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SENIOR CAMPUS 03 5593 1617 CAMPERDOWN COLLEGE JUNIOR CAMPUS 03 5593 1438 Website: Contact CAMPERDOWN COLLEGE NEWSLETTER Term 2, Week 11, 23 rd June 2016 Camperdown ur Instrumental Music Winter Concert was held on Wednesday 8 th June in the Junior Campus BER Building and was a wonderful celebration of music at Camperdown College. The program was varied with beginner and more advanced students performing solo and group items for families and friends, and reflected how much our Instrumental Music program has grown. Our Senior Campus guitar students Bailey McDonald, Darcy Micallef, James O'Neil, Zach McKenzie, Caelan Gration and Ben Micallef also performed for the first time with their teacher, Mr Peter Sharp. Fiona Pugh Instrumental Music Teacher Top: Keira Johnston and Lila Horspole; Left: Leilah Bateman and Riley Stephenson; Below: Patrick Spokes, Riley McGillivray and Zach Pillar.

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CAMPERDOWN COLLEGE NEWSLETTER Term 2, Week 11, 23rd June 2016


ur Instrumental Music Winter Concert was held on Wednesday 8th June in the Junior Campus BER Building and was a wonderful celebration of music at Camperdown College.

The program was varied with beginner and more advanced students performing solo and group items for families and friends, and reflected how much our Instrumental Music program has grown.

Our Senior Campus guitar students Bailey McDonald, Darcy Micallef, James O'Neil, Zach McKenzie, Caelan Gration and Ben Micallef also performed for the first time with their teacher, Mr Peter Sharp. Fiona Pugh Instrumental Music Teacher

Top: Keira Johnston and Lila Horspole; Left: Leilah Bateman and Riley Stephenson; Below: Patrick Spokes,

Riley McGillivray and Zach Pillar.

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Our Mission: Camperdown College will provide exemplary teaching and learning programs within excellent facilities which foster school pride,

aspiration and persistence to achieve high levels of learning for all students.

From the Principal’s Desk…

Another semester at Camperdown

College is drawing to a close and we have

appreciated several opportunities this

week to step back and reflect on the

learning that has occurred and the

progress that has been made by so many

students. Our Senior Campus Celebration

of Learning Assembly on Wednesday

gave us an opportunity to publicly acknowledge a range of

students whose efforts have been particularly noteworthy

with regards to attendance, academic excellence,

citizenship, or special achievements. The performance by

our ukulele class was a fitting opener for this assembly,

demonstrating the satisfaction that comes with sustained

effort and teamwork.

The outstanding achievement of Year 10

student Lauren McIlveen (pictured left)

in being selected for a student trip to

Vietnam was one of many highlights of

the assembly. Lauren's award winning

essay on The Controversial Vietnam War

reflects her dedication, strong personal

interest and insight into a controversial

period that profoundly affected individuals and our nation.

We are very proud of what Lauren has achieved!

College teachers from all stages of schooling came together

on Wednesday after school to share presentations of their

students' learning growth. Across the school there is a

strong sense of shared responsibility for student wellbeing

and academic outcomes, and these end of term

presentations serve an important function in celebrating

success and highlighting the next steps for our collective


This week we have had the sad task of farewelling Mr Ben

McKenzie who is leaving us to take up a position at

Warrnambool College, closer to family. Ben has made a

significant contribution to the College during his three

years at the Senior Campus and we thank him for the great

work he has done to build the profile of Design and

Technology across the school. Ben has successfully

engaged students and the community with a range of

creative projects and leaves the faculty well placed to go

from strength to strength. We thank Ben and wish him all

the best in his new position.

Tomorrow we will conclude the end of semester

celebrations with our Junior Campus assembly and it will

be a great pleasure to announce the students of the term!

Last Friday I had the pleasure of catching up with two of

our Year 9 students, Casey

Smith and Paige Prout (pictured

left), who have spent the term at

the Gnurad Gundidj campus of

the School for Student

Leadership. Year 9 Program

teacher Mr Kim Gration and

myself attended the students'

community learning project

presentation day and were most

impressed by the girls' increased confidence and personal

growth. They have made many friends from all over

Victoria, successfully tackled challenges that took them

well beyond their comfort zone, and learnt that there is no

limit to their potential.

With two weeks of school holidays ahead of us, I wish all

students and staff a safe and enjoyable break and look

forward to seeing you all on Monday 11th

July. Please note

that School Council has approved a student free

professional learning day on Thursday 14th

July which is

in the first week of term. Teachers will use this day to take

the next steps in the implementation of the new Victorian

curriculum at Camperdown College. This includes using

our new online parent portal Compass to communicate the

learning intentions, success criteria and outcomes of each

new learning cycle. Parents will be able to view this

information within Compass next term.

