campus improvement plan binion - birdville isd / overview

Revised: August 8, 2012 Birdville Independent School District Campus Improvement Plan Jack C Binion Elementary District Goal 1: Achievement - Students will exceed state and national standards in all subject areas. SMART Goal: (1.1) 90% of all students and subgroups will exceed the state and national standards in all content areas by 2016. Related Targets: (1.1.1) By 2013, 90% of students in grades K-5 will achieve ISIP scores at or above the 90% percentile for state and national norms at the end of the year. (1.1.2) By 2016, 90% of students in each accountability subgroup will score at the satisfactory level in STAAR Math, Reading, Writing and Science in grades 3-5. 2012-2013 Targets Subgroup Reading Writing Math Science All Students 77% 76% 75% 88% African American 67% 48% 74% 60% Hispanic 76% 77% 70% 65% White 80% 81% 82% 80% Econ Disadvantage 75% 75% 74% 75% LEP 71% 78% 69% 71% Special Ed 54% 39% 54% 62% (1.1.3) By 2016, 40% of students in each accountability subgroup will score at the Advanced level in STAAR Math, Reading, Writing and Science in grades 3-5. 2012-2013 Targets Subgroup Reading Writing Math Science All Students 16% 11% 14% 11% Title IComprehensive Needs Assessment

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Page 1: Campus Improvement Plan Binion - Birdville ISD / Overview

Revised: August 8, 2012

Birdville Independent School District

Campus Improvement Plan – Jack C Binion Elementary

District Goal 1: Achievement - Students will exceed state and national standards in all subject areas.

SMART Goal: (1.1) 90% of all students and subgroups will exceed the state and national standards in all content areas by 2016.

Related Targets:

(1.1.1) By 2013, 90% of students in grades K-5 will achieve ISIP scores at or above the 90% percentile for state and national norms at the end of the


(1.1.2) By 2016, 90% of students in each accountability subgroup will score at the satisfactory level in STAAR Math, Reading, Writing and Science in

grades 3-5.

2012-2013 Targets

Subgroup Reading Writing Math Science All Students 77% 76% 75% 88% African American 67% 48% 74% 60% Hispanic 76% 77% 70% 65% White 80% 81% 82% 80% Econ Disadvantage 75% 75% 74% 75% LEP 71% 78% 69% 71% Special Ed 54% 39% 54% 62%

(1.1.3) By 2016, 40% of students in each accountability subgroup will score at the Advanced level in STAAR Math, Reading, Writing and Science in

grades 3-5.

2012-2013 Targets Subgroup Reading Writing Math Science All Students 16% 11% 14% 11% Title I—Comprehensive Needs Assessment

Page 2: Campus Improvement Plan Binion - Birdville ISD / Overview

Revised: August 8, 2012

Actions Population Person Responsible

Resources needed

Approx cost Timeline Evidence of completion

1.1a Send key campus staff to Margaret Kilgo training on Math and Reading TEKS Title I—Professional Development Title I—School Reform Strategies

All students K-5 key math and ELA teachers, administrators

PLC time $0 September 2012 Sign-in sheets, PLC agendas, lessons in Eduphoria: Forethought

1.1b Provide teachers time for PLC’s to focus on lesson planning, creating formative common assessments, RTI grouping, RTI strategies, and analyzing student data Title I—Teacher Input in Assessments

Administrators, teachers, academic specialists

Administrators, academic specialists

Schedule weekly PLC time, DuFour materials

$0 Sept.-May PLC agendas and products from PLC meetings

1.1c Monitor Eduphoria Forethought lesson planning and implement Eduphoria Aware Title I—Comprehensive Needs Assessment

All students Teachers, Administrators, academic specialists, C&I coordinators

Trailblazers, computers, scanners Forethought and AWARE training

$0 Sept -May Lesson Plans in Forethought. Assessments uploaded into Aware program

1.1d Organize and schedule vertical alignment teams (Math and Science) Title I—School Reform Strategies

