shafai and S.K. Sharma, 2003, "Corrugated copper membranes for use in reconfigurable ground plane antenna", Canadian Journal

of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Vol. 28. No. 3/4, pp. 99-104, July/October.212. A.A. Kishk and L. Shafai, 2003, "Small Reflector Antenna With Low Side Lobes", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 51, No. 10, pp. 2907-2912,

October.211. P. Mousavi, L. Shafai, B. Veidt, M. Daneshmand and P. Dewdney, 2003, "Characteristics and Design of the LAR Offset System with Feed-Reflector", IEEE

Trans. on Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 51, No. 7, pp. 1462-1475, July.210. M. Fallah-Rad and L. Shafai, 2003, "Mode Control in Microstrip Patch Antennas Using Ground-Plane Perforations", Microwave and Optical Technology

Letters, Vol. 37, No. 2, pp. 103-107, April.209. P. Mousavi, L. Shafai, B. Veidt and M. Daneshmand, 2003, "Gaussian beam analysis of large adaptive reflector antenna (LAR) using feed-reflector", lEE

Proceedings - Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 150, No. I, pp. 43-48, February.208. S. Noghanian and L. Shafai, 2003, "Analysis of dielectric-loaded annular slot array antenna", Canadian Journal of Electrical & Computer Eng., CJECE, Vol.

28, No. I, pp. 11-18, January.207. L. Shafai and M. Daneshmand, 2002, "Array Beam Scanning by Element Frequency Tuning", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 35, No. 6,

December.206. B. Ghosh, N.R.S. Simons, L. Shafai, A. Ittipiboon and A. Petosa, 2002, "TLM Based Modal Extraction Approach for the Investigation of Discontinuities in the

Rectangular Waveguide and the NRD", IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory & Techniques, MTT, Vol. 50, No. 10, pp. 2294-2304, October.205. F. Tavakkol-Hamedani, A. Tavakoli and L. Shafai, 2002, "Analysis of Finite-Micro strip Structures Using Surface Equivalence Principle and Multiple-Network

Theory (SEMN)", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 50, No. 8, pp. 1128-1137, August.204. K.Y. Sze and L. Shafai, 2002, "Phase properties of single layer patch arrays with applications to line source fed microstrip reflectarrays", lEE Proceedings-

Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 149, No. I, pp. 64-70, February.203, R. Bhalla and L. Shafai, 2002, "Resonance Behavior of Single U-Slot Microstrip Patch Antenna", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 32, No. 5,

pp. 333-335, March.202. S. Noghanian and L. Shafai, 2001, "Analysis of conducting ring and double layer dielectric loaded annular slot array antennas", lEE Proceedings -

Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 148, No. 5, pp. 327-333, October.