Ms Cherie Kilpatrick


Calendar of Events

Friday 24th June CANTEEN CLOSED

Friday 24th June SRC Red Day at the Senior Campus

Friday 24th June JSC Fashion Disaster Day at the Junior Campus

Friday 24th June Junior Campus Celebration Assembly in the BER Building from 9am See page 5

Friday 24th June Last day for Term 2 – 2.30pm dismissal

Monday 11th July First day of Term 3

Wednesday 13th July Year 7 Information Night at the Senior Campus from 7pm See page 7

Thursday 14th July Student Free Day (Staff Professional Learning Day)

Friday 15th July HSSSD Senior Interschool Basketball

Thursday 21st July Kindergarten children visit the Junior Campus from 9.30am – 12.15pm

Thursday 21st July Summer of the Seventeenth Doll at Brauer College

Monday – Friday 26th July – 5th August Year 10 Work Experience

Monday 1st August 2017 Prep & Year 7 Enrolment requested to be confirmed by today

Canteen Closed Please note that the canteen will be closed on the last day of Term 2, tomorrow Friday 24

th June.

Please do not send your child to school with money or a lunch order.

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Excellence ~ Respect ~ Responsibility ~ Caring ~ Honesty


It is with sadness that we farewell Mr McKenzie who has been with us for the past three years. He has left an

indelible impression on the Technology area having built up the range of experiences that students are exposed to in

this area throughout his time. He will leave us with many fond memories of: the wonderful contributions he has

made to a wide range of programs; his ability to engage students and develop relationships and his sense of humour.

We wish him all the best in his new job at Warrnambool College.

Celebration of Learning Assembly:

Our Celebration of Learning Assembly was held yesterday. Congratulations to the following award recipients:

Attendance Awards: Taj Merrett Sarah Blackley Devon Coates Ebony Prout

Izabelle Bernaldo Kane Leishman Ethan Coates Jack Kempton

Jordan Watson Lachlan Bennett Khris Clementson Charlie Conheady

Riley Helmore Tim Fagan Jack Helmore Daniel Nelson

Charlie Tickner Ryley Moloney.

Learning Awards:

Teacher: Recipient: Reason:

Ms Angus Molly Helmore Persistence and Endeavour

Ms Black Dalton Mitchell Excellent Results

Miss Bloomfield James O’Neil Excellent Results

Mrs Charles Lauren McIlveen Going above and beyond

Ms Crowle Khris Clementson Hard Work

Mr Gration Nakeea Parlour Best effort into all tasks

Miss Hurrell Shaye Herron Fantastic Improvement

Miss Jubb Caitlin O’Connor Persistence and Dedication

Mrs Maskell Miles O’Connor Enthusiastic Approach

Mrs Mann Bridget Gaut Perseverance and Commitment

Mr McKenzie Jayden Gullery Creativity

Miss McLennan Alinea Ellerton Persistence

Mrs Pugh Jack Leonard-Pekin Dedication

Mr Rock Charlie Tickner Epitomising School Values

Ms Taylor Taj Merrett Persistence and Dedication

Mrs Ticklay Jordan Watson Improved attitude to learning

Mrs Timilsina Ryley Moloney Effort

Best Report/Achievement at each year level:

VCE Year 12: Molly Helmore Year 11: Bridget Moyle

VCAL Year 12: Nakeea Parlour Year 11: Andrew Anderson

Year 10: Lauren McIlveen Year 9: Olivia Henzen

Year 8: Tim Fagan Year 7: Ruby Bennett

TAFE Achievement Award: Sophie Sumner

Outstanding Achievement Award: Lauren McIlveen

Good Citizen (voted by peers, conducted and presented by SRC President):

VCE Ebony Prout and Tate Canty

VCAL Tamara Emery

Year 9/10 Olivia Henzen and Lauren McIlveen

Year 7/8 Cynan Ellerton, Ryley Moloney and Charlie Tickner


Last Thursday we had a visit from the WOWOW Bus (World of Work on Wheels). This is a joint

initiative of the Career Education Association of Victoria and the Department of Education that was

travelling around rural and regional Victoria aimed to build student’s knowledge about the future

world of work, to raise career aspirations and promote the importance of being work ready. Students

used Samsung 3D glasses to explore careers in six growth areas using a virtual reality app.

Students also meet Nao – a humanoid robot (pictured right). The program emphasised the role of new and emerging technologies and

how they are shaping the world of work.

