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  • 8/2/2019 Canada Electricity Guide


    Building Tomorrows

    Electricity System:

    Electricity Fundamentals for Decision-Makers

  • 8/2/2019 Canada Electricity Guide


    Copyright Canadian Electricity Association, 2009.All rights reserved. No part of this work covered

    by the copyright herein may be reproduced or

    used in any form or by any means without prior

    written permission.

    Canadian Electricity Association

    350 Sparks Street, Suite 1100

    Ottawa ON K1R 7S8

    Tel.: 613-230-9263

    Fax: 613-230-9326

    Email: [email protected]

    This paper was commissioned by the Environmentally Preferable Power (EPP)

    Task Group of the CEA Generation Council. The EPP Task Group hopes this

    guide will stimulate further discussion about the options for the future. It does

    not intend to choose winners or losers among the available technologies or topromote a specific mix. Rather we seek to introduce the many considerations

    that must go into deciding the future generation mix, various policy mechanisms

    for developing the electricity system, and the established and emerging options

    for generation supply and electricity delivery. CEA is solely responsible for the

    contents of this publication.

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  • 8/2/2019 Canada Electricity Guide



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    We Must Plan Today for a Vibrant Electricity Future

    Canadas electricity supply is enviably diverse and is an important factor in the quality of life and economic

    prosperity we enjoy in this country. The electricity system is part of an integrated whole, connected acrossjurisdictions, and involved in a vibrant marketplace. The sector also has a significant trade surplus with the

    United States and our electricity prices continue to be among the lowest in the developed world.

    Canadas electricity system is in critical need of renewal and new build. Significant investment in the

    electricity sector is required if Canada is to meet the twin goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions

    and continuing to meet electricity demand. In its 2008 World Energy Outlook, the International Energy

    Agency (IEA) has estimated that US$221 billion will be needed by 2030 in order to renew the Canadian

    electricity system. Across the country, electricity providers, provinces and communities are considering a

    range of diverse options for how to create the best electricity supply mix for future load growth, economic

    development, and the optimal reduction of environmental and social impacts. The Canadian ElectricityAssociation believes that these decisions must be made in a way that continues to provide secure, reliable,

    cost-effective, technologically advanced, and environmentally responsible electricity.

    Investment in Canadas electricity infrastructure faces a number of barriers. Current regulatory regimes

    are often costly and burdensome and are slowing down construction by increasing the length of time required

    to obtain regulatory approvals for a power project. Public acceptance for new electricity infrastructure is

    another critical factor that can create roadblocks to development and has a strong impact on projects across

    the country. There are also intense debates about what types of generation are most appropriate to build.

    Supply mix planning is harder than ever and there are significant challenges ahead for decision makersand electricity providers. One of the most important considerations in developing the right mix is that

    different forms of generation are suited to different purposes in the electricity market. Baseload supply,

    which is the minimum amount of electricity constantly demanded at all times, is only adequately

    provided by certain generation technologies, such as hydro or nuclear. Peaking supply on the other

    hand, is best provided by other generation sources. Certain emerging renewable technologies such

    as wind power, which are a critical component of supplying low-emitting electricity, require special

    consideration due to their intermittent nature. And energy efficiency and conservation measures are

    becoming increasingly important and must be factored into electricity system planning.

    Increasing and strengthening Canadas electricity supply diversity is a very good thing. The electricity

    system of the future must include increased generation from renewable technologies. But renewable

    solutions alone are not feasible on a system-wide basis. Like the electricity grid itself, the supply of

    electricity is deeply integrated in society, and every decision has widespread impacts. As an extreme

    example, a developed, urbanized society with a 100% renewable electricity system would experience

    consequences such as increased transmission infrastructure, greater electricity reliability issues, and the

    unique environmental impacts of the selected technologies (since all generation has an environmental

    footprint of some kind). There would also be costs associated with developing new generation and the

    likelihood that consumers would pay a premium for new generation technologies. This, in turn, could haveother consequences such as the need for increased electricity conservation, inflationary effects, or a need

    for public financial assistance programs for individuals who could not afford the higher-priced electricity.


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    In 2006, the Canadian Electricity Association (CEA) published Power Generation in Canada: A Guide to

    help stimulate informed discussion among industry participants, governments and the public on the

    electricity supply challenges we all face and the options for the future. 1 This paper updates some of the

    key information provided in Power Generation in Canada, but is primarily meant to serve as a companion

    to the guide, particularly as a reference for policy makers at all levels.

    The Environmentally Preferable Power (EPP) Task Group of the CEAs Generation Council hopes this guide

    will stimulate further discussion about the options for the future. As in the 2006 guide, this paper does not

    intend to choose winners or losers among the available technologies or to promote a specific mix. Ratherwe seek to introduce the many considerations that must go into deciding the future generation mix, various

    policy mechanisms for developing the electricity system, and the established and emerging options for

    generation supply and electricity delivery.