All students Administrators, academic specialists

Vertical alignment documents, district curriculum, math and science data,

$0 Nov-May PLC agenda

1.1e Integrate technology tools and software into lessons to increase student engagement an assist struggling learners Title I—School Reform Strategies Title I—Transition

All students Administrators, Teachers, Instructional Technologist

Accelerated Reader, Study Island, SMART Boards, training

Title I $24,000 Site Base $2,600

Sept-May Assessments, Lesson plans

Page 3: Campus Improvement Plan Binion - Birdville ISD / Overview

Revised: August 8, 2012

Actions Population Person Responsible

Resources needed

Approx cost Timeline Evidence of completion

1.1f Provide professional learning for teachers that address students needs or enhances instructional practices Title I—Highly Qualified Staff Title I—Professional Development Title I—Transition

All Students Administrators, Teachers, Academic Specialists

Norma Jackson, TLIM, Ruby Paine Book Study , Bea Luchnin, TCEA, Comprehension Connections Book Study, Sheltered Instruction, Math previews

Title I $6,700 Site Base $825

Aug-May Professional Learning Meeting Request form submitted to district

1.1g Content area family nights (Math, Science and Reading) and Strong Father’s Bring Your Dad to School days Title I—School Reform Strategies Title I—Increasing Parent Involvement

All students All Teachers, Administrators Strong Fathers

Math, Reading and Science materials

$3,000 ASPIRE

Jan-March Parent Sign in sheets

1.1h Use district assessment data and

teacher created common assessments to

make curriculum and instructional decisions

Title I—Teacher Input in Assessments

Title I—School Reform Strategies

All students All Teachers Administrators

ISIP, SPS, CBA, WRAP, Eduphoria: Aware, PLC time

$0 Sept-May PLC agendas, lessons in Eduphoria: Forethought, Assessment results

1.1.i Attend Leaders of Learners sessions

and use information in developing campus

professional development

Title I—School Reform Strategies

All students Key teacher leaders, Campus principal

Professional learning materials, copies, $100

$0 Sept-May Professional Learning Meeting Request form submitted to district

Page 4: Campus Improvement Plan Binion - Birdville ISD / Overview

Revised: August 8, 2012

Actions Population Person Responsible

Resources needed

Approx cost Timeline Evidence of completion

1.1.j Implement district-wide writing


Title I—Professional Development

All students All Teachers Norma Jackson rubric, writing boxes with expository and personal narrative writing samples for all levels, Write Source,

Title I $300 Oct-Nov Student writing products

1.1.k Assess students 3 times a year in writing

All students All Teachers Write Source, Expository writing prompts, Motivation Writing, Norma Jackson rubric

$2900 Oct-May BOY, MOY, and EOY student writing products

1.1l Collaborate with ASPIRE to provide

academic and enrichment classes to at risk


Title I—Increasing Parent Involvement Title I—School Reform Strategies Title I—Transition Title I—Comprehensive Needs Assessment Title I—Assistance Mastery Title I—Coordination/Integration of Services

All students ASPIRE teachers, ASPIRE coordinator, Administrators

Resources needed for ASPIRE classes, 7 Habits for Families

ASPIRE Personnel $76,500 Materials $25, 800 Technology $25,000

Sept-May Assessment Results, Tier 3 data

Page 5: Campus Improvement Plan Binion - Birdville ISD / Overview

Revised: August 8, 2012

Goal 1: Student Achievement: Students will exceed state and national standard in all subjects. SMART Goal 1.3: All students will be taught by highly qualified teachers and assisted by highly qualified paraprofessionals.

