canadian elections what is the fairest vote-counting methodology for canada?

Canadian Elections What is the fairest vote- counting methodology for Canada?

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Post on 03-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Canadian Elections What is the fairest vote-counting methodology for Canada?

Canadian Elections

What is the fairest vote-counting methodology for Canada?

Page 2: Canadian Elections What is the fairest vote-counting methodology for Canada?

Take home messages…

To understand how governments are formed.

To understand the different methodologies of vote counting.

To assess which is the fairest means of vote counting for Canada.

Page 3: Canadian Elections What is the fairest vote-counting methodology for Canada?

Areas to Explore…

Representation by Population and First Past the Post (Rep by Pop/FPTP)

Single Transferable Vote (STV)Proportional Representation (PR)Who cares?

Page 4: Canadian Elections What is the fairest vote-counting methodology for Canada?

Who cares? Take 1.

Page 5: Canadian Elections What is the fairest vote-counting methodology for Canada?

Counting Votes: Rep by Pop/FPTP

Page 6: Canadian Elections What is the fairest vote-counting methodology for Canada?

Counting Votes: Rep by Pop

Page 7: Canadian Elections What is the fairest vote-counting methodology for Canada?

Counting Votes: FPTP

Page 8: Canadian Elections What is the fairest vote-counting methodology for Canada?

Counting Votes: STV

Page 9: Canadian Elections What is the fairest vote-counting methodology for Canada?

Counting Votes: PR

Page 10: Canadian Elections What is the fairest vote-counting methodology for Canada?

Counting Votes: FPTP

Background:• British model- has always been the Canadian way• Based on a “winner take all” approach

Voting:•Voters clearly mark ballot with one choice• Voters have one choice, one vote• One round of voting, counting

Representation:• The candidate with the highest number of votes wins• Candidates without the highest number of votes lose• Majority (50% +1) not needed• Single member representation (1 MP- 1 Riding)

Reason for Title:• Horse race mentality

Page 11: Canadian Elections What is the fairest vote-counting methodology for Canada?

Counting Votes: FPTP

First past the Post BallotVancouver QuadraClearly mark the ballot with one (1)


Deb MeredithConservative Party

Joyce MurrayLiberal Party

Victor ElkinsNew Democratic Party

Laura-Leah ShawGreen Party

First Past the Post BallotWinnipeg St BonifaceClearly mark the ballot with one (1)


Shelly GloverConservative Party

Raymond SimardLiberal Party

Patrice MinielyNew Democratic Party

Marc PayetteGreen Party

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Counting Votes: FPTP

Page 13: Canadian Elections What is the fairest vote-counting methodology for Canada?

Counting Votes: FPTP

Page 14: Canadian Elections What is the fairest vote-counting methodology for Canada?

Counting Votes: FPTP

Advocates Argue:

Opponents Argue:

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Counting Votes: STV(PR)

Background:• A form of proportional representation (% vote = % seat)• PR used by most of Western Europe• “Main rival” to FPTP• Proposed as an alternative in BC (2005/2009 referenda)

Voting:• Ranking of candidates• Vote transfers after candidate reaches the threshold• Multiple rounds of counting

Representation:• Threshold required (Threshold = (valid votes/1+seats) +1 vote) • Multiple member districts (eg 1 district, 5 seats)

Reason for Title:• Actual transferring of vote… also called choice voting

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Counting Votes: STV (PR)

Page 17: Canadian Elections What is the fairest vote-counting methodology for Canada?

Counting Votes: STV (PR)Advocates Argue:• Reduces wasted votes (no chance charlies and killer kerries)• More accurate/dynamic representation of votes• Votes contributing to the election of a candidate• Address underrepresented constituencies

Opponents Argue:• Complicated• Coalition governments more common**• Gerry-mandering still possible• Less PR than other PR• Change!

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Counting Votes: MMR (PR)

Background:• A form of proportional representation• Also called two-vote system, German system• Best of both worlds- ½ (FPTP) and ½ (PR)• Seen as a compromise in modern electoral reform programs

Voting:• Double ballot- 1 vote for single-member district (person), 1 vote for party (party list)• Individuals and Parties are elected• One round of counting- individuals first then adjusted with party count

Representation:• Legislature is made of directly elected individuals and those from a party list to compensate to % of vote•Thresholds sometimes established (e.g. 5%)

Reason for Title:• Reflects the varied ways individuals are selected into the Leg.

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Counting Votes: MMR (PR)

Page 20: Canadian Elections What is the fairest vote-counting methodology for Canada?

Advocates Argue:• Reduces wasted votes (no chance charlies and killer kerries)• More accurate/dynamic representation of votes• Votes contributing to the election of a candidate• Address underrepresented constituencies• Representation of both geographic districts and parties

Opponents Argue:•Coalition governments more common**• Quite PR than other PR• Change!

Counting Votes: MMR (PR)

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“ PR voting systems provide more accurate representation of parties, better representation for political and racial minorities, fewer wasted votes, higher levels of voter turnout, better representation of women, greater likelihood of majority rule, and little opportunity for gerrymandering” (Mtholyoke)

Counting Votes: STV & MMR (PR)

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Who care? Take 2.

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Canadian Elections

What is the fairest vote-counting methodology for Canada?