    Its About Demand, But So Much More

    For many years, when electricity system planners in government and utilities sat down to forecast future

    electricity system needs, the focus was on demand and the supply needed to meet that demand. In asimplified way, this was an exercise to predict electricity load growth over time and then factor in the

    amount of additional electricity generation, transmission and distribution that would be required to deliver

    that electricity. A limited suite of generation technologies was available and the choices to be made among

    these were dictated largely by a regions geography and proximity to fuel sources. Similarly, electrical

    transmission was more limited than it is today, requiring sources of electrical power to be located nearer

    to the people who used it. In Canada, the regional nature of the electricity system was further encouraged

    by the reality that most energy resources are a provincial area of responsibility under our constitutional

    division of powers. Thus, the electrical systems in each province developed and operated independently,

    with few interconnections.

    About This Guide

    1Power Generation in Canada continues to be a popular reference and is available in English or French at

    While such a radical revision of the electricity system would be technically and financially impossible in

    the 10- to 20-year planning outlook of most utilities and system planners, the decisions that are made

    now will be absolutely critical in renewing the electricity system for the future.

    Planning must take into account the greater importance of the market model in todays electricity supply.

    With long lead times, and longer-term technology commitments, there must be a certain amount of stability

    and predictability attached to system planning. Democratic election and government policy-making cyclesare on a shorter timeline than electricity system planning. Repeated shifts in policy direction can create an

    ongoing planning process that does not result in any of the long-term construction commitments needed to

    ensure that the electricity system will continue to function. One solution is to remove the electricity system

    from political control and allow it to develop with independent oversight, according to market principles.

    Planners should take the urgent steps needed now to prepare a vibrant and diverse supply mix future but

    should do so in the context of facilitating a market-based direction for the energy sector.

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    As Canada became fully electrified through the 20th Century,

    domestic and international technology breakthroughs provided

    more choice for system planners in terms of generation technology,

    and greater efficiencies became possible in existing technologies

    such as hydroelectric generation or coal. Transmission lines were

    engineered to efficiently move larger quantities of electricity over

    greater distances. A trend developed toward building very large-

    scale power generation projects further away from urban centres.

    Gradually, markets became more integrated to allow the trade

    of electricity between jurisdictions. This allowed the benefits of

    market principles to be applied to electricity. However, even as

    abundant, affordable electricity fed a growing demand for modern

    appliances such as air conditioning, public acceptance began to

    shift away from supporting new, and even existing, electricity

    infrastructure. Demand has always driven the electricity systemand will continue to be a key consideration. However, it is no

    longer enough to project population growth and break ground for

    a new power plant. Environmental, aesthetic, political, economic,

    and other concerns have presented new challenges to building

    electricity generation and transmission today, even when it is

    badly needed to prevent looming critical electricity shortages

    caused by population or commercial growth and/or the need to

    replace ageing infrastructure.

    Todays electricity system planners have to analyze an increasingly

    complex range of factors when deciding when, where, and how to

    supply electricity. The resulting plan is generally known as the

    supply mix, and it is just that: a combination of generation

    sources designed to meet regular (baseload) and peak demand,

    maintain system reliability and affordability, and minimize the

    impact on the environment and nearby communities.





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    The Ingredients for a Perfect Mix

    There are many considerations today when it comes to renewing the electricity system. When planners

    balance these factors appropriately, they ensure a reliable, affordable, acceptable electricity system. Amongthe important criteria used to determine the generation supply mix are the following:2

    Projected Growth and Resource Potential

    These are two of the most fundamental considerations related to future demand and supply. Population

    growth and economic growth factors such as GDP, industrial development, productivity, inflation, and trade

    must all be carefully analyzed to project future needs. Resource potential looks at unused system capacity,

    the future availability of fuel sources, and environmental costs, and seeks to answer questions such as:

    What are the known reserves of the electricity producing energy source that will be used?

    Is this a domestic supply, or is it dependent on trade?

    What are future prices likely to be for the energy source?

    Will transportation be available to deliver the fuel to the generator?

    Will there be adequate transmission to deliver the power, or will it be stranded?

    Resource potential also involves examining regional and geographic constraints. Generation choices in Canada

    tend to be regionalized, with abundant hydro resources in provinces such as British Columbia, Manitoba,

    Quebec, and Newfoundland and Labrador, and almost none on the plains of Alberta and Saskatchewan,where coal generation dominates as it does in some Atlantic provinces. Only Ontario, Quebec and New

    Brunswick currently use nuclear power. Figure 1 illustrates these regional differences.

    Figure 1: Electricity Generation in Canada by Province and Generation Type, 20083








    Combustion Turbine

    Internal Combustion


    Conventional Steam




    2Power Generation in Canada: A Guide (CEA, 2006) offers an additional overview of some of these factors. (pp. 11-25).

    3 Statistics Canada, Survey 2151, 2009. Conventional steam is typically generated with coal. It should also be noted that New

    Brunswicks nuclear reactor is currently off line for refurbishment.

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    Ability of Technology to Respond to Changes in Electricity Demand

    Different generation technologies meet different types of electricity supply needs, referred to as baseload,

    peaking, mid-merit and intermittent generation.

    Baseload generation runs almost constantly, providing a steady stream of electricity to meet the

    minimum baseline requirements of the end users, or the load. Traditionally, baseload power needs

    have been met by more cost-effective generation supplies such as hydro power, nuclear power and coal


    Peaking generation tops up the baseload supply when demand is high. Electricity demand peaks

    require generation that can be easily switched off and on to respond to daily demand spikes, which

    typically occur in the morning and evening, or generation that can be activated when there are seasonal

    peaks, such as in the coldest part of winter.