Trip to Vietnam: Earlier this term, Lauren McIlveen entered a competition ran by the Vietnam Veterans Association, Victoria Branch to commemorate

the 50th

Anniversary of the Battle of Long Tan that was open to all Year 10 and 11 students in Victoria. Lauren wrote an essay on the

theme The Controversial Vietnam War. Her essay incorporated parts of interviews that she had with Vietnam veterans and also an

interview with Pat Scott (past Camperdown College teacher) who lost her brother Ian in Vietnam. Lauren’s entry was one of ten

selected. Lauren’s prize includes a tour of Vietnam for eight days in September. Congratulations Lauren on a wonderful achievement.


Reports have been posted home to families. Please take the time to read the report and discuss it with your child. If you would like to

follow up on any aspects please do not hesitate to make contact.

Senior Campus News

Vicki Angus

Senior Campus Assistant Principal

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Excellence ~ Respect ~ Responsibility ~ Caring ~ Honesty

It is hard to believe that our shortest day of the year has passed and we are now half way through the year. As another

term draws to a close I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support throughout the

semester. Our Junior Campus programs rely heavily on assistance from parents as classroom helpers each day and our

sporting programs would be impossible to run without the support of parents. I hope you all enjoy the holidays with

your children, spending happy times playing, resting and doing things together. While it is a cold time of year, I hope

you can all rug up and have some time outdoors enjoying the fresh air and our beautiful environment. Term 3

commences on Monday 11th



Our teaching staff have worked incredibly hard over the last month or so writing Student Achievement Reports. I would also like to

congratulate the teachers on the high quality reports they have written for all the students. They certainly know your children well and

provided excellent examples and evidence of their strengths. These reports are yet another part of the home – school connection.

Students were given their half year report today, enveloped and addressed to their parents/guardians. Please take the time to carefully

read and discuss your child’s report with them, celebrate their successes and set goals for their Areas for Improvement. Parent Teacher

Interviews will be held early in Term 3 and will provide an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with their teacher.

Year 6 – 7 Transition:

Our Year 6 students visited the Senior Campus this week for the third of their transition visits. This week the students participated in

Design Technology classes with Mr McKenzie, designing and creating an LED torch. The students combined electronic soldering

techniques with construction to produce the torch. Thank you to Mr McKenzie for coordinating these sessions; from all reports the

students thoroughly enjoyed the experience.


I would like to congratulate all students on their improved attendance this term. After scanning through our attendance data I am very

pleased to announce that 44% of our Junior Campus students achieved 98% or more attendance at school in Term 2! This is a

significant improvement on previous years; well done!

At our Celebration of Learning Assembly tomorrow, students who have achieved 100% attendance for Term 2 (which officially

concluded on Friday 17th

June) will be presented with Gold Medal Attendance Awards. Congratulations to the following students on

attending school every day during Term 2:

Noah Clarke Jazhara Ellerton Gracie Pearce Chloe Anderson

Charlie Burnett Lola Evans Keira Johnston Nate Castle

Fletcher Tolland Zack Regan Tyler Heffernan-Morgan Taylor Bernaldo

Xavier Warren Pippa Britton Riley Stephenson Finn Tolland

Lewis Regan Nia Shaw Leilah Bateman Harrison Bennett

Kimberley Hocking Eagan Winsall Connor Stares Eve Britton

Sydney Bateman Ryan Stares Lewani Bateman Declan Tickner

Mikayla Shaw Jesse Parsons.

Celebration of Learning Assembly:

Tomorrow we will hold a Celebration of Learning assembly at 9.00am in the BER Building. All our students from Prep – Year 6 will

come together to celebrate their learning from the term as well as the achievements of students who have made exemplary progress in

an aspect of their learning or simply made an excellent contribution to our College. At the assembly, students from each year level

will showcase some of their learning from this term to other students and the wider school community. Hope to see you all there!


This term has been incredibly busy on the sporting calendar. On Monday, Mr Attrill and sixteen Year 5/6 students attended the Golf

Championships at the Terang Golf Club. A great day was had by all with Cain Hope achieving a score of 55 strokes over 9 holes,

which was a fantastic effort. Thank you to the many parents who assisted on the day, as days like this cannot go ahead without parent


Yesterday Michelle Norton attended the Hockey 7’s Championships in Warrnambool with nine of our Year 5/6 students. Michelle

was extremely pleased with the incredible effort, improvement in play during the day and the excellent sportsmanship and positive

behaviour on the day. We won two games out of the five. Thank you to all families who transported students to and from the venue.

Ballarat Wildlife Park:

Our Prep – Year 2 students visited the Ballarat Wildlife Park on Tuesday to culminate their studies on Living and Non-Living

things/Australian Animals. From all accounts, the students thoroughly enjoyed interacting with the wildlife in their natural habitat.