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P. Mousavi, L. Shafai, B. Veidt and P. Dewdney, 2001, "Feed-Reflector Design for Large Adaptive Reflector Antenna (LAR)", IEEE Transactions onAntennas & Propagation, Vol. 49, No. 8, pp. 1142-1154, August.K.Y. Sze and L. Shafai, 2001, "Hat-shaped patches for line-source-fed microstrip reflectarray", lEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 37, No. 15, pp. 937-939, July.J.E. Roy and L. Shafai, 200 I, "Generalization of the Ludwig-3 Definition for Linear Copolarization and Cross Polarization", IEEE Trans. On Antennas &Prop., Vol. 49, No. 6, June.D.P. Gray and L. Shafai, 2001, "Optirnisation ofa large diameter short backfire antenna by cavity juncture curvature", lEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 37, No. 11,pp. 675-676, May.D.P. Gray and L. Shafai, 2001, "Numerical study of wave guide end wall slot feed microstrip arrays", lEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 37, No. 11, pp. 673-675,May.S. Noghanian and L. Shafai, 200 I "Gain enhancement of annular slot antennas", lEE Proceedings - Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 148, No. 2,pp. I09-113, April.K.Y. Sze and L. Shafai, 2001, "Formulation for reflection coefficient phase of infinite periodic array of micro strip patches", lEE Electronics Letters, Vol. 37,No. 3, P 142, February.Q. Ye and L. Shafai, 2000, "Investigation of Projection Iterative Method in Solving MOM Matrix Equations in Electromagnetic Scattering", lEE Proceedings-Microwave, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 147, No. 6, pp. 445-450, December.L. Shafai, 2000, Invited, "Some Array Applications of the Curl Antenna", Electromagnetics, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp. 271-293, July-August.M. Clenet and L. Shafai, 2000, "Characteristics of a Conical Horn Loaded with Internal Metallic Objects", Canadian Journal of Electrical and ComputerEngineering, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 51-57, April.M. Clenet and L. Shafai, 2000, "Investigations on directivity improvement of wide flare angle conical horns using inserted metallic discs", lEE Proceedings -Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 147, No. 2, pp. 100-105, April.W. Chamma, N. Gupta and L. Shafai, 2000, "Dispersion Characteristics of Grooved Microstrip Line (GMSL)", IEEE Trans. on Microwave Theory andTechniques, Vol. 48, No.4, pp. 611-615,April.L. Shafai, W. Chamma, M. Barakat, P. Strickland and G. Seguin, 2000, "Dual-Band Dual-Polarized Perforated Microstrip Antennas for SARApplications," IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 48, No. I, pp. 58-66, January.A. Badawi, L. Shafai and A. Sebak, 1999, "Near Field Focusing Properties of Co-Linear Dipole Arrays", Canadian Journal of Electrical and ComputerEngineering, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 163-168, October.P. Mousavi and L. Shafai, 1999, "Characteristics of Single and Double Layer Microstrip Square Ring Antennas", IEEE Trans. on Antennas & Propagation,Vol. 47, No. 10, pp. 1633-1639, October.D.P. Gray and L. Shafai, 1999, "Numerical study of undercut cavity under triplate array element", Electronics Letters, Vol. 35, No. 19, pp. 1599-1600,September.D.P. Gray and L. Shafai, 1999, "Effect of 180' delay line on 16 x 16 EHF microstrip array", Electronics Letters, Vol. 35, No. 18, pp. 1499-150 I, September.M. Clenet and L. Shafai, 1999, "Wideband single layer microstrip antenna for array applications", Electronics Letters, Vol. 35, No. 16, pp. 1292-1293, August.M. Clenet, c.B. Ravipati and L. Shafai, 1999, "Bandwidth enhancement of U-slot microstrip antenna using a rectangular stacked patch", Microwave andOptical Technology Letters, Vol. 21, No. 6, pp. 393-395, June.M. Clenet and L. Shafai, 1999, "Multiple Resonances and Polarization ofa U-slot Patch Antenna", Electronics Letters, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 101-103, January.K.Y. Sze and L. Shafai, 1999, "Reflection Properties oflnfinite Periodic Arrays of Rectangular Conducting Patches", Can. Journal of Electrical & Comp. Eng.,Vol. 24, No. I, January.S. Noghanian and L. Shafai, 1998, "Control of Microstrip Antenna Radiation Characteristics by Ground Plane Size and Shape", lEE Proc., Part H, Vol. 145,No. 3, pp. 207-212, June.Q. Ye and L. Shafai, 1998, "Performance of Progressive Numerical Method and its Comparison with Modified Spatial Decomposition Technique in SolvingLarge Scattering Problems", lEE Proc. Part H, Microwave Antenna & Prop., Vol. 145, No. 2, pp. 169-173, April.N. Gupta, C. Babu and L. Shafai, 1998, "Characteristics of Microstrip Transmission Line on Grooved Dielectric Substrate", Microwave & Optical Tech.Letters, Vol. 17, No. I, pp. 55-57,January.H. Legay and L. Shafai, 1997, "A Self Matching Wideband Feed Network for Microstrip Phased Arrays", IEEE Trans. Antennas & Propag., Vol. 45, No. 4, pp.715-722, April.H. Legay and L. Shafai, 1997, "Planar Resonant Series Fed Arrays", IEEE Transactions on Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 144, No. 2, pp. 67-72, April.H.A. Ragheb, A. Sebak and L. Shafai, 1997, "Radiation from an Axial Slot on a Conducting Circular Cylinder with Reflector Wings", Journal ofElectromagnetic Waves & Applications, Vol. 11, pp. 65-76.J.E. Roy and L. Shafai, 1997, "Generalized Scattering Matrix and Symmetry Principles for Infinite Planar Structures", Canadian Journal of Physics, Vol. 75,pp. 413-431.H.A. Ragheb, A. Sebak and L. Shafai, 1997, "Cutoff Frequencies of Circular Waveguide Loaded with an Eccentric Dielectric Cylinder", lEE Proceedings ofMicrowaves, Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 144, No. I, pp. 7-12, February.H. Moheb, J. Shaker and L. Shafai, 1996, "Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Cavity-Backed Arbitrary Slot Antennas", Can. Journal of Physics,Vol. 74, No. 3 & 4, pp. 122-131, March and April.J.E. Roy and L. Shafai, 1996, "Reciprocal Circular Polarization Selective Surfaces", lEEE AP-S Magazine, Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 18-33, December.H.A. Ragheb, A. Sebak and L. Shafai, 1996, "Radiation by Axial Slots on a Dielectric-Coated Nonconfocal Conducting Elliptic Cylinder", lEE Proceedings ofMicrowaves, Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 143, No. 2, pp. 124-130, April.H.Legay and L. Shafai, 1995, "Analysis and Design of Circularly Polarized Series Fed Planar Subarrays", lEE Proceedings, Vol. 142, No. 2, pp. 173-177.R. Zhou and L. Shafai, 1995, "Directivity Enhancement of Layered Radomes", Canadian Journal ofPhys., Vol. 73, pp. 444-451.A. Sebak, H. Ragheb and L. Shafai, 1995, "Plane Wave Scattering by Dielectric Elliptic Cylinder Coated with Non-Confocal Dielectric", Radio Science, Vol.29, No. 6, pp. 1393-1403.X.H. Yang and L. Shafai, 1995, "Characteristics of Aperture Coupled Microstrip Antennas with Various Radiating Patches and Coupling Apertures", IEEETrans. Antennas & Propag., Vol. 43, No. I, pp. 72-78.X.H. Yang and L. Shafai, 1994, "Extension of the method of lines to unbounded regions by using coordinate transformation", IEEE Trans. G-MTT, Vol. 42,No. I, pp. 142-150.L. Shafai, 1994, Invited, "Design of multi-arm multi-mode spiral antennas for directional beams using equivalent array concept" , Electromagnetics, Vol. 14,No. 3-4, pp. 285-304.H. Legay and L. Shafai, 1994, "Parametric analysis of an EMC patch surrounded by parasitic elements", Archiv FUr Elek. UND UBERT. (AEU), Vol. 48, No.4, pp. 184-190.X.H. Yang and L. Shafai, 1994, "A full wave approach for the analysis of open planar waveguides with inite width dielectric layers and ground planes," IEEETrans. on Microwave Theory and Tech., Vol. 42, No. I, pp. 142-149.H. Legay and L. Shafai, 1994, "A new stacked microstrip antenna with large bandwidth and high gain," lEE Proceedings-H, Vol. 141, No. 3, pp. 199-204.H. Moheb and L. Shafai, 1994, "Integral equation formulation of radiation from rectangular waveguides and horns," INT. J. of Num. Modelling, Vol. 7, pp.155-166.A. Zhuang and L. Shafai, 1994, "Performance of the microstrip disk antenna with a shorting post," Can. J. Elect. Comp. Eng., Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 67-74.X.H. Yang and L. Shafai, 1993, "Antenna performance enhancement by slotting microstrip patches," Electronics Letters, Vol. 29, No. 18, pp. 1647-1649.X.H. Yang, L. Shafai and A.R. Sebak, 1993, "On the nature of wire grid modelling for numerical solutions ofelectromagentic problems," Can. J. of Physics,Vol. 71, No. 11-12, pp. 564-570.

