camtasia getting started guide vanessa

Task 1B - 3 adverts

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Post on 10-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Camtasia getting started guide vanessa

Task 1B - 3 adverts

Page 2: Camtasia getting started guide vanessa

Client brief & content It is promoting air pollution and is indicating that the pollution that we create is shooting the clean air down and the pollution I just like a bullet and can cause so much damage. The target audience is based at all ages because everyone has been guilty of creating bad pollution. The mood is set by showing use a gun and guns are associated with bad thing coming to pass and death this automatically sets the mood and atmosphere, the genre is associated with action because of the gun and we need to move and do something about it. The brand is called NRDC (natural resources defence council) and NRDC works to safeguard the earth — its people, its plants and animals, and the natural systems on which all life depends.

Page 3: Camtasia getting started guide vanessa

Client brief & content It is trying to stop dangerous drink driving and is indicating that dangerous driving is just like violence and how it creates pain and misère. The target audience is based at men all ages over 18 because everyone could be guilty of drink driving and statistics show that men are more likely to crash. The mood is set by showing use a cars and cars smashing together are associated with bad thing coming to pass and death this automatically sets the mood and atmosphere, the genre is associated with action because of the movement of the fist and the car making contact with the face and the other car. Ecovia trying to stop the Violence, Don't drink and drive, this I mainly aimed at males because women on average are more carful drivers

Page 4: Camtasia getting started guide vanessa

Client brief & content It is promoting that you skin colour shouldn’t determined your job and life style and the creator of this advert is trying to you should be able to make your own future and not have it given/ forced to you at birth. The target audience is based at all ages because it trying to make everyone aware of the things that happen in society. The mood is set by showing three babies in the shot while the white babies are free and the black one is trapped up in work from a young age and the mood Is down grading. LICRA this advert is part of the ACT responsible collection