    Mid-merit generation refers to a type of generation plant that has become a common source of peaking

    generation. These plants, often privately owned, can provide a more economical source of power through

    lower operating and maintenance costs and by the ability to provide electricity in a competitive market.

    Mid-merit plants may include high-efficiency natural gas generation, hydroelectric plants, industrial

    co-generation facilities that also provide steam and/or power for a manufacturing facility, or even older

    fossil-fuel facilities that are no longer used for baseload generation.

    Intermittent generation comes from an electricity source that is not constant, such as wind turbines

    or solar photovoltaic cells. These types of generation rely on external natural forces that cannot be

    controlled. Systems that have intermittent supplies connected to them need to be able to accommodatethe additional power that is generated whenever the wind is blowing or the sun is shining.

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    Technology Development

    Canada, with its abundant hydro-electric resources, was among the earliest adopters of public electric power

    in the late 19th Century. Canadian innovators have continued to develop and adopt new technologies over the

    years. Canadians created one of the worlds first civilian nuclear power programs and Canada continues to

    lead in areas such as biomass generation, long-distance transmission, energy efficiency measures, as well

    as geothermal, solar and fuel cell research. Emerging areas of interest include carbon capture and storage,

    smart grids, and distributed heat and power. However, introducing any new technology to the grid comes

    with myriad challenges for system planners and developers.

    Environmental Footprint

    All forms of electricity generation have environmental impacts. It is important for decision-makers to be

    clear about environmental priorities and to understand the relative ecological and societal importanceof concerns such as preservation of habitat and species, water conservation, reduced greenhouse gas

    emissions, and reduced air emissions.

    Generation Cost

    Electricity prices in Canada are among the lowest in the world. This is mainly due to the abundance of

    legacy hydroelectric and coal-fired power generation. Accessible, affordable electricity is a key factor in

    the high quality of life enjoyed by Canadians. It has also been an important factor in the development of

    Canadas resource-based, energy-intensive economy, and in the manufacturing sector. However, a majority

    of Canadians do not pay the true market value of the electricity they consume. It is difficult, however, toestimate the full amount and nature of electricity subsidies in Canada, due to the variety of approaches

    to funding and accounting for the difference in the cost of electricity production and the price paid by

    electricity users, as pointed out by TD economists in the 2005 report, Electricity in Canada: Who Needs

    It? Whos Got It?4 This has led consumers to believe they are entitled to low-cost electricity and may be

    hampering efforts to encourage electricity conservation. It also limits the ability of electricity producers to

    raise investment funds for necessary capital projects, shifting the burden of development to taxpayers or,

    more often, stalling development altogether.

    In recent years, due to volatile prices for fossil fuels and the cost of building new electricity infrastructure,

    consumers in most parts of Canada have seen rising electricity costs. This trend is expected to continue,

    especially with the replacement of ageing electricity equipment, addition of new capacity and transmission,

    and the increased costs associated with installing emerging renewable power generation technologies such

    as wind and solar. The implementation of other environmental technologies, such as carbon capture and

    storage, also have significant costs that are likely to be passed on, at least in part, to electricity consumers.

    Providing appropriate price signals to consumer through demand management tools such as smart meters,

    as well as providing choices through a competitive energy marketplace, are the measures most likely to help

    recover system development costs and improve energy intensity in the electricity sector.

    4 P. 17.

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    Figure 2: World Electricity Prices, 20075

    Public Acceptance

    Most parts of Canada have not had significant new electricity development for 20 years or more.

    Infrastructure across the country is reaching the end of its useful life and requires refurbishment or

    replacement. During the same time period, environmental assessment procedures and public consultation

    requirements have changed significantly. The advent of social media also means that any project opponents

    are able to communicate more effectively and build support for their causes. There is a growing list of

    electricity projects that have been cancelled due to a lack of public acceptance. All forms of electricity

    development have seen significant public protest: wind & solar farms, coal plants, nuclear, gas-fired plants,hydro, transmission lines. The not-in-my-backyard (NIMBY) phenomenon is now a standard consideration

    for electricity development initiatives.

    5 Source: NEB, and International Energy Agency - Key

    World Energy Statistics (2007)







    0.30Electricity for Households(g) (kWh)

    Electricity for Industry(g) (kWh)

























































    * Earliest available data

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    Smart Public Policy for Smart Electricity

    In addition to the practical criteria, there are equally important and in many cases overriding governmental

    considerations to be taken into account, particularly regulatory time frames and public policy directives. The

    regulatory burden many Canadian electricity providers face, combined with frequently shifting government

    policy, is a leading contributor to delays in new development that threaten reserve margins in the electricity

    supply and increase electricity costs.

    Electricity markets have evolved in Canada and the United States, allowing more commercial, market-based

    trade in the electricity sector. This bulk power market has many reliability and cost benefits for power

    purchasers and sellers, and has contributed to Canada establishing a trade surplus with the United States

    for electricity. The North American grid has evolved from isolated regional islands to an interconnected

    system with regional oversight provided through coordination of the system operators. In many areas these

    physical interconnections could be strengthened to provide increased benefits, moving emissions-freeelectricity to another region, for example, or providing more summer peak power to the United States from

    a region that peaks in winter, and vice-versa.