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156. J. Shaker and L. Shafai, 1993, "A reduced angular sensitivity frequency selective surfaces," Electronics Letters, Vol. 29, No. 18, pp. 1655-1657.155. DJ. Roscoe, A. Ittipiboon, L. Shafai and M. Cuhaci, 1993, "Noise analysis of an integrated travelling wave antenna," Electonics Letters, Vol. 29, No. 6, pp.

544-545.154. Y. Lin and L. Shafai, 1993, "Characteristics of Annular Ring Patch Antennas Shorted at the Outer Periphery," AEO. Elect & Comp., Vol. 47, No. I, pp. 6-12.153. H. Moheb, L. Shafui, S. Mishra and C. Larose, 1992, "Theoritical and Experimental Investigation of Radar Scattering from Conducting and Dielectric Targets

in the Resonance Region", Can. Journal of Physics, Vol. 70, pp. 1244-1252, No. II & 12.152. X.H. Yang, L. Shafai and A. Sebak, 1992, "Efficient technique for analysis of multi-object scattering problems," Electronics Letters, Vol. 28, No. 15, pp. 1442-

1444.151. A. Asi and L. Shafai, 1992, "Dispersion analysis of omnisotropic inhomogeneous waveguides using compact 2D-FDTD," Electronics Letters, Vol. 28, No. 15,

pp. 1451-1452.150. H. Moheb, A. Helaly, A. Sebak and L. Shafai, 1992, Invited, "Phase centre analysis of planar array antenna application to microwave landing system", Can. J.

Elect. & Comp. Eng., Vol. 17, No., 3, p. 107-12.149. L. Shafai and H.A. Ragheb, 1992, Invited, "Element reduction in phased arrays using dual-mode self scanning elements", Can. J. Elect. & Comp. Eng., Vol.

17, No. 3, pp. 98-106.148. L. Shafai, A.A. Kishk and H. Moheb, 1991, Invited, "Multiple formulations for solution verification in numerical modeling of antenna analysis and design

problems", IEEE Trans. Antennas & Propag. Magazine, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 7-16.147. H. Moheb and L. Shafai, 1991, "Numerical solutions of integral equations for dielectric objects of prismatic shapes," IEEE Trans. Antennas & Propag., Vol.

39, No. 6, pp. 758-766.146. A. Helaly, A. Sebak and L. Shafai, 1991, "Scattering by a Buried Conducting Object of General Shape at Low Frequencies", lEE Proc., Part H, Vol. 138, No.

3, pp. 213-218.145. D.A.M. Eid and L. Shafai, 1991, "Synthesis of Line Source Feeds for Conical Reflectors and their Performance Using Dipole Arrays", Can. J. Physics, Vol.

69,N~6,p~ 702,711.144. H. Moheb and L. Shafai, 1991, Invited, "Numerical Field Modeling of Objects with Edges and Corners Using a Conformal Mapping", Computational

Electrom., Vol. 68, No. 1-3, pp. 95-126, November.143. A. Sebak and L. Shafai, 1991, Invited, "Generalized Solution for Electromagnetic Scattering by Elliptical Structures", Computational Electrom., Vol. 68, No.