Thanks to Julie Nelson for coordinating this excursion.


Carissa Pearson (Federation University student) completed her four weeks teaching placement with our Prep students on Tuesday. We

wish Carissa all the best for her future teaching endeavours. Graeme Bennett will be on Long Service Leave for the first three weeks

of Term 3; Dayle Smithwick will be working with Year 5/6B in his absence. On behalf of staff, I would like to wish Kerrie Howard

all the best as she travels overseas. Thank you for your dedicated work in Science and PE this term. Enjoy your well deserved break

Greame and Kerrie!

Clare Monk, Junior Campus Assistant Principal

Junior Campus News

Junior Campus communication sent to parents this week:J52 Year 3/4 Parent Information J53 Prep – Year 2 Excursion Reminder

Senior Campus communication sent to parents this week:

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Excellence ~ Respect ~ Responsibility ~ Caring ~ Honesty

Camperdown College Uniform Shop opening hours: Wednesdays from 3.15pm – 4.00pm

Fridays from 8.30am – 9.15am and 3.15pm – 4.00pm

With the exception of new families, we are unable to open the Uniform Shop outside of these hours. We thank you for your understanding.

Junior & Senior Campus Canteen RosterMonday 11th July Canteen Closed for Lunches Tuesday 12th July Canteen Closed for Lunches Wednesday 13th July Helper Needed Please Thursday 14th July Helper Needed Please Friday 15th July Helper Needed Please

Junior: Friday 24th June from 9am in the BER Building

PPaarreennttss && FFrriieennddss FFuunnddrraaiisseerr

Thank you to those families who supported our slice drive, which in turn has raised valuable funds for our Junior Campus playground.

All orders will be ready for collection tomorrow, Friday 24th June.

Logging into Compass Thank you to the families who have returned their agreements to be issued with a username and password for Compass. Please keep these coming in so that we can get as many families signed up as possible. Once you receive your username and password in the mail, you will be able to access Compass via computer, tablet or mobile phone (iPhone or android) by downloading the Compass School Manager app from the Apple or Android app store or using the web address

Cherie Kilpatrick Principal

Parents & Friends are planning to run a barbeque and cake stall at the Federal Election polling booth at the

Senior Campus on Saturday 2nd

July. It will be school holidays, but we are hoping some people will be

available to assist on the day – which is beginning at 7am until approximately 2pm (depending on sales).

If you could please spare an hour or so to help out, it would be greatly appreciated. Please contact Kim on

5593 2818 if you are free to let us know a time. We have sent home plates with students today for families to

be able to bake something scrumptious that we can sell at the cake stall. Any donations can be taken to the

Cake Stall on the day. Thank you in anticipation.

Thank you in anticipation.

Soups of the Week: Vegetable or

Pumpkin $2.50

With dinner roll $3.00

(Potato & Bacon soup

available from Wednesday

13th July)

Choc Raspberry

Muffins Available at the

canteen for $1.50

in Term 3!

(Staff Professional Development Day)


1144tthh JJuullyy

No students in Prep – Year 12 are required at school on this day

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Excellence ~ Respect ~ Responsibility ~ Caring ~ Honesty

Friday 24th June 2016 @ the Senior Campus

Come dressed in red & donate a gold coin to a fantastic cause:

SIDS and Kids

SIDS and Kids is dedicated to saving the lives of babies and children during pregnancy,

birth, infancy and childhood and supporting bereaved families.

Hot Dogs ($2) and drinks ($2) will be sold at lunchtime.

The Junior Campus Band, made up of keyboard, violin and recorder students played

three songs, including Stew Pot Hop and were ably accompanied by Nia Shaw on

the xylophone and Mikayla Shaw on the big bass drum. The Senior Campus

Ensemble Fiddle Fingers (Jordan Watson, Timothy Fagan, Otto Leonard-Pekin and

Jack Leonard-Pekin) were joined by Lewani Bateman on violin and guitar students

Caelan Gration and Ben Micallef, and they all inspired our younger students.

Congratulations to our instrumental music students:

Violin students: Lewani Bateman, Nancy Leonard-Pekin, Keira Johnston, Lila Horspole,

Bailey McGillivray, Georgia Walters, Timothy Fagan, Jordan Watson and Jack Leonard-


Keyboard students: Kristy Parsons, Oliver Clark, Riley Stephenson, Leilah Bateman,

Ishmael Rothman, Mercy Rothman and Sadie Walsh.

Recorder students: Patrick Spokes, Riley McGillivray, Zach Pillar.