Related Targets:

1.3.1 All classroom teachers will be highly qualified. 1.3.2. All instructional paraprofessionals will meet the highly qualified standard. 1.3.3 All new hires will meet highly qualified status prior to employment. 1.3.4 All teachers will receive high-quality professional development. Title –Highly Qualified Staff

Actions Population Person Responsible

Resources needed

Approx cost Timeline Evidence of completion

1.3.a. District will conduct recruitment activities to ensure highly qualified personnel in all positions Title I—Employee Recruitment

Teachers BISD Human Resources

Human Resource Personnel Title II-A Title III-A Local funds

$0 Sept.-May All instructional campus personnel are highly qualified

1.3.b. Establish an effective teacher mentoring system in order to retain highly qualified staff

First year teachers New teacher mentor, campus administrators, and Director of Curriculum

Established training dates and meetings with campus mentor


Aug.-May New teachers are successful in their first year—students meet academic goals, work well in PLC groups, and sign contract for following school year; and mentor program evaluation

Page 6: Campus Improvement Plan Binion - Birdville ISD / Overview

Revised: August 8, 2012

Actions Population Person Responsible

Resources needed

Approx cost Timeline Evidence of completion

1.3.c. Communication with Human Resource Department regarding highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals

New teachers and new paraprofessionals

Human Resource Department and campus administrators

Local funds $0 May 2012 – May 2013

All instructional personnel are highly qualified, personnel files, principal attestations

1.3.d. Assist teachers in maintaining or attaining certification through alternative programs, G/T certification, ESL certification, coursework, and TExES assessment in order to assure all staff members are highly qualified

All teachers Human Resource Department, campus administrators, ESL coordinator, G/T coordinator, and TIMS

Title I-A Title II-A Title III G/T funds

$0 Aug.-May All instructional personnel have obtained ESL certification, G/T certification, where appropriate, as demonstrated by completion certificates and Eduphoria-Workshop

1.3.e. Communicate with Human Resource Department regarding paraprofessionals’ files to ensure all are highly qualified

All instructional paraprofessionals

Human Resource Department, BISD Coordinator for School Improvement, and campus administrator

Title I-A Local funds

$0 May 2012 – May 2013

All paraprofessionals have their personnel files completed with appropriate and mandatory paperwork, and Eduphoria-Workshop

1.3.f. Ensure all teachers receive high-quality, research-based professional learning opportunities

All teachers Campus administrators and academic coordinators

Title I-A Title II-! Local funds Campus Title I funds

$22,000 Aug.-May Purchase orders, attendance records, lesson plans in Eduphoria-Workshop, and Walk-Through forms

1.3.g. Provide strategies to attract highly qualified teachers

All teachers Human Resource Department and campus principals

Title I-A Title II-A Local funds

$0 Aug.-May Personnel files and Eduphoria-Workshop

Page 7: Campus Improvement Plan Binion - Birdville ISD / Overview

Revised: August 8, 2012

Goal 1: Student Achievement: Students will exceed state and national standard in all subjects. SMART Goal 1.2: No more than 12% of students will receive support services through special education or by RTI Tier III by 2016.

Related Targets:

1.2.1 Each year the district will decrease the percentage of students referred for special education services. 2012 2.3% 2013 Target 2.1%

1.2.2. By 2016, no more than 10% of students will receive special education services. 2012 8.9% 2013 Target 8.8%

1.2.3 Each year the district will reduce the percentage of students receiving RTI interventions at Tier III. 2012 3.2% 2013 Target 3%

Actions Population Person Responsible

Resources needed

Approx cost Timeline Evidence of completion

1.2.a. Attend professional development on effective RTI model Title I—Highly Qualified Staff Title I—Assistance Mastery Title I—Professional Development

Campus administrators, teachers, CARE team, academic specials

Special services coordinators

RTI Training $0 Nov April Sept

MOY and EOY Tier Data, WIN data

1.2.b. Implement effective Tier II and Tier III interventions Title I—Assistance Mastery

All Students Teachers, academic specialists, C&I Coordinators

RTI Task Force Intervention materials, Intervention training Academic Specials

Title I Academic Specials And RTI Materials $130,000

Sept-May EOY Tier Data

1.2.c. Develop schedule that will allow for flexible grouping during scheduled intervention time Title I—Assistance Mastery Title I—Coordination/Integration of Services Title I—School Reform Strategies Title I—Teacher Input in Assessments