1-3, pp. 315-331, November.142. A. Sebak, L. Shafai and H. Ragheb, 1991, "Electromagnetic Wave Scattering by a Two Layered Piece-wise Homogeneous Confocal Elliptic Cylinder", Radio

Science, Vol. 26, No. I, pp. 111-119, JanlFeb.141. H.A. Ragheb, L. Shafai and M. Harnid, 1990, "Plane wave scattering by a conducting elliptic cylinder coated by a con focal dielectric", IEEE Trans. on Ant. &

Propag., Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 218-223140. H. Moheb and L. Shafai, 1990, "A modal analysis method for bodies of arbitrary cross section for numerical computation", lEE part H., Microwave, Antennas

and Propagations, Vol. 137, No. 5, pp. 255-262, October139. H. Moheb and L. Shafai, 1990, "A numerical solution for conducting objects of arbitrary shapes", Can. J. of Physics, Vol. 68, No. 6, pp. 459-468, June.138. A. Sebak, L. Shafai and Y. Das, 1990, "Near-Zone Fields Scattered by Three-Dimensional Highly Conducting Permeable Objects in the Field of an Arbitrary

Loop", IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Vol. 29, No. I, pp. 9-16.137. A. Helaly, L. Shafai, and A. Sebak, 1990, "Low-Frequency Response ofa Buried Object in a Lossy Ground", Can. J. of Physics, Vol. 68, No. I, pp. 110-120.136. Y. Lin and L. Shafai, 1990, "Characteristics of Concentrically Shorted Circular Patch Microstrip Antennas", lEE Proceedings, Vol. 137, Pt. H., No., I,

February, pp 18-24.135. M.S.A. Sanad and L. Shafai, 1990, "Parabolic Cylindrical Surfaces Employed as a Line Source and Their Use for Illuminating Conical Reflectors", Can. J.

Elect. & Comp. Eng., Vol. 15, No. I, pp. 9-15134. M.S.A. Sanad and L. Shafai, 1990, "Dual Parabolic Cylindrical Reflectors Employed as a Compact Range", IEEE Trans. on Antennas & Propag., Vol. 38, No.

6, June, pp. 814-822.133. H.A. Ragheb and L. Shafai, 1990, "Analysis and Design of Arbitrary Shape Printed Line Microstrip Antennas", IEEE Trans. on Antennas & Propag., Vol. 38,

No. 2, February, pp. 269-274.132. K. Antoszkiewicz and L. Shafai, 1990, "Impedance Characteristics of Circular Microstrip Patches", IEEE Trans. on Antennas & Propag., VoI. 38, No. 6, June,

pp. 942-946.131. A. Sebak, and L. Shafai, 1989, "Scattering from Arbitrarily-Shaped Objects with Impedance Boundary Conditions", LEE Proceedings, Vol. 136, Pt. H, No. 5,

pp. 371-376.130. A.A. Kishk and L. Shafai, 1989, "Improvement of the Numerical Solution of Dielectric Bodies with High Permittivity", IEEE Trans. on Antennas and Propag.,

Vol. 37, No. 11, November, pp. 1486-1490.129. D. Roscoe, L. Shafai, and A. Ittipiboon, 1989, "Circularly Polarised Travelling-Wave Printed Line Antennas", Electronics Letters, Vol. 25, No. 20, 28th

September, pp. 1407-1408.128. A. Sebak and L. Shafai, 1989, "Scattering by a Two-Layer Spherical Dielectric Object in a Lossy Medium Illuminated by a Loop Carrying an Arbitrary

Azimuthal Mode", Can. J. of Physics, Vol. 67, No. 6, pp. 617-623.127. A. Helaly and L. Shafai, 1989, "Scattering by Two Concentric Spheres Using the Impedance Boundary Conditions on the Inner Surface", Can. J. Elect. &

Comp. Eng., Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 122-126.126. A.K. Bhattacharyya and L. Shafai, 1989, "The Effect of Mutual Coupling on the Input Impedance of Microstrip Arrays", Can J. Elect. & Comp. Eng., Vol. 14,

No. 3, pp. 117-120.125. M.Z. El-Gamal and L. Shafai, 1990, "Multiple Scattering and Scanning by Arrays of Anisotropic Cylinders", Can. J. Elect. & Comp. Eng., Vol. 15, No. 2, pp.

48-55.124. A.K. Bhattacharyya and L. Shafai, 1989, "Mutual Coupling Effects in Microstrip Arrays", Can. J. Elect. & Comp. Eng., Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 117-120.123. M.M. Aboelsaad, L. Shafai and M. Rashwan, 1989, "Numerical Assessment of Unipolar Corona Ionized Field Quantities Using the Finite-Element Method",

lEE Proc. Vol. 136, Pt A, No. 2, pp. 79-86.122. Y.M.M. Antar, A.A. Kishk, L. Shafai, and L.E. Alien, 1989, "Radar Backscattering from Partially Coated Targets with Axial Symmetry", IEEE Trans. on

Antennas & Propag., Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 564-567.121. M.M. Aboelsaad, L. Shafai and M. Rashwan, 1989, "An Improved Analytical Method for Computing Unipolar DC Corona Loss", lEE Proceedings Part A,

Physical Sciences, Vol. 136, No. I, pp. 33-40.120. G.E. Bridges and L. Shafai, 1989, "Plane Wave Coupling to Multiple Conductor Transmission Lines Above a Lossy Earth", IEEE Trans on Electromagnetic

Comp., Vol. EMC-31, No. I, February, pp. 21-33.119. A.A. Kishk and L. Shafai, 1988, "Optimization of Micro strip Feed Geometry for Prime Focus Reflector Antennas", IEEE Trans on Antennas and Propag., Vol.