    Where electricity trading and markets exist, most bulk electricity trading is done through long-term firm

    contracts between electricity providers and customers, typically large industrial users or utilities. These

    agreements provide for a certain amount of electricity, over a certain amount of time, at a fixed price. There

    is a role here for power marketers, who may purchase and resell electricity according to market principles.

    To serve real-time electricity demand, a day-ahead market allows electricity market players to buy and sell

    electricity based on spot prices.There is no doubt that governments have an important role to play in the electricity system. By encourageing

    appropriate market design, regulatory efficiency, and independent oversight though energy boards and

    independent system operators, a government can ensure a reliable, affordable supply of electricity to

    consumers. There are many ways for governments to direct how an electricity system develops. These

    initiatives are most successful when they:

    provide predictability and stability for market design, rules and operations,

    avoid adding additional layers of bureaucracy and regulation to an already-burdened industry, and

    fully consider the consequences for affordability, reliability and environmental impact.

    Some of the many ways governments might choose to promote the way in which the electricity system

    is built and operated are included in Figure 3. Whatever options are chosen, The Canadian Electricity

    Association urges that all decisions be made in a timely and consistent way while still fully considering

    each policys impact on electricity providers ability to deliver secure, reliable, affordable, technologically

    advanced, and environmentally responsible electricity.

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    Figure 3: Examples of Policy Mechanisms for Electricity Systems



    Targets Emissions reductions

    Timetables & deadlines Directives or new construction or decommissioning o plants;

    implementation o new technology, emissions reductions

    Trade policy Taris, ree trade zones, interprovincial trade agreements


    Lawmaking Environmental protection laws, clean air laws

    Rulemaking Mandated efciency measures, emissions caps

    Project licensing Regulatory efciency initiatives, service standards

    Environmental assessments Cooperation agreements, ast-tracking or certain types o projects

    Pricing Marginal cost pricing, time o use rates, charges or new development



    Subsidies Pricing enhancements, assistance programs

    Tax programs Accelerated capital cost allowances (CCA), rebates, research and development incentives, venture

    capital incentives

    Direct investment Major projects unding, technology procurement, research and development

    Loans & loan guarantees Financing or certain technologies



    Perormance standards Energy efciency, emission caps , renewable portol io standards (RPS)

    Market design Encouragement o market principles or electricity trading, eed-in tar is, standard oers, regional

    cooperation, emissions trading


    support Inormation services Public education campaigns, data collection and analysis, mapping, benchmarking and best


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  • 8/2/2019 Canada Electricity Guide








    Building on Success:Todays Electricity System in Context

    As Figure 4 illustrates, traditional sources of generation continue to supply most of the electricity in Canada.

    However, there have been recent changes in the development of new electricity resources. For example,

    installed wind-power capacity has increased exponentially since the first commercial wind farm was built inAlberta in 1994. Over the ensuing 15 years, the installed capacity has grown to approximately 2500 MW,

    and the Canadian Wind Energy Association estimates that 5% of Canadas energy requirements will be met

    by wind power in 2016, if current provincial commitments for at least 12,000 MW of wind power are met.7

    Figure 5 shows these changes in the generation supply mix since 1990.

    Policy directives have a very direct impact on the supply mix. A planned phase-out of coal power in Ontario

    could also have a significant impact on the future energy mix. The province is currently planning an increase in

    renewable electricity sources and aggressive conservation targets as well as considering options for increasing

    nuclear capacity to meet future electricity demand. Other provinces have made similar commitments torenewable electricity Nova Scotia is planning increased tidal generation capacity, Newfoundland and Labrador,

    Quebec, Manitoba, and British Columbia, and Alberta are planning significant new Hydro developments. Other

    provinces notably Saskatchewan and Alberta are considering the possibility of adding nuclear generation

    to their supply mix, and New Brunswick is considering expansion of its nuclear station. Finally, new forms of

    fossil generation are being developed, particularly coal gasification plants, new ways of utilizing oil sands by-

    products as petroleum coke, and accompanying carbon capture and storage technologies.

    In order to accommodate increased cross-jurisdictional trade in electricity as well as the addition of new,

    smaller scale electricity generation projects and demand-management

    systems, many jurisdictions are making and implementing plans forthe smart grid. This is an electricity transmission and distribution

    network that incorporates technology that provides advanced

    features such as the ability to better accommodate intermittent

    electricity supplies such as wind or solar, to more easily trade

    electricity, or for consumers to make energy choices based

    on real-time price signals, and so on.

    While these varied approaches to supply mix planning are

    likely to shift the overall future Canadian mix representedin the pie chart, they continue to reflect regional and

    geographic realities, as well as the commitment of

    Canadians to minimizing environmental impacts while still

    ensuring an economical and reliable supply of electricity.

    These last considerations are rooted in the physical laws of

    electricity which will ultimately continue to dictate how far

    technical and engineering advances can go.









    Figure 4: Electricity Generation In Canada by Technology, 20086

    6 Source: Statistics Canada, Survey 2151, 2009. *Numbers may not sum to 100 percent

    due to rounding.