Guitar students: Caelan Gration, Ben Micallef, Bailey McDonald, Darcy Micallef, James O'Neil and Zach McKenzie.

Fiona Pugh, Instrumental Music Teacher Pictured above: Ben Micallef on guitar.

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Excellence ~ Respect ~ Responsibility ~ Caring ~ Honesty

On Tuesday 21st of June the Prep – Year 2

students travelled by bus to the Ballarat Wildlife Park. This excursion

culminated what we have been studying about Australian Animals and what they need to survive.

We enjoyed a snack upon arrival, but were a little nervous with Crunch the huge crocodile watching us. The keepers, Tim and Simon,

each took a group of students for an interactive walk around the park, stopping regularly to pat lots of animals on the way. The kangaroos

were very friendly and ate food out of our hands and there were lots of animals out and about entertaining the students as they enjoyed the

walk around the park. Everyone enjoyed the day immensely and we were very grateful that it didn’t rain, although it was very cold.

Julie Nelson

Prep – Year 2 Teacher

Calling for parent helpers… The canteen is in need of volunteers during the following times and days:

Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10.30am – 12.30pm and Fridays from 10.15am – 1.15pm

If you are available during these times, once a week, fortnight or term, we’d love to hear from you!

Please contact Amy at the Junior Campus.

YYeeaarr 55//66 GGoollff TToouurrnnaammeenntt

On Monday 20th

June, sixteen Year 5/6 students travelled to Terang to take part in the District Primary

School Golf Tournament. This was an excellent opportunity for students to experience playing golf on

a real golf course, which many had never had the opportunity of doing so. Students played on a

modified course with holes ranging in length from 10m to 150m long. Students all represented

Camperdown College proudly, had a fantastic day and they were able to continually improve

throughout the day.

Warren Attrill

Prep-Year 6 Sport Coordinator Pictured left: Harrison Bennett enjoyed the Golf Tournament in Terang.

Our Sporting Schools program offers a fun and supportive environment for all students and allows them to engage and try different

sports. This term, over thirty students participated in seven sessions of basketball coached by Kate Gay from the YMCA. We were also

very fortunate to have a visit from Nathan Lemke for the last three sessions as coach. Nathan lives in Hartsville, South Carolina and is in

his third year studying Chemistry and playing basketball at Coker College.

During Term 4, we will be offering Funastics with Kate Gay.

Forms will be sent out at the start of next term. Thank you to all

students and parents who support this wonderful program.

Sal Sutterby

Sporting Schools Coordinator

Right: Felicity Moroney; Far right: Jacob Carter with Nathan Lemke.

Prep – Year 2 students all enjoyed the Ballarat Wildlife


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3rd June 2016: Quynten Gullery, Xavier Warren, Lucas Wiffen, Nancy Leonard-Pekin, Patrick Wiseman, Ruby Walsh and Mackenzie Borland.

Parents & friends 5c challenge

Parents & Friends set of goal of $1,500 for the 5c Challenge to put towards the building of a new cubby house for the new and improved Junior Campus playground. We have already raised $1091.85 and are well on our way of

reaching our target!

To ramp up our fundraising efforts leading into Term 3, we are changing the 5c Challenge to the Silver Challenge. From now on, you can not only donate your 5c pieces, but your 10c, 20c and 50c pieces too!

Let’s make Term 3 the biggest and best fundraising effort yet!

That 44% of students in Prep – Year

6 have achieved an attendance rate of 98% or higher during Term 2. This is an amazing achievement

and one that we are incredibly proud of!

The ladder is still very tight after round 11. It’s still anyone’s race. Keep up the good tipping!

1. Simon Tolland 87 7. Dave Wilkinson 80 13. Amy Stephenson 69

2. Finn Tolland 86 8. Fletcher Tolland 74 14. Riley Helmore 68

3. Grant Fleming 84 9. Zoe Wilkinson 73 15. Robbie Fleming 64

4. Michelle Norton 83 10. Kellie Kempton 72 16. Riley Stephenson 62

5. Lachie Stephenson 82 11. Kim Helmore 72 17. Jacinta Tolland 60 19. Chase Fleming 54

6. Chrissy Fleming 81 12. Levi Coote 70 18. Sam Tolland 59 20. Jack Helmore 49

Come join us for games, crafts, snacks, experiments and much more! This year we have an EGYPTIAN theme!

When: Monday 4th July to Saturday 9th July Time: 9.30am to 12pm Where: Uniting Church Hall, Barkly Street, Camperdown Contact: Rebecca Brown (0431 169 694) or Dillon de Waal (0429 099 804) for more information.

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Excellence ~ Respect ~ Responsibility ~ Caring ~ Honesty