AP-37, No. 4, pp. 445-451.118. H.A. Ragheb and L. Shafai, 1988, "Electromagnetic Scattering from a Dielectric Coated Elliptic Cylinder", Can. J. of Physics, Vol. 66, No. 12, pp. II 15-1122.117. M.Z. El-Garnal and L. Shafai, 1988, "Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves by Arrays of Ferrite Cylindrical Shells", Can. J. of Physics, Vol. 66, No. 12, pp.

1106-1114.116. M.S.A. Sanad and L. Shafai, 1988, " Generation of Elliptical Beams of an Arbitrary Beam Ellipticity and Low Cross-Polarization Using Offset Dual Parabolic

Cylindrical Reflectors", Can. Electrical Eng. 1., Vol. 13, No. 3-4, pp. 99-105.115. A. Sebak and L. Shafai, 1988, "Electromagnetic Scattering by Spheroidal Objects with Impedance Boundary Conditions at Axial Incidence", Radio Science,

Vol. 23, No. 6, pp. 1048-1060.

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RE: Nomination of Dr. Lotfollah Shafai for the URSI - Booker Gold Medal

Dear Selection Comm ittee:

On behalf of the University of Manitoba, I am pleased to provide this letter of support for Dr.Lotfollah Shafai, P.Eng., for the prestigious URSI - Booker Gold Medal. Dr. Shafai joined theDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Manitoba in 1970 andattained the rank of Professor in 1979. From 1989 to 1994, Or. Shafai held the position of IndustrialResearch Chair in Applied Electromagnetics of the Natural Sciences and Engineering ResearchCouncil (NSERC). Since 2001, he has been a Canada Research Chair in Applied Electromagnetics.

Dr. Shafai is one of the world's most innovative and outstanding antenna researchers and is,without doubt, Canada's leading expert in the field of applied electromagnetics and radiating systems.His work has led to new developments in antennas that are widely used by industries concerned withbroadband wireless and satellite communications. He pioneered the development of high performanceand miniaturized reflector antennas, and his research findings have been implemented in householdsatellite TV antennas throughout North America, Europe and the Far East. He has contributed to 17books, written over 915 refereed publications (289 papers in refereed journals and 628 papers inreferred conference proceedings) and holds 13 patents; remarkably, he is still at the peak of his career.

Dr. Shafai has received numerous national and international awards and honours from a varietyof scholarly and professional associations. He is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and ElectronicsEngineers (IEEE), a fellow the Royal Society of Canada, a Distinguished Professor of Electrical andComputer Engineering, a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineers, and a Canada ResearchChair in Applied Electromagnetics. He was awarded the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society'sChen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award, quoted from the award website for his "outstandingcontributions to antenna teaching and research by developing curriculum, numerical techniques,establishing link between industry and university and its impact on students worldwide." In 2011 hereceived the Canada Council for the Arts' Killam Prize in Engineering, the most prestigious award in

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Canada. Most recently, he received the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society's John KrausAntenna Award.

To enhance contact between Academ ia and industry, Dr. Shafai was a major player inestablishing The Institute for Technology Development. To promote national and internationaltechnical and scientific exchange, Dr. Shafai established ANTEM, the Symposium on AntennaTechnology and Applied Electromagnetics in 1986. Now held every two years, it is the premierCanadian conference on Telecommunications, Antennas and Microwaves, attracting manyinternational participants, and last year was held in Toulouse, France. His early research contributionsresulted in satellite terminal miniaturization for Hermes Satellite. This work, for the first time,introduced computer aided design (CAD) concept to reflector antenna design and subsequently wasadopted internationally. It formed the basis of current household satellite terminals.

When television journalists broadcast live from war disaster zones or inside hurricanes, manyuse satellite-phone systems with compact antennas to send live images and reports back to the newsdesk. This technology was developed with sophisticated equipment unique in Canada complementedby a highly capable staff in the Applied Electromagnetics Laboratory. Dr. Shafai established (andcurrently directs) this world-class laboratory which is at the frontier of research and development ofcommunications technology and remote sensing, helping Canada lead the world in this field.Technologies that benefit from his research include wireless and satellite communications, remotesensing, radar metrology, radio astronomy, medical diagnostics, and most recently electromagneticmapping of Arctic sea ice.