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    More Electricity Delivers More Benefits

    The basic method of generating alternating current electricity was invented over 100 years ago: a kinetic

    energy force flowing water, wind rotates a magnetic field within wire coils, which is then converted

    into an electrical current though a generator. A generator can also be powered by capturing stored energy

    by burning fuel or creating heat with nuclear fission to create steam. (More recent inventions, such as

    photovoltaic solar cells or fuel cells, can be used to transform energy into electrical currents without moving

    parts.) The generation source must match the frequency of the electricity system (60 cycles per second

    known as a hertz or Hz) to ensure that the system remains stable.

    Once this electrical current is generated, a transformer may be used to increase the voltage so that the

    electricity can be carried in bulk over high-voltage transmission lines. Once the electricity has been delivered

    to a local distribution system, another transformer will reduce the voltage to make the electricity safer for

    distribution networks delivering the power for industrial and residential use. The analogy of water being











    Combustion Turbine

    Internal Combustion


    Conventional Steam


    1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008



    Figure 5: Electricity Generation in Canada by Technology, 1990 - 20088

    8 Source: Statistics Canada, Survey 2151, 2009. Prior to 2008, wind and tidal generation are included in hydro.

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    pumped into a system of pipes has been used to describe the flow of electricity. As with municipal water

    pipe delivery systems, the pressure of the electricity on the system must be carefully maintained to

    ensure that there is adequate flow of power to the end users, while still maintaining a balance that will

    prevent the system from being overloaded and malfunctioning.

    Electric system operators must carefully monitor the real-time flow of electricity on the network of wires to

    ensure that available generation sources are providing an adequate and even supply, and that the wires are

    properly loaded. At this time, there are no commercially viable means to store large amounts of electricity

    for future use, and so the system must be prepared to ramp up to supply extra power during the times of

    day and times of year when it is in most demand. These are known as peak demand times, or peaks. In most

    of Canada, electricity demand peaks in the winter, due to electric heating. Ontario, like the United States,

    experiences a summer peak, due to air conditioning.

    To be prepared for extremes, system planners and electricity providers must be able to meet maximum

    peak electricity demand without overloading the system. This requires reserve margin, or the amount of

    unused capability of an electric power system at peak load for a utility system as a percentage of total

    capability.9 Sufficient reserve margin and the ability to deliver that reserve margin through adequate

    transmission and distribution systems will provide reliability. Maintaining adequate reserves is a common

    business practice. A trucking firm, for example, might keep additional trucks parked so that they will be

    available when needed. The firm carries the cost of owning and maintaining this inactive fleet but knows

    that it will have the ability to quickly deliver service when required.

    Where sufficient reserve margins exist, and where wholesale electricity markets exist, the reserve capacity

    can also be sold to other jurisdictions. The electricity might be generated in a more cost-effective or

    environmentally desirable way than the purchasing jurisdictions domestic supply. Or it might provide

    electricity needed in a region with a tight reserve margin. This system allows a jurisdiction with abundant

    power (hydro capacity in a wet year, for example) to profit from its reserve margin, while a purchasing

    jurisdiction may be able to choose the most economical option to meet its peak load (choosing to import

    hydro power, for example, over running a domestic peaking combustion plant when fuel costs are high).

    All North American electricity systems are designed to anticipate and accommodate system problems such

    as extreme weather conditions or equipment failure, but occasionally electricity customers experience the

    effects of black-outs, when the system shuts down. The causes of these events invariably underline the

    importance of careful system planning and maintenance. The electricity system is an integrated whole; it

    cannot randomly grow or suddenly accommodate replacement of one source of generation with another,

    dissimilar source.10 However, more electricity can be freed up through strong conservation and demand-side

    management programs.


    Abel, Amy. Electric Utility Restructuring Briefing Book. Washington: Congressional Research Service, Library of Congress, October 13,2000.

    10 Canadian Electricity Association. Power Generation in Canada: A Guide. Ottawa: Canadian Electricity Association, 2006. pp 6-7.

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    The Right Generation for the Right Job

    As discussed on page 9, the base load in a given area is the typical minimum amount of electricity

    needed for regular use, day and night. Base load electricity generation comes from reliable, large-scale

    generation sources that have lower, and fairly consistent, operating and maintenance (O&M) and fuel costs.

    These sources include fossil fuel combustion, nuclear power plants and hydroelectric installations. Power

    generation such as wind, solar, biomass and geothermal generation can be added to the base load mix,

    but these types of generation are not available on a large enough scale, and can only account for a small

    percentage of the total base load supply. In addition, wind and solar power are not always available, being

    intermittent generation, and must sometimes be replaced by other types of supply.

    For times of day and seasons when electricity use peaks, (increases over the base load) it is necessary

    for electricity providers to generate peaking electricity. While there is a certain amount of flexibility with

    baseload generation, including nuclear, to ramp up or down slightly to respond to minor fluctuations indemand, it is not possible to use these sources to meet peak demand. Peaking sources of generation

    must be highly dispatchable. That is, they must be generation sources that are quickly available to system

    operators when it is needed, and then easily switched off again. Natural gas-fired generation is often

    employed for this purpose. Hydroelectric power is also easily dispatched, since gates in dams can be

    opened and closed at will.

    Although they are technically dispatchable, wind and solar power are not considered suitable for peak

    electricity because their actual capacity factors cannot be predicted at any given time. If the wind is not

    blowing strongly during peak demand times, a wind turbine may only be generating a small percentage of

    its nameplate capacity. To meet peaking demand, for example in the morning when business, industry and

    household electricity needs overlap, most electricity providers also have the option of employing mid-merit

    generation sources. These tend to provide more cost- effective electricity to meet rises in demand.

