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Post on 01-Aug-2016




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  • This document has being imagined, written and designed by Guillermo Maceiras, with the collaboration of Itziar Rubio and Daniel Martinez

    Photos by Guillermo MaceirasRegistered under Creative Commons license:

    you are allowed and invited to download and share it openly, under the condition of not having commercial purposes and credit us as the authors.

    Infographics and illustrations created from open-souce vectors from

  • A very simple yet powerful premise guides us: any solution for the future must be creative and build on collaboration.

    our goal is to activate both within the vocational path

    of vulnerable youthas a way to thrive

    a positive change in society.

    Campus Vedi

  • All-in-one, one step at a time.

    ...What is a Campus VEDI ? 4 sentences

  • A crowd-sourced art project geared to improve quality of life of vulnerable communities.

    A campus on how art and creativity can connect cultures and peoples for changing their world for good.

    All-in-one, one step at a time.

    A transmedia platform where young creators showcase ideas and make

    them happen collaboratively.





  • Campus Vedi evinces innovative solutions for important matters that

    affects marginalized cultural groups and underprivileged social backgrounds.

    Powered by intercultural innovation training methodologies, the Campus engages the

    capacity of young creators to overcome barriers posed by cultural or socioeconomic

    backgrounds and thrive their imagination by taking part in a collaborative-art project that hold potential for replicating effects to

    improve their societies.

    The campus core idea is to gather some of the most active young artist and creative

    thinkers from Window to Diversitys international network, in order to design and

    create a trans-disciplinary collaborative-art project, focused on make a difference in

    their communities and inspire others.

  • Campus Vedi promotes a co-creative cultural exchange based on mutual recognition in equity, for a social positive change: we gather youth form diverse cultural origins and nations to co-create an interconnected art project. Our methodology underlines the importance of culture as source of knowledge, meanings andpositive values for the societies, using a very attractive approach for the global youth: art and new media.

    Throughout a north-south-south cultural cooperation ecosystem, Campus VEDI embarks participants into a journey of self-discovery and trans-boundary solidarity that will evidence the possibilities of crowdsourced transdisciplinary art for freed their speech, unleash their creativity and transform their societies. One idea at a time.

  • of a Campus Vedi experience3The Stages

  • We will gather in a same space for a summer-campus-like experience, 15 of the most creative young artist and game-changers from different cultures.

    The core group-dynamic methodology will help participants learn from each-others realities while designing a multi-layered collaborativeart methodology with a positive impact on chosen social issues. Broad cathegories of selected issues can be: gender equality, evironmental preservation, cultural rights of minorities, access to basic needs, etc. They must be addressed in a collaborative fashion by applying intercultural innovation-based approaches. In parallel, a set of workshops and specialized training modules will be offered.

    In other words: the solution will arise by combining strategies from every cultures imaginary, knowledge and values into a collaborative art projects design.

    1The Campus

  • 2The Art projectThe project itself will necessarily be a coral expression of art and digital forms of creativity: Photography, Video, Drawing and illustration, music, performative art... all of them created and/or performed back in their livinghoods.

    During creation process, participants from all communities will be interconnected, producing all art contents in a network fashion. The results will manifest the power of art as a bridge across cultures, helping under-represented communities regain cultural recognition, embrace coexistence in equity and promote solidarity in nowadays Network Society.

    The goal of this stage is to set-up the right conditions for the art-project implementation, as much as mentoring campus participants as focal points in their communities, developing ownership, self-esteem, confidence, resilience and other soft skills needed for young creative leaders to unfold their potential.

  • 3The Transmedia PlatformThe whole process will produce a transmedia art online platform, made up of all the creations and a set of systematized interactive content that will allow others to replicate the experience in further locations both, from Window to Diversity network and beyond.

    Summing up, Campus VEDI is the perfect medium to awake youths creative thinking through which diverse people can work together, fostering mutual understanding and collaboration through art, in order to make a difference for their communities and the world.

  • Campus Vedi is a collaborative creativity adventure imagined and designed by Window to Diversity with the support of our beloved partners:

    UNESCO Chair on Cultural Policies and Cooperation University of Girona

    CEPHCIS - National Autonomous University of Mexico

    Cultural Center of Spain in Guatemala

    Cultural Center of Spain in Peru

    Unesco Etxea

    Cultura Savia Yucatn

    .txt // Texto de cinema

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