Or. Shafai is currently supervising 5 Ph.D. students, 3 M.Sc. students and 2 Post-DoctoralFellows in a realm of exciting projects. Many of Or. Shafai's graduates (81 total since 1973: 41 M.Sc.and 40 Ph.O. students) have become leaders in their fields, both nationally and internationally. Notonly has he helped launch the careers of numerous academic researchers, he has mentored and helpedhis graduates develop entrepreneurial skills, which in turn, has generated billions of dollars ofeconomic activity. For example, "Broadband Network Inc." was started by one of his M.Sc. students todesign and supply wireless links and was sold after three years to a major Canadian Electronicscompany for $596M. "Spectraworks" which was started by two of his students (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) todesign and supply broadband satellite links was sold after two years for over $100M. Other majortechnology companies started by his students (and which are prospering) include "NTG ClarityNetwork Inc.," InfoMagnetics Technologies Corporation," Nova Technologies," and "Persentech."

In summary, Or. Lot Shafai is the most successful researcher in Canada in the field of appliedelectromagnetics. His creativity, intellectual leadership and sustained research excellence make himthe ideal recipient of the URSI - Booker Gold Medal.

Yours sincerely,

Oigvir S. Jayas, Ph.D., P.Eng., P.Ag., FRSCVice-President (Research and International) and Distinguished Professor


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The National Research Council of Canada Canada’s Adhering Body to International Council for Science

Canadian National Committee of Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale

Please send all correspondence to: Dr. Michel Clénet, CNC-URSI Commission B Committee Member DRDC Ottawa 3701 Carling Avenue Ottawa, ON K1A 0Z4 August 1, 2013

Dear Selection Committee,

It is a real pleasure to provide this letter of support for the nomination of Dr. Lot Shafai for the Award of the Booker Gold Medal. Over the 43 years of his career in telecommunications and through his research in antenna systems and electromagnetics, he has continuously pioneered novel concepts and technologies making key breakthroughs in telecommunications. While his research is grounded in abstract mathematical equations, radio frequencies and state-of-the-art hardware, many of his contributions to the telecommunication domain have been driven by the needs of the people; for instance, the need for smaller telecommunication devices that have better capabilities and performances.

In particular, Dr Lot Shafai was the first to reduce the size of a satellite ground terminal antenna below 2 ft (60cm), which enabled in 1977 the implementation of Direct Broadcast Satellite technology in using a terminal smaller than a TV. For the story, he designed the smallest reflector using mathematical equations and finalized the prototype during a test using his wedding ring. The usefulness of his technology was clearly demonstrated with the first ever live satellite broadcasting in Peru of the Stanley Cup final hockey game taking place in Montréal, Canada. Further research on this technology culminated in the innovative design of a 1ft (30cm) dual-band antenna for picoterminals developed by the European Space Agency for two-way communications in 20/30GHz bands. More recently Dr. Lot Shafai introduced the virtual array concept, where a single recflector antenna may be transformed into two or more reflector antennas simply by using the multi-mode behaviour of the antenna with signal processing techniques. This concept can easily be extended to other types of antennas and impacts a broad range of applications in telecommunications, remote sensing and radio-astronomy domains in providing additional capabilities to the terminal or in drastically reducing their size. Attempting to push further the boundaries for system improvement and miniaturization, Dr Lot Shafai recently developed the innovative concept of “low loss engineered conductors” to considerably reduce metallic losses. This breakthrough is a significant achievement providing major improvement in performance and efficiency of components such as filters, amplifiers and antennas for applications at microwave to Terahertz frequencies.

While contributing with high efficiency to advances in radio sciences, Dr. Lot Shafai is eager to disseminate his knowledge to students, helping and encouraging them to commercialize the novel technologies. Several of his students founded numerous companies bringing these innovative concepts to commercial products. In particular, one of his student founded Broadband Network Incorporated, to design and supply the first 30GHz terrestrial link. Two other students created Spectraworks to design and supply secure broadband 20/30GHz satellite links. Major telecommunication companies purchased both companies after only few years for several

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The National Research Council of Canada Canada’s Adhering Body to International Council for Science

hundred million dollars. Other companies in the telecommunication sector that were created by his students are still prosperous today. In his desire to promote radio-science and to encourage exchange between researchers and engineers, Dr Lot Shafai established in 1986 the symposium on “Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics”, ANTEM. Every two years he invites his Canadian colleagues and students to be part of the organization, thus creating tremendous interactions between them and with international researchers. This event is now sponsored by URSI since 2004. In 2005, ANTEM was held for the first time outside Canada in St Malo, France, expanding its exchange and communication mission between continents. This successful experience was renewed in 2012 in Toulouse, France. To share his knowledge and findings he wrote several books and book chapters. One of them, the “Microwave Horns and Feeds” book is still the most valuable source for reflector feed design.

His exemplary career is punctuated with numerous prizes and awards, recognizing the uniqueness of his research outcomes. To name a few, he won in late 70’s the “Premier Award” for industrial design innovation, for his small ground station terminal. In 1984 he received the Professional Engineering Merit Award and in 1985 the <<Thinker>> Award from Canadian Patents and Development Corporation. He received from the University of Manitoba the Research Awards in 1983, 1987, and 1989; the Outreach Award in 1987; and the Sigma Xi Senior Scientist Award in 1989. In 1990, he received the Maxwell Premium Award from the IEE (London), and he was elected a Fellow of the IEEE in 1987, and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 1998. He was a recipient of the IEEE Third Millennium Medal in 2000, and in 2002 was elected a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. In 2003, he received the IEEE Canada “Reginald A. Fessenden Medal” for “Outstanding contributions to telecommunications and satellite communications,” and a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Synergy Award for “Development of advanced satellite and wireless antennas.” He holds a Canada Research Chair in Applied Electromagnetics. In 2009, he was elected a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada, and was the recipient of the IEEE AP-S Chen-To-Tai Distinguished Educator Award. More recently he received in 2011 the Killam Prize in Engineering from the Governor General of Canada for “Outstanding Canadian Carrier Achievement in engineering, and his work in antenna research,” and the 2013 IEEE AP-S John Kraus Antenna Award.