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    Every electricity generator has a nameplate capacity

    or the maximum amount of power a generator can

    produce. However, when measured over a period

    of time, no form of generation can achieve its full

    nameplate capacity. This shortfall is due to a variety

    of factors including planned and unplanned outages,

    energy source fluctuations, and the age of the plant.

    Planners must take into account the variance between

    nameplate capacity and the actual amount of power

    that is produced. Averaged over a specific period of

    time, this difference provides a capacity factor, typically

    expressed as a percentage of total generation.

    For the purposes of forecasting electricity supply, it

    is important to know the specific, historical capacity

    factors related to a specific mix of generation, as

    well as to understand the general range of capacity

    factors for various types of generation. To be efficient,

    baseload generation requires a high capacity factor.

    However, a particular mid-merit plant or peaking plant

    using a technology appropriate for baseload (such ashydropower) might register a lower capacity factor

    because it is only run as it is needed.

    Capacity factor is most frequently raised in debates

    regarding renewable generation such as solar and

    wind, which are both dependent on intermittent energy

    supplies. Those in favour of these sources will argue for

    higher capacity factors while opponents will weigh in at

    the lower end of the range. As is the case for all types

    of generation, factors such as technology, location,

    and the size of the installation will have significant

    impact on the ultimate capacity factor. Ultimately,

    when it comes to system planning and policy making,

    it is not productive to generalize about capacity factors

    but rather to understand all the variables at play in

    each specific case and to ensure that the generation

    mix will be able to serve the needs of the public.

    Figure 6: Suitability of Generation to Serve Load


    Hydro - storage

    Run o river



    High-Efciency Combined

    Cycle Natural Gas

    Stand Alone,

    Simple-Cycle Natural Gas



    (coal, oil, etc.)

    Biogas (landfll)

    Biomass (wood waste)


    Wind turbines


    Fuel Cells

    Demand-side management

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    Build New Types of Generation, But Keep the Old

    New generation capacity will certainly be needed in Canada in the next two decades. Since many forms

    of generation have significant siting, public consultation, environmental assessment, regulatory and

    construction lead times, it is necessary to ensure the process is begun early enough to allow the new

    generation to come into service in time to avoid shrinking capacity margins. Time must also be allowed for

    new transmission where required. It is estimated by CEA member companies that the concept-to-completion

    time for a major new transmission line in Canada is about 10 years.

    Figure 7: Estimated Typical Regulatory & Construction Lead Times

    A useful tool for comparing construction costs is to use the overnight cost. This is the full cost of building a

    facility as if it were built and completely paid for overnight, and no interest was incurred. Other important

    costs to take into consideration are Operating and Maintenance (O&M) costs. O&M costs fall into two main


    variable O&M which represents the cost of consumables such as replacement parts or fuel and

    fixed O&M, which represents costs such as labour, regular maintenance and overhead.

    Overnight cost, variable O&M and fixed O&M are typically expressed on a per-kilowatt basis to make themcomparable. It is important to consider both variable and fixed O&M in decision-making because there

    can be significant differences in these costs. Geothermal electricity generation, for example, has almost

    no variable O&M, but its fixed O&M is much higher compared with other forms of generation. Figure 8 is

    a simplified representation of the types of costs incurred, when judged in overall comparison with other

    forms of generation. For the sake of illustration and comparison,the rankings of variable and fixed O&M

    costs were averaged (see footnote) when, as discussed, there can be quite a variance.11

    1-3 yrs

    Natural Gas

    Fuel cells

    Distributed Generation



    4-6 yrs

    Conventional coal

    Clean coal


    Run of River Hydro


    Offshore wind

    6+ yrs

    Large-scale Hydro


    11 The matrix is compiled using data from the US Energy Information Administration. Assumptions to the Annual Energy Outlook 2008.

    Table 38, page 79. Assumed Overnight and O&M costs from that paper were ranked highest to lowest, and these rankings used to

    place the generation sources on the matrix. For the purposes of illustration, the rankings of Variable and Fixed O&M costs were

    averaged to create an overall O&M rank.

  • 8/2/2019 Canada Electricity Guide






    Figure 8: Generation Construction and Operating Costs

    Figure 9: Electricity Generation by Typical Project Life

    Lower overnight cost /

    higher O&M costs

    Conventional combined

    -cycle natural gas with CCS


    Lower overnight

    cost /lower O&M costs


    Conventional combined -cycle natural gas

    Conventional Combustion

    Scrubbed Coal Wind Power

    Distributed Generation

    Higher overnight cost /

    higher O&M costs

    Tidal power

    Nuclear power

    Integrated Coal Gasification

    Combined Cycle (with or without CCS)

    Offshore wind power


    Landfill Gas

    Higher overnight

    cost/lower O&M costs

    Photovoltaic Solar

    Solar Thermal Fuel Cells

    The typical project life of the plant is another

    important consideration. Not only does project

    life indicate when replacement capacity must be

    available to come on line, it also helps estimate

    the O&M costs for a plant over its lifespan. Typical

    project lives are shown in Figure 9. It is worth

    noting that there are many projects that extend

    past their expected lives due to refurbishment.