All Students Administrators, Academic specialists

PLC time and DuFour materials

$0 Sept-May EOY Reports

Page 8: Campus Improvement Plan Binion - Birdville ISD / Overview

Revised: August 8, 2012

Actions Population Person Responsible

Resources needed

Approx cost Timeline Evidence of completion

1.2d Purchase RTI Curriculum Interventions Title I—Assistance Mastery

All Students Administrators, Teachers, Academic Specialists

Benchmark ISTATION, Math, Science, Reading, Writing Materials

Title I 35,000 ASPIRE $2,900

Sept-may Assessments

1.2.e Provide time among the instructional staff for the PLC process Title I—Teacher Input in Assessments

Administrators, Teachers

Campus Administrators, Teachers

DuFour Materials

$0 Sept.-May PLC Agendas, SMART Goals and products of PLC meetings

1.2.f Increase the percentage of special education services delivered in the general ed setting Title I—Coordination/Integration of Services Title I—School Reform Strategies

Special Education students

Campus Administrators, Teachers EA

Professional learning; LRE, push-in services, co-teaching

$0 Sept.-May Percent of students receiving support through sp. Ed. Or RTI Tier 3

1.2.g Implement daily intervention/enrichment schedule Title I—Comprehensive Needs Assessment

All students Administrators, teachers, , spec. ed. teachers, academic specialists

Professional learning; LRE, inclusion services,

Specialists and EAs—Title I funds-$108,000

Sept.-May Percent of students receiving support through spec. ed., Tiers I, II, or III, and/or enrichment

1.2.h Implement computer reading assessment system for RTI Title I—Comprehensive Needs Assessment

Students K-5 Central Administrators, Coordinators, Specialist, Campus Staff

ISIP $0 Sept.-May Assessment results

1.3.i Implement ISTATION curriculum in grades K-5 Title I—Assistance Mastery

Students K-5 Administrators, Teachers,

ISTATION $7400 Title I $2900 ASPIRE

Sept-May Assessment results and RTI Tier 3

Page 9: Campus Improvement Plan Binion - Birdville ISD / Overview

Revised: August 8, 2012

District Goal 2: Safe and Secure Schools

Goal 2: Safe and Secure Schools: All classrooms and schools will be safe, secure and nurturing places for students, staff and parents.

SMART Goal 2.1: Ninety-five percent of staff and students will report that classrooms and schools are safe, secure, and nurturing places for increased learning

and productivity.

Related Targets: 2.1.1 By 2016, the average daily attendance for students will be 97%.

2012 96.3% 2013 Target 96.6% 2.1.2. By 2016, the average daily attendance for employees will be 97%.

2012 95.8% 2013 Target 96.1% 2.1.3. Each year there will be a 5% reduction in the number of discipline referrals over the previous year. 2012 n103 2013 Target n98

Actions Population Person Responsible

Resources needed

Approx cost Timeline Evidence of completion

2.1.a. Implement Community of Respect Everywhere (Core) and The Leader in Me 7 Habits for students and families Title I—Increasing Parent Involvement Title I—School Reform Strategies

Campus, students, staff

Counselor, TLIM campus committee and campus administrators, ASPIRE

TLIM books for parents, 7 Habits presenter

Title I $325 ASPIRE $220

Sept.-May Campus staff development agenda showing the CORE information shared

2.1.b. Recognize students, staff, and community members for demonstrating the CORE values and The Leader in Me 7 Habits Title I—Increasing Parent Involvement Title I—School Reform Strategies

Staff, students, and community members

Administrators, counselor, teachers

Virtue pins, Bobcats Worth Bragging About Shirts, BWBA lunches, Awards and certificates, 7 Habits Bracelets


Sept - May Number of Virtue pins given to students, certificates and shirts given at 6 weeks awards assembly