In summary, Dr Lot Shafai has unique and outstanding contributions to telecommunications. His 43-year career witnesses continuous dedication to science, creativity and scientific leadership, and is a remarkable example for the new generation of researchers.

Sincerely Yours,

Dr. Michel Clénet, CNC-URSI Commission B Chair DRDC Ottawa 3701 Carling Avenue Ottawa, ON K1A 0Z4

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September 06, 2013 URSI Secretariat, c/o INTEC Ghent University Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41 B-9000 Ghent, Belgium Recommendation in support of Professor Lotfollah Shafai for the URS I – Booker Gold Medal Dear Members of the Selection Committee, Professor Lotfallah Shafai is a senior and respected member of our community. He has made seminal contributions mainly in the area of satellite-communication antennas and was an active participant in many Canadian space programs. For example, he conceived and pioneered the design of the first generation pico-terminals for the Canadian Hermes satellite which is currently still in use internationally. The book that he co-authored on “Microwave Horn Antennas and Feeds” (IEE Publications, London) is very highly regarded and is now considered a classic in this field. His outstanding research has won him many awards such as the Reginald Fessenden Award from the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) in Canada, the 2011 Killam Prize Award (one of Canada's most prestigious awards in science and engineering), the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society’s Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award, and the 2012 John Kraus Award also from the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society. Professor Shafai is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineers, and a Canada Research Chair in Applied Electromagnetics. In the 1970's Professor Shafai introduced the CAD concept for designing reflector antennas and pioneered computer-based optimization tools for eliminating costly experimental design procedures. In this way, he helped to revolutionize the reflector antenna feed design. One particular application has been in the miniaturization of the Direct Broadcast Satellite (DBS) terminal for the Hermes Satellite, in 1976 mentioned above. Professor Shafai and his team reduced the antenna size to below 2 feet, allowing experiments with tele-medicine

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and tele-education in remote communities. This design was quickly adopted internationally for DBS applications and transformed the satellite service industry globally. The next generation of this terminal was implemented by Professor Shafai's team in the late 1990’s at Ka-band, for broadband satellite communication with an even smaller 1 foot antenna. This technology was transferred to NORSAT International in Vancouver, and was commercialized as a mobile video link, still in use. This product has also transformed the satellite service industry, in broadband communications. In summary, Professor Shafai has made significant contributions to the design and analysis of several key feeds for reflector antennas including "Waveguide Feeds", "Dielectric Feeds", "Dipole Feeds", "Microstrip Feeds" and "Resonator type Feeds". Professor Shafai has also made significant contributions to technology innovations for antenna spacecraft applications. In the 1990’s, in collaboration with Spar Aerospace and CRC, he led a team in collaboration with the Universities of Waterloo and Carleton, for the development of successful Ka-band phased arrays for spacecraft applications. He also undertook the development of shared aperture antennas for the next generation of RADARSAT. Prototypes of his antennas were designed and delivered to the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). Moreover, research on V-band phased arrays was initiated using a novel micro-machined membrane technology, and prototypes were designed and delivered to CSA. Professor Shafai has a very impressive record of publications that document all these outstanding contributions over the years. Professor Shafai’s research has always been relevant to practical, high-impact, applications. For example, his early research on satellite terminal antennas enabled Direct Broadcast Satellite programs to become reality. This is also evident by the large number of patents that he holds. As was mentioned previously, for his work and achievements, Professor Shafai has received numerous national and international awards. Some distinguished recent awards include the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award “For contributions to antenna teaching and research by developing curriculum, numerical techniques, establishing link between industry and university and its impact on students internationally” , the 2011 Canada Council for the Arts, “Killam Prize in Engineering” and the 2012 John Kraus Award from the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society. Professor Shafai has shown exceptional leadership abilities for the promotion of applied electromagnetics and antennas in Canada and internationally. The most notable example is that he has established the Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics (ANTEM) in 1986 which is the premier Canadian symposium on the subject. Likewise, professor Shafai has demonstrated an exceptional ability in the transfer of technology from university to industry. In this regard, he was involved in the formation of a number of start-up companies such as “Broadband Networks Inc”, “Spaceworks” and more recently “Infomagnetics”. At the University of Manitoba Dr. Shafai has assisted establishing the Institute for Technology Development in order to promote university/industry interaction.

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In conclusion, Professor Shafai has made major contributions to Radio Science and in particular to antenna technologies for space science and beyond. His research led to several commercialization ventures which verify its significance. The outstanding research achievements of Dr. Shafai and his leadership in Radio Science make him an exceptional candidate for the URSI Booker Gold Medal.