    In Figure 9, nuclear is treated slightly differently,

    since CANDU reactors must be refurbished mid-

    way through their life span and the 40 years

    represented below includes that refurbishment.

    Light water reactors (there are none in Canada

    at this time) have a lifespan of approximately 40

    years without mid-life refurbishment.

    0 20 40 60 80 100

    Project life (yrs)




    Thermal Biomass

    Photovoltaic Solar


    Natural Gas




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    Maximize Canadas Generation Potential

    The supply and projected price of energy sources for generation during a plants life cannot be overlooked. It

    would be pointless, for example, to build a wind farm in a location that is sheltered from the wind. It would

    be similarly risky to build a plant when it seems likely that geopolitics or other factors will choke the fuelsupply and drive commodity prices to record highs. Another risk is that of building stranded power, or

    generation that is unable to connect to the electrical grid.

    The potential of some of the leading forms of generation follows12:

    Hydro More than 60% of Canadas electricity production is from renewable hydro generation. Today,

    11.5% of the worlds hydropower is generated in Canada. There remains an estimated 163,173 MW

    of undeveloped hydro potential, chiefly situated in Quebec, B.C., Alberta, Ontario and the North.13 An

    increase of 7600 MW is forecast between 2005 and 2015.

    Ocean Global tidal power potential has been estimated at 450,000 TWh. From Canadas Bay of Fundy

    alone there is potential for 30,000 MW of power.14

    Wind power Wind power is expected to lead the growth of newer generation technologies. Industry

    Canada estimates that by 2015, there could be an installed wind capacity of 8,000 MW.15 The Canadian

    Wind Energy Association aims to have wind make up 20 percent, or 55,000 MW, of Canadas electricity

    capacity by 2025.16

    Biomass Generation Among the remaining newer generation technologies, the NEB expects an increase

    by 50% by 2015, to a total of 812 MW, chiefly due to new biomass generation. Other organizationsexpect stronger biomass growth, especially from wood biomass in B.C., Ontario, Quebec and the

    Atlantic provinces. According to a BIOCAP study, Ontario could sustainably generate 27% of its power

    from forest biomass.17

    12 Unless otherwise noted, the cited potentials are taken from the National Energy Board, Canadas Energy Future: Reference Case and

    Scenarios to 2030, An Energy Market Assessment November 2007.

    13 Canadian Hydropower Association. Hydropower in Canada: Past, Present & Future. 2008. P. 6.

    14 Pembina Institute. Energy Source: Tidal Power. 2007.

    15 Industry Canada. Canadas Wind Energy Industry Directory 2007-2008. Ottawa: 2007. Page 1.


    16 Canadian Wind Energy Association. Wind Vision. 2008.

    17 BIOCAP. David B. Layzell et al. Exploring the Potential for Biomass Power in Ontario: A Response to the OPA Supply Mix Advice Report. 2006

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    Solar Photovoltaic While some solar farms are being constructed in Canada for commercial electricity

    production, this generation technologys greatest potential seems to be in meeting the electricity needs

    of individual structures, which could reduce the amount of electricity required from the commercialelectricity system. According to the 2007 solar mapping project by the government body CanMET: For

    the combined residential and commercial / institutional Canadian building stock, about 73,000 MW of

    building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) systems could be installed on Canadian buildings, generating

    29% of the 246 TWh of electricity consumed annually.18

    Fuel Cells/Micro-turbines R&D is ongoing in this sector, with only early commercialization achieved to

    date. It is unlikely that fuel cells will be in widespread use for electricity generation before 2020.

    Geothermal According to the Canadian Geothermal Energy Association (CanGEA), the use of thermal

    energy recovered from the earths crust has been growing by approximately 3% per year. CanGEAs goalis to have 5,000 MW of geothermal electricity generation capacity in place by 2015.19

    Nuclear Currently, Canadas nuclear capacity is 8th in the world, with just under 13,000 MW. However,

    a majority of existing plants will reach the end of their service lives within 20 years. The potential

    for new build is limited by uranium fuel supply, public acceptance issues, and global competition for

    component parts and skilled labour. Taking into account the planned construction of an additional

    1000 MW plant in Ontario and life extensions to existing reactors, the NEB estimates that 2650 MW of

    nuclear power is likely to be added between 2005 and 2015.

    Fossil Fuels Gas-fired generation and co-generation, currently accounting for 7% of Canadas power,are expected to increase to 11% by 2015, with the addition of 6600 MW. This increase is mainly

    because natural gas plants are relatively quick to construct, so that they can meet short- to mid-term

    increases in demand.

    Despite new conventional coal plants projected in Alberta, the expected phase out of coal in Ontario leads

    to forecasts of a decrease in Canadas coal-fired generation by 36%, or 3600 MW by 2015. Canadas first

    demonstration of new clean coal with carbon capture and storage (CCS) is expected to come on line around

    2015, and CCS is currently supported by the Canadian and US Federal governments.


    19 Canadian Geothermal Energy Association.

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    Bridge the Gap in Public Acceptance

    Electricity projects across Canada have been stalled or cancelled due to public opposition. Many arguments

    with varying degrees of merit are employed by project opponents: land use, emissions, wildlife impacts,

    aesthetics, public health and safety. Increasingly, opponents object on multiple grounds, requiring projectproponents to provide multiple studies, expert witnesses, compensation packages, and other means to

    move a project toward final approval. Even after approvals take place, some opponents seek legal remedies

    such as injunctions and court appeals to stop projects. Even a very small but vocal group can hold up a

    project for some time.