Page 10: Campus Improvement Plan Binion - Birdville ISD / Overview

Revised: August 8, 2012

Actions Population Person Responsible

Resources needed

Approx cost Timeline Evidence of completion

2.1.c Use school messenger to contact parents when students are absent, send letters to parents for students with excessive absences and follow up with district truancy officer on truant students. Title I—Increasing Parent Involvement Title I--Transition

All students Attendance clerk Administrators Truancy Officer

Skyward School Messenger System

$0 Daily Report Summary

2.1.d Monitor faculty attendance Staff Principal None $0 Sept-May AESOP Reports

2.1.e Monitor student attendance and Award Perfect Attendance

All students and staff

All staff, counselor Perfect Attendance Awards and Certificates

$200 Each six weeks Sept-May

Discipline referrals

2.1.f Monitor student discipline and implement The Leader in Me 7 Habits. Award Excellent Citizenship

All students and staff

All staff, counselor Excellent citizenship Awards and Certificates, Bobcats Worth Bragging about Shirts, 7 Habits Bracelets

$800 Each six weeks Sept-May

Discipline referrals

2.1g Implement WATCH DOGS Title I—Increasing Parent Involvement Title I—School Reform Strategies

All Students Administrator WATCH Dogs kick off materials

$300 Sept-May Safety Audit

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Revised: August 8, 2012

District Goal 3: Efficient and Effective Operations

SMART Goal 3.1: Ninety-five percent of all methods/actions delineated in the district and campus plans will be completed.

Related Targets: 3.1.1. By 2013, 90% of actions listed in annual district, campus, and department plans will be completed by year’s end

Actions Population Person Responsible

Resources needed

Approx cost Timeline Evidence of completion

3.1.a. Monitor implementation of campus plan Title I—School Reform Strategies

SBDM Committee SBDM Committee Principal Assistant Principal

None None Oct. 2012 Protocol for monitoring campus

3.1.b. Conduct and communicate progress reviews three time per year to stake holders Title I—Increasing Parent Involvement Title I—School Reform Strategies

SBDM Committee SBDM Committee Principal Assistant Principal

None None

Nov. 2012 Feb. 2013 May 2013

Compilation of documents for evidence of completion

Page 12: Campus Improvement Plan Binion - Birdville ISD / Overview

Revised: August 8, 2012

Addendum- Parent Involvement Policy-Jack C Binion Elementary

Title I Requirements: Campus Site-Based Committee will update campus Parent Involvement Policy and Strategies in accordance with Federal Policy.

SMART Goal 4.1: All actions will be completed with regards to the creation and implementation of the campus Parent Involvement Policy and Strategies.

Requirements: 4.1.1. Participation in parent involvement policy development 4.1.2. Participation in decision making for Title I Program 4.1.3. Communicate program information to all parents 4.1.4. Shared responsibility for student achievement 4.1.5. Build capacity of parents 4.1.6. Build capacities of staff 4.1.7. Coordinate and integrate Title I parent program with other parent programs 4.1.8. Smooth transitions for students going into middle school

Actions Population Person Responsible

Resources needed

Approx cost Timeline Evidence of completion

4.1.a. Involve parents in development of policy through Site Based Decision Making Committee

Parents and community members

SBDM Committee Principal Assistant Principal

Internet—post on campus website

$0 Dec. 2012 Feb. 2013 May 2013

Updated campus policy, meeting agendas, and event sign-in sheets

4.1.b. Involve parents in the decision making for Title I Program

Parents and community members

SBDM Committee Principal Assistant Principal PTA President District Coordinator for School Improvement

Internet—post on campus website, Title I power point presentation for PTA meeting


Sept. 2012 Oct. 2012 Dec. 2012 Feb. 2013 May 2013

Meeting sign-in sheets, agendas, and minutes posted and shared, Title I power point posted on website

