“can we deface your web in 10 mins?” - edu 3.4

Knownsec Hong Kong Can we deface your Web in 10 mins?

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Post on 13-Jan-2017




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Knownsec Hong Kong

 Can we deface your Web in 10 mins?


Ref: http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/news/20150708/bkn-20150708133226995-0708_00822_001.html


Ref: http://abcnews.go.com/US/ny-high-school-students-accused-hacking-computer-system/story?id=34617530


Ref: http://www.appledaily.com.tw/realtimenews/article/new/20151024/718116/

 Some Common Hacking Incidents

•  Defacement •  Changing the look of the website – e.g. hackers break into into

the web server and modify the content

•  Stealing Information •  Getting some sensitive information (e.g. exam paper) because

they are not properly protected

Ref: https://www.pinoyhacknews.com/web-hacking-terms-what-is-website-defacedefacement

•  Modifying Information •  E.g. Hackers break into the server / through websites

vulnerability to modify the database content, like school grades

•  Upload Trojan / Shell •  Hackers upload a backdoor to control the webserver, they can

change website content, spread virus, make webserver as zombie, etc…

•  Etc…

Ref: http://vanish.org/t/images/bot1.jpg

 Some Common Vulnerabilities

•  SQL Injection •  A website vulnerability that allow hackers to input gain access

to database or even execute commands, e.g. dump database, modify content, upload files

•  Vulnerable Components

•  Using some vulnerable software like outdated CMS, vuln version of Wordpress plugin, old web servers (e.g. webdav exploit)…

Ref: http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/exploits_of_a_mom.png

•  Sensitive Files •  Important files are not properly protected, e.g. simply putting

them to be internet accessible

•  Weak Passwords •  Using weak password like 000000 and no brute force


 Demo – Can we deface your Web in 10mins?

•  There is a sample Educational Website

 Can we deface your Web in 10mins?

•  Hacking in progress… •  Browsing the website

•  Finding vulnerabilities

•  Uploading a shell…

•  Defacing the homepage…

 Can we deface your Web in 10mins? – Yes!!

 What did the hacker do?

•  Browsing the website •  Got interesting directories: /intranet

•  Have to login?

•  Got an interesting page: /intranet/fck.php using FKCEditor?

•  Finding vulnerabilities •  Bypass login by SQL Injection…

•  Misconfigured FCKEditor, a vulnerable component J

•  Uploading a shell… •  A file that can control the website

•  Defacing the homepage… •  Mission completed


•  Do security assessment on your websites •  Websites vulnerabilities

•  Servers configuration

•  Apply countermeasures if necessary

•  Improve security awareness •  Be aware of the news about the technology that the school is


•  Education


•  Alan Ho •  [email protected]

Thank you!