    In other cases, projects move through the system without opposition and are welcomed by local residents.

    They may bring innovation and jobs to a region, or a needed improvement to the electricity system. From

    experience, CEA members know that public education and awareness, as well as transparency, are the keys

    to public acceptance for new generation. However, with widespread availability of social communications, itcan be difficult to combat the spread of misleading or false information. This is a significant challenge for

    all project proponents today.

    Understand the Environmental Impacts in Context

    There is much focus on green electricity in North America today. The reality is, however, that there are

    environmental costs associated with every form of electricity, whether this electricity is generated with

    renewable energy sources or not. There is significant progress being made in the development of new and

    improved generation, transmission and distribution technologies and in ways to improve energy efficiency.

    Electricity providers, planners and policy makers are striving to provide the best possible electricity mix, but

    there are no quick fixes or blanket solutions.

    Two related ideas for improving the environmental profile of the electricity system are demand management

    and energy conservation. By using certain technologies, along with education campaigns and the employment

    of market-based principles, consumers are encouraged to reduce electricity consumption. There have been

    significant gains made recently in electricity conservation across Canada, and CEA members are active

    participants in these initiatives. However, new electricity infrastructure is still needed, both to replace ageingfacilities and to meet increased load growth.

    Demand management takes place through measures that provide incentives for reduced electricity use.

    Examples include:

    New Englands program to allow electricity users to bid on future energy conservation in a demand

    response market.

    Financial incentives for property owners who allow system operators to remotely and incrementally

    raise air conditioning temperatures when additional capacity is required.

    Smart meters and time-of-day pricing that gives home owners or businesses real-time price signals for

    planning significant electricity consumption (doing laundry, for example) during off-peak hours.

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    Conservation initiatives include such measures as enforcing electricity usage standards for appliances and lighting

    (such as Energy Star) or building code standards for increased energy efficiency. It also includes energy audits,

    education programs and awareness campaigns to encourage voluntary reduction of electricity consumption.

    In recent years, as the need for transmission system revitalization has become more urgent, governments

    and electricity planners have been looking at smart grid technologies. These components give electricity

    system operators much greater ability to monitor electricity supply and load in real-time, making it easier to

    incorporate intermittent power supplies such as wind and solar or even incorporate input from very small,

    or micro, generation. In the latter case, a distributed generation model allows small-scale generators (farms

    with biogas digesters, solar arrays, or small wind turbines) to sell their excess electricity onto the grid.

    Figure 10: Compares the typical known environmental effects of various generation technologies.20

    Technology TypeStage of Tech.Development

    Local resourcedependence

    Environmental Footprint

    high mid lowCriteria airpollutants

    GHGWater useimpacts

    Extraction Waste Other


    Storage-based Commercial None NoneFlow

    changesNo No

    Flooding New hydrofacilities are held tostandard of no netloss of habitat.

    Run-of-river Commercial None None Minimal No


    None None Minimal No No

    Ocean Tidal Pilot stage None None


    No NoCan interfere with orenhance recreation


    None None No No

    Nuclear Generation III+


    None NoneThermal

    dischargeYes Radioactive

    High cooling waterdemand

    Generation IV+ Conceptual



    NaturalGas Single Cycle

    CommercialLow Medium


    Yes YesModerate coolingwater demand

    Combined-cycle Commercial



    Commercial High HighThermal

    dischargeYes Yes

    Moderate coolingwater demand

    Coal-fred Conventional Commercial High High


    Yes YesModerate to highcooling waterdemand

    Clean Coal Demonstration Low MediumThermal

    dischargeYes Yes




    Demonstration/ Low Medium No Yes

    Moderate to highcooling water

  • 8/2/2019 Canada Electricity Guide





    Stora e o st at o /

    Conceptual Low Medium No Yes cooling water




    Commercial Dependenton source

    Dependenton source


    Dependent onsource

    Dependent onsource


    Pre-commercial Dependenton source

    Dependenton source


    Dependent onsource

    Dependent onsource



    uels Manufactured

    liquid fuelsDemonstration Low None Low No No

    Land-use, irrigation,fertilizer for energycrops, pesticides


    Biomass Wood waste Commercial

    Other Commercial


    Commercial None Low Low No Yes Odour







    Commercial Dependenton source

    Dependenton source

    Dependenton source

    Dependent onsource

    Dependent onsource

    Windpower Large turbines Commercial None None None No No Bird/bat kills

    Small turbines Commercial None None None No No Noise

    Jet-stream Conceptual None None None No No


    Photovoltaic Commercial None None LowFor

    manufacturing& materials

    NoHigh energyrequirements formanufacturing

    Solar tower Demonstration None NoneLow to

    moderateNo No

    Solar waterheating




    None NoneFor


    For hydrogenproduction &



    High energyrequirementsto make purehydrogen






    None None None No

    Disposal of


    Reduced demand =

    reduced emissions

    20 Adapted from Canadian Electricity Association. Power Generation in Canada: A Guide. Ottawa: Canadian Electricity Association,

    2006. pp 16-17.