Page 13: Campus Improvement Plan Binion - Birdville ISD / Overview

Revised: August 8, 2012

Actions Population Person Responsible

Resources needed

Approx cost Timeline Evidence of completion

4.1.c. Communication of Title I participation and program information to all parents:

PTA Title I Information Meeting

Written form provided in English and Spanish in front office

Electronic form provided in English and Spanish on website

Title I Power Point on website

Parents and community members

Principal Internet—post of campus website and hard copies of meeting times/agenda on campus doors

$0 Oct. 2012 Dec. 2012 Feb. 2013 May 2013

Meeting sign-in sheets, agendas, and minutes posted and shared

4.1.d. Communicate curriculum information and state assessment information to parents by:

Meet the Teacher/Curriculum Night

Campus webpage and links

Report card conferences

Parent/teacher conferences

Send home STAAR Information in English and Spanish

Post STAAR brochure on webpage

Provide information to Spanish speakers with assistance from Spanish interpreter

Parents and community members

Principal, counselor, and teachers

Internet, Spanish translators and interpreters

$0 Aug.-May Event sign-in sheets, parent/teacher conference documentation, copies of information sent home or posted in English and Spanish and when possible

4.1.e. Parents and school faculty share responsibility for student achievement by developing, distributing, evaluating, and revising the campus School-Parent Compact

Parents, teachers and community members

SBDM Committee and principal

Internet $0 Aug. 2012 Oct. 2012

Number of signed School-Parent Compacts and SBDM Committee sign-in sheets, agendas, and minutes

Page 14: Campus Improvement Plan Binion - Birdville ISD / Overview

Revised: August 8, 2012

Actions Population Person Responsible

Resources needed

Approx cost Timeline Evidence of completion

4.1.f. Build capacities of parents by:

Assisting parents’ understanding of state academic content

State academic achievement standards including ISIP and STAAR

Providing ways for parents to monitor student progress through progress reports, report cards, conferences, information on website and PTA meetings

Encourage parents to work with teachers to improve student achievement through frequent communication with Binion staff—planners, newsletters, website, conferences (phone and in person), awards assemblies

Encouraging participation in ASPIRE events

Parents and students’ family members

Campus administrators, teachers, ASPIRE Coordinator, and PTA

Scheduled parent involvement events and standards of communication for all staff members

0$ Aug.-May Conference documentation, event sign-in sheets, agendas, and ASPIRE participation data

4.1.g. Design trainings/events with parents to build staff’s capacities to communicate with parents, to value parent contribution, and to reach out to parents by:

Watch Dog Program for fathers

ESL classes for parents

7 Habits for Highly Effective Families

PTA meetings

SBDM Committee open meetings

Family movie events

Family dance events

Staff and parents Principal, PTA President, SBDM Committee, ASPIRE coordinator

Schedule of events for parents & teachers, WATCH Dog materials, 7 Habits Materials

Title I $4,000

Aug.-May Number of participants at events and sign-in sheets

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Revised: August 8, 2012

Actions Population Person Responsible

Resources needed

Approx cost Timeline Evidence of completion

4.1.h. Coordinate and integrate Title I parent program with other parent programs such as:

Meet the Teacher/Curriculum Night

PTA sponsored events

Campus dental screenings

Campus vision/hearing screening

District family counseling

ASPIRE events

ESL classes

Parents Principal, PTA President, SBDM Committee, district coordinators, and ASPIRE coordinator

Scheduled events

$0 Aug.-May Number of participants at events and sign-in sheets

4.1.i. Smooth transitions for students going into PK and 5

th graders going into middle


Parent Information Nights

Report card conference

Participation in Elementary/RMS Choir event


grade trip to RMS and/or RMS staff members visiting Binion

ARD meetings

Encourage students to attend RMS Jump Start during the summer

Students transitioning to Richland Middle School

Principal, counselor, RMS administrators and counselor

Scheduled events

$0 Oct.-June Number of participants at events, conference documentation, and event sign-in sheets