Thank you. Sincerely,

George V. Eleftheriades, FRSC, Fellow IEEE Professor and Canada Research Chair The Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering University of Toronto 10 King's College Road Toronto, ON M5S 3G4 Tel. (416)-946-3564 Fax. (416)-971-2286 E-mail: [email protected]

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August 19, 2013

URSI Secretariat c/o INTEC

Ghent University

Sint-Pietersnieuwstraat 41

B-9000 Ghent Belgium

Re: Nomination of Dr. Lotfollah Shafai for the URSI-Booker Gold Medal

Dear Members of the Selection Committee,

I have known Dr. Shafai since 1970 and have worked with him on research projects, many URSI

committees and activities, conferences and theses committees. I consider Dr. Shafai to be one of

the world’s most outstanding applied electromagnetic researchers whose contributions extend

over 45 years.

Dr. Lotfollah Shafai has made several key contributions to the area of telecommunication

research and technology. His early work dealt with both areas of applied electromagnetics

and antennas. He contributed significantly to the early development of numerical

techniques, especially the moment methods. This was instrumental to the development of

the numerical techniques for CAD design of reflector antennas and their feeds. Along with

his students, he developed the first ever numerical modeling technique for corrugated feeds,

which transformed the reflector antenna design from the cut-and-try approach to an exact

science, which was later adopted internationally.

He made significant contributions to the Canadian space program, through his efforts on

the design of spacecraft antennas and investigation of their gain, side lobe, and polarization

characteristics. He also made fundamental contributions to the satellite ground station

antennas, especially the miniaturized terminals for the Canadian Hermes satellite. His

design for the first time reduced the antenna size below 60 em, which allowed

economical use of satellites for direct-broadcast­systems, especially for launching tele-

medicine and tele-education in remote Canadian communities. His efforts in this area

definitely constitute a major contribution to Canadian communication technology, and

transformed the satellite communication industry, from the domain of big corporations to

an economic tool for all Canadians, with significant impact in the lives of Canadian in small

communities, and economic wellbeing of small telecommunication companies.

He has also made special efforts to transfer his research results into industrial products by

helping small industries to become competitive, and assisting his own students in

incorporating successful industries from their own university research. They contributed

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significantly to the advancement of satellite and wireless communication industry in Canada,

and were instrumental in developing successful products and employment to young

engineers. For example, his students developed and commercialized the first terrestrial

communication link at 30 GHz in Canada, from their own university-based research,

which was subsequently adopted internationally.

His recent contributions, through the Canada research chair program, have continued on

similar disciplines, the main ones being on hardware miniaturization and arctic research.

The by-product of his research on hardware miniaturization has been three different

innovations in communication hardware development, which are:

• The development of new low loss laminated conductors,

• The development of low loss communication hardware and antennas, using high

permittivity ceramics, and

• The development of virtual array concept for hardware minimization.

The development of low loss laminated conductors is a significant breakthrough in

engineering and helps the advancement of the current conductor based hardware designs

into the millimeter wave and THz bands. His laminated conductor concept makes the

resistive loss of conventional conductors nearly independent of frequency, and in terms of

classical electromagnetic phenomenon, the efficiency of the antennas, filters, amplifiers,

and transmission lines improves dramatically. His contribution in this area will have

profound effects on the advancement of telecommunication industry by facilitating the use

of existing designs in upper frequencies.

His contribution to the development of low loss components, using high permittivity

ceramics, is complementary to his work on laminated conductors, and will launch a new

design concept for RF component developments, where the conductor use become

impractical. It will also facilitate the advancement of communication technology into

millimeter wave and THz bands.

His virtual array concept developed initially for high gain reflector antennas, allows the

transformation of the conventional reflector antenna into an array, providing all benefits of

the arrays to the reflector antenna industry. It also, helps in porting the Multiple-Input

Multiple-Output, MIMO, technology into the reflector antenna applications. The influence of

this double innovation in the reflector antenna technology is very profound, as it transforms it

from only a simple high gain antenna into a multi- function device that also includes the

signal processing function.

His Arctic research is concentrated on the modeling of Arctic sea ice, and investigation of

the climatic change. This is a significant effort, as Arctic research is physically demanding,

scientifically challenging, and very costly. It is, however, fundamental to understanding of

the natural processes in the Arctic region, and the establishment of sustainable

communication system in the Arctic, and the expected year-long transportation system. To

understand the significance of this research one must note that, currently Canada has no

capability for wireless or satellite communication in the Arctic region, which falls above

the direct line of sight of geostationary satellites. Establishment of economic

communication systems in the Arctic is dependent on understanding the nature of the

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Arctic ice cover, and our understanding of the satellite based observations. The research of

the nominee will help in providing proper real time calibrating data for satellite

observations, which currently is non-existent.

In summary, Dr. Shafai has made significant contributions to the advancement of the

communication technology in Canada, and the world. He is a deserving candidate for the

URSl Booker gold medal.


Y.M.M. Antar

Professor and Canada Research Chair in Electromagnetic Engineering

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering,

Royal Military College of Canada & Queen’s University (Cross Appointed)

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